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Takeshita Toshikuni

"Hmm? That's bothersome..."

0 · 960 views · located in Yokokawa

a character in “Your Wish is My Command || Remake”, as played by buggleuggy



「When did the sky turn black?
And when will the light come back?
We all suffer,
But we recover,
xxJust to discover life where we all are.」

Main Color ○ #993300
Secondary Color ○ #CC6600

Face Claim || Mamura Daiki

Role || Human #1

Takeshita Toshikuni - Take for short



Heteroromantic Asexual

Japanese - American - Irish


Golden Blond



159 lbs

Though he may seem quite unapproachable, as getting a genuine smile from him is quite the impossible task, it must be admitted that Takeshita has a sort of charm about him. One would be lying to say that he's ugly. However, were you to prefer an elegantly dressed gentlemen, he most likely wouldn't appeal to you as his appearance seems to be in a constant state of disarray. His clothes are never tucked in and his hair is almost always a bit of a mess. He hardly seems to care about keeping up appearances, or... anything really, a personality trait he wears as often as he does his trusty headphones.

His figure is rather desirable, both somewhat tall and muscular. He may be a bit on the lanky side, sure, but a good metabolism and a lot of swimming have allowed him to be at least a little toned. Oddly enough, even though he lives on an island and is in the ocean often, he's quite pale. Tanning is practically impossible for him.


● Coffee || He practically lives on coffee, and at this point needs it to function properly. Not only that, but he adores the smell of it as well, and thus he frequently finds himself doing homework in Yokokawa's local coffee shop.
● Music || To his shame and embarrassment, he really enjoys upbeat pop music. Whenever he has his headphones on, you can bet that's what he's listening to. It's for this reason he'll never let anyone listen to his music.
● Drawing || He's the kind of kid who'll absentmindedly doodle all over anything and everything he might have in his hands. He's drawn on his own arms before without realizing it. To be honest, he's actually a good artist, even if he'd never really want to make anything of his talent.
● Cats || He has a soft spot for the small creatures, and he even has one of his own. His dad named her Puff, which Takeshita thinks is an stupid name, but she got used to it before he could change it.[
● Vanilla || Takeshita loves the smell of vanilla, and has a bunch of vanilla scented candles in his bedroom.

● Crowds || He tends to avoid them if he can. Being a bit claustrophobic, he's never really appreciated being squished in the midst of a horde of people. The loudness that comes with a large group of people is bothersome to him as well.
● Excessive Sunlight || He gets sunburnt so easily, which really stinks when you live on an island that almost always sunny. Whenever he heads to the beach, he has to wear mass amounts of sunscreen lest he look like some sort of lobster. However, even with half a bottle sprayed on himself, he can never completely avoid being roasted alive.
● Flirtatious People || Despite trying to seem cool 24/7, he'll become a flustered, blushing mess if you attempt to flirt with him even a little bit.
● Seafood || He's never really liked fish in the first place, as he's always thought they were freaky looking. He has no desire to eat them either, thinking they taste as gross as they look. Which is funny, as one of Yokokawa's main attraction is how perfect a place it is to fish.

Dang it. A big empty space.


● Nut Allergy || If he eats anything with a peanut or tree nuts in it, his lungs will swell up like a balloon and he'll lose the ability to breathe. Because of this, he always carries around an epipen.
● Bad Liar || It's easy to tell when he's not being completely honest. He'll stutter with his words, often blush, and avoid eye contact. You shouldn't trust him to keep a secret, not because he isn't trustworthy, but because his poker face is unreliable.
● Ticklish || Extremely so, especially around the armpits and ribs, but he wouldn't hesitate to slaughter anyone who attempted to tickle him.
● Lazy || He lacks the motivation to do pretty much anything. If he ever puts forth effort into doing something, he's either extremely passionate about whatever it is, or his dad's forcing him to actually try.

● Blood || The mere sight of blood makes him feel inexplicably sick. Even something small, like a scraped knee, will make him feel a bit woozy, whether or not the injury was sustained by him or not. He's never actually passed out from seeing blood, but he did throw up in a neighbor's yard once in the aftermath of wrecking his bike. He prefers not to speak of that.
● Lightning || It doesn't storm a lot on Yokokawa, so maybe it's the unfamiliarity that drives him nuts. But lightning (and thunder, if he's honest) make him rather uneasy. During a storm, you'll almost always find him blaring music in his headphones and trying to get absorbed in a good book in hopes that it might distract him.
● Small Spaces || This one isn't so bad, but he can get a little bit claustrophobic if he has to spend a long period of time in a tight, enclosed space. He finds the difficulty to breathe completely and utterly horrible, and will get a bit shaky if he doesn't see an immediate escape.
● Losing People || After the ordeal with his mother skipping town, Takeshita is often worried that he will lose those he holds dear to him. He is, thus, extremely protective of those he does like.


{x Aloof | Indifferent | Intelligent | Protective | Inwardly Kind x}

Those who know Takeshita understand that he's not the friendliest. Seemingly disinterested in everything he does, one could go as far as to say that he even comes across as cold, or occasionally a bit rude. And none of that would be a lie, as he's shown that he's not hesitant to let a snarky comment slide, or bitterly refer to someone as having been stupid or an idiot. He doesn't mean any true harm by it, but he can come across as a jerk nonetheless. However, despite appearances, he's not that bad of a guy. He's a lot kinder and gentler than he lets on, though the recipients of this outward kindness are few and far between. He often disregards things such as friends as unnecessary, as he finds that making them requires too much effort on his part. And so, he tends to put on a cool, calm, and quiet exterior. One that can be broken by just one comment that might embarrass him. For, he gets flustered quite easily, and even something small could turn ruin his unapproachable wall and leave him a bumbling, blushing mess.

Although he may not like being around people, if you do happen to be the exception, you'll find he has a weird way of showing his affection. His insults don't stop, and in fact they could get more frequent, but you'll find him growing extremely protective of you. He seems to think that life will not hesitate to take those he cares for away from him in some way or another, as it did his mom. And thus, he feels the instinctual need to make sure nothing happens to them. Though, he tends to do this in a bitter, passive aggressive way as well, which makes one think that being bitter and passive aggressive is all he knows. If you somehow manage to get to know him, you'll find that he's a good kid, just very bad at showing it. Stubborn and snarky, maybe, but gentle and kind somewhere deep down.


Rei Toshikuni || 39 || Father || Alive
Alana Browne || 37 || Mother || Alive

Takeshita was born in the United States, more specifically in his mother's hometown. He was the first child of Rei and Alana Toshikuni, who had only been married a few months before he'd made an arrival. And, shortly after his birth, they moved to Yokokawa hoping to settle down. Well, his father had hopes of settling down, maybe starting a larger family there. However, that idea wasn't thrilling for his mother. Their marriage became rocky, and when Takeshita was only three years old, his mom ran away with a tourist she'd fallen for without so much as a goodbye to her son. Take grew up with a feeling of disdain toward his absent mother, and a deep respect for his father who did his best in the transition to single parent. And, because of his father's commitment, he had a pretty happy childhood from that point on. He found his first few years of school to be rather rough, as he didn't always get along with the other kids. He acted like a bit of an insufferable know it all, insulting the intellectual abilities of the other children. His father had to sit him down and explain why that was bad, but his attitude never really changed as he grew up. He didn't get involved with sports, as he was not only ridiculously unathletic, but he didn't work well on a team. He got involved with art instead, deciding it wasn't half bad, especially since he was pretty good at it. It was the only class in which he actually put forth any sort of dedication, staying up late on pure adrenaline (and loads of coffee) to finish projects. He'd gotten so in the habit of staying inside, to read and draw, that his father began to force him out. "Go take a walk!" he'd said, and so Takeshita had, stumbling upon a store he'd never seen before and returning home with a cheap lava lamp.

So begins...

Takeshita Toshikuni's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Park Jae-Jun Character Portrait: Anya Character Portrait: Isao Maruyama Character Portrait: Ueno Jun Character Portrait: Riley Marison Character Portrait: Takeshita Toshikuni
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4am - Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 - Yokokawa, Japan


Yokokawa was asleep. The island, full of hustle and bustle during the day, now had grown quiet. It was at this hour that most could hear the ocean waves smacking against the shore over anything else in the city, the whole world seeming to be in some sort of peaceful state. Takeshita Toshikuni would have been able to hear these waves as well, were he not wearing his headphones. Any reasonable person would have been asleep at this hour, but Take had gotten absorbed in a drawing he'd been working on and had completely lost track of time. As he didn't want his dad to know that he was still awake, though he doubted the man would really care, he worked under the light of his newly purchased lava lamp, the rest of his room dark. He felt a bit weird about having it, as he was sure it would qualify as a nightlight, and felt that owning a nightlight would be a bit emasculating. However, it was convenient for situations such as this one. He would, at least admit that.

Absorbed in his work, Take had almost not noticed the fact that the lava lamp was slowly growing brighter and brighter until it was almost blinding. "Eh?" he grumbled as he looked over at the lamp. What the heck was this? "I guess I bought a stupid, defective lamp," he thought, bitterly. That would have explained why it had been priced so cheaply. Frustrated by the fact that it was already broken, though he'd only owned it for a matter of hours, he reached to unplug it. But doing so didn't change a thing. His brow furrowed, staring at the lamp which just continued to glow, and glow, and glow, until....

CRASH! The lamp exploded shards of glass and colorful gunk flying all over Takeshita's desk. He leapt out of the way, falling onto his bedroom floor with a thump, and stared bewildered at the scene in front of him. A figure had appeared across from him, seated in the remains of his lamp. It was a girl, one he'd never seen before. She had bright green eyes, and her long blonde hair was pulled back into two identical ponytails. He, at that point, began to wonder whether or not he had fallen asleep while working. It would make much more sense to him if this was all just a dream.

"Er... who are you?" he asked, blinking. He nearly questioned her about how she got in his house at well, but decided not to press the matter too much so early on. This had to be some sort of misunderstanding. So, after he allowed her a moment to speak, he stood up and dusted himself off. "I think you're lost or something," he said as he walked over to his drawing. It now seemed to be covered in the remains of his lava lamp, so he crumpled it up and tossed it in the trash bin. Once done with that, he turned his attention back to the strange girl. Could she have come out of the lamp? He toyed with the idea for a minute before deciding that it was nonsense. That wasn't possible. There had to be a better explanation...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anya Character Portrait: Takeshita Toshikuni
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0.00 INK


Dialougue ~ #D2AD15

There's was no way for Anya to know how long it had been since she'd been placed inside the lamp, floating in the seemingly endless space. She wasn't sure if she could even hear the sound of her own breath, not that she'd be aware of it if she could. She was left in almost a sleep-like state, but could still clearly hear her own thoughts, and perhaps feel the presence of the world outside, albeit it was incredibly faint to the point where it seemed nonexistent. One thing was for sure, though, was that she had become incredibly bored inside her lamp. As the time went on, day being no different from night in her little world, she could do nothing but hum mentally to herself, now and then blacking out altogether as she slept for who knows how long.

However, something had changed very recently, and Anya had become slightly more alert. It was an odd feeling, one that was similar to the time she was first created, but somehow different in a way. Her eyes had been closed for a long time, but she could finally hear a quiet sound, one of her heartbeat growing faster as a feeling of excitement begun to warm her once numb body. The lids of her eyes slowly lifted to reveal bright green irises that stared intently into the glowing light that made up her world. "It's about time!" she thought to herself, thrilled to hear her inner voice that had always been hushed echo louder than ever.

She couldn't exactly make out what happened next, only that the light of her world had grown so intense for only a few seconds before she was suddenly surrounded by unfamiliar things. It was dark now, with walls that enclosed her on all for sides. She blinked a couple times, her eyes taking a few moments to adjust to the dim lighting. It appeared to be nighttime outside, and by the looks of it she was on the floor of someone's bedroom with her legs bent on either side of her. It was a little strange to feel the pressure of a surface beneath her, but it wasn't something she wouldn't be able to get used to quickly. Besides, she kind of liked being able to feel again.

"Er... who are you?"

Anya turned her gaze, which had originally been glued to the window across the room, to the direction of the voice that likely belonged to whomever had been in possession of her lamp. Once her eyes met with the boy who sat on the floor a few feet away from her, she let a wide grin spread across her face, her eyes widening slightly as she smiled at him. She jumped up off the floor, floating for just a second before letting her bare feet rest on the floor beneath her. She straightened out the white, long-sleeved overcoat which fit loosely around her slim, practically curveless body, before turning her attention back to the boy. "My name's Anya!" she said cheerfully, pausing a moment to think of what else to say. It had been a while since she'd spoken to anyone, after all. "And I come from a land far away!" she finally said with a hint of amusement in her voice, thinking that that might make her sound more mysterious.

"I think you're lost or something."

She raised her eyebrows, her lips forming into a frown for just a second before her smile returned. "No I'm not, silly! You're the one who brought me here, after all. Maybe you're the lost one, ever thinking of--"

Her words cut off mid-sentence as the boy stood up from where he had been on the floor and made his way over the the desk that stood behind Anya. However, it wasn't the boy's movements that had distracted her from what she was saying, but the piece of furniture that sit against one of the walls of the room. Without saying a word, she took a few quick hops and landed face-down in the bed that likely belonged to the boy, not that that was any concern of Anya's. She was too busy giggling in delight and rolling herself up into a burrito with the boy's blanket to care about whether or not the boy would be okay with it.

"Blankets have to be the best invention! I don't know who came up with the idea but I hope they're living a happy life with lots of cake and soft, fluffy blankets!" she sat up with her knees tucked under her and her body completely wrapped up in the blanket, with her head and one of her piggy tails being the only thing visible. "Oh, right, there's that other thing! I'm what you would call a Genie. It would be nice to know what your name is, since from now on until I grant your third wish and disappear, you'll be my Master."