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Aiden Laurel

"I guess it's too late to be the interesting guy."

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a character in “You've Been Selected”, as played by Ashes-6695


☩ αι∂єη νι¢тσя ℓαυяєℓ ☩


☩ Basics ☩

Name: Aiden Victor Laurel "Just Aiden, really. No nicknames required."

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Pansexual. "Does it really matter what someone's got in their pants if you love them?"


☩ Delving Deeper ☩

Personality: "I guess you could say I'm sort of plain." Aiden has never been the boldest or most colorful personality in a group. A bit of a quiet follower, he's often found himself standing in the background, joining his friends physically, but not necessarily mentally. Absent-minded and easily distracted, Aiden is often labeled by others as being flighty and unfocused. Not much the life of the party, he doesn't even really get invited to them. Naturally the quieter child in his family, things haven't really changed, and while his main focus is not causing problems for his family, that seems to mostly take the form of not informing them about any of his decisions. While he and everyone else would like to assume this makes him more of an independent type of person, the truth more or less is that he'd much rather rely on others for support and protection. Things are so much easier when someone else goes through the trouble of telling him what he wants, or telling him what he's supposed to do, but things don't really ever turn out that easy, now do they?

History: "Let's just say I'm not exactly 'one of a kind'." Born a twin, Aiden had a brother born just before him named Christopher. Chris had always been naturally bolder, louder. He was a powerful little kid with a wild attitude and a colorful personality in contrast to Aiden. Right from a young age, Aiden was quickly overshadowed by his attention-grabbing twin, but that was fine. Aiden never minded being in the background, and he certainly didn't mind going along with whatever it was that his brother suggested. Had both brothers grown and progressed normally together, the situation would have been quite the same, and Aiden would have even helped his brother commit a crime if the boy had asked him to. However, growing up normally wasn't particularly an option. Just before the two were due to enter elementary school, letters for Moorden were being sent out as per usual. When one of these letters arrived at the Laurel household, the family was devastated to learn that one twin would be admitted to Moorden, while the other would not.

Aiden had watched quietly while his brother slowly became quieter around the home. His parents payed Chris little mind, aside from simple orders to clean up or quit picking on Aiden. They tried to act as if things were still perfectly normal, but Aiden was feeling lost without the large personality of Christopher to fill in where his own personality was lacking. He found his parents attempting to get him to open up more, to talk about what his own school was like, his friends, how things were going. Aiden got interrogations after every meal, pushes to do more and join more activities and come up with a goal for his life. Every "I don't know," and "I'm not sure," seemed to disappoint his parents more, and he became rather miserable. Moorden simply fueled his brother's arrogance, and created bigger and bigger gaps between the two boys while Chris's body altered slightly with Bionics, and his strength and intelligence increased. He hardly even answered to "Christopher," having been code named Julius. Aiden desperately tried to seek his brother's attention from time to time, but more often than not, Christopher ignored him, and Aiden simply slunk back quietly. A younger sister had come into the picture while they were entering their elementary years, and by this point, she was the one grabbing all of their parent's attention with her extracurricular activities like music and dance and art, and while Aiden was pleased that the attention had gotten off of him, it still left him feeling lost and without any direction.

Aiden and Chris were 15 the day that Chris had died. It wasn't anything big, a simple adjustment to his bionics, which had slipped out of place in a few areas. Unfortunately, what should have been a simple adjustment had killed him, and news of his death was given to the family within hours. While mourning took place, much to Aiden's displeasure, it was not long lived. The boy had more or less been dead the day he'd been admitted into Moorden, to them. Aiden, on the other hand, was horridly distraught. The lost feeling he had escalated until he barely even felt like himself anymore. He wanted to fill his brother's place, adapt and take over, but that was impossible. There was no way of adapting Chris - or rather, Julius - into his own self, not with his twin having been a Moor. Rather, he found himself putting more and more interest into Bionic synchronization, and the kind of weapons used by Moors. The odd involvement seemed to make the loss of his better sibling a little easier to deal with, made it easier to pretend he hadn't lost something. As he entered college at 18 and began taking courses for weapons development and technology, however, it became quite clear that his skills were not going to waste. With his early graduation now an option, seeing as he was truly gifted when it came to the development, most of his time has been spent perfecting weapons, and with hands on training. He has made many trips to Moorden's school, fixing broken weapons, bringing in new ones, and teaching the occasional younger class on weapons synchronization. While he's managed to develop into his own person, more or less, it isn't a rare occasion when one of the older students at Moorden will make a slip and call him Julius by mistake, forgetting for a moment that the boy is long dead. When he first began coming, many Moors had to do double takes, seeing as Aiden and Chris had been identical. But whereas Aiden is coated in freckles, Chris's skin had lost them after bionic alteration, and it didn't take more than a second look for anyone to realize that it wasn't Julius.


+ Weapons
+ Technology
+ Reading
+ Studying quietly
+ Layering clothes
+ Cigarettes
+ Not having to deal with guesswork
+ Taking things apart
+ Listening to other people speak
+ Engines
+ Sitting quietly in the background

- Lots of questions
- Stupidity
- Being the center of attention
- Pointless arguments
- Ignorance
- Sports
- Poorly done movies
- Overly obnoxious people
- Prying
- Making decisions
- Difficult decisions
- Being forgotten completely

...He wishes he'd died in the place of his brother...
...Despite his attributes and skills, he feels as though he is a waste of space, and just tries to do as people ask of him in hopes that he isn't in their way...
...He prefers to keep his fears a secret, though takes extra care to avoid the part about being afraid of heights...
...Despite his fear of heights, he has been asked by higher-ups in the military to begin designs of an improved airship, with better weapons and synchronizing capabilities. It happens to be his favorite project yet, but he's sworn to keep the project a secret...

...Reptiles, especially snakes...
...Heights, to the point where he would refuse to live in even the second floor of an apartment building...
...Being completely forgotten by everyone...
...Not being useful to anyone...


☩ Relationships ☩

Crush: "Did you really think that was likely?"

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A

Other Affiliates: (More to come)

+ Beacon +
"Was kind of surprised about that guy being, well, a guy. Nothing wrong about him, but I'd prefer not to get on his bad side."

+ Owl +
"Not a bad guy. Actually, he's a friend of mine. It's nice to have someone to help out with testing software, and I guess I help him out sometimes, too. We've got some things in common, and I trust him."

+ Loki +
"I've been helping him out with weapons and the synchronization gear and stuff. I think he called it mentoring, but I don't know about that. He knew my brother, though, and I guess... It's nice to be around someone who isn't trying to pretend he never existed."

+ Jessica +
"We get along well enough, I think. She helped me out with some equipment once, and then I guess we made a habbit of that sort of thing. I think we're comfortable enough around each other to call ourselves friends."

+ Vulkn +
"I haven't specifically gotten involved with him..."


☩ The Outside ☩

Height: A not-so-impressive 5'5"

Build: Scrawny and narrow, he appears bony, and as if the wind alone could knock him to the ground.

Looks: Most easily pass over Aiden in a crowd, his small stature and meek appearance having gained him an easy spot in the background of any setting. His face, while decently appealing and pretty to look at, is only noticeably beautiful upon inspection. His features compliment each other well, the way his narrow jaw accents his slim, bony body. His lips are plump and pinkish, though raw from many accounts of biting them while concentrating. His light skin is coated in light freckles from head to toe, some more prominent, some appearing as if they are fading. The freckles even spot once on his lower lip to the left, his skin pigment variations showing drastically. While appearing brown at a glance, as well, his eyes are a deep, olive green color, surrounded by dark, long lashes and occasionally shielded by the mess of lengthy hair atop his head. The most common sort of dark brown, his hair is cut in a messy, overgrown undercut, and it isn't uncommon that it will fall in his face and get in the way when he is working on something, or even if he simply tilts his head in the wrong direction.

Distinguishing Features: Most noticeable would be the light freckles coating his body, not limited to his cheeks, or even his face, much to his displeasure, are everywhere. Aside from this, he has a couple of small tattoos, like the one on his ribcage (seen in the photos), and the date of his brother's death written on the inside of his left wrist.


☩ Other ☩

Other: He has a 3-year-old dog in the 1 bedroom house he rents to keep him company; Axel.


So begins...

Aiden Laurel's Story


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Character Portrait: Aiden Laurel
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0.00 INK

☩ αι∂єη νι¢тσя ℓαυяєℓ ☩


Aiden let the smoke slip out from between his lips before placing the cigarette back to his mouth, freeing up the hand that had previously been holding it to adjust the piece of equipment currently settled upon his right arm. Bionic exoskeletons were difficult enough to make as it was, let alone being nothing more than a sheath of sensors with little blue lights and connecting wires that fit snugly to his scrawny arm. It wouldn't fit anyone else, certainly, the object having been crafted with extra parts and around his own arm in the first place, and it certainly didn't need to fit anyone else either, as the purpose really was only to be testing equipment when none of his little buddies from Moorden were around to do so for him. It wasn't the same of course. The exoskeleton was barely any stronger than he himself was, and only barely worked at all, but it did the task of making sure that a weapon was actually going to fire, rather than have serious problems about backup. The sensors running along his fingers, his palm, and his forearm read the signals from his nerve endings, and the small, three-sensor piece clipped on behind his ear sensed just enough to get a minor synchronization going, and activate whatever most basic function of what he was working on with the cue of his brain fluctuation. In the hands of, well, basically anyone else, the object would have been confiscated and deemed absolutely illegal. Being one of those few useful humans to Moorden came with its perks, he supposed.

Pulling the cigarette away from his mouth again and waiting just a moment for the smoke to dissipate from his field of vision before reaching his right hand into the open crevice of the engine before him. He leaned in as far as he could get without blocking his light, clicking away at this and that, pulling a connection from one place and situating it in another. The automatic energy renewal system had been installed hours ago, Why isn't this working yet? He huffed, reaching just enough to grasp at one connection a little further. Maybe... If I just cut this connection -

"Aiden! C'mon we've gotta go now."

Aiden snapped back, drawing his grease-covered arm out of the engine all-too-quickly, resulting in a small electrical burst which caused him to flinch for a moment, his hands instantly going to shield his own face from flying sparks while he shut his eyes against the start. Settling down after a moment, he straightened his back, using his left arm to push himself up off where he had been sitting on the concrete ground of his garage. He took a vague look at the dropped cigarette on the ground and could only find his expression darkening at the petite girl standing at the top of the stairs that lead into the rest of the house. Caitlin, all twelve years and one hundred pounds of her stood with her hands on her hips and her little red cheer-leading uniform on with her dark blonde curls in a ponytail, looking agitated and impatient with her older brother. Aiden could barely discern her narrowed brown eyes.

"What the fuck, Caitlin, Did you not see I was busy?" Aiden scoffed, forgetting for just a moment, in his quiet rage, that he wasn't technically supposed to be swearing in front of his little sister. "What do you mean we've gotta go? Where the heck do we have to go to?"

"The school idiot, I have cheer-leading, remember?" She replied, crossing her arms over her chest and tapping her shoe impatiently on the step.

Aiden groaned, letting his head drop backwards uncomfortably. "Are you kidding me? Today is Saturday! Why in hell would you have to go on Saturday?" This certainly had to be the worst part of his parents' anniversary. Every single fucking year they had to go on some seven-day-long trip and ever since Aiden could drive, he was tossed the responsibility of his younger sister. The seven days was nearly over, thank god, but here he had been thinking that the weekend would have been a bit of a break. Didn't normal kids sit and watch TV on Saturday? Go to the movies with friends?

Caitlin groaned right back at him, stomping her way down the stairs and making her way to her brother's back, laying her hands down against his spine and pushing with all her fragile little weight. However, there was no doubt that Aiden had just about as much strength as she did, maybe less, if one accounted for the fact that he was also decently bigger still. He leaned back against her force, trying his hardest not to budge just for the sake of being annoying. "Cheer-leading is always on Saturday, Aiden! I'm gonna be late and you have to take me now or I'm telling mom about your dumb guns!"

Aiden froze for a mere moment before straightening and slipping out of the path of his sister's force, slipping the bionic exoskeleton from his arm and placing it down on the work desk against the wall, followed by the little piece that had previously been behind his ear. "Jesus Christ, Caitlin, what the heck are you playing around for, you're gonna be late for cheer-leading," he uttered, and after an audible 'ugh' from the girl, he quickly gestured towards towards the door out back through the house. "Go on."

Caitlin was the first to rush through, followed by a still reluctant Aiden, wiping the the grease from his arm only barely with a rag before grabbing his keys on the way out the front door. Caitlin was already in the passenger seat of his truck by the time he'd even gotten out, her bag for cheer-leading in the back seat next to Axel, who Caitlin must have allowed in, his head already stuck out the window and his tail already wagging. The animal enjoyed going for rides, but Aiden didn't indulge him often. After all, he felt bad about taking him places where all the dog could do was sit in the car. It seemed pointless, and almost cruel to taunt him like that. He supposed this wouldn't be so bad. After all, it wasn't as if he had to do anything aside from drop the girl off at practice and go home, however, he was sure that wouldn't end up being the case. He would probably stop at Moorden, too, now that he thought about it. He needed a couple extra parts, just for a few regular weapons he was building. Surely, getting that engine to work was a priority, but it was one that he could take his time with. He still had to keep up with the other more common projects. Axel, well, at the very least, Aiden would be able to take the dog in with him. Axel had never been disobedient, anyway, and this wouldn't have been the first time, but not everyone was overly fond of large dogs, anyway, and it wasn't something he easily did often.

He slid into the driver's side and started up the engine.

"Don't forget to pick me up at two," Caitlin reminded. Aiden simply shot her a look and backed out of the driveway.

☩ ☩ ☩

Aiden popped the back door of his truck, allowing Axel to hop out from the back seat and snuff around the ground for a moment while he shut it back up, locking the doors. It didn't take long for the dark colored animal to realize where he was and happily make his way over to his typical place at Aiden's left side, wagging his tail and staring up at his master expectantly. Aiden stared right back at the dog boredly, only offering up a small "What're you lookin at?" before patting the animal's head and moving from his place finally, trailing calmly in through the front entrance of the main building.

The halls were relatively relaxed. The Moors that traversed them here and there ignored his presence, as it was one they had gotten used to over the duration of his trips there. Saturday, for the most part, was a free day for them, after all, and it made sense that any going around were either here after or before detention, here for personal one-on-one lessons, or here to take advantage of the simulators. Many of the ones walking around with their partners or their friends, sitting around on the grey carpeting and quizzing each other or eating snacks, were mostly just waiting for a simulator to be free. The occasional younger Moor passed and held Axel up, letting the animal sniff their bionically-laced hand before petting him until he dashed off to catch up with Aiden. It was mostly other teachers that disliked the animal, after all, and most of them, he was sure, wouldn't be around to care for the moment.

His journey didn't take him very far up the elevators and through the third floor to the weapons training wing, where part of his "job" currently took place. The wing held a few doors, most leading to class rooms or shooting rooms currently with doors shut and lights off. A couple of offices were around here, too, but as well, they were currently vacant. Stopping at the equipment room just past the room he typically taught out of, he pulled his keys from his pocket, quickly grabbing hold of his pass key, which took the form of a small metal card with his identification, military allowances, and so-on, laced into the little hard wiring. One of those little precautions taken just to be sure that not just anyone was going through the private stuff. If the face on surveillance wasn't matching the one on file, the card wasn't going to work. He let the key pad scan the object quickly, and after a small, encouraging beep from the panel, pushed through the door, giving a quick look to Axel before letting the door swing shut behind him, figuring that the animal would be fine by himself in the hall for the time being.

The room was a mess, really, but it wasn't as if he'd been expecting it to suddenly be clean for once. Much to disappointment, it seemed the others who worked in the department were equally as disorganized as he was, and just about everyone was simply waiting around for one another to finally get agitated enough to clean the entire thing. So far it was a stale mate with no end, however, Aiden was beginning to get used to it. Snatching one of the empty crates from a pile against the wall and plopping it down on the nearest cleared place on the floor, he started trying to sort through some of the mess surrounding him, just enough to see if he could find anything that was going to be of any use. Working on the automatic reloader seemed to be one of his bigger challenges, though the idea of not having to carry around all that extra ammunition had been itching at the back of his mind for quite some time. This was just going to need a bit more juice to power than the usual that went into his regular weapons, and if he was going to get it working without draining all the energy from a Moor's body every time, it was going to take some toying with.

He'd tossed a couple of things in the crate before a couple of barks gave him a start. Biting his lip and nearly tripping over a small motor on the floor, he made his way over to the door again, giving a glare at the dog who'd only decided to shut up now that the door had opened. Aiden looked him over, noting nothing wrong with the panting mass of fur, sitting up and wagging his tail, though on a quick glance at the other direction, noticed a couple of guys passing by the hall. Aiden sighed, glaring at the animal once again. "God, Axel, shut up, we'll be out of here in a second. You're gonna get me in trouble." He grumbled, backing away from the entrance and sighing, trying to focus back on the disheartening mountains of tangled wires and parts, looming over him and threatening him with avalanches that could crash down at any moment and bury his small body completely. He mindlessly rubbed at his cheek with the back of his right hand, effectively doing nothing but smearing a bit of the black sludge that had remained on his arm across his freckled cheek, before finally getting right back down to what he had been doing. Yes, he would certainly only be a few minutes, he assured himself, as he quickly looked towards his wristwatch. Eleven AM. He'd be back home to do plenty of work before he'd have to pick up his sister. It was fine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bright Character Portrait: Aiden Laurel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vinn


In nothing but his boxers and a pair of cotton socks, Doctor Bright reclined in his large, tiered office space overlooking the lab adjoining. It was a real luxury set-up, with banks of glass monitors lining the walls, and projected monitors winking in and out of existence. He had his feet up on the lab's control deck and staring up at several of these monitors, reviewing yesterday's notes and recorded video while low grumbles and electronic clicks of an eclectic assortment of music crackled around the room.

A notification window sprung up, light blue and transparent. It hovered near his face, listing the names of several of his consorts; DRw!n, Jinx, Pr4g^n, and N;;n. The first name was blinking.

[5:52]DRw!n: Check weapons system configuration δ right away for human dna compatibility, possible complications with the Bellier mutagens we found yesterday. Also go over all ζ prototypes.

"Uuuugh it's not morning, it's not morning." Bright mumbled when he noticed the time stamp. His hands dragged across his face and rubbed his tired eyes, causing his voice to be muffled. Unfortunately, he still had his chat client set to translate speech to text and what came out was:

[5:52]N0lt5: UUuuHJRGhiieissmmmmrgggg

Which, he could proudly say, was quite accurate.

[5:53]DRw!n: Sure thing. Just get that done before your nice little Moor buddies start looking like Jabba the Hutt.

Bright chuckled at the little historical film reference. But his old friend was right, there were holes in system Delta that they had not quite considered before. Zetas weren't as important, more of an experimental project pushing the boundaries of machine versus human cognitive decisions. Bright hopped down into the lab space and orally commanded for system Delta to be brought out.

Walls slid around, rearranging themselves as out from his lab's storage chambers came long transparent containers and platforms. Bright plodded over, his socked feet making little pattering echoes in the large space. Most of the platforms that hovered around him held different bits of metals, peculiar little mechanics that whizzed to life pulsating or cycling to display their functions. They were just additions or enhancements to Delta, so Bright waved them away, back behind the wall panels and into storage.

The transparent containers were cylinders of various sizes, encasing their subjects in glass and liquid. An arm here, a leg there, many organs and delicate nervous systems. Each equipped with tiny cybernetic enhancements, for Delta was, and still is, his closest effort at making a near undetectable system. He liked to imagine that one day he would be installing a finished system Delta to an assassin. It would be glorious.

Bright waved over the largest container. It contained a tall, lank human, supposedly male, but without any defining genitalia. Most of his systems were displayed with these non-gendered blanks. He liked to keep the itty bits in separate containers.

Pressing his finger to the glass, he intoned, "Weapons system configuration." A bright red light switched on within the container, and suddenly the subject's skin became translucent, allowing Bright to view the network within. Readouts began flooding the surface of the glass, so he slid his finger along the surface and flung them out into the air, allowing more and more information to be displayed in glowing blue projected panels about him. The configuration was in place to give the Moors specific readouts while in combat, advanced targeting systems in the eyes, and general compatibility with the vast assortment of tools put in use. Pretty much anything was plug-and-play. The problem here was when manufactured mutagens are deployed, they start to eat away at the host cells, confusing them and causing them to reject the enhancements.

He spent the next few hours going over every part of the Delta project, moving from one lab table to the next. If the Bellier mutagen would be able to affect Delta's weapons system in any way, it was possible the whole thing would go kaput. Bright cursed Parv Bellier for his stupid invasive viruses, but the only way to progress was through testing. And that would require more parts.

After a quick shower, some nibbles, and actually remembering some clothes, Bright exited his residential suite. He grabbed his lab coat from his office and donned a strange gauntlet that had been hanging from its charger. He had to roll up the sleeves of his white coat to allow room for it on his arm, but they allowed him to continue projecting information into the air whilst outside of his work space.

Bright took the office exit, meaning he had to pass through a much smaller corridor than the lab's exit. Machines scanned him up and down and inside out as he walked through, searching for any anomalies that would not do to reach the outside world. At the end door, a pop up appeared in front of him, merely saying he should drink more water and take a day off. He shrugged and waved it away. The door slid open to reveal that, in fact, it was an elevator. An elevator with a single button. It was pushed and so he went up.

Sun flared through floor-to-ceiling glass walls when he stepped out. Bright checked the digital display on his gauntlet, which had turned clear and hovered around his arm in geometric pieces. 11:03.

It was so radiant and all he wanted was to grab the pieces and get back underground. He grumbled for the storage area. His device lit the way. His lab was located at the very center of the Moorden property, but the storage area was not far. A few minutes and he stood before a door. Someone's dog gave him a curious stare as he waved at the door's keypad.

When he entered, Bright was surprised that he was not alone today, though the pet dog should have clued him in on that. "Alright?" he greeted. "Haven't seen your round these parts before. New? Contract work?"

Navigating his gauntlet's display interface, Bright brought up the list of items he would need to acquire to continue his research downstairs. "Scan" he muttered, and when held out his left hand, a blue pulse of light swept over the piles of junk. And then, "Locate", and many objects glowed blue. They were all the items that fit the description on Bright's little shopping list. His program had done half the work locating all the possible ones for him, but it would take some astute work to find and choose the best bits.

Bright cracked his knuckles as readouts began popping up all around him, displaying the specifications of each object. "An expedition in the search of buried treasure. Great morning, hm?"
