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Absolute Zero : The Zero Subjects

Absolute Zero

a part of “Absolute Zero : The Zero Subjects”, a fictional universe by Nyxeth.

In the year 2301, the world has been ravaged by nuclear holocaust, the resulting radioactive fallout has caused mutation amongst the remaining human population, this is the era of ESP, Extra Sensory Perception, psychics.

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Absolute Zero : The Zero Subjects”.
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[OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nyxeth on Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:45 pm

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Absolute Zero"



Image By yethzart of DeviantArt

If you are unwilling to read this post in its entirety, please refrain from applying. Important information is here for a reason, thank you.


You have been warned.

The year is 2301 and the location is central Europe amidst the several years reformed World Coalition after the utter destruction of half the world via nuclear holocaust, the current world population is estimated to be around four billion. The estimated percentage of which have genetically mutated and developed ESP is around 33%.

ESP? Extra Sensory Perception, Telekinesis, Mind Reading, the manipulation of things. ESP makes usage of a pituitary gland within the human brain. This gland labelled the E-Gland enhances the current five senses and assists in developing the additional sense, the 'psychic' sense via means secreting a substance which gradually alters the persons DNA over time. this abnormal genetic development has caused controversy, intrigue, fear, anger and out right hatred amongst the masses and educated alike. However ESP has been recognised as some put it, the next jump in human evolution and to put matters at ease the Coalition, being unable to hide it or deny such widespread information has taken steps to handle it.

However as many realised the applications of ESP is, to put bluntly, useful to many with their hand in the pot. As years progressed and the understanding of ESP developed, studies were formed to research the phenomena, ESPers, the term given to those with the ability were used like lab rats as they were dissected, mutilated and abused in secrecy by those whom groped for power at the reformed seat of power of the world. This was not just one group, but many, each and every nation had their own studies and there were several conclusions they all came to;

- ESP developed due to the radioactive fallout of the 3rd World War.
- ESP only developed in the next generation and their children from there on, a person could not mutate into having ESP, however they could develop the regressive genes to pass on to children.
- The closer the parents were to the fallout, the more powerful their offspring would be if they developed the ESP genes.
- ESP power can be raised or lowered based on age, a younger mind is not fully developed and lacks the proficiency to make use of AND generate the power needed. Likewise an older mind lacks the ability to generate power but may have the knowledge. People are best suited between the ages of 18-55.

Most importantly however was this,

- With enough samples, ESP genes could be replicated with cloning technology and improved upon.

As such, each country began their own developments in the fields of genetics and ESP, agents were planted, information was stolen or bartered for and the black market became ripe and it was this that allowed the development of a singular defining point in ESPers that would shake the foundations so far.

The Zero Gene

The Zero Gene was a break through by a mad german scientist, via means none too favourable and too unspeakable to mention, he developed something that could not be replicated again, even by himself. The Zero Gene in comparison to current ESPers was like the comparison of a missile to a kitchen knife, both had different purposes yet both could be deadly on a different scale.

This Zero Gene, soon to be codenamed The Z-Gene by the EPC - Earth Psychic Committee - as information was hacked or leaked to the outside became both a want and a fear to many. Some craved the genes for their own experiments for the perfect soldier, some feared others may do just that. The objective became quite simple, capture or kill the Zero Subjects Subjects. The elite of the elite ESPers were dispatched by every nation, company and private group and the resulting battle was bloody and swift. In the aftermath however, the Zero Subjects had escaped into the populace forever to be hounded and hunted by those who craved nothing more than to use them by whatever means for their own ends.

Escaped, some meld into the populace, others seek work in the ESP field. Some after tantalizing rumours go to the very organisations whom might of killed them if not.

The reason why the Zero Gene is so special, so ground breaking is as thus, it is not because it makes the user powerful directly, nor does it grant them super abilities or powers. The zero gene is self perpetuating. A common ESPer will generally generate a certain amount up to their limit or more of Gs, the counting measure of ESP power. Once this is used for a day, they are done, they have no more 'energy' so to speak. However the Zero Gene self perpetuating itself has the ability to continue generating this energy daily unlike a common ESPer who requires sleep to build up their reserves. This doesn't mean their pool of power is limitless but means they have more of it to use, so to speak. Due to this, unlike ESPers who may become limited by age and locality to other factors, the Zero Gene can allow for unlimited potential.

The Time Line

    2184 - Tension rises between America and the Middle East, peace talks grow futile.

    2188 - Plans for tactical strikes against Asia and the Middle East are leaked from the American government, military units mobilize.

    2189 - WW3 Starts.

    2195 - WW3 Ends as World Superpowers collapse.

    2203 - World communication is restored.

    2207 - World Coalition is founded by the remainder of Europe, eastern Asia and the remains of America.

    2209 - Efforts are started to handle the massive radioactive fallout.

    2210 - Brain mutations from radiation is discovered in a human child born post-WW3, labelled Child Zero.

    2211 - The brain mutations are linked to the abilities the child has demonstrated, this is labelled as ESP.

    2214 - Major efforts are placed into ESP research groups, samples are gathered from eastern America, Asia and the Middle East, the focal points of most of the Nuclear strikes..

    2221 - The EPC is founded, to govern the explosive number of new generation ESPers being born.

    2225 - Cloning technology is developed by private investors, ESP research continues.

    2232 - Nanotechnology is developed for medical use.

    2238 - Several ESP related projects begin by the private sector. 2nd generation of ESPers found to be more powerful than the 1st.

    2242 - ESP related riots break out across Europe, the New European Government fields the military to quell the insurgents.

    2245 - Several laws are erected to handle ESPers, several tactical units are created to handle them.

    2277 - Protests against cloning cause riots, demands for rights of clones are brought to the World Coalition courts.

    2278 - Privatised cloning is banned by the World coalition, clones are granted human rights.

    2283 - Zero Gene Research Begins by the Primus Medical Corporation in their German mountain research facility.

    2295 - A Primus scientist defects, Zero Gene Subjects Escape amidst a combined raid of the EPC and several corporations on the mountain complex.

    2301 - Present Day

How ESP Works, Is Detected & Stopped

ESP is the result of a presumed interrelationship between electromagnetism and gravity. When an ESPer moves something, he's manipulating electromagnetism and gravity with his mind by subconsciously calculating the force needed while appearing to be consciously "moving an object.", whenever ESP is used, a field of energy is projected to the implied effect, this energy field can be detected by calibrated equipment, such as satellite detection and surveillance.

An Iron/Langasite composite generate an ambient counter-response to applied ESP. When ESP force acts upon it, it acts back in equal amounts. The more the composite is stress, the stronger the ambient field. ESPers are also stopped by drugs and sedatives that target certain parts of their brain.

An I/L bullet is cast asymmetrically. The tip contains a minimal amount of the composite but the base is made entirely from it. The bullet's kinetic energy pushes it into the shield. Then, just as a shield would normally deflect these bullets, the I/L base pushes it through with the original kinetic energy almost entirely there.

- ESP force is measured in G's, the average human without ESP powers can take up to 9Gs before their body succumbs to the force and enters shock or suffers extensive organ failure, it takes 15Gs to shatter concrete and specialised equipment to handle ESPers usually handles up to 40Gs, however stronger equipment is available. There is also the SG measurement, which is worth 100 Gs. The average ESP level is a mid-level C to B, anyone at or above A is is part of a small minority of 'geniuses'.

- ESPers are ranked by class based upon G score.
    SS: 1SG+
    SA: 80G+
    S: 60G+
    A: 40G+
    B: 20G+
    C: 10G+
    D: 5G+
    E: 1G+

- ESPers at birth, childhood and pre-training usually range from 1-5Gs and from the age of 16+ are placed into specified training facilities where their potential is realised. By the end of training, any ESPer that does not rank at least C is disowned by the respective group that polices that nations ESPers. B and above ESPers are submitted into the EPC where they are then hired off to respective companies for work as soldiers, mercenaries and so forth.

Power Levels are restricted to all players to be A/S or below within organisations, outside of that they are restricted to B/A (Subjects are C/B), any players whom wish to create a character higher than this at the start should consult me, I have several roles in mind for each group that may apply and justify a higher power level. Thankyou.

- ESP is separated into two categories, offensive and defensive.
    - Offensive: ESP makes use of the left hemisphere of the brain and whilst their offensive power is high, they can only attain mediocre defensive power.
    - Defensive: ESP makes use of the right hemisphere of the brain and whilst their defensive power is high, they can only attain mediocre offensive power.
    - Balanced: Whilst some can attain a balanced offense and defense, it forces them to be average at both, however their average best in each beats the weaker portion of specified types. Ergo a balanced type will have better defense than a offense type and better offense than a defense type.

- Offensive and Defensive types respectively exhume more power based on their specialization, note that this specialization is also on a genetic level and cannot be changed.


Common abilities for ESPers include but are not limited to: (Please be aware, offensive abilities have no effect on people whom defensive power is greater than yours, likewise defensive abilities cannot stop offensive powers of a higher magnitude. Assistive abilities such as Locking, Puppeting and Teleporting inside a TL cannot be done if the opponents Gs are greater than yours. - All abilities excluding Defensive, Neutral and "Omni" tagged abilities require respective physical gestures as energy leaves the body. The removal of an opponents arms is an effective way of removing their offense unless they can "omni" abilities.) - Abilities can be player created, if created or an ability is altered, please give reasoning, restrictions and examples.

Neutral: (Abilities broadly available to most ESPers, Abilities marked with a single * indicates C rank+ requirement | Abilities marked with ** indicates B rank+ requirement.)

Telekinesis, the moving of objects with the mind. Telekinesis can effectively be used to rip apart objects or people with enough power, or use objects to defend oneself. As such it is a staple, mandatory and versatile ability to many.

Levitation*, the means by which the body is lifted via telekinesis.

Teleportation**, the means by which the body is instantly moved via telekinesis.

Telepathy, or the means to read minds and communicate mind to mind.

Telemovement, or the ability to move rapidly via short telekinetic bursts, ergo rapid speed.

Offensive: (Abilities pertaining offense, Abilities marked with a single * indicates C rank+ requirement | Abilities marked with ** indicates B rank+ requirement.)

Psyche Wave, a method of creating pressure upon an opponent via psychic energy. Incredibly strong (A+) ESPers generally cause Psyche Waves unconsciously. A drawback to Psyche Wave is due to its nature it only affects other ESP others.

Erasers*, a method of molecularly destroying an object or person via psychic energy. The drawback is its high power usage.

Burst, the burst is the most common method of attacking in ESPer battles, it causes moderate exterior damage and can be compared to a bullet. With enough force it can blow a hole in an enemy, wall or similar.

TL (Teleport Limiter), a method of creating a psychic field around you that limits the ability of enemies to teleport inside that area. The field can extend from 10 meters to 100 meters based on power level. A common conception of most ESP battles is for either opponent to lay down a TL to block opponents movements. This does not restrict Telemovement.

Locking, a method of binding physical movement using psychic restraints.

Puppeting**, a method similar to locking, however after the locks are in the place the user can manipulate the targets movements by psychic force.

Omni And Barrage Explanation - Offensive Modifiers

Omni and Barrage are two modifiers to offensive abilities. Normally, when an attack is fired, it follows two rules. A single shot of the ability is fired and that it originates from the user, omni and barrage change these at the expense of more power and potential backfires.
As we can see, this is the usual result.

Omni: This allows for the ability to be fired from a point away from the user, this exponentially costs more power as the distance enlarges from the user and the maximum distance is based on level of power.
In Omni's case, the field of range for the omni use is declared and the ability is fired from the point, rather than the user.

Barrage: This allows for the ability to be fired multiple times at the same point, this is not to be confused with firing several shots one after another. This usually caps at 3-5 shots based upon the user and takes strength of will more than extra power.
As we can see, rather than being fired consecutively, all shots are fired at the same time.

For each additional 'modifier' used, add an extra power level. Where an eraser is C class, an Omni-Eraser becomes B, a Eraser Barrage becomes B, an Omni-Eraser Barrage becomes A.

Defensive: (Abilities pertaining defense, Abilities marked with a single * indicates C rank+ requirement | Abilities marked with ** indicates B rank+ requirement.)

Barrier: a method of creating a psychic barrier to hold off psychic attacks and projectiles, this barrier is centred on the user and can extend upwards to 5 meters around them in a dome based on power.

Neutralising: a staple defensive ability to deflect an opponents attacks with equal or greater force, whilst listed as a defensive ability, this is used mostly by offensive types as they lack other defensive abilities to avoid damage. (An example is an enemy throws a 10G burst at you, you can meet it with 10Gs or more of your own force to block it, equally you can use a quick succession of 3 lots of 4G blasts, or two 5G blasts to block it.), however a drawback is the greater the magnitude of the forces, the larger the result. The energy does not simply disappear.

Psychic Walls: a method of creative a psychic wall, similar to a barrier in that it can deflect energy and projectiles, however rather than surrounding the user it is a stationary object. Also, a person cannot move through a Wall unless their G force exceeds that of the wall.

Psychic Armour: a method of building a passive resistance on your skin and to a depth your internal organs, whilst it cannot withstand as much as an active barrier or wall, it acts as a protective layer of armour which can eventually be worn away.

Masking*: Generlaly only required by C+ class ESPers, this is the ability to mask your power and effectively appear to have none at all. Useful for evading detection, however effective detectors and high class ESPers can see through this. At a high enough level such as SS+ it is impossible to mask due to passive G force leaving your body.

Healing*: a method of causing the body of the target to remember their previous structure and reknit and heal wounds at a rapid rate, this however can take a large toll on the users reserves and tires them greatly as it uses up energy equivalent to that of the wound healing naturally.

Regeneration**: similar to healing but purely user only, it makes the users own body heal at a faster, albeit not immediately noticeable rate.

Breaks (Breaks are limited to A+ Classes only.)

Breaks have their own category, as they, whilst a purely offensive ability rely on a different method of combat. All ESPers have a natural resistance to psychic attacks, this layer runs across the skin and is a subconscious shield and is the accumulative G energy you have over all, as you use more G energy, your passive resistance lowers. A set of abilities were developed that deal with dodging around this resistance, these are called Breaks and they are sorted into category.

Breaks as a whole deal primarily with skin to skin contact, as such the user risks as much to the victim due to the potential of counter-breaks. A break involves channelling your raw psychic energy through the opponents skin, as such this avoids the natural resistance.

Bone Break: A generic and aptly named type, this is usually used as a forceful manoeuvre in close combat to hamper an opponents mobility, by using a break on an arm or leg it drastically lowers their combat effectiveness, arms are required to make physical gestures to release energy (excluding Omni-abilities and defensive abilities.) and legs are used for mobility unless the opponent can use levitation or teleportation.

Mind Break
: A break aimed at the brain, due to the skulls natural thickness and the source of ESPers energy, it is heavily defended, however it can cause disorientation and on a weaker opponent, out right kill them if you can overcome both the psychic and natural defenses.

Heart Break
: Effectively the most deadly and difficult to use, the Heart break effectively shocks the heart, killing the victim. However due to the nature of it, unless the victims defenses are shockingly low, as in the case of non-ESPers, the Heart break can be very ineffective. As grabbing the actual heart, without the victim already being dead is difficult. - However out of all the shocks, including the System Break, this one is the most lethal if done correctly.

System Break: Due to the ineffective applications of the Heart break, the System break was developed, this is done by overloading the nervous system of the target into shutting down and simultaneously attacking the entire structure of the internal organs. Unlike the Heart break, the System break only needs general physical contact, however open wounds are best for it. It needs longer exposure than most breaks and is usually used as a finisher, the down side of this collateral damage is that if the ESPer is not fully sure of his abilities, or the opponents defenses are too high. The entire break rebounds on the user.

There are numerous ways to administer these, and different forms of Breaks, however all require physical contact at the minimum.

So Where Is This All Leading?

The general plot will be centric around the Zero Subjects and the events that occur around them in the setting of England, there is a finite number which will be decided upon based on the number of applicants to the Roleplay, however they are not to be the only form of player involvement. The general story will follow that of years after their escape, some integrated into life, others trying to escape it but otherwise to put it bluntly. They become hunted again, some of them may hunt the others. Regardless you have several options to choose in regards to characters, some with more options available to them than others.

Zero Subjects - The 'main' group, in regards. Their actions will reflect upon the other groups in some way.

The 'Corporations' - The groups whom via means will attempt to capture OR kill the Zero Subjects, there are two Corporations of note and both... don't like each other.

Primus: It was Primus who funded the Zero Subject developments, however they do not have the information to duplicate it (Yet.), their main goal is to capture, not kill the Zero Subjects and their aims are mainly military, meaning even if they only want to capture them, they would not worry about wrecking towns and cities to do so. After all, its only 'mere civilians'.

Shroud: Shroud originally developed the "Test Tube" soldier when cloning was fully developed, Shroud is also much more cut-throat corporation which got to its position through murder, theft and other under handed means, their goal is to kill the Subjects and will not stop to do so. They deploy several prototype bio-weapons to the field in vein of doing just that.

Within these we also have:

    The 'Experiments/Prototypes' - The Zero Subjects weren't the only experimental group, as such you can have varying results such as super powered offense but no defense 'at all', strange power developments, characters with major trade-offs such as severe disabilities for extra powers and so forth.

    The Bioweapons - These are clones with rudimentary intelligence and a HIGH amount of ESP power, they are usually controlled via telepathy by an assigned 'task master' and are exclusive to Shroud.

The EPC - Whilst still 'after' the subjects, the EPC are the ESP Law Enforcers, they will attempt to fight off the corporations - however their reasons for capturing the Subjects is purely academic or to enrol them into working for the EPC.

The Mercenaries - An independent bunch (from varying groups), whom may work for or against the Zero Subjects based on their own motives or the pay check involved.

Please consider that your character does not have to be an ESP from these, or an ESP at all. Civilian ESPs, Civilians in general, scientists from both the EPC and the larger corporations. Officers, the guys who run the damn things after all! Those ideas are also open.

Code: Select all
Name: (For Subjects, the last name is respectively chosen by the subject even though they lacked parents.)

Alternative Name: (If you are a Subject, you will of had a number assigned from 1-9, a corporation ESPer may have a code name to work under, a mercenary may have a calling name and experiments will also have a code number or name to work by.)


Age: (All subjects are 18, this is based off of the time span since their creation, escape and time in the real world.)

Faction: (Subject/EPC/Corporation -specify which-/Mercenary/Other - Describe/Explain)

ESP Type: (Offensive/Defensive/Balanced/Task Master - Refer to information on Shroud about this.)

ESP Level: (Refer to Chart.)

Abilities: (State abilities, created abilities need to be defined, explained and given logical reasoning/examples.)

Appearance: (Pictures are acceptable aslong as you provide a basic text based description as well.)


Bio: (All subjects endured the first twelve years of their life inside the white walled rooms of the test lab and location they were created in, leaving them 6 years to adapt and earn their own experiences. Give an overview of those 6 years and if you want, how they personally went through the first 12.)

Anything of Note: (anything you feel you need to add)
Last edited by Nyxeth on Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Varanus on Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:56 am

Let me know if any edits on my character are necessary.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nyxeth on Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:10 pm

None particularly outstanding, approved. :-)

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby topofoff on Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:02 pm

Could you let me know if I need to make any changes to my character :)
Also any idea when the rp is likely to start fully?

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nyxeth on Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:21 pm

The RP will start when I have adequate people to run it, so sometime mid-week depending on how rapidly people submit characters and get them approved.

Also, can you please adhere to the character skeleton and fill in the requested fields, please.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zombicide93 on Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:44 am

Probably one of the most creative rp's I've seen, looking forward to how it plays out, submitted a character! :P

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby topofoff on Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:21 am

Ok I have changed the character and filled in the fields. Sorry about the mistake I am new :)

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nyxeth on Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:56 am

Topofoff: If you plan to play a Zero Subject, please keep in mind your character is 18 years of age and the tag number to go with them is a number between 1 and 9.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mephisto on Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:58 pm

I am so applying for this. :D Zombicide recruited me.

Hey Varanus. :P

EDIT: Oh, and it looks I'll have to do a female character for this one, too. LOL! It's OK, I don't mind. I just like variety. Would be boring if all the player characters were guys. It's OK, though. I got this. It makes it more interesting for me, anyway.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zombicide93 on Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:15 pm

Haha, is this one gonna have "Tig Bitties" too? XD

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Varanus on Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:36 pm

Hey Mephisto! :)

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Varanus on Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:40 pm

Would you like to start us off Providence? (Just asking because I noticed the activity tab is now active).

Edit: I'm no rush, but I can start whenever.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mephisto on Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:57 pm

Nothing wrong with tig bitties. :P Perhaps, we'll see. They'll at least be nice. :D

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nyxeth on Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:34 pm

Just to clarify: RP will take place over the forum, personally I can't stand the RP tab layout.

Secondly on that topic, still waiting on a few more profiles before we begin.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mephisto on Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:27 am

Yeah I like the play-by-post on the forum better. Just post the IC in the Posting tab or something when you make it.

Going to make my character right now :D

EDIT: Made. :D

Zomb shall be pleased. :)

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby topofoff on Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:49 am

Providence: Okay I have changed the character again :) Forgot to change the age when I was going to have another character whom was just a ESPer.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nyxeth on Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:59 am

... I recognise those breasts... Approved anyway. Both of ya.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Varanus on Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:31 pm

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zombicide93 on Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:14 pm

I'm going to organize Alex's abilities into defense and offense, and probably add a couple.

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Re: [OOC] Absolute Zero

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mephisto on Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:51 pm

Do you recognize those breasts... because you have them too?! O_0

Yes. Tig ol' Bitties for sure. :D

Glad to be in this RP. It will be a lot of fun.

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