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Ground Control

Ground Control


(1x1 between myself and SleepingInTheGardens)

2,134 readers have visited Ground Control since partially-stars created it.



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300 days with no reply now
I think I've lost my mind
There's nothing keeping me from going outside anymore

My systems are critical
Gotta find my way back to you
Feels like I'm drifting alone
I'm just out here wishing that you would say
Don't be afraid, no
If you start floating away

Love is a strange thing. It can bloom in almost any circumstance, between any two people, for any reason at all. Sometimes, it lasts for years and years, apparently eternal. Other times, it burns itself out, leaving a heart that is apparently unable to love. Sometimes, people love each other but are unable to show it, while others

This is a story of the strangeness of love. Two people meet in the strangest of circumstances, and are thrown together by nothing more than necessity and a tolerance of each other. And yet, as time goes on, something more begins to bloom. But will those strange circumstances tear them apart? Will they allow themselves to fall in love? Will there ever be a happy ever after?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

Sam sighed, and sat his phone face down on the desk as he flipped open his laptop open. Austin hadn't texted him back. He probably wasn't going to ever text back. Sam shouldn't have texted him in the first place. But... he had been in a hotel, a considerable distance away from home, and when he'd texted Austin, he'd been in pain and waiting for painkillers to kick in. The fact that he hadn't heard back spoke volumes. Sam shook his head, running his hands through his hair, and turned his attention to his laptop. He had emails waiting for him.

There was a knock at the door, which Sam chose to ignore as he put in his headphones. The knocking continued; and then the door was kicked in. Sam launched to his feet, his heart pounding. Two men had entered the room and were coming for him. They were easily as big as him, if not even bigger. The adrenaline pounding through his veins sent him into fight mode. They very clearly weren't there for room service, so they had to be there for a fight.

Sam was rusty and out of practice, though, and between the two of them, they easily overpowered him. So Sam just did what he could; covered his face. All his brain could think about was all of the presentations he had lined up in the coming days, and how turning up with a black eye would really not be a good idea. There wasn't much else he could do. Even with his face covered, a foot caught his lip, bursting it.

It felt like it was never going to end; but eventually it did. One of them laughed. "I'll see you in hell, buddy. If you make it out, tell Francis Clark we send our love," he said. Sam didn't move. The men left the room. It was only when their footsteps were out of earshot that Sam dared let himself move. It turned out moving hurt, and he yelled out without thinking. No. No, he couldn't draw attention to himself, he couldn't risk them coming back. He gritted his teeth and pulled himself up to a sitting position. Okay. Okay. That was a start. He just had to give himself a minute. He'd been through worse.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: Hotel Clinic
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: here

Jaeson hadn’t meant to stay as late as he did. On a regular day, he would have been home by now, relaxing on the couch with Bonnie and Clyde to prepare for the next long day, but odd circumstances kept him in the hotel for much longer. It had been the strangest chain of random injuries, one right after the other, as if the universe were stalling or keeping him around for something bigger. Something worse. Jay really hoped that wasn’t the case, but in a hotel such as these, where aristocrats and millionaires spent their summers and fortunes, anything was possible. And not always in the best way. Thankfully, after several sessions of stitching and patching, he was finally free.

He sat in his office alone, eyes glued to his cell phone screen instead of the computer monitor where his β€œpaper work” waited for him. His father had called, and as unusual as that was, the fact that he called during the day was even more absurd. Jay had sworn upon his mother’s grave that he would avoid the man at all costs, especially after finding out about everything he’d been doing behind her back. Behind their back. But the naΓ―ve and forgiving side of him was always much stronger. His finger hovered over the call button for several seconds before pushing it across the desk and away from reach. If it was an emergency he would call back. At least that’s what Jay told himself to feel less guilty, though he had absolutely nothing to feel guilty about.

It was time to go home now. It was late and Dr. Kim was far too hungry and tired to do anything else. After the daily routine of securing and shutting down everything, his steps led him out the clinic’s front door and towards the elevator. The halls were oddly empty for this time of day, but Jay’s mind and body was focused on going home to rest. Too focused, infact, that he didn’t notice the two men trailing behind him until they stood on either side of him in a closed elevator. Jay had never done a bad deed or hurt a single person in all his twenty five years of living, but something about those men screamed at him to be careful. ”It’s Doctor Kim, am I correct?” The deep voice pronouncing his name made the small man freeze, only his eyes and neck turning in the direction of the voice. ”Yes, you are correct.” There was movement on the other side of him and a rough hand placed on his shoulder, demanding his attention. Jaeson was not particularly small in height or build, but standing in between two skyscrapers made him feel somewhat like a toddler surrounded by grownups. ”You’re very young, doctor. And quite handsome too. We’d hate for anything to mess up that face of yours.” Jay cocked a brow in the tall man’s direction but didn’t say a word. Common sense and whatever else was present told him to keep quiet. ”Just a friendly warning, doc.” the man added as the elevator came to a stop. ”Choose your patients very carefully.” Nothing else was said. The large metal doors slid open and Jay was left alone, paralyzed in fear in the center of the elevator.

The contraption traveled down one more floor and the doors opened for Jaeson to leave. His legs felt weak, but he powered through, making his way through the hotel lobby with his vision focused on the parking lot outside the glass doors. He almost made it, until a voice behind him called. ”Dr. Kim…we have an emergency.” Jaeson had a mind and a half to ignore the voice and continue walking, but good conscious didn’t allow him. He turned on his heels to face the receptionist sporting a look of concern. ”What happened? Are you okay?” the girl nodded, but gestured towards the phone on the desk in front of her. ”I’m fine. It’s room 8562. Housekeeping asked us to send you up there as soon as possible. I know you’re getting ready to leave but-β€œ Jay lifted his hand as a silent signal for her to say no more. ”Tell her I’m on the way up”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

Black spots were dancing in Sam's vision. Passing out would be so much easier, but he couldn't be sure that he didn't have a head injury. So he gritted his teeth. "Alpha. Bravo." He forced out. The phone was out of reach. "Charlie. Delta. Echo." Then there was a knock at the door. Fear shot through him. It had to be those men. They were coming back to finish the job. The door was already open. He didn't have enough time to get back onto the floor where they'd left him. So he let himself slump to one side, ignoring the pain in his ribs. He tried to breathe as shallowly as possible, knowing that movement could give him away.

Then there was a scream. A woman's scream. Sam let his eyes flutter open as somebody started shaking him. "Oh my god, he's alive. Christine, call Dr. Kim!" She yelled. The black spots in his vision still persisted, and her shaking had jostled his ribs uncomfortably. He obviously looked as bad as he felt, judging by her panic. Her panic was oddly disconcerting to him. Last time he'd been in a situation like this, with the adrenaline still pumping through his veins, he'd been surrounded by fellow soldiers. They'd been trained to stay calm, no matter how panicked they were.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he forced out. "You are very clearly not fine. Now, stay put. The doctor is on the way. What's your name?" A different woman, the one who had called the doctor, Christine, asked. "Sam. Sam Carlile." He replied, trying to straighten up and grimacing. "Don't try and move. Where does it hurt?" She asked. "Everywhere," he said, forcing a grin.

"Okay. Well, Dr. Kim is on his way. He'll sort you out."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: Hotel Clinic
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

Somehow, Jaeson made it up to the 8th floor, though his way there became one collective blur. Something in the back of his mind screamed at him not to go. Whatever the emergency was, a little hunch told him it had something to do with the men in the elevator. Maybe even something to do with the series of unusual injuries that’d been going on all day. Broken bones, busted lips and something he swore to be a bullet graze no matter how many times the man denied it. Something dark was going on and Jay wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to know what it was. He simply did his job. The where, when and how of his patients’ injuries were none of his business.

When he finally reached the room, there was no need to knock on the door. It was opened about a inch, the housekeeping cart parked just outside. He could hear the girls’ frantic bustling inside, and he understood why the moment the door was pushed back and Jay caught sight of the man laying on the ground. His first instinct was to ask just what the hell happened to him, but Jay knew that was an unnecessary question. At least for the time being. ”Oh thank goodness, doctor. We don’t know what happened, we just found him like thisβ€œ The man nodded in understanding and quickly crouched down by the tattered body. ”Get me some ice packs, hot water and towels.” he ordered, making sure to keep his voice leveled and calm. The last thing the room needed was more panic. ”His name is Sam.” Christine added before following Jamie out the door. Jay’s attention was quickly back on the man in front of him, his eyes catching sight of a busted lip, and soon after a pair of large blues. Caught somewhere between fear and confusion.

”Okay Sam, Im doctor Kim and im gonna get you all taken care of…” Jay said, careful and calculated. He kept his somewhat deep voice as soothing as possible, regardless of how much he wanted to call out for more help. He had to get used to the fact that he was the doctor now. He was the help. He pulled out a small flashlight from his jacket pocket, flashing it on and off in front of Sam'S eyes and hovering it from side to side. He watched the dilated pupils trying to follow the small utensil for a few seconds before setting it back down. ”You may have a mild concussion.” he explained calmly, his deep , dark eyes focused on the pair staring back at him. Might was an unnecessary word. Jay had studied about concussions and brain injuries enough to know that it was just by the way the man was behaving, but the last thing he wanted to do was startle Sam and make him worry. ”Nothing I can’t fix, but you have to stay awake for me, alright?β€œ He waited for a moment, giving Sam a chance to answer, before his eyes traveled down the man’s arms, stomach and legs. His suit covered almost everything, but Jay could only imagine what his skin looked like underneath, if the state of his face was any indication. He took very careful hold of the man’s wrist, pressing his fingers against the inner veins. His steady pulse was a breath of fresh air, and there was no signs of heavy bleeding. At least not externally. If a concussion and bruises were the worst of it, both he and Sam could breath easy.

”Ice packs, towels and hot water!” Jamie announced the moment the pair of girls stepped inside. ”Do you need anything else?” The bowl of hot water and towels were placed on the bedside table by the bed. Jay eyed the bed for a moment before turning his attention to the girls. ”Help me get him up there” he said, gesturing for the to help carry him. As strong as Jay was, this was looked much stronger, taller, heavier, and there were just some things that Jay couldn’t do alone. For example, carry a six foot something man. Thankfully, the girls gave him just the right amount of help to move him onto the bed. Getting him down to the clinic would only risk making the concussion worse. Once situated on the bed, the ice pack was placed on Sam’s forehead and his shirt buttons were opened. Just as Jay imagined; the bruises on his chest, ribs and stomach matched the one on his lip. In one swift move, Jaeson was up on his feet, his steps taking him to the bedroom door. ”Stay with him and keep him awake, I’ll be right back.” he instructed before closing the door behind him. If he couldn’t take Sam down to the clinic, he would simply have to bring the clinic to him.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving.
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

Despite the adrenaline pulsing through his veins, Sam felt oddly calm. Maybe it was just in comparison to the frantic women in the room. Maybe it was a concussion. But when the doctor came in, there was a renewed sense of panic. He'd never liked hospitals, but the hours he'd spent in them following the explosion, it had only gotten worse. He'd gone to all of his outpatient appointments, but he'd never spent any more time than necessary in them. And the doctor was so calm, even after seeing Sam in this state. Sam was a calm person, but even he would have been startled. The doctor gave an order to the girls, who complied. The doctor introduced himself as Dr. Kim, and started examining Sam.

Sam had encountered some assholes of doctors in his time. But in the military, it had been drilled into them that no matter what, you always listened to a doctor. They were your superior officer, and you treated them as such. So, as much as Sam wanted to argue, insist that he was fine, he instead let the doctor examine him. Sam's instinct had been right about the concussion, then. When he told Sam that he had to stay awake, Sam nodded. The adrenaline coursing through of his veins would have kept him awake if nothing else. He made himself stay focused, watching the doctor's steady, calm hands taking his wrist and measuring his pulse.

He wanted to protest when they wanted to move him to the bed, but again, knew not to. He let them lift him onto the bed, wincing a little as the movement jostled him. But the pain was sharp and nearly helped clear his head. The ice pack on his forehead was oddly soothing, so he forced himself to focus on that. In any other situation, he would have made a smart comment about someone opening his shirt for him, but even with a concussion, he knew it wasn't really the right situation. The doctor announced that he was going to be right back, and then it was just him and the two girls.

"You stay awake for us, okay? Why are you here? In the hotel?" One of the women asked. "Business conference. I'm supposed to be making a presentation tomorrow," Sam said, grinning a little. The woman shrugged. "Don't you worry about that. Dr. Kim will get you sorted out, you'll be right as rain in no time," she declared.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: Hotel Clinic
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

Jay had been prepared for the worst when it came to injuries. From a broken finger to a broken skull. He just never imagined he would have to deal with anything this serious within the hotel walls. A place of supposed security and comfort. If he said he wasn’t a nervous mess on the inside, he would be lying through his teeth. But regardless of how much he felt like he needed to panic, he kept calm. Even when he returned to the room with the tools and medicine necessary and caught sight of Sam’s state. It impacted him just as much as it did the first time, but he quietly set his belongings down and turned to the girls. ”Thank you both, I’ll take it from here.” They looked a bit uncertain but nodded and walked out, taking the cart with them. Jae turned his attention back to the patient, his lips morphing into a sharp line. It was bad, really bad, but nothing impossible to fix. At least he hoped not.

”This is going to sting a little.” he warned while situating himself on the bed beside Sam. His dark eyes searched the man’s face for any response, and just for a fraction of a second, Jay was distracted. Even with a busted lip and swollen eyes, the man was extremely handsome. Were they under different circumstances, Jay may have felt a bit intimidated by his looks. But now was not the time to think about that, because as handsome and tall as he may have been, he needed the small doctor’s help. Without another warning, he pressed a small cotton ball to the man’s lip, cleaning any dirt or bacteria that may have tried to nest in there. ”Just focus on me, alright?” he instructed while carefully cleaning away all traces of blood, hoping to distract from the pain while simultaneously keeping him awake. ”This will heal that cut within 24 hours.” he added, gesturing to the small tube in his hand, before pressing a bit of it onto the cut and allowing it to dry.

Before doing anything else, Jay got to his feet in search of the thermostat. The room felt a bit stuffy and warm, which in the long run would only cause Sam’s bruises to swell. He turned down the temperature a few notches before walking to his tools, his eyes fixed on Sam the entire time, making sure his eyes stayed awake. ”Are you here alone, Sam? Got a wife at home?” he’d never been that great at small talk, but he would just have to eal with it. Keeping Sam alert was first priority. As he spoke, he began setting up station on the bedside table, everything he would need and then some, and pulled a chair up to the bed. As careful as he could be, he began to press down around Sam’s ribs, watching for any negative reactions. If there was a broken bone, he would have to get him down to the clinic. He didn’t know how, but if Jaeson Kim was anything, it was determined.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving.
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

He talked to the girls for a bit, glad to have the distraction. They were still a tad panicked, but they seemed to relax a bit as the conversation progressed, perhaps as they gathered that Sam's condition wasn't as bad as it looked. When the doctor came back in, they hesitated before leaving, but then left, pulling the door shut behind them. The doctor's face didn't exactly inspire a whole lot of confidence in Sam.

"I've had worse," Sam said as the doctor warned him about the sting, allowing the uninjured side of his mouth to quirk up in a half-smile. Through the fog of the pain, he hadn't really gotten much of a look at Dr. Kim. But now, as he examined Sam's face, he took the opportunity to watch the doctor for a bit. He was... striking. Dark, serious eyes, a sharp jaw and prominent cheekbones. The intensity he regarded Sam with was... Well, Sam had only seen it a handful of times before. And as serious as it was, it also didn't feel like a bad thing. But then the doctor pressed the cotton ball to his lip, and Sam quickly inhaled. The sting was... definitely uncomfortable. Sam had to resist the temptation to smile as the doctor told Sam to focus on him. Like that hadn't been Sam's plan anyway. The doctor was good looking, and perhaps if they'd met in a bar, Sam would have bought him a drink. But this wasn't the place for flirting.

Sam laughed a little as the doctor asked about a wife. "Yeah, I don't exactly... swing that way. But yes, I'm here alone. Work business trip, and I'm actually... recently single." God, he could only imagine Austin's reaction if he was in the room now. Once upon a time, he would have laughed, remarked that Sam had a talent for getting into trouble, made light of the situation. But... realistically, had they still been together, they probably would have been arguing. Austin would have blamed him, accused him of keeping secrets. The argument would have devolved into something completely unrelated, and one of them would have stormed out in anger.

"What about you? Got anyone waiting for you?" He asked, suddenly desperate for a distraction. He didn't want to dwell on that. Couldn't dwell on that. He grimaced a bit as the doctor pressed on one particular spot. It wasn't that bad, hurt about as much as moving did, but there was a definite sense of discomfort.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: Hotel Clinic
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

Maybe Sam had meant to make Jae feel better by mentioning he’d been through worse, but that didn’t exactly ease his nerves. Just what was Sam’s job that landed him in these painful situations so often? No matter how much he tried, Jay couldn’t imagine living that way. His hands ran up the man’s stomach and chest, examining every bruise, clearly put there by very potent kicks and punches. Jay’s mind immediately rewinded to the men on the elevator and the strange warning he’d gotten, getting the feeling that he’d landed himself in a very deep ditch he’s not sure would have a way out of. Still, he couldn’t just leave Sam in this condition. If he did, he wouldn’t be deserved of the β€œdoctor” title.

His eyes, previously focused on the red patches, shifted up to Sam’s face at his statement. Recently single usually meant broken hearted, something Jay had plenty of experience with. He resisted the urge to comment on it as he reached for another ice pack. Eventually, he would have to take Sam down to the clinic for proper examining to make sure there was nothing broken or bleeding internally, but for now the man needed to stay put and stay awake. ”What about you? Got anyone waiting for you?” Jay paused for a moment, letting a soft smile spread across his face for the first time in that room. His eyes reached up to Sam’s, the gold specks in them highlighted by the lamp behind them. ”I do” he said almost immediately, placing a small towel and ice pack over Sam’s right ribcage where he held most of the bruising. ”My kids. Twin yorkies. They can’t live without me.” he explained, his smile bringing a soft crinkle to his nose, as he searched through his belongings to bring out a small pill bottle and placed it on the table. ”My last relationship was over a year ago. It was great. Until he cheated.” Jay’s voice was serene, despite how much the memory of being used and tossed like trash still hurt him. Now was not the time to be sentimental about past loves, and he’d promised himself he would never look back. He got to his feet in search of a glass of water to help Sam down the small, white pill. ”Bonnie and Clyde keep me company now.” Truth be told, Jaeson had been asked out on dates more times than he could count, but he turned every one of them down. It may be seen as picky, uptight even, but truly he’s just careful. When Jaeson falls, he falls hard, and that’s exactly what others love to take advantage of.

”This will help with the pain and swelling.” he explained before handing Sam the pill and glass of water. He took a seat at the end of the bed in case the man needed any help with it. ”I’ll do x-rays tomorrow. But tonight you need to stay still, and stay awake.” he thought for a moment back to when he’d been so relieved to be able to go home. Back to his comfortable couch and sweatpants, but quickly pushed it all aside. Doctors are doctors 24/7, and as one, Jay didn’t have the luxury of being selfish. Not that he ever was, but especially not in a situation like this. ”I’ll stay up with you. I mean, unless you’d prefer one of the girls to keep you company?” he added, the second half of the comment meant to tease with a soft grin. He hadn’t missed Sam’s comment on not being interested in girls.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

The doctor smiled, and his whole face lit up. It made Sam smile as well, especially as he started talking about his dogs. Sam was typically more of a big dog type guy, having worked with the K9 teams from time to time. Big dogs just tended to be more chilled out. Before he could dwell on it, though, the doctor revealed that his last boyfriend had cheated. Sam's breakup was messy and complicated, but it definitely wasn't as bad as if one of them had cheated.

Sam went silent, just watching the doctor as he filled a glass of water. He was so, so calm. Sam considered himself a generally calm person, but it was nothing in comparison to the doctor. Even as he'd spoken about his past relationship, his face had been so perfectly calm. Sam felt like his expression changed every time he just thought about Austin, let alone the messy parts of their relationship. [color=162612]"Thank you,"[/color] Sam said as he gave him a pill and a glass of water. He swallowed the pill easily. He'd never had a problem with taking pills, even before the explosion.

He laughed as the doctor suggested getting one of the girls. [color=162612]"No, I think I much prefer your company, doctor. Although I do feel bad about keeping you from your dogs,"[/color] he replied. He wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not, but it felt like the painkillers were starting to kick in. He had to be careful not to sink into it, though. Like the doctor said, he had to stay awake.

[color=162612]"So. What do you want to talk about? Compare our terrible relationships? Or something a bit more upbeat?"[/color] He asked, grinning at the doctor.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: Hotel Clinic
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

The more Sam spoke, the more at ease Jaeson felt. As bad as it looked on the outside, his condition was definitely nothing fatal. It looked a lot worse than what it was, and the bruises and scratches could easily be taken care of. Jay watched as Sam took the medicine, quickly reaching out to take the cup back and place it on the night stand. He gave a soft smile at the comment about his dogs. Truth be told, it wasn’t the dogs he was needing the most, it was rest. In the past 24 hours, Jay had slept maybe 3 at most. Nor to mention it’d been one of the busiest days he’d dealt with in a long while. But he wouldn’t let Sam know that. ”They’ll survive.” he stated, a soft smile still in place. He stood and move closer to Sam, removing the ice pack that rested on his stomach. ”Past relationships are in the past, Sam.” he added, his voice as calm as ever. ”It’s his loss, and some other lucky guys gain.”

As clichΓ© as it sounded, it wasn’t mindless flirting. Jay meant every word, and Sam was free to interpret it however he pleased. Before the man could respond, Jay extended his hands out for him, eyes focused on his stomach and ribcage area. ”Sit up slowly for me” he instructed, holding on tightly to both of Sam’s hands, giving him as much support as possible. Maybe Jay wasn’t the strongest man around, and Sam clearly had him beat in the body build department, but he could sure as hell try.

Once Sam was sitting and situated, Jay pulled out a thin waistband. He carefully rested his knees on the ground so he was at a closer eye level with Sam’s stomach. Last time he’d done this, the patient had given him an open invitation to a blowjob, and not the kind that contains alcohol. He only hoped Sam would have a bit more class than that. ”Arms up” he said, stretching the waistband a bit before wrapping it around Sam’s abdomen. He made sure the band was tight enough to keep his bones in place, but not too tight that it would interrupt his breathing. Jaeson had always been meticulous when it came to taking care of his patients, no matter who they were or how much money was in their pocket. Once secured, he got to his feet again. Eyeing the band one last time to make sure it wouldn’t come undone. He was silent for a few a minute, but the same question still itched at the back of his throat. ”What happened?” is what he wanted to ask, but instead settled with- ”How soon do you have to go back to work?”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

Sam raised an eyebrow at Dr. Kim's comment. If he'd heard it from anyone else, he would have taken it as flirting. But the calm, cool manner with which the doctor delivered it just made it seem like a fact of life. But before Sam could dwell on it too much, the doctor asked him to sit up. The movement was painful, even as slowly as he was moving. He gritted his teeth, and eventually got into an upright position. Once he was still, the pain eased a little, and he let himself breathe properly.

Sam had a moment of shock as the doctor got on his knees in front of him. But then the doctor instructed him to put his arms up and Sam obeyed, having to suppress a grin. Partially at the situation, but mostly as he imagined the various reactions the doctor must have gotten. The band was tight around Sam's ribs, but not uncomfortably so. He could still breathe easily, and the slight restriction on his movement probably made him less likely to move in such a way to cause himself a lot of pain.

The doctor was silent for a minute. He looked like he wanted to ask something serious. But then he just asked Sam about work. Sam sighed. "I have one more presentation to make in the morning, but then I pretty much have a week to myself before I'm expected back at work. I can get more time off it it's needed, I'll just need to get proof that it's on medical terms," he said. "Well, I guess that presentation is subject to whatever my face looks like in the morning. It's not super important, so I think the company would prefer me to just... not make the presentation as opposed to giving them a bad rep by showing up with my face covered in bruises."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: New Chicago Grand Suites
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

A presentation... Jaeson thought about all the possible job titles that could come with the obligations of having a good appearance and making presentations, none of which matched up with getting the life beat out of you. Thinking about it now, with a bit more pieces put together, Jay came to the conclusion that what happened to Sam didn't have anything to do with his job. By the sounds of it, his company would not benefit from having him looking like he'd just been trampled by horses. In theory, that made Jay feel a little bit better, but in reality it only made him want to know what happened even more. "Your handsome face will be good as new come tomorrow morning." Jaeson assured the man, his eyes traveling around the room for any sign of clothing or a suitcase. Eventually, when he could move a little bit better, Sam would have to take a cold shower and change into something a bit more comfortable. "But your body won't be, and that's what I'm most worried about."

The young doctor extended his hand out for Sam again to help him settle back down, but not before stacking and fluffing the pillows to perfection to make sure his body was not twisted or uncomfortable in any way. The sheets were already pulled from underneath the corners of the mattress, so Jay took the liberty of pulling them up to Sam's reach in case he needed them. "They say doctor's orders is law" he said, a playful smile pulling at his lips. "I'll talk to your company. You just worry about getting better." It wouldn't be the first time Jay had gotten someone out of doing their job. The difference was, this time it was serious. Not to mention there was a feeling that had never been there before; a feeling of danger. Perhaps the men in the elevator had absolutely nothing to do with Sam and his condition, but it still didn't fail to leave him on edge. Almost like a warning, telling him that speaking to Sam's company would not be a good idea. But he sure as hell wasn't going to send the man to work in his condition, so all paranoia aside, Jay had to do what needed to be done.

He sat back down on the edge of the bed, making sure to leave Sam enough room. He opened his mouth to ask for a way to contact his company, but the loud buzzing of a phone cut him off. At first he imagined it to be Sam, but soon realized it was coming from his own pocket. He pulled it out to read the caller ID, expecting it to be some kind of emergency, but his lips involuntarily pulled down into a frown the moment he read the name. That was the second time that day that he called, and yet Jay didn't feel any more inclined to answer than he did the last time. He quickly hit the 'ignore' option and sat his phone down on the bed before switching his attention back on his patient. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Room service here is one of the bests." he said, his features smoothing out into a lighter expression. But before Sam could even answer, the buzzing was back. Jay allowed himself a quiet sigh, not even bothering to check the ID this time. With the day he'd had, he didn't have neither the patience nor desire to listen to his father's bullshit.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

Sam sighed a little as the doctor confirmed he'd be in a state to give the presentation in the morning, at least on the outside. "I'll figure something out, I'll be able to postpone the presentation if it comes to it," Sam said. His bosses were easy enough to deal with, they'd understand. Even if he was relatively new in the company, Sam was good at his job, and when it came to selling products, getting investments, and recruiting people, somebody who was good at his job with a pretty face was invaluable. And Sam ticked those boxes.

He grinned at the doctor's comment about a doctor's word being law. It echoed the orders Sam had been given in the army, to obey a doctor as if they were a superior officer in pretty much every situation. If only everybody had been given that advice. "Yes, sir," Sam replied, still grinning. The buzzing of the phone made him glance towards his desk and frown. The sound seemed to be coming from the bed. Then, almost at the same time, they realised it was the doctor's phone. Sam watched his face as he checked the caller ID. The instant frown made Sam raise an eyebrow. But the doctor knocked off the call and turned his attention back to him, back to the perfect, calm doctor. The buzzing started again, but the doctor just ignored it.

"Uhh, something to drink sounds good. Anything in particular you'd recommend?" He asked. "And you can go ahead and answer that call, I don't mind. I promise not to do anything stupid while you're gone," he added with a grin. He wasn't totally sure that the doctor was ignoring the call because of him, but Sam didn't want to chance it either.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: New Chicago Grand Suites
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

Sam's smile was almost impossible to ignore, even under the bruised lip and partially swollen eyes, it looked radiant. There was somewhat of a mischievous undertone to the way he grinned and responded to Jaeson's orders. It was both amusing, and a little unsettling. Jay would be willing to bet that Sam had broken a few hearts in his time, if his cheeky grin was anything to go by. Then again, Jay knew better than anyone not to judge a book by its cover. He'd made that mistake many more times than he could count.

"Uhh, something to drink sounds good. Anything in particular you'd recommend?" Jaeson brought a finger to his chin in thought, every part of him avidly ignoring the buzzing phone near his leg. Something Sam picked up on immediately. Jay gently nibbled on his bottom lip, his gaze flickering to the phone for a fraction of a second, before moving back up to Sam's face. "It's not that important." he sated as if it were a fact. Of course Jay had no way of knowing why his father would be calling him to incessantly, but to the young doctor, anything the man had to say was unimportant. That's what he told himself, at least. It made things much less complicated. "Anything with a shot of espresso is amazing." he responded, his lips pulling back into a soft smile as he reached for a hotel room phone. Might as well get himself something too, if he was going to be keeping Sam company all night.

He dialed the first number of the extension, but before he could continue, the buzzing was back. Maybe it was Jaeson's growing annoyance with it, but it seemed to be louder and louder every time. With a sigh, he set the hotel phone down on the bed, flashing a quick and apologetic glance in Sam's direction before picking up the mobile. Surely enough, the same caller ID was being displayed on the screen. He paused for a moment, figuring a way to take care of this. He couldn't risk leaving the room and have Sam fall asleep, especially not for the likes of his father. But he also didn't want to involve Sam in his family issues. His only hope left was for Sam to not speak or understand any Korean. He hesitantly pressed the talk key and held the contraption up to his ear. "Buleum hajima...." (Stop calling me) There were several seconds of silence on the other end, during which Jaeson imagined the man had changed his mind, but then that familiar voice came and Jay's stomach twisted in discomfort.

"Stop being so's been years, Jaeson. We need to talk through this face to face." At this point, the passive and gentle expression Jaeson usually wore was shattered, and replaced with a distant and cold one. An expression reserved only for those that had done him wrong one too many times. "We have nothing to talk about. Noe na jugesso" (You're dead to me). Another silence, except this time Jay didn't wait for a response. The end key was pressed and the phone placed face down on the bed like it had been before. Jay slowly lifted his gaze towards Sam again, apologetic smile in place. "Sorry about that. He won't be calling anymore"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

Coffee did sound good. The coffee he'd had after dinner had been really good, so Sam was more than happy to trust the doctor on his choice of drinks. He chose to believe the doctor when he said that the phone call wasn't that important; but then the phone started ringing again. Sam just watched as the doctor stared at the caller ID for a moment, before eventually deciding to answer it. Sam didn't recognise the language; he'd picked up a few, but whatever Dr. Kim spoke wasn't one of them. But, even through the language barrier, Sam could tell it wasn't a particularly pleasant conversation. Dr. Kim spoke abruptly, and at one point, his expression contorted into a cold, unfriendly one, so unlike his usual. And the one bit of English he spoke- "We have nothing to talk about."- said more than enough.

And as the doctor hung up, his old self reappeared. A friendly, warm smile on his face, he apologised for the interruption. "Don't worry about it. So, you said something about espresso, right? That sounds great, I love a nice strong coffee. I'm guessing you drink a lot of it, what with being a doctor and all, right?" Sam said, eager to change the atmosphere. He'd had a couple of arguments over the phone, and he knew what it was like to try and deal with the ensuing atmosphere. If somebody else just allowed it to move on without being mentioned again, it felt much better for all parties involved.

"What's it like, working here? It's got to be different to, say, working in a hospital, right? Less road accidents, more stupid self-inflicted incidents... I never even thought there would be a doctor on site in a hotel."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: New Chicago Grand Suites
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

Jaeson allowed himself to smile at Sam's attempt to change the subject of the unpleasant phone call. He was grateful to say the least. His stomach already stirred just by hearing the man's voice, the last thing he wanted right now was for the subject to carry on. "Strong is the only way to drink coffee." he sated as if it were a known fact, somewhat thrilled by the fact that Sam had his same taste.

He nodded in response to his second question. "It's different, alright." he responded, his mind recalling the days he had to shadow and work in hospitals under doctor's watch. The things seen there versus the things seen at this hotel were like night and day. Even on a day like today, filled with so many freak accidents. "But businessmen can catch the flu and get injured, too." he added, half teasingly, in reference to Sam's current state.

His hand then reached for the hotel phone again, his gaze grazing over his phone as if he were begging it to not ring anymore. AT least not tonight. After dialing the room service extension, Jay placed the phone on speaker in case Sam wanted to add in his two cents and order anything else. "Room service, how may I help you?"

Jaeson smiled softly at the very familiar voice on the other end of the call. "Hey Clara, it's me." he said simply, having already spoken to the middle aged woman enough for his voice to be recognizable. There was a short pause, but the voice came again, this time significantly more chipper. "Jay, sweetie. What can I help you with? No, wait. Let me guess...our strongest Italian espresso?" the young doctor stifled a chuckle. The woman's comment was a testament to his probably unhealthy addiction to the dark liquid, it almost made him regret having put the call on speaker. "Yes ma'am." he responded, his gaze flickering to Sam. "Make that two. Have them brought up to room 8562". There was a soft hum on the other end of the line, and Jaeson could almost see what was coming.

"Jaeson Alexander Kim, are you on a date right now? I thought it was odd that you were still here." Jay was extremely thankful that he wasn't the type to be embarrassed so easily, otherwise his cheeks would be ripe tomato red right about now. He shot Sam a somewhat apologetic look before responding. "Come on, you know me better than that." There was a soft giggle that came effortlessly to the woman before she responded with an- "Of course, of course. They'll be right up." He gave Sam a chance to speak in case he wanted anything else before ending the call and placing the phone back in it's receiver. He couldn't deny he felt the least bit embarrassed. That had been a lot more of his personal side that hadn't meant to be shared with his patient.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

Sam grinned at Dr. Kim's jibe about getting injured. He was pretty sure that business people didn't tend to get into the state he was in. He didn't miss the doctor's look at his phone. Whatever that conversation had been, whoever it was with... Sam got the feeling this wasn't just an unpleasant breakup or an argument with a co-worker. It was something much more bitter. And Sam couldn't help but wonder how the doctor had gotten into a situation like that. He didn't come across as the confrontational or bitter type. How did someone like him end up so angry, so bitter?

And then the doctor smiled at the voice on the other end of the phone. He had a nice smile, a warm, genuine smile. It made Sam smile slightly just looking at him. He seemed familiar with her. Not just familiar, friendly. He greeted her by name, and she knew his order. Sam wondered if he'd always liked strong coffee, or if he'd just got an affinity for it when he'd started working as a doctor. Sam grinned at the doctor. He couldn't judge.

And then the woman asked if Dr. Kim- Jaeson, as she called him- was on a date. Sam couldn't help it. He laughed, grimacing slightly at the pain in his ribs. Not at the notion of being on a date with the doctor. If they'd met under any other circumstances, it would have been something he would have definitely considered. It was the doctor's reaction, the apologetic look. The thought that this was something that happened regularly. Their friendliness was nice to see after everything that had happened.

"Do you usually order coffee for your dates?" He asked casually, but wearing a smirk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: New Chicago Grand Suites
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

Jaeson couldn’t deny the fact that he’d been surprised by Sam’s sudden laughter. As enchanting as it was, it also brewed concern. Was dating a doctor really that bad? Well…maybe it depended on who you asked. If you were to ask Jay’s last partner, he would have rambled on about Jaeson never having any time for him and how terrible dating a doctor is, which seemed to be his excuse for cheating. Still, Jaeson considered himself someone worthy of being in a relationship with. Part of him wanted to ask Sam’s opinion on it, but the man hardly knew him. Unless he’d dated a doctor before himself, he wouldn’t know what to respond.

”Do you usually order coffee for your dates?” Jaeson’s head jerked up in response to the question. It sounded genuine, but the smirk said otherwise. Was he teasing? Jaeson decided to play along in case he was, leaning his weight back on his palms.

”I tend to.” he grinned, a failed attempt at mimicking the other man’s smirk. ”If I really like the person I might throw in some dessert.” he attempted to keep his face as serious as possible, but it would be clear to anyone that he was lying through his teeth. Jaeson had done many things in the past year or so, but going on dates was not one of them. Saying he was a little rusty in that department was an understatement. Not that it bothered him. He preferred to be alone than to run the risk of being heartbroken yet again.

The doctor’s almond eyes examined Sam carefully. His breathing, his movement, his pupils. They appeared to be a less dilated than they had been when Jay first saw him. That was certainly a good sign. After taking a moment to switch out the ice pack and put the used one in the freezer, Jay made himself comfortable on the bed again, his gaze not leaving Sam for a moment. The itching curiosity was back, or rather it never left. And unlike the last time, the man just couldn’t so himself from asking. ”So…” he took a quick breath, biting on his lower lip for a moment before he continued. ”How did you end up like this, exactly?” He paused again, lifting his hand up as if it were his defense. "I don't mean to be nosy, it's just.... this isn't exactly the typical injury I get here at the hotel." except for the handful that had come to him that same day, but they were nowhere near as beaten as Sam was.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

Jaeson clearly wasn't as accustomed to smirking as Sam. Sam had perfected his over years of flirting and trying to charm people into cutting him some slack. He raised an eyebrow and grinned at the comment about dessert. He also wasn't a terribly good liar, but Sam chose to let it slide. It wasn't like doctors had a lot of free time to date anyway.

Sam watched the doctor as he changed the ice pack. There was a certain... serenity to him and his movements. Sam was so used to a more... chaotic life. Since the breakup, he'd barely let himself have time to breathe. Putting in overtime, going out with his friends, going to the gym... staying as busy as possible. And even when he and Austin had been together, it hadn't exactly been quiet. There was just something about their lives. Even when they were at home, not arguing, there was something chaotic about them. They were both all passion, all energy. When they were good, they had been really good. So, so in love. But when they were bad... they destroyed each other.

The doctor put a new ice pack on his forehead, always watching him. He looked like he was thinking, and then the inevitable question came. Sam sighed, dropping his gaze to stare at his hands.

"So, I was checking my emails, being a good employee and all that. Then somebody started knocking the door. I didn't pay any attention to them, because I hadn't ordered room service and wasn't expecting anyone. And then... they kicked in the door. I leaped to my feet, but... I was outnumbered, I didn't stand a chance. I got a few good hits in, but eventually I just... played dead. Protected my head and face, didn't move. Made some smart comment as they were leaving. I don't think they cared what state I was in. Never went for my phone or wallet and... I think they mentioned somebody in my company as well. Not somebody I work with, but the name was familiar." Playing dead was a tactic they'd picked up in the army. If you knew attackers were in the area and you didn't have any cover or escape, play dead. Good to know that he still could remember something.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: New Chicago Grand Suites
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

Jaeson's features morphed into an unreadable expression as he listened to Sam retell the day's events. It sounded something out of an action film. If he didn't know any better, he'd say the man was making this all up to cover for someone. But Jay did know better, and two things gave him certainty that Sam wasn't fibbing. First was his sincerity as he spoke. He couldn't make something up like this even if he tried. Second, was his encounter with the two men in the elevator. Jay immediately connected the dots, even if he knew better than to jump to conclusions. It all seem to coincidental to not be connected.

"That's..." his dark eyes roamed Sam's face for any signs of incredibility, but the man looked just as confused as Jaeson felt. "I don't suppose you got a good look at their face?" he asked cautiously, realizing he hadn't gotten a good look at the two men's faces either.Regardless, it would probably be the smartest move to alert the police, or at the very least the hotel's security. Jaeson was just about to suggest this but was cut short by a soft knock at the door. "Room service." The doctor got to his feet and took a few long strides to open the bedroom door.

"Doctor Kim? I didn't know you were still here" Jay smiled at the familiar face handing him the coffees, and she responded with a smile of her own, tucking a strand of long, black locks behind her ear. "Yes, well, there was an emergency." he sated, stepping aside just enough for the girl to notice Sam's presence. Her lips twisted in realization, followed by what Jay recognized as disappointed. "I see. I guess going out for a coffee date would be out of your reach then." Jaeson shifted uncomfortably on his heels, not entirely sure how to respond to such a question. He didn't want to make the girl feel rejected, but he also knew for a fact that he wouldn't be going on a date anytime soon. Not with her or with anyone for that matter. "Rain check?" the petite girl nodded, seemingly satisfied with that, and left.

The room fell silent as Jaeson closed that door and turned back in the direction of the bed. One hand extended out to Sam to provide him with his drink while the other brought his own cup to his lips for a quick shot. "Drink with caution." he warned, a soft smile on his face, as he decided to not even address what had just happened at the door. Instead of making himself comfortable at the foot of the bed again, Jay set his cup down on the night stand and in one swift move, brought the room's small arm chair close to where he had been standing. If he sat closer to Sam it would be a bit easier to keep him awake, or so he hoped.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

xxxxlocation: hotel room xxxxoutfit: here


"i'm screaming cause you're already leaving
i'm just mad at myself.
yeah i almost believed them.
don't let me waste your time."

He shook his head as Jaeson asked if he'd seen their faces. He'd been too busy trying to stop them from kicking his head in. But before he could elaborate, there was a knock at the door with their coffee. He could overhear the conversation about getting coffee, and smirked a little bit. It certainly seemed like Jaeson was popular anyway. He drained the coffee in one, his grin widening as the taste hit him. It really was good, and nice and strong. The doctor moved the armchair to sit beside him, and the proximity was nice. Made things feel a little less informal. He knew that things were supposed to be formal; but Sam was going to have to stay awake all night, he didn't exactly want it to be stiff.

And in the end, Sam barely even felt the hours passing. If you asked him what exactly they spoke about, he wasn't even totally sure. They watched some movies, drank coffee that was more than strong enough to keep him awake, and just... talked. Before Sam really knew it, the sun was starting to rise and fill the hotel room with light. He was feeling fine; tired, but as alert as you could be after having been awake for that long, and starting to ache, but nothing some painkillers wouldn't fix.

"So, doc, I've proven that there's no serious damage. What now? Do you just sneak out before anyone else will be around and neither of us will say anything about it again? Or do I have to buy you breakfast or something?" Sam asked with a grin. He was severely fighting the temptation to stretch, because he knew that stretching would be much more painful than it would be worth.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaeson Kim Character Portrait: Sam Carlile
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0.00 INK

”Oh, I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on a lake”

Location: New Chicago Grand Suites
Dialogue: #32127A
Thought: #000080
Outfit: X

Jaeson hadn’t intended on talking as much as he did. Granted, he planned on keeping a conversation active to help Sam stay awake, but he hadn’t imagined it to be so…easy. The conversation part, that is. Being a doctor meant being skilled at small talk and keeping patients distracted, but that hadn’t exactly been the case with Sam. What started out as small talk turned into small anecdotes, which eventually morphed into longer and more personal stories. Stories turned into movies, and movies turned into talking about so many things Jaeson could hardly even remember. As easy and natural as old friends catching up after some time apart. Eventually night turned to dawn and the thin sunray began to make their way into the hotel room. Morning already. It’s not as if it had gone by in the blink of an eye, but it certainly passed much faster than Jaeson expected it to.

"So, doc, I've proven that there's no serious damage. What now? Do you just sneak out before anyone else will be around and neither of us will say anything about it again? Or do I have to buy you breakfast or something?” Jaeson’s calmed expressions morphs into one of amusement as his eyes give Sam a look over. He’s a tall man with broad shoulders, probably much heavier than Jaeson himself, but Jay figures he can at least help him get into a wheel chair. ”We’ve got nothing to hide here.” he states, though a certain memory of strangers suggests otherwise. ”And breakfast sounds really tempting right now” The doctor is now on his feet, his steps taking him towards the door. He steps out into the hallway for a moment, only to come back in with a wheelchair a few seconds later before adding. ”But I need to make sure the bones in your body are where they need to be.”

He rolls the chair as close to the bed as possible before out stretching his hands and arms to give Sam some assistance. He knows for a fact this will hurt him, even if just a little, but he can’t just leave him to fend for himself now. Jaeson has always been a firm believer in finishing what you started. ”I need to get you down to the clinic and do some exams. Then you’ll be free to go, never to see my face again.” he half jokes, though it’s mostly true. Something tells Jay that Sam won’t ever want to stay at this hotel ever again after the bad experiences. Even still, and as irrational as Jay knows it is, he can't help but hold a smidge of hope that a small part of Sam will want to see him again.

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