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Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct


There is a killer inside all of us. (more pple needed)

1,076 readers have visited Killer Instinct since sweet_angle66 created it.


(still looking for more people to join)

There is a killer inside all of us.
You might think otherwise but if you were to really consider the statement you would surely reassess your answer.

How far do you think a mother would go to protect her baby?
How far would a husband go to defend his wife?
How far would a brother go to guard his sister?

Just remember if you do not kill them they will kill you.
Are you ready to die?
Are you ready to say goodbye to everyone you ever knew?
Are you ready to say goodbye to everything you own?
Or will you fight for your life?
Fight for your family?
Fight for your friends?
Fight for your possession?

It’s in your hands.

The Game
Back when the Roman Empire ruled for entertained people enjoy watching human beings fight against each other, know as gladiatorial games. Although some folks disapproved of these forms of games it continued on and still occurs today. However, not everyone knows about these types of games because only a select number of people are able to watch them.

This modern gladiator game is known as ‘Eliminator’ and it is run each year with new contestants. However, you can only watch the game on your television by paying a larger amount of money. The game works as follows a group of people are captured and placed onto a deserted island. The only way out is to kill everyone else or be killed. For those watching it is almost like a horse race, they can bet money on the person they think will win.

The Island
The Island is quiet larger and to cross it take about two full days of walking. It is surrounded by water and not an island in sight for miles, so there is no point in trying to swim away. There are a few animals living on the island the largest being wild pigs. There are also birds, snakes, insects, mice, rabbits, fish and lizards which are all eatable if cooked correctly. Other means of food the island provides for players are plums, coconuts and a range of herbs. However, there are a few trees and bushes on the island that harvest fruit but they are poisoned so watch out. There are a few ruin buildings, such as a lighthouse and an old farmhouse which players can use as hideouts and shelters from the rain. Also players may find bones of pervious players scattered around the island.

The Island is also covered with cameras and speakers so the games hostess can communicate to the players. Every second day or so a plane will fly over the island and drop a package down for the players. The packages will contain things like food, first aid gear, weapons, new players etc. The hostess will then provide direction on how to find the packages. Also to encourage the killing she may sometimes read out some personal information about players.
The Contestants
This is who you will be playing in the roleplay. They have to be aged between 18-40 and have to be human, no magic, no superpowers etc. Also they do not know anything about this television game. The contestants all share something in common and that is that they all do not cherish the gift of llife (i.e. If you have seen the saw movies, you will know what I am talking about).

Some examples:
-criminal (don’t want everyone to be a criminal tho be creative)
-drug users
-corrupt law officer
-drug dealer
-cuts oneself
-having an affair/cheating on husband/wife/gf/bf
-having pretend illness or injury to get compensation
-framed someone for a crime you committed

The contestants wake up in different parts of the island unsure of how they got here. Also each player will have a small bomb attached to their ankle which will go off if they try to take it off or try to escape. There is no way to get the bomb off without killing yourself!

Character Profile
Appearance: description/real image
Occupation: if they have a job
Reason: the reason why they are one the island
Brief History: doesn't have to be very long

*So basically the contestants are forced to kill each other off and become the sole survivor. The last man or woman standing will be able to leave the island with a large sum of cash. Pervious winners have said the experience has changed their lives; they have been so called ‘reborn’.

Toggle Rules

1. I'm gm, so what i say goes :)
2. Violence HIGH ENCOURAGE, this is a survival and fighting rp so kill kill kill, however do not make too graffic stay in the roleplay gateway rules. ALSO you have been warned that this is more of a +18 rp so do not bother joining if you can stand blood and brutal killings.
3. Swearing allowed, but again dont over do it.
4. Romance is welcome, keep it within rules and dont fall to much in love because in the end one of you will have to die..mwhahaha, by all means flirt your way to the end if you like.
5. Creative characters, dont want them all to be criminal and they cant all be killing machines from the start, so please have weak scared characters at the start. Also your welcome to have your character die and create a new one, but you can only have one character in rp at the time.
6. No on liners, at least 2 or more paragraphs and post as much as you can, and please let me know if you can post for a couple of days.
7. Your welcome to create your own npc but just dont create like 50 of them, there are only supposed to be about 15 actual people in the game.
8. No godmoding and all that crap, no human is invincible so get hurt becuase otherwise its no fun.
9. Respect each other and most importantly have fun :)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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The sudden drop of the head woke the young woman up. Her eyes slowly opened as they tried to adjust themselves to the bright sunlight shinning down on her. “Man my head hurts…” she rubbed her temples before noticing a field of flowers before her. What the hell? Where am I? She rose to her feet dusting off her work uniform before taking a closer look at her surroundings. Just then she heard something crackling, like loud speakers would do when turned on. Natasha then heard a female voice speaking:

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to the Eliminator. The rules are simple; the only way you are going to return back to where you all came from is to kill everyone else. It is pretty obvious that none of you care much for anyone else or yourselves therefore killing someone won’t be much of a challenge for you….”

Natasha looked around and took a few steps into the field of flowers trying to work out where the voice was coming from.

“You would have noticed by now a small device strapped to your ankles….”

Natasha looked down at her ankle, seeing the black strap around her foot. “What the fuck?” She sat down and started tugging at the device, trying to see if she could slip out of it.

“Do not bother trying to take it off because it will only explode killing anything in a radius of two metres. Then again if you wish to die then go right ahead. Also do not bother swimming for help because we are miles away from any other shoreline.”

The insurance executive immediately stopped pulling hearing that it could explode and kill her. What was going on? Is this some kind of joke…or dream. She pinched herself trying to wake herself up if it was a dreamt but nothing happened.

“This is all you need to know for now. I wish you all the best!”

The female voice cut off and there was silence again. Only the faint whistling of birds could be heard. “VERY FUNNY JAKE….get this thing off me now…..HELLO?” She called out and then waited for an answer but there was nothing. “This is bullshit,” she whispered underneath her breath as she decided to just start walking. She would eventually pump into someone and hopefully they would know what was going on.


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“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to the Eliminator. The rules are simple; the only way you are going to return back to where you all came from is to kill everyone else. It is pretty obvious that none of you care much for anyone else or yourselves therefore killing someone won’t be much of a challenge for you….”

Greg raised his head up slightly, with the loud voice that seemed to shelter the whole island with no escape from the noise coming from wherever the hell these speakers were. He had only caught about half of this speech that this unseen woman was telling since he had just woke up. He was on a beach. Greg rolled over from his side to his backside and looked up, quickly covering his eyes and face from the bright sun beaming down at him.

He rolled back over and crawled up, listening to everything this mysterious woman was saying. Who did this woman think Greg was? Some kind of serial killer? When she began to speak about the small box tied to his ankle though, he quickly forgot about the rest and looked down at it.

“Do not bother trying to take it off because it will only explode killing anything in a radius of two meters. Then again if you wish to die then go right ahead. Also do not bother swimming for help because we are miles away from any other shoreline.”

"Where the hell am I?" asked Greg, though there was nobody around him. The woman finally shut up, and he had time to hear his own thoughts, uninterrupted. So, he was on an island, with no way off, and the only way to get off it was to kill the other people that were here. This was the craziest thing he had ever heard. And Greg didn't want to kill anyone. Why couldn't he have just been sent to jail like everyone else. Why did Greg have to be on this island and forced to play this game when all he did was kill a man who deserved it. There were serial killers and rapists and who knows what else out there, and they chose a man who killed to protect his mother. This place and these people who put him here are messed up.

Greg had no idea what to do here. The rules were simple, yes, but should he even do it. He wanted to get back home, but not enough to take people's lives for it. He was still mentally scarred from killing Will, and he beat his mother countless times. How could Greg kill people that he didn't even know. Maybe they didn't even do anything that bad. They were just in the same boat as him. "Forget it," he said aloud again.

He stood up, and looked around, running his fingers through his short, blonde hair. He guessed he might as well look around, but should also keep alert. He may not want to hurt anyone, but who knows what freaks were on this island with him.


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“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to the Eliminator. The rules are simple; the only way you are going to return back to where you all came from is to kill everyone else."

Kill everyone else? Heathe straightened up and looked around, waiting for the voice to continue, he didn't exactly mix with murderers, and he considered himself above causing death by his own hands, he shrugged, Like hell am I going to die. he grinned and reached for is pockets before pausing to listen to the speakers again,

"It is pretty obvious that none of you care much for anyone else or yourselves therefore killing someone won’t be much of a challenge for you….”

True. Heathe nodded and looked around quietly, Now is there more or are we going to kill with our bare hands? he chuckled at the thought and wondered how low his chances were of surviving. He noted that he was on a beach, This better not be an island. He growled quietly and looked around and noticing the lush foliage that was behind him,

“You would have noticed by now a small device strapped to your ankles, do not bother trying to take it off because it will only explode killing anything in a radius of two meters. Then again if you wish to die then go right ahead."

"And then there's the catch. Or at least something of one." Heathe only scratched his ankle, feeling out the small object, it was a cool metal, and it was wrapped tightly against his skin, "I'm amazed I hadn't noticed it earlier." He shook his head,

"Also do not bother swimming for help because we are miles away from any other shoreline.”

At that, he only let out a foul string of curses and swears, kicking sand everywhere. Heathe paused, waiting for more, he frowned when there was no more of the speech. He sighed and looked around again, stuffing his hands in his pockets, and made a note of looking for some sharp sticks or something. After a few minutes of checking his pockets to find nothing, Heathe wandered into the foliage, hopefully, he would just avoid everyone and the rest would kill themselves off.


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She placed her hands onto his chest as he held his right shoulder; the razor-blade knife in her hand as she softly hummed to her favorite song. Her maroon colored hair hung down on her left shoulder as she tilted her head slightly to the left; a sadistic smile that complemented her face. She was wearing a red leather skirt with a white polo and red stilettos; the co-worker behind her seemed too much in shock to do anything right now. "Wh-what are you doing?!" The old man croaked out of his throat. "Oh, well isn't that a simple answer? What a stupid question." She giggled before putting the knife into his hand. The man wailed as he felt the knife pierce his flesh and rip through his muscles to touch his bone; blood oozed out as she smiled. Her hands where brought towards his neck, her thumbs gently setting on his thyroid cartilage.

All that came out of her mouth was giggles as the man's eyes dilated at what she was about to do; her thumbs pressed down hard as he choked and mummer words that couldn't be recognized. She bit her lower lip with her smile as he became silent and his body became still; she took out the knife when his body was completely still and started to undress him until he was completely naked. "The human body really is fascinating, don't you agree Martin?" She asked the co-worker who just slid down the wall, scared half to death to even breathe. She placed her knife at the old man's head and pushed it down until she couldn't push it down anymore; she slid it down his face which used up most of her strength, yet, she still continued. She dug the knife under the flap of the cut skin and made sure it was under his eyeball. She gripped her hand under the free flap and at the same time, ran her knife under his skin while forcing it to herself, skinning the whole right side of his face.

"Doesn't the sound of" She grunted as she struggled to pull it all the way back. "Ripping flesh make you have goose bumps? I" She grunted again. "I never knew how fun it was to kill someone!" She laughed; though, before she could even continue to the other half of his face, the door busted open and about five or six different police officers swarmed in and around her, pulling her off of the body. She swung around her knife, trying to hit one of them but instead, she got knocked across the back of her head and everything went black from then on and until the next day.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to the Eliminator. The rules are simple; the only way you are going to return back to where you all came from is to kill everyone else." Her eyes opened a little as she heard the voice; a small pounding sensation came to her head and she sat herself up by propping her hand behind her. It was strange, yesterday, she was collecting her stuff and had on a new pair of clothes and now, well she had her new pair of clothes, but she was stuck somewhere on where she didn't want to be. "It is pretty obvious that none of you care much for anyone else or yourselves therefore killing someone won’t be much of a challenge for you….”

Her hand slid onto her face before she made a have laugh come out of the pit of her throat. Oh, so I guess karma is catching up to me, eh? She thought, thinking back killing the man who fired her. “You would have noticed by now a small device strapped to your ankles, do not bother trying to take it off because it will only explode killing anything in a radius of two meters. Then again if you wish to die then go right ahead." "Oh, so I guess I shouldn't take off this thing?" She asked herself, tapping on the small bomb that was around her ankle; she let out a slightly annoyed sigh before she stood up and stretched backwards, releasing what ever tension that was being built up in her joints.

"Also do not bother swimming for help because we are miles away from any other shoreline.” And with that, the female voice was silent; she looked up in the air and around herself before she started to walk to what she thought was north, already stiff and tired.


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“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to the Eliminator. The rules are simple; the only way you are going to return back to where you all came from is to kill everyone else."
The voice of the loud speaker said as Chloe looked around warily.
"Where am I, why am I here?" She mumbled, not really expecting an answer.
"It is pretty obvious that none of you care much for anyone else or yourselves therefore killing someone won’t be much of a challenge for you….” The voice continued.
“You would have noticed by now a small device strapped to your ankles, do not bother trying to take it off because it will only explode killing anything in a radius of two meters. Then again if you wish to die then go right ahead." The voice said as Chloe took a look at her ankle that was strapped with a bomb very much like a house arrest bracelet.
"Also do not bother swimming for help because we are miles away from any other shoreline.” The voice said lastly before all went silent and the severity of the situation started to sink in.
"Who are you!.... Answer me!" Chloe yelled in frustration. When she got no answer she got up and began to look for someone who could help her figure what exactly was going on.

OOC: Are pictures allowed?


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Greg still had no idea what to do. He had been pacing the beach, thousands of different thoughts running through his mind. Should he go into the forest? Should he try to find an escape even though the woman said there wasn't one? Should Greg even leave his spot? He finally gave up on each thought going through his head, and decided to head into the woods. Maybe he could find someone else and see what was going on. The jungle was very disgusting looking and there was almost a visible net of gnats and mosquitoes covering the air. He ventured in, pushing the brush away as he trekked through the horrid mess of a jungle.

After about ten minutes of walking, Greg still hadn't run into anyone or anything except bushes, weeds and trees. He was beginning to get angered and frustrated and began to swat at anything in his path to more forest. He was literally making no progress it seemed, and hadn't heard a single sound until he finally stopped for a minute. In those few seconds, however, Greg heard a faint clicking noise and then the sound of something electronic moving around it seemed. "What the hell?" he mumbled to himself as he flipped around, looking every which way. Greg looked up at all the trees and finally found what was making the noise.

Up in one of the trees above him, was a small flashing red light that was part of what looked like a camera. One of those security cameras you see in the action movies or in highly secure areas. So they were definitely being watched. This pissed him off even more than he already was. Greg moved closer to the camera and lifted up his right hand and flipped off the camera. "Fuck all of you," he said to whomever might be behind the camera, watching his every single move, probably laughing right now at his misery.

Greg turned around and kept walking. Another five minutes, and he found himself on the edge of a cliff. He was now looking out to a field of flowers, and then a small river flowing through the open field. Then more trees. Greg surveyed the landscape, looking for anyone and quickly saw movement to his left. It was definitely a woman(Natasha), running through the field towards the forest. "Hey!" he yelled to her and then once realizing what he had done, he covered his mouth and moved back to the trees. Earlier, the woman had told them that they had to kill everyone else to make it out. What if this person would actually do it, no feelings involved, just out to kill.

Greg might have just gotten himself in danger of being the first dead on this stupid island.


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The Forrest or the beach? Chloe debated as she looked around a for a couple minutes before finally deciding that the beach would be a safer route when all of a sudden she heard a voice and looked around quickly to find where it came from.
"Hello?" She called waiting a few seconds before running down to the beach in search of a weapon, something she could use just in case she came into contact with one of the less "friendly" players of the game.
"This will do..." Chloe said as she picked up a broken sea shell and tucked into her bra for safe keeping.


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Natasha kept walking heading into the bushes but it didn’t take her long to hear something causing her to halt. She looked around, hearing feet running. They appeared to become closer. “Stop running Peter Jackson…you can’t escape justice..” a stranger called out.

Peter Jackson. I know that name. She brushed her hair out of her face as her mind flashed back to a news report she had seen. Peter Jackson was accused of raping children, luring them to his home by pretending to be a talented agent. Although the evidence of the prosecutors was solid the jury found him not guilty and he walked away a free man. Her flashback was interrupted as she was pushed over onto the ground. “OUCH!..what the hell?” She hit the muddy ground pretty hard before gazing up to see the man known as Peter Jackson staring at her. “You have to...” but before he could finish out of know where an arrow came flying towards him and penetrated his skull.

Natasha screamed out as she shuffled back trying to get away as the man’s body fell into the ground. “Holy shit..holy crap...” That lady was not joking. She shuddered lightly giving the man a nudge to see if he was actually head. I have to get out of here. She quickly rose to her feet not caring much about getting the dirty and leafs off as she stepped over the body. “Well hello pretty lady..” called a husky voice. Her head turned towards where she had heard the voice seeing a much larger man that Mr Jackson standing 10 metres or so away from her. In his right hand he was holding a crossbow. Where did he get that?

Just then she noticed the man moving, he slowly began to pick up his pace into a run heading straight towards. Oh crap. She knew that it was her queue to go, she decided to head back to the field. She ran as fast as she could not looking back once because she was too afraid that it would trip her up and the crazy killer would getter.

Once she got to the fields she slowed down a little, trying to catch her breath a bit. ”Hey!”. His got me. Without really looking around or noticing how the voice was much different Natasha hit the deck. For some reason she thought that he wouldn’t see here amongst all the floors. Arms wrapped over her head as she closed her eyes and just waited. “Please…please don’t get me..” she softly whispered to herself.

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Character Portrait: Heathe Marlows
0 sightings Heathe Marlows played by OverworkedWarden
"I... Shouldn't be here."
Character Portrait: Greg Boucher
0 sightings Greg Boucher played by Jayhawker010
"I did it to protect my mother...I don't belong here."

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Roger J. Shull
Character Portrait: Natasha Williams
Character Portrait: Chloe Joan Anthony


Character Portrait: Chloe Joan Anthony
Chloe Joan Anthony

"Kill or be killed?... I-I'm not too sure about this."

Character Portrait: Natasha Williams
Natasha Williams

"Please don't hurt me, I am innocent."

Character Portrait: Roger J. Shull
Roger J. Shull

The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I will walk carefully.


Character Portrait: Natasha Williams
Natasha Williams

"Please don't hurt me, I am innocent."

Character Portrait: Chloe Joan Anthony
Chloe Joan Anthony

"Kill or be killed?... I-I'm not too sure about this."

Character Portrait: Roger J. Shull
Roger J. Shull

The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I will walk carefully.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Natasha Williams
Natasha Williams

"Please don't hurt me, I am innocent."

Character Portrait: Chloe Joan Anthony
Chloe Joan Anthony

"Kill or be killed?... I-I'm not too sure about this."

Character Portrait: Roger J. Shull
Roger J. Shull

The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I will walk carefully.

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Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

@wild: no biggy about the double post, i thought you were talking about the ic and i got so confused but its okay, double posting can happen sometimes and i dont really care about it! oh that must be really excited, well hope you have a safe trip and move and we will be waiting for you to come...well the rp will continue but your character can just be hidden in the jungle somewhere away from everyone lol

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

In OOC.(:

I won't be on for some time since we are moving to another state and the internet access will be gone for some time.(: Please understand.:D

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

@wildwolf: wheres your double post? i cant see it *scratches head* am i blind or did you delete it or something?

sorry everyone for taking so long ot post been a bit busy.

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

Oops, It's Natasha. I was actually reminding myself to write who he had seen's name so everyone would know bc that annoys me when people don't do that, but of course I forgot. I'll edit it.

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

Sorry for double posting, but who is Greg yelling to? Is it some random person? Sorry, its just I don't really want to ignore it if he is talking to someone.(:

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

Thanks everyone. -^_^- I actually had a longer post I was going to put up, but I thought it was too gruesome so I had to re-write... =_=;

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

WildWolf! Your post was freaking awesome haha. I just thought you should know. I love stuff like that and wish I could write like that :)

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

@wildwolf: WELCOME..and your post is fine.

@jay: great idea.

I just realised that i forgot something in the rules, you cant kill anyones character without there permission.

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

I just posted, if there is anything wrong with my post, then feel free to tell me about it.

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

Hey angel, maybe to get more characters, you should re-edit the intro and in the synopsis thing, and say that we are still in need of characters. That's what I usually do when my rp's need more characters.

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

Start posting guys and hopefully more people will join!

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

YAY to all the characters, great job guys, very creative!

I will try and get a post up either tomorrow or tuesday!

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

Alright glad there is no rush because I honestly don't have the brain power to think up a good story for my character tonight. Once I'm back from vacation on Sunday, I'll definitely get the character in :D

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

Take your time there is no rush, I am currently studying for my exams for next week (well i should be lol) we properly wont start this rp officially until wednesday of next week maybe earlier.

Re: [OOC] Killer Instinct

Definitely doing this Roleplay. Such a great idea! I'll get a character in later tomorrow though. Sorry but I'm on a vacation and can't get on my laptop till night

[OOC] Killer Instinct

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Killer Instinct"

This rp will feature:
-adult themes
-mild coarse language
-drug references and/or drug use


hey everyone :)