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Storm Warning: Season One

Storm Warning: Season One


Ever wanted to be a hero? Well now you can be, in this new story about a group of people who discover they have mysterious powers after a world-changing event...

2,776 readers have visited Storm Warning: Season One since DarKnight36 created it.



Ten years ago to the day, the world went dark. All the stars in the sky were blotted out, the sun vanished, the moon overshadowed. Flames could not be lit, electricity would not run... Panic struck the world as people were trapped where they were, unable to find their way in the sudden darkness. However in the pitch black of the new world, some would hear a voice. These few individuals gained a power, unlike anything that had ever been known...


Storm Warning

As more and more individuals have appeared with mysterious powers, the government has begun issuing orders for anyone with powers to turn themselves in to enter a training program. Crime has taken strange new twists as those with powers use them for selfish or evil purposes. At the same time, heroes have begun appearing, helping the local law as vigilantes of justice.

One town in particular has gathered a large group of these people, and the government has ordered a lockdown of the city. Inside, things are getting out of control, and it is up to those, on this anniversary of the Storm, who are willing to put their lives on the line, to save their city from destruction.


Character Creation:

Every character should have these rules when creating:

1. An adequate description, following the form below.

2. A superpower. I will be managing these closely, so make something that will not be overpowered, or too generic, or I will ask you to edit. Generally, the RP will be aimed at channeling a certain element or object, such as steel, ice, etc. However, other powers may be accepted, just submit and I'll take a look!

3. A weakness for your superpower. To use a known example, in the video game Infamous, Cole uses lightning powers, and thus cannot use machinery or wade/swim in water.

4. A normal background. There are no aliens, no experiments, none of that at this point in the story (and maybe not ever). Every character was a normal person until they gained their powers, which can be anywhere from the day the RP starts to ten years ago during the Storm.

Try to model your characters using this form:



The main characters you create for this story will work together as a team, with the end goal of freeing the city. However, during the story, you will be able to help or hinder other teams running around the city. Each team has a specific goal, and helping one may make you an enemy of the other. It will be important to consider your options, and your objectives, when such options are available.

Heavenly Flame
Affiliation: Renegade
Leader: Deven Heath
Goal: The Heavenly Flame are often seen as the city's protectors; they fight crime rigorously, and often put themselves at risk for the average citizen. They believe that their powers were given to them in order to combat wrongdoers and keep the normal person safe.

Iron Fist
Affiliation: Government
Leader: "Jack"
Goal: To find and integrate all super-powered individuals into the government program, to be placed into teams such as Iron Fist. This is the oldest and strongest team the government has to offer, sent here due to the amazingly high concentration of supers in the city.

The Tricksters
Affiliation: Renegade
Leader: Currently unknown
Goal: The Tricksters care little for normal humans, and believe that the supers should be free of normal concerns. Their goal is to build a utopia for supers, where everyone with powers can live in peace. Many of the members believe that they are superior and deserve more than the normal person.

Guardian Spirits:

At a certain point in the story, every character will be able to manifest their power as a guardian spirit, whether this is an animal, an object, or another person. Although this is optional, I encourage everyone to consider what their power would manifest as. These manifestations' abilities are up to you as a writer, along with their characteristics, such as the power of speech.

Other Stuff:

There are a few general rules for the superheroes in this thread. Along with your power, your characters will experience heightened physical capabilities. They will be able to heal faster, run farther, see better, etc, than your average human. Every superpower will have a limit that will be reached, until it will need to be "recharged". Most of the characters in this thread will be vulnerable to the same things normal humans are, i.e. if you get in a car crash, you can die. However, some superpowers will render certain vulnerabilities moot.

Please be patient with posting. Take your time. There's no rush. If you have an plot idea you wish to contribute, run the general gist of it by me first, and I'll be able to work it in. I'll be counting on you guys to breathe life into this RP, so bring your ideas and let's make a great story out of this!

Toggle Rules

1. Respect other players. Don't make fun of what other people write, and don't write something that will majorly influence a character or the plot without asking permission.
2. No godmodding. Remember, powerplaying helps no one.
3. Use good grammar, and try to spell things correctly. I don't mind cussing if it is kept to a minimum. If you're struggling with any of these, I will message you about them. However, I only expect effort, not perfection!
4. Let's all have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Desiree Character Portrait: Julian Snake
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#, as written by Nulix
Julian stared back at the woman as she left, his eyes tracing her as she walked away. "Your loss, sweetheart," He murmured, cracking his neck before exploding, nothing but fading purple teleportation dust where he once stood. He suddenly reappeared behind a screaming civilian in the square - dressed in an Armani suit with a gold studded breitling watch . "Woah, watch out!" Julian called as he ripped the watch off the man and quickly pick-pocketed him. "Monsters about, be careful!" He called before skidding over to woman who gasped in fear. "Woahno! Can't die from the monster!" Snake said as he slipped a purse out of her clutches and continued on to his next panicked target.

Julian was a criminal, you see.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband
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0.00 INK

"Wow, I'm never fighting this," Contraband informed Maverick as he fought against the creature. "But what I will do, is aid the public inoffensive counter-measures..." he informed everyone loudly, shouting so the whole block can here him. He then dove through a window in a nearby building and hunga cardboard sign outside of the window that spelled out, 'Weaponz.'

"We uh, we sell by the pound," Contraband informed the populace, still hiding from behind the window.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick
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0.00 INK

Maverick summoned another fireball, this time using both hands to create a massive ball of fire.

"Your... chance!" he called, throwing the fire forward like a giant volleyball at the creature. A tendril raced out as the fireball closed, grasping onto Maverick. Maverick groaned as he felt his energy begin to be drained.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Julian Snake
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nulix
Julian paused as he spotted a man throw a fireball at the disgusting beast. "Jesus," He murmured, taken aback by the raw display of power from the strange, fire blasting man. He glanced up at the creature as it seemingly became more violent and began to back away. "I uh... I think I made enough profit here," He murmured to himself, packing his stolen goods in the bag before looking away to somewhere to teleport.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Kelsier Achylis Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Joung Nae Character Portrait: Astro Character Portrait: Julian Snake
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0.00 INK

Narissa jumped out of the car and smiled at the young man who had fallen out of the wall's shadow. "Really? Shadow Powers? Cool!" She then turns to Kelsier, about to ask a question but Jack interrupts her with an order. Her face becoming serious, Narissa turned away and followed after Jack, keeping up despite her heeled shoes. "Yes Sir!"

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Jack's eyes widened underneath his sunglasses as he saw the creature in the square.

"Code red!" he yelled, yanking off his glasses and casting them aside. "Narissa! Secure the citizens!"

Jack leaped forward, grabbing a citizen entangled by a tendril. The tendril attempted to attach itself to Jack, but instead, Jack's hands grasped the tendril and tore it apart.

"Careful," he called to his companions. "This thing drains energy." More tendrils attached themselves to Jack, but Jack grasped them and ripped them apart as well.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Joung Nae
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0.00 INK

"I told you not to throw it right away!" Joung snapped at him, while still holding her arm up. "Listen to me! Try to fire another one! It doesn't have to be enormous! More people are being hurt, so be quick!"

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Joung Nae Character Portrait: Astro Character Portrait: Julian Snake
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0.00 INK

Astro watched as he saw flames shooting up from a guys hand down below at the huge monster. "what does the voice mean, theirs no way we can take this thing on!" "Damn!, all this time spent running, and the government as well as this bull shows up!"

Astro looks down at the civilians and the display of powers popping left and right. His thoughts began to become a fuzz overshadowed by the screams. "Gosh!, when did i sign up to play hero!" Astro takes out his feather and turns into a hawk flying full speed towards the guy with flame, and a now visible girl beside him, clawing at a tendril on the way down.

Reaching the ground beside them he grabbed the guy ripping a bit of his shirt. "Names Astro looks like you could use a hand." Astro turns into the guy and erupts in flames. After a minute of freaking out he was able to get the guys powers just under enough control to shape and throw it at the attacking tendrils."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Joung Nae Character Portrait: Astro
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0.00 INK

"Right!" Narissa looks around and seeing a puddle on the ground she smiles. Looking around Narissa waves a hand at one group of civilians and a wall of water rises in front and above them, separating the civilians from the creature and it then freezes, making a solid barrier. Running over she spoke loudly to be heard by the quite large group. "Everyone go this way! We have the situation under control! Please return to your homes or go to a safe house!" As the group of people leaves she waves a hand at the wall of water and it changes back to water and moves towards the other group of civilians in the town square.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mackamp
While retreating from the bluff, Quinn thought she saw a building move below, in Nexus. " Don't be insane, buildings don't move." Intrigued she took a second look....."no wait, that is not building!" Straining to see more......”whoa was that a fireball thrown at that octopus like monster?" Uncertain of what was going in Nexus. "I think I will wait it out up here.” Suddenly the voice spoke to her with such force that it knocked her off her feet. It was undeniable to her that she was supposed to be in Nexus now! Brushing off her pants, she scoured the area for the right size boulder. Pointing at the boulder, it levitated 6 inches above the ground. While she threw her arms towards the edge of the bluff she ran and jumped on the boulder. Off she went to whatever lay below.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mackamp

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Maverick broke free of the tentacles with difficulty, gasping for breath. He shot more flames, small tufts of fire that cut through the misty tendrils. He began summoning another fire blast, as the last one had seemed to do some damage.

"All right, here goes," he shouted at Joung, hoping that her idea worked.

Jack, meanwhile, was taking more and more of the creature's attention as he continued to tear off its limbs. A dozen offshoots snagged onto Jack at once, bringing the man to one knee before he ripped them all clear.

"What a strange creature," Jack muttered. "I might actually need to power up for this."

14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Desiree Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Kelsier Achylis Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly Character Portrait: renta katsugara+codex Character Portrait: Joung Nae Character Portrait: Alexander Draak Character Portrait: Henry Spencer Jones Character Portrait: Astro Character Portrait: Julian Snake

...and 2 others.

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A blimp was hovering over the city as the creature attacked. Contraband's voice emitted from the blimp's loudspeaker, loudly relaying a message for everyone in the city, "Attention one, attention all! A horrific creature is attacking the city and panic is running through the streets. Schools are closed, work is put on hold, and what I can only assume is general looting and chaos is running rampant in the streets," Raphael informed the populace. "Some old diseased man is stealing your iphone and throwing up on your car right now! and yes, I'm talking to you!" Contraband spat at no one in particular.

"If a band of heroes can come and save the day....well, they might just need some armaments to help 'em do the job. Just come by Contraband's, located at 32nd and Shatner street!" the salesman pitched. "We got ammo, we got blades...and maybe even a sock-it launcher or two! What's that? Ya got your own weapons. They're worthless. Garbage. Get rid of 'em. Stop having boring weapons, stop having a boring life," Contraband reprimanded the fools in his domain. And hey, if our heroes fail and this is indeed the end times...we got food AND water! Most shops aren't prepared for ANY emergency...but Contraband's is."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist"
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0.00 INK

After everyone had been removed from the immediate area Narissa bolted over to Jack, wanting to ask him what to do. As she moved around the creature one of the misty tentacles latched onto her arm and Narissa frowned and ripped it away. As a sudden new idea came to her she waved her arm up slightly and then started skipping towards Jack. This time when a second misty appendage tried to grab her it seemed to slip and slid across her skin before retreating, unable to get a grip. Once she had reached Jack Narissa smiled at him and brushed away another tentacle with ease. "Anything else you need me to do Jack?" As she spoke she saw the blimp overhead and heard the advertisement and shook her head a little. "disgusting...." She muttered under her breath before returning her attention to her leader.

From inside the bar Desiree heard the advertisement and looked around to see a few of her customers tense up, including some of the regulars. With a sigh Desiree hopped up onto the counter and spoke out loud, placing her hands on her hips as she did. "Okay listen up people. I want anyone who's leaving to do so calmly and I want people who are staying to allow them to leave and to behave if they stay. If you guys give me any shit I'll kick your asses! I'm not in the mood." A group of roughly 15 people left the bar and once everything was calm again Desiree hopped off the counter and went back to serving drinks.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly Character Portrait: Astro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mackamp
Touching her vial, that was filled with the earth from her family grave-site, Quinn felt energized. It took her the better part of three years to learn how to re-energize her powers and another two before she felt confident enough about her abilities and how she could use them. As she threw the next boulder, she aimed for the closest rooftop. With all the havoc below no one heard her land. Now she could hear the tv commercial being spewed from the blimp hoovering by the monster. " I heard this place was a little bit crazy, but that takes the cake" rolling her eyes in disdain. Observing the situation; Quinn noted that most of the people were out of reach of the creature, but not out of danger, also, there was a insane guy hacking away at the monster's tentacles, another guy shooting flames at the monster and some other person that turned from a hawk to a human. "I wonder how I can help?" She had spent so many years covering up her abilities, that she was losing her nerve minute by minute. She touched her vial and raised her arms and pointed at the brick building that was supporting the weight of the creature. "It is now or never! Watch out below!" The building started to crumble.........

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"Look out!" Jack called out to Narissa, grabbing her arm and pulling her close as the building fell down. Maverick, struck by a piece of rubble, released the fireball accidentally, which collided with the creature at roughly the same time the building did.

With a scream, the jellyfish creation flattened, the last bits of it burning away from Maverick's fire. Jack slowly released the wall of steel he'd created around himself and Narissa, and stepped forward.

"This will be trouble," he muttered. "Let's get back to base. We're going to have to rethink this." He headed back to the car, which had survived without a scratch.

Maverick fell backwards to the ground, exhausted.

"Ugh, let's not... let's not do that again," Maverick muttered. Above him, a being of light seemed to appear, visible to all the channelers, criminal and hero alike.

"This is but the first of many you will face," the being said, in a soft voice that was heard by every channeler in the area. "All of you will be forced into this war, whether you believe you can escape, whether you believe you can win. It matters not. The Storm will come back, and this time it will not be a gentle darkness. It will be a maelstrom of death that you must stop. Please remember this... and prepare."

The being slowly disappeared, leaving the heroes of our story to ponder this new development... and wonder just what they had gotten themselves into.

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Hearing a quiet rumble start Narissa looked away from Jack yet again, searching for the source of the noise. As she looked away she heard Jack shout at her as he grabbed her and pulled her closer to him. Despite his shouted warning Narissa still let out a yelp when he pulled her towards him. Having spent the majority of her remembered childhood in a government facility Narissa was unused to being touched other than for training or testing. Though Jack's hold on her was tight she managed to wiggle loose and as soon as he let down the wall she leapt away from him.

Following after Jack without hesitation despite her confusion from his physical contact with her, she nodded as he spoke and reached for the passenger door handle. Suddenly stopping, Narissa listened to the voice in her head with wide eyes and looked to Jack as it quieted. Without another word the blue haired girl slid into the passenger seat and shut the door behind her, assuming that they would speak about it later.


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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: renta katsugara+codex
Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick
Character Portrait: Alexander Draak
Character Portrait: Joung Nae
Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband
Character Portrait: Astro
Character Portrait: Astral
Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist"
Character Portrait: Henry Spencer Jones
Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly
Character Portrait: Kelsier Achylis
Character Portrait: Shito Arashi
Character Portrait: Desiree
Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel


Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel
Narissa "Rain" Variel

"Just cause I'm 16 doesn't mean I can't take care of myself... Oh! Is that candy?"

Character Portrait: Desiree

"My name? I'm sorry, you haven't earned it yet."

Character Portrait: Kelsier Achylis
Kelsier Achylis

They never saw me before why would that change.

Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly
Quinn Kelly

Quinn raised in a small towne and shield from the world by her large family and four overprotective brothers.

Character Portrait: Henry Spencer Jones
Henry Spencer Jones

Attorney-at-law, and more

Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist"
Jack the "Iron Fist"

The leader of the infamous Iron Fist government team of channelers.

Character Portrait: Astral

shy, loving, and a helpless romantic

Character Portrait: Astro

Can we make a difference?

Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband
Raphael Contraband

A discount? YOU want ME to give you a discount?! AHAHA!


Character Portrait: Astral

shy, loving, and a helpless romantic

Character Portrait: Joung Nae
Joung Nae

"Come on! We don't have enough time! Move, move, move!"

Character Portrait: Kelsier Achylis
Kelsier Achylis

They never saw me before why would that change.

Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist"
Jack the "Iron Fist"

The leader of the infamous Iron Fist government team of channelers.

Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel
Narissa "Rain" Variel

"Just cause I'm 16 doesn't mean I can't take care of myself... Oh! Is that candy?"

Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband
Raphael Contraband

A discount? YOU want ME to give you a discount?! AHAHA!

Character Portrait: Astro

Can we make a difference?

Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly
Quinn Kelly

Quinn raised in a small towne and shield from the world by her large family and four overprotective brothers.

Character Portrait: Alexander Draak
Alexander Draak

" I am but just man.. nothing more, nothing less"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kelsier Achylis
Kelsier Achylis

They never saw me before why would that change.

Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly
Quinn Kelly

Quinn raised in a small towne and shield from the world by her large family and four overprotective brothers.

Character Portrait: Astral

shy, loving, and a helpless romantic

Character Portrait: Henry Spencer Jones
Henry Spencer Jones

Attorney-at-law, and more

Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband
Raphael Contraband

A discount? YOU want ME to give you a discount?! AHAHA!

Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel
Narissa "Rain" Variel

"Just cause I'm 16 doesn't mean I can't take care of myself... Oh! Is that candy?"

Character Portrait: Joung Nae
Joung Nae

"Come on! We don't have enough time! Move, move, move!"

Character Portrait: Desiree

"My name? I'm sorry, you haven't earned it yet."

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick
Samuel Maverick

A young man who was wasting away until he discovered his powers. Now he feels he has found his purpose.

Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist"
Jack the "Iron Fist"

The leader of the infamous Iron Fist government team of channelers.

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Re: Storm Warning: Season One

Someone should really remake this

Re: Storm Warning: Season One

No problem laxnchill.

Sorry for the slow start guys, things will pick up once everyone meets together. My character, Maverick, is going to be where the action is centered, so if you want to speed things up, have your characters head towards the center of town.

Re: Storm Warning: Season One

ok i didn't finish the character quite yet but i have my powers developed out i just need to flesh out the actual character I'll try to take care of that after work tonight.

Re: Storm Warning: Season One

Heyo, i think my buddy venom mentioned i might be interested in, and now that i looked at the RP, it looks awesome i hope to have a character up in a few hours but just thought I'd stop by and say hey.

Re: Storm Warning: Season One

If anyone wants to recruit my character or just team up as free lancers send me a pm so we can set something up not sure how big of a rise it'll get outta everyone but first person to respond will get me most likely

Re: Storm Warning: Season One

First post is up! Everyone can go ahead and start posting now. The goal is to get everyone to meet up, by following the voice they heard during the Storm... Thanks for everyone who's joined, and if you're thinking of joining, please don't hesitate to submit a character!

Re: Storm Warning: Season One

As a heads up, the actual roleplay will start this weekend, Friday night. I live in Utah, so plan accordingly if you want to be there for the opening lines!

Characters will still be welcomed even after the RP officially starts, so if you want to join, please feel free!

Re: Storm Warning: Season One

That would be a great power!

The general rule for powers is that you want to balance out your strengths with weaknesses. For example, with teleporting, you could have a limit on the distance you can teleport, or how many times you can teleport in an hour. It's of course completely up to you!

I'd encourage everyone to make a power that will be exciting to have, and then think of ways to challenge yourself. That will make this RP more fun for everybody!

Re: Storm Warning: Season One

This sounds rather fun. I just wanted to run my power by ya before I went through making my character because my characters kinda grow around that.

I was thinking a flash/short range teleportation ability. Kind of a hit and run fighter. I'm pretty good at managing over power'dness but if you don't like it I can find something else

Storm Warning: Season One

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You may edit this first post as you see fit.