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a character in “Chaos City”, as played by IxqChuuya

So begins...

Zenith's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith
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#, as written by Sepokku
Dani inched back as Luto approached her, fear was plastered on her face and she acted as if Luto was coming to murder her. Her mouth went dry and her hand involuntarily went to the knife that rested under her pillow. As if noticing everything, Astrid put her hand on Luto's shoulder and shook her head.

The fear on Dani's face subsided slightly and she was suddenly capable of rational thought. "You died." She repeated the words as if they would come true if only she said it enough. "You're dead. Y-you." Her eyes glanced at Luto, and she started to freak out again, "Am I dead? Is this Hell?" Astrid took a step forward.

"Stay back!" Dani screamed so loudly her voice broke. Suddenly both of the knives were in her hands and she brandished them in a defensive posture. She stood on the bed so that her small height didn't matter, from this position she was the tallest in the room, "Stay the fuck back."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith
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#, as written by Sepokku
Dani clenched her teeth, frustration and anger evident on her face, her knuckles went white as she gripped the two knives. It wouldn't be hard to jump straight at Luto from here, putting one blade into the back of her neck and the other into her throat. She wasn't sure what to do, Astrid was still staring at her with the same serene expression she had on her face when she died. Tears began to stream down her face, "I saw you die!" Fight or flight kicked in and Dani threw herself out of the window, hitting the ground and immediately breaking into a run.

The night was dark, but Dani didn't care. Her bare feet pattered against the pavement as she did her best to lose her pursuers. Astrid opened her mouth as if to yell 'Stop!' but all she did was growl and chase after Dani.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith
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#, as written by Sepokku
Astrid's skin rippled as she shifted into the tiger/human hybrid she was most comfortable with. Throwing herself onto the nearest building, she made her way to the rooftop and ran after Dani, using her bird's eye view to safely follow her. Dani had to run out of energy sooner or later, Astrid just had to stay on her trail until then.

Jamie held a shotgun at the ready, it was loaded with white phosphorus rounds. It was procured to use on Alphonse but she appropriated it for what she needed. Luto wasn't far ahead of her, some sort of monster was blocking her egress. "Lame..." Jamie flipped the safety on the gun and unloaded a white-hot phosphorus round into the back of Molo's head. She pumped the gun and unloaded another round. With each step she took, she shot another round into Molo, not stopping until the gun was empty.

"Even if I can't kill you, I'm going to make this experience a painful one."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith
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#, as written by Sepokku
Jamie spat on the ground, "Keep Astrid's name out of your FUCKING mouth." Dropping to her knees, Jamie grabbed the desert eagle that was tucked into her pants. Using one arm to keep her aim level, Jamie began firing off shots at Molo's head. "I want to feel your pain." Her one good eye was locked onto the demon, an almost scary sense of calm washing over her. "All I want is for you to feel pain, fuck off, and die. In that order."

Jamie grabbed a vial of water out of her pocket, "Demons hate holy water, right?" She threw the vial at Molo and then put a bullet through the vial, causing the holy water inside to spray into the air, flecks of it landing on Molo.

Dani was exhausted, but she kept running, she wasn't sure where she was going, but she knew she had to go. Overhead, Astrid stalked after Dani. No matter how far Dani ran, she couldn't help but feel like someone was right behind her. It was driving her crazy, and she kept running.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith
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#, as written by Sepokku
"I said, keep her name out of your MOUTH!" Jamie turned towards the northwest and grabbed a knife from her belt, cutting herself across the hand, letting her blood spill to the ground. "Lord Paimon, your humble servant asks that you intercede. In the name of Adam Kadmon, I invoke the Ars Goetia and bring you to this mortal plane." The ground before her erupted into flames and a man wielding a fiery scepter appeared. He was sitting on the back of a black camel with red eyes and tusks. "You can have whatever you want, even my soul, I don't care. Just kill this son of a bitch."

Paimon turned towards Molo, and as he did hundreds of demons sprang up in a circle around them, they played trumpets, cymbals, and drums, to announce their King's arrival. Paimon grinned and let out a roar as he recognized Molo, "This'll be fun."

Dani saw the guy in front of her, and immediately decided he was a threat. She dropped to the ground and used one of her knives to sever his left Achilles tendon. As she did, he swung the bat like a golf club and hit her right in the stomach. She flew a few feet before landing, winded, and unable to get up.

Astrid watched Dani get slammed into the ground and suddenly everything turned red. With a pounce, she tried to land on the man's head as she had done just a few days prior. However, the man was fast and he ducked out of the way. She locked eyes with the man, her hackles rising as she let out a yowl. Astrid spoke for the first time in years, "Leave."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith
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#, as written by Sepokku
Paimon looked at Jamie, "I've no need of your soul, and Molo had this one coming. Ill take your good eye and dominant hand in exchange." He cast a look at Luto and shook his head as if upset.

Jamie raised her chin into the air, defiance on her face, "Done." As soon as she said it her eye and hand disappeared as if they had never been there. She fell to her knees and began to chant, "Lord Paimon has knowledge of all things, future, and past. He knows the secrets of the Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. His whispers revive the dead. All Hail Paimon."

Paimon smiled and raised his free hand so his palm was perpendicular to the ground. The ground shook and rose up as if something was tunneling towards Paimon. He grasped his hand into a fist and raised it into the air. As he did, Eliza's corpse floated out of the ground so that it stood by his side. "My child, I grant you time on this Earth once more. Rise up and live, I ask only one favor of you."

Beball and Abalam rose up beside Eliza, two demon kings that served under Paimon. Eliza looked at one, then the other, "Anything to live again." She licked her clawed fingers and turned towards Molo, "How's it hanging bitch brains?"

Astrid continued to stare down the stranger, fighting to keep her temper under control. She didn't care who this man was, brother of Luto or not, he was threatening and she didn't like that. Her bandaged arm pulsed and throbbed as if it was going to attack on its own. She growled again, "Leave."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith
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#, as written by Sepokku
Paimon cackled as his camel lazily chewed at nearby grass, "Kings don't dirty their hands." Shaking his head, Paimon continued, "You shouldn't have come to Earth you fool. Lucifer is pissed off beyond all reason. Why do you think fellow demons keep trying to kill you?"

Jamie continued to chant, her forehead touching the ground as she prostrated herself before Lord Paimon, "Paimon is third great King in Hell, second only to Lucifer and his apprentice. Lord Paimon grants powerful familiars and binds lordships to his will."

Smirking, Paimon raised his scepter and sent out a white-hot bolt of fire to cut across Molo's tongue, "My, my... Kiss your mother with that mouth?" Beball and Abalam took advantage of Molo's momentary weakness. One speared him in the side with a halberd, and the other jumped onto his back and began raking claws across Molo.

Astrid blacked out, her bandaged arm exploded into a massive black paw, fingers nearly two feet in length and ending in wickedly serrated claws. Her skin rippled again and she grew wings, the tigress form she had been wearing shifted suddenly and she was covered in white fur and silver scales. Her canines became wickedly elongated, like a vipers, and her eyes were suddenly slitted far beyond a cat's.

She jumped forward and slammed her head into Hitoshi's stomach, "LEAVE!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith
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#, as written by Sepokku
Paimon raised an eyebrow and sighed, "I suppose the contract was to end him." He looked back at Jamie, who was still face down on the ground mumbling her prayers. Paimon put his hand out and the ground opened into a dark black abyss, "Beball and Abalam, go with her. Make sure Molo lives no longer."

Astrid started to hyperventilate as Hitoshi retreated, all she could feel was anger and pain, she needed to tear something to shreds. The only one nearby was Dani. Poor small defenseless little Dani. Astrid towered over the unconscious girl for a long minute, then she let out a roar and sprinted into the city.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith Character Portrait: Hala Character Portrait: Jessie Character Portrait: TOUR YÊN TỬ
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#, as written by Hala
Character Portrait: Jessie Jessie says,
 “ Hi[quote][/quote] ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith Character Portrait: Hala Character Portrait: Jessie Character Portrait: TOUR YÊN TỬ
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#, as written by Hala
Character Portrait: Jessie Jessie says,
 “ Hi ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Luto Goldmind Character Portrait: Zenith Character Portrait: Hala Character Portrait: Jessie Character Portrait: Akun Zeus
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Character Portrait: Akun Zeus Akun Zeus says,
 “ hello ”