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Ezell Ohi

A Jedi foundling from the streets of Coruscant.

0 · 554 views · located in The Jedi temple among the clone wars

a character in “Starwars multiverse”, originally authored by Chocolate~Pyrus, as played by Lainpinky131


Ezell Ohi, born Ezel’lohi, is a Twi’lek from the streets of Coruscant. An untrained force-sensitive who is only with the Jedi for a free meal.


Ezell had spent almost her entire life homeless on the mean city streets. At the beginning, she’d lived in various hovels with her mother, but they were always forced to move whenever a security officer would chase them from wherever they’d been squatting. As a teen, she decided to strike out on her and was in and out of correctional facilities for petty crimes. She noticed early on that she possessed abilities she couldn’t explain, though she did not learn about the Force until the day she threw a rock with her mind at a stranger, one she would later learn was a Jedi. While waiting in jail, the Jedi offered her a chance to escape by joining the Jedi Order.


She likes to wear stylish and comfortable dark clothes and is never seen without her head wrap. She has blue skin and light purple eyes.

At about 18 years old, Ezell has always put herself first. She is laidback and head strong, and fully capable. She enjoys taking things easy and loves a good joke, but she refuses to be treated like one. A bit too prideful for her own good.


So begins...

Ezell Ohi's Story

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Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Just go along with it for a little bit, Ezell. Then just sneak out while everyone's asleep. You'll be back before you know it.

Yeah, right.

Ezell had lost count of how many times she'd tried to sneak out of the Jedi Temple, but every time she got close, there'd be some blasted droid, or padawan, or whoever that would report her to the Jedi masters. She was tired of always getting dragged back, back to the unfamiliar walls of the temple and back to the disapproving looks of the masters.

Ezell currently found herself in a Jedi assigned ‘time-out’. They could call it meditation if they wanted, but she knew better. She sat in the grass of a garden balcony and stared out into the cityscape of Coruscant. Speeders flew past—their shapes a dark contrast against the golden sky, in the distance she could vaguely make out the spaceport, ships coming and going with their cargo.

Down in the city where she used to live, she never got to see this much sky.

She supposed there were worse places to serve out one’s probation.

Her thoughts were interrupted as something flew past her lekku. She turned around to see a small, round maintenance droid scanning the exterior walls. The droid buzzed softly every time it used its scanner, and every few seconds it would make a variety of shrill beeps that made no sense to her.

She covered her ear cones with her hands to drown out the noise to no avail.

Ezell had never gotten along with droids before, and now would be no exception. So, in an instant, she pushed herself to her feet, grabbed the droid out of the air, and hurled it away from her as hard as she could.

Through a window.


Ezell covered her eyes with her arm as the window shattered magnificently. She heard a sharp scream from inside and she knew she was in for another reprimand by the Jedi. Her instincts told her to leave before anyone saw her, but a nagging feeling in the back of her mind compelled her to at least make sure the person was alright.

Oh, drok it.

Ezell kicked at the broken window before she climbed inside. She saw a boy sitting on the ground and the crumpled mess of the droid in front of him.

“Uh- are you okay? What happened?” She exclaimed as she feigned innocence.

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Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Jei had his hand over his chest, his heart beat intense against his palm. He raised his hand and pointed shakily. "The uh-h-uhm w-window," he stammered out, "E-Exploded?"

The wounded droid buzzed and fidgeted on the ground, trying to right itself pathetically.

"I-I don't know what h-happened, it uhm.." He moved his head to face the Twi'lek woman. "A-are you okay?" he mumbled, not knowing what else to say. The poor droid then began to smoke.

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Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Ezell bit back her laughter as she approached the boy carefully. She held her hand out for him to take. “Yeah, yeah I’m alright,” she said.

She hefted him to his feet, then cleared her throat. “Droids, am I right? I guess it just got confused,” she lied. She tried not to cringe when it didn't come out quite as skillfully as she wanted.

Ezell looked the boy over. He must have been a little younger than her, if his scrawny frame was any indication. She didn’t think she recognized him, but she hadn’t really paid much attention to anyone here since arriving. He also looked especially startled, if uninjured.

She gave him a weird look, “’You sure you’re alright?”

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Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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"Yeah-no, I'm fine. M' heart's just beating so fast it feels like the engine on a speeder bike," he said with a forced laugh.

His face wrinkled at the smoking heap of metal. He'd never been around when a droid had malfunctioned like this, 'confused' as the strange young woman put it. He didn't know why, but he distantly felt that something about her explanation wasn't genuine.

The two were interrupted by a Jedi who rushed down the halls, a Zabrak woman whom Jei had never met. "What is the meaning of this? You two, start at the beginning." She crossed her arms in a very Jedi-like fashion.

Just at that moment, the droid pitifully burst into flames.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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The Jedi woman nodded as the two Masters walked off. She looked over the scene, "If this truly is an accident then I'll let you three go, but you," she said in a calm voice to Ahala, "have to be more careful. I've heard that you have a lot of potential, so you must learn to control your strength." She then pointed a finger at the Twi'lek, her voice turning harsh. "And you, Ezell! You need to watch yourself, I don't want you involved in anymore accidents. Now get a move on."

She then turned around sharply and left without even acknowledging Jei, who had been trying to hide away from the altercation.

"That was so scary." Jei huffed out. He then let out a relieved chuckle. "One of those guys felt intense, he was freaky," Jei said, referring to Master Skywalker. He laughed even louder and leaned against the wall connected to the shattered window.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Ezell didn't bother to hide how little she paid attention to anything the Master had said to her. She was used to this, people who thought they were in charge telling her what to do. Security officers or Jedi, they were all the same.

She did pay attention, however, to a young girl and a older man dressed in all black who had appeared all of a sudden. She eyed them curiously until the boy next to her made a comment that broke her out of her thoughts.

Ezell laughed dryly, though she wasn't really thinking about what the boy had said. "Yeah, he was," she said, then marched right up to the other girl.

The girl looked like a Togruta, though her montrals were small for her species. She looked young, even younger than the Miraluka boy. She was probably a padawan.

"What does he mean I'm you're responsibility?" Ezell asked, her tone short. She knew she sounded rude, but she was more confused than anything else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Ezell crossed her arms pointedly with a sigh. It wasn't that she was worried, far from it, she just didn't like the idea of having a handler. And she was supposed to expect this girl to be– what, her glorified babysitter?

It was then that another Jedi approached. All these Jedi masters, they seemed to know the togruta girl, but none of them even looked at the miraluka boy. Ezell wondered absently who exactly this girl was.

“Good morning, Padawan Ahala. I see you're making friends," said the Jedi man.

Ezell couldn't resist making a joke, so she leaned forward and rested an elbow on the shorter girl's shoulder. "Oh yeah, we're real chummy," she teased.

The Jedi man gave her a fleeting smile before his expression hardened again. He began to talk to the girl about things Ezell neither knew nor cared about, but clearly it was upsetting.

Ezell made to leave, to keep her nose out of things that didn't concern her, when Ahala stopped her.

"Jei, can you and your friend follow me to the training ground?” Ahala didn't wait for a response before she started to walk away.

Ezell stammered, at a loss for words. 'Jei' was hardly a friend of hers; she didn't even know the guy! And whatever was going on sounded far too intense for Ezell to handle.

"Hey, hey listen, uh- Ahala," she said as she began to follow after her. "I don't know what's going on, and I don't think I want to. I'm not one of you guys. I'm not, you know–" she waved her hand in the air, like she'd seen Jedi do, "–a Jedi."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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"Woah, woah," Jei raised his hands cautiously. "Outside? Like, outside outside? That's not... She could get in trouble." He gestured to the three of them, "We could all get in trouble."

He hadn't felt any bad vibes from the Twi'lek, but Jei didn't even know her name. And he definitely didn't want to get roped into whatever plan Ahala and her would come up with.

He faced her, "I won't rat you out, but please don't make me lie for you," Jei begged. "I'm real bad at it. A complete nervous wreck under pressure."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Ezell was hardly in a rush to catch up to Ahala. She forced out a laugh.

"Listen, I hate meditating as much as the next person, but I have no idea what you're talking about," she lied. She turned to Jei and gave him a friendly shove in hopes that it would dispel any misgivings that he had. He was so nervous, she honestly felt a little bad for him. "Trust me, I'm not planning on making you do anything."

Ezell would never admit this out loud, but she didn't exactly know what a Jedi or a Jedi Knight actually was. Sure, she read the news, she had heard of the Jedi Temple before, and she knew stories about ancient Jedi warriors that her mama told her when she was young, but she had never seen one in person until about a week ago.

She faced Ahala. "What, uh- makes you think I want to leave?" She asked slowly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Ezell leaned her weight on one foot as she put a hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side. She stared at Ahala's back as she walked away. This girl sure was weird, but maybe hanging out with her wouldn't be too bad. Anything had to be better than boring Jedi punishments.

"Alright, alright, slow down. We're coming," she said with a soft sigh.

She made to catch up to Ahala when the boy blurted out, "And I'm Jei, obviously! What's uh- you're name?" He said awkwardly.

She looked over her shoulder at him, "Oh, right, I'm--"

She didn't have a chance to finish her sentence when the alarms rang out, giving her only a second of warning before the wall next her exploded.

Instinctually, Ezell dropped to the floor and covered her head and lekku with her arms. With her head low, she crawled behind a large piece of rubble for cover. She swallowed and took a breath to steel herself; she looked over at Jei.

"You alright?" She yelled to him, her voice barely audible in all the noise.

She pushed herself up to lean over her cover and she saw Ahala in the middle of all the blaster fire, effortlessly deflecting each shot with her glowing laser swords. Ezell had to admit, that was pretty awesome.

"How good are you with a weapon?" Ahala shouted to her as she pushed a droid back with her mind. Woah.

"Depends on the weapon!" Ezell shouted back. Carbo-plas staffs were easy. Stun batons were even better. Sadly, she didn't have anything to defend herself with except for her fists and... She picked up a piece of the rocky walls. It would do. Ezell didn't have a plan, but she figured 'hit the thing' and 'avoid getting hit' had never failed her before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Jei let Ahala pull him to his feet, as he had been crouched behind a column cowering away from the attack.

He could feel there were more out there, more enemies and droids that were only out to kill the inhabitants of The Order. And what scared Jei even more was that he could feel the entire Temple being overwhelmed with terror.

Ahala speaking is what brought him out of his thoughts. "Lifted!?" Jei exclaimed. He had to clench his fists to hide how much his hands was shaking. "Lifted where!?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Ezell caught the blaster pistol that was thrown to her. Yeah, this could work.

She lined up her shot on the rock cover and- BAM! It took about three bolts to take down one of the droids, but it felt good. Ezell wasn't technically trained in a blaster, but she made her shots nine out of ten times.

“Ezell, how well are you with being lifted, and with heights?” Ahala asked her.

“Uh- why?” She asked, in between blaster shots. She could feel the blaster overheating, so she was forced to stop firing and wait until it cooled.

“If you both can get to any of the Jedi masters, you can get help, and also get those who are scared to calm down,” Ahala said to both Ezell and Jei.

Jei looked like he would be more helpful somewhere else, but Ezell didn’t want to leave Ahala alone to deal with all these droids. Ezell wanted to stay and fight, though it didn’t look like Ahala was going to give them much choice as Ezell already felt herself being lifted.

“You better know what you’re doing!” Ezell yelled, worry seeping into her voice.

It was then that she saw a droid coming up behind Ahala, who was too distracted lifting them away. Ezell threw the rock she had in her hand and it hit the droid square on its ‘head’ which left a sizable dent. The droid wobbled, confused, and clearly couldn’t register Ahala’s presence anymore.

“Yes!” Ezell cheered, until she saw that the droid—in its confusion, was about to fire into the crowd of other droids.

“Ahala, get down!”

The confused droid fired wildly at the droids and the walls, and it exploded the door, which interrupted Ahala’s concentration enough that Ezell felt herself falling. She was just about to let out a yell when she saw Jei lean over the ledge and grab her by her hand.

“Nice catch,” she joked, despite her frayed nerves. Jei hefted her up.

“I will lead them away!” She heard Ahala yell. Ezell watched as Ahala ran off, the droids giving chase, powerless to do anything.

There was an adult Nautolan man waiting on the ledge with Jei. He gave her and Jei a soothing smile.

“Come you two,” he said. “Let’s see if we can get you somewhere safe.”

“What? No! We can’t just let her go alone! She’s just a kid!” Ezell insisted as she looked back and forth between the Jedi man and Jei. “We have to do something!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Jei had the air knocked out of him as he lunged to catch Ezell, seconds before she fell. He held onto her as tightly as he could with his hands and was able to pull her up to the landing.

He made a nervous smile at Ezell's joke.

It was hard for Jei to concentrate on the Nautolan Jedi speaking to them, as all he could focus on was the horde of droids firing on his friend. He jumped to his feet at Ezell's shouts. "I-I..." Jei didn't even know what he could do. Nevertheless, he strengthened himself. "We can't abandon her!" Jei may be a self-identified coward but he couldn't stand if anything happened to Ahala, or any of the other Temple students for that matter.

The firing from below quieted and he knew Ahala had escaped down one of the temple's halls.

"Come on!" Jei shouted and rushed down the passage. He skidded on his heels to turn back to the two and gestured for them to follow. "I can still feel her, let's go!" Desperation was clear in his voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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"You can feel her?" Ezell asked, her brow furrowed in confusion, as she ran after him.

Jei shrugged, then waved his hands in the air noncommittedly. "You know, with the Force?"

Ezell laughed. It seemed like there actually was an upside to having weird powers. She could get used to that.

"Lead the way, young one," the Nautolan man said to Jei.

The three of them ran off down the hall, away from the sounds of combat and explosions. Everything fell quiet, only the sound of their heavy breathing and footsteps echoed in the large chamber. Ezell had no idea where they were going, but she chose to trust Jei. She glanced over at him and noticed, for the first time, that he actually looked sure of himself.

The Nautolan man froze all of a sudden, "Ready yourselves!"

At that instant, more droids crashed through the windows. The man put himself between the two of them and the droids, fluidly deflecting the blaster shots with his green lightsaber.

Ezell grabbed Jei and yanked him around a pillar.

"What do we do?!" Ezell yelled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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  1. Cowritten by Lainpinky131

    by Chocolate~Pyrus

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Jei yelped. “I-I don’t know!” He shouted and brought his hands up to cover his ears. The Jedi continued to dodge and maneuver around the hostile droids.

“We…” Jei hardened himself. “We have to get through that door.” He said and gestured toward the end of the hall.

"Great!" She said, "...What's your plan?"

He thought for a moment. “Master Jedi!” Jei called out. “I have an idea!” Kit Fisto in return gave him a knowing smirk.

Jei faced Ezell. “We have to make a run for it. You still have your blaster?” He asked.


Jei took a deep breath. “Okay… Let’s go!” Jei cupped his mouth and shouted over the blaster noise, “You need to cover us!” The Jedi listened and ran to the two and defended them. “Go, go!” Jei and Ezell sprinted past Kit Fisto and ran towards the opened doorway.

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Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Ezell kept her head low as they ran behind a pillar.

At that moment, a droid shot out a cannister in the direction of Ezell and Jei. The Jedi caught it with the Force before it made impact, and sent it flying back at the droids, but it exploded near him, knocking him back. The room was filled with a dark smoke as the droids advanced.

Frag! What were they going to do now!?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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  1. Cowritten by Lainpinky131

    by Chocolate~Pyrus

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“You need to shoot the control panel by the door!” Jei shouted and peaked over the pillar, “There!” He pointed then ducked back.

Ezell held her blaster up as she looked to see where he pointed, but all she could see was smoke. “What panel?”

The droids were getting closer. “Th-The one… There!” he stammered. “I don’t…!” Of course, they wouldn’t be able to see it. Jei grabbed Ezell’s hands and raised them to point precisely at the panel on the wall.

“Just shoot when I tell you.”

Ezell paused, “Now?”

“Not yet!”

Just a few… more… steps!


She shot her blaster and the panel exploded. On cue, the door dropped on the droids with a satisfying crunch, crushing them into smoking pieces.

Ezell let out a cheer; she couldn’t hold back her relief.

“Nice one, kid!” She exclaimed as she leapt at Jei in a hug.

The Jedi stood with a pleased smile on his face. “That was a well-thought-out plan,” he said to Jei.

Jei let out a breathy laugh and returned Ezell’s hug. “Honestly, I was just making it up as I went.” He pulled back sharply. “We gotta’ get to Ahala! She’s on the other side of this door.”

Kit Fisto ran to the control panel and opened the large door to reveal an unconscious Ahala in the Jedi man’s arms.

“Ahala!” Jei cried out and ran to her. “Is she okay?” He asked the man.

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Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Jei flushed under Kit Fisto's compliment. Approval was hard to come by for him.

Ezell then came up behind him and aggressively ruffled his hair. "Yeah, it was a awesome plan, kid."

Jei flinched, "Ahh, stop." He said and swatted Ezell away, who in turn laughed at him.

He then rushed past Ezell to Master Skywalker's side. Ahala was beginning to come to. "We're here, Ahala. You're fine, you're safe." He said to her, though it was mostly to calm his own nerves.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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Ezell watched them all, the older Jedi men, Jei, and Ahala, and she felt all of a sudden that she was out of place. Jei and Ahala were padawans, or something, and they were clearly friends. Ezell was neither of those things.

She tapped on the shoulder of the bearded Jedi man.

"Uhm, can I go? I mean, I should probably go report to Fol Sheena," she said.

The man turned to her and spoke with a cool Coruscanti accent.

"I'm afraid not. Master Sheena will have to wait until after you've been examined by the infirmary," he said.

"But-" The man had already turned away before she could say anything.

Ezell crossed her arms with a frustrated sigh. She didn't need to go to the infirmary; she felt fine. It was just going to be a waste of everyone's time.

"'Guess we're both going to the doctors," she said with a light smile to Ahala. She hoped it was comforting.

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Character Portrait: Ahala Saas Character Portrait: Qi'Jeivas Kaba'allo Character Portrait: Ezell Ohi
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"Woah, woah, woah," Jei said, cutting her off. "We can talk more when you're okay. Just rest right now, got it?" Jei offered her a smile.

They made their way to the infirmary without any incident. Ahala was deposited on a stretcher and a droid began to scan her. The room was filled with other students. Some were better off than others with only minor bruises or scrapes.

Without a word, the Masters left the three. Jei came to Ahala's bedside and without thinking, he lifted her hand and tried to give her a reassuring pat. "See, you're fine. You'll be liftin' boulders in no time." His words were soft, yet filled with worry despite his smile.