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A girl from a rural town in a deep forest state on Terra

0 · 1,064 views · located in Multi-Dimensional Pathway

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Heartbeat, as played by Sambea





5'3 1/2


Hair Color:
Light red/orange

Eye Color:
Crystal blue

Personality: Rebecca is the philosopher. She is an old soul and is curious about everything. She is usually quiet, only ever coming out when something interests her. She is apathetic for the most part. She doesn’t really get into the new fad or thing. If there is a debate she perks up. If there is something she is curious about she will try and wiggle over whoever is out at the time.

  • Philosophers
  • Reading
  • New things
  • Odd things

  • Doesn’t really dislike things. She just doesn’t care.

Personality: Mina is an innocent and pure soul at heart. She loves everything and hates confrontation. Don’t take her non-confrontation as her never getting angry. It is more of a hush-adorable anger. She can be shy when first meeting people, but it is short. Mina will be like a burst of energy. Some people call her a hippy since she loves nature. She loves being one with nature.

  • Nature
  • Camping, bonfires
  • Lakes, beaches
  • Dogs (animals)
  • Donuts (sweets also chips and dips)
  • Dancing
  • Jokes, puns
  • Horror/Romance/Comedy movies
  • Supernatural/Paranormal

  • Rude/Racist/Hateful people.
  • School
  • Confrontation/Fighting
  • Boring anything

Personality: Imogen is a ball of anger and sexual friction. She loves to be mischievous. Though she plays tricks and teases, Imogen has a temper. She can go from fine to angry in a matter of seconds. Some call it passion while others call it crazy. She is more sexual than the other two and loves a challenge.

  • People
  • Socializing
  • Dancing
  • Sex
  • Fancy dinner
  • Sexy clothes
  • Teasing
  • Horror/Comedy movies
  • Supernatural/Paranormal

  • Rude/Racist/Hateful people.
  • School
  • Boring people
  • Idiots

So begins...

Rebecca's Story


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As she sat there, peacefully waiting for the rain to stop or at least slow down Rebecca took out her mp3 player from the pocket on her jeans. Putting in the earpieces she flicked her favorite track list on and started listening.

About halfway through a David Guetta song she noticed a silver haired guy eating over the other side of the diner. Moving her eyes over to the outside of the diner she jumped as an arc of lightning hit the road just outside of her window. Rebecca jumped backwards and stood up, her heart beating pretty fast from the shock. Looking around she put her eyes back to the white haired guy. She just looked at him quick enough to see the electricity move from his fingers to his hair and then he brushed his hair down casually. Rebecca just sat back down in her chair. People being electric proof was not a big thing in Wing City, it could be a lot worse. Plus lightning never strikes the same place twice... right?


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Rebecca turned as she heard a voice ask her if she was all right. She smiled as she saw it was the silver haired guy, her mp3 already wrapped up and back in her pocket as he walked over. Hearing another lightning strike she looked out of the window and watched it strike again, in virtually the same place. Rebecca did not jump this time though, just simply watched and wondered how it struck in the same place. Strange... Then awkwardly she remembered about the silver haired guy and turned around as his hair was yet again conducting electricity. She watched as the electric jumped from his fingers to the ground, leaving black charred marks where they entered the ground.

"Ah... Forgive that..." The guy said as he smiled her way.

"Just as long as that's not going to be me." Rebecca said shyly as she looked at the burned ground. "And sure please, sit here if you want."


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Looking towards him Rebecca listened to what he was saying. "It won't hurt you unless I direct it too... By that I mean, unless I point at you or something but that's not going to happen. My name is Dante, Sparky to friends and some family members." After he finished speaking he put his hand out for a handshake.

"Are you sure that's safe? I mean a second ago you- Never mind." Rebecca relaxed slightly and shook his hand, not getting shocked surprisingly. "My name is Rebecca, just plain Rebecca to friends and family as well. Well if I had any friends, I just moved here not that long ago." As she spoke she adjusted her blue jumper and slipped her hands up the sleeves.


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Rebecca looked at Dante as she rubbed her wrist through the sleeve of her blue jumper. "Yeah this place does seem pretty dangerous and that's even without the people with powers and stuff." She looked down onto the table as she spoke up again. "And thanks, you are practically the first person I have really spoke to here apart from family."


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"Where am I from. Well, I was born in a seriously small time town buried in snow and forest. Glad I moved really, I can't think of anywhere more boring than back there." Rebecca eyed the silver haired guy whilst she spoke. "Also I guess but not having any special power or ability myself it's pretty dangerous. Nothing to protect myself with if it came to it." She didn't like fighting but being chased by a super-human with telekinesis or something would seem a lot farer to her if she had something to even the odds.


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Rebecca smiled at the guy as he came out with jokes about weapons. "What are we talking about guns and weapons for now anyway, I haven't seen any real problems here yet and nobody has jumped me for money.". She once again looked down at the table, "So what do you do, you know, job wise."


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Rebecca looked at him matter of factly as she listened to him speak. "That sounds pretty awesome to put it to you bluntly. Unfortunately in the short time I have lived here I haven't been able to get a job, I have been pretty tied up with family lately." Her hair was drying now from the rain earlier and so was her jumper, both got soaked on the way in from the rain. Her hands were still tucked up in the sleeves, warm and dry.

The setting changes from Wing City Plaza to Lady Une Drive


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The setting changes from Lady Une Drive to Multi-Dimensional Pathway

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#, as written by Sambea
It was a clear day today. The sky was a bright blue and through the trees white fluffy white clouds could be seen. It was pretty muc a perfect day to go out and explore or have an outing of some kind. Mina thought it would be a lovely to go exploring since the past few days they were trapped in their house doing paper work. Now Mina wished she had paid more attention to the gypsy lady when she explained how to get out of the forest. Imogen had been screaming about the way the fabrics the gypsy was selling would do wonders on their body. Mina tried to get Rebecca to calm Imogen down, but it was no use. Now they were lost even more so than before.

"Well no one told you to go on a damn hike." Imogen hissed inside their mind.

"Excuse me? I did this for all of us. We have been trapped in that hold black hole of a house for days. We needed the sun!" Mina said out loud, laughing, and twirling on the path they were on. The path was surrounded by trees and they could hear the birds chirping.

"We could have gone to a bar...pretty much anywhere but here." Imogen sighed inside their mind again, imaging them being draped over a handsome man's arm, tricking him to buy them drinks. Mina made a weird face at the image.

"Gods no. Not after what happened in JJ's Bar. I am shocked we even made it out without that damn man following us home." Mina said, ducking under a branch. Imogen winched, thinking of how she the man had kept making passes at them. She threaten to rip his balls off, but that seemed to fuel him more. She shook their head before sighing. Meanwhile Rebecca took in the scenery, she heard that there might be a portal somewhere in these woods. So 2 out of 3 wanted to take the hike.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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This forest was unusual as the fabrics of reality all intertwined here. In this forest there was no steady reality and anything could happen. On this very day though, the heavens would give birth to a new being in the mortal world. Not too far ahead of the young lady was a ball of purple and pink sparkling energy that seemed to create a rift in reality that could be seen warping around itself. While it looked like something was arriving, it was really stuck for the moment. Due to the lacing of reality here, the being was stuck between two layers and forced to remain in this energy form on two planes, but should this energy be found and disturbed, it could pick a side to pop up on.

The figure between the realities would sit and puff, mumbling to itself, "Good job, Kai... Got me stuck between two realms and now I gotta get out. Janemba might be one of my creators but even they know i'm not as strong as him yet."

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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#, as written by Sambea
They would stop in their tracks as they saw a purple and pink ball sparkling in the middle of the path. Mina yelped and froze. Imogen, if she had control over the body, would have frozen too. But it was Rebecca who perked up. She took control of the body easily and began to inch closer to it.

"Of all times to come out and rummage about, Becca, now is not the time!" Mina whispered in their mind. If she had a face it would look frantic.

"Shh, I just want a closer look...maybe even touch it." Rebecca whispered out loud. Though, what was the point of that when she could have said it in her mind. None of them knew.

"Are you really going to touch that damn thing with our bare hands? Really? And you are suppose to be the wise one." Imogen huffed in their mind. Mentally crossing their arms. Rebecca stopped and looked around, finding a nice size stick, and continued to move closer.

"A stick!" Mina and Imogen yelled together. At this point Rebecca ignored them and stood in front of the ball. She had never seen something like it. The way it just floated in mid air, yet, behind it in its ball of ness the background was different. She lifted the stick and poked it a couple times. "What are you?" She whispered out loud to it.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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After the energy was poked a few times, jellybeans that were the size of dogs began popping up everywhere. The forest was becoming a rather tasty looking area with all the different colors and scents. Why the jellybeans occurred was a phenomena, but it seemed to happen often to Ize when he entered a new realm. While the jellybeans possibly got her attention, something else was going on with the energy.

The energy sounded like it was whining as its power level grew in intensely. The energy turned into little squares that rotated like a vortex and grew wider very quickly. All the little squares if looked at close enough looked like pictures, each being a different realm or place in the universe.

"AAAAAAAAAH!", a loud scream could be heard in what was almost a digital tone.

Following the scream a five foot tall pink and purple creature flew out of the vortex and face first into the ground. The entire flight to the ground his arms flailed, and when he did hit the ground, his body skated on his chin through the shrubbery and tree roots. When the creature stopped moving, it laid there for a moment.

Ize then hopped up like nothing had happened, placing his hands on his hips and puffing his chest out while he looked to see if anyone witnessed it. It didn't take long for Ize to realize he wasn't alone and kept his back to her, eyeing her from over his shoulder. The main thing he hoped nobody would see is him crying. Being thrown through the fabrics of reality and spit out like that was never fun.

"This was embarrassing...", Ize mumbled as he turned to face the lady.

"Huh... look at all the jellybeans around here." Ize spoke, not really sure what to say.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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#, as written by Sambea
They stood in confusion as jelly beans fell out. Their eyes watching as the forest became a mix of Candy Crush and Earth. They jumped and screamed as the screamed echoed into the forest. Swirling around they see a pink and purple creature alien thing come out of the hole. It stood there and they couldn't move, or rather Mina couldn't. Somehow she got in control of the body.

"H-Hi....?" She mumbled to it.

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Ize's tail swished behind him as he let a partial smile reveal itself on his face, "Hello!"

Ize's tail snapped once and in an instance he vanished. When he reappeared he was three feet in front of woman with a pink grapefruit sized jelly bean. He lifted the jellybean up and took a large bite out of it. He stood there munching on the jellybean while he looked at her, scanning her to see if she had any powers.

It didn't take long to eat the jellybean or scan her for powers, and when he was done, he spoke again, "I'm Ize. Kai's say I need to grow up on my own and make my own decisions on who I want to be in life. The first matter I must attend to is finding an ice cream shop. South Kai speaks heavily of human ice cream. They swear i'll find no better treat. Can you help me find this 'ice cream'? It sounds like a necessary piece in 'creating my own path'. "

Ize wouldn't beat around the bush most of the time and his social skills sucked. He was used to being a tournament champion and catered to when he lived with the Kais. Somehow, the Kais probably didn't expect him to meet a woman with three people within her, much less the first person in the mortal realm. Neither had a clue for what they were in for, but Ize would probably flow with her since she freed him from being stuck.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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#, as written by Sambea
Mina looked wide eye. Imogen stayed silent. Rebecca examined him. But all three jumped and screamed when he vanished just to reappear closer to them. They stumbled back, tripping, and landing on their butt. Mina blinked trying to make sense of everything when her head snapped up at ice cream. "This pink and purple gay alien wants fucking ice cream. This Ize comes from now where...and who is Kai?!" Imogen screamed in their head.

"Shh." Mina hushed Imogen out loud while she looked off to the side. Slowly standing up, dusting herself off, and trying to not shake her looked the creature up and down. "I...I am afraid I can't r-really help you there...we...I mean I am kind of lost. See...we...I was hiking and took a wrong turn." She spoke softly, looking at the ground then up at him.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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"Oh... Well this situation does us no good... Can you fly?" Ize spoke as he munched on his jellybean.

While Ize may or may not have been able to see something resembling Rebecca's other personas going on in her head, he could feel the three different energies. Even so, Ize was more worried about being lost and no ice cream.

"What do you even call this place? I feel like i'm inside my own head here. So many places and so many energies in one place, but all that I can see is woodlands." Ize spoke as he turned from Rebecca and started to wander and explore his immediate area, throwing jellybeans out of his way, making them hit trees like bullets without realizing he was even doing so.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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#, as written by Sambea
Mina shook their head, "N-No...." she watched the creature closely. She began to move back from it, little by little. She honestly just wanted to go home now.

"I don't know. I just told you I was lost." She screamed as she ducked away from killer jelly beans.

"Can you fucking not?" Imogen growled.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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"That's fine, I can. You can point to where you're from and we can go there first." Ize spoke as he vanished and appeared behind her, "Don't be scared, flying is fun!"

Ize laughed to himself as he shot into the air with Rebecca while thinking to himself, "This thing is weird... I wonder if they're all like this? If so, I want to know what I did wrong..."

And then the flight stopped, sitting still in the midst of the skies, "Which way do we need to go?"

Ize could sense the fear that came from the woman, but it humored him more than anything. This quick shot into the sky was more of his way to scare her a little more for fun. She had nothing to worry about unless Ize was hit by plane. To make it a little worse, Ize slowly spun her around to get a better idea of where she was.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca Character Portrait: Ize
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#, as written by Sambea
They screamed, clinging to the creature. They watched as they slowly spun, 2 of the 3 loving the view while being terrified. "T-That way... to the west pass the river..." Mina said. "If you drop me off there... you can... uh have ice cream." She said.

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Character Portrait: Rebecca
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#, as written by Sambea
I wonder, what could this be? Is it you or is it me?
