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Dawn Carter

" People say i have a pure heart....they have no idea how pure tho"

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a character in “Elemental Spirits Reborn”, as played by AuroraDawn


Dawn Amaya Carter




Snow white curl wild hair reaching down to the middle of her back, blood red eyes, snow white skin. Curvy, petite body







Goddess Form:


-singing and dancing
-sunrises and sunsets
-drawing and painting

-scary movies


- Healing
- make storms
- Lightning blots and Thunder
- When in Ultra form can purify the darkest of souls and turn into light dragon

Zeus's lightning bolt and the Scythe of Life (opposite of scythe of death)

Personality: " i am a very quite person at least i would say so, but i have been told i am very kind hearted"

"I was always made fun of because of the way i look, me and my mother were always on the run because years ago we had left my father because he was very abusive. He wouldnt let us just stay in one place he would come find us and we would run. That all stopped though when my mom came down with cancer and was bed ridden. She died a few months after and i was shipped off to the Pink Owl girls only orphanage"

The dark
Elements you think you will get along with:
"everyone i hope"
Has a tear shaped diamond necklace giving to her by her mother before she died. Her favorite color is red

Light Dragon:

Gift from Zeus

Dawn using Artemis animal powers:

So begins...

Dawn Carter's Story

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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The feeling of sleep started to leave and Dawn fluttered her eyes open and brushed her curling wild white hair out of her face, her blood red orbs taking in the space around her. It wasn't the dirty old orphanage she had fell asleep in thats for sure. Giant white pillars connected walls of glass, white marbles floors glistening in the morning sun. Everything was white expect for the antique looking red vase sitting on the glass nightstand beside her. Beautiful white lilies with red, orange and yellow spots in the middle sit in the vase with a card placed beside her. Sitting up in the huge white bed Dawn took the card and read it out loud.

"welcome my darling daughter of light" read the fancy gold script with a Z at the bottom. She flipped the card over to see a strange gold symbol, it was a circle with what looked to be the different elements in it. Dawn blushed lightly, her pale white skin slightly tinting pink and she stood up and stretched her swore body. She felt like she had been traveling, roughly at that. She looked down at herself to see her deep red over sized t-shirt hanging from her body still and her black spandex booty shorts and sighed in relief that no one had decided to change her attire while she slept. Dawn walked over to the glass wall and looked out and gasped.

The scenery was beautiful, fields of the greenness grass she had ever seen lay out before her and in the distance she could see a waterfall. Flowers of every color gathered here and there and the sun lay high in the bright blue sky. White pillar building were placed around a giant stone with the same symbol she had seen on the card engraved in it, with a big lightning blot above it. Dawn turned her attention back to the room and the sound of a door opening. She looked back to see a raven haired woman in white rods. She was beautiful, her raven hair and dark skin contrasted with her bright gold eyes.

"Good morning miss.Carter i hope you slept well breakfast will be served momentarily if you would please follow me to the dining room?" she gestured out the door and Dawn slowly followed behind her, unsure of what was going on.

"May i ask what your name is?" Dawn's soft voice sounded more like a musicality whisper but the woman turned towards her and smiled, bright white teeth contrasting with her skin.

"Theia, i am the goddess of gold and silver" Theia spoke confidently and continued on her journey as Dawn just looked at her like she was crazy.

'Goddess of Gold and Silver?'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Heath Ablaze
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Theia gave a slight giggle, as if expecting that reaction.

"More will be explained later." Theia said softly as they headed into the dining room. "You're not the first one here." And with that she motioned Dawn to have a seat.

The dining room seemed grand. It held an air of fine elegance to it. The room was dimly lit by what seemed to be floating torches. There was a rectangular table covered with white cloth, and finished with plates and silverware. Sitting on one of the side chairs, was a boy with ash-red hair and blaze-orange eyes. Heath, they called him. He sat patiently, staring at the reflection of himself on the plate. He turned his head slightly to give recognition that others were present, nodded, and went back to staring at his plate. For people who do not know him well, it may seem almost as if he was shy, but he was simply not wanting to be bothered.

"Welcome," he muttered.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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Dawn watched as two dark blue hair people came into the room. Dawn had seated herself far away from everyone else and tucked her legs in, hiding them under her giant shirt. She felt a nervous blush rise as the red haired boy said welcome. She didnt answer back because she knew her voice would come out as a squeak. She hide her face in her knee's and watched as Theia leave.

Dawn had a feeling their were more people coming, people she didnt know.

'what is going on?'

'do not be frightened my child all will be explained soon' a deep booming voiced sounded in her head and Dawn yelled in surprise then blushed in embarrassment as people looked at her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers Character Portrait: Heath Ablaze
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Terra Alkaine

he had been travelingfir quite awhile along with his trust friend Golem a giant thing made up of the earth and such a single glowing stone in the center of his chest, the obly indication that Golem was a living thing besides the burning eyes. Terra sighed he was tired of all the walking through the earth making it move out of the way for him. finally the ground parted and he came out from underground which was a rather strange entrance but he didnt care much. looking around he found himself standing in front of a large white pillared building with beautiful architect makeung him whistle in awe. "well Golem looks like im going to have to sheink you down to size i dont think you'll fit through the doorway"chuckling a little as Golem let out a deep rumble that shook the ground as he began to shrink and shrink until he was nothing more that the small glowing stone in his chest. Terra held Golem in the palm of his hand before placing him inside a small leather puch decorated with all kind of symblos, each one meant something diffrent. Terra smiled, he liked the warth Golem gave off and the fact that he was constantly vibrating, a welcomed presence against his chest. nodding to himself Terra walked up to the entrance when a single individual appeared before him, his hair black wearing a white robe, "come this way breakfast is almost ready" motioning for Terra to follow, and Terra being the way he was didnt follow the guy immediatly but at the mention of possible food he followed the black haired guy and into a dinning room that was already occupied by five other people who looked up at him as he entered most likely due to his state of attire. he smiled sheepishly noticing the fact that his clothes were covered with dirt and a bit of mud his scar, eye patch and height didnt add to the mix very well. Terra then sat down at one of the chairs picking at random to sit next to a guy with ash-red hair and orange burnt eyes.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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As more people entered Dawn got more nervous. She started twirling her moms diamond necklace between her finger. She wondered how many more people were coming and if they would be as frighting as the last boy who came in. She watched her fingers naturally twist the diamond between them when a strong breeze made her mild white hair swirl around her face and body.
A loud crack of thunder sounded throughout the room and Dawn red eyes widened in fright as she tried to lean away from the strike of lightning that hit the huge throne at the far end of the table. She screamed loudly as she fell out of her chair and hit the marble floors.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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Dawn didnt understand what was going on but she swore she was having a panic attack as she watched wide eyed her body glow... freaking glow!!

'deep breaths Dawn, deep breaths 1...2..3..' she started hyper ventilating and fanned her heated face with her hands. Tears began streaming down her face as she wouldn't stop freaking out. The distant sound of thunder roared in her ears and the sky light became dark as dark clouds gathered in the sky. Thunder cracked loudly and flashes of lightning stroke in the cloud lighting up the table every time one shot. Her chest started glowing brighter and her breathing heavier as she freaked out.

"Little one you must calm yourself" Zeus spoke softly and it didn't comfort Dawn. He touched her shoulder and a fearful shiver ran up her spine and she screamed slapping his hand away. At the same time a bright strike of lightning hit the table by Dawn and she hopped out of her chair and hide behind it. Tears free falling from her now glowing silver eyes.

"Zeus calm your element she is powerful and can cause havoc if her powers aren't control, summon the kyuubi you planned on giving her and she if that beast can calm her" Poseidon shouted and stood in front of the twins protecting them, even though if the lightning hit him he would be hurt.

"Right" Zeus said then placed his large hands together. A bright yellow light shone from them for a moment then disappeared and Zeus opened his hands relieving a white and red nine tailed fox (see picture in Dawn profile). He placed it by Dawn and it nudged her with its nose. Dawn looked up at it and was instantly struck by its beauty. She hugged its neck and wrapped her fingers in its fur, a feeling of calm coming over Dawn. A few minutes later the clouds cleared and the sun shone again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Luna Kryne
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"CALM DOWN EVERYONE!!" Zeus hollered and the room went dead silent. Dawn stiffened in fear but it quickly went away as the beautiful creature she was cuddling with nuzzled her neck.

"Chione wake your element we have business to attend to and we need her awake" Zeus boomed and sat down in his throne, never looking away from his element. She was the only heir he had since Hercules's chose the human woman over god hood and died with her.

Dawn looked up from her creatures fur and saw the violet haired girl had fainted. A crystal woman was holding her, almost like a mother would to her injured child. Memories of Dawn's mom came flooding back into her brain and Dawn gripped her necklace and put her head back into the animals warm fur.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Heath Ablaze
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the girl with white hair freaking out until the nine-tailed fox came to her comfort. He saw the blue ice girl fainting from what seemed like a migraine that was inflicted on herself. Then he saw the twins all mesmerized by the power given to them by Poseidon.

Knowing what he had to do, Heath got up from his seat, and went to a corner of the room, where the shadows touched, and light was sparse. Within the corner, he could see flaming eyes, and blaze hair. As he approached the figure, he saw the disfigurement, and a large hammer resting on the creature's back.

"You must be my god." Said Heath

"Indeed young one," said Hephaestus quietly "you have quite the sense"

"I could feel you looking at me," replied Heath "Do what you need to do"

With a slight nod Hephaestus spoke in a loud voice "I Hephaestus, the god of fire, bless you with my power!"

With that, flame engulfed Heath. At first the flame was hot and painful, but after a while it was warm and gentle.

"Take this my son!" Said Hephaestus proudly as he held out a steel sword. "It is the fire sword, crafted by the archangels and yours truly."

Heath took the sword in his hand without a word.

"Remember to use it only when you need it." said Hephaestus.

Heath looked up from the sword and gave a slight nod. Then he headed his way back to the table, but stopped halfway. He turned his head to see the disfigured figure that was his god.

"See you later, father." He said to Hephaestus. Then he turned around to head back to his seat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers Character Portrait: Heath Ablaze
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Terra Alkaine

unlike everyone else Terra sat there in his seat a calm look on his face as he leaned back lacing his fingers behind his head and propping up one foot on the table watching everyone do their thing with their assigned god. 'wonder where mine is' Terra soon erased that thought when he noticed the man who wore all brown colors and a shawl cover most of his head watching him from afar. Nodding Terra got up walking over to the man who was incredibly tall compared to Terra and towered over the boy.

Terra looked up at the man his eyes narrowed suspiciously "so are you gonna do the same to me as the others?" the man nodded earthly power radiated from his being as he placed his hand on Terra's chest,

"I Apaitas, god of Earth, bless you with my power" his voice deep and gravely but still full of kindness. Terra then began to glow and earthly light until it was only his chest that glowed.

Terra smiled a little looking down at his chest before looking up at Apaitas his face slightly obscured by the shawl but he did note the kind eyes that seemed to look straight through him.

That’s when Apaitas spoke again, “I see you have found Golem, I hope he has been behaving, yes?” smiling at Terra who looked at him in shock, “wait you’re the one who left this on our doorstep?” Terra remembered how he had woken up one day ready from school when he saw the strange glowing rock on him and his mother’s doorstep, Terra curious picked it up and instantly it transformed into what is now Golem. “Yes who else who have been able to do so, the only person I believe capable of possibly making a Golem is Athena but hers is made of metal while mine are made from the earth itself” patting Terra on the shoulder, “cool your gonna have to teach me that one day” Terra joked but Apaitas’s face became serious “oh you will soon enough now sit go take a seat before breakfast starts my dear boy” pushing Terra back to his seat, at that moment food appeared on the table causing Terra to almost jump as he looked around at the others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers Character Portrait: Devin McKale Character Portrait: Heath Ablaze
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Devin woke up to an axe to his forehead, last time he fell asleep he was in an alleyway, not...wherever this place was. He didn't dare look away as the axe was still focused on his forehead. He looked down the blade of the axe and saw a man wielding it with one hand, considering the size of the axe it should be an impossible feat. He grabbed the side of the blade with is palms and pushed it towards the man, he could barely move it with both his hands but it was enough to move it at least an inch away from his forehead. He could feel blood trickle down his warm cheeks as the axe obviously punctured his skin.

The man grunted and thrusted the axe through Devin's skull, a blow which should have killed him. He could literally feel the axe penetrating through the front of his head and completely splitting his brain in half. As soon as he was struck the man and the axe disappeared as if it was all an illusion. He felt his skull and it was seemingly whole as if he was never stabbed. Soon however a golden armlet appeared on the upper part of his left arm and the axe appeared to be floating in front of him. He picked up the axe and stood up off the cold white marble floors which were extremely dusty. He checked his surroundings and deduced he was in a war room, a very old one at that. Dusty maps and scrolls could be seen stuffed into old maple cupboards and drawers. He shuffled his way to a very old door. He put his hand on the doorknob and proceeded to attempt to turn it. It was locked, pissed Devin punched the door causing it to bust open. Surprised as his newfound strength he smirked and continued to walk the halls.

Eventually the smell of food could be smelt in the air and Devin began to immediately follow it as his stomach begged for food more than a dog begs for a treat. As he made it to the source of the food he found a group of teenagers, seemingly around his age sitting around dining. He began to look at the architecture for the building and realized it was of Greek origin. He had heard of rumors of the gods still existing but in the forms of champions of their choosing. He smirked and walked in on the peaceful dinner, completely killing the mood.

"Yo! Any seats for me? Child of God who knows what! Perhaps I'll just call him god who likes to thrust a spear into a mortals skull!" That's when it occurred to Devin, he had been brought to a war room, he recalled the gods in his head and chuckled out loud. " this is grand...Ares? You gave me this power? Oh you must know me so well."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers Character Portrait: Devin McKale
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Olive was having a peaceful dream, one where her father was alive. It was simple, more of a memory. He was sparring with her in their backyard back at Nellis Air Force Base. Then something disturbing happened in her dream. Her father's face changed and shifted until it was disfigured beyond all recognition. He lumbered for her pleading with her to end his misery. And then she woke from this dream turned night mare.

She was in an unusual place. It was rather bright and airy, very unlike her shabby apartment back in Las Vegas. She lay in a magnificent canopy bed with clean white sheets. She sat up with a shock, thinking she may have been abducted. It wasn't that uncommon in her neighborhood. Her clothes were still the ones she had gone to sleep in and she heaved a sigh of relief.

"You seem startled child." A female voice said to her right. Her head jerked towards the intruder. A tall, glorious woman sat in a chair in the corner. She was dressed rather odd. A sleet gray toga adorned her thin body and atop her head was a roman helm. At her side was an owl, hooting gently. "Who..who are you?" Olive asked. Her tone was both anxious and guarded. She jumped from the bed and edged toward the door. "I assumed you might recognize me a little. After all you devour Greek Mythology books more than any other tome." Olive was very sure who this was, but that was just mythology. It couldn't be real.

"You're Athena, goddess of battle and metal." Olive said outright. She would play this woman's game until she would be able to escape. "Indeed, child." She said standing from her seat. "You are to be the one who will wield my power. I have watched you over the many years. You have grown to be just as I wished. A strong, smart, confident young girl." Olive was a little bewildered by that last statement. "If you are who you say you are, them prove it." Athena smirked. "As you wish" she said and looked to a small nightstand by the bed. There was a fancy paperweight there, made of pure steel, that was in the shape of a wolf. Athena plucked it from it's perch and gave it a mighty squeeze. she opened her palm to reveal that the paperweight had changed. It was now an owl. " I have always preferred owls over wolves, don't you?"

Olive was in a state of shock."If you are really Athena, then I must be on Mount Olympus." she said more to herself than the goddess. Athena handed the owl paperweight to Olive and she grasped it tightly. "I..I don't know what to say." " You needn't say anything at all. Our powers are weakening and we must grant our powers to those descendants of whom we bestowed the Elements long ago. You are that descendant of my Element and I believe you are more than prepared." Olive took a deep breath. "I think I am too." She said with a small smile. Athena place her hand on Olive's chest over her heart and said, "Then, Olive Isadora Howard, I grant you my power over metal and my knowledge of battle. I know you will use it wisely."

A platinum glow grew from Olive's body and faded. Olive looked at her hands and flexed them. She felt powerful and confident and wise. "Now then," Athena said grabbing Olive's attention once more. "I have some gifts to bestow upon you. First is my spear It has seen many battles. Next is an owl. You may name her as you wish."

Olive was in awe of the wondrous gifts she received. She had never seen a weapon finer than this spear and owls have always been her favorite bird. Said owl flew from it's perch by the window and landed on her forearm. She stroked it's feathers gently. "I believe I will name you Andromeda." "That's a lovely name" At that point, Olive's stomach began to growl. "I believe that they are serving breakfast now." Athena said with a sly smile. Olive blushed and nodded.

She left the room and headed towards the voices that could now be heard. Athena followed close behind her. She stepped to the table, with Andromeda now perched on her shoulder. There were many odd characters here and she couldn't really decide where to sit. Athena gestured next to a boy that had bright orange hair. Olive was unsure, and glanced back at Athena. Athena gave a nod of her head and indicated that he was a fine person to sit by. Olive took her seat without a word and pulled a plate towards her and began to eat quietly.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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Dawn watched as yet an person entered the room with their god. She looked up at her god and a shiver ran down her spine.

'me? the king or queen of the gods? how can that be i am not confident or talkative but why does it hurt me so much that these people are sitting away from me?' Dawn asked herself and cuddled deeper into the kitsune's fur.

'My dear young one it is because you are meant to rule, you need them as much as they need you, their gods are just frightened of you because you will have a harder time controlling your powers for you are my heir' Zeus spoke within her mind and she popped her head up to give him a confused look.

'i dont understand how a person like me can rule over people like them, they all look so confident and beautiful and im just....well me' Dawn answered warily. Zeus looked at her with a scolding look.

'and what is wrong with you? Nothing that's what! Now stand of straight and show these people who the heir of Zeus is' Zeus said confidently and Dawn raised her eyebrows remembering her little (or big) freak out moments ago.

'i dont think they need someone who throws freak out storms as a leader' Dawn said. She stood up and straightened her back, her kitsune who she decided to name Phoenix standing with her. Dawn chest still glowed brightly the colors shifting from white to silver then to gold and back to white over and over. She looked like she had the northern lights on her chest.

'welcome them all to the feast say you are happy they could join us' Zeus commanded and Dawns soft voice sounded like a whisper
"Excuse me..." Dawn said but no one payed any attention, not even one of the gods looked at her.
"Excuse me" still nothing
Anger started to rise in Dawn, anger she had never felt before. When she was little everyone expect her mother would treat her with disrespect so she should be use to it, but here among these people she wasn't.
"excuse me" Dawn spoke louder, thunder claps could be heard in the distance but still no one payed an mind to her.

"I said excuse me!" Dawn shouted and a burst of light shone from her hand. It quickly disappeared and was replaced with a long lightning stick. And im talking really lightning here. The lightning was as tall as her and it almost looked like a staff. She looked up from the lightning rod to see all the gods looking at her in shock, Poseidon's mouth was actually hanging open and his eyes widened.

'thats my girl' Zeus smiled down proudly at her and Dawn spoke.

"thank you all for joining us today, it is a really honor. Join and feast until your stomachs are full" Dawn smiled, flashing snow white teeth at everyone then sat down and grabbed some grapes and started munching.

'maybe i can do this'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers Character Portrait: Devin McKale
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Lunas attention turned towards Dawn, her expression unfazed, until the thunder shook the room and a twinge of pain crossed her face. Maybe it wasn't the best idea slamming my head into that wall. She thought in a sigh. She could hear a small laugh come from beside her, as she looked up at Chione. My dear, but that's one of your strengths. You're dedicated. It was odd, Luna didn't find she was much like her god, she seemed so dedicated, so calm, like nothing could scare or faze her. Blinking her amber eyes, her head began the throbbing once more, at least not at the intensity it was at before. Luna grabbed and apple and took a bit out of it. Maybe I should call you snow white, with the apple and all She could hear from Chione, but the woman never had said it out loud.

After finishing her apple rather quickly she grabbed some food that was unknown to her, and tossed it down for her Ice Hound Demka to eat. Giving a warmer smile down at her pet. "Please excuse me, I find I'm not really that hungry." Luna said, her voice cool. Moving away with graceful steps, she walked passed the boy at the door, giving a small glance. Her ice hound trailed behind her, and so did Chione.

The hall was quiet, and empty. It seemed like such a peaceful calm place compared to the ruckess that had been occurring in the other room. Leaning against one of the cool walls, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. She could feel the cool presence of Demka come by at her side. Smiling, she bent down and petted her freezing cold pet. The ice hounds fierce blue eyes seemed to warm towards Luna, and she seemed almost so distracted by Demkas calming presence, her head ache started to fade away once more.

"I meant what I said by that was one of your strengthens, you know." Came the newly familiar voice of Chione. Luna glanced up, and rose from the ground, looking at her with an almost confused look. "I didn't really know what else to try, and I don't have any idea what my strengths would be, see I can't remember anything past the point of waking up." Chione laughed and gave the same smile, it was like a mothers, it was warming, even from coming from someone so cold. "You will discover yourself, my child. You are stronger than you think, your words will be your greatest weapon, your words will send shivers down others spine, in your other forms, I will warn, you will be cold. As to what you may have been expecting." Luna couldn't stop looking at her god, her facial expression must have been a mixture of awe and confusion.

"But if you ever find someone in a situation you can't crack or be fazed by your words on the exterior, I would love for you to use this," said Chione. "I present you with the ancient sword of ice" As if by magic, the god seemed to conjure it up out of mid air, handing it to Luna. The violet haired girl blinked, as she unsheathed the sword. Surrounding a silver blade, seemed to be the same glowing sheer ice blue that surrounded her when Chione had given her the powers of ice and snow. This time there was no doubt that Lunas face was obviously awe stricken. "It's beautiful.. it feels-" Luna stopped, trying to find the right words. "It feels like home." The goddess gave a smile and a small nod. "Anything ice or snow will give you that sense of feeling, as you may notice you Ice hound Demka isn't the most friendly looking boy." Luna looked down at Demka, the dark blue fur mixed with the sharp ice, his seemingly larger bared teeth and the blackened shackles around his ankles, the cool old mist of his breath. He looked powerful, but to her she looked beautiful; and almost as if Chione read her mind she laughed, and said "You feel that warmth from him, because the cold comfortableness of his ice protects your soul, its who you are. Luna darling, you have great quality lying inside you. You're strong willed, your kind.. at least it your normal and warrior form" The goddess said, almost hinting at something but Luna shaking it off and listened as the crystallized god continued. "You are determined. You won't rest until you've cracked any code, person, or task that's in your way. You will remember, believe me, Snow White." She ended, adding a little wink at the end. Luna seemed almost rendered speechless, until she spoke with a new found confidence and said
"I am determined to do what I need to do."

After a couple of minutes after her and Chiones talk, she saw her god wander back into to room, leaving Luna and Demka at rest for a few minutes. Lunas headache had subsided now, and she had her eyes closed. Giving out one final cool air of breath, she said "If I have you Demka, and Chione I can do it." Standing up, her Ice hound followed her moves instantaneously, his like tail wagging back and forth. Luna Laughed and said, "come on Demka, lets go back in." With that said, Luna moved back into the dining room, sitting back down in her old seat, looking at the others, almost analyzing them by instinct, as she was curious about them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Olive Howard Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers Character Portrait: ~;Midna Jue Nanillia;~
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Heath calmly began eating when the food appeared on the table. A rambunctious boy came bursting through the room, whom he assumed was Ares' element. Then a quiet girl came into the room taking a seat next to him. Her dark brown hair made her light blue eyes stick out, like a gem shining in granite. He could see that she was not very comfortable here, the way she avoided eye contact, and the way she kept focusing on her plate. Heath looked up to see Athena beside her, with her never-ending smile of wisdom. So she trusted me enough to take care of this girl. He took a deep breath. Heath was not the one to engage in a conversation, but it was a goddess' favor after all.

"My name is Heath," he said as he cut a piece of his stake, awaiting for the brow-haired girl to reply.

Then a huge flash filled the room followed by a roar. Heath quickly stood up ready to fight whatever was the threat, but soon sheathed his sword and sat back down when he realized it was the girl with white hair and red eyes (Dawn). She was speaking more confidently. As expected from a child of Zeus, always showing power even when it is necessary. Heath gave out a sigh, and sat back down, for a moment he was afraid that the girl would fall down, but she seemed to manage herself alright, repeating what her father said about enjoying the festival. As if he wasn't enjoying it already, thought Heath sarcastically.

It was too loud in here. Heath put the remaining piece of steak in his mouth, and dabbed his lips with a napkin, before getting out of his seat.

"Please excuse me," he said to Athena's element. Then he gave a bow to her and Athena before walking out of the dining room. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see another girl with black hair sitting in the corner of the room as he walked out, but decided he had enough talking for today, and continued to go outside to sit near a grassy field, resting his back on a tree. Heath closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. Then let it all out. He slid his fingers through his ash brown hair, and looked up at the moving sky.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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Dawn blushed as she realized what she had actually done. She looked down at her feet again and quietly excused herself before rushing out of the dining room. Bile rose in her throat as she started feeling dizzy.

'not again' dawn thought to herself.when dawn was younger she was beaten by her father and one night after a hard beating dawn was rushed to the hospital because of internal bleeding. They fixed her up but ever since then if she felt any great amount of pressure physial or mental she would throw up. She rushed out side not even having time to take I the beautiful scenery she found a bush and threw up her breakfast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Luna Kryne
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Lunas attention turned towards Dawn, her face looking a bit concerned as the girl raced out of the room. She hoped the other girl was alright, and she was curious as to why she had as well. Go on. Voiced Chione in her head, the goddess nudging her cold elbow on Lunas shoulder. Lunas nodded, and pushed herself out of her seat again, running after the girl, Demka on her trail.

Following outside, Luna spotted the girl throwing up in a bush. "Hey, are you alright?" The girl called after her, slowing down her pace as she approached her. "Would you like me to get some water?" Luna had the obvious concerned tone to her breath, and a smile, not wanting to come off pushy to Dawn. Luna was a little hesitant sounding although in waiting for the girls reply, she hope she wasn't going to upset her by following her. Demka her ice hound stood by Luna, his own deep blue eyes looking at the blonde girl with the same concerned eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Heath Ablaze
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Heath looked up at the sky, eying the clouds that passes through the orange sky. The sound of birds came off in a distance. He closed his eyes to listen closely. Instead of hearing sounds of beautiful birds, he heard another sound, a sound of someone throwing up, and a girl chatting away. He wanted to observe the scenery more, stay in this moment for a bit longer, but his conscience go the best of him.

He reluctantly got up, brushed the dirt off his pants and headed towards the source of the sound. When he arrived at the scene, Heath found the white haired girl, bending over, hurling, and the blue haired girl worried. Carefully, trying not to scare the white haired girl, Heath put a hand on her shoulder to turn her gently until their eyes met. He did not speak but checked to see what was wrong. From the external circumstances, Heath found nothing wrong with her, but judging from her face, Heath came to conclude that she overexerted herself. She should be fine, after she calms down. Heath let out a sigh of relief. His stern face turned into one of relief. He took out a handkerchief, and cleaned up the girl's face, silently, and unbiased.

"Don't exert yourself," Heath finally said, breaking the silence. He then got up, also helping the fragile little girl up to her feet. He looked at her, the fragile form that has the power of Zeus inside. "You are Zeus' child after all."

Then turning to the girl with blue hair, hesitating at the cold aura for a bit. 'So this is Chione's element,' he thought.
Then putting that thought behind, Heath said to her "You should get her to a safe place."
He then started to walk towards where he was before.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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Dawn couldn't help but blush as the man in front of her cleaned her face, she didn't move she just looked down at her feet feeling ashamed. She pushed her long white hair in front of her face making as a curtain.
"thank you" she softly spoke them turned to the blue haired girl.
" I'm fine thank you for your concern but I think I am jut going to take a walk now.....cute dog" dawn could barely hear her own voice, she turned towards the sound of a waterfall in the distance and started heading that way. She had cut herself off from throwing her guts up when the people but she could still feel her stomach churn uncomfortably. And sped wal down the hill and towards the waterfall until she couldn't see anyone anymore and ran into the bush and threw up again. The doctor said whenever this happened it would take about an hour or more to go away, tears slid down her cheeks as her body shuddered in pain. She was now only dry heaving for all the food in her stomach was gone.
'almost done dawn you know what comes after this then you are done' she encouraged herself as she dry heaved. Red liquid slipped down her lips and she coughed it up. Looking down at the blood which was now matted together with grass and leaves she shivered and stood up almost falling over because she was little headed. Blood dripped down her lips and onto her shirt as she walked to the waterfall to clean herself off.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter
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Dawn cleaned herself as much a suppose but the blood wouldn't come out of her shirt or hair unless properly cleaned. She looked down to see her skin was a grayish white, sick looking. Her hand shot up to her head as she felt dizzy again. She knew her eyes were whitish grey, they always turned that color when she was sad or sick. She got up weakly and started walking back up the hill, she felt like her knees would fall out under her at anytime.
Dawn made it to the top of the hill and in the distance she could see the boy who had helped her stick out his hand to the blue haired girl. She smiled weakly and started walking towards them but stopped and turned away from them as she coughed again, blood littering the green grass. It trailed down her lips and covered her hands.
The dizziness got worse, the world was moving to fast and Dawn collapsed, landing hard on her butt. She tried to get up but it made her feel sick and her legs were to weak to move.

weak just like her

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Luna Kryne Character Portrait: Heath Ablaze
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Luna felt herself involuntarily taking a step back as heath came near the two, a warm air seemed to surround him. Don't be like that. She warned herself, trying to play it off as more of a casual this then an instinctive thing. Luna went quiet although, but felt the need to protest as the girl walked away. Her heart sank a bit, still very concerned for the girl. She must be so frightened.. She thought to herself. But she seemed to want to be alone, and Luna was at a loss of what she should do.

A few moments passed by, before what she now assumed was the fire gods element came back, a worried look washed over his face. "She said she was going to go for a walk.. I'm concerned though, she didn't look all to well.. I think we should go find her and bring her back inside." She stated, but froze up a bit at his out streched hand. Stop doing that. She thought in an almost angry sigh at herself for being so childish and almost afraid. I guess the heat although made her a little uneasy. Taking his hand in hers with a soft, light grip she shook it. "My name's Luna, Chione's element, pleasure to meet you." She smiled lightly, before adding on a bit of a rushed "Oh no! You didn't bother u-" But cut herself off as her eyes caught a glimce of the light haired girl coming back, before throwing up what seemed to be.. blood.

"Heath.." She started to say slipping her cool hand out of his, turning his attention over to the girl. Looking down at her dog with frantic eyes she said "Demka, go get help inside." Her voice was cool, and not shaky like she felt on the inside. The Ice hound ran with great speed back inside, she could hear the shackles around his ankles clang. Running over to the girl, she dropped down to her knees, and held the girl up, supporting her as she felt limp. She had no idea really what to say other than "Were here, it's going to be okay." But in the split second it took her to say, the green fields seemed to have its tables turned, and shadows over loomed the place with darkness. She turned her head over to look now at Heath, her face seemed determined, but as the same time a little frightened. "What's going on?" She asked, even knowing still he didn't know the answer.