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The Multiverse

Ship Yard

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

A secluded shipyard in the business of building airships. Workers and equipment mill about the property. To the south appears to be a small settlement. Currently, the shipyard is under renovation by the Shintenchi based Shirada Shipworks

barney_fife holds sovereignty over Ship Yard, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,875 readers have been here.


A shipyard previously used to dock, repair, and construct airships. Its proximity to the ocean allows for crewmen to take a break and relax with seamen and ship captains who have been out on the ocean for months. To the south of the shipyard is a settlement who specializes in the construction of airships. This started as the creation of Zeppelins and eventually grew to the commonly known ships of today. These airships are mostly for commercial purposes, and despite the riches the town is supposed to be rolling in due to the industry, it is strangely still small and people live within their means...even the wealthy.

However, the area is slowly starting to change thanks to the acquisition from Shirada Shipworks, but not all is as it seems. Property buy ups have left many homeless, and out on the streets.
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Ship Yard

A secluded shipyard in the business of building airships. Workers and equipment mill about the property. To the south appears to be a small settlement. Currently, the shipyard is under renovation by the Shintenchi based Shirada Shipworks


Ship Yard is a part of Solinus Sea Eastern Bay.

13 Characters Here

R'muel [3]
Fuckin' Monkey [2] A monkey. Yep.
The Ever Rest [2] A free-lance mercenary vessel.
M'reth [2]
Ashra Yyrinza K'r [0] A Natura Guardian.
Isaac "the Surgeon" Pearson [0] Gunslinger and Outlaw.
Satori, Akira [0] Ex-intergalactic bounty hunter turned host to a Lovecraftian extraterrestrial whom takes the form of a transdimensional, towering Tombstone titled the Monument.
Luke White [0] Luke is dark and drawn with a thirst for money.

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Space Pants

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Shipwright's Wrench

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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: M'reth Character Portrait: R'muel Character Portrait: The Ever Rest
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#, as written by Tiko
The cove, though discreetly concealed from view by geography and simply its lack of proximity to any nearby settlements, was a bustling hive of activity. Up and down the ship yard were a dozen vessels in various states of completion with workers hard at work carrying lumber to and fro, sanding and sawing beams down. The whole process seemed rather chaotic and yet it had a sort of rhythm to it.

It was a rhythm that R'muel could stand and watch for hours. The diligence, the care, the soul that went into these ships was almost an almost tangible thing, and each work was a matter of pride. Though no pride was greater than his own ship, The Ever Rest.

Sweeping his gaze away, there she rested, grounded down by the shore while the crew were busy at work with last minute preparations. She was a low built vessel of an older design, but one of which R'muel much preferred to the newer models you could get off the line these days. Its construction more closely matched the ships of old, with her twin masts and sleek hull. However, she made a name for herself, ranking well into the top fastest ships in the area, not to mention her maneuverability. The only thing keeping her from claiming that title was her bulk. Though lithely built, she had the heft and weapons of a mercenary war vessel. It was the perfect balance of nimbleness and constitution R'muel thought proudly to himself.

“Head in the clouds again?” M'reth inquired as she moved to stand beside her brother.

He had let his mind wander from the matter at hand R'muel realized. Dotting the vicinity of the hidden cove, half a dozen other ships had turned out today, just as busy as his own in getting supplies inventoried and moved on board. Amongst them were two ships he had never flown with before. But that would change soon enough. Already some of the Captain's had come ashore to mill about and shoot the breeze.

“You know me, M'reth, always thinking. I don't like this though, there's a storm coming in from the east, and we'll be caught in open air when it hits. We should have waited the week out,” he said with a grimace.

He had strongly advocated in favor of delaying this venture, but too many young upstarts had turned out - eager to make a name for themselves, and all loath to wait while the sun shone high and the skies were clear. But R'muel knew how quickly that could change.

“I know, but we've flown through worse before. It'll be fine,” M'reth offered in reassurance.

“Yeah, you're probably right. Come on, we should find Br'nn. We'll be setting sail within the hour, and I haven't seen him all morning,” R'muel replied.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kate Darkrayne
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0.00 INK

Kate was sulking to the side, and armed like a tank. The reason for her sulking? Boredom. None of this preparation stuff was very piratey. She needed to get in the air. Feel the wind in her hair. It took all her restraint to remain sulking rather than starting a drinking competition, arm wrestle or fight. But she was determined to show how good of a pirate she could be to all the nay-sayers. She was willing to bet half of them weren't even pirates for the sake of being pirates!

Still, like always, she was armed to the teeth.

Strapped to her back was both hand cannon and blunderbuss, both within easy reach should she need them, either from over the shoulder or from at her waist. At her right side she had a flintlock pistol, a total of two shots ready to be fired at a moments notice, and a grapple gun. Likewise, she had her lucky rapier and a cutlass were both on her left, also ready to be drawn for combat. Finally, concealed as always, were her arm spikes.

She may have had no ship, no crew, no alcohol, no money and no real rep amongst other pirates, but she was about as crazy prepared as you got.

"What kinda name is 'Everest' anyway?" she muttered unhappily as she wandered towards the ship. A mock salute was offered towards M'reth, accompanied by, "Cap'n," which was said with a genuine tone of respect. Mentally, she braced herself, readying for the insults and pissing contests she knew would come on this trip, most likely with everyone telling Kate how they are better and no one proving it. Well, if they were afraid of dragons, by the end of this trip she would make dragons afraid of her.

That kind of had a ring to it.

Kate Darkrayne. Dragon Slayer.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Norma Borealis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan hovered along the gleaming side of his ship, the Skychild. The simple metal ship hung in the air, connected by a staircase to the ground and a gangway to the cargo hold up top. He chuckled as he watched several burly men load his ship full of goods—both legal and not—in preparation for the trip they'd been getting prepared to take. He'd planned on simply running the trip empty, just to see if he could do it, but he figured that he might make a bit of money while he was at it.

Looking down the docks he saw The Ever Rest, impressed by how such an old-looking ship was still in such good condition. He understood now why the rumors surrounding that ship were so wild, but he couldn't help but wonder how it would stand up against dragons. Then again, they'd done this trip six times prior, and he hadn't.

The sky-pirate turned back to his own ship, a more refined and elegant ship that originally belonged to an ambassador. He'd managed to get inside and take off with it, though, and since then it had been loyal to him through many random, though not terribly dangerous, voyages. The Skychild was built to be nimble in the sky, but it was also built to look good doing so. She had a pair of vertical stabilizing fins and six propellers keeping her aloft, though only two were running just then, and despite the original use of the ship, she'd been designed to haul cargo.

Whether that cargo was legal or not...Well, that all depended on how easy Kvan was on money.

The young man looked back across the moorings, figuring he'd at least go and speak to the other captains before departure. Who knew, maybe he'd even catch some good advice about the run while he was at it.

“Kvan,” Norma called out while walking towards the skypirate with a little haste in her step, “You don’t have a—a chest of some kind do you? I need something about this big,” she said while holding her hands apart at about shoulder width. There was an odd look in her eyes and the Promethean had been a bit secretive lately. She had a secret but what that secret was, Norma was not going to tell anyone just yet.

Her eyes caught something large out of the corner of her eye and the woman turned to look at it. “Is that the The Ever Rest, you’ve been talking about, Kvan,” Norma asked. It suddenly did not seem like a good idea to be going on this trip or “run” as they called it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dryden Veugh Character Portrait: M'reth Character Portrait: R'muel Character Portrait: The Ever Rest
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
M'reth jabbed her thumb in the direction of R'muel. “R'muel is the Captain, not me,” M'reth corrected with a light chuckle.

R'muel meanwhile didn't seem troubled by the confusion and he was amiable enough as he answered Kate's inquiry into his ship's name. “Now that's a question. Think about it a while,” he replied with a wink. “Come, I'll introduce you to the crew once we're on board. It's not often we have a Captain ship out with us,” he continued. There was no trace of contempt or abonishment in his tone nor implication of haughtiness or superiority in his demeanor. In stark contrast to Kate's expectations, R'muel seemed at ease and welcome to have Kate aboard.

While the trio conversed, a hardly looking middle aged man garbed in neutral shades of browns and greens waved the group down as he jogged his way over. Unlike most of crew, Dryden didn't really look the part of a pirate or a mercenary. Standing amidst R'muel, M'reth and Kate, he was definitely the odd one out.

“Captain, Br'nn's uncle has fallen ill. They're taking him to Solinus City,” Dryden explained.

R'muel frowned. The news furthered his concern of the voyage. His instincts told him they should delay, and being struck with bad luck before they even left port wasn't helping to sway his thoughts on the matter. However, the decision had already been made and so he simply nodded. “Very well, inform the crew that we will be sailing without him, and then find Rhoe to take Br'nn's place for the voyage.”

Even as R'muel was giving off instructions, Jibar approached the group next. He was a squat looking man with more heft than height and skin so weather worn as to look leathery. He bore a jovial demeanor of the likes that made him at home in any crowd or port. “Captain, the boys are loading the last of the food as we speak. Say the word and we'll be set to sail.”

“Good. Good. Tell them we'll be departing in twenty minutes,” R'muel replied.

“Aye aye Captain.”

As Jibar jogged off at a waddle, and Dryden bowed out of the discussion to locate Rhoe, M'reth was waving down Kvan and Norma who had made their way down to the beach.

“Glad you could make it,” M'reth called loudly to the approaching pair.

Meanwhile with a bold assertiveness that exhibited his experience, R'muel strode forward with an inviting grin to meet Kvan with a firm handshake. “Greetings, greetings. M'reth has told me about you two. Kvan was it?” he asked. “I'm afraid I didn't catch your name though,” he added to Norma before offering an equally firm hand in greeting. “I'm R'muel, Captain of the Ever Rest and I'll be heading this voyage. These as you probably already know are my sister M'reth, and Captain Kate Darkrayne,” he added with a gesture to indicate the pair in turn.


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Character Portrait: Kate Darkrayne
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0.00 INK

"M'no cap'n," Kate answered, "Not til' I 'ave a ship'n crew again. 'Til then m'just Kate." It was a simple enough and surprisingly humble answer. But then, this wasn't the first time Kate had stopped being a captain. She flipped in and out of owning crews and ships frequently. No matter! Her eyes weighed up Kvan and with a snort she turned her head away. He wasn't going to give him the chance.

An elbow was nudged towards M'reth, who she hung close to, "M'gonna go check over the ship. Gimme a shout when we're takin' off." And with that, she headed for the Ever Rest, no doubt seeking alcohol or a hammock. "I'll let you cap'n types sort out all the un-piratey rules yer look like yer 'bout to put in place."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart
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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan chuckled as Norma asked him if he had a chest for her. He looked back across at the ships still tied in preparation for leaving.

"Norma, you should have one in your cabin and, if you don't, you can use the one in mine. I'm gonna go see how much longer till we're off." He nodded and floated off down the wharf, his toes just inches above the stones.

He shook R'muel's hand just as firmly before glancing back at his ship out of habit.

"Aye, Kvan's the name. Though if you'd like you free to call me Captain Skyheart as well. By your reckoning. I only wonder how much longer we have before we shove off." He relaxed back a bit, resting on currents of air he summoned from beneath him, keeping him buoyant and content.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Norma Borealis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Norma had made her way down to meet the others that Kvan was running alongside. The promethean stayed relevantly quiet during the whole ordeal until R’muel took her hand and gave it a firm shake. Norma winced but a smile flared on her face as was custom in meeting someone.

“Norma and it is lovely to meet all of you,” she replied while looking M’reth, R’muel, and Kate over. Her expression fell then and the woman hugged herself while looking about. This wasn’t the place for her and she was realizing it fast. And yet, the promethean kept to her word as they always did. She wasn’t going to run from this challenge she had undertaken herself. She didn’t want to return to her family.

Instead, Norma gave a small wave to M’reth whom she recognized and then slipped a hand into her own pocket. Norma was making sure that her trinket was still there. Even if in an uncomfortable situation, the promethean was still wary of being around pirates and thieves.

Norma’s eyes scanned over the Ever Rest and then over those in company before wondering to herself. Maybe it was time to change her appearance once again in order to fit in better.

A shimmer of light passed down her body and Norma pieced together an outward appearance. Her skin darkened in a sun-kissed tan but retained an olive tone. Her blond hair stained into a harsh brunette while trinkets and beads formed in the strands. Even her clothing reformed itself to better fit in with the group, changing into various leather layers mixed with crimson cottons.

The only thing that couldn’t be adjusted was Norma’s attitude.

“I guess I will go find something to do,” she said while her eyes hung on the ground as if she were waiting for someone to give her a task to complete. Norma honestly had no idea what to do.

She was lost.


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Character Portrait: Roan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ranger
5 hours ago…

It was almost morning and the sun was not out yet. Roan was lying in his bed roll, waiting. He had packed a few things the night before. He knew what he was doing and knew he had to come light. He only packed his Dragonology book and his Terra Bestiary. He also had a pocket knife in case he needed to use it. He touched the surface of an amulet, given to him by his mother.

Roan looked out the window. It was starting to become lighter outside. He thought to himself; Now is the time. Now, or never. He quietly grabbed his knapsack, opened his window, and climbed out. He started to walk toward the shore, toward the Ever Rest.

The Ever Rest was the best known ship in the port. That was the reason he chose it. He knew that if he wanted adventure, that was the ship to be on.

Roan arrived at one of the Ever Rest’s rope ladders. He knew his climbing capabilities and climbed the ladder quickly and silently. He came to the top of the ladder and soundlessly climbed onto the deck. He noticed a few sailors on deck, sleeping while on watch. He smiled, knowing that they would do just that. He then snuck below deck into the cargo hold. This was where he was going to stow away. It was perfect, with lots of places to stay hidden.


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Character Portrait: R'muel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
“Captain Skyheart it is,” Ramuel replied to Kvan. “And it won't be long now. They're loading the last of the supplies on board as we speak. We'll be pushing off in about ten minutes here. Come on, we can go over the coordinates on our way down to the shore. It's a two week voyage - provided we don't run into any complications.”

As the duo of Captain's made their way back down to their respective ships, the day looked bright indeed. The morning sun cast a warmth over the cove and an azure sparkle across the ocean water. Overhead not a cloud dotted the sky and the cool breeze promised good flying weather.

So why was he so concerned? M'reth was probably right, there was nothing to worry about.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus Character Portrait: Enetra Salent Character Portrait: Fuckin' Monkey
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0.00 INK

It was extremely experimental, and ridiculously fun to play with.

They had a small crew together, they had stolen a ship. They had a code, a name, and a monkey. He still wasn't sure how they had acquired that, but hey. Shit happened. They were the Scoundrels of the Solinus. Who said they couldn't have a monkey?

Linus was still grinning, all pumped on Elysium when he activated the stealth of this ship. Alright, let's see what this baby can do, he thought to himself. It would be the ultimate test. Rollin' into port, underwater, sportin' a stolen ship! It would be invisible of course.

He grinned as a ripple passed through him, the mechanics of the ship vibrating through his core. He loved that feeling, the feeling of technology at work. Under the reality augmenting shield, which both deflected dark and absorbed light to create the illusion of no ship at all, the outer modules of the ship began to shift.

Oh yes, this is going to be awesome.

The ships exterior was sealed, under the cloak. There they sat, bobbling far from port, invisible, while Linus prepared some more Elysium to enjoy on the cruise through the underwater. Kicking the button with his foot as he entered a relaxed position, Linus lit up the Elysium and descended into the Solinus Sea.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus Character Portrait: Enetra Salent Character Portrait: Fuckin' Monkey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Krisandra would notice him taking that drug without care and would say, "Really, keep that stuff away from me. In the RIP some creep got that in and it caused a prison riot." sighing she would would be listening to the rolling waves and the singing of the sea, an enchanting song of strife and creation. It spoke to her, it spoke to her, it's very whispers suggesting secrets she had never once heard or uttered, the whole chorus try to worm in and open repressed memories. What did it mean, she had no clear and this did concern her, nonetheless they had a crew and it was certainly clear the captain had thought this all through. Although despite the two techies they had on board, they were still having trouble removing the codes and former programs to make this ship untraceable, it was coming to point, she was ready to suggest just damn see if you can find an actual mechanic, since hackers knew computers but when it came to actual heavy lifting one was smoking a lethal drug Krisandra disliked having on board and the other was unclear in their goals, they had apparently hacked the Terra Stock Exchange.

It was getting to point, they would likely be traced if they did not leave this beach-head soon, not to mention the amount of people who likely wanted her back in RIP and those who wanted them all dead for stealing an experimental Terran Craft, was too numerous to mention, but she had seen the posters, the many posters.

If they did not leave soon, not even this cloak would protect them, her magic perhaps, but being this close to the ocean was insanely dangerous as she would be consumed once for by that constant state of euphoria.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt
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0.00 INK

They were officially under water. Linus puffed away triumphant, staring at the beauty of the under-Solinus Sea.

Yes, quite wonderful indeed, however Linus frowned upon a minor error command. What is this? He pulled up the typing module and set to work. In a few moments, the problem was overcome, and he was piping away on Elysium.

Urgh, another error. Why? He typed again without a brow furrow, calculating fine through insobriety.

"I need to operate this," Linus shrugged, "You can always leave the room?" He puffed again, knowing all too well what could happen if she was overexposed.

Another error popped up. "Hell..."

K'gara has arrived, coming from Hidden Cove.
K'gara has left the area, heading north into Hidden Cove.
K'gara has arrived, coming from Hidden Cove.
K'gara has left the area, heading north into Hidden Cove.