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Le Derper

Testing stuff. Yay!

0 · 889 views · located in The Ether

a character in “Test”, originally authored by Remæus, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Le Derper's Story


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Character Portrait: Le Derper 2 Character Portrait: Le Derper Character Portrait: The Testinator
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No time for troubleshooting


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Character Portrait: Le Derper Character Portrait: The Testinator
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#, as written by Remæus
Also, I'm tagging your character in this post.


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Character Portrait: Le Derper
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"Hey Jude"


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#, as written by Remæus
Lorizzle ipsum funky fresh sheezy amizzle, fo shizzle shiznit gangsta. Break yo neck, yall sapien velizzle, pot fo shizzle, suscipizzle quis, gangster vizzle, arcu. Pellentesque ma nizzle tortor. Dope erizzle. Fusce ass dolizzle dapibizzle gizzle tempizzle dawg. Mauris pellentesque tellivizzle et turpizzle. Vestibulum izzle ghetto. Pellentesque shizzlin dizzle the bizzle ma nizzle. In hac habitasse my shizz dictumst. Gangster dapibizzle. Curabitur tellizzle boofron, pretizzle eu, mattis ac, go to hizzle ass, shizzlin dizzle. Shiz suscipizzle. I'm in the shizzle get down get down velit sizzle purizzle.

Etizzle gangster gizzle phat augue check out this accumsizzle. Aenean izzle est. Gangsta fo shizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle, viverra , facilisis izzle, shizznit izzle, erizzle. Vestibulum fizzle ipsizzle primis in black shiznit luctizzle dawg stuff the bizzle cubilia Curae; Donizzle dolor. Integer my shizz. Maecenas break it down blandit quam. Vivamus go to hizzle dawg daahng dawg. Sizzle facilisizzle. For sure sizzle nulla, venenatizzle eu, scelerisque gangsta, blandizzle izzle, magna.

metus black, luctizzle izzle, tristique et, sollicitudizzle at, nulla. Get down get down pharetra, check out this egestizzle away malesuada, dizzle justo consequizzle velizzle, mollis fringilla libero i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle away gizzle. Things yo taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle things, doggy inceptizzle hymenaeos. Aliquizzle maurizzle gizzle, scelerisque egizzle, fizzle that's the shizzle, accumsan , dawg. Nunc lacizzle. Fusce funky fresh urna, mofo dang, ma nizzle nizzle, molestie izzle, sapien. Get down get down condimentizzle. Shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle check it out dolor non enizzle tellivizzle pharetra. Integizzle fizzle we gonna chung, laorizzle boofron, elementizzle uhuh ... yih!, mollis nizzle, ligula. Ma nizzle ma nizzle pede. Nam nibh. Nulla ma nizzle. Nulla blandit. Maecenas black sizzle, bling bling non, lobortizzle izzle, molestie quizzle, bizzle. Morbi mi fo, own yo' sheezy, go to hizzle eu, pretium ac, fizzle. Its fo rizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle tellus quis uhuh ... yih! tempus aliquam.

Fo shizzle nizzle leo. Gizzle crunk, away break it down vehicula bizzle, velizzle sizzle convallizzle shizznit, vizzle elementizzle shizznit vel uhuh ... yih!. Vivamus i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle laoreet felizzle. Etizzle go to hizzle tempor magna. Shizzlin dizzle crackalackin its fo rizzle crunk. Vestibulizzle urna quizzle, pizzle a, gangster izzle, faucibus at, my shizz. Vivamizzle fizzle euismizzle fo shizzle. Maecenizzle black break it down i'm in the shizzle. Fusce rizzle da bomb egizzle erizzle away pulvinizzle. Morbi mollis sodalizzle erizzle. Daahng dawg egestizzle, metizzle check it out laoreet fo, uhuh ... yih! velit get down get down urna, vulputate elementum daahng dawg purizzle ut the bizzle. Gangster go to hizzle fizzle break it down sizzle. Rizzle ac ligula fo shizzle my nizzle dui we gonna chung fo shizzle my nizzle. Phasellus fo shizzle lorizzle. Nam velit. Suspendisse izzle nibh.

Shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle aliquizzle pede sheezy my shizz. Cum i'm in the shizzle natoque penatibus yippiyo magnizzle dizzle away montes, nascetur shiz mizzle. Ut shiznit shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle, fo shizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle, dang ac, ass boofron, urna. Hizzle fizzle daahng dawg commodo libero. Donizzle break it down. Gangster augue cool, fringilla away, crazy i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle, condimentizzle fo shizzle my nizzle, ipsizzle. Cras imperdiet, boom shackalack sizzle dizzle boom shackalack gravida, sheezy own yo' ornare shizznit, a hendrerit nunc hizzle scelerisque boofron. Pellentesque quis own yo'. Nizzle nonummy dolor nizzle owned. Sizzle sizzle.

Nulla eu ligula. We gonna chung porta yippiyo tellizzle. Check it out boofron, brizzle daahng dawg vulputate ma nizzle, ass urna hendrerit leo, shut the shizzle up condimentizzle sizzle sapizzle izzle nunc. Shizzlin dizzle eu fo shizzle. Vestibulizzle mah nizzle felizzle. Sed elementizzle black erizzle. Crackalackin nulla sizzle, volutpat mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa, ghetto egizzle, fo shizzle eget, izzle. Mofo pharetra. Nunc black. Curabitizzle shit the bizzle leo crackalackin ante blandit dignissizzle. Quisque laorizzle sheezy sizzle amizzle enizzle. Check out this tempizzle dignissim felis.

Lorizzle ipsum funky fresh sheezy amizzle, fo shizzle shiznit gangsta. Break yo neck, yall sapien velizzle, pot fo shizzle, suscipizzle quis, gangster vizzle, arcu. Pellentesque ma nizzle tortor. Dope erizzle. Fusce ass dolizzle dapibizzle gizzle tempizzle dawg. Mauris pellentesque tellivizzle et turpizzle. Vestibulum izzle ghetto. Pellentesque shizzlin dizzle the bizzle ma nizzle. In hac habitasse my shizz dictumst. Gangster dapibizzle. Curabitur tellizzle boofron, pretizzle eu, mattis ac, go to hizzle ass, shizzlin dizzle. Shiz suscipizzle. I'm in the shizzle get down get down velit sizzle purizzle.

Etizzle gangster gizzle phat augue check out this accumsizzle. Aenean izzle est. Gangsta fo shizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle, viverra , facilisis izzle, shizznit izzle, erizzle. Vestibulum fizzle ipsizzle primis in black shiznit luctizzle dawg stuff the bizzle cubilia Curae; Donizzle dolor. Integer my shizz. Maecenas break it down blandit quam. Vivamus go to hizzle dawg daahng dawg. Sizzle facilisizzle. For sure sizzle nulla, venenatizzle eu, scelerisque gangsta, blandizzle izzle, magna.

metus black, luctizzle izzle, tristique et, sollicitudizzle at, nulla. Get down get down pharetra, check out this egestizzle away malesuada, dizzle justo consequizzle velizzle, mollis fringilla libero i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle away gizzle. Things yo taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle things, doggy inceptizzle hymenaeos. Aliquizzle maurizzle gizzle, scelerisque egizzle, fizzle that's the shizzle, accumsan , dawg. Nunc lacizzle. Fusce funky fresh urna, mofo dang, ma nizzle nizzle, molestie izzle, sapien. Get down get down condimentizzle. Shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle check it out dolor non enizzle tellivizzle pharetra. Integizzle fizzle we gonna chung, laorizzle boofron, elementizzle uhuh ... yih!, mollis nizzle, ligula. Ma nizzle ma nizzle pede. Nam nibh. Nulla ma nizzle. Nulla blandit. Maecenas black sizzle, bling bling non, lobortizzle izzle, molestie quizzle, bizzle. Morbi mi fo, own yo' sheezy, go to hizzle eu, pretium ac, fizzle. Its fo rizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle tellus quis uhuh ... yih! tempus aliquam.

Fo shizzle nizzle leo. Gizzle crunk, away break it down vehicula bizzle, velizzle sizzle convallizzle shizznit, vizzle elementizzle shizznit vel uhuh ... yih!. Vivamus i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle laoreet felizzle. Etizzle go to hizzle tempor magna. Shizzlin dizzle crackalackin its fo rizzle crunk. Vestibulizzle urna quizzle, pizzle a, gangster izzle, faucibus at, my shizz. Vivamizzle fizzle euismizzle fo shizzle. Maecenizzle black break it down i'm in the shizzle. Fusce rizzle da bomb egizzle erizzle away pulvinizzle. Morbi mollis sodalizzle erizzle. Daahng dawg egestizzle, metizzle check it out laoreet fo, uhuh ... yih! velit get down get down urna, vulputate elementum daahng dawg purizzle ut the bizzle. Gangster go to hizzle fizzle break it down sizzle. Rizzle ac ligula fo shizzle my nizzle dui we gonna chung fo shizzle my nizzle. Phasellus fo shizzle lorizzle. Nam velit. Suspendisse izzle nibh.

Shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle aliquizzle pede sheezy my shizz. Cum i'm in the shizzle natoque penatibus yippiyo magnizzle dizzle away montes, nascetur shiz mizzle. Ut shiznit shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle, fo shizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle, dang ac, ass boofron, urna. Hizzle fizzle daahng dawg commodo libero. Donizzle break it down. Gangster augue cool, fringilla away, crazy i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle, condimentizzle fo shizzle my nizzle, ipsizzle. Cras imperdiet, boom shackalack sizzle dizzle boom shackalack gravida, sheezy own yo' ornare shizznit, a hendrerit nunc hizzle scelerisque boofron. Pellentesque quis own yo'. Nizzle nonummy dolor nizzle owned. Sizzle sizzle.

Nulla eu ligula. We gonna chung porta yippiyo tellizzle. Check it out boofron, brizzle daahng dawg vulputate ma nizzle, ass urna hendrerit leo, shut the shizzle up condimentizzle sizzle sapizzle izzle nunc. Shizzlin dizzle eu fo shizzle. Vestibulizzle mah nizzle felizzle. Sed elementizzle black erizzle. Crackalackin nulla sizzle, volutpat mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa, ghetto egizzle, fo shizzle eget, izzle. Mofo pharetra. Nunc black. Curabitizzle shit the bizzle leo crackalackin ante blandit dignissizzle. Quisque laorizzle sheezy sizzle amizzle enizzle. Check out this tempizzle dignissim felis.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: asdfasdfasdf Character Portrait: Le Derper 2 Character Portrait: Le Derper Character Portrait: Freebirther Character Portrait: Eric Character Portrait: Whipping Boy
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#, as written by Remæus
Lorizzle ipsizzle i'm in the shizzle yo amizzle, consectetuer black elit. Nullizzle sapizzle velit, boofron volutpizzle, suscipizzle go to hizzle, gravida break yo neck, yall, arcu. Pellentesque eget tortizzle. Black eros. For sure check it out dolizzle dapibizzle turpizzle tempizzle yo. Maurizzle shizznit nibh izzle turpizzle. Ma nizzle izzle tortor. Stuff fizzle rhoncizzle fo. In mah nizzle habitasse platea dictumst. Pizzle dapibus. Curabitur tellus urna, pretizzle eu, mattizzle gangsta, eleifend vitae, nunc. Tellivizzle suscipizzle. Integer semper break it down sizzle purus.

Curabitizzle shizznit quis nisi shiz mollizzle. Suspendisse fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle. Break yo neck, yall odio. Shizzlin dizzle neque. Cras shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle. Crizzle maurizzle gangster, nizzle get down get down, feugiat daahng dawg amizzle, own yo' izzle, pede. Get down get down gravida. Vestibulizzle orci mi, get down get down in, crunk sizzle, adipiscing gangsta, velit. Cras in ipsizzle. Away volutpizzle felizzle vel orci. Cras its fo rizzle shit gizzle ghetto sodalizzle ornare. Da bomb venenatizzle justo izzle things. Izzle you son of a bizzle. Suspendisse venenatis for sure mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa. Curabitizzle eu ante. Nunc pharetra, leo eu cool hendrerizzle, my shizz felis tellivizzle sizzle, fo shizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle izzle own yo' ass pede. Crazy a nisl. Class aptent shut the shizzle up hizzle izzle my shizz torquent shiznit conubia izzle, pizzle we gonna chung brizzle. Aliquizzle ass, neque check out this elementum nonummy, nisl my shizz sheezy fizzle, in sempizzle go to hizzle arcu gizzle yo mamma.

Vivamus nec mauris egizzle for sure consectetuer away. Vivamizzle shut the shizzle up amizzle ghetto. Ghetto fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle fo shizzle my nizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle lacizzle auctor feugizzle. Crunk shizznit fo shizzle ipsizzle. Own yo' away arcu. Vestibulum that's the shizzle enim, own yo' sed, congue eu, dignissizzle pot, funky fresh. Nullizzle vitae check out this mofo erizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle pharetra. Rizzle dizzle tortizzle, congue shit, auctor a, mollis shiznit amizzle, its fo rizzle. Donizzle izzle . We gonna chung we gonna chung ass, elementizzle shut the shizzle up, sollicitudin , consequizzle imperdizzle, owned. Fo shizzle a ipsizzle eu break yo neck, yall rutrizzle vehicula. Funky fresh accumsizzle sagittizzle ipsum. Pellentesque sizzle dawg tristique senectizzle ma nizzle netizzle izzle malesuada gizzle izzle stuff egestizzle. Boom shackalack check out this. Away elementum. Crazy erizzle its fo rizzle, sempizzle quis, suscipizzle pizzle, porta bling bling, nisl. Nulla sagittizzle boom shackalack velizzle.

Etiam a shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle sizzle augue fo shizzle my nizzle away. Sizzle in est. Gizzle maurizzle dolizzle, get down get down vitae, facilisizzle fizzle, ultrices away, erizzle. Vestibulum ante crackalackin primizzle in faucibizzle orci funky fresh izzle ultricizzle ass cubilia Curae; Donizzle dolor. Integizzle faucibus. Bow wow wow pharetra pimpin' quizzle. Vivamizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle aliquet orci. Sizzle bizzle. Mauris sem nulla, i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle eu, shiznit vel, blandizzle own yo', magna.

Sizzle phat tortor bling bling dope ultricies boofron. Break it down convallizzle, arcu izzle dignissim posuere, rizzle we gonna chung luctizzle da bomb, a blandizzle crackalackin dolizzle mah nizzle velit. Gangsta izzle cool nizzle elizzle varizzle gangster. You son of a bizzle nisi, pulvinar izzle, porta eleifend, shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle izzle, funky fresh. Nunc sed neque. Crunk ipsum dolizzle sizzle ghetto, consectetizzle shit elit. Maecenizzle izzle brizzle. In congue. Vestibulizzle ac erizzle fo shizzle my nizzle you son of a bizzle aliquet pot. In facilisizzle nisi sizzle break yo neck, yall nibh. Dizzle commodo. Nunc dawg izzle izzle check it out lacinia black. Check it out the bizzle massa izzle bow wow wow pharetra lobortizzle. Fo shizzle enizzle est, fizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle, ornare vizzle, imperdiet that's the shizzle, lacus. Vivamizzle egizzle diam at massa adipiscing bizzle. Things yippiyo nisl quizzle ghetto ornare break yo neck, yall.

Shut the shizzle up commodo gangster fizzle sizzle. Pimpin' congue. Vestibulizzle viverra laorizzle dui. Quisque sit amizzle purizzle eu mofo dizzle condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Stuff izzle pizzle gangster purizzle tincidunt bizzle. Sed gravida tempizzle ante. In shut the shizzle up erat et fo shizzle my nizzle. Fizzle malesuada. Nizzle away tellizzle fizzle dizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle mofo. Nulla facilisi. You son of a bizzle pizzle quam a fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle gangsta mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa. Nullizzle the bizzle dui hendrerit izzle. Cras sempizzle metus sed tellus. Etizzle bizzle purizzle bizzle dui. Maecenizzle rutrum phat pot.

Lorizzle ipsizzle i'm in the shizzle yo amizzle, consectetuer black elit. Nullizzle sapizzle velit, boofron volutpizzle, suscipizzle go to hizzle, gravida break yo neck, yall, arcu. Pellentesque eget tortizzle. Black eros. For sure check it out dolizzle dapibizzle turpizzle tempizzle yo. Maurizzle shizznit nibh izzle turpizzle. Ma nizzle izzle tortor. Stuff fizzle rhoncizzle fo. In mah nizzle habitasse platea dictumst. Pizzle dapibus. Curabitur tellus urna, pretizzle eu, mattizzle gangsta, eleifend vitae, nunc. Tellivizzle suscipizzle. Integer semper break it down sizzle purus.

Curabitizzle shizznit quis nisi shiz mollizzle. Suspendisse fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle. Break yo neck, yall odio. Shizzlin dizzle neque. Cras shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle. Crizzle maurizzle gangster, nizzle get down get down, feugiat daahng dawg amizzle, own yo' izzle, pede. Get down get down gravida. Vestibulizzle orci mi, get down get down in, crunk sizzle, adipiscing gangsta, velit. Cras in ipsizzle. Away volutpizzle felizzle vel orci. Cras its fo rizzle shit gizzle ghetto sodalizzle ornare. Da bomb venenatizzle justo izzle things. Izzle you son of a bizzle. Suspendisse venenatis for sure mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa. Curabitizzle eu ante. Nunc pharetra, leo eu cool hendrerizzle, my shizz felis tellivizzle sizzle, fo shizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle izzle own yo' ass pede. Crazy a nisl. Class aptent shut the shizzle up hizzle izzle my shizz torquent shiznit conubia izzle, pizzle we gonna chung brizzle. Aliquizzle ass, neque check out this elementum nonummy, nisl my shizz sheezy fizzle, in sempizzle go to hizzle arcu gizzle yo mamma.

Vivamus nec mauris egizzle for sure consectetuer away. Vivamizzle shut the shizzle up amizzle ghetto. Ghetto fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle fo shizzle my nizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle lacizzle auctor feugizzle. Crunk shizznit fo shizzle ipsizzle. Own yo' away arcu. Vestibulum that's the shizzle enim, own yo' sed, congue eu, dignissizzle pot, funky fresh. Nullizzle vitae check out this mofo erizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle pharetra. Rizzle dizzle tortizzle, congue shit, auctor a, mollis shiznit amizzle, its fo rizzle. Donizzle izzle . We gonna chung we gonna chung ass, elementizzle shut the shizzle up, sollicitudin , consequizzle imperdizzle, owned. Fo shizzle a ipsizzle eu break yo neck, yall rutrizzle vehicula. Funky fresh accumsizzle sagittizzle ipsum. Pellentesque sizzle dawg tristique senectizzle ma nizzle netizzle izzle malesuada gizzle izzle stuff egestizzle. Boom shackalack check out this. Away elementum. Crazy erizzle its fo rizzle, sempizzle quis, suscipizzle pizzle, porta bling bling, nisl. Nulla sagittizzle boom shackalack velizzle.

Etiam a shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle sizzle augue fo shizzle my nizzle away. Sizzle in est. Gizzle maurizzle dolizzle, get down get down vitae, facilisizzle fizzle, ultrices away, erizzle. Vestibulum ante crackalackin primizzle in faucibizzle orci funky fresh izzle ultricizzle ass cubilia Curae; Donizzle dolor. Integizzle faucibus. Bow wow wow pharetra pimpin' quizzle. Vivamizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle aliquet orci. Sizzle bizzle. Mauris sem nulla, i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle eu, shiznit vel, blandizzle own yo', magna.

Sizzle phat tortor bling bling dope ultricies boofron. Break it down convallizzle, arcu izzle dignissim posuere, rizzle we gonna chung luctizzle da bomb, a blandizzle crackalackin dolizzle mah nizzle velit. Gangsta izzle cool nizzle elizzle varizzle gangster. You son of a bizzle nisi, pulvinar izzle, porta eleifend, shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle izzle, funky fresh. Nunc sed neque. Crunk ipsum dolizzle sizzle ghetto, consectetizzle shit elit. Maecenizzle izzle brizzle. In congue. Vestibulizzle ac erizzle fo shizzle my nizzle you son of a bizzle aliquet pot. In facilisizzle nisi sizzle break yo neck, yall nibh. Dizzle commodo. Nunc dawg izzle izzle check it out lacinia black. Check it out the bizzle massa izzle bow wow wow pharetra lobortizzle. Fo shizzle enizzle est, fizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle, ornare vizzle, imperdiet that's the shizzle, lacus. Vivamizzle egizzle diam at massa adipiscing bizzle. Things yippiyo nisl quizzle ghetto ornare break yo neck, yall.

Shut the shizzle up commodo gangster fizzle sizzle. Pimpin' congue. Vestibulizzle viverra laorizzle dui. Quisque sit amizzle purizzle eu mofo dizzle condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Stuff izzle pizzle gangster purizzle tincidunt bizzle. Sed gravida tempizzle ante. In shut the shizzle up erat et fo shizzle my nizzle. Fizzle malesuada. Nizzle away tellizzle fizzle dizzle i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle mofo. Nulla facilisi. You son of a bizzle pizzle quam a fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle gangsta mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa. Nullizzle the bizzle dui hendrerit izzle. Cras sempizzle metus sed tellus. Etizzle bizzle purizzle bizzle dui. Maecenizzle rutrum phat pot.


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Character Portrait: asdfasdfasdf Character Portrait: Le Derper 2 Character Portrait: Le Derper Character Portrait: Freebirther Character Portrait: Eric Character Portrait: Whipping Boy
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#, as written by Remæus
The Ether echoes like the hollow expanse it is.