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Purple hair, green eyes, light brown skin, female

0 · 786 views · located in Xamoyos

a character in “The Multiverse


Synri is an omnisexual girl who enjoys dirty jokes and food. She's kind of lazy but if she gets a chance loves to play the bad guy. Her favourite food is Udon and she likes anime. He has a very... curvy shape. She is 6'2. Her hair is short with two really long strands in the front. She is very convincing.

So begins...

Synri's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keith nexus Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson
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0.00 INK

Commander Agathon continued to stare out at the viewscreen in front of him, watching the stars as they flitted about on the screen, and he kept his eyes on the planet below, everything was in it’s place, and the Commander was eagerly waiting the re-establishment of communications, and navigation so they could figure out where they were, and make the necessary course corrections.

“One degree angle nominal, yaw twenty percent, pitch correction minus twenty niner niner, carom two niner three.” A Bridge officer reported, as he manipulated a control stick on his console to correct the yaw, and pitch issues from one of the automated stabilizers.

“Stabilization complete.” The officer reported, right as a large three-dimensional representation of the star system flickered into view, a whirring reverberating through the entire CIC as the Kapisi, the OVI Carrier, and an unusual vessel were all highlighted in varying colors to denote their possible threat status.

“We have multiple contacts.” The bridge officer reported, as the Commander narrowed his eyes.

“Can we establish comms?”

The bridge officer shook his head. “Astrometrics is still working on getting navigation back online, we won’t have comms for awhile, but we can move and fight if we need.”

The commander nodded.

“Bring us to condition two throughout the ship.”

With the order given, the lights in the CIC dimmed to a dull amber, and the crew began moving to their stations quickly, preparing for a possible emergency.

The Conflagration itself moved forward ever so slightly, as weapon batteries began to move from their recessed emplacements, and into a ready position.

“All decks report condition two.” The Executive officer reported.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keith nexus Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson
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0.25 INK

The Stjornhestr was moving slowly. The Conflagration was now 622 miles away, but moving swiftly through space on an incoming path towards the smaller Norse space ship as the Aschen struggled to get their systems in order. The jarl, Goffre Alvisson was not overly concerned, as he had seen the Hastiti Class cruiser through his telescope from several kilometers away and was given ample time to prepare.

The captain and co-pilot, Forstein and Rolegh, carried out their orders from Jarl Alvisson as they got the Stjornhestr up and running, and sank into the skies out of the Conflagration's path in case it was not able to stop its course. "All systems are a go. We are running smoothly, turning now five degrees south," Hanson Forstein said calmly. "Five degrees south," Rolegh the Young repeated, carrying out the captain's commands.

The Stjornhestr's crew was now ready to embark on the next part of their mission. While the 500-man passenger ship did not have offensive weapons, it did have quite an elaborate defense system. The crew was in position, but was not really expecting any hostility from the incoming cruiser as they activated the shields and stood by to await further orders. Soon, the Stjornhestr was in motion again, moving slowly towards the exosphere of Bastion IV like a hot-air balloon in outer space. Five degrees didn't seem like much at first, but given the distance between the Stjornhestr and the Conflagration, it would be enough distance and in enough time to evade an incoming collision between both vessels in case the Aschen were unable to stop or turn.

Just then, there was another voice over the telehorn. It was a call from Svegdir Staghelm, informing Hanson Forstein that the convertiboats were ready to launch. Forstein gave the issue, and soon two small almond-shaped silver pods were released from the Stjornhestr's hull, sinking below the much larger longship, each having five explorers onboard. These smaller vessels did not appear to have thrusters of any kind, nor windows, yet they operated all the same, as the passengers aboard each convertiboat peered out through their mirror-glass windshields towards their destinations. One of the pods immediately sank into Bastion IV's exosphere, and using the force of gravity, it soon began to glow reddish white and hasten speed towards the planet's surface like a meteor, its exterior becoming super red hot as a tail of green light and white smoke traveled behind it. The other small convertiboat hovered above the planet for a moment before closing in slowly towards the distressed Aschen cruiser in order to investigate the situation and make contact with the survivors onboard, if there were any.

Svegdir Staghelm was now in charge of the Bastion IV expedition as he piloted the small craft downward at a diagonal forty-five degree angle towards a small river heading for Dracos Valley on the continent of Xamoyos, accompanied by four other Empyrean Norsemen as the tiny karvi-sized convertiboat fell from the skies and dove nose first into the water. The other convertiboat was piloted by a karl named Wolfgang Yorisson, who was also accompanied by three other able-bodied Norsemen and a Norse woman named Kelsey, who happened to have medical experience incase the Aschen were need of medical assistance. Both convertiboats were labelled Karvi-1 and Karvi-2, while the Stjornhestr still had eleven other escape pods onboard in case of emergency.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keith nexus Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson
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0.25 INK

"I'm getting anomalies on the sensor sweeps.." One of the Bridge officers called out while Commander Agathon was drawing a path back into orbit, now that engines, and maneuvering systems were back online.

The Cruiser shuddered slightly, but was slowly increasing altitude, and pitching it's nose up slightly. "Set escape vectors." The Commander ordered, and the crew swiftly complied, manipulating their controls to guide the large cruiser back into the planet's exosphere, but that was before a contact was detected on course for the Aschen cruiser.

"Sir! We have additional contacts, looks like strike craft! One of them is CBDR, Zero Zero Nine carom zero one six!" The executive officer called out, pointing to the small pods on the holographic display. "They look like transports of some kind."

Agathon growled slightly. "Do we have comms yet!?" He called out, and the Executive officer shook his head. "Negative, sir, Engineering is working to restore them."

"Great." Agathon growled. "Set condition one, all hands report to your stations, I want Marine strike teams in position to repel boarders!"

The dull amber light shifted to a flashing red light, and alarms blared all through the ship, as Aschen Marines moved through the interior of the ship, kicking over crates, and taking position behind bulkheads, especially near the Hastati cruiser's four airlocks, and two hangar bays.

Outside, things didn't seem much different, other than the few windows that allowed one to see into the ship went from a bright white light to a flashing red light, before armored shutters closed over them, obscuring what few views inside the ship that were offered.

Back in the CIC, as the tactical officers were moving to key up the weapons systems, alarms began to blare, and one of the officers turned to Commander Agathon.

"Sir! Point defense systems are offline, EVE is re-keying the system to get it back, and I've got engineering teams moving to the primary computron arrays."

The Commander growled to himself, as he checked a display.

"All decks report ready to repel boarders!" The Tactical officer called out. Commander Agathon offered a nod, and then turned to his XO. "Evasive maneuvers, full military thrust, and see if we can get some strike craft into the void!"

The rear engines of the Hastati cruiser ignited, and the craft began to lurch forward, it seemed the Aschen ship was trying to escape.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Folios Character Portrait: Svegdir Staghelm Character Portrait: Irirani Syliala
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0.25 INK

Once the boat had landed in the water, everything that was nearby scattered in sheer panic. The sounds of frightened whooping came from a flock of Xamatospondylus that came to the river to eat and drink. They were bipedal blue-scaled creatures that looked like reptilian ostriches. Cowardly creatures they were, especially from something so sudden as a crash landing in the river.

Once the water had settled the denizens of the river soon swam toward the metal vessel. A few aquatic animals who were named Aquaxamos made their way under the boat, their rounded snouts prodding the metal object to see what this new and strange thing was. They were friendly creatures mind, only interested in eating crabs. Something had alerted them, causing them to jet away, a new threat was looming in the murky deep. A big creature stalked them from below, something with a big mouth and sharp teeth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Folios
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0.25 INK

The Commander of the Conflagration watched the displays silently as his ship lurched, and the superstructure groaned as the ship tried to put some distance between the convertiboat, and itself. It’s massive engines churning to life as the Hastati class cruiser began to slowly but surely pull away.

It continued to pitch upwards, simultaniously trying to escape the planet’s gravity, but also the Empyrean Norsemen. It seemed that for now, the ship was succeeding. Especially when the Convertiboat came to a stop, it was clear the Aschen vessel was slowly starting to pull away from them.

Watching the display, Agathon thumbed his chin in slight confusion for a moment, it seemed whoever these people were had opted not to give chase. The Aschen Commander breathed a brief sigh of relief, before he turned to his Tactical officer.

“Let me know the moment our FTL Drives are back online.” Agathon instructed.

The officer simply nodded.

“Aye, sir.” The officer immediately set to work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Folios
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0.25 INK

Everything seemed to be going smoothly for the crew of the Imperial Aschen Warship Conflagration, until the moment they weren't.

Two audible beeps signalled the new sensor readings for the Stjornhestr's position, and they seemed to be on a collision course for the Aschen warship. Alarms began to blare all throughout the ship as the Commander grabbed the console and called out. "Frak me!" He shouted. "Adjust angle, thirty degrees, yaw twenty nine degrees port repeat hard to port! Evasive maneuvers, full military thrust!"

The massive million ton warship was not nearly as nimble as the much smaller magical viking longship, but it gave it's efforts to evade the collision as armored doors retracted near the nose of the ship, brilliant plumes of flame shooting out hundreds of feet as the ship struggled to turn left, and away from the Stjornhestr. It's shields flickered, and shimmered, and at these distances, the Stjornhestr's hull would impact the Conflagration's shields, which was a sensation not unlike suddenly hitting a wall of water, which likely aided in the ship's deflection away from the Conflagration. Milky white eddies of shimmering light erupted all around the Stjornhester's hull, harmlessly moving about like curtains of light, almost like a milky white, faded aurora borealis, the ribbons of light danced, and shimmered around the Viking longship until it had cleared the field.

At these distances, the finer details of the Conflagration could be made out, massive gun batteries, along with smaller gun batteries riddled the interlocking armored plates. At these distances, the naked eye could see each weld, each rivet in the hull of the massive Aschen cruiser, and even some of the crew pressed against the ship's windows.

If one could get a glance inside the Aschen warship they would see humans, in dark grey, and blue uniforms, hands splayed on the glass as they watched the events unfold in front of them.

However, the Conflagration managed to successfully turn away, plotting a course away from the Stjornhestr, and deeper into the void of space.