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A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away


The Sith have regained strength, are becoming a threat once again. A war is brewing, where will you be in the coming battle?

2,770 readers have visited A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away since TheShadow created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

The time of peace has ended. With the return of the Sith, the Jedi are called upon once again. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant has been destroyed from a devastating attack, conducted by none other than the Sith themselves.
The Jedi has converged to their ancient homeworld Tython to regain strength. Meanwhile the Sith accept new acolytes on Korriban for their final trials to become true Sith. The Galactic Republic struggles looking for an answer to the Empire's demands, and with the sacking of Coruscant they are forced to sign the TREATY OF CORUSCANT.
An unstable peace has been formed between the Empire an the Republic. Border skirmishes occur across the Galaxy due to the Empire's hunger for more territory. The Republic is aware that these skirmishes break the TREATY OF CORUSCANT, but they are in no state to challenge the Empire.

Will the Jedi be able to challenge the Sith, or will they be crushed under the might of the Empire? Where will you be in the coming war? Leading the Jedi across the Galaxy, recapturing worlds. Or will you be the Sith's fist, making people tremble just by the mention of your name? Or perhaps you'll be running errands for some Hutt, trying to make a name for yourself?


Yes, you be able to choose who you assist, the weakened Jedi, or the almighty Sith. There are two sides to every tale, which one is yours?

Republic / Empire
Jedi / Sith
Smuggler / Bounty Hunter
Trooper / Imperial


Depending on which class you choose, your equipment will vary. Jedi and Sith will begin with their respective robes (edited to any personal preference, within reason). Smugglers and hunters have the ability to choose their starting equipment (within reason). Troopers and Imperials will begin with their respective armor, and a blaster rifle.


Here is an app skeleton:

Character Name:
Character Species:
Character Class:
Character Stats: (Height, weight)
Character appearance: (pics or description)
Character equipment:
Character bio: (history, why they are what they are, etc.)

(Anything else you may wish to add to your app is purely cosmetic)

This story is slightly based off of Star Wars: The Old Republic. However, if you've played it, or even if you haven't, don't worry because I'm starting an original story, it's just set around the same timeline.

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Have decently good understanding of the Star Wars unvierse.
Please have good grammar, please.
No godmodding.
Be clear in your posts.

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in


Coruscant by TheShadow

Hiya, this is Coruscant. Money is everywhere, if you can get it.


Tython by TheShadow

Hello Padawan, welcome to Tython. Here you will learn the ways of the Jedi.


Korriban by TheShadow

Welcome, Acolyte. This is Korriban, don't get comfortable.

Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa by TheShadow

Welcome to Nar Shaddaa. Good luck not getting mugged.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jurian Character Portrait: Jadan 'Scout' Strifer Character Portrait: Alara Character Portrait: Darth Riken Character Portrait: Whie Sabaron Character Portrait: Ry'ken Solus
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Jurian: You enter the archives of the temple, deep underground. The machines here are ancient, some decayed. You walk around in the darkness, seeing with the Force. Suddenly a holo-statue appears from one of the transmitters. "How may I serve you, noble Jedi," it asks.

Alara: You are in Master Satele Shan's personal study. You are currently hovering above the ground, legs crossed over one another. In the air on both sides of you are chairs, on to each side. Master Shan is sitting in one, and instructing you on this exercise. "Now put a slight spin on the chairs. Make them orbit around you, slowly," she says calmly.

Jadan: You sit on the cold Ryloth ground, meditating. You focus your energy into broadcasting your presence to Tython. This is what you normally do before you go to sleep. As you finish you hear footsteps behind you. You reach out with the Force and sense that these footsteps come from Imperial troopers, looking for you. You turn the face them as they draw near.

Whie: You sit in your room, aboard your ship. Currently orbiting above Ryloth, you are waiting for the order to land. A Jedi has been discovered here, and you are to bring them to the Dark Council. If the Troopers fail. Your holo-com lights up, and you answer it. It was your Master, calling from Korriban. "Whie, I need you to return to Korriban immediately. The Dark Council wishes to see you, for reasons I cannot discuss."


Darth Riken stands in the presence of the Dark Council, preparing himself for whatever they have planned. He had not prepared enough. "Master Riken, do you know why we have called you here?" the Highmaster asked. "No," Riken said. The Highmaster had a tone to his voice that Riken didn't like. "We have called you to ask of your apprentice. We fear that his loyalty falters from the Sith." Darth Riken almost laughed, "You have no need to fear of that, Master. I have trained him well." The Highmaster seemed to be annoyed at this, "We do not question his skills, nor his abilities. His loyalty is what worries us. Call him, bring him here. Now." Riken didn't like the Highmasters forcefulness when he spoke the last sentence. But he knew better than to question. He activated his holo-com, calling his apprentice.

"Whie, I need you to return to Korriban immediately..."

Ry'ken Solus was blasting his way through the mansion, packed with guards, teeming with traps. He pushed his way to the master bedroom, where his target stood, next to his father. "Stop, hunter. I don't know why you are here or who sent you, but if you leave I will let you go in peace," the man said, protecting his son. Ry'ken smiled, "I'm here for the boy. Not you, your wife, or anyone else. Just him." Now the father was angry, "My son may only be an apprentice, but I am Sith. You will not have him." The man activated his lightsaber, the blade glowing a bright red.

"You don't want to do that," Ry'ken warned. The Sith smiled, "Oh, but I do," and he charged at Ry'ken. He brought his blade over his head, slightly to his left side, and swung at Ry'ken. The Bounty Hunter merely caught the man's wrist with his left hand, and pulled the lightsaber away with his right. He then kicked the Sith away, deactivating the saber. But the man was quicker than Ry'ken had accounted for, and attempted to use the Force to pull the saber out of Ry'ken's hands. The Hunter grabbed his vibro-blade, and cut the saber hilt just below the blade emitter. The he let go of it.

The son then charged at Ry'ken, fueled by rage. The Hunter stopped the attack by grabbing the son's lightsaber hand, before quickly punching him in the stomach. He dropped the saber, which was noticed by the Sith. The man pulled at the hilt using the Force, but Ry'ken merely put his foot on it. He looked at the Sith, and crushed the lightsaber under his boot.

"Now then, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. The easy way, I just freeze your son in carbonite, and leave. The hard way, I put you to sleep, freeze your son, and then leave. Which is it going to be?" Ry'ken asked, knowing he had the upper hand. The Sith focused his energy into a massive Force Push, and Ry'ken quickly reacted by launching his liquid cable at the man's ankle. As the Sith Pushed, the cable latched around his leg. Ry'ken went airborne, and the Sith quickly followed, tied to the Hunter by his cable. Ry'ken, having faced Force-users before, backflipped in midair, landed on the wall, and jumped off. The Sith hit his head on the ground, and slid across it.

Ry'ken bent over, grabbed the Sith by the throat, and picked him up into the air. "Good night," Ry'ken said before hitting the Sith across the face hard enough to knock back a Gammorean. The Sith sprawled across the floor, unconscious. Ry'ken froze the son, picked him up, and left the mansion.

The setting changes from Star Wars Galaxy to Ryloth


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jadan 'Scout' Strifer Character Portrait: Darth Riken Character Portrait: Whie Sabaron
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Jadan was doing her normal meditating, she was on her little hill, sitting crossed legged. One leg over the other. She felt the cool night air on her bare skin, she loved the feeling of her home planet's air. She was trying to send a message to the Jedi, like she always did, every night before. But, this night was going to be different. As she was sitting there trying to send Tython a message, she could feel foot steps coming towards her. She used the force and sensed them as Storm Trooper's foot steps.

She sighed and said to herself, '' Jadan, this is what you've been training for. Let's not screw this up. I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me.''
She turned around and looked around her, she saw about thirty Imperials standing in front of her. She looked at them and said, '' Is there something that brought you to Ryloth, good sirs?'' She said in an almost mocking way.
The leader of the Imperials looked at her and loaded his gun. Jadan took a deep breath and concentrated on the Force.

The leader then said, '' Yes, you are under arrest. Now come with us. If you struggle, we will open fire and attack, if you come with us peacefully, we will leave your little planet alone and never come here again.''
Jadan looked at them and used the forced, she then said, '' You're lying. Imperials never keep their word .'' She ignited her saber, and a bright blue blade appeared in front of her. The Imperials swarmed around her and opened fire.

Jadan deflected some of the blasts and she jumped over one of the troopers and cut his head from him. She then deflected many other blasts and they hit many of the troopers. The rest hid behind plants and continued their fire, she hid behind a tree and used the force for help. She said, '' Master, I need you .'' She then jumped out and went for another attack.

Shortly after sending her message through the Force, a green light came from behind a tree and a trooper went flying through the air and got a blade through his heart.
Jadan smiled as she knew it was her master, he ran to her and said, '' Jadan, are you alright?'' Jadan looked at her master and said, '' Master, I'm glad you're here. I'm fine, I just need to get these scum of our planet now .'' Her Old, green Twi' lek master looked at her and said, '' You have come a long way, my Padawan. I'm very proud .'' He smiled and ran to fight off the Imperials.


Whie was in his Ship, he was standing next to the window, looking out. He then turned his comlink on and said, '' Crush him. But bring the girl, I want her alive. If you kill her, I will kill you personally .''

He ended the comlink and looked out, he didn't show any emotion. His face was as straight as a Light Sabers blade. He then called for his Captain, she arrived shortly. She was a beautiful, tall, blond girl around his age. He looked at her and grinned, she only looked at him in disgust.
She then said, '' Yes, master Whie. What can I do for you? '' He said in his emotionless tone, '' When they arrive, make sure you bring the girl straight to me. I want to make sure she gets....treated properly .'' He grinned and dismissed her. She bowed and made her way to the main deck.
As she left his room, a shiver went down her spine at the thoughts of what he might do to this poor girl.

Whie then sat down in his black chair and began to meditate on the Dark Side of the Force. He always found this calming, if you can call it that. Every time he would meditate n the force, he would think of all the Jedi and peasants he killed out of boredom. He grinned when he remembered their screams and cries, of pain and panic.
He was then distracted by his holocrom going off. He blinked when he heard his master's voice. He looked at it and said, '' Yes, my master .''
He then listened and said, '' But my troops are not done yet. They are being delayed by another, Jedi .'' He spat the word Jedi like it was poison. He then said, '' What shall I do, my master ?'' He bowed his head and waited for an answer.

The setting changes from Ryloth to Tython


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jurian Character Portrait: Alara
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Two weeks ago Jurian had dueled with Master Seros and had actually beaten him. Jurian a young padawan had defeated the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order in combat. After his battle he was instructed to learn about a mysterious combat form called Juyo, This was not just another training mission however. He was to learn it and master it, a technique that hasn't been mastered in centuries. Today he was seeing his master off as he left for an important mission, but was leaving his padawan behind. The Master had received intel that the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt was on **** and was going to apprehend him. "Master are you sure you don't want my help on this?" Jurian asked his instructor one final time and he received the answer he knew he would receive. "No my young friend, I shall complete this mission alone. You are to begin your studies in the archives, the Council has been informed of your special training. When you have complete mastery of Juyo, they will grant you the rank of Knight and you will ascend to a full member of the Order." Master Seros explained with a calm and relaxed expression. "But Master how will they know if I have completed my training. There is no test for mastery of an extinct form." Jurian said expressing his concern. "You and you alone will know when you have achieved mastery of Juyo. There will be no test, the Force will reveal to you when you have completed your training, and you will in turn inform the Council. The rest of your training lays on your own shoulders now. I have taught you all I can. May the Force be with you." His master finished with the traditional signalling that the conversation was over. "Thank you master, and May the Force be with you as well."

After watching his Masters ship fly off into the distance Jurian made his way to the temple archives. He had been to the archives before while studying with his master but today he went deeper than he has ever been before and he had a feeling that he would reach depths that the greatest Jedi archaeologists haven't visited. As he walks around there were ancient decayed droids and other machines all around him, he was not bothered by the darkness that would have hindered many Jedi's advancement into the depths of the archives thanks to his Miralukan Force sense. Suddenly an ancient simulcron lights up, the being portrayed had plain, generic features and wore simple cream colored robes. "How may I serve you, noble Jedi" it asks him. "I seek the any and all holocrons relating to light saber combat and techniques." Jurian stated to the simulated being. "I am sorry but as you can see the archives here are quite run down and decayed. I cannot locate the individual holocrons you requested. But I can tell you that they were once stored in the databanks adjacent to the old training arena. I can lead you there if you wish." The simulcron responded. "Good, now we're getting somewhere. Lead the way." The young Jedi responded. The Simulcron led him until they were deep in the ancient temple. "This is the training arena. The databanks are on the other side of the arena. This is as far as I can lead you, if you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to call me." The recording stated as it faded away. "Well I guess I'll go check the databanks." Jurian said to himself. He began to walk across the arena but he stopped in the middle and opened himself up to the Force. He was in awe at the power he felt here, the resonant Force energy in the arena was overwhelming, Jurian was wary of opening himself to its secrets quite yet and he continued on his way to the databanks.

He immediately began searching for information about Juyo but the ancient databanks were difficult to navigate. He was able to access training simulcrons for forms one through six, but he could not find one for Juyo. After two hours of searching he found a file describing what Juyo was, which was more than he found in the Order's databanks. The file had the following to say about Juyo:

Juyo is the most vicious form of lightsaber combat, and was said to be filled with both fury and malignant grace. The form was given the title of the most difficult and demanding form in all of saber combat. Skilled combatants with Juyo are said to be able to eviscerate a lone enemy. The form is both chaotic and erratic, with a heavy focus on offense. Juyo forces the combatant to fight under the guidance of controlled passion. Juyo is characterized by bold, direct motions, making it more open and kinetic than Djem So, but less kinetic than Ataru. One of Juyo's greatest strengths in combat is its inherent unpredictability, leaving the opponent unable to adequately predict the practitioners actions. Juyo requires a deep emotional link and immense focus to utilize successfully, inexperienced Jedi are cautioned not to attempt to learn this form until they have received permission from the Battlemaster himself.

After reading the document Jurian felt he had learned a lot. Although he had not learned anything about how to utilize Juyo, he had learned the basic characteristics of the form and was ready to begin communing with the Force in an attempt to tap in to old knowledge. But that would have to wait until tomorrow as it was getting late and Jurian was supposed to meet his sister for dinner and meditation. When Jurian told Alara about his assignment from Master Seros, she had promised to help him meditate, as it communing with and utilizing the Force for anything but combat was difficult for him. He left the depths of the old temple archives and made his way back to the modern temple. Upon reaching his sister's quarters he noticed she wasn't there, remembering that she had a meeting with Master Shan, Jurian went to her study and waited outside for his sister. Standing in the hallway outside Master Shan's office Jurian couldn't help but notice his sister's overwhelming presence in the Force, he made a mental note to tell her about the massive presence he felt in the old training arena.

The setting changes from Tython to Star Wars Galaxy

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jurian Character Portrait: Alara
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Alara woke easily, an uncharacteristic frown on her face. While the mornings usually welcomed her gracefully, today was slightly different. She hadn't dreamed last night. Dreaming was a regular occurence for the Miralukan girl, she enjoyed the way dreams made her feel like a normal person. She relied on them to take her to far off worlds, do extraordinary things, and ignore the life she was currently living. Alara shrugged. She was, after all, Master Shan's padawan, she supposed that she really shouldn't complain about things like that. Alara got out of bed and got herself ready for the day. She began with the usual meditation, followed by her hygiene routine, and finished by removing her pajamas, folding them up, placing them in the hamper, and putting on her white ropes. All with the help of the Force. It may have been the littlest bit lazy, but it was good practice. Alara quickly slipped her green training sabre into its hip holster before she left her quarters. While the weapon was still just a traiing tool, Alara still hated the very thought of it. She despised the idea that she was carrying a weapon, that she would one day carry a weapon with the power to take the life of another. She shook her head, as if trying to physically remove the thought. Alara walked to her classes, a slight smile dancing across her features. She had remembered that she was going to be seeing her brother today. Usually, the pair were inseparable, but for the last few weeks, Jurian had been training exclusively with his Master, the Jedi Battlemaster himself, Jun Seros. He was nearly a knight in his own right, and Alara was very proud of him. Alara smiled wider as she walked to her classes. Her brother was such an amazing Jedi. He weilded two sabres, and was a very accomplished duelist, or at least he had been the last Alara had seen him. He was more than willing to fight for the side of justice, and with his own two hands at that. He was so much more of an admirable Jedi than Alara would ever be. She sighed. "After all this time, I'm still hiding behind my brother..." She whispered to herself. Unbeknownst to Alara, she was being watched. The majority of the school knew Alara for what she truly was: one of the most gifted, if not the most gifted, padawan at the Temple. "There she goes." The said, their tones reverant and fearful. "Alara, Master Shan's padawan." Voices whispered in awe, the white robes doing nothing to dispel the ostracism she had instantly garnered when she walked through the Temple doors. Alara could do nothing to quash the gossip and the rumors. She could hardly approach the other students, let alone talk to them. Alara, instead, attended her classes like usual.

During classes, it was the same as every other day. "Excellent work Alara." "You've exceeded my expectations yet again Alara." "Everyone watch Alara, she's mastered the technique perectly." The only course in which she wasn't surpassing all her peers was sabre combat. There she was merely average. Regardless, she progressed steadily enough, and whatever she learned, she remembered. Her teacher's praise did nothing to lift her steadily worsening mood. Not dreaming had been one thing, but the students not talking to her, and the gulf between her and them widening was almost too much for the poor teenage girl to take. After her general lessons, Alara retreated to her Master's private study, where she would begin her advanced curriculum for the day. It had started innocently enough, Master Shan had asked her to levitate. Alara rose into the air gracefully, her legs crossed, her palms resting on her thighs, just below the knee. Next, her Master had asked her to lift two chairs into the air, while Master Shan was still sitting in one. The chairs rose evenly, the real issue was once her Master began actively pushing down on her testing materials. Alara maintained perfect form. Then came the next step of the exercise. "Now put a slight spin on the chairs. Make them orbit around you, slowly," she says calmly. Alara nodded, smiling sweetly. As if a large hand had absentmindedly flicked the floating chairs, they began to spin. After a moment, they slowed, and then maintained a constant speed. As the chairs settled into their movement, Alara began the second part of her Master's request. Again, the chairs began to move, much more smoothly this time. The chairs picked up a little speed, and the maintained a walking pace as they orbited Alara. This continued for a few minutes until Master Shan once again exerted herself upon the chairs, attempting to halt both their rotation and revolutions. Alara held firm. She battled against the unseen forces that buffeted her assignment. She began to grin wolfishly, the way her brother did when he began to truly relish a chalenge. Her grin was much less terrifying than her brother's. His usually meant someone had earned his most ernest attempts to destroy them. Alara, on the other hand, was excited. She hadn't been pushed this hard for a while. She doubled her pace, of both revolution and rotation. All the while, her Master pushed her. It became a contest for Alara, one she felt the need to win. However, as time wore on, and Alara pushed, her Master began to gain the upper hand. Alara became frustrated. Here she was one of the best force users in the whole Temple, hand picked by her Master, and she couldn't keep up with this simple little game? Alara redoubled her efforts, picking up the speed as much as she could. Finally, she returned to her normal pace, before slowing, and returning the chairs to the ground. Though she was still floating, her breathing was ragged, and she glistened with sweat. Slowly, her hands clenched into fists, and she floated gently to the ground. Shan stood from the chair she was sitting in and walked over to Alara. Slowly, she knelt, and placed a comforting hand on Alara's shoulder. "Something is wrong Alara." Her Master stated. It wasn't a question. "Of course." Alara said, upset. "It's not the difficulty of the training. I know that that makes you happy. You told me yourself that you enjoy the challenge." Her master said, her words soothing, but they felt like daggers. "What's the point of being a freak." Alara snapped. "What's the point of all this? So I can never be normal? To ruin my chances of friendship with the others?" Alara spat, her words full of venom. "Patience, my padawan." Master Shan crooned. "You are exceptionally gifted. These powers come with a price and a responsibility. The reason I chose you wasn't to turn you into a tool, to make you unapproachable. I chose you so I could nurture the gift I see in you. To give you the control you desire. You will come to terms with your gifts in time. Now get up and go. You're dismissed for the day. Your brother's been here for over twenty minutes now, I'm sure he's waiting to see you." Master Shan said, sighing as she watched Alara bound out of the room. She was such a child. To wield that kind of power at such a young age was horrible. It made you an outcast.

Alara nearly skipped out of Master Shan's study. She bounded over to her brother, who was leaning up against a wall and hugged him tight. "Hello brother!" Alara said, a massive smile on her face. "I'm so happy to see you!" Alara looped her arm through his and nearly dragged him with her, causing quite a commotion. Alara ambled for a moment, hugging her brother's arm and enjoying his presence. After a while, they began to attract stares. "Isn't that Alara? Who's that guy she's with?" Some of the furtive glances were jealously for the position of the boy Alara was holding onto. Others knew Jurian from their classes, and remarked simply, "Siblings. How sweet." Others still were shocked, "Is Alara smiling? Since when does she, you know... hang out with people?" Alara ignored all of these things and looked up at her brother, smiling. "So, I was supposed to help you meditate today. What for big brother?" Alara asked sweetly.

2 Characters Present

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Jurian was leaning up against the wall and smiled as his sister skipped out of her master's study, she always so care free and happy. The only time he ever saw her upset was the few times he'd observed her lightsabre training. Of course Jurian didn't know that Alara was regularly upset because of her talents. As Alara skipped up to Jurian she wrapped in a tight hug, "Hello brother! I'm so happy to see you" she said with a huge smile adorning her face. Jurian couldn't help but smile as well, even though his training was difficult. Alara looped her arm through his, and dragged him through the temple. After a while she looked up at Jurian smiling, "So, I was supposed to help you meditate today. What for big brother?" she asked him sweetly. Jurian stopped walking for a moment and then smiled back at her, "Well, I promised to get dinner with you before we got to work, so how about I tell you when we get there?" He responded with a slight chuckle. He knew she would be disappointed that he was making her wait and despite his Jedi training, it was always fun to tease his little sister. There weren't many restaurants or cafes on Tython, but they found a nice quiet corner of the cafeteria in which to enjoy each other's company. After they sat down with their food Jurian was the first to speak, "Well I suppose I can't wait you much longer. Master Seros has given me a very important task. One that, if I succeed, will count as my trials of Skill, Spirit, and Insight. I am to study in the ancient temple ruins and learn an ancient combat form. One not used for centuries, it was abandoned by the Order because of its deadly nature. What little I discovered in the ruins today told me that it posed a threat to the practitioners as well, if an unprepared Jedi attempts to learn and master the technique it might lead him to the dark side. Master Seros feels that I am the only one qualified to rediscover this ancient form. And if I'm going to do combat with those Sith bastards, I'm gonna want a form as fierce and deadly as theirs. This task involves as much meditation and communing with the force as it does combat training. As you know I'm not the best at meditation so I was hoping that you would be able to help me with that part some. Unfortunately with Master Seros gone, there is no one to teach the younglings' and initiates' sabre training. I was tasked with their training until Seros's return, and they missed their morning class because I was in the ruins, I can't rightly ask them to miss their training again because of my needs. I hope you won't be too upset that I have to reschedule. If you are free late tonight, or early in the morning I will be free then." He explained to his sister. He could immediately sense her disappointment and he felt bad, but he couldn't keep the younglings waiting, and with Master Seros gone, he was the best duelist in the order. He took a drink from his coffee and sighed. "I am sorry sis, I know we haven't had much time to see each other lately, what with me preparing for that duel with Master Seros, and my new training, and your studies with Master Shan. I promise we'll have more time together once I complete this task and Master Seros returns from his mission." He truly hoped she understood he had no control over the situation. A Jedi's life is about sacrifices, and the biggest one Jurian has to make is his relationship to his sister. He knows they will always be close but they won't spend near as much time together as they progress in their studies and rank in the order.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaosa Ras Character Portrait: Darth Riken Character Portrait: Whie Sabaron Character Portrait: Ry'ken Solus
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Kaosa: You have just finished your second dark trial. The interrogation of a prisoner was easy for you, being able to slightly manipulate target's emotions. Your trainer appraised your mental capabilities, and informed you that the Dark Council requires an audience with you. On the way there, you passed Darth Riken, one of the more...reclusive Sith Lords. A short walk away, you enter the chambers of the Dark Council. You move to the center of the room, and await them to speak. "Hello, Acolyte Ras. You have passed your last two trials with vigor, but now it is time for your final trial. This will decide if you become Sith," the Highmaster said, "For this trial you will be sent off-world. You will travel to Nar Shaddaa, and meet an associate we've...hired. You will find him in the Shaddaa Cantina, not too far from the spacedock. The coordinates and identification will be transmitted to the ship you will use. This ship is in Hanger 12. Good luck, acolyte."

You enter the ship and see the holo-pads containing the location of the bar, and a well-written description of the "associate". A mercenary by the name of Ry'ken is waiting for you, and he has a job.

Darth Riken:
"Another Jedi, you say? The Dark Council will not be pleased. I will speak to them, but I doubt it will help. Instruct your men that when they finish, to orbit the planet in a shuttle. You need to get to Korriban, delays or not. You do not keep the Dark Council waiting, understand?" Riken finished as another acolyte passed him. A soft sith, so it appeared. But Darth Riken learned early to not underestimate someone.

Ry'ken Solus:
Ry'ken delivered the carbonite-covered Sith apprentice to his contact. He went to the local cantina and ordered himself a drink...or seven. Suddenly his holo-com went off. He accepted the call, and quickly gained sobriety when he noticed he was speaking to the Highmaster of the Sith Order. "Ry'ken Solus," the Sith said. "Yes, my Lord. It is always a pleasure," Ry'ken said to the Sith with the utmost respect. "Of course. We have an acolyte travelling to Nar Shaddaa to see you for his final trial. You have experience dealing with these matters, so we knew you could assure the safety of our acolyte," The Highmaster continued, soon filling Ry'ken in on the details of the assignment, especially the paycheck. "We look forward to business with you again," The Highmaster said before ending the call.

Ry'ken sighed, recalling all of the details of the job. "Shit," he muttered under his breath. He moved to a corner booth where he could sit by himself. Ry'ken sat there with his helmet removed, his hands combing through his buzz cut. He looked up and said, "Hey, 'tender! Two more over here!"

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Whie opened his eyes as he heard his master say, " Another Jedi, you say? The Dark Council will not be pleased. I will speak to them, but I doubt it will help. Instruct your men that when they finish, to orbit the planet in a shuttle. You need to get to Korriban, delays or not. You do not keep the Dark Council waiting, understand ?" Riken finished as another acolyte passed him. A soft sith, so it appeared. But Darth Riken learned early to not underestimate someone.

Whie then spoke with his emotionless tone, '' Master, do you want me to dispose of the other Jedi and take the girl still ?'' He said as he stood up and removed his robe, and he attached his saber to his belt. He looked around his room and walked out as the halocrom was attached to a walking droid. The droid walked next to Whie and he waited for an answer from his master as he walked to the main deck of his ship.

The setting changes from Star Wars Galaxy to Ryloth


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Jadan looked as her old master ran to fight the Imperials, she smiled and then quickly snapped out of that trans and started to run as she saw Imperials starting to crowd around her master. Jadan concentrated and used the force on a nearby boulder, it floated in the air and then it hit one of the Imperials. The Imperial that was hit fell to the ground, Jadan looked at them and smiled. Some other began to fire at her, she deflected them with her saber and started to walked towards them.

He master killed two while they were distracted by Jadan. One of the Imperials snuck up behind her master and before anyone could do a thing, he shot him in the stomach. Her master fell to the ground and dropped his saber. Jadan just stood there and couldn't believe what she saw, she gripped her saber and ran at them, she killed two and went to kill another. One shot her in the arm and she groaned, she kept fighting with one hand. She killed the last one and went to her dieing master's side. She fell to the ground and said, '' Master, you can't leave me. I'm not ready, I'm still in training. '' She said with tears in her eyes.

Her old master looked up at his young padawan and said, '' This is part of life. Go to Tython and learn there. They will take you, and train you better than I could. You have made me very pro....'' She looked down at him with tears in her eyes, she touched him and realized he was gone. She stood up and for the very first time, felt anger and hatred. She knew those were signs of weakness, but she didn't care, she lost too many people already and she didn't want this to happen. She took deep breathes, she crouched down and picked her master's body up, she then started to walk back to the village.

As she was walking, she noticed a ship. It had the Empire's insignia on it, she ran to it, with her master's body in her hands and laid him down on the floor. She got into the captains seat and started the ship up. She turned her comlink on and said, '' This is Jadan, my master is dead, and I'm leaving for Tython. I don't know when and even if I'll ever be back. I'm going to train and end the Empire's reign.'' She ended it there, and went into hyper drive. The ship's doors closed and she went off into the deep unknown of the universe for the very first time since she was on Ryloth.

The setting changes from Ryloth to Star Wars Galaxy

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#, as written by Shaodow
A young man, clad in black with raven dark hair, entered the first Nar Shaddaarian Cantina he had come across since he abandoned the ship assigned to him; Walking alone in the direction of the direction of the coordinates left to him by his masters. His skin had a faint pinkish tone and smooth skin that gave him the appearance of a young man shedding the final visages of his boyhood; He was maybe 17, 19 at most, and would have been unquestionably handsome had it not been for the scar arching from his eye like a blot of lightning, and the strange shapes marking his face. Even with those imperfections marring his otherwise handsome features, he retained a certain..allure. He strode into the Cantina the eyes of most of the female population, and more than a few male, followed him as he crossed the room and seated himself across from the human male bounty hunter fitting the very precise description left to him.

A deep scowl set upon the features of the bounty hunter and a single glare from him snapped the fixated eyes out of their trance, and everyone returned to their prior vice. Ras noticed the wondering eyes of a few men and women here and there, stealing glances and quieting their own conversations in order to eves drop on their conversation, even before it began. " Spies " he concluded. Most likely acolytes of a rival Sith Lord under the guise of an average group of friends out for the night in order to hinder him, and ensure that he fails his final test that would allow him to truly join the ranks of the Sith. OR, they could just as easily have been sent as a part of his final test; If it turned out to be the former then it was a waste of time and resources on their part. Ras felt the familiar spark in the pit of his stomach, as it quickly grew into a raging fire within him fueled by the the rage built up and stored inside of him, even feeding off the anxiety of those seeking temporary refuge from the thoughts of their crushing debts. Finally, Ras released the building dark side power as waves of feelings of complacency and insignificance in order to make himself and the bounty hunter as unimportant as a pile of Bantha droppings.

All the while Ras said nothing. He knew that his masters had undoubtedly made the bounty hunter aware that he would be coming to discover his final trial, so there was no need to speak, only to listen. He felt as though he had already conquered the first part of his trial , but it was a slight satisfaction that did not show on his stoic features. He was eager to begin his true, final trial.

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Character Portrait: Kaosa Ras Character Portrait: Darth Riken Character Portrait: Whie Sabaron Character Portrait: Ry'ken Solus
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Darth Riken:
"No, don't worry about it. Let your men do their jobs, it's what they're there for. You need to return to Korriban immediately. I sense the Dark Council grows impatient," Riken said with a forceful tone in his voice. Whie was a good apprentice, but he was prone to his boyish nature, something he should outgrow soon. If he lives after this, Darth Riken thought, worried.

Ry'ken Solus:
A newcomer sat down at the booth across from Ry'ken. He could almost feel the hatred, greed, and other Sith-like feelings radiating from this stranger. "Hmm, golden eyes and facial markings, but no horns. Zeltron descent. Black hair, a curved hilt, and a scar on your face, sounds right. You must be Kaosa Ras, the Sith-ling I'm to babysit. I'm Ry'ken Solus, one of the most accomplished Hunters across the Galaxy, and I'm your caretaker today. You must be wondering why the Council hired me to assist you, right?" Ry'ken waited for a reply, and when the young Sith gave none, Ry'ken continued, "I suppose I should explain then. Your Council has hired me because I've hunted everything from Rancors to Sith. Yes, Sith. I've also hunted everywhere from Tatooine to Kamino. To put it simply, your Council has hired me because I get the job done, and they don't want you dead just yet. This should come as both a relief and a worry to you, trust me. From what they Council told me, you haven't been informed much. So, allow me to clear some things up.

There are a group of shuttles that frequently travel to and from Nar Shaddaa. This isn't unusual, it's just that this group of shuttles can't be tracked. Your Council can't identify where they're going to, or coming from. Therefore, they don't know who sent them, or what they're picking up. And they don't much like it.

Your...Our job is to find out where the shuttles are going, follow them if possible, and take any necessary actions. Any questions before I continue?"

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Whie Sabaron.

Whie looked at the holo-crom and said, '' As you wish. My master. Whie turned off the holo-crom off and groaned. He sighed and said,'' Now I have to leave, again.'' He sighed and went into hyper-drive, he went back to his room and went to meditate on the Dark side of the Force. In only a few minutes he reached Korriban. He sighed and left his room. He walked out of his ship and walked into he Dark Temple. He walked to the stairs and walked up them, he took a right and went up another flight of stairs, he took a left and reached the main chamber where the Dark Council was waiting for him. He took a deep breath and opened the doors. he stepped inside and it was eerily dark inside beside a dark and eerie red light. He walked into the center of the room and stood, he bowed his head and waited for the Dark Council to talk.

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#, as written by Shaodow
"Hmm, golden eyes and facial markings, but no horns. Zeltron descent. Black hair, a curved hilt, and a scar on your face, sounds right. You must be Kaosa Ras, the Sith-ling I'm to babysit. I'm Ry'ken Solus, one of the most accomplished Hunters across the Galaxy, and I'm your caretaker today. You must be wondering why the Council hired me to assist you, right[/b]?"

Ras' own scowl deepened. He could smell the booze on the bounty hunter's breath as he spoke and it only served to further deepening his already intense disdain of cantinas everywhere. He hated drinking, and naturally anyone who drank away their capabilities for achieving any the simplest task. This was no secret to anyone who knew him well, however no one knew his hate of anything alcohol related stemmed from his father. His father, the pitiful man, had plunged their family into inescapable debt and worked faithfully as a smuggler until he could pay his debtors in full. But it was hopeless. Smuggling is a dangerous and unpredictable profession; One could never know when ones cargo would be set upon by all manner of bandits, pirates, or rival smugglers, and anything lost in a raid would simply be added to an already crushing debt. It was a vicious cycle that ensnares me and women all across the galaxy until they meet their untimely demise with a blaster bolt to the chest.

His father had turned to drinking away whatever free time he had and he would often return home and beat his mother in a drunken rage, and Ras was too small, too weak to do anything about it. It wasn't long before things got so bad that one night his mother decided that enough was enough; She was going to take a young Ras and get as far away from his father as the galaxy would permit, before they were both killed. She never got the chance. His father had been offered the opportunity to cut his debt in half! All he had to do was sell his wife, Ras' mother, as a pleasure slave. Zeltron men and women fetched very high prices in the slave market at the time. Ras had been abruptly ripped from his sleep by his mother's screams, and he covered his ears with his pillow until it stopped, as he often did during his mothers routine abuse. Once the screaming ended he slid out of bed to provide comfort for his powerless mother, as usual, but when he opened his room door his father was standing in the door frame, waiting.

They made eye contact for a long time. Ras' blood boiled and his hatred, and fear, was written vividly on his expression. His father broke the silence first with last words he ever said "She's gone, your WHORE mother is gone! And I did it, to pay off the debt I-I " he struggled to say what he had done to his own wife, but Ras already figured out what he had done. In that moment all his fear was gone, there was only rage. His fists clenched so tight that hiss nail dug into his skin, drawing blood. He slammed the door in his fathers face, locked the door, and curled up into a ball on the floor with his hands pressed against hiss ears; All the while he wailed " Die! over and over again, it was his mantra for an hour until he finally passed out, light headed from the endless wailing. When he awoke the next day he found his father crumpled outside his room door, dead. Trails of blood ran from his nose, ears and mouth and it pooled beneath him, his fave was frozen in a contortion of complete terror. He was free.

" Through victory my chains are broken " he recited the last line of the sith code in mind as he pushed the memory aside.

The smell of alcohol on the bounty hunter's breath threatened to cause him to involuntarily unleash the floodgates of rage in a display of mind ripping sith sorcery. The bounty hunter could no doubt feel the hate boiling over. Small confrontations began erupting around the bar as the tempers of the patrons were infected by his own inner rage.

Ras was so absorbed in the memory that he missed most of what the bounty hunter said. Fortunately he tuned in just in time to catch the vital information. "Any questions before I continue?"

Ras shook his head as he rose from his seat " We should continue this somewhere else. " he replied as he took a slow gaze around the room to underline his point. Several large thugs had drawn their blasters, and the twi'lek bartender had his own blaster rifle trained on them.

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#, as written by Shaodow
duplicate post

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Jadan sighed as she sat in the pilot's chair of the ship. She looked around and looked for the auto pilot switch, she found it and flipped the auto pilot switch and set the ship set for Tython. Jadan stood up and went to go take a look around the stolen ship, she grabbed her saber and attached it to her belt. She looked around and walked out of the cockpit. She started to walk down the hall when she heard a sound, she froze and moved over to the wall. She took a deep breath, took hold of her saber, and jumped out. She was about to attack when she saw it was only a tall, black and shiny prodical droid. Jadan sighed and looked at it, she then said, '' Who's your master, droid?''

The prodical droid looked at Jadan and said, '' I serve no one in particular. But I do serve anyone in need of help.'' Jadan looked at it in a confused manner, usually Empire droids are deadly and will attack on sight if able. Jadan sighed and said, '' Will you assist me?'' The droid looked at her and said, '' LX3B17 is at your service.'' Jadan smirked and said, '' Alright. You first.'' She let the droid walk in front of her for safety reasons. They reached the cockpit again in five minutes, Jadan walked in and the droid followed.

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Alara pouted as her brother skirted around her question. "Well, I promised to get dinner with you before we got to work, so how about I tell you when we get there?" He responded with a slight chuckle. She smiled at the thought of spending dinner with her brother, but pouted again immediately, as if to remind Jurian he was till in trouble. "Fine," she said grumpily. "But you're telling me everything as soon as we sit down." She declared, making the matter final. There weren't many restaurants or cafes on Tython, but they found a nice quiet corner of the cafeteria at the Temple in which to enjoy each other's company. After they sat down with their food Jurian was the first to speak, as Alara refused to talk first. A look of childish insistence and false anger on her face. "Well I suppose I can't make you wait for much longer." Jurian began, and Alara nodded anxiously in anticipation, almost viciously. "Master Seros has given me a very important task. One that, if I succeed, will count as my trials of Skill, Spirit, and Insight. I am to study in the ancient temple ruins and learn an ancient combat form. One not used for centuries, it was abandoned by the Order because of its deadly nature. What little I discovered in the ruins today told me that it posed a threat to the practitioners as well, if an unprepared Jedi attempts to learn and master the technique it might lead him to the dark side."

Alara gasped. What had previously been joy and pride for her brother's accomplishments turned quickly into fear and concern. Alara tried to speak up, to make him stop talking about such dangerous things, but all she managed was a squeak. He continued on, the voice inside her head screaming at her to make him stop. "Master Seros feels that I am the only one qualified to rediscover this ancient form. And if I'm going to do combat with those Sith bastards, I'm gonna want a form as fierce and deadly as theirs. This task involves as much meditation and communing with the force as it does combat training. As you know I'm not the best at meditation so I was hoping that you would be able to help me with that part some. Unfortunately with Master Seros gone, there is no one to teach the younglings' and initiates' sabre training. I was tasked with their training until Seros's return, and they missed their morning class because I was in the ruins, I can't rightly ask them to miss their training again because of my needs. I hope you won't be too upset that I have to reschedule. If you are free late tonight, or early in the morning I will be free then." He explained to his sister. Alara, finally calm, nodded. While she hated that he was supposed to undertake such a dangerous task, she felt reassured that she would be there to help him every step of the way. This time, she thought. This time I'll protect you big brother... Then, another thought surfaced. He had said he would be teaching the sabre training. That meant he'd have even less time to spend with her. All other thoughts temporarily forgotten, Alara renewed her pouting.

"That's not fair!" She exclaimed. "Have them make some other Master teach it! You're just a padawan, and more importantly, you're my brother and I haven't seen you since forever. It's just not fair!" She complained, throwing a small tantrum that garnered odd glances from their peers. Jurian took a drink from his coffee and sighed. "I am sorry sis, I know we haven't had much time to see each other lately, what with me preparing for that duel with Master Seros, and my new training, and your studies with Master Shan. I promise we'll have more time together once I complete this task and Master Seros returns from his mission." Alara only sighed. He was right, as usual. "Fine," she finally relinquished. "However, the second that Master of yours gets back he and I are having a chat, I don't care how if I'm just a padawan!" Alara exclaimed. Her dinner finished, she turned to leave and head back to her room to study. "I'll be seeing you immediately after your lessons end big brother. If I find out you've snuck off without me to try and do that meditation by yourself you will have one very cranky little sister. Goodnight for now brother, I'll see you later." With that, Alara flounced off towards her room, preparing herself to study. If Jurian was finding a form to combat Sith ferocity, it couldn't be good. She would need every ounce of control and preparedness she could muster.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Temmosus Character Portrait: Kaosa Ras Character Portrait: Darth Riken Character Portrait: Whie Sabaron Character Portrait: Ry'ken Solus
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Whie: "Whie Sabaron, apprentice of Darth Riken, loyal servant of the Empire, you have shown tremendous power in the Dark Side. Power rivaling that of your Master. You are ready to become true Sith. But the Council wishes to know one thing about your advancement. How will you serve the Empire once you become a Dark Lord of the Sith? Loyally, as you have, or will you turn on the Sith? Will you use our training against us?" The Highmaster asked. You could easily see each member of the Dark Council, including your own Master. Darth Riken's mask revealed nothing to you. The other Darth's were emotionless.

Darth Riken: Riken sat in quiet as the Highmaster questioned his apprentice. I should have known. Why didn't I see their interest in him as a bad thing. Whie, good luck, my apprentice.

Ry'ken Solus: The Sith stood, and stated that they continue their conversation elsewhere. Ry'ken laughed, "I figured your rage would soon get the better of you. Alright, let's go." The Bounty Hunter stood, and turned to leave. On his way out, Ry'ken shoved over an angered citizen. While they were walking, Ry'ken explained the rest of the mission to the Sith. "OK, so the plan is to get you on board one of these shuttles. You'll be carrying a tracker, relaying your location to me. If something happens, and they block that, you'll have to holo-call me. I assume you were given my holo-number.

Now, while we couldn't track where they were going, we did notice that everyone they boarded was Force-sensitive. That's where you come in. However, I'm gonna have to keep your equipment. They check all the passengers, so you can't have a lightsaber when that happens. When we meet up again, you'll get your stuff back." Ry'ken suddenly stopped and turned to face Kaosa. "That's the shuttle behind me. Give me your gear, and talk to them. If they ask, your name is Taros Faer. Don't go all-out with the Force, use only a little, appear weak. Here's the tracker," Ry'ken said holding it in his hand, waiting for Kaosa to take it.

Temmosus: You are on the same shuttle you've been on for the past few days, making the same run from Nar Shaddaa and back. You couldn't understand why you had to pick up all these Force-sensitives. Some of them look like the best they could do was pick up a rock. You land on Nar Shaddaa, and perform your usual task of loading the passenger's things onto the shuttle. It usually wasn't much. One passenger catches your eye, Taros Faer. He didn't show much Force-ability, but you sensed otherwise.You decide to keep an eye on him. (Please wait until after Shaodow's post, it would make so much more sense)

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"Whie Sabaron, apprentice of Darth Riken, loyal servant of the Empire, you have shown tremendous power in the Dark Side. Power rivaling that of your Master. You are ready to become true Sith. But the Council wishes to know one thing about your advancement. How will you serve the Empire once you become a Dark Lord of the Sith? Loyally, as you have, or will you turn on the Sith? Will you use our training against us?" The Highmaster asked. Whie looked up and could easily see each member of the Dark Council, including his long time Master. Darth Riken's mask revealed nothing to him. The other Darth's were emotionless. Whie took a deep breath and said with his completely emotionless voice, '' My masters. I would only serve you all the more, I am fully dependent on you. And as far as I have come in the Dark side of the force is fully because of my master. Without him, I would be nothing, if not less of the Dark side. I will never turn, and I will never miss use the training you have taught me.'' Whie said as he finally arose and kept his eyes on the High master.

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"Fine, However the second that Master of yours gets back he and I are having a chat, I don't care how if I'm just a Padawan." she said heatedly before turning to leave. Before she actually left however she turned her head and said quite fiercely "I'll be seeing you immediately after your lessons end big brother. If I find out you've snuck off without me to try and do that meditation by yourself you will have one very cranky little sister. Goodnight for now brother, I'll see you later." Jurian thought about protesting but decided any further discussion was better left for later after his sister had calmed down, she was always upset when Jurian had to cancel, but she usually calmed down rather quickly. "Alright sister, I'll see you after my lesson. Love you." He added the last part, not only because it was true, but because he knew that if the last words he said to her were 'I love you', that she would not be able to stay mad at him. With his sister gone, Jurian was suddenly a lot less hungry. He picked at his meal until it was time to teach his lesson.

He made his way to the new training arena. When he arrived he found the younglings already in the arena waiting for their master. They were surprised to see Jurian here. One youngling stepped forward and spoke, "Master Jurian, where is Master Seros? The lesson is about to begin." "Great, Master Seros didn't inform his classes that I'll be their instructor, I guess I'm just lucky I've taught alongside Seros a few times, so they at least know me." He took a deep breath and spoke to them, "Master Seros has gone offworld for a mission of great importance. He has bestowed upon me the honor of training you. I have taught alongside him in the past, so I am confident that I will be able to train you. Now tomorrow after I've had time to prepare, I will teach you about the different types of light sabres. I know you aren't supposed to build one until you have a master of your own, but honestly, I really like talking about the different types of sabres, and it is valuable knowledge for you all to have. But as I said that lesson is for tomorrow. Today I will give you a demonstration of the six forms. Master Seros, has of course taught you form I, as is standard procedure, but most of you will choose to go on to study at least one of the other forms and knowing which form will suite you best is vital to the decision about which form to study." With that done he activated a training droid and pulled out his red light sabre. He proceeded to give demonstrations of the up and down sides of each of the six forms. He stopped and explained every time one of the younglings had a question, by the time he finished he realized he had held the lesson over by half an hour. "I'm sorry everyone but our time was up a while ago, and you are all due back in your beds in half an hour. I'm sorry I cut into your recreational time. Until Master Seros returns you will only have one lesson a day, the evening one., I have some important training that I need to complete." He explained before sending the younglings off.

Jurian made his way to his sister's quarters he felt bad that he was so late, but she would probably understand. He knocked on her door but she didn't answer. He grabbed his key, they had each given each other a copy of their keys for emergency situations, although he didn't feel this was an emergency, Alara had been quite clear she wanted to see him tonight, and he didn't want to wait outside. As he walked in, he found Alara meditating, she noticed him walk in and he greeted her, "Hey sis, I'm sorry I'm late, the lesson ran long. And please, do not confront Master Seros, is the battlemaster of the order, I am the next battlemaster of the order. I am going to be busy, you are extremely gifted and will no doubt also be busy. But we both know we will always make time for each other. There is no need to get worked up, and those negative emotions are harmful. You know better than that." He said lecturing his sister. "That being said, I love you, now come here and give me the hug, you didn't give me after dinner." He smiled hugging his sister.

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#, as written by Shaodow
His rage getting the better of him? He scoffed at the ignorance of the statement but kept his mouth shut. With memories of his past resurfacing, bringing with them a fresh source of rage to feed the dark side he exuded power, a power that kept the brawls from reaching them as they crossed the room. Though they were too absorbed in their own conflicts to really notice him, the fear kept them from taking any swings in their direction on a subconscious level. Even the man shoved to the ground by the bounty hunter knew better than to retaliate. Ras could see the anger in his eyes, his body tense as he rose, yet he never lunged. They exited the sea of violence unscathed.

Ras remained quiet and allowed the bounty hunter to relay the details of his mission, uninterrupted by any asinine questions, that way there he could commit it to memory without it being repeated back to him. It was a good habit he picked up pretty early in his training as he found that the masters did not like to repeat themselves, and he was never eager to be taught that lesson a second time. Just the thought of it made his scar tingle. It seemed like a relatively low risk mission for his final trial. Though the news that he would have to relinquish his lightsaber to this man he had only just met, and board a strange ship going to an unknown location, and possibly hostile location did make him somewhat uneasy. Fortunately his greatest strength was the dark side, so the loss of his lighsaber did not cripple him like it might any another acolyte. His biggest worry would be avoiding blaster fire.

"That's the shuttle behind me. Give me your gear, and talk to them. If they ask, your name is Taros Faer. Don't go all-out with the Force, use only a little, appear weak. Here's the tracker,"

" Taros Faer. " he repeated back to Ry'Ken [i]" got it " [/i] He unsheathed his lightsaber hilt and handed it off with his left hand and grabbed the tracker with his left. It was a small, flat metal square, no bigger than his thumbnail. One end was smooth while the other was clearly meant to be attached to the insides of ones clothing, probably within the fabric of clothing judging by the size of it. Ras had a better idea. He popped the tiny device right into his mouth and swallowed it whole and without another word he proceeded to the ship.

Just as RyKen had warned, there was a large, heavily muscled man waiting at the boarding ramp who performed a routine frisk " Alright kid, you're good " he grunted as he stepped aside so that Ras could enter and take a seat. He took care to mask and suppress the bulk of his dark side powers, not only to ensure that he wouldn't appear any more special than the others, but to also make sure that if they came across any Jedi by some chance, he would seem like just another criminal touched lightly by the force.

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Jadan walked into the cockpit and sat down. The droid came in and stood in the corner, Jadan looked at it and said, '' LX3B17, what was your job on this ship before I took it?'' Jadan asked as she looked around the ship for some supplies. LX3B17 looked at Jadan and said, '' I was not a working droid. I'm a free droid that was being trans-ported to another planet for a job. I'm a free droid with no master, I do as I please, but I help when I see a purpose.'' Jadan looked at it and said, '' Wow, and I thought all Empire droids were slaves. I really should look into that. So, do you think we'll run into any trouble on our way to Tython or will it be easy travel?/'' The droid looked at her and said, '' For the most part it will be easy, but seeing as you're a Jedi if might be harder. But what about your master, shouldn't you have already been trained on Tython?'' The droid asked.

Jadan looked at it and said, '' My master was killed by the troopers that were on this ship. I'm leaving now to get a better knowledge of the Light Side. I need to get stronger and more powerful so I can destroy the Empire.'' Jadan said with an angry tone, she knew she shouldn't be angry, for that is a sign of weakness, which shows she has doubt which leads to the Dark Side. Jadan walked into the center of the room and sat down, she then began to meditate. She closed her eyes and her heart beat slowed down.

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Character Portrait: Jurian Character Portrait: Alara
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Alara had stormed away from her brother pouting, and by the time she had reached her quarters, she hadn't become any less angry. Further, her brother's stupid little quip, telling her that he loved her, was doing nothing to make her less grumpy. She knew such feelings were stupid, but she couldn't help herself. She just wanted to scream sometimes. Wasn't that even a little understandable? A girl just wanting to spend some real time with her brother, the way they used to back home. It just wasn't fair. However, as she completed her assignments, Alara's anger slowly became a dull simmer and, finally, faded completely. Before starting her meditation, Alara looked at her clock. Knowing Jurian, he was probably overdoing it and was explaining every minute detail about saber combat to the other younglings. Alara chuckled. The way he came alive while he was talking about dueling was so childish, and yet, so admirable. Through the way he talked you could tell he was more than just interested in the subject, he loved it, lived it, breathed it, and dreamed about it when he slept. Alara chuckled to herself once more. Despite the way that growing up at the Temple had made him more mature, in some ways, he was still just a little boy with his toys. Her anger and irritation behind her, Alara allowed herself to slip deeply into the meditative trance that was required for attuning with the Force. Alara searched her hardest for Juyo, but found nothing. There was more than a few things wrong with her attempt though. It wasn't her trial, Jurian wasn't there, and she wasn't the least bit interested in swordplay. Alara sighed. He really did get himself into the weirdest things. Abandoning her search, Alara instead turned her attention to the Temple. She allowed her consciousness to widen, and envelope her entire wing of the Temple. She felt herself catch little tidbits of the student's lives. Some were doing homework, others were practicing their training. Some meditated like she was doing, their minds bumping into hers before shirking away from her presence. She sensed not only admiration, but fear. It was an odd sensation. They respected her presence, but shied away from it. She hated the standoffish feeling it made. She felt as if the students had given her the title of Knight long before her master and the council had. She hated their resentment and their jealousy, but most of all, Alara hated herself. She hated the way she seemed so unapproachable. She hated her own abilities, and she hated the way that people treated her for something she had no control of. Her anger getting the best of her, she decided to leave her meditation, besides, Jurian was here. She didn't get up to answer the door, instead, opting to stay where she was floating, and letting Jurian let himself in.

He knocked on her door but she didn't answer, still seated in the air, legs crossed, and bobbing slightly. Jurian grabbed his spare key, as they had each given each other a copy of their keys for emergency situations, and unlocked her door. As he walked in, he greeted her. "Hey sis, I'm sorry I'm late, the lesson ran long. And please, do not confront Master Seros, he is the battlemaster of the order, I am the next battlemaster of the order. I am going to be busy, you are extremely gifted and will no doubt also be busy. But we both know we will always make time for each other. There is no need to get worked up, and those negative emotions are harmful. You know better than that. That being said, I love you, now come here and give me the hug, you didn't give me after dinner." He smiled, hugging his sister. Alra half-heartedly returned the embrace, coming down from her place in the air, for just a moment, before resuming her position in her invisible seat. As Jurian took a seat in the chair in her room, Alara scoffed. "There's no need to use that tone with me, brother." Alara said, her voice calm and even, but full of a form of sarcasm that told her brother exactly what he needed to know about her current mood. "I know better than that, of course I know better than that. You should remember that my grades are the best in every subject other than that idiotic dueling you love so much. As for Master Seros, I WILL be speaking with him whether you like it or not. As your sister, I have more right to your time than anyone on Coruscant. Of course I will be respectful and the like when dealing with him, as I am with all my teachers and all the Masters, however, I will have very choice words for him after I consult Master Shan. Regardless, we aren't here to discuss such things, we're here for your training so come join me, those chairs are uncomfortable. Once you've taken a seat next to me, we can begin. I'll do my best to amplify both your desire to attain the knowledge you seek, and your ability to gain said knowledge." Alara said matter-of-factly, as if she did things like this every day. When she was finished, she patted lightly in the space next to her, as if there were a bench in the air for them to sit on.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Temmosus Character Portrait: Kaosa Ras Character Portrait: Ry'ken Solus
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“Alert: Now entering Narshada system”

Temmosus opened his eyes and examined his surroundings; he was in the control room of his ship the Seafire, several hours had passed since he had last awakened.

Temmosus lifted himself from the relaxed posture he had assumed whilst he had slept and examined the ship’s sensors. The Seafire was indeed at the destination and therefore Temmosus disengaged the hyperdrive and activated the sublight engines.

The Smuggler’s paradise grew on his screen from a shining distant “star” to a grey sphere of cities and swamps. Temmosus had been here once before however even now he felt repelled by the site of this disgusting world.

A notification appeared on his terminal; it appeared Narshada traffic control was hailing him. Temmosus switched on voice communication and prepared for the usual landing procedure.

“Arrival 744, please confirm this communication” said a Narshada accented human voice.

Temmosus run a diagnostic and determined that the communication link appeared to be functioning adequately. “Communication confirmed Narshada traffic control, Arrival 744 Seafire requesting clearance to land”

A short pause followed causing Temmosus to wonder if any error had occurred.

“Understood Seafire, there is however some confusion of your ships class: our records claim your ship as an Endurance class converted patrol ship… Republic data however designates your ship as a shuttle craft, confirm?”

Temmosus raised an eyebrow and wondered how such a strange error could have occurred, maybe the republic had deteriorated even further? “Negative Narshada traffic control, the Seafire is indeed an endurance class converted patrol ship. Republic records are unfortunately in error.”

“Understood Seafire, you are cleared to land on platform 506a on course 320”

Temmosus guided the Seafire into a short orbit as his computers began the short checklist which would provide the final clearance to make his landing. As the computers went to work Temmosus thought of recent events.

Since he had returned to his senses and left Lehon behind him Temmosus had been drifting from once place to the next. At first all he wanted to do was the loneliness of space however running a ship was an expensive matter which required him to do at least a few commercial trips to cover up those costs. Smuggling and passenger transport seemed to be the best choices for a man of Temmosus’s “talents” so it was no surprise that Temmosus would be drawn to do business in the Narshada system.

The computer signaled him and provided the Seafire with the all clear and Temmosus descended into the planet’s atmosphere. The acceleration of space was soon countered by the air friction and the numerous small landing jets onboard the ship and after only three minutes the ship was a mere 200 feet above its landing platform. The ship hovered for a few seconds as the computers examined the ship for landing damage before making its final touch down on the landing platform.

Upon landing the numerous headaches of recharging, resupplying and organizing the journeys passengers was handled by the company which currently employed Temmosus. Fortunately no “hot property” would be taken onboard the ship on this day so Temmosus hoped he would not have anything to worry about.

Temmosus went into the ships ramp to welcome his passengers wondering when his new flight plan would be sent to his terminal.

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Character Portrait: Jadan 'Scout' Strifer
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Jadan was sitting on the floor, concentrating, trying to let all of her emotions flow out of her. She was so confused, sad, lonely, and even angry, which Jedi's should never be. Jadan kept taking deep, heavy breaths, the droid, only looked at her with such confusion, for he never met or even saw a Jedi before. He met plenty of Sith, but never a Jedi, and he was intrigued by her. The droid stood up and went over to her, he knelt down in front of her and said, '' Master, may I go around the ship in search of something that could be of use to you?'' Jadan opened her eyes and said, '' Of course. And please, don't call me master, call me Jadan.'' She said that with a kind smile and went back to concentrating. The droid nodded and walked out of the cock pit and went to go look for something.

( Her new ship)

( LX3B17)


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Coruscant by TheShadow

Hiya, this is Coruscant. Money is everywhere, if you can get it.


Tython by TheShadow

Hello Padawan, welcome to Tython. Here you will learn the ways of the Jedi.


Korriban by TheShadow

Welcome, Acolyte. This is Korriban, don't get comfortable.

Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa by TheShadow

Welcome to Nar Shaddaa. Good luck not getting mugged.


Ryloth by TheShadow


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Character Portrait: Darth Riken
8 sightings Darth Riken played by TheShadow
"Peace is a lie, there is only Passion."
Character Portrait: Ry'ken Solus
9 sightings Ry'ken Solus played by TheShadow
"If the pay's good, I'll take it under consideration."

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jurian
Character Portrait: Alara
Character Portrait: Kaosa Ras
Character Portrait: Temmosus


Character Portrait: Temmosus

"The true war was never fought between Jedi and Sith; It is in the internal conflicts of the Jedi where the fate of the galaxy is decided"

Character Portrait: Alara

"As the worlds wakes, the collective soul breathes. In that moment, all wounds are healed."

Character Portrait: Jurian

True might is the power to protect the innocent.


Character Portrait: Jurian

True might is the power to protect the innocent.

Character Portrait: Temmosus

"The true war was never fought between Jedi and Sith; It is in the internal conflicts of the Jedi where the fate of the galaxy is decided"

Character Portrait: Alara

"As the worlds wakes, the collective soul breathes. In that moment, all wounds are healed."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Temmosus

"The true war was never fought between Jedi and Sith; It is in the internal conflicts of the Jedi where the fate of the galaxy is decided"

Character Portrait: Jurian

True might is the power to protect the innocent.

Character Portrait: Alara

"As the worlds wakes, the collective soul breathes. In that moment, all wounds are healed."

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Coruscant by TheShadow

Hiya, this is Coruscant. Money is everywhere, if you can get it.


Tython by TheShadow

Hello Padawan, welcome to Tython. Here you will learn the ways of the Jedi.


Korriban by TheShadow

Welcome, Acolyte. This is Korriban, don't get comfortable.

Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa by TheShadow

Welcome to Nar Shaddaa. Good luck not getting mugged.


Ryloth by TheShadow



Hello Padawan, welcome to Tython. Here you will learn the ways of the Jedi.


Hiya, this is Coruscant. Money is everywhere, if you can get it.

Nar Shaddaa

Welcome to Nar Shaddaa. Good luck not getting mugged.


Welcome, Acolyte. This is Korriban, don't get comfortable.

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