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In this mystical fantasy realm, the journey that you set out upon is in your hands.

3,942 readers have visited Euphoria since trouble_in_paradise created it.




Rejoice! For you have now dwelled into the realm that is Euphoria: a world of fantasy, mystic wonders, and magical enchantment. Live out your innermost fantasy as you travel the great lands of our world, discovering things you never knew were conceivable, and powering the inner magic that lies within you...

Are you possibly a woodland creature, or perhaps a curious nymph, tickling with curiosity along the wonders beyond the Splendor Woods? Or are you a mermaid, diving into the aquamarine depths of the underwater utopia beneath Siren Cove? Or do you find that you are an enchantress, roaming the paths of the Euphorian kingdom? Perhaps you are a fairy, living in the land of the Miracle Meadows? Are you a wizard or witch, practicing spells and slipping potions unto unsuspecting victims? Or is it possible that fate has brought you as a creature of the Dark Mist lands... seeking to aid Queen Pandora in her attempt to cast her dark forces over all of Euphoria, once and for all?

Whomever you may possibly be, your journey begins here, in the world of Euphoria. Your destiny is within your hands.

We expect marvelous wonders from you...

  • Semi-Lit RP
  • Killing off characters is allowed (ruling out Queen Pandora)
  • Inventive characters and interactions is highly encouraged!
  • Write whatever length suits your fancy, but keep to the story line.
  • Mortals do not exist and cannot be characters.
  • Harassment of authors will not be tolerated.
  • I will read everything, so be conscious of the storyline.

**Please submit for review and acceptance**

Name: (Please be clever: Amy, John, or Tim is not true to the fantasy nature and will most likely be denied...)

Character Description: (Insert character from head-to-toe here: gender, age, height, etc., and be creative! Fantasy is boundless...)

Strength: (If they are Euphorian, their energy for magic is blue. If under Pandora's rule, the energy for magic is fire-red...)

Resides In: (View 'Places' page if unsure...)

Weapons: (Optional...)

Personality Description: (Please give a semi-detailed history to your character and all that makes them who they are...)

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Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Euphoria: Fantasy realm.

Euphoria: Fantasy realm. by trouble_in_paradise

Welcome to the realm of Euphoria. Please select your place of residency and begin your quest within that area.

Siren Cove

Siren Cove by RolePlayGateway

Greetings! Welcome to Siren's Cove. Beneath our crystal waters, you will find illusive caverns furnished to your comfort. Well, it looks as though I see a wanderer. Off to go enchant him with my melodies. Ta-ta!

Euphorian Kingdom

Euphorian Kingdom by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Euphorian Kingdom! Oh what wonders lie within...

Splendor Woods

Splendor Woods by RolePlayGateway

Good day to you- I see you've made your way into the Splendor Woods. Here we accommodate to every woodland creature's habitual needs. We hope your stay is a beautiful, enchanted one.

Dark Mist Lands

Dark Mist Lands by RolePlayGateway

Deep in the center of the treacherous Dark Mist Lands lies the castle of Queen Pandora... It is an unlucky place to stumble upon if you aren't serving for Pandora. Beware.

Miracle Meadows

Miracle Meadows by RolePlayGateway

Miracle Meadows is home to thousands of fairies. Being a fairy is a busy yet colorful job that needs to be done!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Queen Pandora: "For your first quest, you are required to venture out into the Miracle Meadows. I need you to snag me a fairy, and return them to me. I will equip you with dark energy that you will use to capture this fairy, but you must perform this task in the evening. Fairies are busy away at work during daylight, and I wouldn't want my sister raising any suspicions. If you can perform this task, then I shall reward you... but if you don't, then clearly I will have no use for you."

The setting changes from Dark Mist Lands to Miracle Meadows


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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The moon was high in the sky as the booted feet of the agent of Pandora stalked the lush green of Miracle Meadows. His queens words echoing in his mind as Kalimdor strode through the enchanted wilderness. At his feet a small horde of goblins, all chattering and jumping, ready to shear the wings off the first fairy they find. Kalimdor's feiry red, gleaming eyes peirced the darkness. His supernatural senses heightened in the darkness as he sniffed the air for the scent of the magical creatures.

"They're close..."

He said, his rumbling voice like a sound from your darkest nightmares. The goblins at his feet grinned wickedly at the news. One looked up at him, his jagged teeth glinting off the pale moonlight.

"Want us to go flush the blighters out milord?"

He asked. Kalimdor turned and gave him a subtle nod.

"Bring them out of hiding and drive them to me."

With that the goblins raced out of the darkness with mad howls and snarls. Nasty looking axes, swords and cudgles in their hands. The bashed, slashed and hacked anything in their way. The sleeping faires screamed in terror and pain as they sought to escape the goblins, unwittingly flying right for the demonic being looming in the darkness.


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Periwinkle dusts herself off before acknowledging you. She tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and looks up at you with the most watery blue eyes you have ever come across. "Oh, it's you again!" she exclaims with much enthusiasm. "I've kept your face in the back of my mind all day long! Well then, the fairy cottages are just beneath the old Willow Tree. Come with me," she says, hovering toward a large willow tree in the near distance.
As you come upon it, your eyes surrender upon beautiful fairy cottages that string together in series, resting around and along the trunk of the willow. It seems as though the inside of the tree has been hollowed out, and from a large glass windowpane, you can see a soaring library lying within it.

"So," says Periwinkle, rubbing her hands together. "Here in Miracle Meadows, we offer fairies three tasks: season workers, harvesters of the blue energy, or spell casters. What's it gonna be, deary?"

Season Workers: As the seasons change in Euphoria, it is your task to sweep the incoming season over all the land. It is your duty to spread snow during winter, sunlight during summer, rain through the storm seasons, and so forth. Color the world of Euphoria accordingly.

Harvesters: You aren't harvesting just any old crop. Fortunately for you, fairies are the sources of blue energy. It is your task to create blue energy to power all of Euphoria. By collecting blue crystals in the Sapphire Caverns (a crevice into which only fairies can enter), the blue energy shall be attained.

Spell Casters: As a spell caster, you work on the outskirts of Miracle Meadows during nighttime hours, warding off any threat that comes into the land. It is your duty to study up and practice defense spells. This position is generally for male fairies; however, the brave females are highly encouraged to partake.


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The setting changes from Miracle Meadows to Euphoria: Fantasy realm.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains
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The water glistened beneath her feet as she skidded her feet across the water, prancing about above it and sometimes ducking beneath the crystal liquid. She held a gentle smile to her lips before flying up to the bank of the pond, sitting on the edge of it and leaving her feet hanging on the edge. The light of the moon shone across the water's surface and the young fairy dangled her feet slightly, her pixie cut curving beneath her big blue eyes. She sighed gently and then leant back, closing her eyes slightly. "I wish we did no work, and all of this..." Dusty sighed gently, trying to relax. Well, that was until she heard hell coming towards their home. She opened her eyes and looked up, only to have a little squeak of fear at the distant sight of oncoming goblins. "HOW RUDE!" She complained, folding her arms over her chest before hovering up and looking around to try and warn her family.


The setting changes from Euphoria: Fantasy realm. to Miracle Meadows


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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Iris comes snaking through the evening lands of Miracle Meadows, hovering rapidly above the ground. She is filled with rage, and sends out her shadow hounds, searching for Kalimdor. Her shadow hounds howl, and surely she can see his mountainous stature inflicting damage over the fairy civilization of Miracle Meadows.

"Kalimdor!" she shrieks with the forces of magic seeping the wave of her rage. She casts a shroud of dark energy around her, and in moments is by his side. She waves her palm to the horde of goblins, and instantly the become puff of maroon smoke. Iris mutters words, and all of the fairies freeze temporarily.

"Didn't Pandora tell you to not cause a scene...?" she said through her teeth, glaring into his piercing red eyes.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains Character Portrait: Iris
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Dusty flew up into one of the branches to take a look at the two intruders of Miracle Meadows, full of rage and trying to hold back her anguish she felt over them destroying the homes of many already. The girls rage boiled up inside of her and she looked around, before using her energy to pick up a small log at the roots of the tree and flinging the branch at the intruders.

She was told not to use her energy this way, no matter what was happening. However, this was different. Her home was under attack. And if anything happened to her parents, she wouldn't ever forgive herself.

"Why don't you go and pick on something your own size, Lovely ladies!" Endalyne called up to the two, flying just in front of the tree and fluttering side to side slightly in a small rage reliever.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains Character Portrait: Iris
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A sickening chuckle rolled out of the behemoths throat as his demonic gaze fell over the enchanting form of his Queens mystical agent.

"Iris... You wear your emotions too freely. Sheathe your fury woman and allow me to do my work. We cannot all call upon the mystical energies that be to do our bidding. Some must rely on... cruder methods to achieve our goals."

He said in reference to his horde as he took a step past her and extended his hand. The swirling dark gemstone that was given to him by Pandora began to pulsate dark power before black tendrils of gyrating shadow ichor shot out to ensare the frozen fairies right out of the sky. Two dozen were seized and sealed away in the magical gemstone before Kalimdor lowered his gauntlet and turned back to Iris.

"Our Queen's work is done. The fairies who call this acursed meadow home should count themselves fortunate that your calming influence is here to restrain my more... savage instics for I had a mind to burn this speck of a settlement to the ground before returning to the Dark Mist Lands."

The massive form of Kalimdor took a step away before turning back to Iris.

"You really should mind that temper of your Iris. Could get you into trouble some day..."

Kalimdor paused as a small log struck his knee. The blow was barely felt by the massive denizen of hellfire but it was enough to get Kalimdor to turn to hear the tiny voice of the fairy who launched the pathetic implement. A dark smile etched its way onto Kalimdor's face as he took a step twoards the small fairy.

"Foolish child..."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains
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At the sight of perhaps another fairy, Iris waved her hand again, evoking a maroon matter, that disoriented Dusty's sight of both her and Kalimdor.

Iris turned to Kalimdor, hovering beside him. Her face was stern, and she pierced him with her scarlet eyes. "You got the job done," she said. "And I suppose that is all that matters..." she grimaced, swallowing the fury of her pride. "But mind this," she warned, pointing a deep-red coated fingernail at him, "if Splendora hears about this, it is you who shall be shown no mercy by Pandora."

She swept her raven hair away from her shoulders and began to summon a portal in which they both stepped through, transporting them into the Dark Mist Lands.

The setting changes from Miracle Meadows to Dark Mist Lands


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Iris
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Despite Kalimdor's desires to wet his blade with Splendora's blood he knew Iris was right. Gaining the attention of Pandora's sister now would not be prudent and would anger Pandora greatly. For that he was glad to have someone like Iris to mind his dealings with the pathetic races of Euphoria. She kept him, temptered though he'd be hard pressed to admit the fact to her. Once back in the home of his Queen he turned to Iris as the two began to walk toward the castle.

"I will tell our Queen of your... asisstance with the fairies Iris. Perhaps soon however we will need not lurk in the shadows and be permitted to set this world to the flame."

Kalimdor said, his voice near a growl as he spoke with wanting anticipation at the war to come.

The setting changes from Dark Mist Lands to Miracle Meadows


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains Character Portrait: Periwinkle
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0.00 INK


"Dusty! Oh, Dusty!" Periwinkle cried, fanning the tears from her face. She was in a craze, not being able to conceive all that had just happened. "Are you alright, deary?" she asked through the streams of tears that poured down either side of her face.

"We mustn't give in, my dear. We have to consult with Queen Splendora... I am afraid Pandora is underway with sinister plans... She has returned, Endalyne..." Periwinkle tried to recollect herself, wiping her face with a small handkerchief she held. "Deary, I need you to come with me to the Euphorian Kingdom, to speak to Queen Splendora. You witnessed most of what occurred," she sniffled again, almost sobbing.

"We leave tonight."

The setting changes from Miracle Meadows to Euphoria: Fantasy realm.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains
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(Ignore this...)

The setting changes from Euphoria: Fantasy realm. to Miracle Meadows


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains Character Portrait: Periwinkle
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Dusty let out a little yell at a sudden dizziness coming over her and tried to focus on the two foes, however she ended up falling back and hitting her head on the tree behind her. She growled at herself and then zoomed forwards, unknowing where she was going and just flying forwards. "Get back here! You can't just take fairies -It's against the rules!" She fell forwards and shook her head about, grimacing to herself.

However by the time her vision seemed to be back to normal, they were gone, and Periwinkle was panicking and sobbing. Dusty looked down over herself. She'd gotten dried muck all over her white outfit and now she looked a mess. Deary, I need you to come with me to the Euphorian Kingdom, to speak to Queen Splendora. Dusty's eyes widened and she looked up to Periwinkle quickly. "Woah woah waoh, Queen Splendora?!" She said, hovering up in surprise. "I can't do that! I don't know manners and stuff like that... Can't someone else do it?!" She asked, sounding more scared about that than all the fairies being taken.

The setting changes from Miracle Meadows to Dark Mist Lands


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Queen Pandora Character Portrait: Iris
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Iris stepped alongside Kalimdor through the obsidian corridors of the fortress; his massive shadow casting over her, increasing the wickedness in the ambiance of her presence.

"Patience, Kalimdor..." she said, tucking her hands behind her. "This realm shall unravel beneath us soon enough."

Just as she spoke, a wind unfurled and snaked through the dark passageway. Two large metal doors swung open, and Pandora burst through.

"Ah..." she said wickedly. "You have arrived. I am assuming you got the task completed?" Pandora held a goblet encrusted with crimson jewels, to which she took sips of an unknown liquid from.

"Kalimdor got most of the job done," Iris said tentatively. "And I kept the uproar to a... minimal apocalyptic scene."

Pandora swept her long body over to them, wrapping a deep red glow around them. The red energy surged between Kalimdor and Iris, infusing them with more dark force. "I have restored whatever power was lost," she said, smiling a menacing grin. "Now, the fairies, Kalimdor?"

The setting changes from Dark Mist Lands to Miracle Meadows


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains Character Portrait: Periwinkle
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"Pandora is the most forgiving!" Periwinkle assured. "I cannot go alone, and having you depict the scene would convince her of her sister's return. You must come with me, Dusty. I need your assistance. Do it for all the fairies that have been swept away to the Dark Mist Lands... for only skies know what is being done upon them..."

The setting changes from Miracle Meadows to Euphoria: Fantasy realm.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Queen Pandora Character Portrait: Iris
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[posted in the wrong place :/ ]

The setting changes from Euphoria: Fantasy realm. to Dark Mist Lands


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Queen Pandora Character Portrait: Iris
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"Are yours my Queen."

Kalimdor said as he removed the gem from his gauntlet and handed it to Pandora with the utmost respect and due honor. The gem swirled with the glimmering light of the faires trapped within its dark ichor. The three figures could all cleary hear the faint screams of the fairies trapped within.

"The time of your ascension nears mistress. Soon this world shall be yours and your faithful shall stand by your side as you take your rightful place on the throne of Euphoria."

Kalimdor yearned for this world to burn and to do so in Pandora's honor. With him and Iris at her side there was little that could hope to stand against Pandora's might. He even went so far as to wonder why she took such care in concealing her activities from her sister. For what could she possibly do to stop her?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Lord Krayt Character Portrait: Queen Pandora Character Portrait: Iris
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Pandora snaked her way around the both of them.

"Hmm...yes," she paused, and looked at Kalimdor. "I have summoned another general to assist you. My army is coming together quite beautifully."

"And who may this one be...?" Iris asked, arching an eyebrow.

Pandora smirked. "Follow me, and you'll find out."


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#, as written by Asper
Lord Krayt road his Nightmare-Steed through the courtyard of Queen Pandora's fortress. The guards backed away slowly, knowing that he had been summoned, but they were intensely intimidated by the dark aura that surrounded him. Riding forward he approached Queen Pandora, "These are the two that I am supposed to help lead your armies?" Hearing him talk was very strange, his skeletal jaws did not move, the voice that came from him seemed to echo from a dark place.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Lord Krayt Character Portrait: Queen Pandora Character Portrait: Iris
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The heavy booted feet of the hulk that was Kalimdor Menethil soudned out in the courtyard as he walked behind Iris whose whispy, lithe frame nearly drifted over the steps. Ahead of the two of them was his Queen and master, Pandora, to whom he served above all others. His gleaming red eyes instantly found the skeletal rider on the horse of haunting flames. The draugr whose lidless eyes stared out at the souls before him. The guards backed at his approach much as they did with Kalimdor but with much more a superstitious type of fear. Kalimdor inspired fear in others, he was physically imposing. Those around him feared the pains they would suffer at his hands. This death knight inspired a different type of fear all together. The fear of the unknown. The fear of death itself. During Kalimdor's travels through hell to hone his demonic powers he'd seen a great many terrible things and the pure, debilitating power of fear of what lurks beneath the grave is a power unlike no other that Kalimdor respected. His own power was different yet akin to it, like two sides of the same coin. He was the searing heat of chaos while this death knight was the icy grip of death. A fine pair of generals. Then there was Iris, the haunting essence of darkness itself. The three would surely bring this world to it's knees. Kalimdor stepped down to the courtyard to match his burning gaze with the hollow lifeless stare of the death knight before a dark smile formed on his face.

"I yearn to see this one in battle my Queen, our enemies will tear themselves apart with fear at the sight of him. What say you Iris?"

The massive demonic Overlord asked, his booming voice echoing out in the courtyard. Standing half a foot taller than the large death knight Kalimdor's mind began flashing with images of the blood that would spill in the wake of the trio.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Euphoria: Fantasy realm.

Euphoria: Fantasy realm. by trouble_in_paradise

Welcome to the realm of Euphoria. Please select your place of residency and begin your quest within that area.

Siren Cove

Siren Cove by RolePlayGateway

Greetings! Welcome to Siren's Cove. Beneath our crystal waters, you will find illusive caverns furnished to your comfort. Well, it looks as though I see a wanderer. Off to go enchant him with my melodies. Ta-ta!

Euphorian Kingdom

Euphorian Kingdom by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Euphorian Kingdom! Oh what wonders lie within...

Splendor Woods

Splendor Woods by RolePlayGateway

Good day to you- I see you've made your way into the Splendor Woods. Here we accommodate to every woodland creature's habitual needs. We hope your stay is a beautiful, enchanted one.

Dark Mist Lands

Dark Mist Lands by RolePlayGateway

Deep in the center of the treacherous Dark Mist Lands lies the castle of Queen Pandora... It is an unlucky place to stumble upon if you aren't serving for Pandora. Beware.

Miracle Meadows

Miracle Meadows by RolePlayGateway

Miracle Meadows is home to thousands of fairies. Being a fairy is a busy yet colorful job that needs to be done!

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Queen Pandora
Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains
Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
Character Portrait: Periwinkle
Character Portrait: Iris
Character Portrait: Lord Krayt


Character Portrait: Lord Krayt
Lord Krayt

From the dark into the light, From the small unto the great, From the valleys dark I ride O'er the hills to conquer fate!

Character Portrait: Iris

A dark enchantress, spawned by Queen Pandora.

Character Portrait: Periwinkle

A good and well-known fairy to all, Miss Periwinkle keeps everything in the Miracle Meadows in order... or at least she tries to.

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
Kalimdor Menethil

The hellish servant of Queen Pandora whose might would bring about a fiery cataclysm upon all of Euphoria should his mistress ask it of him.

Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains
Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains

A young fairy with an attitude problem which could be the end of her. She's a bit of a loner fairy, and as much as she loves others... She feels like she doesn't deserve to have friends of her own.

Character Portrait: Queen Pandora
Queen Pandora

Pandora is indefinitely the most powerful dark-being in all of Euphoria. Some say she has constructed a fortress within the Dark Mist Lands, while most look to their Queen for reassurance that the dark forces shall never pose a threat to Euphoria...


Character Portrait: Periwinkle

A good and well-known fairy to all, Miss Periwinkle keeps everything in the Miracle Meadows in order... or at least she tries to.

Character Portrait: Iris

A dark enchantress, spawned by Queen Pandora.

Character Portrait: Queen Pandora
Queen Pandora

Pandora is indefinitely the most powerful dark-being in all of Euphoria. Some say she has constructed a fortress within the Dark Mist Lands, while most look to their Queen for reassurance that the dark forces shall never pose a threat to Euphoria...

Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains
Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains

A young fairy with an attitude problem which could be the end of her. She's a bit of a loner fairy, and as much as she loves others... She feels like she doesn't deserve to have friends of her own.

Character Portrait: Lord Krayt
Lord Krayt

From the dark into the light, From the small unto the great, From the valleys dark I ride O'er the hills to conquer fate!

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
Kalimdor Menethil

The hellish servant of Queen Pandora whose might would bring about a fiery cataclysm upon all of Euphoria should his mistress ask it of him.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Queen Pandora
Queen Pandora

Pandora is indefinitely the most powerful dark-being in all of Euphoria. Some say she has constructed a fortress within the Dark Mist Lands, while most look to their Queen for reassurance that the dark forces shall never pose a threat to Euphoria...

Character Portrait: Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains
Endalyne "Dusty" Horrains

A young fairy with an attitude problem which could be the end of her. She's a bit of a loner fairy, and as much as she loves others... She feels like she doesn't deserve to have friends of her own.

Character Portrait: Iris

A dark enchantress, spawned by Queen Pandora.

Character Portrait: Lord Krayt
Lord Krayt

From the dark into the light, From the small unto the great, From the valleys dark I ride O'er the hills to conquer fate!

Character Portrait: Periwinkle

A good and well-known fairy to all, Miss Periwinkle keeps everything in the Miracle Meadows in order... or at least she tries to.

Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
Kalimdor Menethil

The hellish servant of Queen Pandora whose might would bring about a fiery cataclysm upon all of Euphoria should his mistress ask it of him.

View All » Places

Euphoria: Fantasy realm.

Euphoria: Fantasy realm. by trouble_in_paradise

Welcome to the realm of Euphoria. Please select your place of residency and begin your quest within that area.

Siren Cove

Siren Cove by RolePlayGateway

Greetings! Welcome to Siren's Cove. Beneath our crystal waters, you will find illusive caverns furnished to your comfort. Well, it looks as though I see a wanderer. Off to go enchant him with my melodies. Ta-ta!

Euphorian Kingdom

Euphorian Kingdom by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Euphorian Kingdom! Oh what wonders lie within...

Splendor Woods

Splendor Woods by RolePlayGateway

Good day to you- I see you've made your way into the Splendor Woods. Here we accommodate to every woodland creature's habitual needs. We hope your stay is a beautiful, enchanted one.

Dark Mist Lands

Dark Mist Lands by RolePlayGateway

Deep in the center of the treacherous Dark Mist Lands lies the castle of Queen Pandora... It is an unlucky place to stumble upon if you aren't serving for Pandora. Beware.

Miracle Meadows

Miracle Meadows by RolePlayGateway

Miracle Meadows is home to thousands of fairies. Being a fairy is a busy yet colorful job that needs to be done!

Dark Mist Lands

Dark Mist Lands Owner: RolePlayGateway

Deep in the center of the treacherous Dark Mist Lands lies the castle of Queen Pandora... It is an unlucky place to stumble upon if you aren't serving for Pandora. Beware.

Euphoria: Fantasy realm.

Welcome to the realm of Euphoria. Please select your place of residency and begin your quest within that area.

Miracle Meadows

Miracle Meadows Owner: RolePlayGateway

Miracle Meadows is home to thousands of fairies. Being a fairy is a busy yet colorful job that needs to be done!

Euphorian Kingdom

Euphorian Kingdom Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Euphorian Kingdom! Oh what wonders lie within...

Siren Cove

Siren Cove Owner: RolePlayGateway

Greetings! Welcome to Siren's Cove. Beneath our crystal waters, you will find illusive caverns furnished to your comfort. Well, it looks as though I see a wanderer. Off to go enchant him with my melodies. Ta-ta!

Splendor Woods

Splendor Woods Owner: RolePlayGateway

Good day to you- I see you've made your way into the Splendor Woods. Here we accommodate to every woodland creature's habitual needs. We hope your stay is a beautiful, enchanted one.

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Re: Euphoria

I would like to post a character. Would a dragon be ok, I figured it would be the thing to balance the scales right now. XD

Re: Euphoria

we need some good guys lol

Re: Euphoria

Dudes, I got work to do, so may not reply for a while...

Re: Euphoria

This looks like a lot of fun! I'd love to join as Pandora's top evil minion >:]

Re: Euphoria

Also, question, who is queen Pandora?

Re: Euphoria

May I be able to make a mermaid? Pretty pleeease? :P

Oh actually, is there a character limit? I mean, I'd love to make an attitude inflicted fairy too xP


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