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Into the Arena

Into the Arena


The conditioning chip keeping you a loyal worker has broken, and so you have found yourself in City Eleven, trapped at the mercy of Dr. Pike and his associates.

763 readers have visited Into the Arena since SyringeofHell created it.


Hello, there! My name is Dr. Snider. You may notice you are strapped down to a table right now - don’t be alarmed, you will discover why soon enough. That’s right, just stay nice and still. Don’t glower at me like that, look to your left. Correct, Corporal Nicholls has his plasma rifle aimed right at you. No need to swear so much; you’re safe as long as you don’t try to break free of your bonds.

Now you’ve calmed a little, allow me to explain. The operation has shown that your conditioning chip is faulty, you can’t be conditioned properly. Either it has broken, doesn’t work at all, has slipped, or was faulty before it was even inserted. Depending on your situation, this could have serious ramifications. If you were a slave, bad luck for your masters. If you worked here, oh well, we just lost one of our orderlies. If you were a transhuman however… that’s bad news indeed. We might have to go through the whole of your division, check they’re working properly, maybe even check the constructs.

And unfortunately for you, you have been labelled unstable and are to be used for experimentation under Dr. Pike, or to be sent to fight in THE ARENA. Best of luck either way. Now relax, count back from ten whilst I just inject your arm here… that’s right, sleep…



Good evening! As Dr. Snider explained, your conditioning chip has failed, allowing free thought and will once more. What is a conditioning chip? Simply put, a little chip put inside your head in a small operation to make you obedient to whomever it is programmed to have you accept. Under the influence of it, you become weak willed and slavish. Chips have a multitude of purposes - keeping slaves safe and loyal (particularly useful in situations where slaves would be likely to hold weapons, for example, as bodyguards, or in situations where they would be around the vulnerable, such as nannies), keeping workers satisfied and quiet (preventing any nasty uprisings or protests!) and keeping transhumans effective and well behaved soldiers! You have had the remains of the chip removed, and will be reappropriated for different services!

As your handler/master/boss has begun to notice spirit in you, you have been handed over to Dr. Snider, who has performed his operation and determined that attempts to condition you further would be impossible, and that therefore you are considered dangerous. As is with dangerous prisoners, mutants dragged in from the wastes of central and eastern Europe, and often prisoners of war, it has been decided that you will suffer one of two fates. Note that well behaved experiments or fighters may be promoted to clean up team or guards, depending.

    [1.] Become an experiment in the laboratory of Dr. Pike. This could result in biomechanical augmentations, induced mutation upon contact with β€œSIGMA” (what some lower class members would call magic, also known as β€œportal energy”), or just as a test for biological or chemical weapons.

    [2.] Become a fighter in the arena for both privileged and poor to bet on. The fights could either be to knockout or more commonly to the death. You could be up against fighters who have spent years training for this, people like you, and even might have to go up against animals!

You don’t have the luxury of choice.

If you require help understanding this document, please inquire with a scientist, who will be pleased to help you discover your new place in the world!


However, there is a possible third choice.
Joining together and escaping. True, some of you may be more suited to fighting your way out than tired cleaners and shy maids, but you will have to work together…



Code: Select all
[b]Race:[b] (human, transhuman, mutant)
[b]Occupation:[/b] (before operation. Soldier, maid, guard, cook, nanny, lab orderly, etc)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (picture, if you want. Although we'd prefer a physical description)
[*][b]Hair:[/b] (colour, style, any oddities)
[*][b]Eyes:[/b] (colour, any oddities - note that transhumans generally have clearer vision than humans or just biomechanical eyes, and tribal mutants might have eye colours such as amber, silvery grey or yellow)
[*][b]Skin: [/b](colour, any markings, scars, tattoos, piercings)
[*][b]Clothes:[/b] (not likely to be fancy or advanced, unless you were a very well cared for slave)
[*][b]Other:[/b] (mechanics, height, build, other bits and pieces) [/list]



[b]Other:[/b] (any particular skills - being a good mechanic, knowing how to drive, being particularly charming, etc., should be mentioned here)

[b]Weapon:[/b] (if any. Note that they are not likely to have swords, bows, spears or other weapons such as this. In the arena, knives are common, and sometimes swords or types of spear or axe may be supplied to make battles more amusing for the audience)




Memory loss is a common side effect from the surgery! If at any point you become confused or don't understand terminology used, here is a quick rundown of the main races living and working in City Eleven.

Human - As much as you would expect. Can have biomechanical limbs and augmentations and not be considered a transhuman. Seeing as you would have been conditioned, these are likely to be rudimentary. You can also get tribal humans, which are humans that live in tribes out of the bounds of β€˜civilisation’. They are often tough, yet captured as slaves. Tribal humans, like tribal mutants, mistrust plasma weaponry.

Transhuman - A human (generally a soldier taken especially, or a prisoner) enhanced to be an excellent fighter. Although subservient to their masters, they are ferocious fighters who cannot only move fast, but are physically strong, and among the few who can communicate with constructs. A few can also communicate with machines. Transhumans have been β€˜improved’ via replacement of blood with other chemicals, mechanical augmentations, other chemical enhancements, and more. Their forms are often scar ridden and bulky, male or female. Not the prettiest things. They tend to have a broad knowledge of killing things and possibly more, depending on their battalion or position in a division (for example, repairs, tanks, medicine, logistics, communication, etc). Transhumans are well known as being rather simple minded but strong and efficient fighters.

Mutants - come in two varieties. β€˜Tribal’, meaning they come from a group of people like themselves - ie. adapted to a certain environment. Tribal mutants are often captured as slaves. The forest dwelling Krakowic tribe have tails as balances, sharp thick β€˜claws’ instead of fingernails, often have dappled or striped skin patterns and are muscular and tall, most often. This helps them living in the Las Wolski forest, and also in harsh conditions in general. Note that unlike those often affected with SIGMA, these mutants do not have powers! Common features for a tribal mutant will be physical fitness, often a mane down the back of their necks, fast or slow metabolism (depending), pointed teeth, and often scars/general weathering. Tribal mutants mistrust plasma weaponry and tend to stick to the kind of stuff that we are used to. [1]

The other type of mutants are called 'SIGMA mutants'. These are people affected by the power of SIGMA. They may be physically mutated or have the ability to manipulate certain substances or, in other words, have 'powers'.

Constructs - not a race of its own, really. Enhanced animals, often serving as guard or sniffer β€˜dogs’. Look like regular animal bodies with a skull like heads, mechanical parts, and a metal jaw. Likely to accompany transhumans.

Where am I?

Europe. Most likely the remains of France, although the lingua franca is English. There is a threatened invasion from the EAA (East American Army) either over the Atlantic, or via the Bering Straits, but our armies and Hunter Knights will take care of that!

Most towns are pretty ruined, but some have been built up, or made inside old shopping malls/convention centres. There are a few bunkers left - Cities Three, Five, Eight and Eleven. You are luckily in City Eleven! The people with the most rule over what is left are the Hunter Knights, who help fund research here in City Eleven and offer protection.

A power called β€œSIGMA” has been discovered by scientists in the lab you are held in for now, which can induce mutations and changes in people, animals, and even certain objects. However, it is highly powerful and destructive when harnessed by those not qualified. So don't try anything.


The sleevebands of guards are firebrick.
Doctors have lightseagreen ones.
Head scientists wear darkgray bands.
Professional arena fighters wear darkolivegreen ones.
Experiments and arena fighters have sleevebands the colour of red.
Slaves have saddlebrown sleevebands.





The powerful force that research in Laboratory 22 is centred around. But what is it?

You may have heard of SIGMA referred to as "magic". Before you read further, it is important to understand that this information is incorrect. Simply put, SIGMA is a type of radiation that was discovered in 2140, when the famous Dr. Ophelia Matthews began her experiments with a particle engine. The effects at the time were unknown, but today we have a greater understanding of SIGMA and what it actually does. SIGMA rays can pass through bodies, and when this happens, mutations may be induced. With a lot of expensive equipment and well trained scientists, it can be honed and tuned into hopefully creating a desired result. However, the experiments involving SIGMA are still often dangerous, especially when ran without trained operators of the equipment. If you wish to volunteer for experimentation, don't bother! The research team of Lab 22 has plenty of test subjects already. If you require further information, inquire with your HEAD OF DEPARTMENT for the supplementary booklet - "SIGMA and you".
Have a nice day!

[1] OOC about Tribals -
I don't mind how you make them, as long as the design is somewhat natural. Their markings shouldn't be to stand out, nor should they be 'tribal' in nature. They should be dapples, stripes, etc., and in a darkish colour (grey or brown, normally). They should also be adapted to the environment in which they live in some way.

There are many different tribes. Here are a few, where they live, and how (in general) they act.
The Krakowic tribe is more accepting than most, but wary and doesn't like intruders. Still, they'll welcome them. Just watch them carefully. They are from around Krakow and the Las Wolski forest in Poland. I described them up there. They have a couple of beat up tanks.

The Wilk Pakiet/Wulfsrudel (Wolfpack) tribe is a sea-faring German-Polish tribe. They believe in tribal superiority and are arranged like a military. They have subs, ships, planes, howitzers and tanks. They enslave both mutants and humans. They come from around Gdansk/Danzig. For tribals, they are 'stocky', but still taller than most humans at around 6'6" (Krakowic tribals average 6'10"). Their toes and fingers are slightly webbed, more than a human. Their hair and eyes will go grey by the age of 25, generally.

The Nova Novgorod tribe is pretty much like the Krakowic tribe, but even more suspicious and isolationist. They live in icy conditions and often the heat will kill them. They come from the ruins of Nizhny Novgorod in Russia. They have digitrade feet with paws like a snow leopard. Their skin nears white, as does hair, body hair. They have third eyelids, and grey eyes. The third eyelid prevents them from becoming snow-blind.

Mont Blanc tribe is human hating and doesn't like other tribes, either. They keep slaves, no matter the tribe, and fiercely defend their territory. From the French Alps. They are generally tall and bulky, with thick skin, tails as balances and tend to be agile. Like an ermine, their hair changes colour year-round, from brown to white.

The Habicht tribe are extinct, merged with der Wolfsrudel. You can normally tell Habicht family Wolfsrudel tribals - they tend to have golden eyes with dappled brown markings on their face, are taller, have higher cheekbones and are slimmer.

Ironwall is accepting and allows both humans and mutants to join its ranks, regardless of background.

Despite tribals being from generally secluded areas, they aren't stupid. Nor are they always judgemental. They normally use regular guns rather than the plasma or shock variety.

Toggle Rules

- I am going to be picky with which characters I let into this RP. Don't be upset if you are given constructive critique when you submit your character - normally this should only be minor, to make things fit better with the world, but I'm also willing to work out bigger issues if you are. Don't worry, I'm polite and certainly not mean!

- I consider this RP lit. However, this does not mean you have to write loads, or puke a thesaurus all over your writing. Your posts should be legible, written half decently and should contain description as well as speech.

- Please follow the forum's rules.

- Please treat other players with courtesy.

- Please don't take the actions of someone's character as the actions of the player. For example, don't assume that someone doesn't like you personally just because their character dislikes yours. It'd be great if everyone chatted and got to know each other a bit to prevent any hard feelings from situations such as this.

- RPing should be done in third person, past tense. For example,
'Dave waved happily to see his friend return, and jogged over to meet her.
"How are you, Mary? It's pretty cold out, isn't it?" he asked as he handed her a cup of warm tea.'
'Dave: *waves, goes over to Mary* How are you? It's pretty cold out, isn't it? *hands cup of tea*'

- Regular RP rules reply - no godmoding, metagaming or powerplaying. An example might be if two characters fell out and one went to hit the other, the correct way would be:
'Dave tensed and - fist clenched - threw a punch at Bob, hoping to knock some sense into the man (and breaking his nose would be no bad thing either).'
'Dave tensed and - fist clenched - punched Bob hard in the face. He heard a terrible crack as his fist connected with the man's nose, and blood began to gush out.'
The second doesn't give the other player's character a chance to avoid the attack or to block. Obviously you can't always avoid things, especially if your character isn't skilled in combat.

- Please don't assume things. An example might be if you were kept as an experiment and you assume your character is given nasty food to eat, when in fact the person playing the characters keeping your character prisoner would rather feed them good food to keep them healthy and better for experiments. If unsure, it's probably easier to send a note asking, or waiting until the issue is brought up.

- If you want to leave the roleplay, please write your character out somehow, and tell us why you are leaving. Hopefully something can be worked out, if it is an issue with another player, for example.

- PM me if you have questions!

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Character Portrait: Chloe Bayn
0 sightings Chloe Bayn played by MorphineKisses
An opinionated woman trapped in a slave's world.
Character Portrait: Daniela Fisher Austerlitz
0 sightings Daniela Fisher Austerlitz played by Kiyokojordie
"People often mistake me as a dreamer...and perhaps I am. When you've been flying as long as I, sometimes you get lost in the clouds."

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dr. Rainer T. Lack
Character Portrait: Dr. Soren Pike
Character Portrait: Poppy White


Character Portrait: Poppy White
Poppy White

"Hey - just know that I'm here for you."

Character Portrait: Dr. Soren Pike
Dr. Soren Pike

Machines are humans, we're programmed that way.

Character Portrait: Dr. Rainer T. Lack
Dr. Rainer T. Lack

"Student workers always getting under my feet. Bahhh."


Character Portrait: Poppy White
Poppy White

"Hey - just know that I'm here for you."

Character Portrait: Dr. Soren Pike
Dr. Soren Pike

Machines are humans, we're programmed that way.

Character Portrait: Dr. Rainer T. Lack
Dr. Rainer T. Lack

"Student workers always getting under my feet. Bahhh."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Poppy White
Poppy White

"Hey - just know that I'm here for you."

Character Portrait: Dr. Soren Pike
Dr. Soren Pike

Machines are humans, we're programmed that way.

Character Portrait: Dr. Rainer T. Lack
Dr. Rainer T. Lack

"Student workers always getting under my feet. Bahhh."

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Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

I hate to do this guys, but I have to leave RPG for a while, which means that I will not be posting indefinitely. I hope that you'll forgive me and still RP with me if I ever return.

I'm really sorry.


~ Esa

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Just posting to see if anything has changed... I'm hoping this isn't falling through the cracks before it even gets started. Any word on an update?

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Thank you very much! :D

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

I really like your character! Thanks for joining!
If you need help with posting or the details of the site or whatever, just ask (:

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Hello! I'd like to join, this seems really interesting. I'll submit my character soon.
Also, I'm new around here (but not to roleplay), so if you notice that I'm a bit lost it's because I'm still trying to figure things out.

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Thanks, MorphineKisses! I sent you a reply.

@Selene: I try to post around 200 words at least, and more if I can. 200 words normally in a conversation or combat situation. I'd say 200 words minimum is okay, as long as not all posts are minuscule P:

I'll PM you!

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Character submitted :-) let me know what you think and if I need to make any changes... thanks!

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

I didn't see this mentioned yet, in detail at least. Will there be a post length minimum? I hope that there is. :) Far too often I have gotten a 5 sentence response to a hefty 4 paragraph post of mine. I realize that during conversations that sort of length is warranted, but if it turns into a trend. :( I hope you can understand.

Also, I am interested in making a doctor/scientist actually. Might you be able to give me a bit more information about the role? :)


Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Looking forwards to seeing them!

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Ok perfect! Thanks so much. I'm working on a character now :)

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

- Pretty soon after you all get introduced to Lack. If you really want a certain position (fighter, experiment, guard, scientist, cook, etc) you can always PM me. It's just I let people choose before and was flooded with fighters :I
- What you'd rather use, or what you carry (if you are a guard, scientist, technician, etc.)
- You'll have the clothes you were wearing beforehand, and that is all.

Hope I helped!

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

I, too, am interested in this ^^ But I do have a few questions. In the introduction is says that we don't get to choose if we become a fighter in the arena or an experiment. After we make a character, how soon will we find out which one of those we're going to be? Also, on the character skeleton, it has a section for weapons. Is that section for what we prefer to use, or something we have on us at the time? I wasn't sure because the way the introduction sounds, we'll be pretty much naked in the cell to begin with. Will we have all of our belongings with us in the cell to begin with?

Just a few questions, hope you don't mind :) Let me know so I can work on building a character ^^

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

If you need it, I'll happily give more information!

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

I am interested in this for sure! :)

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

That's fine! Looking forwards to seeing them (:

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Hi, I'd like to enter a mutant in (probably tomorrow morning.) Would that be okay?

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena


I'd be happy if you joined (: Good luck defeating the morning, it's already the evening where I am, ahaha.

Re: [OOC] Into the Arena

Seems solid enough, definitely has some interesting implications, especially towards overall crime.

I'll probably submit a character eventually, if I ever beat the morning-lazy. xD

[OOC] Into the Arena

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Into the Arena"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.