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Lodi Johnson

"Can we just chill a minute?"

0 · 432 views · located in Harry Potter Universe

a character in “Orenda Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry US”, as played by LostRiver


Melodi "Lodi" Johnson

Age: 17
Year: 6th
House: Vulpes
Wand: Mahogany, 11.5 inch, dragon tooth core
Patronus: Bobcat
Pet: A small, clumsy tabby cat named G.

While sarcastic and seemingly bitter at times, Lodi is a humorous and happy girl. Though at times she can be closed off and cold, she almost always loves a good laugh. Her defining trait is her 'smart slacker' attitude. Lodi has a nearly photographic memory and she uses that to her advantage. Often times, Lodi is able to slack off in her classes, yet she gets amazing grades. It is simply by her naturally photographic memory that she can achieve the highest scores with minimal to no effort. You can often find her sleeping in between and during classes or simply petting G with a thoughtful look on her face. Unfortunately, her naturally high intelligence makes Lodi a bit vain. She thoroughly enjoys shopping, doing her makeup, and dressing up. It gives her something to do in her vast amount of spare time and she can also show off.

One major flaw of Lodi's is that she has developed a slight drinking problem. She is not an alcoholic, but the combination of her being constantly bored with life and the fact that she can often be harsh on herself when it comes to appearances, makes her susceptible to over-drinking. She has recently been trying to drink less and less, but she still thoroughly enjoys it as an escape. Not many people know this because Lodi has chosen to keep it a secret. Most just think that she is a party girl and do not know that she struggles with this habit of hers.

Lodi is often considered -jokingly of course- an accident within her family. Ten years prior to her birth, Lodi's brother Ryan had been born to a loving human mother and a wizard father. Although both of Lodi's parents had always wanted two children, they knew that they would not be able to support both since neither had very high paying jobs. When Lodi's mother became pregnant with Lodi by complete accident, the whole family was excited yet fearful of financial issues to come. Ten years prior to her birth, Lodi's brother Ryan had been born to a loving human mother and a wizard father.

Lodi never got to meet her great wizarding father, but she holds the stories she is told very close to her heart. He had tragically and suddenly died only two months prior to Lodi's birth and Lodi still believes to this day that he sent a little part of his soul to her in her mother's womb and that he lives in her now and forever. In any case, Lodi's birth turned out to be bittersweet. Ryan and her mother were ecstatic over the new baby, but they only wished and prayed that her father could somehow see Lodi.

Growing up, Ryan and Lodi were extremely close together despite the ten-year age gap. Even when he went off to school, they kept in touch as best as the could, and when he came home they would go out together nearly every day. Lodi's mother originally struggled with having two wizarding children and not being able to teach them anything, but she learned to live with it and embrace it, letting their natural talent as well as the schooling they would receive take over. Since Lodi had no father, Ryan seemed to step in most of the time where a father figure was needed. Whether it was a bully or a problematic friend, Ryan was always there and he still is today.

TImes were tough in the Johnson house as Lodi's mother attempted to feed a family of three on a rather low salary. Lodi was too young to work, but Ryan worked as long and as hard as he could to finish up school with absolutely perfect grades. Although he was often stressed in school and had little time for the partying and fun that he normally loved, Ryan's hard work paid off in the end. He was hired to a company less than a month after leaving school and was sending money back home as soon as he received his first paycheck. He makes a decent amount of money now and is able to send home enough for Lodi and her mother to live comfortably.

Lodi's lazy nature mean that she has barely even thought about her future, but she knows that she also would like to send money back home as soon as she can. She does not know what she wants to do with her life and she sometimes fears that she will never know exactly what she wants to do.

+ Eating
+ Sunny Days
+ Lazy Days
+ Playing with G
+ Fashion

- Busy Work
- Cold Days/Rain
- Thinking About the Future
- Seriousness
- Sour Foods

Password: Specialis Revelio

So begins...

Lodi Johnson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine
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"So, Gingy, you ready for another glorious year of school?" Lodi jumped as the sudden voice came from her right.

Lodi rolled her eyes as her older brother, Ryan, fell into step with her. "Ready as I'll ever be," she replied with a hint of sarcasm, causing the brother-sister pair to chuckle simultaneously. Ryan had graciously volunteered to carry Lodi's suitcase which he had cast an extension charm on, increasing the bag's capacity in order to carry everything of Lodi's in one compact suitcase. However, the bag stayed relatively heavy and Lodi was grateful that he was carrying it for her.

Lodi looked up at her brother as they strolled through the bustling wizarding avenue. "Eh, d' you know where mom went?" Just as the words left Lodi's mouth, she caught sight of her frizzy-haired mother coming from a small jewelry store off to the right, carrying two shopping bags and looking frantic, as usual. Mrs. Johnson was the type of woman that always seemed to look busy and her frizzy, red hair only heightened the look.

Lodi and Ryan chortled softly as they watched their short mother push through the gathering masses of parents and students alike to reach her children. As she neared the two siblings, they moved to the side of the street so as not to get in the way of hurrying witches and wizards. Lodi's mother smiled at the two as she pulled a small jewelry box from on of the bags and held it out for Lodi to take. Lodi took the box, raising an eyebrow at her mother as she did so. Her mother gestured for her daughter to open it and did not begin to explain until the box was half-way open. "I sent it in to this jeweler when you broke it and I just picked it up today. This is a big year for you and I thought you might want a reminder that he's always with you."

As her mother finished speaking, Lodi finally opened the box fully, revealing a thick golden chain with a pointed dragon's tooth dangling from it. She gave a small, surprised gasp at the sight of her father's necklace. She had worn it since she was a child, but had unfortunately broken the chain months ago. She had absolutely no idea that her mother had taken the necklace and sent it to be fixed. Lodi looked at her mother with a wide grin on her face, tears welling in her eyes and threatening to spill. She embraced her tightly, holding on for a moment before turning around to let her mother clasp the chain onto Lodi's neck. Lodi grabbed at the dragon's tooth, playing with it as she had always done. It was one of her only reminders of her deceased father and the piece of jewelry was one of her most prized possessions. An unexpected tear of joy dripped onto Lodi's cheek, but she quickly sniffled and wiped it away. There was a moment of silence between the family members and thoughts of what her father might think of her if he were there passed through Lodi's mind.

Ryan was the one to finally break the silence, changing the subject with a more light-hearted tone. "Hey, let's go get some of those spicy chips we got last year. Eh?" It was customary in the Johnson house for the three to withdraw from sad conversation topics. It wasn't that they were uncomfortable around each other, but rather that the three always seemed to already know what the others were thinking. Nothing truly needed to be said within the family. Everything was simply just understood between family members.

Lodi dried her eyes on the sleeve of her large, cream-colored sweater and followed Ryan and her mother, jogging a bit before falling in step with her brother. As they started toward the small shop that had sold the delicious chips, Lodi's mother and Ryan got into a pointless argument about the difference between 'caramel' and 'carmel'. Lodi was not really part of the argument, but she chuckled at the meaninglessness of the argument. She loved going back to school, but one of the things Lodi always truly missed was the company of her family.

They were quick in buying the renowned spicy chips and as they walked out of the store, Ryan and Lodi's mother began arguing about yet another completely pointless topic. Lodi rolled her eyes at the two and offhandedly mentioned that she was going to go wander around a bit. Lodi's mother gave a quick nod before going back to her lengthy monologue on something or other. Lodi wandered around until she reached the door of a small bookstore where she found Sonny, one of her newest housemates, Chase McGreine, a good friend of hers, his younger sister, Daniel Arvus, another friend of hers who had graduated the pervious year, and a young boy who looked to be Daniel's younger brother. Lodi grinned as she popped up next to Chase with her hands still casually in the pockets of her sweater. Lodi nodded at the group before grinning mischievously over at Daniel. "Eh, you do so bad that you're back for another year?" Lodi chuckled, knowing that Daniel had been one of the most promising students that she had ever seen, but also enjoying her chance to poke fun at the older guy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine
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It took a few beats but suddenly Alison recognized Daniel Arvus, a graduate of last year. They were two years apart and in different houses so they had never interacted while Alison was there, but the tug of familiarity pulled until the memory of his name yanked through. She gasped with recognition, a victorious smile lighting her face. Before she could announce her discovery however, another familiar face came to their side. “Chase, hullo!” Alison said with enthusiasm, surprising herself. She was genuinely excited to see Chase, and a pit of anxiety gathered in knots in her gut at the thought of seeing other people she had thought about over the summer.

At Hogwarts she normally dreaded returning to all the fake smiles and crude jokes with her brother bossing her around and people who wouldn’t leave her the hell alone. It was the first time she ever looked forward to school starting, and she just began to realize it. Laughing along with the others her eyes shifted to the girl across Chase’s shoulder, a cute little fair haired child. A grin tugged at her lips as she gave a meek wave to her before looking at Chase with questioning eyes. “New luggage piece?” She joked.

As if they were a beacon for Ordena students, another face joined their crowd. Alison gave her a smile and a curt nod, accompanied by another meek wave to her housemate. Suddenly Alison once again felt like the odd one out. The other three knew each other for years before she rolled along, and for some reason she felt like she should crouch to be on the same level as the first years so at least she didn’t feel like the only one out of the loop.

As if the situation couldn’t get worse, a hand clamped onto her shoulder. If it had been any other hand Alison easily would’ve jumped out of her skin, but she recognized the familiar grip that applied pressure just a little too hard for her narrow shoulders. “Sonny, thought you were going to pick up the rest of your supplies.” Grimm said with sneer, leaning over her shoulder to get a good look at the circle. “Are these...your friends?” He asked with disdain, cold blue eyes piercing the stares of others, lingering on the frame of Lodi with a mischievous look.

Alison could feel herself cringe, wanting to pull from his hold but knowing he’d only squeeze harder. Out of the two Alison obviously was the brains, and Grimm was all brawn. He hovered over six feet, sculpted from years of athletics and a strong jaw he’d inherited from their father. He had blonde hair, natural unlike Sonny’s. While a brunette constantly Alison would be told how much she resembled her mother, but some hair dye took care of that. But Grimm’s was all natural platinum, sticking out in all directions and falling into his fair skinned face with all his chiseled features. He could be described as handsome, but there was something in his eyes...

“Gerroff me, Grim.” Alison said as the awkward pause settled between the circle, rotating her shoulder to shake off her brother’s grip. Grimm stood just behind her, barely allowing any space. Glancing at the others apologetically, she motioned to the door behind them and went into the store, Grimm at her heels and giving one last look to the rest of the lot with the same sneer he greeted them with.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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Wesley Davis

"You have got to be kidding me...?" Wesley said as she stood with her father as they awaited the bus. "She's nice, Wes." said the monster of a man. Wesley was a slight girl, not very taller but not short either, she's a 'late bloomer' but blooming by the sutble curves she had aquired over the summer. A Mane of Curly brown hair that added atleast a few inches to her height "You only say that because she plucked a bullet from your thigh." Wes countered, her father let off a booming laugh. [b]"Yes, but she was nice about it."

"Whatever, Dad, date who you want, none of them ever like me..."

'"You never let them."

Wesley sighed, She wanted her father to be happy but at the same time, she didn't want to call anyone 'Mom' anytime soon either.
"Well, Have fun with Darla..."She said as the bus arrived. "It's Maria."

"This week..." She said and narrowly dodged a paper cup that came flying at her head. She just laughed and boarded the bus.

"Give em hell, Kiddo!"

"When don't I?" She called back as she waved to her dad as the door closed.

It made it's way toward Rhianon Way.

She missed her dad every year but she loved the school, she had good friends, the teachers were their to teach not earn a paycheck and she actually wanted to learn. It was too much fun.

A few hours later, she arrived. She disembarked with her backpack on her shoulders, her Knee High Converses tied tight, her black jeans tucked in them and her black asymmetric top 'Bite Me' with stitched in red sequins hanging loosely over a red spaghetti tank and holding ontop a carrier. She looked around before setting the carrier down and opening the latch.

Out slide a mountain lion cub. "Sorry, Kovu." She said with a pet to his head. "The Normies would lose their shit if they saw you." She said and Kovu looked up at her as if he understood but still didn't like it. "Oh don't look at me like that." She said and playfully shoved him with her foot. He snapped at her but she only grinned.

With that, they made their way through the crowded streets, scattered conversation going on here and there, people shouting about their wares and the sales on them. The hustle and bustle of Rhianion Way made her smile. It was like Chinatown in LA only, slightly more magical.

She spotted a bookstore and then a handful of familiar faces. She took one look at Lodi and grinned mischievously. She slid up behind her, closed her hands over her eyes and grinned. "Guess who?!" She said with a loud 'Wesley Laugh' something she was quite known for which inturn gave her away immediately.

She removed her hands. "Miss Me, Chica" She said. Wesley always had a strange habit of breaking into Spanish, especially when she was pissed, half the time she didn't even know she was doing it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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Max Avarus:

"Well well, if it isn't Chase. And this must be your sister, Eden. Going to be a first year as well? Looks like you got company, Shrimp".

Max had his brother. "I told you NOT to call me that!"

He laughed, before turning back to the others. "Admit it, you are all going to miss me. Well, hopefully you can keep Max out of trouble. You seem to be prone to getting it..."

"Am not!"

"Oh really? Last Summer, the summer before that, Christmas break three years ago, the summer before that one, the whole troll incident..."

"That wasn't my fault!"

"Still, you seem to have a knack for finding trouble...Chase, maybe for your safety you should take a step back".

He laughed again, and turned to Alison. "Anyways, yeah, this is my brothers first year. We just got all his stuff together, and I was planning to fly him to school. Maybe you want to join us?"

Max, meanwhile, looked at Eden. "So...your a first year too?"

Max wasn't the best at opening conversations sometimes. However, his brother checked his watch. "Oh, we need to get going soon".

Max finally got to take a breath, inbetween his brother teasing him and introducing him to people. He gave a quick look over at the alley. This was the first time he would be going to this school, and the pressure was already building from his parents and his brother. At least he had a really good wand. Dragonwood and a Whale Bone core, a powerful combination, and a fairly rare Wand make. Though, not many people could have summoned a patronus with no wand when they were nine, but he also prefered not to share this because of the fact his patronus was a unicorn.

"Well Shrimp, looks like you made a new friend already. Wanna bet they both get into Aquia Chase?" he noted, making sure Max's stuff was all secure and that the broom was ready for flight before he got them on. "But come on, lets get flying. I don't want my brother to be late like you usually are..." he noted with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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”Sweet’eart, you need to try t’is on.” Said Whitney Duquesne, mother of Odessa, who was holding a yellow skirt that would reach almost to her feet, it had a dark red flower design on it. Odessa thought it was simply awesome. She did as she was told, and ended up wearing it out of the store. Right now, the mother daughter pair were in New York City, preparing for her departure. Odessa had actually been staying with Chase MacGriene, a friend of hers from school for a couple of weeks now. They had planned it during the last school year, that she would spend a few weeks in New York. She found out to love New York, it was so different from New Orleans, but somehow similar.

They were walking and talking about nothing in particular, but they were walking towards the shop the MacGriene’s owned, for Odessa to drop off her things and get some supplies she needed. ”So, enjoy your time with C’ase?” Her mom said, stretching out his name and with a little lovey dovey with it. “Ma! It’s been fun, but I don’t like ‘im like t’at!” She practically yelled, she was half telling the truth, she loved him as a friend, but she had seen how he had grown and none of the guys in her house were that great. ”Fine, Fine, Fine.” She put her hands up. ”Just promise me t’at ya’ll get married down in New Orleans.” She laughed at her daughter’s expense.

They made it into the store, and Odessa watched the mom’s say hello. They made small talk, and Odessa said she needed to go out to buy some things, and her mom offered to take the clothing they had got back to her hotel for the time. She agreed and then walked outside, sporting her new skirt and a T-shirt that said, “I only like New York as a friend”.

She didn’t make it far before seeing her lost companion with a group of people she knew from school. Lodi, whom she knew she could exhaust, Westly, one of her really good friends she missed, Daniel Avarus, whom she wanted to beat but never could and his little bro, and the English Bitch, Sonny, who had big foot behind her for some reason. Overall, she was debating if she should go over to the group, but when seeing Daniel and pint size discuss leaving, she took the chance. “Westly! Lodi!” She yelled in her joy and ran over and hugged the girl, before letting go and smiling at Westly. “Did you grow? You seem taller for some reason?” She then turned to Chase and Eden, “My mom want to know if ya’ll want to ‘ave any Cajun Potato Pie, she broug’t it w’en s’e flew in.” She was all excited, her mother almost never made potato pie, and Cajun was just their way of saying it would be hot. She glazed over Sonny almost bored. “’Ello Princess. "Ey Daniel.” She said curtly, but perked slightly when talking to Daniel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Jade Wildsmith Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine
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Suddenly, the sound of bold, hardy laughter echoed throughout the pub. The vibrations from the roaring sound bounced off of the walls, and back into the children's ears as though loud church bells were ringing inside of the room. The teenagers, mostly comprised of fifteen to seventeen-year-olds, sat at a long table in the center of a tavern known as The Candleman's Cairn. The place always felt rough, dry, and cold, but it never mattered, because the drinks served there could warm even a frozen man's belly in less than a minute. Not to mention there was always a vibrant fireplace lit just to the west side of the joint, alive and crackling as if it was made from the tail of an energetic phoenix. The young-adults' giddy laughter must have lasted for about a good thirty seconds, and then a girl with chestnut-brown hair and a dusty gray hat began to carry on where she had left off, telling her friends a particularly embarrassing story that had happened to her over the summer. Jade Wildsmith, a girl in her fifth year at Orenda Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sat among the group of students and watched with a grin on her face as she sipped on a pewter tankard of freshly-brewed butterbeer.

"...So then I screamed, 'watch where you're going you stupid-faced JERK!', and he just picked up his idiotic little broomstick and ran away like a four-year-old going to go cry to his mommy."
"That's absolutely insane, Tessa," said Jade through laughter, "Are you sure you're not just making up this story to entertain us?"
Tessa was a quirky and extravagantly boisterous girl whom Jade had stayed with for the last five days. Due to her Auror father's travels and her mother's duties to help her sister with a new potions and apothecary business she had been working on in another state, there was really no one to take care of Jade before she went off to begin school again at Orenda. Jade didn't mind; her friends had the same warm and welcome atmosphere that her family always demonstrated. With them, she felt like she had never even left home in the first place. Starting her fifth year with Tessa and her other acquaintances would only be a fun-filled experience full of delightful memories, Jade absolutely knew it. Still, it would be heartbreaking not being able to hear her mother's farewells from the Boston port as she wished the blonde-haired girl safe travels to school.

Tessa licked a spot of pumpkin juice off of her lips, and continued, " Jade, would I lie to you? I'm being absolutely serious when I say that someone literally crashed into me while riding a broomstick over here in Rhiamon Way." This sent another round of thunderous laughter through the teenager's mouths. Suddenly, Tessa slammed her tankard right onto the table, sending orange-pigmented juice flying in all directions. "If only I'd had thought of pulling out my wand while he ran away, then I could have Petrificus Totalus'd him right in the arse and shown him would it would 'ave felt like if he'd had hit me any harder!"

A couple more minutes passed and more tankards of pumpkin juice, butterbeer, and gillywater were drunk. In the time that passed, a brother and a sister showed off their pair of pink and purple colored pygmy puffs, a boy named Nicholas played a song using an enchanted violin he had bought from a magical thrift shop, and Tessa had made her own cat, Vasilisa, perform tricks on the long table for everyone to see. Even the bartenders up front couldn't help but chuckle. Eventually, when everyone had enough to eat and drink, the friends got down to business.
"Alrighty, so does everyone know where they have to go?" said Jade, slinging a messenger bag over her head and around her shoulder. It was made from a rough rucksack material and had patches with various names of Quidditch teams and magical places all along the front.
"We need to go to the bookstore first." said the brother and sister with the pygmy puffs.
"I have to get a new wand. I broke mine this summer..." said a boy with brown freckles and pale skin
"Is it alright if I go to the pet store to get an owl?" cried out a girl who still held a tankard of gillywater in her hands.
"And I have to go to that place where they sell potion ingredients so I can get a new cauldron." said Tessa as she adjusted the gray cap that rested on her monstrously curly and fiery-red hair. "So now that we all know where we're going, let's move!"

After leaving the Candleman's Cairn, the large group of friends paraded down the crowded streets of Rhiamon Way towards the direction of the bookshop. It was truly a magical place. There were white and brown owls flying all over the skies, and vendors sold an array of odds and ends at every corner. For Jade, there were just too many places to look. Keep your focus on one thing for too long, and you'd just might bump into a frantic shopper rushing down the street.

They finally came to the bookstore, and Jade's eyes were almost blinded by the vibrant flash of color that had appeared once she entered inside. There were shelves that contained all different kinds of books. There were old books, new books, books for school, books for pleasure, enchanted books, books that were so ancient that they were practically falling apart, and more. The group of students eventually spread out throughout the store, and Jade found herself standing wandering through the aisles of shelves with Tessa. They came to a particularly dark section of the store, and slowed down their paces as they inspected the hard-covered books. Cautiously, Tessa pulled out a green-colored book that was covered with fake rhinestones and gold symbols.
"Here," she said with a facetious-like smile, "This one's for you, Jade."

The blonde-haired girl took the book from her friend's hands, inspected the title, and gave a small chuckle. It read "The Master's Book of Runes" and had gleaming characters that seemed to dance across the cover. Tessa knew how much Jade liked to translate runes, and often teased her about it. She flipped through the pages, taking in the scent of the unopened book. At some point, Tessa ran off, leaving Jade all alone inbetween the shelves. Once she had finished reading, she swiftly turned her head in all directions, her thin hair whipping behind her with each movement. With the book still in her hands, she walked quickly through the shelves of books, trying to find one of her friends.

Eventually, it wasn't the group of the friends she had came with that she found, but Jade had laid her eyes upon another group of students, most of which she had recognized from her previous years at Orenda. "Chase!" she exclaimed, recognizing her fellow housemate's copper-colored hair from far away. She scurried up to him like a mouse, and with the Runes book still in her hands, gave him a hug that could be compared to a tackle.

She laughed, releasing the last bit of her sudden excitement over the sight of her Quadpot teammate, and let go of her grip on him. "How are you? How was your summer?" she asked as her eyes widened. She then turned her attention to the other people who were conversing in the group. There was Odessa Duquesne, who Jade knew very well, Lodi Johnson, who had never really talked to her at the Academy, Wesley Davis, a witty girl with curly brown hair that could be compared to the beauty of a lion's mane, Chase's sister, Eden, Daniel Arvus, and three other people she didn't recognize. Among the three strangers was a girl with platinum-blonde hair wearing a particularly fashionable crop-top, a boy next to her with a pair of mischievous looking eyes, and a small boy with a stern-looking face, presumably Daniel's younger brother.

"Hey guys." Jade said to the group, her smile becoming more subtle. "Wassup?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Jade Wildsmith Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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One of the main things Sonny liked about back to school shopping in the Wizardry community was the simplicity of it all. All years had the same classes, same books, and were divided into neat piles across the store for each student to pick to appropriate pile. Grabbing the stack for 6th years and handing it off to Grimm, she glanced at the time to see that she was pressed for time. “Where are my things?” She asked her brother as they got into line, checking her nails with apathy.


“Grimm?” She pressed in a more demanding tone, looking to Grimm expectantly. His expression was blank, as if he were staring into nothingness, right through Sonny. Snapping her fingers before his piercing gaze, a smug smile cracked through his mask. “My things?” she asked again.

Admittedly Alison was a little high strung, she liked things to flow perfectly and according to plan. Perhaps she was a bit of a perfectionist, but that was only because she’d invested so many years in being as perfect as she could. It pleased Grimm to push her button and put her on edge, just as it pleased her to call him out in front of his friends or ‘disobey’ him as he would put it. Grimm had control issues undoubtedly, a hunger to have everyone underneath his thumb, especially his little sister.

Gently giving his shoulder a shove, she widened her eyes as if to emphasize her question, making him chuckle with amusement. “It’s already been sent to the ship, Kreger made sure of it.”

Kreger was their house elf who worshipped the ground Alison walked on since she was the only one kind to him in the house. Last night he had sobbed at her feet while he helped her finish packing, begging her to take him with. Poor Saia had to remain in her carrier until they reached Orenda, but if a house elf could be considered a pet she would have brought Kreger along in a heart beat.

They reached the front of the line and paid for the books after browsing the selection of ribbons and ropes at the counter to tie the books together, picking out a silky pink ribbon and tying it around her stack of books twice so that all sides were secure and knotting it into a pretty secure bow on top to carry it by.

When she walked back out the door the group from earlier hadn’t budged except Dan and his brother had gone else where and instead Odessa and a girl she thought she recognized from the house of Aquila but who’s name slipped her mind. Her lips pressed into a thin smile, averting her eyes to the ground as she walked passed hoping to keep Grimm quiet.

No such luck.

He gripped her forearm, pulling her back to the group with a malicious smile. Immediately she looked at him with warning, knowing his intention. Grimm hated Alison being able to stand on her own, once being able to control her within the walls of Hogwarts. He wanted to make his mark on her reputation at Orenda, to stretch into the one place that had become hers.

“Sonny, don’t be rude and just walk past your friends.” He antagonized.

Her eyes narrowed into slits, seething venom as she stared into her brothers eyes. He wanted to embarrass her. She wouldn’t let him get the best of her. Huffing she tugged her arm out of his grip, looking back to the group with a forced smile. “How rude of me indeed, I apologize.” Her dulcet sweet tone matching her smile, although her apology was genuine - although it was not her own behavior she was apologizing for.

She knew where this would go, he would belittle her in front of her schoolmates, make them feel uncomfortable until someone spoke out, then attack them with cutting comments that made absolutely no sense. Here in America she was the Oglethorpe in charge, not him. “I’m headed to the ship now, I’ll see you all there.”

Glaring once again at her brother, Sonny turned on her heel, sashaying away as if he hadn’t phased her one bit. Her books bumped into her calf as she walked, the pink ribbon glinting in the sun. Grimm took one last lingering look at the group, trailing the female figures from head to toe, pausing before chuckling to himself. He took several steps back before saluting them all with two fingers to the sky. “Good luck.” He said ominously, then turning his back to the group and following behind his sister.

She walked to the shore where families had gathered to say their farewells to all the student’s before they flew off, mothers crying over the absence of their child until Christmas break. Alison’s mother stood still faced next to a gawky house elf gripping the most recent Nimbus release, a sleek broom with a smooth cherrywood handle with the brush slicked into a golden point, resembling an oversized animated paint brush.

“I was sure you’d be late.” Mrs. Oglethorpe said, pushing Sonny’s blonde locks behind her ear with precision rather than affection.

Taking the broom from Kreger, Sonny slipped her books onto the handle, patting Kreger affectionately on the head and rolling her eyes at her mother. “Of course you were.”

“Alison Oglethorpe, check your attitude.”

Glancing back to Grimm to her mother, Alison chuckled. “There’s no one to impress her mother, let’s drop the theatrics.” Her mother’s jaw hung as if it had been unhinged, then opening and closing several times before finally shutting with a huff.

Sighing, Alison leaned forward to kiss her mother’s cheek, then Grimm’s. They might be an endless pain in her ass but they were the closest people she had. “I’ll write once I’m settled, and don’t go in my room.” She said, directing her last comment at Grimm.

He laughed, but she knew she would have the last laugh if he did walk into her booby trapped room. Once again she petted Kreger’s head who looked up to her with sad eyes. “I’ll miss you, do as your told while I’m away.” Not that he needed to hear that, he was an obedient house elf with or without her.

“Save travels back to England.”

With that she kicked off, joining the herds of students flying to the ship. The distance was short, thankfully without collision. The landing deck was swarmed with students, catching up about their summer as they walked into the main cabin where there was a snack bar with all sorts of goodies.

Grabbing her broom with one hand and her her books with the other Alison followed the crowd into the main cabin, looking for a friendly face.
“Sonny!” A wiry red haired girl waved from several feet away. Her freckled face lit up in a smile, matching Sonny’s expression. Her roommate was a vibrant lady in the same year as Sonny. The two often would stay up with their other roommate Gina, an Italian-American from New Jersey, and play muggle board games that Bridget would bring from home.

“Bridget, hullo love!” Sonny said as she was pulled into a hug, giggling girlishly. She had never been so excited to see a school mate.

“How was your summer?” Bridget asked.
Sonny rolled her eyes with an amused smile, “Don’t get me started...”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Jade Wildsmith Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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“Are these...your friends?”

Lodi's attention turned to Alison's tall, older brother. Normally Lodi would have thought he was a cute guy despite the fact that he was nearly a foot taller than her; however, she furrowed her brow at him in anger as he looked her up and down with a mischievous grin. Lodi was frustrated with this and open her mouth to make an angrily sarcastic remark; however, Alison looked at her apologetically and she gave the blonde girl a small grin, telling her it was alright. Lucky for Lodi, this guy, Grimm, seemed more concerned with his sister than anyone else there.

Lodi instinctively jumped as two hands covered her eyes, but a grin slowly spread over her face as she heard the voice of her 'sister' and roommate, Wesley. "Guess who!" Lodi heard from behind her before a loud laugh was emitted. Lodi shrugged with a mischievous grin on her face saying in a mockingly oblivious manner, "I've got no clue."

As the hands were dropped from her face, Lodi immediately spun around to face Wesley with a smile that reached her eyes. "Miss me, Chica?" Lodi pulled Wesley into a tight hug -a very rare occurrence that was saved for only the people Lodi was closest with. She pulled back and held the girl at arm's length. "Well, d' you expect me to say no, Gorgeous?" Lodi let out a rather loud guffaw and continued. "You tryin' to steal me thunder or somethin'?Because I swear you get better looking every year." Lodi raised an eyebrow mockingly and dropped her hands from Wesley's shoulders.

Lodi was about to say more when she heard a hollered voice yell to both her and Wes. She immediately recognized the voice as that of Odessa, a pretty good friend of Lodi's, all things considered. She was a great girl and she was fun to be around, but she honestly exhausted Lodi sometimes. Odessa seemed to understand that though and the two of them had an unspoken understanding of their relationship. Today Lodi was in a good mood and she was glad to see the peppy girl and she smiled as the girl approached, giving her a small embrace. Lodi kept the smile on her face as the girl spoke to the group of students -although she wasn't listening too much to the conversations around her.

Lodi's smile dropped a bit -nearly unnoticeably- as her attention turn to Jade as she joined the group. The two did not necessarily hate each other. They weren't even that much of rivals. However, there seemed to be a tension between them whenever they talked. Jade just seemed a bit too happy and fake to Lodi, but perhaps she was wrong in her assumptions of the girl.

After greeting Jade with only a courteous nod of her head, Lodi seemed to drift into random thoughts of what the coming year would bring and was unaware of Alison's ordeal with her brother until the blonde had informed them with much disdain that she was headed for the ship. Lodi gave a confused look after the girl but shrugged it off, deciding that it was none of her business. Something was probably going on that Lodi didn't know about and she wasn't good enough friends with Alison yet to ask her.

Once Alison and her brother had left, Lodi began to think that perhaps they should all start heading over to the ship. She finally turned back to Odessa and Wesley. She slung an arm lazily around the shoulder of the latter and grinned, looking from her to Odessa and back again before saying sarcastically, "So, who's ready to start year numero six off?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Chase MacGreine Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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"New luggage piece?" Chase laughed at Sonny's question as he set Eden down on her feet. "My sister, Eden," he said. "It's her first year at Orenda this year." He turned to Daniel as the recent graduate asked whether he thought both Eden and Max would make it into Aquila. "Wouldn't surprise me a bit," he replied. "Of course, this little bookworm could get into Vulpes too, but who knows?" Eden rolled her eyes at the comment. Chase was always teasing her about constantly having her nose in a book.

Chase smiled and nodded in greeting as Lodi made her way over to the group and laughed at her joke about Daniel having to do an extra year at Orenda, but his laugh was cut short by a question coming from a guy walking up behind Alison. “Are these...your friends?” Chase's eyes narrowed distrustfully at him. Granted, he didn't fully trust people too easily anyway, but there was something extra-menacing about this person that made the hairs on the back of Chase's neck stand up. His eyes followed the guy until both he and Sonny were in the store.

Meanwhile, Wesley had appeared and thus commenced the squeals and hugs of girlfriends who hadn't seen each other all summer. Chase grinned when Odessa joined them a minute later, sporting a different skirt than he had seen her leave in earlier, and offering them some of her mom's Cajun potato pie. His mouth watered at the mention of it, but before he could answer, Eden was tugging at his shirt. "Chase, we're running out of time," she said. "I have to get my wand before we leave.

Chase sighed. "Sorry guys. Duty calls. I'll see you all on the ship?" He turned to Odessa before leaving. "And I'll be back in enough time to have some of that potato pie before we set off."


As the ship emerged from the water of Greenwood Lake, Chase was still drinking glass after glass of gillywater. He had not been prepared for the level of heat involved in true Cajun cooking. It had taken Eden a very long time to stop giggling over Chase's reaction to it, and she was still having trouble keeping a straight face each time he asked for a refill.

As the students began filing off the deck of the boat and towards the main entrance of the school, a gray-haired woman with a kind face stood at the edge of the lake. "First years, this way please," she called out. "All first years, please follow me!" Eden took a deep breath and gripped harder onto her brand new wand. Walking towards the woman, she noticed Max making his way there as well. Being the only other first year that she recognized, since they had met earlier in Rhiamon Way, she quickened her pace to fall into step beside him. "Hey," she said, smiling at him. "You nervous at all? I kinda am."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Eden MacGreine Character Portrait: Max Avarus Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Murdo McAlpin
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Alison and Sterling had lingered at the back of the group that pilfered into the Great Hall, teasing one another and comparing the horror stories of the summer. They were one of the last ones to be seated, taking a spot nearby Wesley and Lodi who Alison meekly smiled at before turning her attention to the front at the headmistress opened the sorting ceremony with a short but sweet introduction.

She only recognized two of the first years, Chase’s sister and Dan’s brother. They had both been sorted into Aquila, which was no surprise to Alison. For the most part, for Alison at least, it was easy to predict which house someone would be in. Scanning her eyes over the great hall she stereo typed each house. Aquila were those who were the valiant, do-the-right-thing type people, Vulpes was more the people who preferred to sit back and let things unfold until they saw the right time to intervene, Cerva the geniune and straight forward type, and finally Ursus. As she ran her eyes along the table of Ursus, her eyes were caught by a familiar face.

Murdo sat still faced among the other Ursus members, whom Alison considered all to be headstrong and tactical. She knew he went to Orenda, but she couldn’t help to feel as if she was back in Hogwarts again, being shoved around by her own brother and forced to be a bitch to everyone outside of her house just so she could feel like she belonged with those within her house. He had also been Slytherin, which is why it surprised her he had been sorted into a different house. Glancing down her table she saw his sister only a few heads down, talking to her own friends.

Murdo hadn’t been close to Grimm, the two had butted heads on several occasions if memory served right. Still even knowing that Murdo and Grimm no longer spoke to one another it felt as if her brother had sent someone to spy on her because he couldn’t stand the idea of her being free of him. Shaking her head she turned to her plate before her, empty, much like herself.

“Oh my God, you have to try these pastries, they’re fucking delicious!” Sterling said beside her, piling his plates with goodies.

She smiled, laughing under her breath. “Sure, why not?” She said, then piling her plate up, much like Sterling.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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0.00 INK

Lodi stepped cautiously off the ferry, making sure that she didn't trip like she had her first year. As she stepped off, she looked up at the castle. She was indeed excited to be back. Orenda had always been a home away from home for Lodi.

Lodi grabbed at her dragon tooth necklace as if to make sure it was still there and smiled feeling the familiar charm still around her neck. With that, she shouldered her bag and fixed her windswept hair before heading inside at the tail end of the group of students.

Proceeding through the doors and into the hall, Lodi rolled her shoulders while the familiarity of the place hit her. She headed straight for the Vulpes table and noticed Wesley speaking with Sterling, a group of Vulpes students gathering around them. Lodi strolled over and heard the tail end of their conversation and Sterling's amazing plan of action of firewhiskey in the common room. No one turned to Lodi until she piped up in a rather sarcastic tone from behind Wesley, "Now, that isn't all that upstanding of you, Ster." She grinned at the group, grabbing a last slice of bread before they headed to the common room.

Once inside the beautiful, extravagant common room, Lodi's clumsy little tabby, G, greeted her by pouncing into her arms. Lodi smiled as she coddled the cat for a moment before the cat licked her chin and jumped down to go take her spot on the windowsill. Lodi was about to join the cat when Sterling came back down the stairs and proceeded to pass out the bottles of whiskey. Lodi smirked and held hers up to toast to the few words that Sterling uttered before taking a gulp of the stuff. Despite her obviously small body, Lodi was not a light-weight. She was not an alcoholic, but Lodi had a tendency to enjoy drinking. The reason for this was that Lodi had a mindset where she didn't really know what else to do. She never had to study or do work and currently, she had absolutely no clue what she wanted to do with her life once out of school, so drinking was an activity that could take her out of her boredom with life. However, only the people closest to Lodi knew this and she was hellbent on not letting anyone else know.

Lodi proceeded to look around for Wesley and caught a glimpse of her friend's flirtatious smile at Sterling. Lodi grinned wickedly as she hopped over the back of the couch Wesley was sitting at and slung an arm around the girl. Acting like a true, annoying, sister-like best friend, Lodi cut Wesley's flirt short. "Well, I bet that's not all he's good at, eh Wes?" Lodi smirked at the girl mischievously and let out a laugh. If there was one thing that Lodi was good at, it was knowing how to push her friends' buttons and Wesley was no exception.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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As Wesley gave Sterling the 'eye', her annoying best friend plopped down on the sofa, nearly knocking her and her digninty right off the couch before snatching her around the shoulder. " Freaking A, Lodi!" Wesley gasped, getting her barrings. Lodi really was the sister she never wanted.

"Well, I bet that's not all he's good at, eh Wes? She said with a snicker and Wesley wanted jump off a cliff. Now, Wesley was far from easily embarrassed, she takes herself as she is and expects the same from others, however, she did not like going from sexy to goofy in a matter of seconds either. THAT was a good was to embarrass her, even if it was in front of Sterling Matthews.

"That's for me to find out, now isn't it?" She said with a mischievous grin in her eye at Sterling that shifted to a death glare at Lodi. She then grabbed a throw pillow and whacked her upside the head. " Don't you have someone else to bug?" She said through clenched teeth and kicking her off the couch.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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Collapsing onto a throne like chair, Sterling tossed back a generous amount of firewhiskey, feeling the warmth grow from his chest. He winked with amusement at Wesley, grinning as Lodi sat beside her with a cheeky comment. The two were always a riot together, and he could think of plenty of situations he would like to be with the two of them alone. “Ladies, ladies! No need to argue, there’s enough of me to go around.” He joked, then tossing back another shot.

Laid out on the floor beside his chair with her lynx, Alison sniffed her bottle gingerly, wincing at the smell. “What’s wrong Sonny, too strong for you?” He asked.

She glared up at him, “Well sorry I’m not an alcoholic like the rest of you.”

Rolling his eyes, Sterling looked back at the scene playing out between the two girls as Wesley smacked Lodi over the head with a pillow. He chuckled, shaking his head at the two. “You’re so mean, Wes.” He jested, involuntarily scrunching his nose as he teased her, then patting his leg suggestively as he turned his stare to Lodi, “you’re more than welcome to bug me, Lodi. I won’t kick you off.”

“Oh you are such a slut!” Sonny cackled, finally taking a substantial shot. She immediately began to cough, making Sterling laugh as he then plucked the bottle from her hands, then offered it to Isobel instead. “Hey! I wasn’t done!” she whined.

Sterling waved his bottle in front of her face, “At the rate you’re going, we can just share.” He said, laughing at the girl. It was weird how close the two had become, considering it all started with him wanting to fool around with her, but now they acted like two people who had known each other for too long, and boy did he love riling her up.

Pouting, Sonny laid out to pet behind Saia’s ears gently. “Honestly girls I don’t know what you see in him.” She directed towards Lodi and Wesley.

“Pffft, obviously my chisled good looks and obvious charm.” Sterling answered as if it was plain as day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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0.00 INK

(accidental double post)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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“Ladies, ladies! No need to argue, there’s enough of me to go around.” As Sterling spoke, Lodi rolled her eyes at him. He was too cocky for his own good, but she liked that about him. It could get annoying, but most of the time it was just plain hilarious. In any case, Lodi thoroughly enjoyed teasing him by she informing him on a daily basis of how full of himself Sterling really was.

Lodi's heart clenched a bit as Wesley gave Sterling a mischievous grin. Yeah, her best friend was gorgeous and if she ever wanted a guy, then Lodi had no chance. Despite this emotion Lodi was feeling, she kept a playfully wicked smirk on her face as Wesley plucked a pillow from the couch. While chuckling and her friend's annoyance, Lodi attempted to duck out of the way of the flying pillow, but her attempt was in vain and the pillow struck the back of her head with a muffled thud. She grabbed the rogue pillow and held it as if she could block anything else that Wesley threw at her with the pillow Wesley proceeded to kick Lodi off of the couch asking if she would go bother someone else and Lodi couldn't stop herself from snickering. She put on a mockingly thoughtful expression and answered the girl, "Oh, I always have someone else to annoy," Lodi paused -in order to cause Wesley to think that she was finished speaking- and then added, "But you're so much more fun to annoy."

Sterling also piped up, mockingly telling Wesley that she was mean and Lodi could not keep the victory grin off of her face. Lodi's attention turned from Wesley to Sterling as his voice was then directed at her. "You’re more than welcome to bug me, Lodi. I won’t kick you off.” Lodi continued to give a smile smile at Sterlings words and rolled her eyes with exasperation. Snickering softly, she chucked the pillow she had been holding at Sterling's head and then proceeded to plop down on the floor next to Wes's feet. Lodi was about to make a snide remark to go along with her throwing of the pillow; however, she did not get a chance to because Sonny suddenly began to cackle, called Sterling a slut -to which Lodi raised her bottle to-, and finally took a good, long shot. Sonny then proceeded to cough forcing Sterling to pry the glass from her hands and give it to Isobel. Lodi gave a feeble attempt not to laugh at the blonde, but she once again failed. It just felt so good to laugh as much as she was and it was hard to stop. There had never been a group of people that Lodi had felt more comfortable with than the members of the Vulpes house. They were all family and nearly everyone in the house seemed to share some sort of emotional connection. On a night like this one, when one person decided to throw a party, everyone joined in -even Sonny who appeared to not like alcohol all that much.

Sonny pouted, but Lodi could tell that she was just a bit annoyed with Sterling. Directed toward Wes and Lodi, Sonny asked, "Honestly girls I don’t know what you see in him.” Lodi let out a huffed chortle and mumbled under her breath, "I honestly couldn't tell you." With that, Lodi took a long swig of the firewhiskey and let it run down her throat slowly.

Lodi heard Sterling say something about his good looks to which Lodi snorted at, but in truth, she was not listening and was a bit lost in her own thoughts. If Sterling or anyone had brought more of this alcohol, then Lodi knew that she would have to remind herself not to drink in excess. It was a problem of hers -started around third or fourth year- that she had to stop. Lodi offhandedly wondered if Wesley knew about Lodi's slight drinking problem. She had never outright told her roommate about it, but then again, Wesley could read people like a book. Perhaps this was the year that Lodi would finally tell her most trusted friend. Even if Wesley did know, telling her would probably take a load off of Lodi.

Lodi shook herself out of her own thoughts, forcing herself back to reality as she realized a ball of fur approaching her from out of the corner of her eye. Apparently, G had come down from her pedestal on the window frame to greet her friend, Saia. Lodi couldn't hold back the chuckle as the clumsy cat stumbled twice, but continued to barrel past Lodi and right into Sonny's pet. As G stood back up from her tumble, she stepped back a moment in order to take a look at Saia. The lynx had definitely grown and was now much larger than the shorter, more petite G. However, G gave Saia's front leg a quick sniff before finally deciding that this was indeed her friend and pounced once more on the lynx.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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Wesley pursed her lips at her bestie.
"Oh, I always have someone else to annoy," Lodi paused and Wesley frowned, "But you're so much more fun to annoy."
Wesley then rolled her eyes. “I don’t know why I even bother with you half the time.” She said with a fold of her arms. Then Sterling chimed in.
"You’re more than welcome to bug me, Lodi. I won’t kick you off.”

“ Ugh, Please.” Wesley said, She knew was flirting too but honestly, Sterling stood not a chance with her because he had an ego as big as the planet as well as being as transparent as a window. Wesley liked mystery and humility, after all, Wesley had enough of an ego herself, she didn’t need any more.
. "Honestly girls I don’t know what you see in him.” Sonny added and Wesley snorted,
“ Evidently, nothing anymore. I’m bored and I’m still thirsty.” She said and with that she snatched the bottle from her bestie’s hand. Now, Lodi never actually spoke on having a problem with drinking but Wesley grew up around enough drunks to see it when it happened. Lodi tried, she really did but temptation was a real bitch and Wesley knew that. She hoped one day, Lodi would talk to her about it but until then, She just kept an eye out. Lodi was a tough chick, surely it was her own will power she was trying out first before she got any real help, Something Wesley herself could relate to. Just then, Kovu stalked over, Wesley swore sometimes, the beast could read her mind as he curled up beside Lodi, giving her something to do other then drink, while Wesley was well on her way to become a little more then buzzed. “ Gu-ys, I’m Bored!” She whined, “ Let’s do something!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Murdo McAlpin Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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0.00 INK


Rolling onto her back, Sonny faced the ceiling above, crossing her legs delicately one over another and gently bouncing her leg in a rhythm only she could here. She rolled her head to watch as Sterling passed her bottle to another, watching as Isobel cuddled next to Mark, a sixth year with deep blue eyes. The girl had good taste. Lodi’s cat had approached Saia, sniffed her to affirm her recognition, then pounced on the lynx with a playful ferocity. Still not full grown, the lynx was still awkward about it’s size, attempting to flip from his side to his back to playfull

Rolling onto her stomach, she propped herself up by her elbows, looking past the snuggling pair and through the window to see the starry night. She had forgotten how beautiful the sky was from Orenda. Suddenly she felt inspired to sketch the world outside, to capture the dark lines of the twisted and knotted trees that reached into the skies like hands worn down to the core. Wesley’s whined from her spot on the couch, suggesting they do something. Looking back to the group, Alison pushed her hair back decisively. “I’m actually going to go to the courtyard for a little bit before curfew comes around, I think I need some fresh air.”

Before giving any of them the opportunity to invite themselves she hopped onto her feet, hurrying up the spiral staircase into the girls dormitory. Saia and G ran off chasing one another in another direction, picking up where they left off. She had the same room as last year, and her roommates still hadn’t returned, probably out with their friends still, it was still a while until the students had to return to their prospective dorms. Rifling through her things she pulled out her portfolio and her art supply case which held colored pencils and charcoal, which was all she needed for now.

Sterling was barely phased by Sonny’s sudden departure, he was used to it. She tended to get tunnel vision once her mind settled on something, and he was already a little buzzed - definitely too buzzed to care. Wiggling his eyebrows, he leaned forward to the girls. “And what do you girls think we should do?”

Without a word to her friends Alison breezed through the common room, knowing they’d think nothing of it. Sonny had her ways, and sometimes she was so caught up in her own world it was like everyone else wasn’t there. She figured she should write her family, but honestly she was having such a good time she didn’t want to ruin it. Her fingers were itching to sketch, Orenda was the only place she ever felt like she could sketch freely and not be mocked for it. America was accepting and diverse of all races and magical or non magical ancestry or cultures, no one cared about silly things like wether or not someone enjoyed something as mundane as sketching.

”Can I help you gentlemen?”
A familiar voice interrupted her train of thought, rounding the corner to see Murdo’s path being blocked by a group of boys notorious for harassing students and instigating fights. Hiding behind the corner, she peeked from where she was to watch the scene go down. Wincing as the one of them pushed Murdo back, she expected all hell to break lose, but instead Murdo collected himself and apologized for basically nothing. Shocked, Alison withdrew, pressing herself against the wall. She was so perplexed she hadn’t even realized Murdo and her were about to cross paths until he was standing right in front of her.

Clutching her things like she would a child, she looked at him with her mouth agape for a moment in silence, like a doe caught in headlights. “Um...hullo, Murdo.” She said in an attempt to gap the awkward silence, but only felt like she made it worse. Straightening herself so that she wasn’t pressed against the door behind her, she ran a hand through her hair as if to freshen her mind up. “I wasn’t spying, it was just coincidence...but it was very impressive how you handled those boys.” She complimented her United Kingdom brethren.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Davis
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0.00 INK


Sterling was barely phased by Sonny’s sudden departure, he was used to it. She tended to get tunnel vision once her mind settled on something, and he was already a little buzzed - definitely too buzzed to care. Wiggling his eyebrows, he leaned forward to the girls. “And what do you girls think we should do?” Those around them who had tagged along parted into pairs or groups, returning what was left of the firewhiskey to Sterling while mumbling a thanks. He guessed most of them weren’t drinkers, and besides he wanted to make the contraband last.

Saia and G used him as a jumping post, running around the room wildly, making him wince at the proximity they had been to his precious family jewels. “Lodi, get a handle on your cat.” He said in mock anger, then guarding himself, watching the animals warily.

Finally he stood, brushing his clothes free of debris and wrinkles, looking at the girls once again. “We could always go on an adventure.” He suggested, grinning mischievously. Adventures with Sterling normally resulted in hideous altercations where he had to smooth talk his way out of losing his house an enormous amount of points, which he wouldn’t want to do so soon i the year. But they were never dull stories. The castle of Orenda was so massive in size there was always places to explore, secrets to unravel, it was difficult to withhold curiosity.

“I’ll be back.” He said, collecting all the bottles and returning to his room. Firstly he consolidated the spirits, tossing the empty bottles and hiding the full ones, then changing into jeans and plain black tee and fresh looking black lace up shoes. Within ten minutes he was back in the common room looking at the girls expectantly. “Come on, let’s go!” When met with questioning stares he scrunched his face with drunken frustration. “Come on, you said you want to do something, let’s go!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison "Sonny" Oglethorpe Character Portrait: Sterling Matthews Character Portrait: Braelyn Blaine Character Portrait: Lodi Johnson Character Portrait: Ryland Pierce Character Portrait: Reid Pierce
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As another, more gangly shape approached them, Sonny squinted at the newcomer. She knew she recognized the face, but had a little problem with the name. Once the girl spoke, however, Sonny knew who it was instantly. “Lyria!” Sonny said with a beaming smile, throwing her hands into the air with enthusiasm. “Oh, how was your summer, love? Are you ready for a vigorous year for dueling?” She asked, giving a lopsided smile. Dueling was perhaps the one that that Alison had over her brother, in her third year she began to beat him, and she immediately was a rising star. Although pressure from her family was constant to succeed in all areas, she was pressure free as far as dueling went - it was the one thing she was naturally good at.

Reid dismissed himself, causing Sonny to narrow her eyes after him as he left. “You know, Sterling says he’s a good chap but he always seems like he’s got a stick up his arse.” She said a little crudely, then giggling as she looked back to Ryland, “No offense, people say I’m like that sometimes too.” He then apologized on his brother’s behalf, to which she waved off immediately, “No harm done on my part, if the boy wants to be left alone - leave ‘em be, I say!” The firewhiskey had made her unusually chatty, her accent stronger than ever she worried briefly if they could understand her as she began to pick up the pace of her words. It always seemed like Americans spoke so slow compared to people back home.

Ryland then dismissed himself, offering to help Alison back to their house. She meant to protest, but as she hopped onto her feet and felt a familiar twist in her gut she nodded curtly, pursing her lips in distaste. “Thank you, Ryland, ever the gentleman.” She said, linking her arm through his and waving good bye to the girls that would stay behind. “Sleep well, poppets.” Sonny said sweetly, letting Ryland direct her into the castle.

Out of the cool air, she really began to recognize her level of intoxication. Fanning herself, her cheeks ruddied with embarrassment, “I can’t thank you enough, I must look like such a fool - but I really don’t drink...I mean I didn’t but - well you probably know Sterling smuggled some in, I shouldn’t have indulged but I did and now...well I suppose this is what you’d call natural consequences.” She said with a giggle, erupting another hiccup, which forced her to laugh again. Covering her mouth with her hand, she was appalled by her own crudeness, averting her eyes she shook her head at herself. “Again I apologize.”

Of course he was every bit the gentleman she assumed he would be, and as they entered the common room of their house they were met by Sterling who seemed dressed to leave. “Curfew is any minute now, dummy.” She said brusquely, to which he narrowed his eyes, looking back and forth between the two. Then a smile broke his expression.

“Whatever you little lightweight, get your ass to bed.” He said, taking her from Ryland and passing her off to her roommate who had just recently taken claim of a seat in the common room. Alison looked back to Ryland one last time with gratitude, ‘Good night my fair knight!’ she called out to him with yet another giggle.

Sterling looked to Ryland with admiration, “She’s a pistol, I’m surprised she let you help her, she must be a lot more sensitive than I thought.” He looked back to the girls on the couch, who had probably grown to drunk to explore and create an adventure, “Alright ladies, let’s rendezvous tomorrow.” He said with a wink, heading to his dorm. “Night partna.” He added to Ryland, disappearing down the stairs and into his dorm room where he would sleep a heavy slumber with the firewhiskey warming him from the inside out.