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Vance Kagome

"Stop the noise."

0 · 434 views · located in Future Earth

a character in “Project EVO: Athena's Children”, originally authored by H3R0, as played by RolePlayGateway






Teen Against Evo, Role #4



Hair Color

Eye Color
Dark green

Skin Tone
Caucasian; lightly tanned

Home City

Social Rank
Rank 7


Vance is a very uninvolved person. He prefers to look at the world through a digital screen, through data and technology. He doesn't care for the clearer view of seeing things with his very own eyes. He doesn't trust the world as it is. He doesn't even trust himself to see things clearly. He doesn't believe the world he sees is the truth because there's so many different ways to interpret things and so many different angles to look at that no single person could possibly see them all. Nobody can possibly know what another person is thinking with a hundred percent accuracy. Humans themselves aren't perfect at all, not even close. They're fickle creatures, always mixing and matching things, always changing their minds, always lying and putting on facades. Vance can't stand them. He can't stand that he can't understand them, so he turns to technology for the definitive answers he desires. Technology doesn't lie. If it breaks, it can be fixed. If it ages, it can be replaced. He likes that. He relies on that.

Because of his obsession with knowing the clear truth of the things around him, Vance has become a very reserved person. He doesn't really interact with other people unless he finds he has to and prefers the companionship of technology over that of another human being. He paranoid of others and being around them for too long can make him irritable or even more closed off than usual. If he finds a situation or a conversation undesirable, he'll shut himself out of it completely, sometimes even to the extreme of ignoring it entirely and pretending he can't hear the person speaking to him. When he does actually bother taking his nose away from his precious technological security blanket, he's a very blunt person, often showing off his selfishness for others and how little he understands sympathy or empathy for other human beings.

That isn't to say he doesn't have an actual personality, though. He might try shutting himself off from the things around him as often as possible, but he understands that doing it twentyfour-seven is unhealthy, so he makes the minimal effort when he believes necessary or just when he feels up to it. For the most part, he's just a whiny, lazy person who trusts himself over anyone else in the world. If he helps someone, it's most likely because he assumed it would be the smart thing to do and not because he actually cared about them. He's not the meanest person in the world, but his selfish nature makes it hard for him to be kind or caring, or even the least bit considerate. If he's in a room with a woman crying over her dead husband, he wouldn't hesitate at all to ask why the hell he had to come along to listen to this obnoxious lady cry all day. His real personality can be a little annoying and hard to get used to, especially since he's so unfriendly, but he's not the worst person to be around either.

Vance is pretty confident in himself and his abilities. He wouldn't be too stupid to jump into a fight that he'd obviously lose, but he wouldn't back out of one that's about 50/50 either. Despite his seeming intolerance for others, he still gets a kick out it when he can actually relate to someone or when he discovered he has similar interests to another person. With that person, he may even be willing to focus on them more often than his technological devices. However, he'll still probably be inclined to act sour towards them like he is towards anyone else, but his generally rude nature just stems from his lack of caring and understanding, and not to mention his lack of trust, towards others.

Silver and gold

The Kings


Esper PowerImage
Thievery. Vance has the ability to "take" things from other people without actually having to touch those items, or having to physically grab them. Basically, within a certain, generally small range of area, he can "magically" take someone's object without them even having to notice it. If he sees that someone has a wallet in their back pocket, all he has to do is think about wanting it, and bam, there it is, from that person's pockets straight to his hands in the blink of an eye. Nobody else would even notice it--well, not unless they knew exactly what they were looking for, which isn't very likely to a normal, powerless civilian. He can't "take" anything from people too far away. For the most part, if they're out of his line of vision, he can't take anything from them, but if they are, then he could pretty much take the shirt off their back (literally) if he felt like it. He takes klepto to a whole new level.

Light-footed. Vance has always had the innate ability to be quiet. He could tiptoe through water without making a single waterdrop of sound. He knows how to make himself unnoticeable, average. He's able to blend-in well with his surroundings and the people that may be around him. If he has to sneak around somewhere, he's able to do so skillfully and he rarely has any issues with being found out. If he wants to sneak a snack in the middle of the night, he'd be the last person to make the most noise doing so.

Adjusting. He's very good at adjusting to new, different, and unfamiliar situations. He's a pretty fast learner, but even if it's not something he can get a handle on, he still knows how to lay back, relax, and let it happen without freaking out about it or making matters worse for himself or for others. He's pretty practical when it comes to things, a handy guy to have around for various reasons.

Lying. Despite what he does and how he is as a person, Vance is contradictorily not a very good liar. At all. He's not terrible at leading away from a subject that would inevitably end up with him either needing to lie or admit the truth, but when it comes down to someone trying to shake the truth out of him, they wouldn't have to try very hard or for very long. When it comes to most lies, whether they're big or small, he's pretty awful at them. He has many tell-tale signs of lying, usually his voice rising slightly in pitch, or him smiling nervously, or looking off to the side and refusing to meet the other person's eyes.

Physical contact. He's not a germaphobe, not by a long shot, and he's plenty used to being in a crowd, but one thing he absolutely can't stand is when someone touches him. He's moderately okay with cloth-to-skin contact, or cloth-to-cloth, but if someone's bare skin brushes against his own, he gets really agitated and starts scratching at the area that was touched. He refuses to shake peoples' hands. The only time this isn't an issue is when he's deeply distracted by something else, whether emotionally, or by his surroundings or by a situation happening at the time.

Sonic Gun. This is an average, medium-sized weapon that uses the physical force of wind rather than actual bullets. Since it doesn't need bullets or anything, it doesn't need to be restocked or refilled, and all it needs is just a little recharging every now and then, but not very often. This is a two-in-one weapon. The wind comes out through the wide, shield-like area and its force is strong enough to knock a full-grown man back at least a hundred feet. It can do some serious damage if it's shot into an object that hits another object. The second part of the gun, the tip, shoots out a fine laser-like beam, like any other typical laser gun can do. He doesn't have the desire to use any other weapons because he specialized this one himself, building the wind portion of the gun around an average laser gun.

PDA. This advanced piece of technology can be used as both a personal planner, portable computer, and a cellular device. Vance uses it to keep track of the things he's assigned to do and things he wants to do, as well as all the phone numbers of people he needs to keep in contact with. He uses it very often to play games on when he's bored or needs a distraction. It's really useful for being able to navigate around the city--since he lived in Zues, it kept him from getting lost all the time--and it can bring up profiles of peoples' personal information that can be used against them if necessary. It's an all around handy dandy device and he can be seen with his eyes glued to it a good majority of the time.


Vance doesn't really have any interest in talking about or thinking about the things that have happened in his past or with his family. When he was younger, his parents moved around a lot because his mother had a deep-rooted paranoia, an irrational, pathological fear that someone was following her and wanted her family. Her husband knew about this when they were together and was always convinced that he could be the one to change her and make her see the world in a better light. He loved her enough at the time to marry her and have a child with her, only one, and go along with her obsessive ramblings about how someone was definitely following them. Being higher up on the chain of intelligence, Vance's father made a good amount of money--enough to allow them to move every couple of months to a new, although usually small, home.

As a child, Vance never understood what his mother was going on about, but it influenced him in a way that made him think that people were bad. He started to assume that his teachers had other intentions and started to wonder if they might be the people his mother was always going on about. When he was old enough to start bringing it up, his father would always try to explain the situation to him and tell him that his mother was just a little different than other people and that he shouldn't take everything she said so easily. His father's worked for him well enough to get him through school, but he refused to make any friends, or if he did, they were never kept for too long. He felt that the longer people were around him, or the more they got to know him, the more suspicious they became. He simply couldn't tolerate them.

At some point in his younger life, his parents started getting into loud, heated arguments. His dad seemed to have wasted all the steam he had in him to put up with his mother. She would lose sleep at night or stand by the window all day long. She would always refuse to eat food she either hadn't made herself or that she hadn't thoroughly watched her husband make. Between his parents arguing and not having anyone he trusted to share his feelings with about it, Vance turned to technology. He started out playing little games and ended up getting overly involved in information, learning how to get into things he should never be able to get into. It became an obsession for him, a safe haven that shut out the crude, loud noises around him. It was a way for him to escape the things he disliked in his life.

When he was taken into experimentation, he accepted it without much of a thought. At that point in time, he'd stopped caring so much about his parents, and he didn't have any friends, so he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get his hands on technology and devices that he wouldn't normally have access to. He was almost excited to be apart of it. When he heard about what was happening in the world outside the protective areas, a world he'd never thought that much about, he wasn't so much angry about it as he was curious. It was the first time something outside of his world of technology had managed to pique his interests and the last thing he wanted to do was destroy it, at least not without learning all he could about it first.

If any of his devices are taken away from him without his permission, or while he's using them (namely his PDA), he'll throw a hissy fit until he can get it back. However, he doesn't really mind if something of his is broken to bits or if it suddenly breaks internally and stops working. The only thing that he'll get extremely upset about breaking is his PDA, which has information on it that would be nearly impossible to transfer over. It means the most to him.


Thoughts Towards Other Characters

So begins...

Vance Kagome's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls
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EVO's 18th floor - Three hours after the esper incident

The ceiling illuminated the large, nearly empty room of EVO's official meeting area. The glow of the ceiling lit the room dully, a spotlight focusing on the center of the room, landing on the two espers underneath it. Twenty feet in front of the two teens was the set of stairs that led up to the seating area of those in higher command. Looming 18 feet above sat two of EVO's head scientists and four of the top military commanders, their faces dark, a few clearly more infuriated than the others. The six adults spoke silently amongst each other, the whispers unable to be made out as the sound echoed around the empty room until finally one of the soldiers faced forward and his narrow eyes coldly stared at the espers below.

"Former EVO students Ciel Lavier and Crow, Espers of the Athena experiment, it has been decided that the betrayal of your comrades can not be seen unpunished. It is only natural that due to your previous comrades poor choices will lead us to question your loyalty to us as well as the Four Kings. However,"

The man paused, turning to the military commander next to him who stood and placed his hands on the desk in front of him. This mans stare seemed to be even colder, his deep maroon eyes piercing through the two teens in the spotlight.

"Those who betray us must be eliminated at all costs. And so, these are your orders. At dawn tomorrow you will begin the mission to exterminate the traitors who have turned against their own kind. The six espers who now pose a threat to the four Great Cities must be extinguished. But," The man raised his head "If either of you come across the opportunity to capture at least one of them, returning with the traitor will become your first priority."

At this, a female scientist stood up and she leaned forward slightly. "They've proven to be failed subject, but there is still a chance we may be able to extract that power and reverse the experiment and inject that power into someone more fit. We only need at least one or two subjects for this, so be sure to get rid of the rest after you accomplish this."

"You're dismissed!" The man who had spoken first rose his arm to signal towards the massive electronic door behind the two teens. "You begin your mission at dawn!"


"Maiya! Stop!"

"Just go!"

"You can't fight all of them!"

"They'll catch us at this rate! I have to do something!"

"Then I'll do it!"

"Don't be so stupid. I've got this, now go!"

"Lookout! Maiya!!"

Yuna's eyes snapped open and she let out a gasp as an explosion echoed in her mind. The air she'd consumed quickly burned her lungs as smoke replaced oxygen. She forced herself to sit up as she let out a spasm of coughs and hacks. When she'd finally regained herself, she let her watery maroon eyes scan her surroundings. It was dark, likely nighttime, and by the feel of the soil under her fingers she could tell they'd landed in some sort of crop field, albeit a mostly destroyed one. There were bits of debris and metal from the machine that had begun to rip apart during her and her teams getaway. Smoke swirled about in the air as little fires burned around her, though nothing that would threaten to grow any larger than her fist. However, that wasn't really her main concern at the moment anyway. She didn't seem to be hurt badly, just her knees scraped and her hands slightly blistered from touching the hot counsel as their getaway car began to overheat just before it crashed. The smoke and the dark of the night made it difficult to see. She couldn't spot any of her friends from where she sat. What if they were more injured than she was? What of Fuu? The green-haired girl was so small, she could've been seriously hurt on impact.

She hesitated a moment before pulling her legs underneath of her so she could stand up, her knees shaking for a moment as she tried to steady herself. Now she could see that she'd sliced open her left ankle on something. The blood was slowly trickling from the gash and she had to take a deep breath to avoid from cringing. She never had been very good at tolerating pain, especially the sight of her own wounds, but now wasn't the time for her to let that weaken her. With adrenaline pulsing through her she began to walk through the barely grown corn field, although at the moment her vision was a little blurred due to the tears that had started to seep their way through despite her resistance. It wasn't fully due to the pain of her ankle though, but more at the realization of her situation. Maiya had died, those she though were her friends turned their backs on her, and now she had no idea if her other comrades were safe or if one of them could be bleeding to death.

Her right leg bumped a piece of metal and she stumbled a little, willingly falling to her hands and knees. She just couldn't stand anymore. What had suddenly happened to her family? The wonderful people around her whom she had just begun to trust? "No..this isn't fair!" She whimpered quietly to herself, taking in a few short breaths as she spoke.

Yuna quickly clenched her teeth, trying to keep back the tears that fell onto the soil in front of her. She couldn't go letting her friends see her in this state. Forcing herself to sit up, she took in a deep breath and wiped the ripped sleeve of her school jacket across her eyes. The uniform that she'd stayed up studying in would be a mess if she continued sobbing here in the dirt. With a deep breath she once again forced herself to stand up. Right now she had to find the others and see if they were okay.

She took in another deep breath, brining her burned fingers to her lips and cupping them around her mouth.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Ciel Lavier
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"Maiya!" shouted Minato, reaching out his hands. The silver haired man tried to convince the young girl to follow, yet she was too stubborn. Yuna Falls followed and tried to talk the young girl out of it, but it was useless. The ripping and crashing had already starting to happened and acting out of pure instinct, Minato activated his powers just in time to surround the group of espers with a barrier, enough to protect them from whatever that might come afterwards. He turned his head back and found the girl that stood behind him whispering something before everything happened in a flash.

An explosion occurs and sends the group flying sky high, but with the help from his barrier, they managed to get off with only minor scratches and injuries. Minato was the one standing closest to the explosion and with what the small amount of power he could deploy for himself, he barely managed to avoid severe injuries. The pain was intense and the major descend from the sky pressured his lungs, his mind was telling him to just close his eyes and forget everything but he clung onto his consciousness and slowly opened his eyes. He found several of the group separating only a few miles further and just as he crashed, he saw something red landing closest to him before blacking out.

Moments after, he had came back to reality. He snapped opened his eyes only to find he was surround by young crops. A trail of smoke was in the dark blue sky and the source of it was a small fire not far from where he was. He struggled to stand back up only to find his hands getting weaker by the moment. He was about to give up when he remembered the past. He couldn't do anything then because he didn't have powers, but this time, now that he is an esper, there is surely something he could do.

He gave his all into pushing himself up, a painful sensation went through his back. He knew that he was injured somehow but after hearing a familiar scream, adrenaline pumped throughout his body. He didn't know why, but he knew that he had to get up and do something. That scream was so muffled and there was so many buzzes going around his ears, but he had a feeling that it was something he knew. He stood back up and turned around, forgetting the pain he was supposed to tend to.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!" The buzzing slowly went away and more and more he was able to recognize the voice. He turned his head around and around when he finally found the source of the voice. Someone was facing him from the back and yelling something to somewhere and without hesitation, he staggered his way towards the voice. Just before he reached the figure, he felt like he was back to normal. There wasn't pain or anything. He was back to usual self.

Tapping on the shoulder of the figure, he announced his presence. "Yuna! I'm glad you're safe!" Those were the first words he spoke. His mind was still trying to process what he said and it was only moments after that he realized that he had found Yuna Falls, a member of the group of espers. The pony-tailed red hair girl had turned around in surprise and Minato was analyzed the situation. Or rather, he looked at Yuna only. He didn't care about the environment. There wasn't anything that interests him. His eyes searched around her body for something and immediately, right after spotting blood and a small cut on her left ankle, he quickly knelt down and pulled out his handkerchief he kept inside his pocket.

"Yuna, you're hurt! Don't move!" The only thing that filled his mind was to take care of her injuries. He remembered that he had left his small portable med kit back at his room. He needed to stop the bleeding and so he wrapped his handkerchief around the injury, hoping that the bleeding would stop. And it wasn't long until the bleeding stopped. He stood back up and calmed down. Just as he treats everyone in his esper group as siblings, he couldn't stand seeing them hurt. He had worried himself just now but now that the bleeding stopped, he could relax just a bit better. "Thank goodness I stopped the bleeding." Minato mumbled to himself. He took a look around the crop field; it was disastrous. Multiple metal pieces crashed onto the ground, presumably the leftover pieces the time travelling machine they rode on.

Minato had again remembered that there were also others who was with him. He turned around to the confused Yuna. "Where are the others? He obviously did not expected an answer from her. If she knew where the others were, she would had gone to find them instead of yelling here. He looked around the destroyed crop field. He was able to spot one of them, Fuu Sasaki, the smallest of the group. "Fuu!" He tried to run towards her when he suddenly lost control of his body. He fell down on the ground lifelessly, even though he was still wide awake. He couldn't even move his fingers and he noticed that Yuna was next to him, asking him what's wrong.

"Go... get Fuu... I'll be fine here..." Minato told Yuna. He preferred to know that Fuu was okay rather than having Yuna tend to him. That will have to come later. It seemed as if that even after 5 minutes that he realized he still couldn't move his body. He only wished that he could quickly get back up and find the others before he actually collapses the next time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Vance Kagome
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Holland dusted his hands against his pants, having tossed handfuls of chicken feed into the coop. He set the container aside and turned around, pausing a moment as he squinted under the moonlight’s glow.

“Julian,” he shouted, his voice loud and reverberating as it echoed throughout the field, motioning forcefully with one hand. “Get away from the fence!” Puzzled, the boy’s head turned this way and that before settling on the visage of his father. He nodded slowly and backed away from the fence. “What did I tell you about going near the horses?” Holland continued, making his way over to his son. “Huh?”

“That was an accident!” he cried in his defense. “It won’t happen again!”

“No, it won’t,” he replied sourly, grabbing Julian’s hand. “Come here. What are you slacking off for, anyway? Why aren’t you in the house helping your mother?”

“I just wanted to play with some of the animals,” he muttered, his eyes downcast.

Holland let out a light laugh, his eyes briefly drifting to the side before fixating back at him.

“You wanted to play with the animals?” he said. “You thought it’d be a good idea to play with the horses again?”

“That was an accident!”

“Yes, I know. You know what else I know?” he said, clearly beginning to lose his patience. “I also know that you forgot to take care of the back pen last week, not to mention the fact that you broke the cutters again because you keep fooling around with them. Oops, right?”

“That’s different.”

“Really? What’s so different? I give you a job, one job, and you throw in the towel before you’ve even started. Look at Ethel. Look at Isabel. Now look at yourself. What do you see, Julian? Hm? Tell me.”

“I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry, father!”

Holland gave him a rough pat on the back and shook his head.

“Get some work done,” he said. “You don’t get to take a break until you’ve gone through the mill like I have. We’ll talk about this later.” His son nodded before hurrying back into the house. Holland removed his work gloves, cramming them into his shirt pocket and making it around to the other side of the building. “Isabel! Ethel!” he said aloud. “Back inside!”


“Isabel! Ethel! Are you hearing me?” Sighing, he worked his way to the field, spotting his daughters standing side by side, staring at something in the distance. He walked in close, nearing his daughters as he slowed down to figure out what they were fixated on so intently. “What in the bloody hell are you two looking at…”A trail of smoke was billowing up into the sky in a cloudy plume, stemming from somewhere within the crop field.

“I think there’s a fire…” Ethel whispered.

“That’s no fire,” Holland answered gruffly. “Get back in the house.” After a moment’s hesitance, they nodded to each other and obeyed without another word. He sighed and worked his way over, a number of figures becoming clearer as he drew closer to the site.

“The hell is going on?” he muttered under his breath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls
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Before Valerie was even fully conscious she could feel heat and wetness. She wanted to move away from the heat but as she went to turn pain exploded across her body. 'Ugh god I hurt. Alright then one thing at a time.' Slowly she opened her eyes. At first there was only blinding light, but as her vision became clearer she realized that it wasn't the light of day that assaulted her eyes but a small fire in front of her face as she lay in the dirt of some ruined corn crops.

Feeling something wet drip down her nose she reached up and wiped at it, pulling her hand back to reveal the slick liquid to be blood. 'I guess that's why my head feels like it's splitting in two.' Valerie laid there a moment longer testing out her other extremities. Her arms and fingers seemed to be fine, her left leg hurt but would probably only end in a nasty looking bruise, and her toes didn't cramp up when she wiggled her feet. Aside from the bleeding from her head she was doing okay, she guessed anyways. Not like she could see how bad the head wound was.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!" Valerie recognized that voice to be Yuna's followed by someones else's muffled voice. Pushing herself up off her stomach a wave of dizziness swept over her. She swayed a bit on her hands and knees as she waited for the dizziness to pass. When she felt a little more stable she finally stood and looked around. She couldn't see the others but she could hear some of them off in the distance and so, shakily, she made her way to them. "Had to be a corn field didn't it, this is how Horror movies start." Instinctively she reached down and checked for her weapons feeling relieved when her hands met them. Not knowing where they were or even when they were she pulled the scorpion from it's sheath.

"Guys!" As soon as the word left her mouth pain shot through her skull so much so that she doubled over throwing up whatever contents was left on her stomach. "Guess it's too early to start yelling." she chuckled to herself as she wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve. Gripping the sword tighter she trudged further into the field, the others were close by and hopefully they were all okay or as okay as they could be considering that two of their supposed friends had betrayed them and a third was killed. Valerie wiped a tear away mixing it with the blood that still ran down the side of her face. They would pay for what they did, all of them. 'Especially crow, that bastard. I'll rip his heart out and crush it my hands.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Vance Kagome
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It was not difficult to tell from the high-pitched keening of the engine that something was about to fail catastrophically. He could see pieces of the vessel’s body begin to detach and fall away, lost to the atmosphere as their landing went from ‘barely under control’ to ‘completely beyond saving.’ Well… perhaps not completely. He wasn’t ready to write them all off as dead yet.

Luka refused to fail. It simply was not in his nature to give up, to resign himself to some end that had been determined for him. When he died, it would be because he was ready and willing to die. He would not, as the turn of phrase went, go gently into this goodnight. Taking a deep breath, he moved himself along the aisle so that he was centrally located amidst the others, and they were al within his radius. His powers were not such that he could simply stop their fall, but he could do everything within his power to make sure they survived. Bracing his hands on the headrests of two seats on either side of the aisle, he ignored the progressively louder sounds of their ship falling apart, the whistle of the wind rushing by, and the roar of the failing engine.

The world was never quiet in Luka’s mind, but he had become good at excluding that which he did not want to notice. The sounds dimmed until they faded entirely, and he was left with the steady intake and exhalation of his own breath, the regular, measured intervals by which he assured his own connection to life, however pitiful it might be at times. There were five other people on this ship who breathed as he did, and one who breathed no more to offer them this chance. If he had anything to say about it, six would be breathing still when this was over.

The rest of the words to the bit of poetry swirled around inside his consciousness, mixing with scattered fragments of color and memory. Her face—Maiya’s face, as she bid them all leave her behind and run. The expressions the others wore as they came to grips with the knowledge that it was the only way. The sound of Yuna’s piano music—he’d never asked to duet her with his violin, discarding the notion as ridiculous, though some part of him had continued to entertain the possibility. The intent look Vance got on his face as it was lit up from beneath by the screen of one of his many devices. The shade of green of Fuu’s hair. The mismatched hue of Minato’s eyes. The peculiar noise produced when Valerie swung Scorpion against him in training. Observations, bits and pieces of their lives skittered intermittently through his concentration, but he was so used to thinking along multiple threads at once that he didn’t find it bothersome. On the contrary, it reminded him why he must do this.

The air around Luka crackled faintly with some kind of unidentifiable energy, and the descent began, painstakingly, to slow, as he loosened gravity’s inevitable hold on the ship. But he could not do anything about the engine, and just as it looked as though they might land in mostly one piece after all, the whine of the machine signaled that an explosion was imminent. The effort of slowing an entire ship caused Luka to pass out before it hit, and just like the others, he was flung far afield of the vessel they had piloted to escape from EVO.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Consciousness returned to him only slowly, in a series of lurches and starts. He woke once, to what sounded like Yuna calling to the group, but the darkness claimed him again for yet another few minutes before he was able to force his eyes open. He had been flung far from the wreckage, which was perhaps somewhat fortunate, as it meant none of the meta pieces of their ship had landed on him.

Propping himself onto his elbows with great effort, Luka hissed at the pain accompanying this movement. Almost automatically, a hand reached for his head, temporarily blocking out the light that was blinding him. Quickly, he performed an assessment of his own condition: it hurt to breathe, which meant he’d probably bruised a rib or two, but not so badly that he’d fractured anything. He knew pain well enough to know the difference. All in all, his body was in remarkably serviceable condition, considering. Perhaps his efforts had done some good—at the very least he wasn’t a smear on the pavement.

…Not that there seemed to be any pavement here. His setting was entirely alien to him—they appeared to be in a field of some kind, which was strange enough; raised in Hades and then transferred to EVO, he’d had precious little contact with nature of any kind, outside of the controlled, pruned “garden areas” the military facility maintained. This was not like those. Biting off a pained exhale, Luka rose to his feet, blinking until his vision adjusted fully and then setting off towards the others, a cluster of silhouettes gathering around one another. He did not consider himself overly close with any of them—he was not particularly adroit in social matters. They were, however, certainly the most familiar features in an alien environment, and he was willing to admit that whatever they’d gotten themselves into, they were in it together, at least for now.

One among them was unfamiliar-- a stranger approached from another direction. Luka was as yet unsure what to make of that. The man's manner of dress was incredibly odd, like something from a whimsical illustration of the world long past. The sheer strangeness of it made him immediately wary, but beyond fixing the stranger with a cautious look, he did not make any hostile overtures. For all they knew, this man was simply an innocent bystander... though where exactly he was bystanding was unclear. Though, given that the so-called 'ship' they'd hijacked happened to be a time machine, maybe the best question of all was when. Perhaps he might aid them in figuring that out...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Vance Kagome
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"Maiya! Stop!"

"Just go!"

"You can't fight all of them!"

"They'll catch us at this rate! I have to do something!"

"Then I'll do it!"

"Don't be so stupid. I've got this, now go!"

"Lookout! Maiya!!"


Fuu heard the whole conversation between Yuna, Maiya, and Minato. She wanted to say something too, but there was always a problem in those sorts of moment. Her throat became suddenly dry and her voice just wouldn't project any sound, so although her mouth was open and look like she was also shouting something, nothing came out. She realized this a second later after she had tried to shout something, and broke into tears, reaching her hand out just like the others to bring their other friend with her.

It was then that Minato had created a barrier around them and Fuu noticed that Maiya still wasn't heading over to them. She took a step out, about to call her name until all of a sudden, everything changed in a blink. Were they falling?

Out of pure stress, little pain, and overwhelming events happening in such little time, she blacked out. The last look she took before passing out was the sight of the cloudless night sky.

When she woke up, Fuu was in a field of tall grass; grass that was much taller than her, as was most other things she came to. But the blades of green were huge and it frightened her since it was night time and she had no clue where she was. Or where everyone else was. That's when her memory came back to her all at once. She gripped her hands tightly, remembering how she hadn't grasped on her friend's, Maiya's, hand. It made her really wonder; if she had just taken one more step forward and grabbed her, would she had made it with them? Maybe it was her fault in the end.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!"

Fuu heard the sound of Yuna's voice in a direction as she turned her head to her left. But was it really to the left? Her ears were still ringing and she could hardly intake all that had just happened in those mere few minutes. Not to mention, the grass field she stood in the middle of was perhaps more than a whole foot taller than her. She really had no clue where Yuna's voice was coming from, but just thinking about it made her anxious.

She started to stand up, whispering as loudly as possible, since she hardly spoke up at all, "I-I'm here..." But then realized that her left leg had a huge bruise on it, right next to the knee. Well, technically, there had been other minor injuries like a slight concussion since her vision was waving and she had a horrible headache, seeing how there was blood running down the side of her forehead. But none of that really bothered her, seeing how she only whimpered slightly, but pulled together and started limping in the direction she believed Yuna to have been.


Then came Minato's voice, in a similar direction, but once again, with all that had happened, Fuu had no clue where he was calling from and now had hardly any clue to what direction she should head in, "Where..." She asked herself, looking in every direction. She was going to open her mouth and shout, but then remembered; she couldn't do that. It wasn't any special medical condition or that she didn't want to, Fuu just simply couldn't shout as loud as other people could.

But Fuu was still a child really, a mere young teenager, and the shortest one, that was for sure. She couldn't take all that had happened. Especially with Maiya. Fuu hardly knew anyone, she hardly even knew her family before she enrolled into the academy and found her new friends who she found just as close, perhaps closer. To lose someone that close hurt Fuu insanely, and the thought occurred to her that she probably wouldn't be seeing Maiya again, leading her to falling back down to her knees and weeping like a kid, again.

She got super anxious again and when she opened both her eyes after crying for quite the while, she noticed that the thick and tall blade of long grass in front of her was on fire. Immediately, she noticed that she had gone into a break out with her emotions, thus leading for her to create a fire with her ability, the one she so feared and hated, "S-Stop!" She shrieked slightly, crawling over to it quickly and patting it down.

Because of the type of ability she possessed, fire, brushing it off wasn't much of a problem for her. It never hurt as much as regular injuries. Before the fire could spread, only burning the one blade of grass, she sighed, laying on her back and looking at the sky again. Fuu cared a lot for plants, so burning them was something she hated too.

Even though it was night, she wasn't very cold either. Fuu could create fire, bat fire away, and because her body temperature was so hot, she didn't wear much clothing. Night time, to her, was like day time to normal people. But that wasn't important at the moment. She was lost in the fields and couldn't shout for someone's voice, "Where are you all..." Is all she could silently ask as she got up again and began to limp for any signs of one of her friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Vance Kagome
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#, as written by H3R0

A lapse of consciousness. A rush of air and the smell of smoke. The undeniable sensation that something terrible was going to happen, that something, somewhere, had gone horribly wrong and there was nothing anyone could do to make it stop. A loud noise followed by darkness, followed by light, followed by darkness once again. Through the impact, Vance had shut his eyes to the danger and covered his mouth, but it was a futile effort when he flailed his arms to catch his balance for wherever it would be that he'd fall, because he knew he would eventually and wanted it to hurt as little as possible. In the end, none of his efforts seemed to matter anyway, because when he came to, he was on the ground, on his back.

He didn't open his eyes right away because he was trying to comprehend the definite buzzing sensation bursting through his body, as if his very cells were in a panic over what had happened, trying to make sure that the body they were confined it was still alive. For a moment, Vance wondered that too, but there was an unmistakable light beyond his eyelids and he knew being dead wouldn't make any sense. Still without opening his eyes, he tested each limb, curling each finger into a fist and shaking his feet back and forth. There was a shooting pain in the palm of his right hand and his throat burned with the scent of burning metal and heavy smoke, but otherwise, he felt like he could move.

His eyes opened and watered with the dry air around him, but he ignored it and sat up, biting back a groan at the throbbing pain in his head that told him sitting up so suddenly had been a bad idea. A few thoughts briefly crossed his mind, pulling along a sense of panic with them. He was alone. There was nobody else here and he was going to suffer alone with nobody to help him. What was he-- No. There were voices. Through the smoke and tears, he could make out figures. His ears were ringing, but he could make out the faintest voices coming from their directions. Recognizing them as familiar, he allowed himself to relax, scolding himself for ever getting in a panic about them in the first place. It wasn't like they should matter to him anyway. Yeah. His safety over theirs.

Vance shifted into a sitting position and froze at the distinct "crunch" of something cracking underneath him. For a moment, he thought he'd broken something, but there wasn't any pain, so he investigated. Getting to his knees and glancing behind him, he spotted his precious PDA laying there face down. The panic from earlier returned and he picked it up, caring less about the possible danger around him than the device in his hands. He turned it over after examining the back and his breath caught in his throat at the blatant crack going down the screen. Biting on his bottom lip, he quickly turned it on and checked its condition. Everything seemed to be fine besides the crack going down the right side of the screen. First Maiya. Not this. He got to his feet and looked around with the PDA held tightly in one hand. He felt nervous now that he was fully conscious. Were they still being followed?

He started towards the others grouped around each other and paused on his way there, bringing his free hand up to his face and frowning at the small piece of glass in the palm of his hand. He pulled it out with a hiss and studied the wound, deciding it wasn't anything to worry about. It stung, but it would be alright. He made sure to keep his PDA away from the blood so it wouldn't get hurt anymore than it already was.

Before he moved again, his head lifted at the sound of something in another direction. It was faint, but noticeable from his position. Looking over his shoulder and squinting through the thinning veil of smoke, he could just make out the form of who he was sure to be Fuu. He looked between her and the group, deciding to go to her instead. "You're hurt?" She seemed to have a limp, but he wasn't very good when it came to medical things. He assumed Minato would be better at dealing with it. He almost hoped for it, but didn't let his thoughts stray that far. With his free hand, Vance pointed to the group in the short distance away. "Can you get to them? Or should I bring them to you?" He hesitated when another voice sounded, coming a little farther off. It sounded deep and unfamiliar and put him on edge. "We shouldn't be here. We need to leave."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Vance Kagome
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"Where...." Fuu began to grow slightly more frightened as her vision wavered a little. She was certain she saw figures in the distance, but she couldn't be certain if they were her friends, or if they were normal people. After all, the six of them travelled into the past, and she, for sure, had no clue how people would react if they were seen.

Could she take her chances? If she found her friends, well... she'd finally find them. But if they weren't... who knows what could happen. Fuu didn't want to think about it, so she slowly shrunk back, being as silent as possible, but also being a little hesitant because she could also be going away from her group. Still, she had to take safety precautions first.

As she did so, she heard a voice just as she turned around, "You're hurt?"

Although it did sound familiar, the sound still made her jump since she wasn't expecting anyone to speak, or any noise either. At first, she was a little frightened, but after a moment of thinking straight, she looked at the person who was talking her, squinting her eyes a little bit to see more clearly, she said quietly, "V-Vance?"

It sounded like she was taking a guess, since her vision was horrible now that it looked like two images that kept on wavering from each other, but she did get her guess correct, which was good enough. After realizing she was right, she answered, glancing down at her leg, "Fine..." She said, shortly.

Fuu always talked with little words, and hardly said anything longer than two or three sentences, and that was a lot to say in her opinion. Even in the most dangerous situations, where she may sometimes choke up, she would still hardly speak, just as she did then.

Then, she saw him lift his hand and point in the direction Fuu saw the figures, the direction she was baking away from, "Can you get to them? Or should I bring them to you?"

'That's... them?' She wanted to ask, but only opened his mouth and closed it, not a single word coming out. She looked in the same direction where she saw the outlines and went silent again, but this time, she went silent to listen for their voices. Fuu knew she could trust her friend, but she always wanted to check for sure since she felt insecure, especially after all that happened in such little time.

"Alright... Don't try to move, I'm going to try and find the others and then we need to look for shelter. And stay absolutely quiet! We don't know if we've been followed by the enemy, so don't call out unless you're absolutely sure it's one of the others. I promise I'll be back soon."

"Yuna-" Fuu began, almost shouting, for once, but then cut herself off when Vance spoke.

"We shouldn't be here. We need to leave."

Fuu nodded slightly, and pointed to the group again with her small and pale hand. She then made her way over there slowly, but the closer she got, the more she wanted to run towards everyone and cry out. It was hard for her to intake everything, and she knew she had to get it all out somehow, but argued with herself to hold it all in until the time was right and stay strong from the time being.

She moved a little faster when she was near before then saying, "W-We're here." Her voice was still a little quiet, but it was loud enough for the group to here her as she began to limp up to them, ignoring her wounds since it seemed to have numbed just then. But apparently she had gone to the group at the wrong time since she saw an unknown man seeming to have threatened them all, "W-What's going on..." She asked with a terrified look in her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Vance Kagome
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"Don't try to move, I'm going to try and find the others and then we need to look for shelter."
"And stay absolutely quiet! We don't know if we've been followed by the enemy, so don't call out unless you're absolutely sure it's one of the others. I promise I'll be back soon."

Without a doubt he could still hear Yuna talking to him, but no matter how much he tries to, he couldn't move his body. He feels numb all over and the mental itching feeling of wanting to move nagged at him every second. He tried to force strength into his fingers, but it only responded with a twitch. He cursed at his own body for being so weak and to break down now of all times where everyone is gonna be confused. He was worried at Fuu more than the others. The others would be able to deal with this situation on their own, but Fuu is another thing. She's probably scared out of wits now that she's alone.

"Damn it... Why can't I... move!?"

He was so awake that he could be using it to get some shelter for everyone yet he can't because he couldn't move his body. It was then that excluding his own breathing, he could hear moving crops. The faint yet clear footsteps of multiple people means that either it was his group was on the move or it was people from this time. They did went in a time machine.

However, even through the footsteps and his breathing, he could hear sounds. There were three voices, two of which he can barely recognize; he was more worried about the other one.

[Did the others get in trouble or something? Damn it, this seems bad. What if it was Crow and the others? Could he already had brought help and found our crash site?] Minato was trying to analyze the situation even though he can't really see what's really happening. He closed his eyes and focused on the voice. Hopefully, he can get something from the conversation.

" two daughters, one of em's probably...break my shoot you...that's what's going to happen..."

The word "shoot" immediately brought him adrenaline. [Yuna! Valerie! Damn it! Move, you damn body! We don't have the luxury to be lying helpless down here!] He screamed at himself. Through pure will and concentration, he managed to push himself up with his hands. He can feel the heaviness weighing on him, pain stabbing at him everywhere. But despite that, he continued.

[I don't have time to worry about my body! I need to get where the others is now!]

He stood back up and viewed at the sight of the disastrous crop field. Just as he looked at the side, he saw a man pointing a familiar looking gun at the same red hair girl he knows. Acting by instinct, he limped his way forward. Before anything happens, he has to get there. He was terrified at the though of the gun firing and hiting Yuna; they've all already lost one good friend and betrayed by two. There is absolutely no way that he will allow losing another one of his friend again. [We've lost way too much in one day. I don't want to lose another life again!]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls
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Yuna had underestimated the older man more than she should have let herself. Not even a minute after he'd answered her, and not even with the information she'd asked for, he made a quick movement and knocked her off balance. Now usually at the slightest sight of such movement Yuna would just teleport herself back to avoid the defensive attack. Then after avoiding it she would teleport close once more and be the one knocking the other person from their feet instead. However at that very instant it was as if she'd completely forgotten that she had the power to do so, and during her very ungraceful fall she cursed herself for allowing her own weapon to be taken so easily when she very well could've kept that from happening. She only hoped no one had been witness to her clumsy mistake as she quickly made an attempt to recover herself.

"Holland Carpenter,"

She'd brought herself into a kneeling position and watched the man with steady but cautious eyes. She didn't recognize the name, but with the skills he'd just shown her she couldn't be sure if he was from EVO or not, despite his odd clothing.

"War veteran and, currently, a married farmer with three brats. The year's eighteen forty-seven."

A farmer and war veteran? Well that settled it, though it sort of went without saying, Holland wasn't someone from EVO who followed them. That was a bit relieving, knowing that if one followed them then there had to be more. She now knew how he'd been able to surprise her as well now, though she still felt a little embarrassed. Then there was the current year. The six of them sure had traveled back pretty far. No wonder the machine had acted up. There was no way it was created to travel this far back in the timeline. Could anyone from EVO even trace them back this far?

"I've got a daughter, one of em's probably close to your age. It'd break my heart to have to shoot you, but if you make this any harder than it is, that's what's going to happen. No exceptions."

She may have made one mistake, but she wouldn't let herself make another. She knew those guns like the back of her hand, and she could easily dodge a shot by simply using her ability. However for some reason she didn't feel as threatened as she probably should. She remained in her kneeling position and made no move to grab the guns twin from her left thigh. After all, she'd been the one who threatened him first so if anyone was the bad guy here it had to be herself at the moment.

"Now, what I'd like to know, is what the hell you're doing in my crop field."

She made no attempt to stand up, preferring not to alert than man more than she already had, and instead slightly lifted her arms to reveal the palms of her hands. "Ah...well you see-"

"I can tell you we sure as hell don't want to be in your crop old man."

"V..Valerie?" Yuna perked up a little at the sight of her friend. Not because she was expecting her to save her, but merely just to see that the pink and blonde girl was alright. She felt her lips part slightly in an open smile, though that didn't last long when she noticed her friend had her weapon ready to strike.

"I can also tell you that if you pull that trigger it will be the last thing you do. I would advise you to put the weapon down and move away from her."

Wait a minute..this meant somebody had seen her little beat down...and Valerie of all people.

"Hold on Valerie! This is sort of my fault, so no need to go maiming anyone, okay?" She said, waving her hands a couple of times and giving the girl a nervous smile. This man really must be thinking the two of them are lunatics..

It was then, in the corner of her eye, where she spotted that strange yet pretty green hair that could only belong to one girl, Fuu. What made it better? Vance was with her, seeming to be just fine as well. Now they were nearly all together with Minato only a little ways away. The only one they were missing now was Ito.

No need to get so worked up. What could an aged sack of dirt like me possibly do?"

Yuna turned her attention back to Holland and Valerie, holding on to the pleasing relief of knowing her friends were safe. The old man had set her weapon on the soil in front of him and seeing this Yuna let out a small sigh, relaxing a little and readying herself to stand up from where she was kneeling.

"Anyway, your, ah, your friend here, thought it'd be a good idea to jump the gun."

She paused, her face turning towards her hands that were placed in the soil. Alright already, she'd acted need to go rubbing rub it in. "S..sorry." She mumbled this very quietly, mostly to herself really, deciding to remain where she was even after Ito had finally showed himself. With his arrival it just made the situation even a little more embarrassing for herself. With him being two rank above herself, she always sort of looked up to him. The same went with Micheal too..until now that is.

“Forgive us. We will be on our way as shortly as we can. Our transportation was… lost to us.”

There was some hesitation when she realized Ito was now offering his hand to help her up. For a second she thought of brushing it off and standing up herself. She could, after all. It wasn't as if she was too injured to do so, but with the way she was raised she knew that would be incredibly impolite, even if Ito wouldn't see it in that way. She murmured a small thanks and lightly took his hand, though not really using him to pull herself to her feet before letting go.

“We’re all under a lot of strain at the moment, and some of us are injured. As soon as we can leave, we will, Mr. Carpenter.”

She remained quiet, figuring that she'd already caused enough trouble and didn't have the right to speak as of yet. Her eyes instead rested on the soil and battered crops in front of her where she'd been knocked down. This was something she did often after making a mistake, a habit of sort where she would continue to brood over what she'd done and how she could've handled it differently. A a part of her wanted to say that she only approached the man in the aggressive way that she did because she wasn't totally sure if he was an enemy or not. Minato had no way of protecting himself, so if a threat was that close she'd have to eliminate it as soon as possible, if Yuna would actually be capable of killing another even after what EVO had done to them. Then there was the side that wanted to shout at her about how she shouldn't of let it play out the way it did. How she should've first tried piecing the situation together with her mind before jumping in with her body.

These back and forth thoughts probably would continue later on, but the moment she spotted Minato they were instantly pushed to the back of her mind. It had been a couple of minutes and she didn't really pay attention to the rest, but when she saw the silver-haired boy up and walking when she'd clearly ordered him not to move she felt furious.

"Minato!", she said fiercely, turning in his direction. Whether or not she'd interrupted anyone she wouldn't know, for now she was just upset. "Idiot! Didn't I tell you to stay still?! You could seriously be hurt and here you are thinking it's a good idea to be up and walking? What happens if you permanently damage yourself and you end up not being able to walk or move ever again!? Would you listen to what I say then?" During her motherly scolding she'd walked passed Ito and now stood just in front of Minato with her hands bawled into fists at her sides, a frown on her lips and her eyes stern.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Vance Kagome
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"Idiot! Didn't I tell you to stay still?! You could seriously be hurt and here you are thinking it's a good idea to be up and walking? What happens if you permanently damage yourself and you end up not being able to walk or move ever again!? Would you listen to what I say then?"

Although the walk was supposedly short, his constant limping and the pain in his arm made it felt like a year long. Every now and then, his vision blurred. He didn't know what caused it, but he suspected that it might because he was losing blood. Then his got lightheaded for a moment but he kept on walking instead. If there was something that was making him do this, it'd probably be because of the situation they're in now. All he had on his mind was the scene he just saw and it messed up his rational thinking.

Until someone screamed.

He stopped immediately and stared in the air, trying to decode the scream earlier. Whose voice was it? It was awfully familiar. Instantly, judging from the scene before, he quickly realized that it was Yuna that screamed. But, as he deciphered the scream more, he also figured out that it wasn't a scream; rather, it was an angry shout at his name. He blinked and few times and found Yuna stomping her way towards him. Cold sweat immediately broke out and realizing that he disobeyed her orders, he would be receiving a scolding later on.

Minato quickly tried to laugh it off. He was close enough to actually listen and see the situation now. Even though the man is now unarmed, the fact that he was able to swiftly turn the tides to his favor is no easy task; especially when Yuna is a trained soldier and esper. He looked at the old name that called himself Holland. He had already put down Yuna's gun and Valerie had gone to pick up the gun that Yuna seemed to have forgotten. With just a little push, they might be able to escape unharmed - not that thery weren't though. Perhaps he would be kind enough to treat and shelter the group for a while?

"Please beg our pardon, sir. We seemed to have trespassed your territory without permission, but forgive us. Our transport, like my friend said, had a little malfunction and it sent us crashing here." He tried to steady his breathing and make his speech seem more normal. He approached the old man. " My name is Minato Kurayama, and again, we would like to apologize for the lost of your crop field." He slowly bowed down, his right hand still holding his left shoulder. "We shall take our leave until we are all recovered. Until then, we would like to borrow a shelter. Any kind would do. We won't be staying long." He had really hoped that the old man would accept his request. What they need the most now is to rest and fighting against someone now would be impossible. None of them could fight now and even if they did, they would break down in the middle of a fight.

"My friend here is right, as you can tell by hobbles over there and with blood covering half my face, my friends and I aren't in the best of shape."
"We'll be gone and out of your hair as soon as we can. If you can spare any kind of resources to speed that along I'm know my friends and i would really appreciate it."

Valerie seemed to be acting more matured. He appreciated it. He's negotiation might go bad but if more people were into it, the old man might take pity and grant them their requests.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Vance Kagome
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Holland's hands were down at this point, already having made it clear that he wasn't going to try and pull anything funny.

"Damn brats are just pouring out of the woodwork now," he grumbled to himself, eyeing each and every one of them with a callous glare that was less belligerent and more irritated. He'd have to save the questions for until they'd all decide to settle down. "Blowing a hole in my crop, threatening to kill me, and then asking for my help?" He let out a defeated sigh and crammed his hands into his pockets, turning his back toward them as he headed back to the house. "Follow me. We'll patch up anyone who's taken a hit, you'll spend a night, and then you're gone. That clear?"

Whatever was going on here, he sure wasn't planning on becoming a part of it. And if they laid so much as a finger on his family, there'd be hell to pay, supernatural powers or otherwise. At least some of them seemed more cooperative than others. At any rate, the kids would be absolutely ecstatic from this kind of development and that was likely to cause a lot more trouble than it was worth. Anything new interested them, whether it happened to be new faces or entirely new cultures that must've spontaneously spawned some time during their lot spent away from the rest of society for so long, though he somehow doubted the validity of the latter.