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The Curse of Magic

The Curse of Magic


The world of magic has been revealed, but humanity did not take kindly to the news. Now witches and Wizards are being persecuted, leaving many young practitioners without teachers. Will they learn to control their powers, or be destroyed by them?

1,641 readers have visited The Curse of Magic since Mela created it.


Imagine your world in the year 2012. Great, now imagine it with magic.

20 years ago, the council of the wizards and witches, life-chosen by fate to attend to the interests and problems of the magical community, decided that the world was now ready to have the truth revealed. Well, okay… maybe they were sort of pushed into the decision. How, why and by whom, is a mystery to most, except for the members of the council.

Humanity did not take kindly to this formerly well-hidden secret, and witch-trials erupted all over the globe, mimicking those that had taken places many years before. However, some humans are more accepting, thinking that not all magic is bad.

Magic is actually neutral, something spokespeople of the council have been trying to explain to humanity. Practitioners, just like humans, can either be pure or corrupted, and the magic they perform will reflect the kind of person he/she is. The gift, or should I say curse, of magic, is given at birth, though the abilities will not show until the child is 16 years old, and is passed down from generation to generation, making parents and grandparents the teachers of new witches and wizard.

However, with humans murdering practitioners of the art on whims, often mistaking none-users for users, the amount of orphaned, young, barely trained witches and wizards is skyrocketing. Will these youngsters learn to control their powers, or be destroyed by them?


Samantha Chastity Veselion is the fearless leader of a group, consisting of 5 other young witches and wizards, who have all been orphaned in one way or another. Maybe because their parents got killed, maybe because they were separated, being on the run… basically, that bit is up to you guys.

She’s 21 and lost her parents 3 years ago, her grandparents already having been dead at the time. Since she’d already received quite a bit of training at that point, seeing as how her powers made themselves known exceptionally early – she was only 14, her knowledge of magic and its ways is quite substantial, compared to the others who are between the ages of 16 and 23.

The world these newly-hatched practitioners will engage in is dangerous, and they will be moving around a lot, though you shouldn’t worry about that too much; Sam is pretty good at knowing when to go, where to go, and who to trust. Keep in mind that they will be hunted like animals, and that the authorities are prone to turning a blind eye when it comes to the death of a witch or wizard. Also… the group is forced to steal, kill and commit many other heinous crimes, just to survive – be careful though; hunters are everywhere and if you don’t watch your back, the others will probably have to bury your body – providing it has not been burnt to ashes.


I’m going to need 5 members of the group, out of which one wizard will be Sam’s boyfriend. This guy will have been with her pretty much since her parents died and is at least 21 years old. Other than that, I will need atleast one other girl, and one other boy. I don’t care about the genders of the rest.


Leader: Samantha Chastity Veselion – Played by Mela
Boyfriend: Artemis Maximus - Played by Elrith Eldwind
Member 2: Angel Kato Kijirin - Played by Forensic_Anthro
Member 3: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale - Played by TemplarWarden
Member 4: London Harper Reid - Played by Promise
Member 5: Luke - Played by Colonel_Masters
* I may add another member, should anyone interesting come along! ^^

Other players can be human witch-hunters, or someone who wishes to help the magical community. It will also be possible to be a police officer or whatever you might think fun in this RP.

PM me if you have any questions. :)


Code: Select all
[b]- Name:[/b]

[b]- Nickname:[/b]

[b]- Age:[/b]

[b]- Gender:[/b]

[b]- Looks (this must have both picture and description):[/b]

[b]- Magical abilities*:[/b]

[b]- Personality/History (must include how/when/where you met Samantha):[/b]

* Magical abilities: all witches and warlocks have at least one special ability, either something that has been running in the family, or something unique just for them. =) Some are more powerful than others, and no... they are not immortal. They age just like humans. I'm pretty open as to whichever abilities you want your character to possess, but I will be asking you to change it if you have too many gifts.
- Oh, and all wizards and witches are able to cast spells, if they can pronounciate them, though Samantha is the only one of the bunch who owns a spell-book. Spells are in Latin, and some take more strength than others. Especially strong spells have been known to render the practitioner unconscious, or worse... dead.


Toggle Rules

1. No godmodding
2. All characterpictures must be real - that means no drawings or anime
3. You must post at least 4 times a week
4. Your posts must be descriptive
5. Proper grammar is a must
6. Please try to keep up - I don't want any loose ends
7. Check the OOC regularly. This is where I will be posting further info among other things

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion Character Portrait: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale Character Portrait: Luke Character Portrait: London Harper Reid Character Portrait: Angel Kato Kijirin Character Portrait: Artemis Maximus
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Marquel's grey eyes shot daggers at Artemis for a moment, a small unveiling of the anger within. The man may be older thea him, more experienced and altogether better than him but there was no excuse. He could have said at least a word. The small moment passed and Marquel stepped towards the door, stopping at the entrance and looking back. Once again his features were almost blank as he listened to the exchange between the lovers. He didn't watch, they deserved that much privacy, his eyes were fixed on the wall across the open portal. His attention was fixed on the exchange, listening to every word. There was still tenderness in their voices, several years of relationship couldn't be destroyed so easily it seemed. Love, in a way it was beautiful yet so fraught with complications and intricacies that no one in their position should intentionally pursue it. Marquel was not one to allow emotions to take hold, they only caused problems. He felt a pang of sadness, a small sliver of feeling; Perhaps one day he could pursue the fullness of life he abandoned. Perhaps one day they would all be safe to live. On that day he would gladly allow those quenched emotions back in.

He looked back over the couple when he heard soft footsteps, standing upright and aside as Sam walked outside where Kato and Luke had already assembled. Yet he didn't follow her outside immediately. Instead his gaze remained facing the direction she had come, and Artemis standing alone. Marquel didn't need to read the other's features to at least understand what was going through his thoughts at least a little. Sadness, determination, anger and perhaps guilt. Marquel could only guess but he was generally good at that. Would Artemis hold to the deadline? If he blamed himself for something then there was a chance, Samantha's words may drive him away more in a effort to protect her. There was a small thud as Marquel dropped a pair of bags, marching towards Artemis. In a fast, sudden movement he pushed in close, grabbing the other's shirt. He was careful, he had the advantage of Artemis's weakness but Marquel's should stung from the exertion. Grey eyes locked on to his target's and anger on his features in an almost alien way for the usually cloistered boy.
"Listen this time!" He hissed, words next to silent and loaded with venom. "I don't know why you think going your own way will help us at all! Sam won't abandon you and she won't abandon us. Don't make her choose." Every syllable he spoke was determined and convicted, even if he missed the truth of events between the two. "In the end you can do more for her then we can ever hope. She needs you!" He emphasized his words with releasing his elder, carefully to accommodate Artemis's weakness. Yet Marquel hadn't finished. "One week. You WILL find her after the one week or god help you!" The Reverend stepped back after to fulfilling his nickname. A hand dropped to his waist, pulling out the shiny shape of a old-fashioned revolver. The weapon he recovered from the earlier assailant, loaded with only five of its six bullets. he pushed it into Artemis's hand without a word. The last traces of anger dropped from his visage and he turned back unceremoniously.

Marquel's steady, uptight gait seemed unaffected by the recent situation. As he stooped to pick up the bags he abandoned at the doorway he seemed the same as ever. It was a relief for him to release his anger like that, all he did was assist to punch home what Samantha said. If Artemis didn't respond to her Marquel doubted all that he said would change the man's mind. He could only hope that Artemis would return to them in a week's time. If he didn't Marquel worried about what affect that would have on Samantha, could she continue on with the same strength she used to if her other half was snatched away. He kept his mind of the subject, they would know in seven day's time. For now he focused on moving on with the others. He caught up with them down b the car, the keys were still in the ignition and he gave no suggestion that he would drive. His gaze was drawn to London in the back seat and he spoke his concern out loud.
"Do we leave London there or move her to the trunk?" He asked generally. The car's rear was big enough to accommodate London's prone form and possibly more securely then her precarious position on the seats. It also meant it would easier for someone to actually accompany her during the trip.


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Artemis let Marquel feel big as he grabbed him but after the boy was done he returned the favour ,gripping the younger man’s shoulder hard with his right hand, “Then make damn sure they get their safely!” he growled back. He glanced at Sam and almost said something more when a burst of bright light shot through the windows, a warning seal Artemis had set, he turned to the others with severity, “Go!” he said sternly as he looked back as another flash lit the surround, they had about a half a mile before they hunters got here, the seals were placed far out on the road so it gave him time, and thus them time.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion Character Portrait: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale Character Portrait: Luke Character Portrait: London Harper Reid Character Portrait: Angel Kato Kijirin
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#, as written by Mela
Samantha had stopped next to the car, her petite form leaning against tha door of the driver’s seat as she watched her group. She was waiting for Marquel, really. For some reason he was taking a while, which was a little unusual. Marquel wasn’t one to linger… none of them were, really. She had yet to look at the note Artemis had given her, because… well, she didn’t quite know why she hadn’t just unfolded the little slip and read it, but somehow it felt a bit too real… like she was letting go of Artemis by letting go of the note. Silly, true, but it was what it was. She would look at it once they got in the car, and thinking of the car, her mind wandered, along with her gaze, to the unconscious girl in the backseat. She’d have to do something about that… didn’t know what, but she was certain she couldn’t let London stay where she was. It was too unstable, and she took up room.

The flash of light startled her and her body instantly straightened just as her head whipped around to determine the direction from which the brightness had come. Of course Sam recognized it as one of Artemis’ warning seals, though she could tell it was still a while off, but that only made things worse. It meant they were running out of time, and they desperately needed to get moving. She only just took one step towards the warehouse when she spotted Marquel stepping outside, and stopped in her tracks. Good, so she wouldn’t have to urge him on. Her relief, however, was shortsighted and she honestly didn’t have time to deal with that anyway. Relief, like many other emotions, was a waste of time, and it was so often beat down in no time, anyways. She nodded at Marquel, expressionless as he made his way to her and the others.

Upon hearing his words, she almost smiled, gratified that Marquel had thought of the trunk. Of course. The car was big, and so was the trunk. Big enough for bags, London and another… Kato, she decided in the next instant. She didn’t want to leave London back there alone, in case she woke up in a daze, and Kato would not only fit by size, but also by personality. He was gentle of nature, and he probably wouldn’t mind a little solitude… albeit it was with an unconscious London, it was the best he’d have had in weeks. She made no facial-expression as her eyes fell on her companions one by one. She didn’t take her time, because honestly… she was a bit short on that particular product, but she did want to make damn sure that everyone was looking at her. Once she determined that, she glanced at the car and spoke.

“We’ll move London to the trunk, although I do not want her to be alone in case she wakes up, so Kato… you’ll have to join her,” she said, looking at the boy when she spoke his name, “Luke, you’ll have the backseat to yourself, and Marquel,” she added, gaze on Luke, next on Marquel, “I’m going to need someone to help me look out for trouble, as well as keep me awake when I’ve driven for about 10 hours, so I’d like having you next to me. So yes, I’ll be doing the driving. And guys, I know this is a lot of drama on top of us all trying to stay alive, but I need everyone to stay alert and hurry up. I’m hoping London will wake up soon, to take care of that arm, Marquel.” She said, glancing at his graced shoulder. “Otherwise, we will need to stop by and apothecary along with a grocery-store. Everyone could use some food by one, I’m assuming.” She spoke fast, but they were used to that from her. She never really did spend a lot of time speaking, when they could spend time getting away from danger.

Thinking of danger, her thoughts made another attempt of reaching Artemis, but she put a mental lid on them and took a deep breath, before walking to the trunk of the car, opening it. “C’mon… help me get London in here. Carefully.


Once London was safely tucked away in the trunk with Kato, everyone else got in. Sam took the keys from Marquel, glanced back at the warehouse one last time and put the keys on the ignition. In that exact second, another bright light made an appearance, but this time Sam wasn’t surprised. Several gunshots managed to catch her immediate attention though… they were too close; the sounds were way too close by. It had been a long time since they’d last come into contact with the hunters, mostly because Sam had managed to get them out of there before the hunters made an appearance, but all of this drama had delayed the group, and… oh god, Artemis was still in there. The thought made Sam freeze for just a second, breath caught in her throat, before she somehow managed to keep moving, and turned the key, getting the car moving.

Sam didn’t speak, though her insides were in turmoil. She glanced behind her, but saw no hunters, which somehow reassured her. Artemis had made his decision… she couldn’t go back for him now, so instead Sam, knowing she had no other choice, unfolded the paper he’d given her to take a quick look before she started driving… fast. Away from the warehouse, and away from Artemis, gunshots still ringing out behind her. It made her draw in another breath, glancing at Marquel after about five minutes of driving. “How far away were they? Could you tell?” Marquel’s hearing was excellent… supernatural, to be truthful, so she assumed he’d know… or at least have a qualified guess as to the destination.


(OOC: left it up to you guys to decide who helped get London in the trunk, though I’m assuming it’d be Marquel and Kato, as I didn’t want to godmod too much, but still had to get them on the road. ^^ I know a lot of things happen, but I think it was pretty necessary at this point.)


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion Character Portrait: London Harper Reid Character Portrait: Angel Kato Kijirin
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Kato grimaced when Sam said he'd be in the trunk with London. Well, at least he'd get a little peace and quiet. Following Sam over to the rear of the car, he tugged open the car door and waited for someone to come help him get London out. Thankfully, getting her into the roomy trunk was mostly painless. Stepping back from the trunk, Kato paused to stretch and pick up his bags from where he had dropped them onto the ground.
He tossed the bags into the back seat of the car. "I'm putting these up here so we've got a tad more room in the trunk."
Kato jogged back around the car and slid down into the trunk. "You'd better let us out eventually. Gonna be awkward back here when one of us realizes we've got to pee."

Laying on his back on the stiff lining of the trunk, he shut his eyes as the back closed, shutting him in alone with London's unconscious mind. It wasn't long before Kato was bored. The car shut out most of the noisy buzz of his companions emotions, thankfully, and created a sort of lukewarm peace in the darkness. The heat, however, was uncomfortable and Kato swiftly removed his coat and gloves, revealing the seldom-seen black t-shirt that he always wore. The shirt was obviously well worn; the fabric was ripped and torn and in desperate need of repair Reaching up to his neck, Kato found himself fiddling with the ruby pendant that he always wore. Another thing that was seldom seen. After a while, Kato found the vibrations of the car lulling him into a doze, which he reluctantly surrendered to.


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Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion Character Portrait: Luke
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Luke was stunned as his mind began to make sense of what he had seen… but there was no clear future and only confusion in his mind.
He made no comment as he stepped into the car, he was far to focused on his visions to interact with others and his mind had to find peace with the visions or he would loss himself again.
As Samantha started the car Luke found the engine's noise to be both Disturbing but strangely a focusing sound to retreat to among the chaos of his mind.

As Luke went deeper into the meaning behind his vision he adopted a meditating posture as an attempt to calm himself down and achieve clearness. " “How far away were they?" he heard Samantha ask, at last he could make himself useful; there was only one past and as long as he maintained his focus events that could have been would not interfere with him.
He tried to find the source of the gunfire but could not to so as he wished to because the event involved him and such events were distracting at best because of this.
He could only make out the greater danger they faced and decided to talk about it hoping to gain Samantha's favor.

"They come in many directions, some are near us and others are coming. Their numbers are growing and they have more then guns at their disposal. However the majority of their gaze is on the building you used as shelter and not on this car because of great distractions in that area."

Luke had wasted more time then he had indented on trying to uncover the hunters, he didn’t want any more visions clouding his mind and shut his eyes painfully attempting to find sleep; he found none but the idea of falling asleep helped him over come the visions, at least for a time. He had gazed into the past and the future of the group; he was tired from the pressure on his mind but also felt great sadness. As every second passed a future for both Samantha and her friend was becoming faint and Luke could not change that. Why was he so concerned with Samantha? He did not understand the reason but whenever he saw Samantha he felt one word whisper inside his mind: hope, a hope that reminded him of his life before he had lost himself and when he still had a mother.
The sudden return of memory however slight caused Luke to open his eyes and suffer ever more visions; he had again lost control as the memory disarmed him. He had lost the memory and nearly lost himself but he could remember feeling joy, safety and... Fear; a great fear he could not explain.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion Character Portrait: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale Character Portrait: Luke
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Marquel didn't particularly need Kato's help relocating London, but it was a welcome gesture. Ultimately he had managed to maneuver her body into that position alone so he could excavate her alone. He left London under Kato's care, almost reluctantly. He personally felt that he could have taken that tasking himself, he had been the one who had been with her before she hit her head so it could be more comforting if he had been there when she awoke. Additionally he had not caught the approach of the assailant, so in a way her condition was a result of his actions. He didn't bare any guilt thought, there was nothing he had done wrong to endanger her life. Yet Sam had invited him to ride shotgun and her reasoning was better. Artemis's request was brought to mind. The safety of the group had always been a effort from all of them, particularly Samantha. With Artemis gone however, the share of the burden on the members of their family increased. There was only so much Sam could shoulder, Marquel felt the rest fall to him. While he wasn't the oldest among them he felt that in a way he was the most capable. In a way his ruthlessness would give him the edge to protect compared to London or Kato. He never quite labelled it as 'ruthlessness' though.

He moved quickly to take the passenger seat once everything was secure. The flare of the warning seal was obvious to them all and he wasted no time. Keeping his eyes fixed on the direction the light had sourced from. They were on the run once again, half of Marquel itched to remain and end the mindless violence the hunters aimed to achieve. However, common sense prevailed. They had always run and none of the others shared his desire to fight. As long as the others had to option to move on and survive he would go with them. In a way killing the hunters would only ignite more hate and bring more pursuers. He responded to Sam's worried request as the station wagon returned towards the sealed road.
"A decent distance." He replied diplomatically, no inference of fear or emotion in his voice. "By the time they reach the building we all should be long gone."
He hoped to reassure Sam with that statement. Unless Artemis had remained in their hideout the man should be well prepared for the arrival of the humans. Of course his intention was to lead them away from Marquel and the others so perhaps he would show himself. The cold boy couldn't help but hope the older man wouldn't do so, for all their sakes. Five bullets in the weapon left behind and a series of doubtful magics at his command, Marquel felt that Artemis was under-prepared. Hale couldn't trust the abilities of magic that had more often then not failed the wizards of the world.

Luke's timid voice appeared from the back seat, providing seemingly accurate information. Yet Marquel disagreed with the boy's deduction. He didn't know what senses the newcomer was utilising but there was no evidence to his words. Over the roar of the car's engine Marquel himself couldn't discern the exact distance of the gunshots. Although he doubted that they would attempt to cordon off the area, it would mean they had known the group's position before hand. If that was the case Marquel would've noticed and more of Artemis's seals would have gone off. Marquel turned and sent a cold glance towards the boy, hoping to silence him. They didn't need conflicting messages, it would be better to rely on his own senses then the obscure information produced by a unreliable source. He didn't completely discard Luke's comments but neither allowed them to sway the Reverend's decision. Taking his eyes from the rough world passing outside Marquel checked the twelve rounds left in his handgun. That was enough, any further ammunition was in his bag but two shots didn't properly warrant a reload. After the reassurance of the weapon Marquel looked back, checking Kato's and Luke's condition. Already they were nearly on the sealed road and the pursuers were far enough behind. Yet the young man caught the look in Luke's eyes, the boy hadn't yet accustomed himself to hiding and suppressing his feelings as the others had done. It was only a matter of time, running and fighting for your survival would harden anyone. Those that gave in to their emotions in a time of stress were more often the ones who couldn't achieve what was needed. Yet Marquel wasn't ready to give up hope on Luke's fear yet, the boy was in the same boat as them.
”Luke, we're gone. The won't be able to catch us once where on the road.” He hoped his reassurance got through, there was still no stir of emotion in the Reverend's voice. He couldn't help but wonder how the hunters in each area found them again and again, it was almost suspiciously like they could detect any form of magic.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion Character Portrait: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale Character Portrait: Luke Character Portrait: London Harper Reid Character Portrait: Angel Kato Kijirin
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#, as written by Mela
Sam nodded quietly to Marquel's reply. She trusted the man with her life, and so she always had absolute faith in his evaluations. If someone could get it accurate, it would be Marquel with his heightened senses and unbiased observational skills. He had proven himself time and time again, so she was not about to doubt him now. She gave him a sideways glance and a weak smile of appreciation. He had provided relief, something she really needed right now, however weak it might be; it still told her nothing of Artemis, but she hadn't really expected it to. She could only hope she would see him again in a week's time. Or maybe even before them. A slight gust of air passed the young woman's lips as she refocused he eyes on the road, shoulder visibly relaxing as she slowed them down enough to only not cross the speed limit. They couldn't afford to be pulled over. Sam might have her driver's licence, but the car was stolen, and their overall condition would be a dead give-away.

Sam's breathing had finally evened out when Luke spoke up. Her lips twitched slightly at his words and she glanced at him through the rear-view mirror. She had no clue if she could trust him, she had no idea whether his words were accurate, and she wasn't one to trust words of a complete stranger. At the same time it made her doubt what his magical abilities were. He'd talked a lot about time; both present, past ad future. Perhaps the boy's powers weren't all that different from her premonitions. Although , she had a feeling his gift was there all the time, not just in little flashes, and that it was quite worse than hers, considering how it gave him glimpses of... well, pretty much everything. Who wouldn't go mad from that? Not being able to tell past from present, or future. It made her sympathize with the boy. If his words were accurate, then they were in troube. Or, rather... Artemis was in trouble. Then again, he had wanted their attention and she couldn't make herself feel sorry for him. She worried, yes, and she feared for his safety like crazy, but she did not feel sorry. He had chosen his won path. She really needed to stop thinking of him all the time.

She was brought back into reality when Marquel spoke again, reassuring the young man on the backseat. It made Sam smile slightly, because it meant Marquel was growing to accept Luke, or he wouldn't bother. She was aware that he was just as ready as her to dump him the second he became a problem, but still... it was nice to hear. Of course, the reverend was never one to be all soft and caring; his voice carried no emotions. In time, however, you came to appreciate his little shows of affection, so she'd learned to be thankful for the minor things with the reverend. He was just that kind of guy, not that she minded. Sam herself wasn't usually the expressive kind, although she had showed her emotions more than she would've liked today. She had herself under control now, though, which was nice. Or, at least her exterior was under control.

She glanced at Marquel once more, mouthing a slight "thank you" without actually wording it. She didn't need the others to hear. She figured Kato would be asleep by now with London, and Luke looked all troubled, fidgety even. It worried her a little; made her wonder what was going on in that head of his. "He's right, Luke," she said calmly, her voice soft yet without actual emotion. "Everything's under control." Really she had no clue, but Marquel had a knack for these sort of things, and she had a feeling Luke would be more ready to listen to her than Marquel, so she felt like she needed to back up his statement. She turned a corner, catching sigh of a sign up ahead telling her that she could speed things up a notch. She almost smiled. Almost. However, she couldn't help being worried by how far she was from Artemis now. They hadn't been parted in years, and now they were suddenly away from eachother. It was weird.

The woman glanced at Marquel again, "how's your shoulder?" She asked him, worried. She would be pulling in at the first apothecary she saw if Marquel' wound was critical. If not, it could wait. They didn't really have time to waste yet; they needed to get further ahead. However, she cared about Marquel a lot, and she wouldn't have him hurting. They could, if absolutely necessary find the time for a little pitstop soon. Food was also something they critically needed, but it would have to wait even more. They had no money, which meant they'd have to steal. Not that she had issues with that, but she honestly didn't need the extra attention. That would only bring cops on top of hunters. There was only so much she could handle just now.


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Marquel watched the world passing by through the window, a stray thought about what he said in his mind. Yes the were away and free for now but how long would it be until they would have to relocate? Every time they settle somewhere a hunter, vigilante or bully of some kind would show to disrupt everything. The way the seemed to find them every time was uncanny, almost like magic in and of itself. He hated the curse in a way but he also hated those that who would sacrifice the freedom of another for their pitiful fear. Sam's voice brought him looking around from his sentry duties. He shook his head to ease her worries, there was no sign of concern or pain on his features.
"My shoulder is okay. The wound is a graze so I will recover without London's skills." He would ask London for assistance when she had awoken, it would be better to have him fully capable for all their sakes. Neither did Marquel want to be the weak link in their group. The worst fear was an infection, so a disinfectant would be needed and a healthy body. Which meant food. "Where are we going then?" Marquel asked, thinking of the small piece of paper that Artemis handed to her. There was something a little recognizable about the land around them, although there wasn't much about one strip of tarmac that separated it from another. "We'll need food and possibly restock on our first aid supplies first, while we have the money." He was thinking about the money they he had taken from the previous owner of the car and delivered to Samantha not long before they left. They had been struggling with food earlier for lack of money and the precautionary supply of bandages and medicine they had was dwindling, specially as they had to care for Luke.

His thoughts turned back to Luke and London, in a way they couldn't care for themselves, burdening the whole group. For now it was acceptable, Luke at last was conscious so may be able to contribute something. London had been around for a long time and had proved her worth several times. She wouldn't be left behind unless it would cost the life of another of their small ensemble and not only because of her ability. Luke, regardless of his ability, Marquel didn't feel so strongly about. If the boy proved to be a struggle to care for there the Reverend would support at least removing him gently. Still, no one should be left alone in such a world. Marquel hope that Sam could help him, as she did with the rest of them, quickly. On that thought, the Hale boy reconsidered his decision to not learn the magic she offered. He now had a greater role in keeping all of them alive. Maybe additional tools, as doubtful as they were, would be needed.


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Artemis was still sitting against the pillar of steel that held the dilapidated building up when Sam and the others finally left. Another flash screened through the windows followed by a thunderous rumble, “That’ll be the claymore…” Artemis thought out loud as he fought for a clear head. He still remained, his mind slightly clouded. He had mustered the strength to appear as though he could flee to the others, possibly even fight, but the truth was he barely had the power to stand let alone run. He considered it, for a moment, considered keeping his promise to Sam to simply lead the Hunters away but he wasn’t long in fooling himself as another pang of weakness made his leg go numb and he gritted his teeth against the pain in his head. He silently cursed the others and himself, himself for doing this in the first place and the rest for fighting him in it. Why couldn’t they just listen to him for once, if they had just gone as he had told them to without putting up a struggle they would have been further away and he might have the strength to actually stand; he specifically made note to beat the crap out of Marquel should he ever get out of this situation.

Another flash and this time the whole building shook, dust falling from the rafters. It was ironic to think that this was one of the better buildings they’d stayed at in recent weeks. It had been hard on everyone and especially Sam, she was always taking responsibility for everything and everyone and refused to share the load. He swore if she ever had to let someone else take care of anything major on their own she’d go through meta-motherhood withdrawal. But that was a moot point now; he had bigger things to worry about. He glanced at the main doors, where a large seal began to slightly glow as the Hunters began to close in. Another flash, this time the venting windows (now mostly blown out) at the top of the tall walls of the warehouse at last were not only lit up but also darkened by the smoke that rose from he explosion. The Hunters could be heard screaming to one another.

“Another trap! Damn these monsters!”

“No, that one got Daniel! I’m gonna kill ‘em slow for this!”

“Daniel, Hubert, Kyle, and Mitch won’t go alone; we’ll send all these demons to hell!”

“There it is! That’s where the girl said they were hiding!”

“You three go around back! Cut off the escape!” Artemis frowned but only to fight back a slightly sadistic grin at that plan, those three would be dead before the others could break through the main door. Artemis gripped the I beam he was leaning against as he slid his back up it awkwardly. The seal on the door was white hot as one of the Hunters counted down and slammed not the door. It buckled a bit but pushed back, sealed shut. One smaller explosion around the side rang out and a cry sounded the end of one of the surrounding members.

“The bastards set traps over here too Horace! I think they’re trying to outlast us in there!” one man called from the corner.

“Alright, get back over here, those doors won’t hold forever, just like in Cane county boys, on the count of three!” Cane county; Sam remembered that they had been there a few weeks ago, they had to leave a girl there, she was too dangerous to bring along, Sam had asked Artemis sealed the building for her but they couldn’t bring her along. She had to stay, as Artemis had to now. The door almost parted this time as they slammed into it, the Seal turning red before dimming again as the door closed. Artemis felt his breathing steady, his mind was still clouded but his body calmed in anticipation of the fight to come. Another slam and this time Artemis could clearly make out one of their faces.

“One more time boys, we’ve almost got the sons of bitches!” Another slam and the seal did fail, the door splitting open at last as it broke in several places though a screen of smoke blew forth from the magical writing. Artemis was at the centre of the room, glaring at the Hunters as they entered through the smoke that the seal had generated when it burst. One younger Hunter rushed forward with a pistol in hand through the smoke, and the moment he saw Artemis let lose several shots. Artemis’s side felt as though he’d been punched by a red hot poker and he fell to the ground, grasping his abdomen. “No Bart!”

The youth had made to fire again to finish Artemis off but instead the obvious leader grabbed the young man’s hand and took the gun from him, though he fought back, “Why, no?! This thing is what killed my dad! I will have revenge!”

“Shouldn’t, ah, “Artemis spat out some blood and looked at his hand which was stained red as he glared up at the boy, “Shouldn’t have been trying to kill me then… he’d still be alive.”

“Why you bastard! Give me my gun!”

“Calm down, Bart, you can kill him your own way later, for now… I think he needs to suffer a bit longer for what he’s done…” Horace said with gritted teeth as he motioned for the others to grab Artemis, they did so and hauled him to his feet.

“Ah! And what is it I’ve done, huh?” He asked as Horace punched him in the face. Artemis glanced back at him defiantly and spit the blood from his mouth into the man’s face, “Being born different warrants my death eh?”

“Shut up!” Horace shoved two fingers into Artemis’ bullet wound at that and twisted, “You and your whole kind are monsters; you have to be put down! Boys! Teach him the error of his ways…”

“Yes Father!” they responded, only now did Artemis notice the man’s outfit, he was a bloody priest. But then he was stuck on the head by a metal pipe and the beating began. They were cursing and spitting on him as they got their revenge for their dead friends and relatives. The beating was bad but they obviously knew not to kill him or harm him to much that he’d go unconscious so he could continue to be in pain. His nose was broken; his face smashed, his side was still bleeding profusely. And after about a half an hour he lay in a small pool of his own blood. Though as they stepped back for a moment to survey their work Artemis moved and knelt on the ground, as if praying his hands under him as his face touched the Earth and he breathed slowly.

“Don’t bother, beast… God doesn’t have any mercy on monsters and demons like you.” Horace spoke up and looked down on Artemis who glared up at the man. He motioned for the young man who had been excluded from the beating for he was being too rough to come forward. He handed him his gun and pushed him gently forward. He moved up on Artemis who continued to glare at him.

“Really, I guess I should listen to a priest who murders!” Artemis spat.

“You’re the murderer!” the young man cried as he kicked Artemis in the face. It dislocated his jaw but Artemis shook his head violently to put it back into place. Spitting out a tooth, the third of the evening he chuckled.

“Your father was the murderer…” another strike, “Just like the rest of you, ugh!” again he was hit but he continued, “You’re the real beasts!”

“Shut up!” the boy pointed the gun at Artemis’ head and was breathing heavy in fury as Artemis looked up into the slightly younger man’s eyes, making him look the person he was about to kill in the eyes, but there was no hesitation. So he couldn’t be saved… damn…

“You lot are the true bastards… the real inhuman beasts…” the hammer was pulled back, “But if you want to see a real monster… fine…” Artemis sat back, revealing a seal made of blood on the ground. The priest rushed forward yelling, a gun brandished but it was too late. Artemis gently touched the seal and the entire room was lit in a brilliant light as heavy metal footfalls resounded. From the outside the world darkened and many voices of men rose in fright followed by blood drenched screams…

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Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion
Character Portrait: Luke
Character Portrait: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale
Character Portrait: London Harper Reid
Character Portrait: Artemis Maximus
Character Portrait: James


Character Portrait: James

"Better to go out with a bang than a whimper."

Character Portrait: Artemis Maximus
Artemis Maximus

Samantha's Boyfriend and a very powerful magic user he hates humasn, or does he?

Character Portrait: London Harper Reid
London Harper Reid

"A girl has to do what she has to do to stay on top of the food chain."

Character Portrait: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale
Marquel Samuel Eva Hale

Only those who deserve to die are the murders themselves.

Character Portrait: Luke

Who are w... Am I?

Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion
Samantha Chastity Veselion

"The world's a nasty place... deal with it."


Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion
Samantha Chastity Veselion

"The world's a nasty place... deal with it."

Character Portrait: London Harper Reid
London Harper Reid

"A girl has to do what she has to do to stay on top of the food chain."

Character Portrait: James

"Better to go out with a bang than a whimper."

Character Portrait: Artemis Maximus
Artemis Maximus

Samantha's Boyfriend and a very powerful magic user he hates humasn, or does he?

Character Portrait: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale
Marquel Samuel Eva Hale

Only those who deserve to die are the murders themselves.

Character Portrait: Luke

Who are w... Am I?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: London Harper Reid
London Harper Reid

"A girl has to do what she has to do to stay on top of the food chain."

Character Portrait: Samantha Chastity Veselion
Samantha Chastity Veselion

"The world's a nasty place... deal with it."

Character Portrait: James

"Better to go out with a bang than a whimper."

Character Portrait: Luke

Who are w... Am I?

Character Portrait: Artemis Maximus
Artemis Maximus

Samantha's Boyfriend and a very powerful magic user he hates humasn, or does he?

Character Portrait: Marquel Samuel Eva Hale
Marquel Samuel Eva Hale

Only those who deserve to die are the murders themselves.

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Re: The Curse of Magic

I have this RP on hold right now, Forensic. I'm working on some stuff and other RPs are sort of keeping me busy. I'm the one who needs to post next. =) I'll get to it soon enough, I promise. It's not dead... just paused. ^^

Re: The Curse of Magic

So, is anyone else planning on posting...? D:

Re: The Curse of Magic

I was busy recently so i could not make the character, i will post later today . by the way what did you think about my idea in the pm i sent you?

Re: The Curse of Magic

I PM'ed her. She opened it, but didn't reply, so she's a lost cause. *Sigh* Dap dap.

also, I know it's my turn. Haha. I'll get to it once I've figured everything out with other roleplays, Colonel's character and so forth. ^^ Promise. Might be a couple of days though.

Re: The Curse of Magic

Alright, with Eldrith's post done its your turn Mela. I could post something but you know where this is going. I don't have an opinion about what you plan Colonel, whatever you think is best for your writing. Any idea about Promise?

Re: The Curse of Magic

My original plan was to block his power and then by training refocus it into a new direction. The spirit idea was the way in which a spirit was sealed in his body and aided with blocking his power in exchange for influence on his mind.

what i mean by an apprentice idea is to have him train in order to refocus his powers into more practical and tactical powers which while they do not have as much potential as his original powers are easier to control and more useful.

I actually have an even better Idea and i will PM it to you now.

Re: The Curse of Magic

Send me the new character and I'll look him over. ^^ Then maybe we could work in that Luke dies during their trip to the city. Maybe something went wrong while they were trying to procure some food, or whatever. I dunno... we'll figure it out, Colonel. Don't worry. But the soul-switch thing wouldn't be something Sam would take on. She wants to help, but she wouldn't take away his powers, which in essence is what you were talking about doing, right? ^^

Re: The Curse of Magic

darn this character of mine is annoying me to no end lol

From the way I see it there are two options...

1) make a new one

2) do the soul sealing plan which is in essence another way to make a new character in the body of the current one

What works best with the role play?

If i where to make a new character he would be more in the direction of stealth and assassination and the second option would be more in the direction of a roguish spirit. (i sent you a PM at some point during the roleplay)

For now I will make a draft for a new character and send it to you for inspection and how it could work in the role play. if it turns out that this character would be more fun then i will ether kill of my current character or change his role to a side kick "apprentice" style character and go along with the spirit change to give this character a personality i can work with but less power at least to start with in order for the apprentice idea to work. (He is utterly dependent on the group anyway so it would not be a hard transition)

I will be happy for opinions on the matter from all of you, I simply find it hard to play Luke as he is and think i could help this role play run more smoothly with another character.

I do not really want to kill Luke off but if I have too i will.

Re: The Curse of Magic

Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for having put this RP off for so long. My brain is all mushy. I mean... I had a plan for what was to happen right now... and then it disappeared. -.-' I really should start writing my ideas down, shouldn't it?

Oh well, Forensic, I'll PM you on that idea of yours. ^^

Uhm... uhm... also, I'm working on getting that idea back! Haha. ^^ Like I said early on, I do not want this to die. I know my own inactivity is partly to blame here, don't worry. In fact, I'm thinking of doing a little timeskip, since these guys are going to be driving for a few days to reach their next destination. Lucky the owner on that car is dead. xD

Regarding the direction, Colonel, I am right now working on getting out guys to the city. Elrith is going to set something into motion... though he has yet to post, and I have something else in the working too, don't you worry. ^^ The immediate path isn't all that dramatic. A new character is going to enter their lives, and she'll add some intrigue... things will go from there, running parallel to the plans Elrith has for a subplot. ^^

Hope you're all still up for this! =) I'll post in the next couple of days to give things a kick. I suggest you post before then, Colonel, if you wanted to put up a post.

Elrith, I'm going to PM you, love.

There. Haha. I did my GM-duties. O.o I swear, this math exam took all of my energy. I've been on holidays for over a week, and I still feel sorta drained.

Re: The Curse of Magic

I shall post tonight; it may not be the best post but I feel that I put this off for far too long a time.

I do wonder however on the direction of this Role Play and would appreciate some general information on the matter.

God's blood I just realized I shall be 18 within two days…. For some reason I find that depressing.

Any way I am planning a role play on the style of I Claudius; a story about the power struggles in the Julian Claudian family during and after the reign of Augustus of the Roman Empire. If you are interested I posted a thread on the interest check form and you are all welcome to offer advice for it which I quite desperately need.

Re: The Curse of Magic

I'll figure everything out in a couple of days, guys. Right now I have an exam to study for. Haha. <3 =) I'll get back to you once I'm down to earth again.

Re: The Curse of Magic

So, I have a quick question/comment/idea: What if the hunters are actually tracking them with magic? Like, they kept one practitioner alive so that they could track down the rest? -has a character idea- If it's alright with you, Mel. ^_^

Edit: Also, I was thinking it might kind of help revive this. >,>

Re: The Curse of Magic

I'm still interested! I just can't post, seeing as how Kato is in the trunk. xD

Re: The Curse of Magic

I'm not sure, honestly. Right now I'm sort of busy with exams. I'll start harassing people once they're over and try to see how much interest is still in this. =)

Re: The Curse of Magic

Hey, sorry I never got a chance to warn you, got dragged away by RL. Never got a chance to tell anyone, so do we still plan to move along or is this deat :s. I'm really sorry.

Re: The Curse of Magic

It's alright... I think this is sort of dying anyways... sadly. =/ Not a lot of activity at all here.

Re: The Curse of Magic

I am sorry for not posting, i was planing to post but recent events in RL have limited my ability to make posts with my comlicated characters who demand a great deal of attention and time for their posts ... and Luke is the most comlicated character i have at the moment.

Re: The Curse of Magic

Posted at last! I managed to bluff my way in the test so it was worth the time spent learning for it.

Tell me if its weak...

Re: The Curse of Magic

Yay! =D Posts are good... now we just need Templar and Colonel on board..

Elrith can pretty much post whenever. xD Lol. No one depends on those, though they are equally important, in their own might. ^^