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C.S. Lewis "Jack"

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a character in “The Saint Kleio Academy”, as played by LolitaNoir


Name: Clive Staples Lewis, "Jack" or "C.S. Lewis"
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Description/Picture: Jack is a boy of average height, with thick brown hair that's usually in desperate need of a trim, bushy dark brown eyebrows, and keen, penetrating eyes. He is of medium build-- not really muscular but not fat either.
Personality: Jack is naturally curious and has a passion for learning, absoarbing knowledge at an astounding rate. Though usually good natured and amicable outside of the classroom or library, he tends to come across as a bit of a cocky know-it-all with a lot of sarcastism. Interrupt him from his studies, he'll chew your head off. Engage him in intellectual discourse, he'll be your best friend.
Background: He raised in the school, however he was rarely seen except around the stack of books at the back of the library. He learned about his original's amazing accomplishments from a young age, and immediately envied them. From them on, he vowed to surpass his original, and disprove his original's theological beliefs, and become the greatest intellectual in the world. He then went on to take ever language class he could, and was soon dubbed "geek" or "nerd" for being so interested in accidemics and so uninterested in a real social life. As he got older, he evetually inherited his old original's nickname "Jack"--something which continues to irritate him grately.
Originals past: Here it is!
When your original died and how: Collapsed and died in bed one week before his 65th birthday.
Fears: Being overshadowed by his original. Fading into the background.
Likes: Classic literature. Intellectual people.
Dislikes: Those who interrupt his study sessions. Being compared to his original.
Dreams or goal: To disprove his originals beliefs and surpass all the world's intellectual minds.
What is your original famous for: His fictional novels The Screwtape Letters, the Chronicles of Narnia, and the Space Trilogy.
Orientation: Straight.
Crush: Won't date a girl who isn't as smart as he is, or, in the very least, who hasn't the the Illiad, Odyssey, or the Aeneid.
Theme song(Optional): Chopin's Ballade No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 23

So begins...

C.S. Lewis "Jack"'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
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#, as written by Zenia
The morning hit the grand windows of the School of Saint Kleios’ academy. Students roll out of their bedrooms in their dorms some more reluctantly than others. To regular outsiders they look like regular high schoolers, to the well informed they know the truth.

They are clones.

Every student roaming these halls are clones of some historical figure, infamous and famous alike, the good and the bad and the in between.

The music halls are filled with songs their originals wrote. Books are being written that people once thought the authors wouldn’t be able to write again. New theories are coming out by scientists. Some clones do not yet know their place. Others know it to well.
The clones are well provided for with exquisite food to suit their taste from vegan, to vegetarian, and everything else. There is even a small salon where they can go to get a shave and a haircut or new hair style.
But there rumors going around about a few non clones, that for the first time since the academy were created, would be allowed in. Fear and excitement mix with the ramble, some happy, some mad, and others unsure.

Though all know one thing.

This year will most certainly be different than the others.


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Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack"
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Jack turned to the next page in Dante's Inferno, shadowed eyes scanning the ancient Italian. He had been awake for half the night, sitting here, in this obscure corner of the library, rereading the Divine Comedy in the original Italian. It wasn't as if he had to have it read for class this week or anything. On the contrary, he hardly ever read anything for class anymore, having already read everything years ago. No, now he just read it for a mixture of pure enjoyment and curiousity. There was always a new connection he managed to make every time he reread it in the original Italian. Such discoveries sent chills of delight through him, making him feel strangely accomplished. However, there was always one single thought that marred his delight, the same thought that had plagued him all his life: He probably already read and understood all of this when he read it through.

Well, you can't get surpass a master without learning first what he knows, he always reasoned. However that didn't do anything to bring back his former enjoyment.

Non era via da vestito di cappa...

Morning, Jack.
the librarian interrupted his read, walking past his fortress of book-laiden tables to replace a novel on the shelf.
A flicker of annoyance shot through him at the interruption. However he smashed it down, reminding himself that it was fruitless to become angry with the librarian, unless his goal was to be thrown out of the library. He glanced up at her, smiling tightly.
Good morning
was his forced polite response.
He dropped his gaze back down to the page. He scanned the lines of Italian, trying to recover his spot, only to find it was impossible with the sound of the librarian behind him. Defeated, he dropped the book back onto the table with a weary sigh, slouching back in his seat. He sat still for a moment, gazing absently at the book. Now what? He reached up and ran a hand through his hair. As his finger tips reached the end of his brown locks, his hand froze. Whoa. When did this get so long?Well...since I have nothing better to do, might as well get a Sweeney to cut it.

He stood up, heading to leave his beloved sanctuary, then paused, glancing back at the table. On top of the stack of books sat his thesis on the soul's of clones. He thought about grabbing and taking it with him--he'd become rather fond of it recently--but discarded the idea. They already think I'm enough of a nerd as it is.

So, without a backwards glance, he turned and left, heading to the barber shop.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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She was standing on the crows nest, the salt air blowing through her red hair. Anne looked at the galleon below her, at the people scurrying on the deck, they looked so small, like ants. Her green eyes fell on the blue waves of the sea, tipped with white foam and she let out a hearty laugh, turning her head sky ward. She was home! A seagull flew next to her, opened its beak and...BZZZZZZZZZTTT!!

Anne Bonny shoot out of bed with a jolt, cursing the foul noise rather loudly. She was furious! She had been HOME! On the sea at last, one with the sea even! She let out a frustrated sob, tears welling in her eyes for a moment before she chucked the alarm clock out the window. Anne quickly showered, brushed her teeth and got dressed before walking out of her room and slamming her door shut. She only turned around to lock it, before she stormed down the hallaway. She heard some non clones would be coming to the school, it didn't really bother her. She just hoped they wouldn't bother her to much. She didn't mind if they judged her on her originals past, she was rather proud of her past, she had been a feared pirate, one of the few female pirates.

Anne's room was once like everyone else's. And by that...well it didn't used have slash marks from a sword our feather from a cut up pillow everywhere. The paintings on the wall had been sliced, and the canopy over her bed had been cut to ribbons. When Anne got angry and she was alone, the woman would lash out with whatever was on hand, bottles or swords or knives.

But how was she going to live up to her originals name with no captain to guide her, no friend to be with her, no ship to be on. She wasn't even allowed outside the school! She slammed her fist against the wall in anger, she had woken up in a bad mood after that teasing dream. Why did she have to have that dream again! It always promised her things that would never happen. She didn't notice the other students around her, she just kept walking, shoving people aside when need be. Most of them stepped out of her way, the could tell Anne was in a bad mood, and when she was in a bad mood she had a tendency to get into fights with others. Recently she had punched out the two front teeth of another classmate who had insulted her, much like her original had at one point. The poor classmate had to go to the dentist to get a bridge for her missing teeth. But that was awhile back, and had sent a bit of a message to not mess with Anne...but it also meant that Anne didn't have many friends. She had no Calico for her Bonny, no Mary for her Anne...

Anne was thinking all of these things, she didn't notice the person in front of her, one of the students hadn't got the message to move out of the way it seemed. And she didn't see them until she slammed into them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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Gaius watched the girl spin around and look at him. He analysed her every move. She was a new person, and that meant new competition. She was also a girl, and that set him on edge. He made a new folder in his brain called 'Darcy Hollis' and logged everything she did or said in it, making a mental note that anything she said could and would be used against her. But then he thought for a moment. He had never heard of anyone named Darcy Hollis in history. This must be a non-clone! he thought. He stared at her. He listened as Sweeney simply introduced himself as 'Todd.' He must have caught on, too. Gaius noted her playful smiles. This new girl was just a bundle of sunshine, wasn't she? Gaius smiled an exaggerated mockery of her smile and kept talking, even though she wasn't paying any attention to him. He started out in a chipper tone. It was hard to tell if he was being sarcastic or not. He wasn't even sure he knew. "Well, you can call me Gaius, Hollis Darcy Hollis. Or, you can call me Julius... or Gus... or Cal... or..." his voice trailed off as he noticed the other kid lurking on the edge of the conversation. He was tall and wore glasses. Interesting... I don't recognize him, either. Maybe we have two non-clones. This would be fun.

He heard footsteps behind him. Turning, he saw Jack and Anne about to collide on the sidewalk. Gaius smiled. He hated both of them, since Anne made a point of making him uncomfortable all the time and Jack made a point of knowing everything there was to know about Caligula to torment him with. He let them crash and fall. They had it coming.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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Wow. This must be a really amazing school, if it has its own barber shop. Sam thought. He watched as the kids interacted and then one called another one Gaius. What kind of name is that? Sam narrowed his eyes. A really snobby one, probably. The first kid was going on about everyone's hair, and then he turned to the girl whose space was being invaded and himself. Sam jumped. They're talking to me... He thought to the voice. What do I do? No answer.

He watched as the girl finally noticed Gaius the Creeper Toothpick, and then responded to the barber kid. Sam listened to Gaius as he went on and on about what they could call him. But no one was really paying attention to him. They were all looking at Sam. "Oh, it's nice to meet you, Todd, Darcy." He said as jovially as he could. It was then that Sam realized that Todd had been playing some music from Sweeney Todd. Oh, that's funny. Sam joked to himself. Todd must be a nickname 'cause he's the barber. How cute. I wonder if he has anger management issues... He chuckled slightly. "I just got it. Nice." he laughed a little more, mostly from nervousness. He noticed that the kid named Gaius was staring at him strangely, as if he could see right through him. That might have had something to do with his weird bulging eyes, though. It set Sam on edge. He looked back to the new girl and Sweeney. "I'm Samuel, but some people just call me Sam." he swallowed. He heard footsteps behind him. Grateful for the distraction, he turned around. An average looking kid with long brown hair was walking down the sidewalk, obviously in some sort of intellectual reverie. A girl with flaming red hair - also deep in thought - was about to collide with him. "Um, hey!" he shouted, "Watch out -" but it was too late. They crashed. Sam winced. That looked like it hurt. Golly, was everyone incompetent around here?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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"No thanks, Todd I was just in here a couple of weeks ago Im good in the haircut department. Just passing by on my way to..." Ami noticed the girl come up behind her and she smiled.

The girl was obviously new.... but there were no new clones scheduled to come into the high school till next year. There was a rumor being whispered about of non-clones being aloud to come into the school. Now Ami had never been the type to believe in rumors. But when the truth is blatantly standing next to you and asking for directions you cant really shrug it off any more.

"Well I'll be, nice to meet you Darcy Hollis the new kid, I'm Amelia but you can call me Ami", it was then that Gaius walked up along with another unfamiliar face.

"Man this turned into a party at Todd's really quick" Ami said with a huge grin not really worried about the two new people.

She thought it was nice to have some fresh faces, still not as nice as it would be if they would let them even go into town every once in a while. And as much as she wanted this to actually turn out to be a party she knew it would time to go to class soon. As she turned to get away from the crowd in front of the door she came out just in time to see a collision between the Jack and Anne Bonny. The new guy who was now standing next to Ami called out to the pair but it was too late.

"Oh ouch" she groaned, "Jeepers are you two alright?" she called out.

She didn't want to get too close to Anne knowing the red heads temper, a trait from her original as far as Ami new and the flaw kind of grated on Ami's nerves. Never the less she treated everyone in the school as though they might be a member of her family. Because in reality the clones in this school were the closest thing she'll ever get to it. She turned to the new guy that had introduced himself as Sam just moments before. She tugged his sleeve a bit to get his attention.

"That was a heck of a hit wasn't it, but it doesn't surprise me around here. People get all caught up in thinking and in they're own little world" she smiled gently at Sam. "Just, always keep your guard up and you'll do fine here" she then walked over to Anne and Jack to make sure they were alright.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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#, as written by Zenia
Sweeney smiled at the new girl as he heard Ami introduce herself to her, well then it was a new student! A non-clone by the name, so…the rumors were true. “Pleasure to meet you Darcy…or do you prefer to be called Hollis?” he asked as he leaned on his broom a bit. “A map or a guide? Well I can provide the guide, I am afraid I do not have a map on me…Amelia do you?” he asked. He blinked as he heard the other male say he ‘got it’ he tilted his head to the right a look of confusion…and worry was on his pale face, “G-got it?” he whispered di he guess he was a clone of Sweeney?! Is that what he got.

He was distracted soon as he heard a ruckus.

He turned around to see Anne Bonny collide into Lewis causing him to wince. “Ah…Anne…” he whispered with a shake of his head, “That girl really needs to not run in the halls so…” he whispered as he looked at Gaius, “Gaius are you all right? You seem a bit pale…then again that could just be my old eyes playing tricks on me.” He asked as he heard the other male introduce himself “It is a pleasure to meet you Samuel, I will help you find where you need to go as well as Miss Darcy,” he said with what he assumed was a kind smile…but it could come off as a bit…creepy or malicious. “I think I will be forgiven for helping out new students if I am a tad late.” He explained as he gave them a smile, “But again please let me change first.” He said as he headed back into his salon, going to the back as he changed into his uniform. Leaving two off his razors behind, the other in his school bag…he just didn’t want it to be stolen…and it gave him an odd comfort, not that he would ever dream of using it of course!

He soon came out all ready to go as he looked at the people, “Well than shall we? And as Amelia said, keep your guard up and you shall do fine you two.” he commented to them with a light chuckle. “hopefully I will bump into Marge on the way…” he thought to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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The red headed pirate clone fell down to the ground with a loud thud, a strew of curses flowing from her lips that would even a sailor would blush at....or take notes. It was clear from her emerald eyes that she was in a bad mood. Her dreams, while once pleasant, had become nightmares. After all...what was a pirate without a ship or a captain? It wasn't exactly like the school was going to let her pillage and burn down villages, raid cargo ships and steal the goods. So why the hell did they even create her?

She felt like she was ship wrecked. Her favorite band, Alestorm, summoned up her feelings up rather well.
Hey! you're banjaxed! 
Hey! you're screwed! 
And death is coming for you! 
Trapped on an island lost at sea! 
Shipwrecked your destiny! 

Anne really did feel like her destiny was shipwrecked, and she hadn't even set sail.
Her reputation at the school was well earned, and while some of the rumors were unfounded...not all of them were. When some female student had started picking her, calling her all sorts of names for her sexual preference and that she didn't like her company. Well Anne did what happened a lot. She got angry, and like her orginal had done to a woman long ago, she had punched the woman's two front teeth out. But unlike some of the clones here she was proud of who her clone was, but she just didn't understand why she was created.
Anne's mind was drawn to the voice of one of her class mates. Jack was it? She hadn't spent much time with him. Then again she didn't spend much time with anyone. People tended to avoid her. Again for a good reason.

“I am fine.” Her voice was a bit annoyed as she pushed herself off the ground, she wasn't happy but it was just an accident, she couldn't bring herself to be fully angry at him for that. Though it didn't help improve her mood. “And don't try to blame my day dreamin on this, cause it is as much of your fault as it is mine. Accidents happen and lets leave it at that. I am in a bad enough mood as it is. Not that any of the lot here give a rats ass.” The red head hissed out as she shook her head.

Anne didn't have friends here...and while it had to do with her attitude...she was actually rather lonely.
The woman took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

“Look. I am sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you.”

At the sound of the female classmate's voice the clone pirate let out a sigh and turned around. “I am fine.” Just fucking fine. She had caused a scene it seemed...what a wonderful way to start off this horrible day. She would kill for some Ale or rum...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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The sharp response Anne gave him as she pushed herself off the ground stopped Jack short. He studied her critically, reading her posture, her expression, listening to her tone of voice as she shook her head. He didn't know exactly what was the matter with her--after all, he hardly knew her. But he could tell there was obviously something that was troubling her. And you called it daydreaming, you idiot....

Finally, Anne inhaled deeply, calming herself down, and said,
Look. I am sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you.

Jack ran a hand through his hair, laughing it off again.
All right. Let's just forget it.

A female voice called out to them, and Anne sighed again, before responding to her with a simple
I'm fine.

No, you're not 'fine,' are you? He paused, uncertain if he should give her the advice that had suddenly sprang to the tip of his tongue. What's the worst it could do? A little advice couldn't hurt anyone, right?

You know...if something is bothering you, maybe you should talk to someone about it,
he added finally as she turned away from him.
I hear it can help, or so I've read. I wouldn't really say I've done it first hand unless you count raving at St. Augustine's Confessions when they made me rethink my whole life. But you're welcome to yell into any of my books if you think it'll help.

He laughed awkwardly again, hoping she wouldn't think he was making fun of her issues. No, she'll probably either think I'm crazy or the world's biggest nerd. He turned away from Anne, spotting Ami heading over to them to make sure they were okay.
Oh, hey, Amelia
he grinned sheepishly at her.
Yeah, we're okay. Nothing like a little collision to wake you up in the morning, huh? Maybe I should start making this a habit, if I can prove that it actually makes you think better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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Gaius smirked as he watched everyone bustle about Anne and Jack. They deserved it. "Smooth moves!" He piped up. "Oh, and by the way, Jack, hatred's not destructive. It builds progress!" He said, calling the boy by his nickname just to irritate him. He knew he didn't like it, and he took every opportunity to use it. Gaius frowned when Sweeney asked him if he was okay. He hated when his friend did that. It made him look weak. "I'm fine." he snapped. But then his voice softened. "Thanks."

Samuel answered Todd. "I'm just off to Latin. I... don't suppose you could help me find it? I know you're busy..."

Gaius perked up. "Hey, I have Latin first, too! That means we'll be in the same class..." He thought about what this could mean. Well, it certainly meant that he could have more time to observe this weird kid, this kid who seemed hesitant to even speak. "And yes, my parents loved ancient Rome!" he said, turning to Hollis. "They loved it so much that they named me all those names. Every single one."

Samuel made a face at Gaius's sarcastic remarks. There was no need to be rude. Hollis had just asked a question. He wasn't sure he wanted to be in the same class as this kid.

Gaius shrugged. "Either that, or I'm Emperor Caligula come back from the dead. Or maybe I tiiiime-traveled." Gaius wiggled his fingers in front of the girl's face mock-mysteriously. He loved messing with people. Yeah, it made him look like a jerk, but he didn't care. At least, he pretended not to...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack"
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Jack looked up, hearing that loathsome voice call out to him.

Smooth moves! Oh, and by the way, Jack, hatred's not destructive. It builds progress!

Jack felt a streak of resentment shot through him at the use of his nickname--a particularly bitter streak, espeically since it was Caligula who was using it. He wasn't sure what he had done to make the boy his enemy. All Jack had done was try to socialize with the boy when he found him one day in the library researching his original. Apparently, though, Caligula had not been thrilled at the fact that Jack had known so much about him, and had been almost hostile when Jack had attempted to talk to him about the old Caligula. Ever since then, he had seemed to get more and more bitter towards Jack.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact I keep comparing him to his original, Jack thought for about the thousandth time. But he couldn't help it. Of all the clones Jack had met and interracted with, Caligula was the one that was most like his original, and continued to act more and more like his original. Jack understood that he would be upset by the comparison--he would have felt the same way. But, for some reason, whenever he was around Caligula, it just kind of slipped out. It was just so ironic that he had ended up like his original. He really couldn't help it.

But now, since they had become something like adversaries, Jack didn't really feel the need to stop insulting him when he could, especially when Caligula was merciless and tried to started off Jack's acedemic day on a sour note.

Oh? You're up, Caligula? I thought you'd be in bed, or better yet, visiting the school doctor, you know, especially after last night's escapades in the library. I'm sure there's some medication he can give you that can stall insanity.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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'Oh? You're up, Caligula? I thought you'd be in bed, or better yet, visiting the school doctor, you know, especially after last night's escapades in the library. I'm sure there's some medication he can give you that can stall insanity.

Gaius paled, brought up short by the quick response. I should have known not to engage C.S. Lewis in a battle of insults, he berated himself. He opened his mouth to respond, but found that no words came out. He looked nervously back at Hollis and Sam, praying that they hadn't figured it out already. "Um..." was all he got out at that moment. His face turned an angry shade of red. "I..." He swallowed. Why did this always happen to him? "How did you know about the library?" he squeaked.

He couldn't think of anything but that this was unfair. It wasn't fair that Jack had such an amazing original, known throughout time for being a sane, witty genius. And Gaius had Caligula. The wacko, horse-loving, sexually crazed, seashell-loving emperor of Rome. And now he was paying for it. He was also paying for his own idiocy, but he would never acknowledge that. He just thought the whole situation was unfair, not his fault, no question. He glanced again at Hollis and Sam. Oh, God, please don't let them figure it out. Why does this always happen?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
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"Somewhat, but don't fret, deary," Margery responds with a strange sort of bluntness, using the term of endearment that she tends to adopt when impatient but trying to be polite. Of course, it hardly balances out the impatience, and has occasionally come across to others as a bit annoying- condescending, if you will. Still, habits die hard, and no one has ever expressed annoyance to the young woman's face. She's no Anne Bonny, but does have something of a reputation when provoked. Add this to her original's claim to infamy, and people tend to stay away from her when Margery is anywhere near a kitchen, or even just a knife. They can think as they wish, though, for as long as they don't say anything behind her back whilst she can hear, Margery refuses to give the satisfaction of reacting. Well, she tries to refuse, anyway. It is often a losing battle of sorts, as fighting one's own nature often is. The young woman with the curly hair nods with some measure of sympathy at Chopin's voiced distaste for coughs, knowing how his original passed.

"Well, a bit of tea or something else warm is usually good for that, right?" she says with a reasonably light demeanor, managing to come off as not malicious as Chopin begins to speak again. "Right, better get going as we-" she is cut off by his mention of Sweeney and, rather amusingly, the comment -or rather the laugh that follows- makes her face turn a scarlet shade. Most people know, or can guess, how she feels for Mr. T -with the exception of the idiot himself- but the young woman does tend to pretend as though she doesn't know this- or try to not know this. "Oi!" she shouts after him, but the musician has already disappeared into the doctor's building, leaving her standing there with a furious type of blush. It soon fades, however, and her skin returns to its ghostly pale hue; the hue that makes her look as though she doesn't go outside. She does, of course, but that only ever results in fairly nasty burns.

Within a few seconds, Margery is back on her way towards Mr. T's barber shop, and notices a couple of people around it as she nears the tidy establishment. I wish they'd let me have a restaurant or canteen or somethin', she thinks wistfully to herself, as is her habit when she visits the barber shop. The group is a fair mix of irritating, tolerable, decent, and unknown. She had heard rumors of new kids, non-clones, and immediately puts two and two together to assume that these two students fit that rather unorthodox bill. Of course, her attention is immediately snagged away from them by Sweeney, who stands before them in his uniform- probably showing them around or something. Margery lifts a hand slightly to get his attention, and then begins to walk over to the motley crew of people. Of course, this school is the very definition of motley. You don't become famous enough to have a clone of yourself made by being exactly like the rest of the world, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart
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#, as written by Zenia
Sweeney Todd heard and Lewis bickering, soon joined by Gaius as he sighed, “Would…everyone please not bicker in front of my shop? It makes me…anxious.” He muttered as he sighed, “And for those of you who are not bickering I thank you kindly.” He commented as he took a small breath. “Now then I believe I was asked some question of why I am called Todd yes? Well the Sweeney Todd comment is clever and I do love the music as you can see…er hear…” he muttered, “My last name is actually Todd…so it is a coincidence my first name is….”

Oh bloody hell should have thought of a fake first name….Wait maybe….” he quickly thought of one. “Benjamin…Benjamin Todd.” He said with a smile. Now then Samuel and Hollis we should go on to the office to get you set up…and calculus is with Einstien I think. No relation to the real Einstien.” He explained quickly as he started to move to lead them when he saw a welcomed face. A smile touched his lips as he walked on over to Margery.

“Marge! There you are, I was going to head on to find you but…” he glanced at the group. “…well they stopped me.” He muttered, “Not that I do not mind the people…but…um I am not used to this many at once…” he explained as he rubbed the back of his head. “How have you been? Cooked up anything new?” he asked with a tilt of his head. He had a surprise for her…but that could wait. “Ah…um do you want to accompany me on…taking the two new people to the Headmaster? And hope we don’t run into Richard?” he asked her nodding at the non-clones.

Ah yes Richard…Richard Blunt to be exact, the clone of one of the men that helped capture his and Marges’ Orginal, it was a well-known fact that Blunt did not like the two…or Anne for that matter, he was all about upholding school rules, and he thought the more… ‘infamous’ clones were always up to no good, in fact he made it a point to try to catch them doing something wrong or provoking them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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Hollis turns her attention towards Gaius as he shoots a bit of sarcasm towards the scene of the crash, crying out something about the benefits of hatred or some nonsense like that. Even Hollis, nonconfrontational as she is, has to bite back a response to such a grim proclamation. Tell that to those who have died fighting grudge wars, she thinks briefly, but soon the thought is waved away and a smile lights up her face once more, giving no sign of her thoughts on what the strange boy with the twiggy limbs has said. Over all, he doesn't seem the pleasant sort, but Hollis does like to give people the benefit of the doubt and, as previously mentioned, does have experience with various personalities. If movies were to be believed, his sharpness hides some secret soft spot or cowardice, but even a movie-fanatic such as Hollis isn't going to believe such a thing. She does, however, believe that there are things beyond first impressions. Thus, she continues to smile, likely seeming like an idiot for doing so, but apathetic to that fact.

When the bespectacled boy, Sam, speaks once more, it is to inform Todd of his next class. "Latin? I take that, as well. Too bad we won't have the same class together," she comments amicably. Any other things she might have said are cut short as Gaius turns and responds to her previous question, no longer bothering to hide his sharp, mocking tone. She raises an eyebrow at his japes, and notices that Sam is making a face at Gaius as well. Does he have some sort of complex about it? Hollis wonders, looking at Gaius with a spark of slight curiosity. His next remark is outright ridiculous, and doesn't make him look like the most sensible, nor decent, of people. The way he wiggles his fingers in front of his face reminds Hollis vaguely of a child. She merely grins at him, "Once the impossible has been ruled out, what remains, no matter how improbable, must be true. Did you just hop out of the TARDIS, then?"

Her remark is lost as Gaius turns his attention towards the young man, Jack, whom he had called out earlier. The young man shoots back some remark about insanity and a library. Even an idiot could sense the tension between the two, as well as the fact that the other young man probably tends to be the winner in these exchanges, as Gaius pales and glances nervously towards Hollis and Sam before trying, and ultimately failing, to respond cleverly. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish a few times, before squeaking out about how the other boy knows about the library. Luckily for Gaius, Hollis has never been one for history, and therefore has little knowledge on Caligula. She can vaguely recall learning about him being kind of wacko in Latin, the language she took because she doesn't have to speak it, but otherwise is ignorant. Still, that was enough for her to wonder if everyone here has nicknames related to people oft he past. Do the nicknames correlate to behavior, or are they used as insults for some? Well, she hardly knows, having been here no more than an hour.

Hollis is gratefully distracted by Todd, who asks the people to stop their bickering, gives them his first name, and then tells her the name of her teacher. "He must be rather good, to go by Einstein, eh?" she comments lightly, before Todd makes his way through the crowd to a girl in a strange uniform with wild looking pigtails.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart
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Sam watched what followed with wonder. These people were so weird. He cocked his head to the side when Jack called Gaius "Caligula." That was weird. Sam knew all about Caligula, because he loved history. And the name seemed to fit. I mean, he had the brown hair, brown bulging eyes, lanky arms and legs, creepy personality, and... weird Roman names. In fact, he had said that Hollis could call him Julius or Gus or Cal. Gaius Julius Augustus Caligula. The only names that were missing were Caesar and Germanicus. Sam started to get a little freaked out by the resemblance. But what was even stranger was the kid's response to Jack. He didn't laugh, as one might at a fun nick-name, but he paled. He stammered, and then asked Jack a question. He kept on looking back at Sam and Hollis. What was going on? Then Sam looked back at Todd. That was weird, too. Who were these people, history nuts? Then Todd seemed to blank on what his first name was. He quickly recovered though and called himself Benjamin. Then he greeted a messy looking girl who had walked up behind them. And her name was... Marge, apparently. Marge? Like Margery? This was getting a little too weird.

He was distracted out of his thoughts by Hollis, who said that she also had Latin. But apparently they weren't in the same class. "Yes." Samuel said. "I suspect that would be because I am in a higher level of Latin than you." Then it occurred to him that Gaius, who's nickname was apparently "Caligula," took that same level of Latin. This is too creepy. Something was telling him that something was very wrong here. Then Benjamin mentioned that the math teacher's name was "Einstein." Samuel blinked. That was the last straw. His breath seemed to run short as he looked at all the faces. Amelia, Caligula, Todd, Margery, Jack, Einstein. And Todd was a barber, no less. And "Jack" was writing books and theses about souls. And "Caligula" was acting like some weirdo. And Margery seemed to have some sort of connection with Todd. And Einstein was the math teacher. Amelia wasn't really creeping him out, but her name was. He took a step back, grabbing Hollis's arm. "Hollis..." said, his voice shaky. "I think your comment about the TARDIS was not misplaced." He swallowed. "Now, I am a little bit crazy, I'll grant you that, but I think this school has... time-travel."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart
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Gaius watched as Sam began to look horrified by something. Oh, God, no...

'Hollis...' Sam said, his voice shaky. 'I think your comment about the TARDIS was not misplaced." He swallowed. "Now, I am a little bit crazy, I'll grant you that, but I think this school has... time-travel.'

Gaius burst out laughing, his high-pitched, strident laugh getting on his own nerves. This caused a chill to run down Sam's spine. "Time-travel??" He laughed again, getting more and more nervous. This couldn't be happening. Whose idea was it to bring non-clones to this school?? Whoever it was, Gaius wanted to murder him slowly. "That is so ridiculous!" Gaius tried to calm down, but found himself becoming hysterical quite quickly. His breathing became accelerated. "I mean, I just can't believe you would think that! Claudius wouldn't even think that, and he's an idiot!" He gasped, choking on his own words. Now you've done it!

Sam looked worried. "Claudius?" he asked, "Is an idiot?"

Gaius's eyes widened. Why did this twerp have to know so much about history??? "Well, that's just what we call him, he's not actually..." He looked at Sweeney, the words 'save me!' written all over his face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Ami Hart
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Ami couldn't believe the circus this all turned into, the collision was a catalyst for grudges that had been brewing for sometime. The only one that seemed to not be calling names was Ami herself and the new kids. She sighed as sarcasm and name calling flew around like the ball in tennis game.

"Come on guys we all got classes to get to no reason to sit around in the hallway bickering among ourselves." she said with a sigh.

Ami was glad that Jack and Anne were alright, but when Jack and Gaius started going back and forth she decided she had, had enough. She decided to go ahead and make her way to her calculus class, she remembered the new girl saying something about calculus so she figured she'd show her the way.

She walked up to Darcy "Well miss Darcy I don't know about you but I'm about ready to get away from the mad house that is this situation, I'm heading to Calculus if you'd like some company to class?".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart
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Jack hadn't really noticed the boy next to Caligula--too focused on Caligula himself--until the boy spoke up.
Jack stared at him, suddenly feeling his stomach drop away. He didn't recognize this boy. That's impossible! I know pretty much everybody worth knowing in history. There's no way I wouldn't know a clone by their looks or at least from rumors of them going by the library. But I don't know this kid. No. This is not happening. Surely I know him, don't I? I just don't remember his name, that's all. Yeah, that has to be it.

Now, the sad thing about spending most of his time in the library and knowing books better than people meant that Jack hardly ever heard about current events until about six months after the fact, or until they were put into hard backs. Sure, he should have heard the rumor about clones coming to school, but, recently, his thesis had been the only thing he had been able to focus on. He hadn't heard or paid attention to anything else. So the idea of this boy being a non-clone didn't even occur to him. No, he felt more embarrassed--no, humiliated was the right word--about not being able to think of who this boy might be.

It was the boy's last comment though that brought him up short, making Jack momentarily forget that he didn't know who the boy was.
...Now, I am a little bit crazy, I'll grant you that, but I think this school has... time-travel.

Jack laughed at the idea. Time travel? That was absurd. Beside him, Gaius spluttered something about Claudius being crazy and not even considering that idea.

Time Travel?
Jack repeated, shaking his head with a grin.
Didn't they ever tell you that you were cloned?
Then he suddenly remembered that he didn't know who the boy's original was, and added casually, hoping the boy wouldn't be offended by his ignorance.
By the way, who was your original again?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Sweeney saw Ami help him in dismissing the fighting as he heard their guess about the school, he was very relieved that they thought it was time travel. “We call Mr. Enistien that…as I said he has no relation to the real one, his real name is professor William.” He explained, “It is a pet name, you could say.” He explained as he walked on over to Marge, “Yes…they are the new students.” He told her with a slight nod.

Sweeney listened to her talk of food, seeing how she seemed to brighten up as she did so, when she stopped. “what seasoning are you experimenting with?” he asked with a tilt of his head, he may not understand cooking…but he loved how Marge talked about it. “And I am sure it will be great Marge.” He told her warmly. He laughed at her comment, “And I will invite him to my chair at the salon.” He teased.

He could not help but let out a crooked grin at her Doc Brown comment, “Indeed time travelers we are…from the infamous to the famous and everything in between!” he commented, “But in all seriousness…we are just regular school kids…who just happen to go here.” He explained, hoping to dispel the situation. “Now then if you two will please follow us.” He said with a slight bow almost walking away as he heard Lewis comment, “Oh no…” he thought as his face paled, well so much for keeping it a secret. He rubbed the back of his head as he looked perplexed. This…would not end well.