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Brent Barclay

"I wouldn't have an attitude problem if you weren't so damn pesky."

0 · 2,543 views · located in Manhattan, NY

a character in “Upper East Side”, as played by Thunder



"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"
— Mark Twain


Full Name:
Brent Louis Barclay


November 2nd


Sexual Orientation:

Grade Level:

Columbus Circle (Midtown), NY

Character Role:
The Bad Boy

Personal Life

Home Life:
Brent's immediate family consists of his father, Jesse Barclay (52), mother, Brenda Barclay (51), and older brother, Cameron Barclay (23). For the past five years, his family has been in an unusual living situation. When Brenda was diagnosed with ALS, his father desperately sought out a physician who could offer them a better answer than "she has three to five years to live" and he managed to get her into a drug treatment study in Little Rock, Arkansas. Knowing this was their only hope of a better survival rate, Brenda and Jesse left Cameron (who had just turned 18) and Brent at their New York apartment. The study was only supposed to last six months but has continued to receive private funding to allow them to continue testing treatments on the patients. Jesse returns to New York as frequently as he can, but since he's only working part-time as a mechanic and devoting the rest of his time to caring for Brenda, his salary doesn't go much farther than the bills in Arkansas and the NY apartment rent. Brent and Cameron fly down to Little Rock on Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving to visit their parents, and they're hoping that by Christmas this year, Brenda will be in a condition where she can fly back to NY.

In the mean time, Brent and Cameron have become very close. They were forced to "man up" when their mother was suddenly diagnosed with ALS and even more so when their parents moved down south. Cameron was always a good older brother to Brent and when he decided to take up drug dealing to support their family, he did his best to keep Brent out of it. His intentions were just to bring in enough money to lessen the burden on his father, and for a few months, Brent really believed that his brother was making the money by delivering pizzas. During the summer prior to his freshman year of high school, Brent found a few bags of cocaine on his brother, and the secret was out. Rather than condemn his brother, he offered to help him. When he started attending St. Jude's that fall, he quickly became known as the campus drug dealer. Most of the time, kids just came to him for a dime bag of weed or a few tabs of ecstasy for a concert they were going to, but he had access to the hard stuff too. That scared him, and still does. For good reason, too, since last year he realized that his brother developed an addiction to the cocaine and since then, nearly half of their profits are being used to support his brother's addiction. At the sight of his brother's demise, Brent has pledged to never touch anything harder than weed, but that doesn't mean that he won't encourage his peers to test out what he has to offer.

Academic Career:
Brent attends St. Jude's School for Boys on an academic scholarship. To the surprise of many, he's naturally very intelligent and excels in the maths and sciences. During his freshman year, he and two senior students constructed a science fair experiment that was entered in the Google science fair. It won first place, awarding each of them a $50,000 scholarship to be used for college studies. His brains are the only thing keeping him at the school, since he has a poor attendance and disciplinary record and his parents are unable to send him there without the help of the scholarship. He does not play any sports or participate in any clubs.

Future Plans:
John Hopkins University's science department has already expressed interest in Brent and he has every intention of attending next year. It would be the perfect opportunity for him escape the bad lifestyle he's gotten himself into and finally clean up his act. Plus, he's already received an outside scholarship from the science fair to cover at least his first year expenses and will most likely receive a scholarship from the college as well.

Manipulative | Selfish | Arrogant | Intelligent | Responsible | Family-oriented

Though his reputation paints him as a heartless bad boy, he wasn't always like this. In fact, Brent grew up as a fairly normal kid and if anything, he was more geeky than rebellious. As a boy, he was extremely bright and his excellence put him ahead of his peers. It brought pride to his average family but it also set him apart from his classmates. Time and time again, the kids who lived in his building would knock on his door, inviting him to come out and play baseball or get ice cream from the corner store. Every time, he'd have something better to do, ranging from being on his way to the library to being in the middle of a science project. Eventually, the kids gave up trying to include him. What fun was a nine year old who preferred to read up on the different types of rocks than to play cops and robbers at the park? He was incredibly bright and motivated, but lacked any sort of moxy or spontaneity. When he was young, it didn't bother him much, but as he hit his middle school years, he began to notice that he wasn't having as much fun as his peers. He had a small group of friends, all of whom were equally as "weird" as he, and he was sick of being part of the loser crowd.

When his mother was diagnosed with ALS, his life changed in the snap of a finger. His parents left he and his brother with an enormous amount of freedom and seeing it as his chance to change his life, he submitted an application to the wildly elite St. Jude's School for Boys. Brent never imagined being accepted, nonetheless with a full scholarship, but when it happened, he was thrilled. He vowed that this would be his new start and between the emotional stress of his mother's diagnosis and his own decision to transform into someone cooler, he became tougher. He still prided himself in his school work, but didn't flaunt it and dropped any extra effort he had put into it before. He became the kid who slept through lectures, was sent to detention for showing up to classes with ten minutes left and spoke back to teachers, yet aced every single test. He became hard and brazen, fearless and rebellious. When he began to deal drugs, his bad boy image took on a new life. His peers now see him in a contrasting light to those who knew him before high school. He's someone who takes what he wants, when he wants it, without asking. He's commonly reprimanded for his "attitude problem", arrogance and sarcasm, and since his mother fell ill, he prioritizes his own interests, and that of his family, before anyone else. He keeps most people at bay emotionally, since he knows that even though he's tough enough to not be picked on anymore, he isn't the type of person who fits in with the Upper East Side crowd. He's still that dorky, poor kid at heart who's beginning to wish that he could start over again, and this time, land somewhere in the middle of his antisocial, kind-natured old self, and bold, yet reckless new self.

Reading (the NY public library is usually a daily stop) | Dealing drugs | Going to concerts

Bad Habits:
Falling asleep in class | Smoking (he managed to drop his cigarette addiction this summer but continues with marijuana) | Rarely apologizing or admitting fault for mistakes

Money | Used book stores | Science | Listening to music | Hip hop music | Blueberries | Breakfast for dinner | Dogs | People with a good sense of humor | Eating out

Black & white movies | Death | Addictions | Feeling out of control | Know-it-all's | Entitlement | Frivolous spending | Snobs | Mayonnaise | Sci-fi | Facebook | Football | Soap operas

Physical Description
ImageFace Claim:
Jeremy Irvine


175 lbs

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

So begins...

Brent Barclay's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals
It's Thursday, September 4th, and for the students of Constance Billard School for Girls and Saint Jude's School for Boys, that means that school is back in session. Both schools are located only a couple of blocks away from each other in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the neighborhood where most of the students reside in.

Although today is the first day of the school year, academic classes are not in session until tomorrow. Today is the day of the "welcome assembly", where the upperclassmen of both schools will come to Constance Billard from 9:30 to 11:30, and the underclassmen from 11:30 to 1:30. The short day will allow the Head of School to welcome the students back, and address any changes that have occurred over the summer. Students will also have an opportunity to socialize with their friends and possibly new classmates, and introduce themselves to their teachers for the year. Textbooks will also be available for pickup.

Later that night, Sydney Vale will be hosting her annual back-to-school party at her home. This year's theme is black & white, but even dressing in one of the colors won't guarantee that you'll get in if you didn't receive one of the exclusive invitations this summer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder

"Dude, it fucking reeks all the way down the hall of weed. I guarantee you Long is going to be up here any second to threaten to evict us again." Brent had just walked in after spending much of the day in Greenwich Village selling to college kids. His brother had discovered a goldmine in NYU students last spring and had passed the territory on to Brent. As well as the day went, his high mood was sufficiently lowered when he returned home. Not just because his brother had become increasingly reckless about their drug use in their building, despite how persistent that their landlord Mr. Long was about them not doing that, but because "home" wasn't really home anymore. It hadn't been since his parents had relocated to Arkansas for his mother's treatment, and even more so in the past year as his brother's personal drug habits had spiraled out of control.

"Chill out, bro. When Ching Chong Chang comes I'll just blame it on Mrs. Beady down the hall. You know she lowkey hits a blunt every night." One look at Cameron, and Brent knew that he was high on something. Their apartment smelled strongly of marijuana, but that was nothing new and Cam seemed to be on something stronger. If Brent had to guess, he'd say cocaine. The white remnants on their coffee table would have confirmed that. His brother had a bright grin on his face that almost reminded Brent of the brother he used to know, years before he stopped doing the drugs and the drugs started doing him. As his gaze shifted up towards his brothers brown eyes though, he was met with emptiness. Cameron's offensive and crude sense of humor was still there, but his real self wasn't.

"She's eighty-something years old and uses an oxygen tank. I don't think that story'll go over well." Although Brent was known as the "bad boy" by his peers, he was the more sensible and reserved one when it came to the Barclay brothers. At home, he was more of the cautious nerdy kid that he was for most of his life, than the careless badass he had transformed himself into during high school. He had to be. It wasn't like Cameron was going to step up to the plate, and if both of them were as reckless as he, they'd probably be homeless or dead by now.

"What the fuck's wrong with you tonight? Damn, I'd think you'd be grateful that I didn't wake your ass up at six AM this morning like mom used to do to me every fucking morning before school starts." Brent thought that Cameron hadn't even caught his last comment, because as he had said it, a familiar blonde walked out of the bathroom and carefully placed herself on Cameron's lap. After kissing her for a good thirty seconds, he responded to Brent's remark with a hint of anger.

"You were passed out until three thirty. Not like you could've if you wanted to." He was bothered by his brother bringing up their mom, and even more so that he pointed out her absence. By now, both of them were used to their mother being sick and needing to spend most of the past few years in a different state for treatment. They wanted her to be there if it meant she had more hope for a future. But still, Brent was the baby of the family and he missed her. No matter how hard he acted, he loved his mom and would have done anything to have her back home and healthy with them.

Cameron had already returned his attention to the female, whose name had slipped Brent's mind. She had been Cameron's girlfriend for a couple of weeks and he was sure that his brother had called her Caroline, or maybe Callie. Something with a "C". All that Brent was certain of, was that she was addicted to coke and even worse, that she didn't pay for it when she used with Cameron. He didn't want to be around her any more than he wanted to be around his brother, so their impromptu make out session was enough of a reason for him to disappear into his bedroom. It was 8:30 and although he had skipped out on the first day of school this morning, he didn't plan on skipping the first party of the year too. Sydney was hosting tonight, as she did every year, and Brent knew that her house would be filled with rich dirt bags willing to drop a couple of dollars on some low grade drugs. It would be a good opportunity to make some money, get Cameron off of his back, get out of his bad-vibe apartment, and see some of the few people he actually liked.

"Wherever the fuck you're going, bring that shit with you." When Brent returned to the living room and made it obvious that he was leaving, Cameron only pulled a hand out from his girl's shirt to point to a brown paper bag on a table. "We need to start moving these pills, man. Get rid of all of that shit by the time you come home." Brent took the bag and stuffed it into his pocket, and although he wanted to tell Cameron that he should get off his ass and start moving the drugs instead of using them, he didn't. He just needed to get out of there and a fight with his drugged out brother would only spell bad news.

After stopping for one-dollar pizza, Brent boarded a subway to the upper east side. It usually took twenty minutes or so to get to Sydney's area, but he chose to get off at a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way. The air was considerably crisper than it had been at this time of day a month ago, but Brent appreciated it. He was wearing his signature leather jacket, a navy v-neck t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black high tops, so he wasn't dressing for a heat wave anyway. For the most part, his outfit fit the color standards of Sydney's party, but that was only a coincidence. He would have worn the same thing if it was a neon themed party, too.

He knew which building was Sydney's because he had been there countless times visiting her mom. It was a weird thing to think about, and Brent knew that just as much as Sydney did, but her mom was one of his best customers. The woman was as wild as a twenty-one-year-old with the bank account the size of a seventy-year-old millionaire's. He had an unspoken agreement with Sydney that he never bring up her mother, or how he knew her, as long as she turned her head the other way when he made a couple of bucks at her parties. Maybe he was blackmailing her, and maybe that was wrong, but Brent had never claimed to be a saint. Even if he hadn't known which building belonged to her, though, it would have been obvious by the long line of teenagers streaming out of one. Sydney's grandfather must have been good friends with everyone else who lived in the neighboring townhouses, since he was sure those rich pricks normally wouldn't take kindly to flashing cameras and squealing girls outside of their million dollar mansions at this hour. It took almost thirty minutes for him to inch his way to the front of the line and when he did, he was relieved that it just took saying his name once for the bouncer to let him in.

Despite being in the home many times, he wouldn't have recognized the space as being the one that he was normally in. It probably had to do with his lack of interest in decor, but Sydney had also transformed the place well for her party. He hadn't even reached the dance floor level, but the second floor of the home looked elegant and lively and he could already spot kids who he was sure would want to buy from him tonight. However, the person that caught his attention more than anyone else was someone who he had no chance of making any money off of. It was Charlotte Buchanan, the hot blonde standing a few feet away from him. Her long legs were exaggerated in lace heels and her body complimented in a tight, plunging black dress. It was enough to turn him on, even more than the normal, uptight, Little Miss Perfect usually did.

"Damn, Buchanan. I didn't think Sydney would call the Fun Police in this early in the night. What're you here to do? Pour all the vodka down the sink? Make sure that everyone has their number two pencils sharpened for the first day of classes tomorrow?" He smirked, finding it too easy to sink back into his playful banter against the girl, even after not seeing her for months. "I will say, you're looking pretty good tonight though. For a second I thought you were the fun twin. I would've expected an angel like you to be in white, but I guess you wanted to match me with the black."

To: Piper Vine
Ur gonna pass me with no hello? Damn I thought we were better friends then that. Anyway tell Jane I have a ton of pills for her. She owes me after going MIA all summer

His attention only shifted away from her briefly, as he spotted Piper, Jane and Sienna passing by. He sent a quick text out to the first of the three and then looked back towards the blonde with a small smirk. "But really, what's a girl like you doing out on a school night? Is your lover-boy/partner in presidency on his way?" Even Brent, one of the lesser involved people in the social scene thought that Charlotte and Connor were an item.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK


Sienna was right. They couldn't run away and avoid Sydney all night, especially since this was her house. Jane was already on the blonde's bad side and she had almost made things worse by showing up in black and being late. Trying to distance herself from Sydney would make things even worse, and she didn't want to make this problem bigger than it was. If she could just get a few drinks in her, she knew the pit of despair in her stomach would disappear. She was back in New York with all of her friends and even if Sydney was giving her a hard time earlier, Jane was going to be more confident after a few drinks. She would be able to give her summer absence excuse without even stuttering.

Even if she wanted to turn back (which she did, once they had gotten to the second floor), Sienna had linked arms with her and Piper and it would be far too dramatic to pull away. People were looking at them, which wasn't uncommon, but when she made out Brent Barclay glancing in their direction, any thought of dispersing from her friends' sides evaporated. She had genuinely forgotten that Brent had even existed all day but if there was one person who had the power to ruin all of her progress even more than she could, it was him. She inadvertently glanced towards Piper, but didn't say anything. Sienna didn't know that either of them knew Brent more than she did, and that was one more secret that Jane planned on keeping. Still, it shrunk the amount of excitement she had for the night. One more thing to worry about.

Before she could back out in the last second, they were standing in front of Sydney. Jane took in Sydney's appearance and vibes slowly, mostly because she had what seemed like minutes before the Queen Bee even acknowledged her presence. And when she did, it wasn't the best friend, warm welcoming that Jane longed for. It wasn't even a real compliment, just Sydney pointing out that Jane had worn white as requested, and how "innocent" it made her look. The choice of word was unusual and despite feeling guilty, Jane didn't think into it enough to realize that Sydney knew that she was lying, or going to lie about something. She did recognize that Sydney was being nicer to both Sienna and Piper, which was definitely unusual, especially considering the latter, but she tried to convince herself that she was being dramatic. Sydney wasn't being mean to her. Maybe the whole 'innocent' thing really was a compliment. She was still trying to interpret the comment when she realized that she had been silent for a few seconds too long, and forced out a mumbled, "Thanks."

When the shots came out, Jane barely noticed Vincent approaching. The worst seemed to be over. The drinks were here and that was a light at the end of the tunnel in itself. "Cheers!" She didn't even notice that Vincent was directing his comment at Sienna rather than the rest of the group, but she was anxious to get that alcohol in her bloodstream. She downed the shot in an easy motion, as if the liquid was water, and slammed the glass back on the counter, nodding to the bartender to refill it. When Sebastian walked over, she beamed at him. They hadn't seen each other that morning at school, despite Jane wanting to reunite with him after months apart. To make up for that, and maybe distract herself from Sydney too, she threw her arms around him. "Seb! I missed you. Come dance with me?" Going upstairs to the dance floor would allow her to distance herself from Sydney without doing it blatantly, and also be somewhere too loud for Sebastian to inquire too deeply about her summer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine

Piper was a little taken aback by Jane's small outburst about her peeking under the door. Honestly Jane and Piper have changed in front of each other a plethora of times before. Maybe it was because of Jane's recent body image issues. Piper just uttered a quick sorry before letting the conversation drop. There was no point in talking about such a thing now. When Jane finally came out of the stall, Piper grinned at her. "Don't worry you look fine. Trust me I would tell you if you didn't." She was known around school to give pretty brutal advice when it came to people's appearances. Piper watched the short interaction between Sienna and her sister before Esmee left.

Soon Sienna had linked arms with Piper and Jane and lead the threesome out of the bathroom. "Yeah I guess it would look bad if we are caught by the paps running out of here right?" Piper joked, but there was a little truthfulness in what she was saying. She liked socializing, just not at Sydney's house. Well like Sienna said, there was no running now. She was stuck here. At least she gets to see all of her friends tonight. But, Piper did feel bad for Jane. Hopefully Sydney wouldn't try and bring up this summer. Piper couldn't help but smile when Sienna bumped her. "Yeah I guess you're right. We will greet the queen then go about our business." The red head teased.

As if all too soon they arrived on their floor. Piper took a deep breath before getting off of the elevator. Soon Sydney was in her line of sight, regrettably so, and Piper gave her a short smile as they approached. Sienna was the first to speak up. Now would be a great time for alcohol like Jane mentioned earlier. Piper started daydreaming somewhat when she heard Sydney compliment her. "Thank you, I also didn't notice the looks since I get them all the time. But, I should've known the great Sydney Vale would look wonderful as always. Great looking party too." Piper glanced around the room as if to put emphasis on her compliment. This was all the interaction with Sydney that she needed for the night. She said what she had to and now she just wants to have fun. But, the atmosphere got a little uncomfortable when Sydney spoke to Jane. Really did this summer piss her off that much? Piper turned her head and simply rolled her eyes before looking back at the group of girls.

Finally Sydney did something smart and order some shots. Normally Piper didn't like drinking too much because it wasn't good for skin health, but tonight would be an exception. Plus, she had plans on flirting with some of the boys from Fordham Prep. It's been a while since she has gotten any action. But, once again the awkward level increased when Vincent came over. Piper noticed the way he looked at Sydney and Sienna. Something was going on here. Maybe Sebastian would know? He acts like he isn't very fond of Vincent. When the drinks came out Piper picked hers up and downed it in one go. Sure it burned her throat a little, but oh well. She looked at the bartender and smiled handing her glass back. "Just keep them coming." As she got her second shot, Sebastian walked over as if he was a knight in shining armor.

Piper took the second shot much like the first one and sat her glass on the counter. "Hey Sebastian!" Piper greeted animatedly. She has finally found her outlet to get away from Sydney. But Jane beat her to it and took the boy away to go dance. Honestly Jane could've at least taken her along. But, Piper's second chance came along when she got a text from Brent. Sure it wasn't what she wanted to see, but nonetheless she was saved. But, really? Did he just bring up Jane and pills in the same message? "I would love to hang out with you guys all night, but I have some flirting to do." Of course she wouldn't say she was going to go look for Brent. Also technically she wasn't lying she was going to also look for the boys from that prep school. She smiled at Sienna apologetically knowing it wasn't right to leave her like this. But she wasn't one to be pushed around so she should be fine.

Piper put her phone back in her bag before grabbing her third shot and disappearing. She didn't even know that Brent would show up here. Piper looked high and low and finally found her friend flirting with Charlotte. 'Poor girl' Piper smiled to herself. She continued to approach the duo figuring she was doing Charlotte a favor. "Is he bothering you Charlotte?" Piper teased as she walked up behind Brent and punched him on his shoulder. Well Piper had to admit one of her goals was to get Connor and Charlotte together, so she didn't want Brent to try and seduce her with his...'charm'. "I will relieve you of him for a few minutes." Piper grabbed Brent by his arm and found a good secluded corner for her to speak to him in private.

"It's the first party of the year and you're already sending me stuff about Jane? At least tonight try to avoid her? I just want to find guys and flirt not deal with drama." She knew Brent, or more so hoped, that he wouldn't try anything tonight. He could be a little unpredictable though. But to be a good friend, she wasn't going to hound him about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Writer
Kelley didn't get over her hangover until almost five o'clock, when she finally managed to leave Vincent's apartment. Her parents were oblivious (or maybe just tired) enough to believe that she really had went to school with Vincent that morning, and didn't put up a fight when she told them that she would be going to Sydney's party that night. As far as they knew, Sydney was the type of daughter that they wanted Kelley to be. She was poised, well spoken and polite. Her grandfather was well-respected in the New York community, and in their household, as he often hosted artists from George's record label on Saturday Night Live. They didn't know Sydney as the vindictive and heartless girl that many of her peers thought her to be, but at the same time, Kelley didn't really know her as that either. She and Sydney definitely weren't close friends, but they did know each other well. They attended the same grade school, often saw each other at elite functions that their parents dragged them to as kids, and more recently, through their mutual tie to Vincent. Kelley had always been aware of Sydney thinking herself to be higher than her, but because she rarely got involved with catty drama, she found it to be more pathetic than hurtful. Sydney might have been proclaimed Queen of Constance, but Kelley surely wasn't one of the peasants bowing down to her. As long as Sydney kept her snobby attitude to a minimum, the pair were usually good with avoiding real issues.

Even if she didn't plan on spending the night glued to the Queen Bee's side, Kelley wasn't going to reject an invitation that included an open bar. So, as soon as her family's strained and almost painfully silent dinner was over, she headed back to Vincent's house. Here, she was able to shower and get ready without having to deal with her parents attempting to force her to change after she stepped out of her room in an outfit that was too revealing. She thought it would be less stressful at Vincent's but as she worked on straightening her hair after showering, doing her makeup and getting dressed, he proved to be almost as annoying as her parents. The constant knocks and texts went unanswered because honestly, she didn't think that they needed to rush. When she went out, she normally didn't leave the house until eleven or twelve. It was barely nine o'clock and she didn't think that getting to Sydney's was that urgent. When Vincent gave his final knock and explained that Connor was anxiously waiting for them, it made more sense. His juvenile crush on Sydney was no secret to her... or anyone, probably. Connor was a sweet boy, but too nice for her taste. She didn't understand how someone like him, who had the potential to find a decent girl like Jane Lynch or Charlotte Buchanan, could settle for being a doormat to Sydney Vale, someone who he had virtually no chance with. A part of her considered sleeping with him just to prove to him that there were other girls out there that could satisfy many more needs than Sydney could, but even if she was used to mindless sex, she didn't think she could sleep with Connor. He just seemed so... young, even if he was almost a year older than her.

Vincent was right. She did look good, and when she finally appeared from his spare bedroom, she knew she did. Dressed in a black cutout dress and Jimmy Choo heels, Kelley already felt good enough to know that the night would be a success. She felt good enough that she wasn't even slightly bothered by Connor's apparent annoyance with her when she got into his car. Sydney didn't want him two years ago, she didn't want him last week, she didn't want him twenty minutes ago, and she sure as hell wasn't going to want him when they showed up. That's why, when they did get into Sydney's house, Kelley quickly detached herself from him. She did not want to get tangled up in the web of emotions she imagined pouring out when Sydney rejected him for the trillionth time. Instead, she headed towards the bar, in search of a nice, cold drink, but was almost just as satisfied when she spotted Piper and Brent along the way.

"My two favorite bitches!" she grinned as she approached them, conveniently plucking a glass of Bacardi white rum from the tray of a passing server. "Pipe, you are looking fucking fantastic, and you, my friend, look sexier than ever," she said as she ran a hand down Brent's chest. Kelley was unfiltered and crass enough to drive her parents crazy, and it often left people in social settings wondering if she was so wasted that she didn't remember to refine herself to adhere to the Upper East Side standards. A lot of the time, she was wasted, but even dead sober, Kelley was the girl cursing during a dinner party or acting way too flirty with someone's boyfriend. She just didn't care. It was too hard to be someone that she wasn't, and if that meant that she offended people along the way, oh well. Besides, Brent was looking good. Even if he was wearing that leather jacket that he seemed to sport every day, hot or cold out, he looked good. He was rough and tough, the boy that would give your father a heart attack if you brought him home. It was all the more reason for her to be attracted with him, and now she was wondering how she had went almost two months without sleeping with Brent. The two of them had somewhat of a no-strings-attached relationship going on, where for the past two years or so, they would engage in casual sex when they were both drunk enough. Brent always hooked her up with free weed and he was just a chill guy to be around, regardless of his bad reputation. She was glad that Piper didn't seem to mind him as much as many of the other girls did, too. "Why aren't you with your BFFs? I'm surprised that Miss Queen Bee didn't have you roped to her side with Paris Hilton and Beyonce tonight," she mocked, as she glanced back to Piper. Out of Jane and Sienna, Kelley definitely preferred the latter, but she didn't feel like she clicked with her as much as she did Piper.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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ImageImage“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

Charlotte continued to look for Connor or... anyone really just so she didn't seem like a wallflower. She was about to get back on her phone and ask where Connor was just when she saw Brent Barclay walking towards her with a smirk. She took a deep breath and sighed. "Here we go already." She thought to herself before he started to speak to her. "Damn, Buchanan. I didn't think Sydney would call the Fun Police in this early in the night. What're you here to do? Pour all the vodka down the sink? Make sure that everyone has their number two pencils sharpened for the first day of classes tomorrow?" She bit her lip, rolled her eyes, and scoffed softly as she watched the smirk on his face grow slightly. Really? Already? Brent Barclay could never give Lottie a break. Whenever they saw one another, someone was going to be a smartass and start a little bickering back and forth conversation. And since Lottie had too much pride, she didn't stop until someone pulled her attention elsewhere. "I will say, you're looking pretty good tonight though," She tossed her blonde locks over her shoulder as she placed a hand over her heart. "Why, thank you. I can't believe I just got a compliment from future criminal, Brent Barclay." Sarcasm. Something she used a lot of around him. " For a second I thought you were the fun twin. I would've expected an angel like you to be in white, but I guess you wanted to match me with the black." And stiffened a laugh by covering her mouth as she shook her head. "Oh, without a doubt. It's my goal to match with you at every event you sell at. I mean, why wouldn't I want to match colors with the biggest pain in my ass?" She smirked as she circled around him. She watched him go on his phone and turned to see Sydney and her little group of followers. Not to say, she didn't like the others but, when they were with Syd. She couldn't stand it. Without her around they were different and not just a cookie cutter version of one another like they were with their little leader around.

She turned her attention back to the migraine in front of her as she raised an eyebrow. "But really, what's a girl like you doing out on a school night? Is your lover-boy/partner in presidency on his way?" She scoffed, trying to hide the red that was almost forming on her cheeks. "I'm not a nun, I do have friends and a social life outside of that school. And, Connor and I are just friends and he's coming." Before either could say something else, Piper interjected. "Is he bothering you Charlotte?" She looked him up and down before shaking her head and chuckling. "Nope, he's just being Brent, you know a giant pain."

"I will relieve you of him for a few minutes." She smiled towards the red head as she felt her phone go off. "Thank, darlin'. I think Connor's here, so great timing." She watched Piper pulled her away as she waved towards him and winked. "Bye, Brent." When the two were gone, she looked at her phone to see that it was Connor. She looked around but, before she could text him. She heard someone talking to her and smiled when she saw it was Connor. "You look... amazing. Not that you don't look amazing normally, but... you know what I mean." Lottie looked towards the ground as she slid a piece of hair behind her ear. Sure, she was used to compliments especially with how she was dressed tonight. But, those were just guys that wanted her in bed. This one was from Connor! Connor, the guy she has held a torch for for years now. She saw him looked behind to Sydney and it reminded her of where she stood in his eyes. She softly cleared her throat and lost her smile a bit before he turned back towards her. "Wanna come say hi to Syd with me?" She raised an eyebrow as she put her hand on his forehead. "Are you sick or dying or... somethin'? Do you really think I 'wanna' say hey to her?"

"Please?" She straightened out her dress and looked down at her heels before sighing, giving in. "You are so lucky you're my best friend. Now, lets go before I change my mind." She told him before stopping him from walking as she grabbed his shoulder and whispered in his ear. "But, if she starts anything, Connor. It's your fault for what I do to finish it." She was kidding, of course. For the most part. But, the last thing she needed is for Sydney to ruin her mood especially so early in the night and she definitely didn't want to be the first dramatic thing to happen during the party that people would gossip about the next day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder

Charlotte's smartass responses were just what Brent needed to bring himself out of the pit that dealing with his brother had put him in. With every sarcastic reaction she spat back at him, his smirk grew wider. For someone who had a reputation of being such a teacher's pet, Lottie knew how to be cheeky, and man, did he find that to be attractive. When she asserted that she and Connor were just friends, he was quick to create a comeback: Yeah, tell me that in five years when you two are married and you're sleeping next to me while he's on a business trip, because you're both too boring for your own good. Before he could get it out of his brain and say it out loud, Charlotte showed up. If it had been anyone else, he probably would have been annoyed that they cut in and let Charlotte get the last word in, but it was Piper and he liked her. Plus, he was expecting a response from her regarding his text about Jane. So, he allowed Piper to drag him away from Lottie, but not before mockingly blowing her a kiss when she sent him off.

When he and Piper were a good distance away from the rest of the crowd, he leaned back against a wall. He looked her up and down, before meeting her gaze with a small smile as she began to speak. She responded to his inquiry about Jane, but not in the way he wanted. Avoid her? Why did he suddenly need to avoid the girl that had essentially kept his family afloat for a few months. Brent was well-aware of Jane's body image issues but he didn't pity her. She was filthy rich, living a life that people literally dreamed of having. Poor her, for thinking that her one hundred pound body wasn't quite as skinny as Taylor Swift's. He wanted to roll his eyes simply at the thought of it. Brent was ignorant to the pain and difficulties that an eating disorder brought, and like much of the world, brushed Jane's issues off as vanity. Even if he did want to take her seriously and feel guilty for fueling her illness, he needed the money too badly to let his conscious get the best of him. "She owes me money, Pipe." It wasn't true. Whenever Jane bought from him, she paid upfront and never even flinched when he upped the price of a single pill to a ridiculous amount. Even if she didn't really have debt to him, he still did feel like she owed him her business.

He didn't think that Piper would understand what he was going through though. She probably wasn't as wealthy as Jane, but Piper surely had her own nice sized trust fund waiting for her. She was a cool girl, but she wouldn't... she couldn't... understand what it felt like to be living in his shoes. "I'll play it cool tonight, but you've got to get her to hang out with us sometime this week unless you wanna cough up the cash for her." His smirk should have signified that he wasn't being serious. He wouldn't really ask Piper for money. Not because he wasn't sure that she had it, but because they actually were friends. Besides, it wasn't just the money that he wanted from Jane. He could have asked her for a couple hundred dollars and gotten it within a day, but he felt like he needed her to be addicted. He needed her to be sick so that he could always rely on her for business, since it was becoming more and more apparent to him that his brother wasn't going to do anything to help their family out.

From behind Piper, he watched Kelley Hadley approach them, his smile only growing bigger when she joined their group. In true Kelley fashion, she didn't hesitate to blurt out the first thing on her mind. Just as she claimed him to be looking sexy, she was too. She always looked good though. After not seeing her for most of the summer, he was glad that the blonde was making an appearance at Sydney's. It was one more person to help him feel less stressed out, and unlike Piper and Lottie, Kelley could help him physically feel less stressed too. As the two girls spoke, he dug through his pocket, feeling pills and small bags, before finding a dime bag of weed. He was sure that Piper wouldn't want to smoke, but Kelley was always willing to do... well, anything. "Pipe's going to ditch us for some pansy Fordham Prep guys anyway, so shall I roll one for us?" he looked to the blonde as he waved the small plastic bag in the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine

Piper crossed her arms over her chest and shifted her weight to one leg. "I doubt filthy rich Jane owes you money. You must think my IQ is in the single digits." She chuckled the last part. She knew Jane, and if the girl wanted something she would drop any amount of money on it. No matter the cost. The model felt some relief when he agreed to leave poor Jane alone for tonight, but was a little thrown off by his sudden proposal. Sometimes Piper forgot she didn't tell him her true financial state. It took everything in her not to laugh of the suggestion. One of her paychecks was probably the same amount as a single pill that he charged Jane. "Yeah, I wouldn't count on seeing her again. Besides I am technically paying you. Not just anyone can be blessed with my presence." The red head just went with joke instead of making it obvious she didn't have that kind of money.

Just as she was about to thank him, Kelley came over. Piper and Kelley have been friends since Sophomore year and really hit it off ever since. She was a fun person to be around and her and Piper really got along. Plus they both had a thing for flirting. It made for a great time at social events. "Thank you, you look amazing as well." Piper responded to her good friend. It didn't take long for Piper to notice the sexual tension between her two friends. Honestly did everyone hook up with everyone at the two sister schools? Piper preferred to date outside of the two schools. Though that could change this year. Who knows. "Huh? Oh I'm not with them right now because one I hate Sydney, and two ever since this past summer Sienna and Sydney get all uptight when Vincent is around. It's strange." When she finished her sentence, Piper noticed one of the boys from Fordham looking at her again. He was just her type physically. Tall, great hair, and a toned build. He almost looked like he was a swimmer. She heard Brent say something and she had to break eye contact with her hookup for the night.

"They aren't pansies Brent. They just aren't all doom and gloom like you." Piper stuck her tongue out as she teased her friend. Honestly the alcohol was starting to take affect so she was doing some things that weren't very characteristic of her. "Now you two use protection all right? Safe sex is the only sex." Piper pointed her empty shot glass at her two friends before smiling. "Now I'm off, so have fun. And Kelley I'll see you in class tomorrow. Though I will probably have a hang over so don't yell around me." Piper waved to both of her friends before leaving them to do whatever it was Brent said earlier.

Piper headed towards the guy she was staring at earlier and smiled once she stood in front of him. "You've been looking at me since I got here you know?" Piper grinned. "So do you want dance or just keep staring?" She bit her lower lip as she looked up at the handsome student. The guy just laughed and took Piper's hand and lead her to the dance floor. This was the type of night she was looking for. Not dealing with any drama, just having fun.

About several songs in, Piper somehow ended up in one of the many bathrooms making out with the boy she had been dancing with. It wasn't the most romantic place, but Sydney would flip out if Piper had used one of her rooms then she wouldn't hear the end of it. Almost a half hour passed and Piper exited the bathroom feeling recharged. it really has been too long since she was able to have sex. like stated before the bathroom wasn't the best place, but oh well. You win some you lose some. She left her phone number with her hookup and headed back to the bar. She didn't see any of her friends around, so she just took another shot by herself. Sure she could've went to go look for them, but at this point she didn't exactly care. She just sat at the bar, that was until her phone vibrated. Putting her drink down, Piper looked to see who it was. It was Thomas. She opened the text, and quickly jumped up as she read it. She has to go.

Piper stumbled out of the stool she was on and quickly headed towards the elevator to go back to the lobby. She couldn't have reached outside any faster. She looked around once on the curve to see if there were any taxis but of course there weren't any. She could call but how long would that take? Taking her chances, she called for a cab to come pick her up around the corner. Luckily for her, the driver clearly noticed the zip code, and arrived in fifth-teen minutes. She gave the man her address and she was gone. She could've informed someone that she was leaving, but the text her brother sent her had her so worried she wasn't really thinking too clearly.

Once she arrived at her apartment, she took her heels off so she could run or more accurately stumble up the stairs to her door. She practically burst through the door and did the same to her brother's room. There she saw Thomas all bloody with an already forming black eye. "My god what happened to you?!" Piper dropped her thing on the floor and knelt before her brother to check the wounds on his face. "I just went to the corner store and some guys jumped me." Thomas mumbled as he averted eye contact with his older sister. "What the hell were you thinking? You know where we live you can't just go out at night." Piper scolded. "What were you looking for?" She needed to know what made him take such a huge risk. "Amy asked me to get her some candy." Piper almost blew up when she heard the reason her brother literally put himself in danger. For Amy? Piper sighed and rolled her eyes. Standing up, she grabbed her brother's hand and lead him to the bathroom so she could disinfect his wounds. She wouldn't do it now, but Amy would definitely hear from her when she saw her in the morning.

"Take your shirt off." Piper instructed as she needed to see if he possibly had any broken ribs. He did have some bruising on his torso, but nothing that was protruding. That doesn't mean he couldn't have a fracture. "I'll take you to the doctor in the morning to make sure everything is all right. Do you feel nauseous or hear in ringing?" She questioned. "No, I'm fine." Good so no concussion. "Listen to me, don't you ever do this again okay? You don't need to please Amy that much that you put yourself at rick. Okay?" Piper looked her brother in his eyes making sure he got her point. He just wordlessly nodded his head. Piper smiled and gave her brother a tentative hug. "Now let's go to sleep. I'm going to really feel that alcohol in a couple of hours." For the first time her brother grinned a little so it soothed Piper some.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Isabela Monroe Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Writer
Piper never failed to amuse Kelley. She seemed so authentic, and while she could be much more poised than Kelley, she was always so real when they were hanging out. It was always just fun, with no drama involved, but then again, that was probably because they were extremely close. Piper belonged in Sydney's group, whether she wanted to admit it or not, and Kelley didn't. She could never keep herself refined to some cookie cutter form of who she was expected to be, just to fit in. She and Sydney didn't get along that much more than she and Piper did, but Piper's desire and ability to be a controlled and seemingly flawless girl was what allowed her to be in Sydney's group.

She watched Piper until she was swallowed by the crowd, before turning back to Brent, who held a bag of weed in his hand. "Where the fuck are we supposed to smoke that?" Kelley had no problem smoking in her own house when her parents weren't home, but even she didn't know if they could get away with doing it in Sydney Vale's house. She wasn't considering that it was rude to do, or illegal at that, but she really wasn't sure where they could do it without being disturbed. The first three floors of the house were crowded with people, and Kelley imagined that Sydney's mother and grandfather, among house staff, were going to be upstairs. It was worth the risk, though, and even if Brent got thrown out, she doubted that she would. That was one of the many perks of being a pretty blonde girl in the Upper East Side. The wild side of her was often overlooked by people who didn't know her well enough, and she was accepted as being another kid to some CEO or millionaire.

She blamed it on her brain not working well enough for being too sober, but it took her ten minutes to realize that Sydney's apartment had access to a private roof. How had she not thought of that! "Meet me on the roof, I need to get a drink first," she said, giving Brent a devious grin as she turned away from him. At the bar, she ordered a glass of vanilla vodka. When the bartender questioned whether she meant a shot of vodka, and not a glass, she just laughed it off. "I didn't stutter, did I?" she questioned seriously, though she offered him a flirty smile. It was all it took, and a couple of minutes later, she was stepping onto the rooftop deck with a glass of alcohol in hand. The view of Central Park, the crisp but not too cool air, and the ambiance of the space were beautiful in itself, but what Kelley appreciated the most was the smell of lit marijuana. "Really, you couldn't wait five minutes for me before lighting up?" she teased, opting to sit on his lap instead of the chair next to him.

Within twenty minutes, his bag of weed and her glass of alcohol were finished, their clothes were scattered on the ground around them, and as Piper had directed, an empty Trojan wrapper lay on the ground. His phone going off a couple of times was what ruined their moment together, but Kelley was drunk enough that she was okay with him hurrying downstairs after he made sure she dressed herself properly. She remained alone on the roof with a satisfied smirk on her face for another couple of minutes before deciding to rejoin the party. She didn't know where Brent had run off too, but she didn't care very much either. When it came to Brent, Kelley was completely happy with their casual relationship. It was so easy and she felt like it benefited her just as much as it did him. When she returned to the party and was unable to find him or Piper, she decided to text a friend that she hadn't seen all night.

To: Isabela
Bitch where are you???? I think Jane wants to hu with both of us tn!!!!!

Her relationship with Bella was interesting. Nothing had ever happened between them, despite Kelley sometimes considering it, but she also was sure that they had the potential to be more than just friends. They clicked and at least in Kelley's opinion, it was so easy for the two of them to just have fun together. Plus, she was one of the people who could tolerate Kelley's crude and sarcastic sense of humor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder

Brent was more than willing to take Kelley's direction and meet her on the roof, because he knew where that was going. They would smoke a joint or two, taint their blood with unhealthy amounts of alcohol, and end up completely naked in whatever private space they could find, until a maid or another party guest interrupted them. Everything went according to that plan tonight, expect the ending. After everything was finished and he lay on the cool roof ground, breathing heavily, with Kelley on top of him, it was the nonstop buzzing that forced him away from her. Even if he wasn't in love with Kelley and their sex wasn't romance, there was passion there and it was just natural with her. After hanging out with her so much, he doubted that he would ever actually want a real relationship if there were girls like her out there. It seemed so much more preferable to have a girl who was a genuine friend coupled with a friend with benefits, rather than a girlfriend who could give him those same benefits, but expect some sort of connection in return. Brent didn't do emotions like that. He didn't think he could ever get mushy and confess his feelings for anyone, or have to deal with being tied down to a specific person. Like with Kelley, there were no protests or bitter complaints when he gently pushed her off of him. "I have to run downstairs to give something to someone," he mumbled after reading the texts he had received. Most were from Saint Jude's guys asking him if he was there to sell them weed, and there were a few from his brother telling him to bring back pizza... no, tacos, when he returned home. He responded to the first group of texts positively but opted to leave the ones from his brother unanswered.

Once he was fully clothed, he looked back at Kelley, naked and disheveled hair, and couldn't help but to grin. How the hell he had managed to get a girl as hot as her to be friends with him like this was beyond him, but he knew he was lucky. He helped her put on her clothes before heading towards the stairway entrance. "I hope I see you before you pass out, but if I don't, I'll see you tomorrow, alright? And you better not fucking try to drive home tonight. One DUI is enough, Princess," he smirked as he looked back towards her, pausing for an extra moment to admire her figure again before returning downstairs.

It took fifteen minutes for the bag he came in with to be empty, aside from a small bag of Ritalin pills. He would normally make seventy-five bucks or so off of the ten pills, but he knew that if Jane was the same Jane he sold to months ago, he could be leaving with hundreds of dollars at the very least. He had promised Piper that he wouldn't bother the heiress for the night but she would forgive him. She would forgive him if she knew how badly he needed the money, he decided, as he continued on his path towards the bar, where he had (unsurprisingly) spotted the brunette moments before. She was conversing with a blonde that Brent didn't recognize by name. She looked familiar, as he had probably red about her online due to her career, but Brent wasn't into pop culture. He simply assumed that he recognized her face from seeing her at parties, but never actually speaking to her. Not knowing her didn't keep him from approaching the two girls with a small smile on his face. There was an open seat next to Jane, but he didn't sit down. He stood next to her, ordered a shot of whiskey, and rested an arm against the bar top. "Well, if it isn't Miss Jane Lynch. Who would've guessed you would be here tonight?" It was meant to be sarcastic, since she was Sydney's best friend, but it did make sense. Aside from the small snippets of information he had gotten out of Piper over the summer, he knew little of Jane's whereabouts, and didn't know she was back home until very recently. "Brent Barclay, a friend of Jane's," he said, his smile growing slightly as he reached past Jane and extended a hand to Hailey.

His next move was mean, but Brent wasn't in his business to make friends. He pulled the bag of pills out of his pocket, placed them on the counter and pushed them towards Jane. It didn't bother him that Hailey was standing right there, and really, that was exactly why he had done it. He wanted Jane to know that he was serious and wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. At least not sitting down. No, if she tried to pull that crap where she claimed she was over her pill popping days, he would simply make sure that everyone knew that those days did exist. He didn't want it to get to that point, but Brent wasn't above blackmail, and he hoped that the small act in front of Hailey would be enough to prove that to Jane. "Welcome back."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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Sydney had sent Vincent after Sienna to make sure that she believed that nothing was going on between the two of them, not to encourage him to get back with her. When the two of them walked into her bedroom, it felt like her worst nightmare was happening. She hated that... hated that there was a part of her that cared that much about Vincent, and even more, cared that much about Sienna. She was the queen bee. She was supposed to be the one getting whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it, without anyone else trying to interfere, and yet, Sienna existed. She wasn't an obvious enemy like Piper, who Sydney didn't mind pretending to be nice to since they both knew the truth of their relationship. No, Sienna was more challenging because even Sydney was sometimes confused about where they stood. There were times like that morning, when she remembered how in sync she could be, and used to be with the girl. If the Vincent thing hadn't happened, or even if Sydney could extinguish her own desire for him now, she supposed that she and Sienna could still be the close friends that they were years ago. But times like now reminded Sydney that that would never happen. Sienna's response had made her want to claw the girl's face out right then and there, and in the presence of two people close to her, she put up less of an effort to seem unfazed. She would regret it seconds later when she reminded herself that in Sienna's mind, she should have no reason to be upset with her and Vincent, aside from the fact that they were about to have sex in her room. She didn't own Vincent and he was the only boy in the Upper East Side that she couldn't lay claim to. Sienna had beat her to that, even if Sydney didn't honor it.

"Mmm... have fun," she mumbled absentmindedly, as her blue eyes followed the pair returning down the hallway, hand-in-hand. If their lives were the part of some poorly-written horror movie, this would be the time when Sydney would plan some grizzly murder to get Sienna out of the picture for good. Fortunately, it wasn't. This was the Upper East Side and here, revenge needed to be exacted in a more discrete way. Sienna would deal with the consequences of... trying to sleep with Vincent, her ex-boyfriend and the person she had clearly been in love with since their childhood? Of holding hands with him, parading him around to reinforce that he would always be hers? Jesus Christ, I need a drink...

Now that Sienna was definitely back on her bad side, Sydney decided that she would give Jane some leeway for tonight. She didn't want to hang out with Piper (who she didn't know had already left), didn't even think to find Connor, and obviously couldn't confide in Vincent either. A few minutes after she texted Jane, she received a response with the girl's whereabouts and once her knew heels were secured, she returned downstairs. The party was still going strong, something that brought Sydney's mood up, even just a bit. At least one thing was going right tonight, and even if she wasn't enjoying it, it appeared that her guests were.

Jane was at the bar, where she promised to be. Sydney knew Jane well enough to be able to tell when she was plastered without even having to talk to her. As she approached, she glared at the bartender, only to receive a thumbs up in response. It was there was of acknowledging that no, he wasn't serving her friend actual liquor anymore, even if she thought he was. With that taken care of, Sydney's gaze shifted from the shot glass in front of Jane and towards her and the two people standing next to her: Brent Barclay and Hailey Neilson. Brent was a despicable excuse for a human being, something that Sydney had learned long ago when she found him hanging out with her immature and irresponsible mother. She loathed him more than words could ever explain, but didn't find him to be as threatening as he tried to act. He knew how much of a mess her mother was, and that was something that Sydney was sensitive to, but he was also just a complete loser who she was sure had five years left before he ended up in prison or dead. Maybe the knowledge that he had on everyone's dirty little secrets made him feel high and mighty now, but once high school was over, she was sure that his downward spiral would pick up speed. Sydney had only just met Hailey that morning, but she wasn't much higher than Brent was on Sydney's friend list. The way she had acted towards her that morning had left a sour taste in her mouth, and Sydney wanted to scoff as she replayed Hailey acting like she didn't know who she was in her mind.

It was only when she caught sight of a bag of pills sitting between Hailey and Jane that she decided she really hated Hailey. Sydney wasn't privy to the ins and outs of the drug world, since she found anything besides alcohol consumption to be classless, but she knew that the pills were drugs of some sort. Brent's presence only made that more obvious. She would curse herself for being so stupid later on if she found out the truth, but she didn't even consider that the drugs might have been for Jane. Jane was stupid and reckless, but she wasn't a druggie. Sydney didn't know that the pills were Ritalin, a drug commonly abused for weight loss purposes, though. Instead, she was sure that this new girl, Hailey, was the intended recipient of Brent's little gift. Sydney had approached the group with the intentions of being nice enough, but this was unacceptable. Who did Hailey think she was to come in here and parade around the fact that she was some trashy druggie?! "I'm sure Detroit, or wherever you came from, was filled with trap houses, but you're in New York now, Hailey, and here, we have more class than that," she said in a tone too sweet to be authentic. The glare on Sydney's face as turned away from Hailey and made eye contact with Brent reinforced that. She grabbed the bag of pills and Jane's hand, and tugged the brunette away from the bar.

Jane's movements reinforced Sydney's stipulation that the bartender hadn't cut off her alcohol supply early enough, but that was the least of Sydney's worries right now. "That's the last time Sienna ever gets a plus one to any of my parties," she muttered under her breath. Sydney was tempted to just ditch her party and go to sleep, since she was sure that was the only thing that would calm her down, but she couldn't leave her own party. Even if her patience was being tested more than ever tonight, she had a reputation to maintain. So, after flagging down Liza one of the staff members that she was most familiar with, she sent Jane upstairs. "Bring her up to my room and make sure she stays in there," she ordered. Sydney wanted Jane's company, but knew that the girl was probably going to pass out within the next hour anyway. For Jane's sake, Sydney preferred she do that in the privacy of her bedroom than in the middle of the party. Before returning to be the good hostess that she prided herself in being, she sent Sienna a text. She couldn't help herself, and with the bag of pills still balled up in her fist, the anger was still pulsing in her mind.

To: Sienna
Where are you? Just caught your little "singer" friend buying drugs. Maybe warn me next time you bring criminals into my house?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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0.00 INK

{In collaboration with StarStruck}

Sienna's heart had been thudding loudly in her ears ever since she and Vincent had been nearly about to kiss. The interruption, though unwanted, left her with heated cheeks and the thunderous sound of her heart trying to beat its way out of her chest. She had a feeling where the night could have gone - they could have very well just went back to her place or his, and she would have let it happen. Would have surrendered despite the warning bells going off in her head and the fact that she would have to answer to her friends the next day about why she was running late to school or where she had been. She would have taken the risk and not given a damn about what anyone else had said. However, they had been interrupted from doing anything too scandalous in Sydney's elevator and her skin was so heated that the drop in temperature outside had her gasping in surprise. Despite her own nervousness and the voice in her head going a mile a minute in her head, she couldn't help but press herself closer to Vincent on their journey to the diner, hand still clasping his.

When they got to the diner and placed their order, the anxiety that their encounter with Sydney had left him with disappeared. He was sitting across from the most beautiful girl in the world and there was nothing that he could complain about. The diner wasn't the nicest restaurant he could have taken her to, and certainly not the most romantic, but they didn't need that. His relationship with her was far past the stage of trying to impress one another. Even though Vincent knew that chivalry was going to be necessary if he ever got the chance to win her back, he wasn't trying to be anyone but himself tonight, and that was easy with Sienna.

Once there, they fell into a sort of easy chatter, easy only in the sense that after placing their orders a veil had been lifted. It was still different, considering the time apart from one another, but Sienna could only smile across the table from him, a genuine and wide one. "I like this," she admitted, fiddling with her hands before her. "I miss this. Just us...hanging out." Although he had originally only suggested the diner for milkshakes, his appetite had gotten the best of him and he ordered a burger and fries as well. The fries had come out first, and he tossed a few into his mouth as she claimed that she missed the two of them hanging out like this. It brought a smile to his face quicker than he would have liked, but he was relaxed enough to not care about seeming to eager. He missed this too, being able to hang out - even in a non-romantic way. Things with them would never be the same as it was before they dated or while they dated, but tonight was coming close to it. If he couldn't have her as a girlfriend, he wanted to at least be friends with her and be able to do things like this.

Sienna could only grin stupidly at the relaxed expression on Vincent's face. More than anything - more than the late night game sessions, them making out, or even those times where they could just cuddle up to some action film - she missed that. The smile on his face, the easygoing nature she had grown up with. She did not get to see it often when they were on either St. Jude's campus or Constance's. Hell, even when he was with friends sometimes and she would see him from afar, this peacefulness in his countenance wasn't always present and she couldn't help the rush of elation that flood through her. She sipped at her strawberry-banana milkshake, immediately recalling why it was her favorite.

"Yeah, I miss it too," he replied honestly, though the smile on his face quickly transformed into a smirk at her next remark. The admittance had her cheeks feeling hotter than ever and in an attempt to not blabber anything else out, she decided to add playfully, "Though I bet I can still kick your ass in Killzone." The game she was referencing was an old shooting game Sienna played with her brothers and Vincent, the two of them always winding up on opposing teams. She still played, though those times with him and her two favorite guys were definitely some of her favorite memories. "Yeah, right. Me and Ricardo were a powerhouse back then, and while you were wasting your time on tour, I was breaking out that old Play Station," he laughed. If he wasn't so happy to just be there, with her, recollecting like that on all of their good times would have stung. Now, he was hopeful that maybe they wouldn't have to miss those times anymore. Maybe they could start doing this again. "I'll challenge you tonight, if you really want me to prove it to you," he said, only breaking his stare towards her when the waiter approached with their food.

Chuckling at the shared memory, she reached over and stole a fry while retorting, "Oh yeah, how could I forget the 'powerhouse duo?'" She even used her fingers to gesture the over-exaggeration of the phrase, popping the fry into her mouth soon after. "Let's be real, you and I both know Ricky carried most of the weight back then and for the record..." She leaned a bit closer as if it were a secret. "I am always down for a game, even when I was on tour."

Before either could say another word, the waiter came back again, this time with Vince's burger. Sienna wasn't hungry, but she was more than willing to steal more fries from Vincent. She was just compulsive like that. "Anything else?" The redhead male asked and Sienna gave Vincent a look before cheesing to the waiter. "Actually, could we bag all of this up?" She turned back to Vincent with a competitive smirk. "Apparently, I need to teach some people a lesson." Her smirk only formed into a grin when Vincent replied, "Yeah, you're going to need to teach yourself a lesson on why you should never challenge a professional."

Rolling her eyes to Vincent's challenge, Sienna prepared herself to leave with him, checking her phone to see that Esmee was on her way home and inquiring where Sienna was. Jane was obviously drunk as fuck and Sydney messaged her, but Sia was having too much fun and actually enjoying herself to allow the queen bee to ruin her night. Opting to ignore Sydney, Sienna turned her phone on silent as they headed out. Hailing a cab wasn't that much of a hassle and before she knew it, they were in front of Vincent's building. And that was when Sienna's heartbeat picked up once more. Vincent brought girls back to his apartment very frequently, but he never felt out of his element. His apartment was his bachelor pad and even if he was bringing back some beautiful model that he had met at a night club, his heart never pushed against his rib cage like it was doing now. Vincent was good at one night stands and talking a girl into sleeping with him. When morning came, they would go on their separate ways and the most he had to worry about was the pesky texts he would get over the next couple of days from her, asking when he would treat her to the dinner he had promised. It wasn't like that at all with Sienna. It was so much more complicated and Vincent knew that if he went through with what his body was telling him to do, he might end up regretting it come morning.

She had been here a few times before, once when his parents had bought it for him and threw a housewarming party. Cynthia had made it clear that Sienna couldn't avoid the event and while she sulked, she couldn't help but smile at Colette's emotional self practically sobbing over her baby boy "growing up." It made her squeeze Vincent's hand lightly, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. The other times she had been here...not all of those had been innocent. Those were the surprising nights when Vincent would text her at some party or bar, and Sienna would tell herself she didn't care - that she couldn't ignore him. But she didn't...she never could. The last time she had been here alone with him...the memories of slick skin sliding against slick skin, warm breath mingling, hands gripping at hair and soft moans in the quiet air of the night - they all rushed back to her and Sienna gulped quietly when they stepped onto the elevator.

Just video games, she reminded herself mentally. We're just gonna hang out and play video games. It'll be fun. Her attempts at trying to convince herself these things were not truly successful as her nerves were still dancing on end by the time they made it up to his place. Once the door was opened, however, and Sienna was inside first, she looked back at Vincent in silence. Screw the games, was the only thought in her head before she rushed at Vincent, lips pressing urgently against his and hands coming up to grip at his hair. They could pretend to just hang out some other time.

As he shut the door behind them, he decided that he would try to get through video games without pressing his lips to hers. He had fought the urge to grab her hand at the diner, or slip his under the table to squeeze her knee, and he could do it again, he hoped. He was going to comment on how both of them had had to pretend this night never happened if their moms asked, since at least his would be enthusiastic enough to hope that something more than just video games had happened. But, the playful remark would have to wait, because she beat him to the chase that he had been putting off all night. He was caught off guard at the sudden advance, but recovered quickly, pushing her back against the wall and returning the kiss in a move that suggested he had been waiting for this moment all night. His hands found their way to her waist and even though he was more than excited to just be making out with her, both of them knew it wasn't going to end there.

By the time they ended up in his bed, he was feeling comfortable enough to peel her eyes away from her body for a moment to remark, "And for the record, you forfeited the video game challenge, so that's an automatic win for me." That win was much less important to how lucky he was feeling already, but he couldn't resist reminding her of it. The laugh burst forth through her lips, low and coming from deep within, eyes shining with want and amusement. "Just shut up and kiss me, asshole," she replied and pulled him back down to her, willing the night to take its time in bringing forth the harsh rays of the morning and reality.

Friday, September 5, 2014// 3:00 pm

As soon as the last bell of the day rang, Sienna was more than grateful to be getting out of Constance. While the year had only truly begun today, all of her teachers decided that it was imperative to stress their students out immediately. So, Mrs. Ellsworth assigned them six different readings, and Mr. Darcy assigned them an online assignment due by Monday at midnight. Not to mention the fact that she had spent the majority of the day sending out invites to Hailey's Saturday birthday party, confirming her own photo shoot, and trying to even decide what she was going to wear. It seemed that the weekend was going to be spent with her getting little sleep, though she couldn't complain. The reminder of her evening activities, in the form of a few hickeys she had to cover up in a hurry, had her grinning to herself secretly all day, despite Sydney's mood.

Once the morning had come, Sienna had hurried home from Vincent's place, purposefully snatching up one of his jerseys as a source of warmth despite the jumper from last night. It had been a reluctant wake-up, what with her trying to press herself closer to Vincent and wanting to ignore her phone. However, Esmee had been persistent. Luckily for her, one of their drivers was waiting outside and rushed her home. The shower had been a brief affair and with barely any time to decide what to do with her hair, Sienna twisted the long locks into a classy French braid, draping the end over her shoulder. Her uniform was definitely her most casual look and a very light makeup for her more tired days was what she fixed herself up with before heading off to school with Hailey and Esmee. Again, walking was not an option as she didn't want them or herself to be late, especially not on the first day. And what a day it had been!

Now that it was over, she was ready to get her weekend started and the first step to that was getting with her favorite girls. She found Esmee easily and the sisters walked down the bustling hallway, Sienna texting her friends. All of the students were buzzing about an actual black light party and their plans for the weekend, their chattering a nice background as Sienna sent her last text, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

To: Jane
Srry about disappearing last night. Let me make it up to you with yoga & shopping?

To: Piper
Yoga & shopping w/ Jane. U in? Also, 1 of the models for Young&Reckless fell sick & the photo shoot is 2morrow. Be a friend? U'll get paid

To: Sydney
Idk wat u were talking about last nite. Did u talk 2 Jane?

To: Vincent
Last nite was fun. Maybe next time I'll actually kick ur ass lol


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder

Piper was clearly right, he shouldn't have tried to mess with Jane at Sydney's party. Sydney approached him before Jane could get a word out, and along with getting no response out of drunk Jane, Sydney took the bag of pills with her. Brent's brother had gotten the pills from their supplier for twenty bucks, and New York street value placed the bag's worth at around one hundred dollars, but he was sure he could have gotten five or ten times that much from Jane. Now, he was getting nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing, and there was nothing he could do about it, unless he wanted to be kicked out of the party or arrested. Sydney disappeared into the crowd and he wasn't brazen enough to chase after her or demand that someone share her location. She was gone and especially with Piper nowhere to be found, he was going to have to deal with this tomorrow.

The following day went by fairly quickly. Brent kept to himself, opting for a seat in the back of every class, and his head rested on the desk for most of the day. On his lunch period, he scored fifty dollars in sales to a few freshman and when school was let out and he headed off campus, he made another three hundred dollars in sales. It was enough to satisfy his brother, who pocketed all of it, but Brent couldn't get over the amount he had lost due to Sydney. He didn't plan on losing it permanently. He was definitely getting the pills back, and would charge Jane double just for not stopping Sydney, but it still pissed him off that he was going to have to wait. And he wasn't sure how long he would have to wait. He usually felt like he had the upper hand when it came to Sydney, and wasn't sure how to approach this situation. Aside from Alice Vale, Piper was his closest link to the blonde, and she was the first person he texted as he stepped off of the Saint Jude's premises.

To: Piper
Do me a favor? Sydney has something that's mine. Get it back for me and we can grab dinner or something tn?

Unlike many of his peers, Brent didn't have any major Friday night plans. He would probably hit up a club later or a party if there was one, and if his brother had more drugs for him to sell, but for now, he was headed to the library. Although he appeared to be sleeping through most of his classes, he had made a note of all of his assignments and decided to get a head start on them. Anything beat going home, really.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Sebastian Huntington Jr. Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine

Piper didn't sleep too well last night. She was so worried that her brother could have a broken bone somewhere. On top of that she had to figure out a way to pay for his medical visit. The redhead stared up at her ceiling thinking about everything that was coming up this semester. "Fuck!" Piper shot up as she suddenly membered. It was her turn to host her 'cliques' annual party. How could she forget? Piper clamored out of bed, falling in the process, and looked at her calendar. "This has got to be a joke right?" Ignoring her body aches and pain coupled with the headache she had from how much she drunk last night, Piper couldn't believe she only had till next week. "How am I going to get that type of money?" Just as she made it to her feet, she heard a knock on the door and her brother walk in.

"Are you taking me to the doctor? If so you know you don't have to. I'm fine. It's the first week of classes, you should leave a good impression." Thomas spoke with a quizzical look at his sister's disheveled appearance. "Nonsense. I'll use what I have left from my modeling jobs to pay for your visit don't worry about it. Just give me a sec to get ready." Piper forced her brother out of her room and practically slammed the door in his face. Especially after Sydney's elaborate party there was no way Piper could've pulled something off like that. She needed money and she needed it fast. Piper got herself together and was headed out the door when she ran into Amy.

"Thomas go on ahead I need to talk to Amy." Thomas listened to his sister, knowing that whatever she was going to say wasn't going to be too lovely. "Have you gone mad? Why would you send him out so late at night?" Piper crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for the older woman to reply. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't think it through. I didn't mean for that to happen Piper." Amy wasn't really that bad of a foster mother, and Piper knew she didn't mean any harm in sending Thomas out, but the model wasn't the most level headed when it came to Amy. "Forget it I'm not the one who needs an apology." Piper slammed the door to the apartment as if to prove her point.

After practically draining her account to pay for her brother's x-ray, which turns out his wrist is broken, Piper missed her first day of school. After getting her brother back home, her phone buzzed. It was from Sienna. The last thing Piper felt like doing was hanging around Jane and Sienna to go shopping. Though yoga did sound nice, Piper needed to figure out what to do with her party.

To Sienna:
Sorry, I can't meet today. I have to look after my brother today, but I can do the gig tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know ^^

To Sebastian:
Hey I am doing a job tomorrow for Young&Reckless are you going to be there?

Really Piper was thankful for the modeling gig Sienna sent her way. Hopefully this money can help her throw a semi-decent party. Maybe Dustin will have some good ideas? He was a jokester but he had his moments.

To Dustin:
Hey! So I have to throw a party next weekend, do you have any good ideas? Please I need some advice!

Just as she hit send, she got a text from Brent. Piper couldn't help but scoff as she read what was on her screen. Is he serious? More than likely Sydney confiscated whatever drugs he was selling last night. How the hell was she going to get her hands on that? Did he think Sydney and Piper were besties and she could just walk up to her and ask? "Does he even listen to me when I talk?" Piper mumbled as she decided to text him back.

To Brent:
Does it look like I can just walk up to Sydney and ask for your drugs back? How do you propose I get them? But I am in a little crisis right now, so if you help me then I'll help you. Let's meet at dinner and we can discuss it further. Where do you want to meet?

To Kelley:
Did you have some fun last night? You know there is another party tomorrow so I hope you aren't too worn out.

Looking at the time, Piper should probably meet Brent soon. She doesn't want to end up like her brother so she shouldn't stay out too late. Plus she was curious about what Brent did to garner Sydney's attention. Hopefully he didn't approach Jane, so it was good that she met him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder

He wasn't very far into his journey to the Yorkville Public Library when his phone buzzed with a text from Piper. Brent was well aware of her issues with Sydney, but yeah, he did think that she could just walk up to her and ask for the drugs back. Even if they weren't really friends, they pretended to be, and if he didn't know Piper well enough, he would have believed their little act. The two girls knew each other well enough that Brent was sure Sydney would at least acknowledge that she took them, and then Piper could make up some excuse for why she needed them back. What excuse exactly, he was still unsure of, but he was set on making her get the drugs back.

To: Piper
Sticky's Finger Joint? The one in Murray Hill. My treat but I'm walking so I won't be there for 45 minutes.

The few sales he made leaving campus would be more than enough for their early dinner, and if Piper got him that bag back, he would be rolling in cash. It would have been worth treating her, even if they weren't as good of friends as they were. As he headed down 3rd Avenue, leaving the Upper East Side for the more bustling midtown area, he sent her another text. He was being playfully sarcastic, poking fun at her typical rich girl side. He was sure that whatever crisis she was referring to wasn't even slightly serious, but at least he would get a chuckle out of hearing it. It reminded him of the time he overheard Jane whining about how "unfair" it was that her parents were making her spend a weekend in Paris, when all of her friends were going to Rome. Or Sienna complaining about her busy her schedule was with her modelling and music career. It always baffled him how these girls thought that their problems were real... As if they should throw a pity party for trust-fund baby Jane, because she was stuck flying in a private jet to Paris, where she would spend a weekend in one of the most expensive homes in the city, and indulge in every and anything that she wanted. And Sienna really deserved a plethora of awards for sitting in a chair having her hair and makeup done, and standing in front of a camera, or singing into a microphone. What tragic lives they lived.

To: Piper
Curious about ur "crisis" though. Break a nail? Lose a diamond earring? Ignore ur own advice and forget to use a condom with that pansy last night?

He arrived at Sticky's by four and didn't wait for Piper to get there before ordering for himself. I'm sure her limo had caviar waiting for her as soon as classes let out, he thought to himself with a smirk. His order was his usual one: S'mores fries and the large basket of chicken with marshmallow, caramel and chocolate sauce. The meal crossed into the dessert category in more than one way, but it always tasted like heaven when he was high and had the munchies, and he was sure that even sober, it would taste just as good. As he waited for Piper and his food to arrive, he found an empty table by the window and claimed it for the two of them before texting Charlotte. This time it was to Charlotte Buchanan, and he made sure to send as many texts as possible, hoping her phone wasn't on silent and it would annoy her.

To: Charlotte
Hey Little Miss Perfect, got a question for you.

To: Charlotte
And no, it's not if you'll come on a date with me.

To: Charlotte
I'm sure you'd like that, but you're not my type.

To: Charlotte
Sry to break your heart :(.

To: Charlotte
But what's this little event ur throwing Sunday?

To: Charlotte
LMK the headcount. Gotta figure out how many dime bags to bring with me


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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0.00 INK


“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

Charlotte was too good of a friend to Connor, it was funny to think about. The way he was with Sydney was the way she was with him. She knew there was no chance of him ever seeing her in the way she saw him, but instead of facing it. She always thought that in the back of her that maybe he would one day look at her and realize that they were perfect for each other. But, until then, she stayed by his side as he asked around about where Sydney was. With everyone they asked, they just looked at Charlotte with a raised eyebrow, wondering why she was looking for the 'Queen Bee'. It wasn't a secret that she and Sydney weren't close anymore and it was probably for the best, Lottie saw how she treated her friends. One day they were like sisters and the next, she would act like they never existed or like they were the worst of enemies and to Charlotte, that was not a friendship, that's an alliance, you use them when you need them and toss them when you don't.

After a while, Lottie turned to her phone as they walked around. She had a lot to worry about for the upcoming week and finding Sydney was not on that list. Not long after, she looked up at Connor as she looked at the guilty look on his face. "What?" She asked in the nicest way possible, with a raised eyebrow. "I really thought that Devin was serious when he said he saw her come down to the kitchen, but yeah, I guess not. I'm sorry, I'm ruining your night. Want to go back up and dance or something? We can find your sister, I'm sure she's having fun. Plus, you have to give me the run down on what's happening Sunday."
She smiled slightly as she hugged him and kissed his cheek softly. "Connor, stop it. You are not ruining my night, I'm getting to hang out with my best friend which is what I was going to do anyway." She had an assuring smile on her face as the two made their way to the elevator where they made their way up to the second floor where they spent the rest of the night, dancing, talking, and Charlotte telling him the plan for Sunday. At the end of the night, she knew Connor thought he probably ruined her night and he didn't. If Brent couldn't ruin her night, Connor most definitely couldn't.

Friday, September 5, 2014 ~ 2:50 p.m

Her Outfit

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

"I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier / I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist / Like it doesn't exist / I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry / I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier / But I'm holding on for dear life, won't look down won't open my eyes / Keep my glass full until morning light, 'cause I'm just holding on for tonight / Help me, I'm holding on for dear life, won't look down won't open my eyes / Keep my glass full until morning light, 'cause I'm just holding on for tonight / On for tonight"

The music was blasting as Charlotte and the rest of the 'veteran' theater students sung and danced to the song, Chandelier by Sia. Also known as the best song ever to intimidate the freshmen who wanted to join the class. They didn't want to scare them away but, this school built stars and it wasn't meant to be an easy A so, the first Friday of every year they choose a song and tried to out do one another while also getting rid of those just wanting an A. Charlotte, of course was in the front as the song went on. She showed off her range, her dancing, and just about everything else she was good out when it came to song and dance. She flipped and kicked like the young girl did in the music video as lights flicked on and off and the main light stayed on the blonde.

"'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight / Oh, I'm just holding on for tonight / On for tonight / On for tonight" As the final verse of the song played, Charlotte sung out the best she could just as the spotlight went off and the dancers behind her fell to the ground and laid there only to get up once all the lights came back on. The freshmen clapped and joined the rest of the class as their teacher, Ms. Donahue started explain how that's what they want. Charlotte and the other excused themselves to go and get changed out of their dance outfits before the bell rung. As the walked to the back, Lottie put her hair in a ponytail as she smiled towards the others as they complimented her. When they made their way into the dressing room, she was quick to toss out her outfit for the rest of the day and slip off her white dance leotard before tossing it in her Harvard dance bag with her name written on the sides in cursive and 'Class of 2019' on the circle sides of the bag. She hummed to the song she had sung as she undid her ponytail and let the hair fall back down. "Have a great weekend, ya'll. Don't forget that I have an event on Sunday and I would love to see ya'll there!" She smiled sweetly as she heard all of them pretty much say ' Of course, we're coming.' and wishing her a good weekend too. But, it wasn't going to be good, it was going to be stressful as hell making sure everything was perfect.

As she walked out of the school, she smiled towards some of her student government friends as she walked down the stairs, her heels clicking against the cement. She took out her phone as she started to text Connor.

To : Connor
Can you meet me at the Starbucks near the school? We have a few... issues for the charity event on Sunday to deal with. Oh and are you going to Hailey's party? I don't want to go with just my sister, she's gonna leave me anyway. T.T

By 'issues', she of course meant Brent Barclay, the biggest pain she has ever had to deal with. She was fine with their banter and she was fine with their bickering. Why? Easy, because she always made sure she got the last word in, meaning she always won. Something she loved to do. What she could leave without is her having to confront him during every event she and Connor had because she caught him selling. That was the easiest way to get on her ugly side not that he seemed to care, he loved being a pain in the ass to her and vice versa. She loved messing with him when she's given the chance. She kept looking at her phone as she waited for her sister by the gate. While she waited she saw she had a text from Jane, as she read it. She sighed and shook her head. She liked Jane, really she did but, the girl really needed to get her shit together.

To : Janie
We have to turn in our Summer reading and start reading Macbeth. And Janie, I love you but you need to get your ish together. <3

Rose rushed towards her with a gleeful smile on her face. "What are you so happy about?"

"Okay, don't hate me but, I'm comin' home later tonight. James asked if I wanted to have dessert after he took me out to dinner, if you know what I mean." Lottie faced looked disgusted as she thought about her sister having 'dessert' with anyone. That was the last thing she needed in her head. She rolled her eyes as she shook her head. "Go, I'll find someone else to go with for the party."


"Yea, go. I'll be fine." Rosie held her sister in a hug as she kissed her cheek. "You are the best, you know that!" Lottie raised an eyebrow as she looked at her sister and shrugged. [b]"Yea, I know." Rosie rolled her eyes as she thumped her sister on the head. "And you had to ruin the compliment." The two chuckled as Rosie put her arm around her sister and looked towards her sister with a smirk. " 'Sides, who knows maybe you'll get your own dessert with Connor, Lottie just shook her head.

"You're right, too sweet. Maybe Brent then." Lottie scoffed as she flipped her sister the bird as Lottie shook her head. "Never. Gonna. Happen. 'Side, according to him I'm not his type. Which I take as a compliment." Rosie just rolled her eyes, she knew her sister and she hoped sooner or later the two would be arguing like in the movies and all of a sudden just kiss one another. Just because she thought Connor was too sweet, and Vincent was never going to happen but, Brent, he challenged her. He pissed her off and knew he did and she did the same with him, and they both loved every second of their banters. It was only a matter of time before the two did... something. "Anyways, are you coming to the Starbucks with me to try and get all this planning done, Miss. Treasurer?" Rosie scoffed before reluctantly nodding her head. "Fine, let's go wait for your lover-boy. But, I need to get ready at home by 6." Lottie thumped her sister in the head as the two walked into the Starbucks and took their seat near the windows. "I'll go get the coffees, you get started."

Lottie nodded as she took out her computer and started to plan everything and make sure everything was confirmed. She did even look at her phone as it went off, playing the song 'Take Me To Church' started to play. She knew it wasn't Connor so she would just click the top button to shut it off, but by the time it went off the third time, she scoffed and picked up her phone. When she saw who it was, she growled softly and opened it to see the messages from Brent. "Why'd Rosie have to give him my number?!" She said to herself as two more texts came in. She scoffed before replying back.

"To : Barclay
Don't even think about it, you future convict. If I even see you, I will have both of your heads on a silver platter.

She was about to put her phone down before deciding to mess with him a bit.

To : Barclay
BTW believe me, you are doing me a favor. I prefer my guys to have no priors.

To : Barclay
And, I'm not your type?

To : Barclay

To : Barclay
Wow, that's what you're going with now?

To : Barclay

To : Barclay
Well thanks, that's the best compliment I have heard all week <3

Lottie smirked at her phone as she, of course, out did him by one. She didn't even realize Rosie walked up behind her. "Why are you bitching at Brent over text?" A smirk rising on the younger twin's face. "Will you please mind your own business? 'Side, I'm just making sure he doesn't try anythin' at the charity event. I would not be texting him for my own enjoyment." Lottie assured her sister who just sipped her coffee. "Sure, whatever you say."
Charlotte just rolled her eyes as she sipped her coffee as well as the two waited for a response from Connor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Sebastian Huntington Jr.
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#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine

Piper got herself together then headed out of the door to meet Brent. Her phone buzzed just as she walked out of the apartment, and she shook her head. Seriously could Brent be any more puerile? She may have been wasted last night, but a condom was something she would never forget.

To: Brent
Of course not you dick! How could I forget a condom? You and Kelley are the ones who go at it like rabbits. Anyways I'm on my way.

Sure he made light of her crisis, and she couldn't tell him the whole truth, but she will give as much information as possible. Lucky for her the place she was meeting Brent wasn't that far, so least to say when she stepped into the restaurant she sported her shades to block the remaining rays of sunlight. She spotted Brent and quickly took her seat. "I see that you ordered. Oh and for your information the guy I was with last night wasn't a 'pansy'." Piper defended her one night stand. In fact from the little bit that she did learn, the kid's father was a lawyer and so was his mother. Did he say something about having a girlfriend as well? That was debatable because Piper really didn't listen to him that well. Before she could speak again her phone vibrated once more only it was Sebastian.

To: Sebastian
I know I miss talking to you! We can definitely catch up tomorrow after the shoot.

Hitting send she directed her attention to the waitress who arrived to take her order. A simple iced tea would suffice for her. Normally she would eat, but her sudden on set of stress wiped out her appetite. "Anyways I have a real crisis here. Something that transcends a broken nail. My parents won't give me anymore allowance and I have gone through everything they gave me already. But, here is the real problem. I have to throw a party next weakened and I have zero funds to do so. There is no way I am going to look like an idiot with a lame ass party. So I need ideas. Got any?" Piper ranted. Sure she could ask Jane or maybe Sebastian to help her out, but it would seem way too suspicious to ask for a large amount of cash this late.

Her phone went off again and it was one of her best friends Carolina. The two girls share one major thing in common and that is that they are both foster kids. It was really surprising for Piper to see Carolina at Constance. The girl was the same as when they first met several years ago during respite care. She really liked Carolina. She was like her polar opposite.

To Carolina:
I was looking forward to seeing you. Thomas was beaten up last night by some thugs and I had to take him to the doctor this morning. But don't worry he's fine. We need to have a sleepover or something to catch up. There's so much I have to update you on!

Piper was about to close her phone when she got an alert saying Tori had posted something on her gossip page. Piper clicked to see what it was and as she read her mouth dropped. Surely she read that wrong? "Pause! Did Sydney Vale sleep with Vincent behind Sienna's back?!" Piper gasped as she kept reading the post over and over. "Oh my gosh I knew Sydney was a lot of things, but did she have to go and check the hoe category as well?" Piper couldn't stop the devilish smile on her face. Just when she thought today was going straight to hell she got glorious news. "Can you believe this?" Piper laughed as she questioned Brent about the latest school gossip. This explains Sienna and Sydney's weird dynamic since summer. "I think this school year just got a whole lot more interesting."

To: Jane
What are you doing right now? Aren't you with Sydney and Sienna?

To: Sienna
Are you okay? I don't know if you have seen the rumor going around involving you.

To Kelley:
Holy fucking shit! Have you heard about Vincent, Sydney, and Sienna's drama?

To: Connor
Your girl Sydney is in trouble...

Sure Piper didn't like gossiping much, but this wasn't regular gossip. This involved her enemy and her friend, so of course she had to talk about it. plus it was going to be all over social media.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder

Piper arrived just after his food had been placed on the table by a waitress that Brent noted was fine as hell. The blonde hair was probably the biggest turn on for him, which made sense considering he tended to go for blondes. Kelley was a perfect example of that... and then there was Little Miss Perfect, too, who he was reminded of when his phone buzzed against the wooden table top.

To: Charlotte
You and I both know you want me there. Just lmk the time and place and your wish will come true.

To: Charlotte
And don't be too hard on yourself. You're a blonde virgin with a killer body. All that's my type. It's just that whole self-righteous thing that's got to go. Don't worry. We can work on that since I know you want me so bad.

He knew he would get a rise out of her with the second text and didn't hesitate to hit send before focusing his attention on the redhead sitting across from him. She explained that her "crisis" was lacking sufficient funds for a party she was supposed to throw. It was completely trivial, but he guessed that there was more validity to it than the guesses he had made earlier. They were dealing with Upper East Side kids and even though Brent could roll his eyes at their "problems", he guessed that they were problems to them. And needing quick money was something Brent was all too familiar with. Luckily for Piper, he was good at finding money in a pinch, too. He was going to remind her of why he called this dinner date into session. He needed his drugs back from Sydney, and more importantly, he needed Miss Lynch back as a frequent customer. Somehow, he would blend his problems into hers and solve both, but when she cut him off with her dramatic "Pause!", he did as directed.

Brent wasn't very active on social media. He went on it occasionally to find out where the parties were going to be that weekend, or to post some snide remark on Charlotte's Instagram posts, but aside from that, he didn't have much of an online footprint. That was why he was unaware of the drama unfolding as they spoke, until Piper explained it to him, and he had to admit that he was surprised by what she said too. Everyone knew that Sienna and Vincent had something a few years back, and everyone knew that neither of them were really over it. Even Brent, who stayed out of the loop on those kind of things, sensed that this had the potential to be a big scandal for Sydney. However, he also knew the queen bee enough to know that she had the power to shut it down if she put all of her might into it. Even if she got the school to stop buzzing about it, it had to say something about her relationship with Sienna, who he believed was her best friend.

While the news caught him off guard, he didn't think it spelled good news for his chance at getting his drugs back. It would have been hard enough if Sydney was happy, and well, he was sure that after this, she wasn't going to be. Maybe he would have to forfeit the bag of Ritalin and focus on the bigger picture first: getting Jane back. "Celebrate your evilness later, Pipe," he rolled his eyes, picking a marshmallow covered french fry off of his plate. "Here's how we're gonna fix both of our problems. You're going to get Jane to start buying from me again. Make up some shit that you tried some new pills I gave you, and they made you drop ten pounds in a week. You know she'll buy it and I'll charge her however much you need for your stupid party. It'll be an even trade. You help me get my customer back and I pay you for your service." He had a feeling that she was going to let her morals get in the way of this, and he wasn't going to have that. "Look, Piper. I'm going to get her back to buying either way. It'll make things easier if you help me out, and your party problems will be solved, but with or without your help, she's going to be buying from me again in the next week."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK


“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

Charlotte was taking notes as her sister, again tried to change the subject from the event to... anything else but the event like, why she and Sydney were no longer friends, or why she allowed herself to play second fiddle to the 'Queen Bee' in Connor's eyes, and of course when was she going to suck up her pride and kiss either Connor or, in Rosie's opinion, Brent. The answer being 'Don't worry about it.', 'She doesn't, it just happened.', and, the obvious answer of 'never, never in a million years.' Her sister couldn't help but roll her eyes as she looked at her phone. "You know, you could be helping me. Since we are blood and everything." Lottie let be known as she looked up from her computer screen and towards her sister who just laid a hand on her shoulder. "But, you're doin' so good."

"Don't touch me and yea, I'm doin' fine but, I would be doing better if you would get off your phone and pitch some ideas. I can only do so much to make this a great event." Charlotte said as she looked directly at her sister who could tell Lottie was freaking herself out. But, this happened all too often when Lottie had an event coming up. "Everything's gonna be fine, you'll see and just look at your phone. You know you wanna text your baby." Rosie smirked as she wiggled Lottie's white IPhone 6 in front of her face only to receive an eye roll and a shake of the head. "And who may I ask is 'baby' because I don't have one." Rose chuckled as she looked through her sister's unread messages. "Are you kidding me? Lottie, you have tons of guys and girls texting you asking you to hang out and you shrug all of this hot and sexy guys off?!" Lottie shrugged her shoulders, not taking her eyes off her email. "I'm a busy gal."

"Yea, whatever." The younger twin lost her smirk as she saw a text from Sienna pop up. "Hey, you might want to talk to Sienna, she seems upset." Charlotte sighed as she started to reach for her phone. "She's around Sydney Vale, how could you be happy?" But, when she saw the look on Rosie's face, she looked at the message before turning towards the window and texting her friend back.

To : Sienna <3

Honey, I'm never too busy for you. I'm at the Starbucks near the school with Rose. Everything alright? :(

The sharp intake of breath Sienna took at the feel of her phone vibrating in her hand brought Sienna's attention back down to the device. She was more than grateful that Charlotte had actually responded - that she had been right and of course she could depend on her "Madam President" - to her text message. What she was not prepared for was the sudden torrent of emotions throwing a fit in her core as she typed out her response, her fingers still shaking after each letter she typed onto the screen. She didn't understand why she was suddenly so...emotional. It wasn't a surprise in the slightest that she was, but still. She had not anticipated this, this sudden need to be with somebody. Anybody.

To: Charlotte
No, not really. I really need a friend.

Charlotte sighed, what had happened now? Knowing Sydney it and Sienna it probably did with their petty little love triangle... thing. Something that Lottie hated to talk about or bring up. The way she saw it, Sydney was a bitch and Vincent was a dog. Both of them should have been dropped on the dot but, no. Sienna decided to keep both of them in her life which was probably a mistake on her end but, Lottie wasn't going to lecture her. From the look of it, she just need someone impartial to talk to and a shoulder to cry on.

Sienna hurried to the nearest side exit of the park that she could find, flagging down a taxi cab as quickly as she could in case Charlotte randomly decided to leave. She honestly knew her friend would not jut abandon her after acknowledging that Sienna could come to her, but still. There was the irrational part of her, the insecure part of her soul, that anticipated being left behind. At being not cared for. At being alone. And at the moment, when she was no longer within the confines of her typical safety net, she had never felt the word so intensely before. When she was finally seated inside of the cab and had given the driver the address of the Starbucks, Sienna returned her attention to her phone.

To: Charlotte
Have u seen Facebook or Twitter yet?

To: Charlotte
I might have ruined everything

Charlotte raised an eyebrow and sighed. "What did she do now?" She thought in her head as she bit her lip. In all honesty, she was afraid to look knowing it was going to stress her out. She went back to her main screen and clicked on her twitter account. She scrolled through several tweets before she finally caught one that made her stop, it was from the vice president of their school and one sided enemy, Tori. One sided meaning Lottie knew that Tori hated her for being class president. Blamed her for not knowing that she was doing and winning based on looks. But, Lottie didn't like not liking people so, she let the past be the past.

As she read the tweet, she rubbed her temple as Rosie looked at her worried. "You saw it?"

[color= #00C5CD]"You saw it?! And you didn't tell me!"[/color] Rosie put her hands up in defense. "I didn't need you getting stressed out anymore than you already are." Lottie groaned as she sighed and decided to text Sienna back. Sure, Sienna was in the wrong, but Sydney was too. She had to sleep with her 'best friend's' boyfriend. That was her choice and now she had to deal with it.

To : Sienna <3

I just saw the post but, there's no need to be dramatic. Trust me, I've got your back. Everything will be fine. :)

Rosie looked across to see her sister's text. "You really think that?" Lottie sighed sharply before looking up at her sister. "Look, I don't know but I'll make everything as fine as I can." Lottie assured her sister who just got up with a raised eyebrow to get another two coffees.

Sienna felt her cell phone buzz repeatedly and only squeezed it in her hand, shutting her eyes as if she could somehow shut out the voices of whomever was trying to reach her. She glanced out the window, seeing the way the sun was setting over the boisterous city and the continuous flow of pedestrians and vehicles. They were only about five minutes away from the Starbucks, but she honestly had no idea what she would have done if she had walked there. If she would have made it without the loneliness suddenly overtaking her. Taking a few breaths, she glanced down at the phone only to almost cry.

The first text was from Jane and it made tears burn at the back of her eyes. But she couldn't answer that. Not now. Not when she was hurting just as much as her friend. Instead, Sienna focused on Charlotte's response and that was when the tears came. If she had been asked at the restaurant if she was going to cry over all of this, she would have denied it vehemently. Would have told any and everyone that she was willing to take shots for every time she didn't knock Sydney on her ass instead of shedding a single tear for someone who did not care about her. However, it was only with the knowledge that someone cared that the tears flowed, steady and continuous, leaving it impossible for her to respond to her friend. Instead, Sienna focused on trying to breathe and not let the driver hear her sniffles from the back.

He apparently either did not care or did not care to acknowledge it for they were in front of the Starbucks soon enough and Sienna threw a simple twenty his way, which was more than the price she owed, but she didn't care any more. Blindly, Sienna exited the cab and then entered the café, assaulted immediately by the strong scent of freshly ground coffee beans. It didn't take her long to find Charlotte and Rose, and immediately Sienna wanted to feel bad. They had their papers and pens out, and they looked so studious. And here she was, selfish Sienna ruining that with her pettiness and vindictiveness. Too selfish to put Jane's needs before her own. Too selfish to just suck it all up and wait until graduation. Too selfish to even understand that her friend was busy and didn't need her coming around with her problems. Sienna was half-tempted to walk out of the café, but her feet were already moving in the direction of Charlotte. Charlotte looked towards the door as the small bell rung and could see Sienna, she offered a small smile only to let it disappear when she saw how upset her friend was. And without preamble, the sob finally broke through her lips and the tears came.

"I-I-I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry," she stuttered, the only words she could actually get out. Charlotte got up from her seat and pulled the smaller girl into her arms. Lottie let out a deep breath as she stopped her sister from walking back over to the two for the moment. "Sh. Everything's gonna be fine, love." She promised her friend as she kissed the top of Sienna head, not even paying attention to the others in the cafe who were looking at the pair. All that mattered to Lottie at the moment was making sure her close friend was okay. "Rose, you can leave if you want. Just make sure you take me computer with you." Rosie nodded as she grabbed her sister's sleek Mac laptop and slid it into her crimson and white computer bag. "Alright, Lots. I hope everything's okay, Sienna. Trust me, everything will just pass over."

Rose reassured the singer as she rubbed her arm before walking past the pair. Lottie would have asked her to stay except for one small thing, Rosie was friends/enemies with Sydney as well. Friends because they were birds of a feather but, enemies because her twin sister didn't like her. And Rose had a big mouth and she didn't need her twin spilling what might be said between the two. Right before passing Lottie, Rosie remembered she had been snooping on her sister's phone and still had it. "By the way, your boyfriend texted you." Looking and seeing it was Brent, Lottie inhaled deeply. "Self-righteous virgin!?! I'm gonna kill him, now I want him to show up just so I can kill him." She looked at her sister with a look that said to text him back to piss off. Rosie nodded with a smirk as she sent a text towards Brent not even trying to seem like it was a different person.

She wanted the two to hook up, screw Connor! Brent was sexy, a bad boy, and a challenge, her sister loved challenges and bad boys and she would adore him once they at least made out.

To : Barclay

It's at the Hotel Plaza Athenee at 1. And, too bad you're definitely my type if it wasn't for the whole drug dealing thing. ;)

Rose knew that wink face might have given it away that it wasn't his precious little Lottie since she did two things wrong; 1) Lottie would never willingly flirt with him or at least admit it and 2) Lottie most definitely wouldn't willingly tell him where a huge event with very important people was going to be held and at what exact time. But, hey she was nudging or more like shoving them. Rose slipped Lottie's phone back into Lottie bag before she walked out of the cafe and Lottie continued to comfort Sienna without saying a word. "C'mon, darlin." She escorted her friend into the small one stall restroom and locked the door behind them before sitting on the black marble counter with her arm still around Sienna. "Alright, so tell me what happened from the beginning."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder

Brent definitely did not own any neon clothes. He didn't need to search through his walk-in closet because he didn't have one. The few outfits he wore frequently were scattered across the floor of his bedroom and after sniffing a few t-shirts, he found a white v-neck that looked and smelled like it was clean. With a shrug, he tossed it on in place of the black one he was wearing and left the jeans and black combat boots in place. It wasn't the typical outfit he was sure to see at the party, but white was at least better than black, he decided. He didn't really care about the dress code to begin with, but he also didn't want to stick out at the party of the new girl. He had spilled Jane's secret about using drugs in front of her without a care the night before, but he didn't want to push his lucky around Hailey. She may not have minded his behavior at Sydney's, but at her own party, that could be different. It wasn't going to stop him from selling drugs because especially after his conversation with Piper ended on a 'maybe' note, he was sure he was going to be making cash.

"I'm leaving!" he called out to Cameron. The creaking sound of his brother's bed and the moans of a girl forced him out of the apartment even faster, without waiting for a response. He stuffed his pockets with a couple bags of weed and this time, a smaller bag of Jane's drug of choice. He wasn't going to risk losing a large sum to Sydney again tonight, that was for sure.

It was only around seven-thirty, so Brent opted to take the half-hour walk to Hailey's party rather than waste the couple dollars on a bus ride. The weather was brisk, especially wearing only a t-shirt, but Brent didn't really mind it. It beat the stuffy, drug-stench that he was used to in his own house.

To: Piper
I'm omw. Our deal still good?

To: Charlotte
Don't think I forgot about you admitting to being into me. Haven't stopped thinking of u since either, babe. And you know, when I imagine you without clothes and in my bed, the self-righteousness doesn't seem as off putting

He had realized that Charlotte's text message from yesterday hadn't actually been sent by her. She was never flirty with him, at least not in such a direct way, and while he figured that it was Rose, it didn't hurt to rub it in that no matter who typed it, it had been sent from her phone. That was enough evidence for him that she wasn't as turned off by him as she liked to act.