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Dustin Sanderson

"No greater smell than that of a bus."

0 · 1,400 views · located in Manhattan, NY

a character in “Upper East Side”, originally authored by Duct Tape, as played by RolePlayGateway




Full Name:
Dustin Andrew-Walker Sanderson

Dusty {Common | Used by Everyone}

August 25th 1996


Sexual Orientation:

Grade Level:

New Canaan, Connecticut {Birth Place | Summer Home}
Manhattan, New York {Main Residence}

Character Role:
The Funny One


Winston Sanderson Sr. | 48 | Father
Jessabelle Sanderson | 46 | Mother
Winston Sanderson Jr. |26| Oldest Brother
Riley Sanderson |24| Oldest Sister
Nathan Sanderson |21| Brother
Maxwell Sanderson |20| Brother
Bria Sanderson |16| Youngest Sister
Zachary Sanderson |10| Youngest Brother

History and Home

Dustin is the fifth child in the Sanderson household and most certainly not the last. His father is a real estate mogul while his mother is a renown mystery and crime author. For the most part he has a great relationship with everyone in his family except for his father and his brother. The two are almost exactly alike in every way from the way they carry themselves and even with their jobs, Winston working alongside his father in real estate. His father is rather strict and disapproving of the way Dustin sees to most things. Which either not at all or half assed. Leading only to strains on their relationship. The only family member that he has ever confided in is his sister Riley. All though she's no longer living in the city with them Riley is the only sibling he gets along with perfectly. She follows in their mothers footsteps being a lot more down to earth than the rest of the Sanderson bunch which is the main reason they get along best even though the others are closer to his age.

Two years back Nathan, Max and Dustin took a week long trip up to Vermont to get away from the city life for a bit and on their way back hit a dense fog. Max was driving when everything happened. Dustin woke up in a hospital bed after everything went dark with a broken leg and a severe concussion. Max had several broken ribs, a broken wrist and leg and Nathan, Nathan was dead on arrival. Dustin didn't take it as hard as Max who blamed - blames - himself for everything that happened and is still not over it having been in and out of rehab clinics since than each time promising to get himself clean. He's hardly in touch

Presently the only members still living at home are Dusty and his two younger siblings although they do get visits from the older ones whenever they're in town. It's quiet for the most part with Bria off with her friends and Zac shut up in his room playing video games, the only real bonding experience the two brothers share. However Dustin is hardly home, normally out, most of the time at parks doing one of his favorite activities of people watching. He like the time alone, thinking about everything. Though it does get intimidating if he thinks on things too much, he much rather jump into a situation than think of what may or may not be past the shroud. Dustin has been getting pressure from his father even more frequently about which college he needs to go to, putting an even greater rift between them

Academic Career:

His parents shell out the cash to keep him in school, something Dusty greatly appreciates although he'll never admit it. His grades are all over the place thanks to having horrible attendance but he has managed to keep the majority of them from high B's to low C's with occasional A popping up where you'd least expect it. In his case that was History. A favorite subject of his. Before the accident he used to be the goalie for the lacrosse team but dropped it and is now only a member of the swim team.

Future Plans:

Dusty has already received several phone calls from several schools interested in taking him on a scholarship. An opportunity his father will see him take and maybe by the end of the school year he'll finally pick which one he wants to head to. Aside from that he just wants to live life.

Sentimental | Pleasant | Sarcastic | Shameless | Evasive | Impulsive
Dusty is that one person that can be easily described as a sarcastic asshole. Even if it's light hearted. He's easy to make a joke about any situation and has the special power of getting a person completely off track with an absurd question or remark. He's a joker that would rather smile over the pain than focus on it. He will end up picking the high road over being a deceptive prick like many others even though he is known for lying through his teeth. He tries not to take anything a person says to heart by masking it with a quick smile and jab. On a few occasions that gets thrown out of the window and things can go from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.

He hates it when someone takes something he does personally, it means he has to apologize. If he does manage to actually offend someone he usually tries to right his wrong in some way, shape or form. When he's not joking around he’s got a big heart, helping a friend in the blink of an eye, putting others needs before his. He's not one for screwing anyone over however just because he wouldn't intentionally do something to hurt someone doesn't mean he wouldn't. If you're asking for trouble he'll gladly step up having done so before.

Netflix Marathons | Bowling | Swimming | Running | Movies | Reading | Hiking | Snowboarding | Video Games | Archery | Movie Memorabilia Collecting

Bad Habits:
Disruptive | Taps foot | Daydreams | Procrastinator | Whistles when Bored | Holds Grudges | A Tad Overbearing | Can be Annoying

Parties | Mayhem | Naps | Cereal | Chocolate Milk | Night | Wolves | Pranks | Sweets | Smell of Gasoline

Mornings | Tests | Peanut Butter | Reality Television | Rodents | Apologizing | Waiting



Face Claim:
Sam Claflin


163 lbs. Toned Build

Hair Color:
Auburn {Looks lighter depending on the Lighting}

Eye Color:
Green with Brown specks

Tattoos: X

Long scar on his right calf going from his ankle up to his knee from the accident.

So begins...

Dustin Sanderson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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#, as written by royals
It's Thursday, September 4th, and for the students of Constance Billard School for Girls and Saint Jude's School for Boys, that means that school is back in session. Both schools are located only a couple of blocks away from each other in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the neighborhood where most of the students reside in.

Although today is the first day of the school year, academic classes are not in session until tomorrow. Today is the day of the "welcome assembly", where the upperclassmen of both schools will come to Constance Billard from 9:30 to 11:30, and the underclassmen from 11:30 to 1:30. The short day will allow the Head of School to welcome the students back, and address any changes that have occurred over the summer. Students will also have an opportunity to socialize with their friends and possibly new classmates, and introduce themselves to their teachers for the year. Textbooks will also be available for pickup.

Later that night, Sydney Vale will be hosting her annual back-to-school party at her home. This year's theme is black & white, but even dressing in one of the colors won't guarantee that you'll get in if you didn't receive one of the exclusive invitations this summer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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Like her fellow socialite and longtime friend, Sienna had awoken at around six in the morning. Well, to be completely honest, Sienna had been awake since around five, but chose not to get out of bed until six. The act of doing so felt too strenuous of a task and the darkness outside wasn't exactly helping in the Sienna-needs-to-get-up decision. Nevertheless, when the time came, Sienna's hand pressed the button of her alarm clock just before it went off, glancing over at a still sleeping Hailey. Expelling a heavy sigh and running a hand through her thick hair, she sat up, did a small overhead stretch, and then headed downstairs. Just as she was about to leave her bedroom, Sienna grabbed her phone. The alarm she had set was only on snooze and would wake Hailey up soon enough. Either that or Sienna would come back and jump on her fellow singer.

In the long hallway, the delicious aroma of cooked meat and something sweet and bready wafted to her nostrils and upon turning the corner past her sister's bedroom, Sienna was surprised to see her mother, Cynthia, awake and "Channeling Betty Crocker this morning, mamá?" She called with a small grin and her mother jumped just a bit, body tense as the last pancake plopped down on the plate that was stacked with them unceremoniously. Cynthia exhaled sharply while Sienna only chuckled. "Sienna, casi me dio un ataque al corazón! Avisarme próxima vez!" Her mother chastised and while Sienna had to roll her eyes at how dramatic her mother was being, she only smiled and sat at the breakfast isle, marveling at the selection of food her mother decided to provide. She could see breakfast empanadas, which would be the first thing Sienna would be eating, pancakes, both bacon and sausage, a bowl of fruit salad, and scrambled eggs. "Lo siento, mamá." She apologized, though the sparkle in her honey brown eyes was far from apologetic. "What's all this for though?" Cynthia only smiled slightly, causing the dimples in her cheeks to appear. "I don't know, it's just Esmee's first day of high school and the first day of your last year..." Sienna listened to her mother trail off as she politely grabbed a warm breakfast empanada and a plate, reaching over afterwards to scoop out some fruit when she saw the look on her mother's face. "Por favor, mama. Please don't start getting all emotional!" Sienna exclaimed to which Cynthia replied that she couldn't help it, prompting Sienna to roll her eyes and take a bite out of her empanada.

"Don't act surprised, Sia. She's been looking at baby pictures all morning," her little sister, Esmee, called from behind her and Sienna deadpanned. Cynthia sighed. "You kids will understand when you have kids of your own and they start growing up." She told them while fixing her own plate of food. Sienna only chuckled and decided to type out quick texts.

To: Piper, Jane, Charlotte, August, Connor, Dustin, Isabela
Morning, lovelies! Can't wait to see everyone! <3 <3

To: Vincent
Graduation's not even here yet & my mom's looking at baby pics. Help!!!

It wasn't a common occurrence, her texting Vincent. Not unless he was having one of his drunk texting episodes or if they were all in some mass text message. The shock of having been the one to initiate the contact didn't come in until after her phone alerted her to the fact that it had been sent but by then it was too late to call the message back. Besides, they were supposed to be civil. They hung out in the same circles and while, yes, his presence and name made something in her chest throb every single time, not communicating wasn't doing anyone any favors. Not when some of his friends were her friends and vice versa. Besides, if her mom was looking at baby pictures or getting sentimental, she wouldn't be surprised if his were to. Shaking her head a little, Sienna put another empanada on her plate before fixing one for Hailey. Considering the late nights they spent on tour and the long rides on tour buses (no matter how luxurious they were) still made it difficult for normal human beings to want to get up. And well, Sienna was normal, but she was an early bird whether she wanted to be or not. It was in her blood. "Don't forget to give me back my sweater, Esmee. I know you took it while I was gone." Her sister made a face at Sienna's exclamation, but Sia didn't look back. She had to eat and get ready for school.

Once back in her bedroom, Sienna set Hailey's plate on the nightstand on her side of Sienna's bed. While they had the spare bedrooms for her friend to choose from, they had both collapsed on her bed after joking around and talking about the upcoming school year. After giving her friend a hard shake, Sienna noisily (and only to keep Hailey awake) clamored to her walk-in-closet, the only other one in the penthouse besides the one in her parents' bedroom, so that she could find a decent outfit to wear for the first day back. While munching on the empanadas and melon, Sienna found a nice sapphire blue wrap blouse that had long sleeves, a black-and-white split slit skirt, and strappy Giuseppe Zanotti wedges to wear. While it was September and the air was chilled as compared to the warmth Sienna had grown accustomed to on the West Coast, it wasn't cold enough for her to require wearing tights yet and she could always bring along a chic black jacket just in case. Satisfied with her choice and finished with her food, she pulled out two bottles of water from the miniature fridge in her closet along with her clothes and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

Brushing her teeth and going through her Bellaboo skincare treatment took her about fifteen minutes and it was about seven thirty when she hopped into the shower. She had just gotten out of the steaming bathroom, her soft skin wrapped in a delicate jasmine vanilla scent, when she realized that her phone was ringing. It didn't surprise her that it was Sydney and after their conversation was done with a promise of Sienna being on the Constance steps at nine promptly, the two girls ended the conversation. Despite what Sydney might actually believe or what even Vincent might think, Sienna didn't hate Sydney. She was irritated with her from time to time and yes, she was very close to hitting her friend on a number of occasions. But more than anything, she wanted their friendship to actually work and be genuine, and was more disappointed with Sydney than anything else. She had wanted Syd to be the one to tell her about sleeping with Vince, though his honesty was definitely accepted. However, their conversation had nothing to do with their own situation. It was about Jane who had Sienna frustrated all summer, very much like Sydney. Her being a bit tired and not exactly in need of school at the moment had her sounding a bit more realistic and mellow than normal, but she felt Sydney's anger and hurt. It just wouldn't get to her until a bit later.

It didn't take her long to get ready after that and Sienna was in the middle of brushing her hair when she glanced back at Hailey, who was getting ready swiftly. "How do you feel about your first day? Ready to wreak some havoc on these New Yorkers?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Isabela Monroe
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#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine
{Outfit|Yoga Music}

Summer break was everything Piper wanted it to be. She got to hang out with friends, shop, and even had a couple of modeling gigs. Of course that means she got paid for each job, which only increased her shopping. It was an all-around easy summer for her. Though there was one situation in particular that was less than pleasant. One day she was with Brent, when Jane came over to his place looking for some drugs. Piper was practically speechless when she saw the heiress arrive. Brent's place was the dead last place on earth Piper expected to see Jane pop up at. Nonetheless, one thing lead to another and Piper had to lie about why she was there as well. Of course she said it was for the same reason that Jane was there for. To have some drugs to help maintain her weight. Piper felt a little guilty about lying to Jane, but it was something that had to be done. It wasn't long after that incident that Piper learned that Jane was going to a rehabilitation center and spent a lot of the summer there as well. Did Piper tell Sienna or Sydney what she saw? Nope. It wasn't her business to tell.

Well there is one more event that occurred over the summer worth mentioning. Piper did come close to finding her biological family. She can practically taste victory by now. It was an extensive search, but she did find a last name of Vine belonging to an elderly couple in Vancouver, Canada. Piper called the number to the elderly couple's home and asked if they had any grandchildren that were given up for adoption. The answer? Yes, they had two grandchildren that were given up for adoption. When Piper gave them her full name, it was the grandfather who was first to hang up the phone. Piper called them back for hours because she had a hunch that she was on to something major. But it was as if after that phone call, all evidence of that elderly couple disappeared. All online information was gone. So this was a huge set back, but Piper plans on spending this school year getting to the bottom of this mystery.

A couple of days ago Piper and Dustin decided to go to Jones Beach. Sort of a last minute hooray before their last year of high school begun. Since Dustin is the only person to know the real Piper, so a vacation with him wasn't a problem whatsoever. She could really just be herself, which was something she needed before she had to start the 'I'm Piper Vine, and my family is super rich' show. Honestly she's happy this is the last year of high school, because she plans on dropping this whole charade once she got to college.

Piper and Dustin got back pretty late last night, so instead of having to travel across town, Piper just spent the night at Dustin's house. There is a mark difference between her apartment and Dustin's place, so she wasn't going to complain about a night of luxury without having to hear all of the traffic and the noisy neighbors who like to have sex at 3 in the morning. Dealing with Dustin's two younger siblings wasn't a problem either.

The sound of an alarm went off waking the red head from her beauty sleep. Piper nearly fell off of the bed because she was so startled by the sudden loud noise. She removed her sleep mask to look at the time, 5AM. "Time to start my morning routine." Piper stretched her arms above her head and rolled out of the bed. She stayed in the guest room, so she had her own bathroom and everything. Piper opened the blinds, and it was still dark out, but the dim lighting was relaxing. She put her headphones on and listened to her yoga music. It was something she started to do two years ago, when she learned that doing yoga exercises as soon as you wake up help keep you youthful. Needless to say she quickly integrated yoga into her daily routine. After a half hour, she got into the shower and washed herself from head to toe.

"Phase one done." Piper smiled at her reflection in the mirror and went on to wash her face. Going into her suitcase, she pulled out her toothbrush as well as her planner. 'Welcome assembly at 9:30AM, and Sydney's party later. Ugh Sydney. If it wasn't for the others I wouldn't even go to her party.' Piper thought as she finished up brushing her teeth. "Phase two down."Piper next started doing her hair. For today she decided to do curls since it was the only day where she could wear what she wanted. It took some time to blow dry her hair and everything, but she eventually got it done. "Phase three complete as well." Piper sung. Piper pulled out her make-up bag and pulled out an array of expensive foundations, blushes, brushes, concealer, and other necessities. She started the long ritual of applying all of her make-up. To her it was truly an art to be admired.

"Now for the finisher." The red head pulled out multiple outfits and tried to decide which one was the best. Just as she was going to pick an outfit, she heard her phone vibrate. After a quick glance she saw it was a message from one of her many of group chats.

To: Sienna, Jane, Charlotte, August, Connor, Dustin, Isabela
Morning! Hope everyone's ready for this school year!

Tossing her phone, Piper went back to finally get dressed. She decided to show off her figure that she has been working on, so a crop top and skirt were the best choices for her. "Looking good today Ms. Piper Vine." She looked at herself in the mirror and approved whole heartedly of today's look. Walking out of the bedroom with her pink bag, Piper moaned as she saw the time and that she had a text from Jane. She was going to ride with Dustin, but seeing as she hasn't seen Jane in so long she might as well ride to school with her.

To: Jane
Sure darling, you won't be able to miss me on the side of the road. I'll be the only attractive red head in heels!

Piper smiled at her own reply, before walking to Dustin's door and knocking loudly. "You better make it to morning assembly! I'm leaving now to go meet Jane." Just as she was walking away from the door she remembered her luggage. "And I'll get my stuff this afternoon." There was no way she would be able to explain to Jane why no one from her family got her luggage for her, so it was best to just eliminate the potential problem. Piper practically skipped out of the home and headed to Park Avenue so Jane could come and get her. She was curious to how the girl was doing, so having some alone time for just the two of them was best.

While she was standing there, Piper decided to remind Connor that they had the school assembly today. Figuring it was her duty or something.

To: Connor
I better see you today! I feel like we haven't talked in ages! How are you?! Was your summer good?!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: August Marcelo Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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Outfit | Motorcycle

Summer seemed like it came and went in an blink of eye with school starting right back up. But hey, it’s the final year that is going to be having Dusty cooped up in a place that had “snorefest” plastered to the walls. Of course it wasn’t completely terrible and here is hoping it will just fly by like the last year had for him. Plus there has got to be some fantastic parties to send them on their way throughout the year. He will take anything to get him through the last hump.

Dusty spent a few months back in New Canaan with his mother, Bria and Zac. Both spending more time either out shopping for unnecessary crap that will most likely be left in their closet or in Zac’s case shut up in his bedroom playing endless hours of video games talking to those friends instead of ones that lived right across the street. His mother needed to get out of the city as she needed more of calm setting as she worked on her newest book. She has come to dubbing it “the best one yet” much like every other title she has written in the past. It’s actually very amusing when she has to focus. Most people would take her as a complete nut but not anyone that knows her. A woman wafting into the ocean while drinking a cup of Pinot Grigio can be quite the sight especially when she’s singing a Led Zeppelin song at the top of her lungs. Dusty was there the entire time cherishing the moment as well as making sure she doesn’t accidentally kill herself. One time she had more then enough to drink and wound up wadding in too far, cost her one of her favorite wine glasses but Dustin dragged her out of the water. She did nothing but laugh at the situation. Jessabelle Sanderson, the craziest of the bunch.

They got back midway through August, enough time to readjust into the city life, not really necessary but still it was best. The day before this technical first day of school he and Piper decided to have one last hoorah and head out to Jones Beach. It was a fun time and it was nice to see Piper not have to act like she does when she’s around the others. They must have spent an hour too long there because when they were heading back they hit traffic beyond belief so they settled on staying over his place. His family had more then enough room and a new face around the house would be welcomed.

A hard vibration startled him awake but it wasn’t until the second to get his attention. Peaking open one eye it was a few minutes too early for his liking so he completely pushed the idea of waking up right now out of his mind. It wasn’t until several loud knocks on his door made him shoot up. "You better make it to morning assembly! I'm leaving now to go meet Jane." He managed to make some inaudible noise before hearing the footsteps head down the hall. "And I'll get my stuff this afternoon."

“Right. Assembly.” He threw his feet out from under the covers and rested them on the cold hardwood floors. “More like my ass-embly.” He stretched walking out of his room to the bathroom. The air was warm meaning someone had recently taken a shower but that wasn’t stopping him from taking one, a cold one would even help wake him up. It only took around ten minutes to finish up and head back to his room to change. A few minutes later he was dressed up and heading out, after grabbing a quick bite to eat from whatever was the easiest thing to throw in the microwave and be done with it.

Finally checking his phone he checked his phone remembering the text messages. It was from Sienna and part of a group chat so he didn’t really care for replying so didn’t. He headed into the garage and was happy that Piper was getting a ride from Jane. Winter was around the corner and that meant he’d only have a short while with his Honda CX500. He grabbed his motorcycle helmet and sat on the bike it giving way like normal. Before tucking away his phone he texted Piper about her things.

To Piper:
Dont know if ill be home so just get ur things from my mom.

To Momma:
Pipe will be stopping by later. dont know if ill be home so can you get her stuff?

To August:
How’s it? Ready for the last year?

Pushing his helmet on he started the bike and headed to school in no hurry. It was only an assembly, a rehash of everything they always say with a few extra things added in because of senior year. He lived a decent distance from the school so the ride didn’t take too long to arrive at Constance and after finding a good spot to park he figured he would sit back and wait awhile before making his way to the auditorium.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine

Piper waited for Jane's car to pull up when she felt her phone vibrate. Looking down she saw it was Connor asking is anyone wanted some coffee. The answer would be no. She was perfectly fine with drinking water. Coffee gives her the jitters. So instead of responding, she just left the text alone. As she put her phone away, it began to buzz again. This time it was Dustin saying he probably wouldn't be home after their school assembly. Connor replied to her text earlier, but she should be at school soon so she just left it.

To: Dustin
No problem!

Just as she put her phone away for good, Jane's car rolled up. Piper smiled as she got into the vehicle. "Hey girl!" Piper gave Jane a hug as she continued to smile. Then in typical Jane fashion she started talking rather quickly. Piper just let her finish before chiming in. "Well it was sort of a last minute trip. If I had known you were there as well I would've invited you." Piper didn't really pay too much attention to the pictures Jane would post, so she must have missed the one letting her know they were in the same place. Oh well. Piper was more concerned with Jane's health. She would be lying if she said during the car ride to school she didn't look at Jane's body to see if she gained any weight. Looking back on it Jane did look unhealthy skinny last school year. She wished she would have caught it sooner before it got to the point that it had. The whole ordeal made Piper feel like she should try to be better friend.

The rest of the car ride Jane's mainly talked about whatever. Finally they arrived at the school and Piper could sense Jane's nervousness. She had a right to be. She really didn't contact anyone, and piper knew that probably sent Sydney into a rage. Honestly she doesn't know why Jane is friends with Sydney, but whatever. Talking about Sydney just gives Piper a headache. Just as Jane got out Piper felt her phone ring. It was her brother calling. "I'll meet up with you and the girls in a second." If her brother was calling her there was no way she wasn't going to answer. Thomas was her everything.

Piper got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk as Jane went off to meet Sienna and Sydney. "What's up Thomas?" Piper questioned. "I saw some papers on your desk about this old couple? Are they related to us?" Thomas sounded excited at the possibilities, but Piper didn't share his enthusiasm. "No, they aren't related to us. But don't worry about it for now. I'll find them for sure. Now go to school!" Piper quickly hung up the phone before Thomas could talk any more. She completely forgot to tell him about it, but seeing as she hit a road block she figured it was best not to tell him. Turning, on her heels and headed to the steps.

She could see the three girls in the distance, plus a couple of other people. Piper saw Connor but he was leaving, Probably to go meet Charlotte. "Honestly the two should just date." She grinned to herself. Piper met the girls on the stairs and smiled to Sienna and briefly grinned at Sydney. "Hello girls." She put on her best smile. Her hatred for Sydney increased over the summer, so it was extremely hard to even look in her direction. "I'm assuming everyone's summer went okay?" Piper looked amongst the girls before checking the time. The assembly was starting soon, but honestly if she missed it she wouldn't even care. But going inside would be better than dealing with the current awkward atmosphere. Surely Sydney and Sienna were curious about Jane's absence over the summer. It's surprising neither of them had bombarded Jane yet. "By the way Sienna your outfit is too precious. It's very city chic." Piper complimented. "But I'm sure we should start heading inside for the assembly." The assembly was something Piper dreaded, but it would be better then standing on the being awkward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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Dustin was practically falling asleep on his bike when he started to notice more classmates filling up the block. He slid off of his motorcycle, pushing his helmet into place between the throttle and brake and headed down the street, most likely sporting a fantastic case of helmet hair. With a whistle going he kept spinning the keys around his middle finger only ever having to stop when it clipped another finger. Dustin was naturally a fast walker and this time of day, not to mention thanks to it being technically the first day of school, almost everyone was walking at a snails pace making him weave in and out on his way there. People walking slow was a pet peeve of his the worst being when they have completely blocked his way with no other way around them.

Making it to the front of the school he cut the whistling off and grasped the keys in his right hand, finger still in the loop. He stopped to talk to a couple swim mates he hadn't seen all summer as he walked into the school. Mornings were the toughest part of every morning and normally this much talking would get rather annoying but the nonsensical conversations actually managed to keep his attention enough so that he started waking up. Some went on for longer than he liked but he didn't have anything wrong with it at the time.

A soft vibration in his pocket had reply from Piper that wasn't anything too special. Looking up he spotted several familiar faces he walked over to the small group just as he overheard his name. “Speak of the devil and he’s sure to appear.” Dustin spoke up with a smirk as he past Vincent from behind. “How’s it going?” He looked to Connor and Charlotte and to the other blonde he hoped he hadn’t met before because if they had her name is completely lost on him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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Sienna couldn't help but soften her expression more at the dejected look in Jane's eyes when she didn't contend to going along with their shopping antics like usual. That had not been out of being mean and she was used to mostly speaking her thoughts. Which had not happened, surprisingly, which was why Sienna realized that this was a serious matter at hand. She usually would have hissed out of frustration that Jane was late or had (if that had been the case) that the wench had left them high and dry - again. She would have been fuming and not even the espresso-infused cup of chocolate she was going to receive from Connor would have satiated her hunger for something. However, this was Jane and well, Sienna held many grudges over the years, like when she made it very clear that one of the group's favorite little minions, Claire, would never be invited to any of her parties without at least some sucking up for an entire week because the girl had slept with Vincent last year. But Jane wasn't a minion or some girl who had wronged her like the one she was currently siding with. And Sienna couldn't be mean to her, not forever.

When Connor came, Sienna offered him a very bright smile of appreciation and would have given him his money for the drinks had he not immediately set to leaving. The warmth from both beverages, which now took up both of her hands, felt good against her skin and she took a sip of her own, allowing the salty flake to melt in the warmth of chocolate, espresso and caramel.

She was just about to explain to Jane that she had studio time and would have loved to spend time with her though when Sydney cut right to the chase. Sienna sharply turned to Sydney, a bit taken aback but not surprised by Sydney's refusal to allow the lies to continue. Understanding that the situation called for it, Sienna turned back to face Jane fully, shifting on her feet idly when Jane appeared ready to give some kind of answer. However, Piper's voice cut in over their favorite brunette's and the annoyance of both blondes was probably tangible. Or, at least, it was visible on Sienna's face, if only for a few seconds. Unlike Sydney, Sienna didn't not like Piper. Piper was pretty cool and between Sydney and Piper sometimes, Sienna liked the redhead just a bit more because Sydney had the capacity to push Sienna towards violence. However, considering the fact that there were no such inclinations at the moment and the fact the redhead (though unwittingly) disrupted a serious situation, Sienna was not exactly a fan of Piper at the moment. Not that it kept her from greeting her. Besides, Sienna didn't just turn away a compliment! "Oh, thanks, sweetie," she replied cheerily, rearranging her bag on her shoulder. "Yeah, I think summer was pretty good. There were a good number of revelations," Sienna stated, looking directly at Jane for a minute before returning her gaze to Piper with a salacious wink. "And a whole lot more fun that I can't wait to talk about later." It was probably mean of her to keep Jane on her toes, but it was too late to take it back.

When Piper inquired of them heading inside, it was as if Sydney had called to her without words because Sienna's gaze immediately went to the queen bee without question. She nodded discreetly and set to following Sydney as the girls headed inside. It was still a surprise that they had not clashed on anything yet, though Sienna was not privy to accepting this standstill. She was too used to Sydney's underhanded jabs and sly words to truly feel at ease in her presence. At the same time, they were on the same team at the moment. Granted, their reasoning and ways of interpreting the situation was different. Sydney felt like it was a personal stab for Jane to not tell her, Sienna thought it may have been indicative of how Jane truly felt. That maybe she didn't trust neither Sydney nor Sienna enough with her illness. Like with anyone who had a different sexuality, background or disease, the person deciding to tell you would only make that decision if they thought you were trustworthy and that they could allow themselves to be vulnerable with you. Sienna may not have truly vented to Jane about the true extents of her feelings towards Vincent and their separation (not to mention Sydney's involvement in it) or even to the girls about her woes with her mother, but surely they had been friends, right? Jane should have been able to trust her and yet, she had not and Sienna was angry only because, damn...she thought they were better than that. Maybe it was still selfish or even spoke to Sienna's own insecurities, but it was all too complicated at the moment to contemplate any further.

At the moment, while she heard her phone ping at receiving a text message, she couldn't rearrange the drinks to answer it. It was only when they had gotten inside, though not that far in, that Sienna saw Hailey still with Vincent and a few friends. Pleased, Sienna was the first to break from the group to get to the others a bit faster. "Hey, guys!" she exclaimed, forgetting all about Sydney and Charlotte not getting along at the moment. She smiled at Hailey while handing her fellow singer her drink. "Seems I've caught up with you. I hope someone," she eyed Vincent surreptitiously, "didn't give you a hard time." Turning to Charlotte, Sienna beamed. "Morning, Madam President." She said, giving Charlotte a sideways hug in pursuit of her phone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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#, as written by Dumisa

Hailey eyed Vincent as he repeated her question but in a different tense. It made her raise a brow a little bit but then her ears were mainly focused on what he said after. "Yeah, so this school is like the real world basically." She snickered at her own comment then eyed him again. "No one gets to me..." She smiled a little bit then eyed him. "If they do, I'll just write a song about them." She shrugged her shoulders then followed behind him as he went up to Charlotte, whom she met at the local mall. The other guy she haven't met yet so she did nothing but smile at him, for now.

She looked towards Vincent as he was about to call her the new girl again but shook her head and waved towards Charlotte with a smile. "Nice to meet you again." She nodded her head towards Charlotte then rolled her eyes at Vincent's comment. Her eyes then met someone she hasn't met before. "Hi there, I should introduce myself." She smiled and extended her hand for him to shake. "I'm Hailey." Her smile brightened after that as she dropped her hand by her side, whether he shook it or not.

Her eyes trailed around the hall as another guy walked up to them. 'All of these cute guys.' She thought to herself, eying him as he spoke, laughing at his comment. She waited until their conversation was over then basically did the same thing all over again. "Hi, I'm Hailey." She once again extended her hand for him to shake and dropping it back by her side with a smile. "So, shouldn't we head to the assembly?" She questioned towards them then looked up and saw Sienna and accepted her drink. "Thank you." She smiled then took a small sip from her cup.

Hailey eyed everyone around her as she rocked on the balls of her feet, waiting to go to this assembly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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ImageImage“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

Charlotte groaned as she looked down at her phone. She just shook her head and slid her phone away as she got up and started to walk into the school. "Hey, I just got your text. What's up?" It was only when she heard Connor's voice that she sighed and turned around to face him. "Oh thank goodness, Connor, I'm really freaking out. I mean, I know that its just an introduction or whatever, but what if I mess up or I forget what I wrote. I can't wing like you can, that's not my style. And people already think I'm a dumb blonde, I don't need the incoming freshmen thinking that too. And they might think that for the rest of the year, I mean I know I shouldn't care but, I have enough people thinking that I'm nothing more than some cute girl. I do not need anyone else thinkin' that."

Charlotte groaned before looking around to see a few people staring at the pair. "Oh, great now people think I'm an uptight, uppity freak." She already knew what he was going to say, that she was just stressing out and that everything would be fine and blah, blah, blah. Telling her what he always told her when she got herself worked up, which was... pretty common when she thought about it. But, he didn't get it. Sure, he was cute but, he was also popular, charming, and well, pretty awesome. No one had any reason to think that he got pass on just his looks or money but, with her that's what a lot of people thought. That she was just another dumb blonde who could flip her hair or flaunt daddy's money and get whatever her little heart desired. And she hated that people thought her life and she was like that. So, she always did above and beyond just to try and show those people that they were wrong. And whenever she thought that she was just about to prove those people right... She may or may not have a tinsy, tiny little... breakdown/stress out session and Connor was the first one she would call about it seeing that he could always reassure her that everything was going to be fine.

When she took a deep breath and turned her head to the side when she saw two people walking towards her and Connor. When she looked at them, she saw Vincent and Hailey. Her relationship with Vincent, to say the least was entertaining. He would flirt with her and she would just brush it off with a smirk stating that he wasn't 'her type'. Hell, Lottie has never had a boyfriend. She doesn't even have a type. "Hey, Charlotte! Have you met the ne-.. Hailey?",
She smiled brightly as she pointed towards the girl. "You mean, my long lost sister?" She chuckled. "Nice to meet you again." Charlotte softly smiled towards her and waved slightly. "You too."

"Don't worry, you're still the number one blonde in my life, though", She looked towards Vincent as he sported a smirk only to rolled her eyes at him and smirk herself. "Aw, aren't you sweet, darlin'. You have no idea how knowing I'm still your favorite blonde makes me feel." Sarcasm in her voice as she laid a hand on Vincent's shoulder. She watched as Vince turned to Connor and asked where Dusty was. She just shrugged as she listened to the two guys talk. But, it didn't take long for Dusty to head over to the group. “Speak of the devil and he’s sure to appear.” Charlotte just rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. “How’s it going?” She shrugged before speaking. "You know, the usual. I'm stressing out about this meeting." She stated as she combed her fingers through her hair as she saw Sienna walk up to the group as well. She only smirked when she called her 'Madam President' and hugged her back. "Little Miss. Superstar."

"So, shouldn't we head to the assembly?" Charlotte looked at the time on her black Micheal Kors watch and cursed. "Crap, we really should be heading inside guys." She said as she slid her planner and notebook into her bag before turning towards the others in the group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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Sienna winked back at Charlotte for their ever-present nickname exchange just as she finally reached her phone. She took a sip of her coffee before peering down at her phone, a small smile flitting across her face at the sight of a message from Isabella. She really wanted to see the brunette before they all went their separate ways, but her schedule probably wouldn't permit it. While Jane and Piper may have had time to blow and Sydney might very well make be making sure that everything was perfect for the party tonight - which Sienna had no problem with since she was exactly the same way - but Sienna did not have that luxury. She had to be prepared for school while also getting out music, which was always a hassle. And it infringed on a lot of her free time and she was pretty sure she was going develop an actual addiction to coffee in the near future, if she wasn't already addicted now.

Her eyes moved over to Jane and Piper as they disconnected from Sydney somewhat, watching the brunette with a smile still on her face. Sienna's habit of holding grudges just could not last - not when it came to Jane. And if there was one thing that she and her friend shared in common other than their loves for fashion and partying, it was their emotions. They felt things too deeply, far less composed than the icy queen bee. Granted, Sienna had her moments where she could be quietly vengeful and exchanging underhanded digs were just like second nature, but even she could not always hold it together. So, she was unsurprised by Jane's thinking that Sydney hated her. She just didn't want her to think that it was actually fact. Which was why she decided to text her back.

To: Jane
Nobody hates u, J. We all need 2 talk. No running. I can stall 4 the nite but its important.

Sienna returned her attention to the group, nodding to Hailey absentmindedly when the new girl thanked her for her drink. Her eyes, without much restraint, fell back on Vincent. She didn't mean to look at him, didn't mean to allow her gaze to rake over him in appreciation as she did. Definitely not little Vince anymore, her brain decided to taunt her, which was completely necessary because Sienna had noticed the change. Oh, she had noticed. Had taken all of this into account over the years - how much more lean he became, how his jaw line suddenly became more defined, how - no matter what - his eyes were still the same shade of blue...

Her gaze immediately sought out Sydney only for her lips to form a small smile. Just before Sydney's mask slipped back on, Sienna had seen it. Hunger. Appreciation. Entitlement. Lust. Perhaps the "entitlement" part was simply Sienna feeling suddenly bitchy, but she couldn't help it. She had to look away, concentrating on Hailey who said they should probably head inside and Charlotte who more than readily agreed. She should have known this would happen. She and Sydney could never truly get along, not unless this Vincent thing was out in the open. It was probably highly irrational for her to be as upset and despite any efforts on her part, the conflicted emotions were probably evident on her face. She didn't have a hold on Vincent anymore. He had made that clear when he wound up in bed with Sydney when they were still dating and even when he slept with another girl nearly a day or so after they officially broke up. That thought didn't, however, rid of her of the jealousy brewing inside of her.

"You're right. We should go before the Head comes out and throws a bitch fit," she said monotonously, hating herself for the edge still in her voice. She stepped away from the group then, not afraid to break away from her clique. Unlike Sydney and sometimes the others, Sienna had no problem with identifying herself with other groups. Her life revolved around remaining as open as possible, partly because she had always been friendly but also as a marketing tool. Her face and voice made her marketable, the curvy body she was growing into made her even more marketable, but it was her personality that truly sold everything. Besides, when she needed a break from her friends - when something Sydney did made her emotions all the more visible and barely contained - a refresher like talking to the girl from her biology class was sure to do the trick. However, she did not come in alone and turned back to call for Hailey only for the blonde to be engulfed in a tight hold.

Sienna almost dropped her coffee.

When she and Sebastian had hooked up last year, it had been more out of the heat of the moment than actual feelings. Which Sienna had felt just a bit bad for after the fact. She hated meaningless flings and sleeping around. It was a waste of time and sure, it sounded fun. She just didn't do it as often as people thought she did. However, once their fling fizzled or perhaps they simply both agreed to let it pass, she hadn't seen him again. She had heard Sydney and Jane in conversation talk about this elusive "Sebastian" figure plenty of times, and she was sure the others knew him as well. But when it came down to particular events, Sienna would have a prior engagement her mother and manager planned out, and she would always miss this figure. She had been beginning to think he didn't exist...

...until she saw Hailey being wrapped in familiar arms. Arms Sienna herself had been enveloped in. She gulped audibly, biting her lower lip as she took in the excited expression on Sebastian's face. He had been attractive back then and by God, he was gorgeous now! All tall, curly hair and pretty-eyed and she could remember why her team had chosen him as her faux boyfriend for the music video they chose. Her heart was thumping against her ribcage madly and she prayed like hell the others wouldn't notice the actual nervousness creeping onto her face. At the same time, she had to clarify - had to make this not be awkward.

"Sebastian?" She questioned, taking a step back towards him and Hailey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Sebastian Huntington Jr. Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine

Piper didn't sleep too well last night. She was so worried that her brother could have a broken bone somewhere. On top of that she had to figure out a way to pay for his medical visit. The redhead stared up at her ceiling thinking about everything that was coming up this semester. "Fuck!" Piper shot up as she suddenly membered. It was her turn to host her 'cliques' annual party. How could she forget? Piper clamored out of bed, falling in the process, and looked at her calendar. "This has got to be a joke right?" Ignoring her body aches and pain coupled with the headache she had from how much she drunk last night, Piper couldn't believe she only had till next week. "How am I going to get that type of money?" Just as she made it to her feet, she heard a knock on the door and her brother walk in.

"Are you taking me to the doctor? If so you know you don't have to. I'm fine. It's the first week of classes, you should leave a good impression." Thomas spoke with a quizzical look at his sister's disheveled appearance. "Nonsense. I'll use what I have left from my modeling jobs to pay for your visit don't worry about it. Just give me a sec to get ready." Piper forced her brother out of her room and practically slammed the door in his face. Especially after Sydney's elaborate party there was no way Piper could've pulled something off like that. She needed money and she needed it fast. Piper got herself together and was headed out the door when she ran into Amy.

"Thomas go on ahead I need to talk to Amy." Thomas listened to his sister, knowing that whatever she was going to say wasn't going to be too lovely. "Have you gone mad? Why would you send him out so late at night?" Piper crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for the older woman to reply. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't think it through. I didn't mean for that to happen Piper." Amy wasn't really that bad of a foster mother, and Piper knew she didn't mean any harm in sending Thomas out, but the model wasn't the most level headed when it came to Amy. "Forget it I'm not the one who needs an apology." Piper slammed the door to the apartment as if to prove her point.

After practically draining her account to pay for her brother's x-ray, which turns out his wrist is broken, Piper missed her first day of school. After getting her brother back home, her phone buzzed. It was from Sienna. The last thing Piper felt like doing was hanging around Jane and Sienna to go shopping. Though yoga did sound nice, Piper needed to figure out what to do with her party.

To Sienna:
Sorry, I can't meet today. I have to look after my brother today, but I can do the gig tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know ^^

To Sebastian:
Hey I am doing a job tomorrow for Young&Reckless are you going to be there?

Really Piper was thankful for the modeling gig Sienna sent her way. Hopefully this money can help her throw a semi-decent party. Maybe Dustin will have some good ideas? He was a jokester but he had his moments.

To Dustin:
Hey! So I have to throw a party next weekend, do you have any good ideas? Please I need some advice!

Just as she hit send, she got a text from Brent. Piper couldn't help but scoff as she read what was on her screen. Is he serious? More than likely Sydney confiscated whatever drugs he was selling last night. How the hell was she going to get her hands on that? Did he think Sydney and Piper were besties and she could just walk up to her and ask? "Does he even listen to me when I talk?" Piper mumbled as she decided to text him back.

To Brent:
Does it look like I can just walk up to Sydney and ask for your drugs back? How do you propose I get them? But I am in a little crisis right now, so if you help me then I'll help you. Let's meet at dinner and we can discuss it further. Where do you want to meet?

To Kelley:
Did you have some fun last night? You know there is another party tomorrow so I hope you aren't too worn out.

Looking at the time, Piper should probably meet Brent soon. She doesn't want to end up like her brother so she shouldn't stay out too late. Plus she was curious about what Brent did to garner Sydney's attention. Hopefully he didn't approach Jane, so it was good that she met him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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Sunday, September 7th | 12:30 PM

Sunday was turning out to be an extremely busy day for Sienna and she wasn't exactly sure how she felt about it yet. The party last night had been pretty damn fun and exciting, especially seeing some of the more prim and proper students actually throwing the cares and inhibitions away. She herself had had a good time, especially with Jane, Piper, and Charlotte being her party buddies at different points of the night. She didn't know nor care if Sydney had made a presence, and if she had, Sienna had not paid it any mind. She had made it her mission to enjoy herself and downed two Mai Tai cocktails and only three shots, which was definitely safer than her typical antics. Maybe it was because she was trying to be coherent enough to evade Vincent when he did appear with Ricky...

...which brought her to her current issue. "Let me guess, you're vying for best friend of the month award," she snapped into her cell phone while sending out a few blasts online to the various volunteers for the afternoon. It was a very classy event they were hosting, a lunch of sorts with very light entrees, champagne, and a few other delicate treats. She had helped Charlotte and Victoria with the initial planning, but eventually stuck to doing her original job, which was more along the lines of garnering media attention of alumnae who still be around, various donors who would probably donate funds again, a few other social media management duties that had been bequeathed to her. Afterwards, she would have a small dinner with Jay Z and Beyoncé about her upcoming EP, another session in the studio despite having doing one earlier in the morning, and finish whatever homework she had not touched. She had not had time to construct an attire that would allow her l show out and even had decided on one of her most bare looks, opting even for the bare minimum in regards to makeup. The dress she chose was classy and casual, and the shoes were just edgy enough. She even had to deal with the fact that Hailey was preparing to leave since, apparently, Sydney slamming her for drugs Sienna still believed did not belong to Hailey had run amuck through the halls and a few other rumors had spread. It was too much stress and dealing with being new to all of it, Hailey had not been prepared for anything. So, she was leaving and Sienna had oversaw her getting on a flight extremely early in the morning. Which was why she was not in the mood to play by Ricky's rules.

"Oh come on, Sia. Give me a little credit," his voice rumbled through her ears over the speakers, and Sienna scowled because she could hear the chuckle he did not release. "You say it like it's a bad thing." Sienna growled and Ricky laughed a bit at the sound. "Don't you think that if I wanted to talk to him, that I would have already done so?" Ricky smirked on his end, finishing with his tie. He was in the process of getting presentable for this event, having shooed away his conquest from the night before at the crack of dawn. He really hated when girls wore make up that they were only going to fuck up by morning. Honestly, it was an unattractive look and was probably the real reason he had sent her away so early. "The only reason you haven't spoken to him is because you're scared." Sienna paused and his smirk only grew at her silence.

It had never been hard for Ricardo to understand Sienna. She liked to think she was a bit more complex and in a way, she was, but she also was not hard to decode. Her fear at whatever she would hear from Vincent at the explanation of his "relationship" with Sydney was the main reason for her ignoring him, not her anger at the lacrosse star for being in a Snapchat. Ricky had singled that fact out last night when he acknowledged her ignoring Vincent to her face and seeing the almost guilty look in her eyes was enough to solidify the fidelity of his theory. No one could say that the king of St. Jude's wasn't an intelligent individual, that was for sure. Sienna's mouth opened and closed twice, and Esmee looked up from the seating chart Sienna had asked her to look over, running her hands through her pin-straight hair she stared at her sister curiously. Shaking her head, Sienna rose from her seat and left her laptop with Esmee, opting to walk out in the lobby instead of continuing the conversation in the ballroom. "Fine, I'll talk to him before this. Satisfied? She griped into her phone and Ricky could only laugh and admire his attire for the afternoon with pleasure. "Delighted." He replied and was not surprised by the click that followed.

Once off the phone with his Royal Asshole-ness, Sienna huffed and puffed, pouting for just a few minutes. She had fallen for Ricardo's tricks again. She could have ignored his allegations and ended the call altogether, but - and she was very aware that he knew this - she wasn't going to let him just call her out like that. She wasn't scared of talking to Vincent. It was freaking Vincent! She could have this conversation with him and then he could go back to telling everyone she didn't mean a thing to him, and she could go back to hating him. And damn those thoughts for saddening her for the seconds they dwelled in her mind. Messing with the loose strands that framed her face unlike the rest of her hair, which was styled in a side bun, Sienna paced along the floors for two minutes before making her decision. She dialed Vincent's number and waited for him to pick up, not giving him much time to say anything before cutting in, "Look, we've got thirty minutes til this event begins, and I can't leave since Charlotte isn't here yet, so if you still wanna talk, I'm here. And if not..." She bit her lip for a second, contemplating it before continuing. "..if not, then I'll see you when I see you." She hung up before the conversation could go any farther, staring down at her device for a few seconds longer than she would have admitted.

The cool air from outside grazed her warm skin due to various guests exiting the hotel and it reminded her that she needed to be on the move. She needed to make sure that everything was in place so Charlotte wouldn't have too much to stress over other than her speech. Preparing herself for possibly speaking with Vincent and dealing with the unwanted pleasantries that came with lavish events such as these, Sienna turned back and headed towards the ballroom once more, sending out messages to various peoples.

To: Jane, Piper
Plz tell me ur either coming 2 this thing or r doing something far more fun than me :P

To: Lottie, Carrie, Victoria
So far so good

To: Connor
At least u can do is b on time

To: Lee
Don't worry, I only have ur # 4 this 1 event. R u still volunteering or what?