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Upper East Side

Manhattan, NY


a part of Upper East Side, by royals.


royals holds sovereignty over Manhattan, NY, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

7,595 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


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Manhattan, NY is a part of Upper East Side.

14 Characters Here

Sienna Alvarez [254] "I swear, guys. This is gonna be our best year yet."
Jane Lynch [203]
Sydney Vale [183] "She's going to regret saying that about me."
Charlotte H. Buchanan [148] As long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story."
Vincent Mast [113]
Carolina Daily [93] "I didn't become heartless. I became smarter."
Brent Barclay [66] "I wouldn't have an attitude problem if you weren't so damn pesky."
Victoria Walsh [58] "I know things about you before you even know about them."
Ricardo Slim-Helรบ [47] "I'm not in the business of denying myself anything."

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Piper H. Vine Character Portrait: Leon Miller
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#, as written by Bandit

When Piper left her to go sort out the last minute details of the party, Carolina found herself wandering throughout the ballroom. In only a matter of minutes, it had went from being scarcely populated, to actually looking like a party. She never considered herself to be antisocial, but she appreciated the mask on her face tonight. It wasn't like it shielded her identity or that people wouldn't recognize her, but it felt like a little bit of a barrier, and it made her feel less self conscious about not being with a friend group. For the most part, Carolina really was content with not being a part of any major social clique. She had always recognized that she didn't really fit in with any of Constance's groups. She was smart, but that was about it. She wasn't into hardcore partying, she wasn't musically, athletically or artistically talented, she wasn't wealthy or into fashion... there was no set grove that she could fall into, besides the group of girls who obsessed over getting the best scores. And she wasn't even really one of them. She was naturally smart and she studied a lot, but for her, it was to make sure that she would leave high school and go on to actually be something. She wasn't looking to impress her parents or do it for the attention and recognition. It was for herself, because unlike a lot of the students at Constance, if she didn't have the grades to back herself up, she wasn't going to get into any good schools.

She would probably end up drinking later on, but for now, Carolina didn't accept any of the fancy cocktails that passing waiters offered her. The party was only starting, and she couldn't succumb for the drink craving that she was getting when she reflected on what Piper had confessed to her. Damnit, she had no reason to feel guilty about this! Jane was just as grown as the rest of them, and she clearly had enough of a mouth on her to be able to reject whatever Piper had convinced her to do. She was the one who wanted to do it, so she couldn't blame her best friend. Besides, Jane had been such a bitch to her over the last week, that she shouldn't have even felt a bit of remorse if she found out that Piper was plotting to kill her! It was karma, that's all, and yet here Carolina was with a pit in her stomach, as if she should stop this. As if she shouldn't have Piper's back, and should somehow intervene... but no, that wasn't her job. She wanted to stay out of all of this drama, not toss herself into a situation where she'd compromise her trust with Piper, and, with her luck, it would probably backfire and leave her on worse terms with Jane. No, she'd just keep her mouth shut for now. It wasn't like remaining quiet was a difficult task for her anyway.

To: Sienna
Lol hey i'm sitting at one of the tables. i think dinner's gonna be served soon. wya?

To: Leon
u here yet?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Piper H. Vine
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Jane didn't second guess handing Piper her phone, because at this point, she just wanted the drugs. The last thing that Jane would have suspected Piper to do was to go through her messages and delete her conversation with her. What Piper claimed, about Brent being angry with her for not wanting to hook up, and him being more likely to respond to Jane made sense with the image that Jane had of Brent anyway. "Ugh, I really don't want to deal with him alone Pipe!" Jane complained as she took her phone back. However, she reminded herself that Piper being there might actually compromise her chance to get them, so she took it back as quickly as she had spewed out the words. "But whatever! It's fine, I'll deal with it I guess." She considered asking Piper if she wanted her to pick up any for her, when she did meet with Brent, but resisted acting on impulsiveness this time. If Brent had the drugs, Jane wanted all of them. She didn't want to have to share with Piper just because Piper had screwed herself over with Brent.

When Piper turned serious on her, Jane wanted to groan. Really?! She was becoming a Sienna/Sydney too?! She had every much of a right to return that warning back to Piper, who had been the one who was too scared to take them alone just days ago. She didn't, though. Did Jane know that in some way, Piper taking them was actually different than her taking them? That Piper wasn't going to go crazy like she was, and that Piper wasn't likely kept up at night wishing she had them? The comment definitely bothered her, despite the good natured tone that Piper said it in, but she just smiled knowingly. "Please, Pipe. You know these things are harmless!" With this change in Piper, Jane was no longer interested in continuing the conversation. She didn't want to be lectured by the one person she thought was on her side in this whole thing, so she kept up the smile but glanced behind her shoulder, distracted. "Alright, let me get back to the girls, now. They're probably looking for you too, so you better grace us with your presence after you do your hostess things!" she giggled before turning away.

Although she was in route to find her girls, her eyes definitely were peeled for Brent too. She had put her phone back into her bag, but only before turning the sound to its highest volume so she'd know the minute that he responded. She found Sienna before Sydney, and hurried over towards the blonde who was walking with Charlotte and Rosie. "Okay, I'm back!" she declared, grabbing Sienna's arm energetically. "Let's get started on those shots. Tequila or vodka?" she asked, looking between the trio.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Leon Miller
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While Leon was looking for wherever the party was, he ran into a bunch of his track teammates, who of course insisted on grilling him about his time in Boston- or, rather, about his grandma's house. Not that they actually cared about his grandma. All they wanted to know was if there were any hot girls in that town and if he had tapped that and if he'd set any of them up with them. Leon told enough of a lie to keep them happy, before escaping.

Far too much of Leon's life seemed to be made up of lying. That was one thing about Boston- as many bad memories as it had brought up, he had least been able to be honest. But here, he had a wall of lies and omitted truths built around him like a suit of armour. But at least that suit of armour stopped him from getting hurt.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out, reading Carolina's text. He quickly typed out a reply.

To: Carolina
Yep- just got interrogated by track teammates. Will be there soon :)

Now, there were far more people swanning around, which made finding the party a lot easier. More than a few people were considerably drunk already. Leon wasn't planning on drinking- he was volatile enough when he was sober, and if he got drunk, he might say something that he would regret. He wasn't going to take that chance.

He found the room and had to admire the party planner's work. It was everything he'd expected from an Upper East Side party. Despite the fact that everyone was wearing masks, it was still surprisingly easy to recognise some people. He found Carolina sitting alone at a table and headed straight over, sinking into a seat beside her.

"Some party, am I right?" He remarked, grinning at her. She looked troubled, though, so the grin slid off of his face as he leaned in. "Everything okay?" He asked, keeping his voice quiet.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder
Within fifteen minutes, Brent had unloaded everything he had brought with him. The stack of bills in his wallet was reassuring now, but he still was anxious over his deal with Tori. He had no reason to believe that she wouldn't come through with the money, but he wanted it now. He needed that money, and its security, to feel relaxed, especially since all of his marijuana was gone now, so it wasn't like he could find some supply closet to hotbox. Piper's party having an open bar would help, though. Free alcohol was something that no one could complain about, and once he reminded himself of that, he found himself gravitating towards the bar. "Just a Guinness, please," he ordered when a bartender approached him. He stood at the end of the bar and made out a couple of familiar faces towards the other side. There was some kid from his math class, Vincent Mast, a girl he had sold ecstasy to once, and a couple girls and guys who were unfamiliar to him.

None of them spiked his interest, so after the cold beer was slid his way, he left the bar and headed towards the dinner tables. They all looked elegant and well put together, something he expected no less of from Piper, but he was far less concerned with the tablescape than he was with the food that he hoped would be served soon. More people were beginning to find seats at the tables which made him feel better at that, but surprisingly, he hadn't seen the hostess herself yet. Even if she had worn the most disguising mask, her red hair would make her easily identifiable, he imagined.

He found an empty table towards the back of the ballroom and sat down there. Aside from Kelley, Brent didn't have very many real friends, and just because he sold to some kid didn't mean that it was acceptable for him to sit down at a table with his friend group and act like they were pals. In fact, it'd probably land Brent with one less client. He was used to this though, and by this point, was content with just attending these fancy parties to make his sales, get a free meal and alcohol, mess around with Charlotte mentally, and if he was lucky, Kelley, physically.

He had finished half of his beer when his phone buzzed with a text. He was hoping that it was Kelley, but the fact that it was Jane was probably just as uplifting. It reassured him that his money would come, and as he typed out a response, he just hoped that Tori knew what she was doing.

To: Jane
hey, you've got to go through Tori Walsh for that. i'm not selling those pills rn, she's the only one who has access to them. lmk if u need her number


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Leon Miller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

In the time that it took Leon to find her, Carolina had accepted a water from one of the waiters. Still no alcoholic drink, though. She couldn't believe that she was actually feeling bad about this! She was doing a favor for a friend, that was all. It wasn't like Jane was actually her sister, or a blood relative at all. She wasn't even a good roommate! She was rude and inconsiderate, and not grateful for the help that Carolina gave her. If anything, she was actually doing a good thing by not intervening, because she would sure Jane would be more offended if she told her dad, or even her friends. And yet, no matter how much she tried to convince herself that she shouldn't be bothered by what Piper had said, she was. It bothered her even more that it was bothering her, and that she had a conscience, when it was clear that Piper didn't. She was the last person who deserved to feel uneasy over all of this, and yet she did.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Just hungry, really," Carolina said once Leon sat down. She did her best to perk up, sitting up straighter and smiling as she sipped her water. "But yeah, Piper did well. Everything looks great, I'm sure that tonight's going to be a lot of fun!" She set her water down and looked past him, watching as some people headed towards neighboring tables, others towards the bar, and as others continued to congregate amongst themselves to socialize. "So, your track guys are here? What about any of the many girl friends I'm sure you have waiting for you? Was Piper gracious enough to extend the invitation to them as well?" she continued with a smirk. She was honestly surprised that Leon wasn't in a relationship. He was definitely good looking enough, and his personality was better than a lot of the guys she associated with at these types of parties. She guessed that maybe being nice wasn't attractive to these Upper East Side girls. It wouldn't be surprising to her, considering that she didn't understand most other aspects of how their minds worked.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helรบ
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals
Image Image
When they arrived at Piper's party, Connor considered walking inside with Charlotte, but he thought it might be inappropriate. It was a stupid thought, especially considering that Tori was the one to ditch him, but he didn't want to be disrespectful to anyone. He knew that he was just overthinking things, but even if he had reminded himself that in time, it would have been too late, because Sienna was already headed in with the twins, and that left Connor heading in with Sydney. He couldn't complain about that, but after Rick's insistence that there was no way in hell that he would ever get Sydney, he did feel a little bit disheartened. More than anything, he felt confused, though. So, apparently Sydney was too out of reach for him, but he had a chance with Charlotte, and was basically selling himself short by going for Victoria. He knew that he didn't really like Tori, but at the same time, his instincts told him not to just dismiss her because of that. He wanted to believe that Sydney had been genuine in setting them up and that he should at least give her a chance, especially because he also still believed that what Sydney had said about Charlotte not liking him in that way could be true as well. Aside from the confusion over his situation with Tori, Connor was confused about his two favorite blondes too. He knew that what he felt for Sydney and what he felt for Charlotte were both very different feelings, but he didn't know how they were different and what each one meant. He didn't know if his crush on Sydney was the type of harmless crush that everyone had, like in the way that he had been set on marrying Hillary Duff as a child, or if he really hoped he had a chance with her, in real life. The same went with Charlotte, but with her, at least he had reassurance from other people that he had a chance there. It was a lot for him to handle though, especially when he had such little experience with these types of things.

So, after he and Sydney had made it inside, he turned to Sydney before she strayed away. "Hey, Sydney? Can I talk to you for a second? If you aren't in a rush or anything?"

For once, Sydney wasn't even feeling spiteful when Jane nearly ran into the club and Sienna cliqued up with the twins as they all made their entrance. She was fine with coming in on her own. All the more attention for her. Honestly, she had barely noticed Connor next to her until they were actually inside and she felt his hand on her arm. She looked at him with a mixture of concern and confusion as he asked for her attention for a moment, in such a typical caring and not wanting to intrude, Connor way. "Of course, what's up?" she responded as she focused on readjusting her mask that she thought had shifted during their entrance.

"Well, it's not really a big deal, but you know what you said about me and Charlotte yesterday? How she probably doesn't want to be anything more than friends?"

"Mhmm," Sydney answered distractedly, though she maintained her sight on Connor as he spoke. Was he really bringing this up again? She felt like he was already nervous, or else she would have rolled her eyes, cut him off there and told him to stop worrying about it.

"Okay, yeah... well, the guys in the car were saying how they thought she might actually like me as more than a friend. I told them that you didn't think so, and all, but I guess I just wanted more advice. If I shouldn't go for Lottie, who do you think I have a chance with?" Connor definitely felt a bit pathetic as he spoke, but he hoped getting an answer would leave him feeling more at ease than he felt right now. Sydney could either take back what she said about he and Charlotte and make things easy, she could answer that he had a shot with her (which he knew not to get his hopes up for by now), or he would insist on him seeking out Tori. He didn't know which of the answers he wanted to hear.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Leon Miller
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He shrugged at Carolina's comments about girlfriends. "Well, there's so many of them, we'd have to book another hotel just for them," he remarked, before laughing. "No, rather surprisingly, there aren't girls queuing up to date me. I mean, I'm surprised too. I'd date me, if you know what I mean," he said.

He very almost mentioned something about Sarah- about how he couldn't possibly date anyone she hadn't checked out. But then he stopped himself. For God's sake, Leon, you're not even drunk and you're already almost spilling your guts, he mentally chastised. He liked Carolina, he really did. But not enough to tell her about what he left behind. He didn't trust anyone enough to give them that information. He didn't want anybody knowing him that well.

"That and, if I did have a date, it would have taken me another hour to get out of the house because Mom would have insisted on grilling the poor girl. And how would you have lasted that long without me?" He asked, putting his chin on his hand and grinning at her. "I'm not entirely sure how you lasted that long while I was in Grandma's, considering that the signal was so shitty you couldn't even call me," he said. In reality, he'd just been avoiding everyone for that long. Boston had been an emotionally raw time.

"Was your half- or step- or whatever she is sister not in the house for that long? Or did you just not leave your room for that long?" He asked, his grin widening as he knew that he had successfully directed the attention away from him. If he knew Carolina, she'd have to have a little bit of a moan about Jane, and then the topic would change, and he wouldn't end up talking about Sarah.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helรบ
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S I E N N A ~ A L VA R E Z
"Fuck it, I want both."

Outfit|| Matthew Williamson Halter gown w/
Giuseppe Zanotti stilettos & embroidered Marchesa clutch
Location || The Ballroom
Her IPod || Confident by Demi Lovato
Mood|| Disheartened


The journey to the bar honestly should not have been as long as it had been, especially considering the fact that at some point, the cheery smile on Sienna's face had dimmed by the time they had actually arrived. Girls kept coming up, one after the other, first telling Charlotte how great she looked. How ethereal and all that nice stuff. And they complimented Rose too since...well, come on, Rose Buchanan in red is utterly to die for. But then they got to Sienna and started gushing and Sienna...Sienna was vain. She could admit it. You wanted to compliment her? Oh, ravish her with compliments, she could never get enough. But Vincent had put her in a mood and every step inside reminded her that this was Piper's party and Piper probably couldn't be trusted.

Thankfully, Jane had arrived and was pulling on her, and a happy Jane was better than an in-denial and totally-about-to-get-slapped-some-common-fucking-sense Jane, and Sienna liked her more than the other girls. She kept her arm looped with Charlotte's, however. So, when the brunette pulled Sienna, she was also pulling the class president to the bar right along with them. And Jane was the best, she had decided. Jane knew what Sienna needed and that was fine and great, and she was down for the cause. So, she glanced between the bartender and Jane, trying to decide. "Two shots of vodka each." A beat later. "Wait, no, tequila." A ping from her phone and Sienna saw Vincent's text. Gritting her teeth, she painted on her most sure, almost salacious smirk to the bartender. "You know what? Fuck it, both. Two shots of vodka and tequila, each. And a strawberry daiquiri for Madam President. Anything you want Rose?" Sienna ignored the part of her brain that argued against shots of two different clear alcohols, but she reason that there was going to be food. So, this was fine.

Yep, totally fine.

A few seconds later, the shots were lined up and Sienna grinned at Jane. "Bottom's up, babe." Without preamble and definitely without waiting for her brunette counterpart (and ignoring whatever look Charlotte was bound to give her), Sienna knocked one shot of tequila back before hurrying up to chase it with the other. The burn was only slight and she welcomed its sting, not really even tasting the alcohol. She didn't know what that said about her. "Damn," she muttered at the warmth that settled in her belly and luckily (and maybe not too luckily, if Sienna could find it in her to be actually happy about being disturbed), her phone made another noise. A text, this time from Carrie. She hurried to text the girl back before giggling at Jane. "You gotta keep up, J." She told her friend before setting her attention back to her two shots of vodka before surreptiously glancing at the twins. "You two better to. The night is too young."

To: Carrie
At the bar. Find u in 1 min. U want anything?

R I C A R D O ~ S L I M
"Don't tell me I hurt your feelings?"
Outfit|| DSquared2 Beverly Hills Tuxedo w/ mask
Location || The Ballroom
IPod || Turn Down (For What?) by DJ Snake ft. Lil Jon
Mood || Apathetic


Unlike most other guys, Ricardo did not flinch at Vincent's display of hostility, not even at the very much obvious anger blaring in his eyes or the fact that his friend's emotions were hardly contained. It was interesting that Vincent managed to restrain himself, and even more-so, that Rick's smirk did not stay in place. Despite the mask, the most that he was able to show was that by the time Vincent turned away, Rick's smirk had dropped and an eyebrow had raised in silent question. In challenge. He couldn't tell anyone why he liked antagonizing his friends - hell, why he liked antagonizing people in general. He just did.

And, instead of following Vincent like a good friend and trying to console him - reassure him that absolutely nothing had and probably won't happen between himself and his friend's girl - Rick allowed his smirk to fall right back into place. He waved leisurely at a few paparazzi, winked at a few girls waiting on the outside, and practically swaggered his way on inside the ballroom. He was the last of his group to enter, not that it mattered since...well, look at him. Rick knew he looked good for the night, and it wasn't like the first few debutantes that flocked to him practically immediately didn't spell that out for him, and he was Ricardo Torrez Slim-Helรบ. When did he ever not draw attention to himself?

It didn't take him long to spot his people. Vincent was on one side of the bar alone, probably pouting like the little bitch he was going to act like until either the alcohol was cleared out of his system or someone knocked his ass out because he wanted to start something. Sienna, surprisingly, was on the other side, absolutely oblivious and with the Buchanan twins and Jane. He watched as his favorite singer knocked back two shots relatively easier than she normally would have, tilting his head only slightly which made one of the girls on his arm continue idly chatting about the evening thus far. Not like he was honestly paying attention. His eyes flitted over to where he had last seen Sydney disappear to, only to gaze upon her and Connor speaking alone. A lazy smirk morphed on his face and after debonairly excusing himself, Rick headed over to the pair.

"And what do we have here, you two? Love confessions under the glittery light of the chandeliers?" He teased, glancing first at Sydney with a rather unreadable expression now that he was closer to her and then teasingly at Connor. "Nice way to set the mood, Harkins. Real smooth."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helรบ
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0.00 INK


Sydney didn't know if she should feel bad for Connor or smack him for being so... pathetic. She felt bad just thinking of that word to describe the boy, but he seemed to have reached that level. He could be so unsure of himself sometimes, and it was disheartening. She knew that she played a role in that, in this scenario, at least. She was probably that voice in his head telling him that he wasn't right for Charlotte and that their relationship wouldn't go there. Even more than that, that their relationship would actually go south if he did bring up his feelings for her, because Sydney had insisted that it would be awkward enough to ruin their friendship entirely. She knew how much Connor trusted her and how greatly he valued her opinion, and how much she liked having that type of power, so she was aware of how hypocritical it was for her to be acting like he needed to think for himself. Still, it bothered her a bit. Because he was her friend, and though she relished in having power over people, in the idea of living in their mind rent-free, she also did care enough about Connor to know that in the end, she wanted him to be happy. She wanted him to do what he wanted to do, and if that meant being with Charlotte, then so be it. She personally didn't like Lottie, and she didn't think that she was going to be a perfect fit for Connor, but she also knew that Tori Walsh would be even worse of a fit. Besides, she was considering murdering that girl herself, so she didn't think she would even be alive for long enough to actually date Connor. And while Sydney had enjoyed a couple of nights with Connor's twin brother, Jack, she would never do the same with Connor. They were identical in appearances, but so different in character. Besides, she was sure that she was over whatever she had felt for Jack by now.

"I never said that you don't have a chance with her, Connor," Sydney justified. "I just... she's not someone I imagined you being with. That's all. I want you to do what you think is best though, so if you think that asking Charlotte out isn't going to destroy your friendship with her, then go ahead. I don't personally like--" She paused in the middle of her response as she spotted Rick nearing them out of the corner of her eye. The last thing she needed was him jumping in and calling her out on still trying to persuade Connor into not asking Charlotte, even when she was trying to act like she was okay with it. She knew he would, too, especially after Connor mentioned him and Vincent being for the idea. "Not quite," she corrected him as he suggested something about love confessions. "I was just telling Connor that I think he needs to start trusting his instinct," she continued, looking at Connor with a stern smile as she spoke, before turning her gaze back to Rick. "I'm sure my girls are starting off the night with shots, so I'll be at the bar if either of you boys need me." She was speaking to both of them again, but for some reason, it took her a moment longer than usual to pull her curious... almost playful expression away from Ricardo before heading away.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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_____ T H EXC L A S SXP R E S I D E N T _____

      Location : The Party
      :Her Gown
      Dialogue Color โœฆ #007478
      Thought Color โœง #7A7A7A

      Charlotte was the last one to exit the building and enter the car waiting for them. She fixed her diamond hair piece and her mask in a small wall mirror before holding on to her gown as she slowly walked down the small stairs. She let go as she grabbed the hand of the man holding the door to help her slide into the car where her eyes went directly to Connor as Rosie somewhat pushed her into the seat next to him. "You... you look great!" She smiled softly towards her feet as she could feel her cheeks getting warm before she calmed herself down. "You both do!" Rosie chuckled as she grabbed Lottie's shoulders. "Aw, thanks Connor! I look nowhere are amazing as Lottie here." Lottie chuckled awkwardly as she rubbed her hand through her golden locks. "Thanks, Connor." Lottie didn't really speak up when it came to the whole Tori conversation. In all honesty, she kept it to herself the whole ride there. She didn't say a word because she knew Sydney was probably just trying to get a rise out of her or something.

      Lottie looked towards her sister with a small smile as her sister took out her phone to start taking pictures with her sister and her other friends. When they finally arrived to the venue, Lottie slipped on her mask and got out of the car with her sister by her side. Lottie really couldn't believe all of the cameras and all of the flashes. She was used to one camera but, not several. She never really went to red carpet events outside of fashion lines she was photographed for. When Sienna made her way to the twins, Lottie smiled as Rose continued posing for the cameras for the most part. "Howzabout a virgin Strawberry Daquiri. Cinderella? I promise, no alcohol. Pinky swear." She opened her mouth to object, wanting to talk to Connor a little just the two of them but, when she looked over she saw him walking in with Sydney. She took a deep breath before turning back to Sienna with a smile to hide her small little heartbreak. She nodded. "That actually sounds amazing right now." The three started their walk inside to the bar where Rose and Lottie kept thanking people for their compliments but while Rose confidentially took them. Charlotte would look down with a small smile while she thanked them. It was moments you couldn't definitely see where the twins differed other than their appearance. "Okay, I'm back! Let's get started on those shots. Tequila or vodka?" Before Lottie could even say anything, Jane started to pull Sienna who was holding on to Lottie. Rosie chuckled as she saw the sight before joining them at the bar as well. When Sienna order the shots for herself, Lottie furrowed her eyebrows before correcting the order for her.

      "Virgin strawberry daiquiri. Please." Lottie smiled towards bartender before returning to her phone before he slide the red drink in front of her along with Sienna's shots and Rosie's red wine. She sipped her virgin drink as as watched her friend down her shots. She looked worried a bit before sighing, she never really understood what it was with her friends liking to drink. She still has tons of fun at parties and events even without liquid courage. She chuckled at Sienna when she told the twins to keep up for the night. "We'll keep up if you slow down." She chuckled as she tried to keep her mind off of Connor.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Victoria Walsh
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"Um, I will absolutely die if I take four shots in a row!" she countered Sienna's sudden declaration, watching intently, yet a tad anxiously, as the bartender poured out eight shots. It was probably the last thing that anyone, even Jane herself expected, but she was sure that she was actually about to turn down alcohol. She didn't doubt that Sia did too, but Jane knew how her body reacted to alcohol. She disregarded that knowledge very freuquently when pushing herself past a safe level of being buzzed, but she knew that four shots of two different types of hard liquor in a row, on an empty stomach, would fuck her up. There was no other way to say it. She'd probably be passed out within an hour or so, especially considering that she had already started drinking at Sienna's. She couldn't do it, and she didn't think that Sia could either, but she didn't stop her friend as she downed the tequila shots. Jane had been the one who had insisted on shots in the first place, and she did want one, but it took her a moment to choose which. Sienna was already setting down her second as Jane picked up her first tequila shot and downed it.

Contrary to most people's tastes, Jane actually preferred the bitter sting of vodka over the arguably easier one of tequila, but she was following her friend's lead tonight. At least with the shot choice, since she paused, pinching the second glass in her hand but not raising it from the bar table just yet. "You know how the saying goes, Sia! One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor! You've already hit two tequila, and those vodkas are gonna count towards it too! I don't know if Sydney likes you enough yet to care about making sure you don't try to do anything stupid with Vincent tonight, and you know my goal is 'floor' tonight too, so watch yourself! Don't die!" she chastised playfully, though she did mean it. She didn't want Sienna to go overboard and do something that she would regret tomorrow. Or, at least, that Jane would regret for her tomorrow. She glanced down at her second tequila shot and then looked away, only then spotting Vincent at the other side of the bar. She wondered if that was why Sienna was going so hard, and why the two weren't at least chatting like usual. Vincent looked like he was in his own world, which was unusual for the guy who usually used parties like this as the perfect opportunity to find a new girl to stick his dick into for the night.

"I'll do this one, but I'm not even trying to keep up with you tonight! I'm with the bad blonde bitches over here! I'll keep up with you if you slow down." She didn't even bring up that Vincent was sitting alone on the other side of the bar, because she was sure that if she noticed, Sienna had as well. And even if she hadn't, Jane was finally beginning to sense the tension that had radiated from the pair in the limo, and she guessed that bringing up Vincent would only force more shots down her friend's throat. The second shot stung more than the first for Jane, and had her scrunching up her nose as she set the glass back down. This tequila was top shelf, for sure, so the whole licking salt, sucking lime routine wasn't necessary, but it still wasn't her drink of choice. The vodka was... but she couldn't do that now. She wanted to be alive, at least long enough to get those pills from Brent... which reminded her to check her phone. She slid the two full shots of vodka to the side of her that Sienna wasn't on, saying, "I'll save my two for Syd. I want to get her crazy tonight too," before reaching for her phone in her clutch to see if Brent responded. A second later, and she saw that he had, but not with a message that she wanted to read. He claimed that she had to go through Victoria Walsh, of all people, if she wanted those pills. Instinctively, Jane wanted to text Piper and lash out at her, or find her and do the same, but she doubted she would find her quickly enough and even when she did, causing a scene at her party wouldn't do them any good. Besides, she wanted the pills, and Jane knew within seconds, that she wanted them badly enough where she would go through Victoria, even after the girl had been so brazen about it at Sienna's place.

It took her another minute, but she eventually found Victoria's number in her phone from when they had been assigned as partners for some school project the year before.

To: Tori
hi it's jane. brent said i need to text you to get what you were talking about at sienna's?

Not giving herself time to second guess the decision, she sent the text, and to cover up for her sudden distance from the conversation between the three blondes, she looked back up when it was sent with a smile. "I told Syd to hurry up and find us! I don't want her to miss all of the fun."

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