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Connor Harkins

0 · 2,499 views · located in Manhattan, NY

a character in “Upper East Side”, as played by royals



Full Name:
Connor John Harkins


December 12th


Sexual Orientation:

Grade Level:

Greenwich, CT (0-7)
Manhattan, NY (7-17)

Character Role:
The Good Guy

Personal Life

Father: Ronald Harkins (Age 46)
Ronald Harkins is the CEO of Harkins Investment Firm, a financial investment company based in New York. Though the legality behind a lot of his wealth is questionable, his business is doing well and he puts a lot of time into it. Connor and his father have an average and wholesome relationship. They don't fight often and when they do butt heads, it's normally about petty things like a bad test grade or staying out too late. Ronald is a family man who really is just trying to give his wife and kids the best possible life, so there isn't much for Connor to complain about there.

Mother: Patricia Harkins (Age 46)
Like his relationship with his father, Connor's interactions with Patricia tend to be normal to that of a teenager and his mother. They generally get on well with an occasional argument here or there. They tend to be more common than those with his father, but only because his mother does not work and is home much more often.

Brother: Jack Harkins (Age 17)
Connor and Jack are best friends and always have been, considering that they're identical twins. The two grew up doing everything together and would have continued throughout high school, had Jack not opted to attend a preforming arts boarding school in Los Angeles. They fly back and forth to see each other as frequently as their schedules allow, but can always pick up right where they left off no matter how long they're apart. Jack is more into theatrics and the arts than Connor is, which probably helped them maintain a friendly relationship. Besides the normal "I can run faster than you!" stage when they were boys, there is little competition between them since they know they both excel in different areas.

Home Life:
Describe their upbringing and history in general.

Academic Career:
Connor is an average student by Saint Jude's standards and a good one compared to the normal 17 year old. His parents foot the bill for his tuition since he isn't extraordinary compared to his classmates and was not offered a scholarship. Connor serves as the president for Saint Jude's senior class and is a midfielder on the school's lacrosse team. His role as president keeps him heavily involved in the student body and on-campus activities.

Future Plans:
Connor's top choice for college is Cornell University. Due to his father's legacy, the Saint Jude's name, and his good academic record and extracurricular list, he most likely will be admitted. If for some reason he isn't, his fallback options are Pratt Institute in Brooklyn or Syracuse University. Regardless of the school he attends, he will be majoring in architectural design.

Include good and bad traits. No one is perfect and no one is totally flawed.


Bad Habits:



Physical Description
Image Face Claim:
Finn Harries


150 lbs / He isn't too bulky or broad but is in shape thanks to his active lifestyle.

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Connor has a scar on the side of his calf from stitches he received after being bitten by a friend's dog when he was a child. He usually dresses in casual attire, but is always presentable looking.

So begins...

Connor Harkins's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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#, as written by royals
It's Thursday, September 4th, and for the students of Constance Billard School for Girls and Saint Jude's School for Boys, that means that school is back in session. Both schools are located only a couple of blocks away from each other in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the neighborhood where most of the students reside in.

Although today is the first day of the school year, academic classes are not in session until tomorrow. Today is the day of the "welcome assembly", where the upperclassmen of both schools will come to Constance Billard from 9:30 to 11:30, and the underclassmen from 11:30 to 1:30. The short day will allow the Head of School to welcome the students back, and address any changes that have occurred over the summer. Students will also have an opportunity to socialize with their friends and possibly new classmates, and introduce themselves to their teachers for the year. Textbooks will also be available for pickup.

Later that night, Sydney Vale will be hosting her annual back-to-school party at her home. This year's theme is black & white, but even dressing in one of the colors won't guarantee that you'll get in if you didn't receive one of the exclusive invitations this summer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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Like her fellow socialite and longtime friend, Sienna had awoken at around six in the morning. Well, to be completely honest, Sienna had been awake since around five, but chose not to get out of bed until six. The act of doing so felt too strenuous of a task and the darkness outside wasn't exactly helping in the Sienna-needs-to-get-up decision. Nevertheless, when the time came, Sienna's hand pressed the button of her alarm clock just before it went off, glancing over at a still sleeping Hailey. Expelling a heavy sigh and running a hand through her thick hair, she sat up, did a small overhead stretch, and then headed downstairs. Just as she was about to leave her bedroom, Sienna grabbed her phone. The alarm she had set was only on snooze and would wake Hailey up soon enough. Either that or Sienna would come back and jump on her fellow singer.

In the long hallway, the delicious aroma of cooked meat and something sweet and bready wafted to her nostrils and upon turning the corner past her sister's bedroom, Sienna was surprised to see her mother, Cynthia, awake and "Channeling Betty Crocker this morning, mamá?" She called with a small grin and her mother jumped just a bit, body tense as the last pancake plopped down on the plate that was stacked with them unceremoniously. Cynthia exhaled sharply while Sienna only chuckled. "Sienna, casi me dio un ataque al corazón! Avisarme próxima vez!" Her mother chastised and while Sienna had to roll her eyes at how dramatic her mother was being, she only smiled and sat at the breakfast isle, marveling at the selection of food her mother decided to provide. She could see breakfast empanadas, which would be the first thing Sienna would be eating, pancakes, both bacon and sausage, a bowl of fruit salad, and scrambled eggs. "Lo siento, mamá." She apologized, though the sparkle in her honey brown eyes was far from apologetic. "What's all this for though?" Cynthia only smiled slightly, causing the dimples in her cheeks to appear. "I don't know, it's just Esmee's first day of high school and the first day of your last year..." Sienna listened to her mother trail off as she politely grabbed a warm breakfast empanada and a plate, reaching over afterwards to scoop out some fruit when she saw the look on her mother's face. "Por favor, mama. Please don't start getting all emotional!" Sienna exclaimed to which Cynthia replied that she couldn't help it, prompting Sienna to roll her eyes and take a bite out of her empanada.

"Don't act surprised, Sia. She's been looking at baby pictures all morning," her little sister, Esmee, called from behind her and Sienna deadpanned. Cynthia sighed. "You kids will understand when you have kids of your own and they start growing up." She told them while fixing her own plate of food. Sienna only chuckled and decided to type out quick texts.

To: Piper, Jane, Charlotte, August, Connor, Dustin, Isabela
Morning, lovelies! Can't wait to see everyone! <3 <3

To: Vincent
Graduation's not even here yet & my mom's looking at baby pics. Help!!!

It wasn't a common occurrence, her texting Vincent. Not unless he was having one of his drunk texting episodes or if they were all in some mass text message. The shock of having been the one to initiate the contact didn't come in until after her phone alerted her to the fact that it had been sent but by then it was too late to call the message back. Besides, they were supposed to be civil. They hung out in the same circles and while, yes, his presence and name made something in her chest throb every single time, not communicating wasn't doing anyone any favors. Not when some of his friends were her friends and vice versa. Besides, if her mom was looking at baby pictures or getting sentimental, she wouldn't be surprised if his were to. Shaking her head a little, Sienna put another empanada on her plate before fixing one for Hailey. Considering the late nights they spent on tour and the long rides on tour buses (no matter how luxurious they were) still made it difficult for normal human beings to want to get up. And well, Sienna was normal, but she was an early bird whether she wanted to be or not. It was in her blood. "Don't forget to give me back my sweater, Esmee. I know you took it while I was gone." Her sister made a face at Sienna's exclamation, but Sia didn't look back. She had to eat and get ready for school.

Once back in her bedroom, Sienna set Hailey's plate on the nightstand on her side of Sienna's bed. While they had the spare bedrooms for her friend to choose from, they had both collapsed on her bed after joking around and talking about the upcoming school year. After giving her friend a hard shake, Sienna noisily (and only to keep Hailey awake) clamored to her walk-in-closet, the only other one in the penthouse besides the one in her parents' bedroom, so that she could find a decent outfit to wear for the first day back. While munching on the empanadas and melon, Sienna found a nice sapphire blue wrap blouse that had long sleeves, a black-and-white split slit skirt, and strappy Giuseppe Zanotti wedges to wear. While it was September and the air was chilled as compared to the warmth Sienna had grown accustomed to on the West Coast, it wasn't cold enough for her to require wearing tights yet and she could always bring along a chic black jacket just in case. Satisfied with her choice and finished with her food, she pulled out two bottles of water from the miniature fridge in her closet along with her clothes and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

Brushing her teeth and going through her Bellaboo skincare treatment took her about fifteen minutes and it was about seven thirty when she hopped into the shower. She had just gotten out of the steaming bathroom, her soft skin wrapped in a delicate jasmine vanilla scent, when she realized that her phone was ringing. It didn't surprise her that it was Sydney and after their conversation was done with a promise of Sienna being on the Constance steps at nine promptly, the two girls ended the conversation. Despite what Sydney might actually believe or what even Vincent might think, Sienna didn't hate Sydney. She was irritated with her from time to time and yes, she was very close to hitting her friend on a number of occasions. But more than anything, she wanted their friendship to actually work and be genuine, and was more disappointed with Sydney than anything else. She had wanted Syd to be the one to tell her about sleeping with Vince, though his honesty was definitely accepted. However, their conversation had nothing to do with their own situation. It was about Jane who had Sienna frustrated all summer, very much like Sydney. Her being a bit tired and not exactly in need of school at the moment had her sounding a bit more realistic and mellow than normal, but she felt Sydney's anger and hurt. It just wouldn't get to her until a bit later.

It didn't take her long to get ready after that and Sienna was in the middle of brushing her hair when she glanced back at Hailey, who was getting ready swiftly. "How do you feel about your first day? Ready to wreak some havoc on these New Yorkers?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Isabela Monroe
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#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine
{Outfit|Yoga Music}

Summer break was everything Piper wanted it to be. She got to hang out with friends, shop, and even had a couple of modeling gigs. Of course that means she got paid for each job, which only increased her shopping. It was an all-around easy summer for her. Though there was one situation in particular that was less than pleasant. One day she was with Brent, when Jane came over to his place looking for some drugs. Piper was practically speechless when she saw the heiress arrive. Brent's place was the dead last place on earth Piper expected to see Jane pop up at. Nonetheless, one thing lead to another and Piper had to lie about why she was there as well. Of course she said it was for the same reason that Jane was there for. To have some drugs to help maintain her weight. Piper felt a little guilty about lying to Jane, but it was something that had to be done. It wasn't long after that incident that Piper learned that Jane was going to a rehabilitation center and spent a lot of the summer there as well. Did Piper tell Sienna or Sydney what she saw? Nope. It wasn't her business to tell.

Well there is one more event that occurred over the summer worth mentioning. Piper did come close to finding her biological family. She can practically taste victory by now. It was an extensive search, but she did find a last name of Vine belonging to an elderly couple in Vancouver, Canada. Piper called the number to the elderly couple's home and asked if they had any grandchildren that were given up for adoption. The answer? Yes, they had two grandchildren that were given up for adoption. When Piper gave them her full name, it was the grandfather who was first to hang up the phone. Piper called them back for hours because she had a hunch that she was on to something major. But it was as if after that phone call, all evidence of that elderly couple disappeared. All online information was gone. So this was a huge set back, but Piper plans on spending this school year getting to the bottom of this mystery.

A couple of days ago Piper and Dustin decided to go to Jones Beach. Sort of a last minute hooray before their last year of high school begun. Since Dustin is the only person to know the real Piper, so a vacation with him wasn't a problem whatsoever. She could really just be herself, which was something she needed before she had to start the 'I'm Piper Vine, and my family is super rich' show. Honestly she's happy this is the last year of high school, because she plans on dropping this whole charade once she got to college.

Piper and Dustin got back pretty late last night, so instead of having to travel across town, Piper just spent the night at Dustin's house. There is a mark difference between her apartment and Dustin's place, so she wasn't going to complain about a night of luxury without having to hear all of the traffic and the noisy neighbors who like to have sex at 3 in the morning. Dealing with Dustin's two younger siblings wasn't a problem either.

The sound of an alarm went off waking the red head from her beauty sleep. Piper nearly fell off of the bed because she was so startled by the sudden loud noise. She removed her sleep mask to look at the time, 5AM. "Time to start my morning routine." Piper stretched her arms above her head and rolled out of the bed. She stayed in the guest room, so she had her own bathroom and everything. Piper opened the blinds, and it was still dark out, but the dim lighting was relaxing. She put her headphones on and listened to her yoga music. It was something she started to do two years ago, when she learned that doing yoga exercises as soon as you wake up help keep you youthful. Needless to say she quickly integrated yoga into her daily routine. After a half hour, she got into the shower and washed herself from head to toe.

"Phase one done." Piper smiled at her reflection in the mirror and went on to wash her face. Going into her suitcase, she pulled out her toothbrush as well as her planner. 'Welcome assembly at 9:30AM, and Sydney's party later. Ugh Sydney. If it wasn't for the others I wouldn't even go to her party.' Piper thought as she finished up brushing her teeth. "Phase two down."Piper next started doing her hair. For today she decided to do curls since it was the only day where she could wear what she wanted. It took some time to blow dry her hair and everything, but she eventually got it done. "Phase three complete as well." Piper sung. Piper pulled out her make-up bag and pulled out an array of expensive foundations, blushes, brushes, concealer, and other necessities. She started the long ritual of applying all of her make-up. To her it was truly an art to be admired.

"Now for the finisher." The red head pulled out multiple outfits and tried to decide which one was the best. Just as she was going to pick an outfit, she heard her phone vibrate. After a quick glance she saw it was a message from one of her many of group chats.

To: Sienna, Jane, Charlotte, August, Connor, Dustin, Isabela
Morning! Hope everyone's ready for this school year!

Tossing her phone, Piper went back to finally get dressed. She decided to show off her figure that she has been working on, so a crop top and skirt were the best choices for her. "Looking good today Ms. Piper Vine." She looked at herself in the mirror and approved whole heartedly of today's look. Walking out of the bedroom with her pink bag, Piper moaned as she saw the time and that she had a text from Jane. She was going to ride with Dustin, but seeing as she hasn't seen Jane in so long she might as well ride to school with her.

To: Jane
Sure darling, you won't be able to miss me on the side of the road. I'll be the only attractive red head in heels!

Piper smiled at her own reply, before walking to Dustin's door and knocking loudly. "You better make it to morning assembly! I'm leaving now to go meet Jane." Just as she was walking away from the door she remembered her luggage. "And I'll get my stuff this afternoon." There was no way she would be able to explain to Jane why no one from her family got her luggage for her, so it was best to just eliminate the potential problem. Piper practically skipped out of the home and headed to Park Avenue so Jane could come and get her. She was curious to how the girl was doing, so having some alone time for just the two of them was best.

While she was standing there, Piper decided to remind Connor that they had the school assembly today. Figuring it was her duty or something.

To: Connor
I better see you today! I feel like we haven't talked in ages! How are you?! Was your summer good?!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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#, as written by royals

The shrill tone of his alarm clock abruptly pulled Connor out of his sleep. He was unadmittedly always a little jumpy, but the sound of that alarm after a summer without it definitely shocked him. He was quick to slam his fist on the snooze button, but even if he had time to go to back sleep, his heart was racing too quickly for him to manage that. It was already almost eight o'clock but for Connor, that was right on schedule. All he needed to do was shower, get dressed and walk out the door, so waking up before the sun had even risen was an unnecessary burden for him, even if some of his classmates felt it necessary.

As expected, he was walking out the door by eight-thirty. Both of his parents were already gone: his father probably headed downtown to work and his mother at the gym playing tennis with her friends. His penthouse was empty, but not in the somber way that some of his friends' were. Connor's parents were married and happy, his family healthy, and there was little to complain about in the Harkins household.

It might not have been the mainstream reaction to the first day of school, but Connor was actually fairly excited to be back. He loved summer just as much as anyone else. This past one had mostly been spent in the Nantucket where his family summers. His brother was home for most of the season so they spent time together there and in LA, where Connor met many of Jack's friends. They had met up with Sydney briefly while over there. She was in town with her grandfather and mother to attend the Emmy Awards and managed to get him and Jack into one of the more exclusive after parties. It would have been an amazing night had Connor not had to deal with his brother and her making out right next to him on the limo ride home. No matter how many times he had seen the two getting intimate, it always felt like someone had punched him in the gut when he saw it. Sydney knew he liked her. Everyone in the Upper East Side probably knew that by now, but she always told him that she just liked him as a friend. Although her words stated that, her actions always felt a little different. Maybe Connor was just being too wishful, but he was throwing all of his hope into the tiny little signs that suggested that maybe, just maybe, she saw him as something more.

When he was nearing Constance Billard and his phone's ring was matched with her name, his heart jumped. He answered almost instantly.


"Hey Con, where are you?"

"Like a block away from your school. Are you there already?" He doubted she would be. Sydney was always on time, never too early and never too late.

"No, it's too early... I'm kind of in the mood for Starbucks." The way that she ended the sentence suggested that she was stating more than just a craving, but she didn't need to ask him to get it for her. He was going to offer without that.

"I'll pick it up!" He responded almost as soon as she finished speaking. At this point, there was no use in trying to hide how eager he was to please Sydney, and not only because he had a crush on her. She was one of his best friends, or at least oldest friends.

"Aw, thanks babe. A vanilla iced coffee would be perf! 9 AM on the steps!"

"Okay, see y-" She had hung up before he could finish his goodbyes.

Their conversation had put him into a better mood, so much so that he had no reservations with about-facing to get back to the Starbucks that he had passed a few blocks away. It was crowded with morning commuters but he took the time to send out a few texts.

To: Sienna
Can't wait to see u either! Still upset I didn't get to see u on tour this summer :(

To: Piper
I'll be there in 15! I'm rly good! How are you? Spend the summer in Nantucket so I was pretty MIA in the city. What did u do?

To: Sienna, Piper, Jane, Charlotte, Vincent, Kelley
@ Starbucks. Anyone want anything :)?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Oliver Grace Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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{ Outfit }

Despite often being the butt of jokes for doting on his appearance, it didn't take Vincent more than a half an hour to get ready in the morning. With it being the first day of school, he gave himself a few extra minutes to adjust to waking up early by rising at seven-fifteen. His cousin, Kelley Hadley, was sleeping in the spare room of his apartment and after pulling himself out of bed, he rapped his fist against her door. "Rise and shine, Barbie." Although he doubted that would be enough to get her out of bed, he didn't open the door or pester her any further and left to take a shower. He hadn't heard her come in the previous night and was sure that she had only gotten in bed two or three hours ago. Kelley's partying habits were questionable, even to someone like Vincent who went out frequently too. In the very least, they had forced her into the role of the problem child of the family.

The end of a steamy shower led to him getting dressed in a plain white v-neck shirt, coral pants and Gucci loafers. It was a striking comparison to the outfits of many seventeen year old boys, but Vincent wouldn't be caught dead wearing some ratty t-shirt and basketball shorts to the first day of school. If he had the money to dress nicely, regardless of it sometimes being a bit over the top, he was going to do it.

The number of notifications his phone had when he finished getting ready didn't help his already inflated ego, but when he realized that twelve of them were from his mother, it shrank back down a notch. It only took him listening to one of her voice mails to know what the other two, and nine texts entailed. She sounded to be on the brink of tears, going on and on about how she was so excited that he was finally a senior and how she should have slept over in the city last night so she could be there for him this morning. She reminded him to eat a wholesome breakfast, lock his door on the way out, send his uniform to the dry cleaner's and even to brush his teeth. Her text messages contained a slew of "inspirational quotes" and baby photos of his first days of school throughout the years. While they elicited an eye roll from him, he did send her a text in response. His mother was the sweetest woman that he (and most people) had ever met, and her overly sentimental and emotional ways were to be expected on a day like this.

To: Mom
Lol Don't freak out. You've still got Mia! Wish her a happy first day of 4th grade for me. I'll let you know how my day goes later.

She responded immediately, thankfully ignoring him brushing off Charlie's existence, confirming that she'd pass along the message and reminding him that she was going to come into the city one night for dinner. The other texts that were from friends he answered in a quicker manner, although he was surprised to see one from Sienna. Their relationship was rocky to say the least, but he was happy to act friendly to her if she was open to it. Avoiding her altogether, unless he was drunk, made things easier, since it was hard to be around her when he couldn't be with her, but he guessed that it was time to move on by now. Though, that would probably change the second he saw her in person.

To: Sienna
Lmao our moms are the same people

To: Connor
Nah I'm good

To: Oliver
Ready for senior year man?

To: Sydney
You've got Connor doing coffee runs already? It's only day 1 Syd.

Since there were no real classes today and he had already picked up his textbooks, he only took his phone and keys with him. The door to the spare room was still sealed shut, so he knocked on it loudly once more. "For the record, I tried to wake you up twice so I'm gonna act like you were ignoring me when your mom calls and tries to blame you missing the first day on me," he said through the door, in a tone that was a poor attempt at being serious. There was no response, not even a snarky remark, hollered back at him, so he assumed that she really was asleep. It wasn't his job to wake her up and he doubted that the girl would be in any state to go to school even if she was awake, so with a shrug, he left his apartment.

Constance Billard was about a fifteen minute walk from his building but with the nice weather, it felt even shorter. He waited in the front area of the courtyard, his eyes scanning the growing crowds of students for any signs of his friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson
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Sienna didn't care to do much to her hair for the day considering they were all going to be getting dolled up Sydney's party tonight, so she decided to simply run a brush through the silky locks. There were subtle waves already towards the ends from the last hair appointment she had went to for a touch-up of the honey blonde shade, so she was content with the natural elegance that could be seen in her hair. She did, however, choose to part it down the center so that there could be equal love of hair on both sides of her face. It also would help when she decided to flip her hair all dramatically or something along those lines, but Hailey's response had her smiling at her friend through her mirror. "You're awesome, you look awesome, everyone is going to see that you're awesome, and you're gonna rock this first day." She grinned at her friend before turning her attention to applying a small amount of makeup. She didn't need anything too heavy for the first day, not when later would prompt her entire face being done up. However, she did go with a luscious pink lip with her cake-batter flavored lip balm coated just beneath for protection.

Once she found she was situated and with an extra fluff of her hair, Sienna rose from the chair in front of her vanity. The new height allowed her to see the way the skirt showed off her toned and tanned legs and she made sure that the shirt was still tucked into the skirt, though fitting loosely. While Sienna had her casual moments and would gladly wear things like sweatpants as a regular requirement in her attire, she had also been born with her mother's innate desire to look fabulous. And being a part of the queen bee's regimen only reinforced that mentality. Satisfied with her overall appearance, Sienna gave her hair one more fluff, spritzed herself with the jasmine vanilla perfume she was known for, and then grabbed her Celine bag. Her mom had already ordered her books and since there was no classes today, she didn't feel the need to bring anything other than a purse. She glanced over at Hailey while grabbing her phone, noting the text messages. "We should probably go. Syd wants to meet at nine. One of my friends is getting Starbucks. Sending him an order now." Sienna told her, leading the other blonde out of her bedroom and shutting the bedroom door after them. The last thing she needed was Esmee raiding her closet in an attempt to find a better outfit despite probably already having one.

Speaking of, just as Sienna and Hailey were waiting for the elevator, Esmee emerged, fully dressed and looking very much like a carbon copy of a younger Sienna, though unique in her own sense. Before Esmee could utter a complaint, Sienna cut in, "No, we're not gonna talk about you stealing my sweater and no, you do not need to change. You're cute and adorable and it's time to go." Sienna dragged both her sister and friend into the elevator shaft with her, pressing for the lobby. Meanwhile, she sent out her own texts.

To: Connor
U r god-sent. ilu & I will pay u back. Grande salted caramel mocha & a grande caramel mocha. Its 4 a friend. Thanks

To: Vincent

To: Piper, Sydney, Jane

"I'm lazy. Are we walking?" Esmee asked, turning big dark brown eyes to Sienna who only grinned. "Of course not!" She exclaimed, linking arms with her two girls as they entered the lobby from the private Alvarez elevator. The doorman smiled at them congenially and Sienna only nodded before returning her attention to Hailey and Esmee. "You two are arriving in style for your first day to Constance Billard and something tells me you're gonna be loving me for not making you walk in those." Sienna said the last part with a pointed look at Esmee's heels, which actually were Sienna's but they weren't going to discuss that. It was like Sienna didn't always allow her sister to borrow her clothes. Besides, it was an understandable question. Sienna, despite having the luxury of a driver with several different vehicles to get by in, loved walking those three blocks. She loved the crisp air of New York mornings, the sound her heels made on the pavement, and really just the act of taking in everything. However, she wanted her sister to make an entrance on her first day to what would become Sienna's alma mater and for everyone to know that Hailey was someone important. Not to mention fans would probably be in a frenzy seeing two mainstream artists still together after a summer as such.

They climbed into the limousine Cynthia must have exchanged for the Escalade Sienna had been expecting and as they rode on in the New York traffic, Sienna whipped out her phone and grinned at both girls. "Up for first day selfies?" She asked to which Esmee immediately nodded her head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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Jane's home was located at the top of the Sherry-Netherland hotel, which had its perks. The Harry Ciprani restaurant was attached to the hotel, meaning that if she ever was in the mood for a good meal (which hadn't been recently) and their personal chef wasn't there, she could have someone bring something up at a moment's notice. She received all of the perks of a full service concierge staff, having a state-of-the-art gym and multiple boutiques in her building, but also had to deal with tourists. On the positive side, the hotel was one of the more expensive ones in the city which meant that the people weren't usually too scroungy. Plus, the penthouse had a private elevator, but either way there were always too many people in the lobby when she wasn't in the mood to be bothered. Since she had sacrificed dressing up more for the sake of time, she was closer to schedule than normal, but still rushing.

"Are you in need of a car service this morning, Miss?" one of the concierge members called out to her as she brushed past him. Apparently, he had been hired in the three months that she was gone because Jane was familiar with almost every member of the lobby staff by now. Living there for fifteen years made it almost inevitable. She didn't even validate the absurd question with a response. As it was every morning, a town car was waiting for her in front of the building. Before stepping in, she peered into the bag that Nicole had sent her off with but she only took out the bottled water before dumping the rest in a trash bin. There was no need to even tempt herself with knowing what else was inside.

"Someone's on schedule today," Max chuckled as she slipped into the back seat of the car. "Of course I am," she shot back in an offended tone. A smile had found its way to her face though. Max had been the Lynch's driver for years and he was certainly the staff member she liked best. When she spent hours at a gym across town to avoid her father's insistence that she stop working out, he would like and say she was at the movies with a friend. When she called him at 3 AM asking him to pick her up from a club, he wouldn't utter a word about it the next day, even if half of the drinks she consumed that night ended up on the floor of the car. He was a good guy and one of the people that Jane made an effort to be less bratty towards. "New year, new me, Maxwell! It's time to reinvent myself, which means that I might need to do some shopping before Syd's party tonight." He chuckled louder this time but his tone was genuine. "It's good to have you back, Jane." She smiled at him through the rear view mirror, in part to acknowledge his statement and also as an unspoken 'thanks' that he didn't ask her about her summer, or how she was feeling. She imagined that she would be interrogated enough in only a few minutes from her friends.

"We need to pick up Piper. I think her family moved to one of the buildings on Park Avenue last year," she stated in a distracted manner as her eyes scanned her phone. He didn't even bother to ask her if she knew the address because he knew that the answer would be no. Instead, he did what would have been the inevitable action and drove up the street with his eyes in search of the red head. He spotted her before Jane, because she only took her eyes off of her phone when she felt the car stop on the side of the road.

As soon as Piper stepped in, Jane squealed. For most of the morning, she was dreading the first day back and part of her still was, but she did miss her friends while she was away. Even if Sienna and Sydney didn't like her, or more accurately - trust her, Jane always had fun when she was with Piper. Whether that meant that they just traded services, of Jane having someone's ear to talk off, and Piper to have someone to shop with for free, was questionable. Still, Jane was excited to see her. "You look cute! How was your summer? You were on Long Island yesterday too, right? You should have called me! I was like dying being with my dad and step-mom all day. No amount of margaritas can drown out their annoying voices." Although she was sure it would be inevitable, she wanted to put off talking about her for as long as possible. She was still trying to work out the story she was going to give for why she was mysteriously gone for so long, with no contact, and hoped she could put it off until all of the girls were together. That way, at least she would be giving them all the same story and not accidentally changing it around if repeated different times.

She only turned her attention away from Piper when they pulled up in front of the school. Now, any excitement that Piper had brought was dwindling as she faced the reality of going back to school. If she was lucky, she thought, maybe Charlotte would have loosened up over the summer and wouldn't be such a bitch about letting her copy work now and then. In an attempt to waste more time in the car before having to step out, she texted Connor back and responded to Sienna's text in the group chat. She also responded to Seb, who she knew she would genuinely feel guilty lying to. It wasn't going to change the fact that she would give him the same story as everyone else though.

To: Connor
No thanks <3

To: Sienna, Piper, Sydney
Me and Piper are here!!!

To: Seb


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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ImageImage“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

"I cannot believe you took ten minutes decidin' on a damn drink." Charlotte scowled her sister who was pretty much dragging out of the bookstore/coffee shop by her wrist. Rosie just chuckled as the two crossed the street and could see their school not far ahead. "Will you relax, you still have tons of time to say hello to your followers, madam dictator." Rose teased as she finally caught up with the older twin who let go of her wrist. "It doesn't matter! I should be the first person there, I am the president after all." Charlotte said as she saw her sister roll her eyes. Charlotte heard her phone go off for, what felt like the hundredth time since she has awoke this morning. She reached for her phone to see text from her vice president asking where she was and about ten others asking the same question. The only one that caught her attention was Sienna's and reading it she smirk before realizing what that meant and groaning. "What now?

"Sienna's already there."

"... So, I thought ya'll were friends or somethin'." Charlotte rolled her eyes before answering her sister. "We are, but she also close to Sydney. Meaning she's already there too and the last thing I need to see to ruin my mood before I address the school is see her all over Connor." Rosie tried to hide her smile as the two crossed the street. "Aw, you're jealous." Lottie just scoffed and clear her throat. "Of what? Of her? Please, I just don't need to see him being pulled along like a little... puppet by that little blonde--.." Rosie stuck out her hand and made the two stop walking which only irritated the class president more. "Watch the language. You're the sweet Southern Belle, keep it that way, darlin'." Charlotte rolled her eyes and continued walking with Rosie in tow once more. "I wasn't gonna say... the 'b' word. I was just gonna say princess. God, will you relax?" Rosie didn't even try to argue with her sister anymore as the two made their way into the entrance of their school. "Alright, see ya, sis. Good luck in the assembly, see you after." Rosie said as she scurried off to her friends. Charlotte just rolled her eyes before walking towards the courtyard with her nose in her notes making sure she had everything.

It wasn't long before she found herself in the courtyard and she didn't need to look up from her phone to know that people were staring, the questions started about who she was, what grade, etc. etc. And, of course whenever they answered they would look at the president in disbelief. Same stuff, different day. As she looked over she could see Hayley, Sienna, Jane, and Vincent socializing, but there was only one reason she didn't go over to greet them and that reason was Sydney. The two weren't enemies like Sydney and Piper or to an extent, Brent and Lottie most days. And, the two blondes have cooled down since Lottie decided to... go off in a sense about how Syd was manipulating Connor and how she thought it was wrong on how she was treating him just so she always had someone who would be a little... admirer of hers. But, maybe that was the small bit of jealousy Lottie actually had in her body. They still weren't friends by any means like they used to be but, they were civil.

Besides, she already knew she would have to talk to Sydney when she arrived at the black and white party, seeing that she was Rosie's plus one. So, she would just deal with the popular 'queen bee' then, not now. Not when she was getting prepared for the day filled with introductions, handshakes, and of course parents trying to... persuade Lottie into finding their child in the student council or another powerful position. Charlotte, being... a Buchanan never took it though. She worked for her spot in office and so do the incoming freshmen and new students.

The girl took a seat near the entrance of the school and took out her phone to text Connor only to sigh when she saw that she had an unread message from him. She groaned before texting him back.

To : Connor

I already got some with Rosie. But, where are you, Mr. President? I'm stressing out and I need someone to vent to. T.T

She looked at the time before sighing and looking back at her plans for the day. Only looking up whenever a friend of hers passed by and went into the school and said 'hello'. And, whenever a group of guys were caught staring a bit and tried to play it off cool. She would always smile and wave towards them before looking at the time, waiting for Connor to walk in. Because if anyone could calm her nerves and make her relax it was him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals

The Starbucks line definitely put Connor behind schedule and by the time he was leaving the shop, a tray full of drinks in hand, he was nearly jogging to make up on time. Luckily, with the amount of coffee shops in the city, this one was only a few blocks away from Constance Billard and it didn't take him more than five minutes to arrive in front of the school. Although he could see people filing into the building, the courtyard was still fairly populated. He hoped that meant that the girls he had drinks for were still outside because he doubted he would be able to find them once they were all seated inside.

It wasn't hard to find Sydney and Sienna. The friend group had claimed a spot on the steps that no one else dared to wait on in the mornings before school. Even he knew that, and he didn't even attend the school. Both girls, as well as Jane Lynch, were standing where he expected to find them and he hurried towards them. "Hey!" he exclaimed as he reached the top of the steps. He was smiling widely and although it was probably obvious that he was most interested in Sydney, he was also close friends with both of the other girls. He considered Sienna to be one of his closest friends and he and Jane frequently hooked up at parties, so he knew all three girls fairly well. "A vanilla iced coffee for Miss Vale, a grande salted caramel mocha for Miss Alvarez and a grande caramel mocha for the unnamed friend." Only Sienna and Sydney had requested drinks, so he distributed those to him and then took a moment to study the girls. He didn't pick up on the tension between the three girls, or more specifically, between Jane and the two others, but he didn't have time to delve into it either.

Charlotte had texted him, reminding him that he needed to get inside to get ready. Although most of the assembly was dictated by the deans of the schools, he and Lottie had to welcome back their classes at the start of it. He was sure that the Constance Billard president had prepared something extensive and professional, but he was just going to wing it. While Lottie had earned her spot as president by being the best candidate for the job, he had really only been elected by being friends with nearly everyone at the boy's school. "I have to go find Charlotte, but I'll see you guys inside," he said, leaving just as quickly as he had shown up. It was probably for the best though, since even if he didn't realize it, the girls probably wanted some privacy as the caught up for the first time in months.

He found Charlotte close by, heading into the school. "Hey, I just got your text. What's up?" She had said something about needing to vent, which didn't sound good. Though, it wouldn't have surprised him if she was just working herself up over the new school year. She always ended up going above and beyond with every one of her many commitments and responsibilities, but it didn't stop her from freaking out over most of them in the process.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine

Piper waited for Jane's car to pull up when she felt her phone vibrate. Looking down she saw it was Connor asking is anyone wanted some coffee. The answer would be no. She was perfectly fine with drinking water. Coffee gives her the jitters. So instead of responding, she just left the text alone. As she put her phone away, it began to buzz again. This time it was Dustin saying he probably wouldn't be home after their school assembly. Connor replied to her text earlier, but she should be at school soon so she just left it.

To: Dustin
No problem!

Just as she put her phone away for good, Jane's car rolled up. Piper smiled as she got into the vehicle. "Hey girl!" Piper gave Jane a hug as she continued to smile. Then in typical Jane fashion she started talking rather quickly. Piper just let her finish before chiming in. "Well it was sort of a last minute trip. If I had known you were there as well I would've invited you." Piper didn't really pay too much attention to the pictures Jane would post, so she must have missed the one letting her know they were in the same place. Oh well. Piper was more concerned with Jane's health. She would be lying if she said during the car ride to school she didn't look at Jane's body to see if she gained any weight. Looking back on it Jane did look unhealthy skinny last school year. She wished she would have caught it sooner before it got to the point that it had. The whole ordeal made Piper feel like she should try to be better friend.

The rest of the car ride Jane's mainly talked about whatever. Finally they arrived at the school and Piper could sense Jane's nervousness. She had a right to be. She really didn't contact anyone, and piper knew that probably sent Sydney into a rage. Honestly she doesn't know why Jane is friends with Sydney, but whatever. Talking about Sydney just gives Piper a headache. Just as Jane got out Piper felt her phone ring. It was her brother calling. "I'll meet up with you and the girls in a second." If her brother was calling her there was no way she wasn't going to answer. Thomas was her everything.

Piper got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk as Jane went off to meet Sienna and Sydney. "What's up Thomas?" Piper questioned. "I saw some papers on your desk about this old couple? Are they related to us?" Thomas sounded excited at the possibilities, but Piper didn't share his enthusiasm. "No, they aren't related to us. But don't worry about it for now. I'll find them for sure. Now go to school!" Piper quickly hung up the phone before Thomas could talk any more. She completely forgot to tell him about it, but seeing as she hit a road block she figured it was best not to tell him. Turning, on her heels and headed to the steps.

She could see the three girls in the distance, plus a couple of other people. Piper saw Connor but he was leaving, Probably to go meet Charlotte. "Honestly the two should just date." She grinned to herself. Piper met the girls on the stairs and smiled to Sienna and briefly grinned at Sydney. "Hello girls." She put on her best smile. Her hatred for Sydney increased over the summer, so it was extremely hard to even look in her direction. "I'm assuming everyone's summer went okay?" Piper looked amongst the girls before checking the time. The assembly was starting soon, but honestly if she missed it she wouldn't even care. But going inside would be better than dealing with the current awkward atmosphere. Surely Sydney and Sienna were curious about Jane's absence over the summer. It's surprising neither of them had bombarded Jane yet. "By the way Sienna your outfit is too precious. It's very city chic." Piper complimented. "But I'm sure we should start heading inside for the assembly." The assembly was something Piper dreaded, but it would be better then standing on the being awkward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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Vincent was just always up for witnessing a good cat fight, especially when it involved hot girls, but he was glad that Hailey agreed to head inside with him. If she hadn't, he was sure that at the very least, it would result in more stress in Sienna's life and a plethora of texts from Sydney later on, telling him how much she hated Sienna for bringing the new girl around. The only girl drama that he really wasn't a fan of was that between Sydney and Sienna, since he always seemed involved in it somehow. He couldn't claim to be innocent in that, though. It was him who had seduced Sydney into sleeping with him that night and ruining his relationship with Sienna. Although Sydney had been more than willing to partake in what went down that night, even he didn't think that she was that bad of a friend to have done it if he hadn't insisted that he and Sienna had broken up. As much as he wanted to avoid the Sydney x Sienna drama, he always didn't like hanging around the two girls together for too long. It just felt awkward, especially when Sydney thought that Sienna was still in the dark about what they had done.

He wasn't sure how to respond when Hailey asked what was up with Sydney. How was he supposed to explain that she had just crossed the one person in this school who could ruin her? To someone like Hailey, who had probably never dealt with being unpopular or being anywhere but at the top of the social ladder, Sydney probably seemed oddly conceited. It was normal to him, and most of the school, though, that it was just how things worked. Sydney was the Queen Bee and that was how it had always been. If Hailey didn't know it yet, she would learn soon enough. Thankfully, there was no need for him to make an attempt at explaining that to her, because she shut down the question immediately. Her "I am not here to start or cause drama" made him grin because he was sure that that ship had already sailed. Sydney was too sensitive to have her authority tested in even such a minor way as Hailey acting like she didn't know who she was, even if she honestly didn't know who she was.

"What do I know about this school?" he repeated Hailey's question, considering how to answer it. He was given an extra minute to think as a group of girls approached the pair and began to talk to Hailey. Even if Sydney did decide to ruin her chances of joining the "popular" group, at least she seemed to have fans in the school who would want to befriend her. When she returned her attention to him, he still wasn't sure how to really answer, but made an attempt. "All I'm going to say is that it's a dog-eat-dog world here. I don't think you'll have a problem with it, seeing that you don't really qualify as being a friendless new kid," he smiled slightly as he watched the girls she had been speaking to scurry away. "But just don't let any of these girls get to you. There are a lot of 'mean girls' and it's easy to get wrapped up in trying to be somebody different just to fit in." It wasn't usual to his character, but he was actually being genuine as he spoke. He didn't know Hailey well enough to feel the need to really give her any words of wisdom, but he personally knew how wanting to have a certain reputation could ruin real relationships, and she seemed too nice for such an ill fate. "Just stick with Sienna, and I'm sure you'll be fine," he added.

Connor and Charlotte were a few feet ahead of them and Vincent led Hailey towards them. "Hey, Charlotte! Have you met the ne-.. Hailey?", he had started to reference her as "the new girl" again, but quickly corrected himself. "Don't worry, you're still the number one blonde in my life, though", he continued with a smirk. He had seen Connor frequently over the summer, so there was no need for some dramatic reunion, despite them being close friends. "Have you seen Dustin around?" he simply said as he addressed him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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Dustin was practically falling asleep on his bike when he started to notice more classmates filling up the block. He slid off of his motorcycle, pushing his helmet into place between the throttle and brake and headed down the street, most likely sporting a fantastic case of helmet hair. With a whistle going he kept spinning the keys around his middle finger only ever having to stop when it clipped another finger. Dustin was naturally a fast walker and this time of day, not to mention thanks to it being technically the first day of school, almost everyone was walking at a snails pace making him weave in and out on his way there. People walking slow was a pet peeve of his the worst being when they have completely blocked his way with no other way around them.

Making it to the front of the school he cut the whistling off and grasped the keys in his right hand, finger still in the loop. He stopped to talk to a couple swim mates he hadn't seen all summer as he walked into the school. Mornings were the toughest part of every morning and normally this much talking would get rather annoying but the nonsensical conversations actually managed to keep his attention enough so that he started waking up. Some went on for longer than he liked but he didn't have anything wrong with it at the time.

A soft vibration in his pocket had reply from Piper that wasn't anything too special. Looking up he spotted several familiar faces he walked over to the small group just as he overheard his name. “Speak of the devil and he’s sure to appear.” Dustin spoke up with a smirk as he past Vincent from behind. “How’s it going?” He looked to Connor and Charlotte and to the other blonde he hoped he hadn’t met before because if they had her name is completely lost on him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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Sienna couldn't help but soften her expression more at the dejected look in Jane's eyes when she didn't contend to going along with their shopping antics like usual. That had not been out of being mean and she was used to mostly speaking her thoughts. Which had not happened, surprisingly, which was why Sienna realized that this was a serious matter at hand. She usually would have hissed out of frustration that Jane was late or had (if that had been the case) that the wench had left them high and dry - again. She would have been fuming and not even the espresso-infused cup of chocolate she was going to receive from Connor would have satiated her hunger for something. However, this was Jane and well, Sienna held many grudges over the years, like when she made it very clear that one of the group's favorite little minions, Claire, would never be invited to any of her parties without at least some sucking up for an entire week because the girl had slept with Vincent last year. But Jane wasn't a minion or some girl who had wronged her like the one she was currently siding with. And Sienna couldn't be mean to her, not forever.

When Connor came, Sienna offered him a very bright smile of appreciation and would have given him his money for the drinks had he not immediately set to leaving. The warmth from both beverages, which now took up both of her hands, felt good against her skin and she took a sip of her own, allowing the salty flake to melt in the warmth of chocolate, espresso and caramel.

She was just about to explain to Jane that she had studio time and would have loved to spend time with her though when Sydney cut right to the chase. Sienna sharply turned to Sydney, a bit taken aback but not surprised by Sydney's refusal to allow the lies to continue. Understanding that the situation called for it, Sienna turned back to face Jane fully, shifting on her feet idly when Jane appeared ready to give some kind of answer. However, Piper's voice cut in over their favorite brunette's and the annoyance of both blondes was probably tangible. Or, at least, it was visible on Sienna's face, if only for a few seconds. Unlike Sydney, Sienna didn't not like Piper. Piper was pretty cool and between Sydney and Piper sometimes, Sienna liked the redhead just a bit more because Sydney had the capacity to push Sienna towards violence. However, considering the fact that there were no such inclinations at the moment and the fact the redhead (though unwittingly) disrupted a serious situation, Sienna was not exactly a fan of Piper at the moment. Not that it kept her from greeting her. Besides, Sienna didn't just turn away a compliment! "Oh, thanks, sweetie," she replied cheerily, rearranging her bag on her shoulder. "Yeah, I think summer was pretty good. There were a good number of revelations," Sienna stated, looking directly at Jane for a minute before returning her gaze to Piper with a salacious wink. "And a whole lot more fun that I can't wait to talk about later." It was probably mean of her to keep Jane on her toes, but it was too late to take it back.

When Piper inquired of them heading inside, it was as if Sydney had called to her without words because Sienna's gaze immediately went to the queen bee without question. She nodded discreetly and set to following Sydney as the girls headed inside. It was still a surprise that they had not clashed on anything yet, though Sienna was not privy to accepting this standstill. She was too used to Sydney's underhanded jabs and sly words to truly feel at ease in her presence. At the same time, they were on the same team at the moment. Granted, their reasoning and ways of interpreting the situation was different. Sydney felt like it was a personal stab for Jane to not tell her, Sienna thought it may have been indicative of how Jane truly felt. That maybe she didn't trust neither Sydney nor Sienna enough with her illness. Like with anyone who had a different sexuality, background or disease, the person deciding to tell you would only make that decision if they thought you were trustworthy and that they could allow themselves to be vulnerable with you. Sienna may not have truly vented to Jane about the true extents of her feelings towards Vincent and their separation (not to mention Sydney's involvement in it) or even to the girls about her woes with her mother, but surely they had been friends, right? Jane should have been able to trust her and yet, she had not and Sienna was angry only because, damn...she thought they were better than that. Maybe it was still selfish or even spoke to Sienna's own insecurities, but it was all too complicated at the moment to contemplate any further.

At the moment, while she heard her phone ping at receiving a text message, she couldn't rearrange the drinks to answer it. It was only when they had gotten inside, though not that far in, that Sienna saw Hailey still with Vincent and a few friends. Pleased, Sienna was the first to break from the group to get to the others a bit faster. "Hey, guys!" she exclaimed, forgetting all about Sydney and Charlotte not getting along at the moment. She smiled at Hailey while handing her fellow singer her drink. "Seems I've caught up with you. I hope someone," she eyed Vincent surreptitiously, "didn't give you a hard time." Turning to Charlotte, Sienna beamed. "Morning, Madam President." She said, giving Charlotte a sideways hug in pursuit of her phone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dumisa

Hailey eyed Vincent as he repeated her question but in a different tense. It made her raise a brow a little bit but then her ears were mainly focused on what he said after. "Yeah, so this school is like the real world basically." She snickered at her own comment then eyed him again. "No one gets to me..." She smiled a little bit then eyed him. "If they do, I'll just write a song about them." She shrugged her shoulders then followed behind him as he went up to Charlotte, whom she met at the local mall. The other guy she haven't met yet so she did nothing but smile at him, for now.

She looked towards Vincent as he was about to call her the new girl again but shook her head and waved towards Charlotte with a smile. "Nice to meet you again." She nodded her head towards Charlotte then rolled her eyes at Vincent's comment. Her eyes then met someone she hasn't met before. "Hi there, I should introduce myself." She smiled and extended her hand for him to shake. "I'm Hailey." Her smile brightened after that as she dropped her hand by her side, whether he shook it or not.

Her eyes trailed around the hall as another guy walked up to them. 'All of these cute guys.' She thought to herself, eying him as he spoke, laughing at his comment. She waited until their conversation was over then basically did the same thing all over again. "Hi, I'm Hailey." She once again extended her hand for him to shake and dropping it back by her side with a smile. "So, shouldn't we head to the assembly?" She questioned towards them then looked up and saw Sienna and accepted her drink. "Thank you." She smiled then took a small sip from her cup.

Hailey eyed everyone around her as she rocked on the balls of her feet, waiting to go to this assembly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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0.00 INK


Walking into Contance Billard brought the same reaction from classmates that it did every year on the first day. Younger girls, if they dared, would wave or say hello to Sydney and the others, sometimes to be awarded with a response and other times to be ignored. Boys would stare, sometimes audibly making fun of their friends for gawking so obviously. And their group of four would walk in with heads held high, knowing that they owned the school. This year, that was much easier since they were definitely at the top of the food chain now. They were seniors. This was their year. Sydney would have preferred to come into it with Jane and Sienna on her side, and she couldn't have been more surprised that out of the two of them, it was Sienna that she was preferring in the moment. She wouldn't have minded if Piper had fallen off the face of the earth this summer too and never returned, but even if Sydney wouldn't admit it, Piper's beauty didn't hurt their group. It probably helped it, if anything.

Sydney liked to be selective with who she socialized with in public. She had enemies, that was for sure, but many of her poor relationships consisted of her acting friendly to the person to their face and attempting to ruin them behind their back. She didn't genuinely like most of the people who came up to greet her that morning, and was far from Sienna's level of friendly, even towards the people that she did sometimes socialize with. She sipped her coffee as she watched Sienna separate from them and run over to Connor, Charlotte, Vincent and Hailey. She hoped that Piper would follow. Sydney and Piper were far from friends and she was sure that Piper liked Sienna better than Jane anyway. If Jane dared to distance herself though, Sydney would have snapped. She was already waiting for her friend's response from her earlier question, but figured that she had made her point enough earlier than to bring it up again. Besides, as far as Jane knew, Sydney had far more important things to worry about than whatever "vacation" she went on.

"Ask Nicole to pick you up something to wear while we're here," she said in a tone that came closer to an order than a suggestion. Remembering Sienna's earlier thought that Jane might end up skipping out on school, Sydney wouldn't have been surprised if she skipped out on the party too, claiming that she had nothing to wear and couldn't come. While Sydney had enough minions to go around, she wasn't going to spend her night with them. They weren't real friends, and even she knew that her good streak with Sienna wasn't going to last forever. It would only be a matter of time before the two were back at each other's throats, probably initiated by Sydney too. "I'm wearing black, so you can wear white." Sydney had decided on wearing black as soon as she chose the party's theme, but had only just decided that she wanted Jane in white. Maybe because she knew that Jane probably would have opted for black on her own, since everyone claims to look thinner in black. Maybe just because she liked the control that she could exert over Jane. Both Sienna and Piper had too big of mouths to let her demand them around in such a way, although that didn't stop her from doing so occasionally.

She was going to let Jane think their conversation about her summer was over for now, she decided definitely. Her attention had flitted towards the group that Sienna had joined, and her eyes locked onto Vincent's form. She didn't know if she would be audacious enough to go through with it later on, but he was looking good enough for her to want a repeat of their July 4th night together. Her guard fell for a few seconds but she quickly snapped her head back to Jane when she felt like she had been looking for too long. "Where's Sebastian?" It was completely random but she needed some change of topic to cover up for what she felt like was her being obviously googly eyed at Vincent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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ImageImage“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

Charlotte groaned as she looked down at her phone. She just shook her head and slid her phone away as she got up and started to walk into the school. "Hey, I just got your text. What's up?" It was only when she heard Connor's voice that she sighed and turned around to face him. "Oh thank goodness, Connor, I'm really freaking out. I mean, I know that its just an introduction or whatever, but what if I mess up or I forget what I wrote. I can't wing like you can, that's not my style. And people already think I'm a dumb blonde, I don't need the incoming freshmen thinking that too. And they might think that for the rest of the year, I mean I know I shouldn't care but, I have enough people thinking that I'm nothing more than some cute girl. I do not need anyone else thinkin' that."

Charlotte groaned before looking around to see a few people staring at the pair. "Oh, great now people think I'm an uptight, uppity freak." She already knew what he was going to say, that she was just stressing out and that everything would be fine and blah, blah, blah. Telling her what he always told her when she got herself worked up, which was... pretty common when she thought about it. But, he didn't get it. Sure, he was cute but, he was also popular, charming, and well, pretty awesome. No one had any reason to think that he got pass on just his looks or money but, with her that's what a lot of people thought. That she was just another dumb blonde who could flip her hair or flaunt daddy's money and get whatever her little heart desired. And she hated that people thought her life and she was like that. So, she always did above and beyond just to try and show those people that they were wrong. And whenever she thought that she was just about to prove those people right... She may or may not have a tinsy, tiny little... breakdown/stress out session and Connor was the first one she would call about it seeing that he could always reassure her that everything was going to be fine.

When she took a deep breath and turned her head to the side when she saw two people walking towards her and Connor. When she looked at them, she saw Vincent and Hailey. Her relationship with Vincent, to say the least was entertaining. He would flirt with her and she would just brush it off with a smirk stating that he wasn't 'her type'. Hell, Lottie has never had a boyfriend. She doesn't even have a type. "Hey, Charlotte! Have you met the ne-.. Hailey?",
She smiled brightly as she pointed towards the girl. "You mean, my long lost sister?" She chuckled. "Nice to meet you again." Charlotte softly smiled towards her and waved slightly. "You too."

"Don't worry, you're still the number one blonde in my life, though", She looked towards Vincent as he sported a smirk only to rolled her eyes at him and smirk herself. "Aw, aren't you sweet, darlin'. You have no idea how knowing I'm still your favorite blonde makes me feel." Sarcasm in her voice as she laid a hand on Vincent's shoulder. She watched as Vince turned to Connor and asked where Dusty was. She just shrugged as she listened to the two guys talk. But, it didn't take long for Dusty to head over to the group. “Speak of the devil and he’s sure to appear.” Charlotte just rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. “How’s it going?” She shrugged before speaking. "You know, the usual. I'm stressing out about this meeting." She stated as she combed her fingers through her hair as she saw Sienna walk up to the group as well. She only smirked when she called her 'Madam President' and hugged her back. "Little Miss. Superstar."

"So, shouldn't we head to the assembly?" Charlotte looked at the time on her black Micheal Kors watch and cursed. "Crap, we really should be heading inside guys." She said as she slid her planner and notebook into her bag before turning towards the others in the group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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0.00 INK


Sienna winked back at Charlotte for their ever-present nickname exchange just as she finally reached her phone. She took a sip of her coffee before peering down at her phone, a small smile flitting across her face at the sight of a message from Isabella. She really wanted to see the brunette before they all went their separate ways, but her schedule probably wouldn't permit it. While Jane and Piper may have had time to blow and Sydney might very well make be making sure that everything was perfect for the party tonight - which Sienna had no problem with since she was exactly the same way - but Sienna did not have that luxury. She had to be prepared for school while also getting out music, which was always a hassle. And it infringed on a lot of her free time and she was pretty sure she was going develop an actual addiction to coffee in the near future, if she wasn't already addicted now.

Her eyes moved over to Jane and Piper as they disconnected from Sydney somewhat, watching the brunette with a smile still on her face. Sienna's habit of holding grudges just could not last - not when it came to Jane. And if there was one thing that she and her friend shared in common other than their loves for fashion and partying, it was their emotions. They felt things too deeply, far less composed than the icy queen bee. Granted, Sienna had her moments where she could be quietly vengeful and exchanging underhanded digs were just like second nature, but even she could not always hold it together. So, she was unsurprised by Jane's thinking that Sydney hated her. She just didn't want her to think that it was actually fact. Which was why she decided to text her back.

To: Jane
Nobody hates u, J. We all need 2 talk. No running. I can stall 4 the nite but its important.

Sienna returned her attention to the group, nodding to Hailey absentmindedly when the new girl thanked her for her drink. Her eyes, without much restraint, fell back on Vincent. She didn't mean to look at him, didn't mean to allow her gaze to rake over him in appreciation as she did. Definitely not little Vince anymore, her brain decided to taunt her, which was completely necessary because Sienna had noticed the change. Oh, she had noticed. Had taken all of this into account over the years - how much more lean he became, how his jaw line suddenly became more defined, how - no matter what - his eyes were still the same shade of blue...

Her gaze immediately sought out Sydney only for her lips to form a small smile. Just before Sydney's mask slipped back on, Sienna had seen it. Hunger. Appreciation. Entitlement. Lust. Perhaps the "entitlement" part was simply Sienna feeling suddenly bitchy, but she couldn't help it. She had to look away, concentrating on Hailey who said they should probably head inside and Charlotte who more than readily agreed. She should have known this would happen. She and Sydney could never truly get along, not unless this Vincent thing was out in the open. It was probably highly irrational for her to be as upset and despite any efforts on her part, the conflicted emotions were probably evident on her face. She didn't have a hold on Vincent anymore. He had made that clear when he wound up in bed with Sydney when they were still dating and even when he slept with another girl nearly a day or so after they officially broke up. That thought didn't, however, rid of her of the jealousy brewing inside of her.

"You're right. We should go before the Head comes out and throws a bitch fit," she said monotonously, hating herself for the edge still in her voice. She stepped away from the group then, not afraid to break away from her clique. Unlike Sydney and sometimes the others, Sienna had no problem with identifying herself with other groups. Her life revolved around remaining as open as possible, partly because she had always been friendly but also as a marketing tool. Her face and voice made her marketable, the curvy body she was growing into made her even more marketable, but it was her personality that truly sold everything. Besides, when she needed a break from her friends - when something Sydney did made her emotions all the more visible and barely contained - a refresher like talking to the girl from her biology class was sure to do the trick. However, she did not come in alone and turned back to call for Hailey only for the blonde to be engulfed in a tight hold.

Sienna almost dropped her coffee.

When she and Sebastian had hooked up last year, it had been more out of the heat of the moment than actual feelings. Which Sienna had felt just a bit bad for after the fact. She hated meaningless flings and sleeping around. It was a waste of time and sure, it sounded fun. She just didn't do it as often as people thought she did. However, once their fling fizzled or perhaps they simply both agreed to let it pass, she hadn't seen him again. She had heard Sydney and Jane in conversation talk about this elusive "Sebastian" figure plenty of times, and she was sure the others knew him as well. But when it came down to particular events, Sienna would have a prior engagement her mother and manager planned out, and she would always miss this figure. She had been beginning to think he didn't exist...

...until she saw Hailey being wrapped in familiar arms. Arms Sienna herself had been enveloped in. She gulped audibly, biting her lower lip as she took in the excited expression on Sebastian's face. He had been attractive back then and by God, he was gorgeous now! All tall, curly hair and pretty-eyed and she could remember why her team had chosen him as her faux boyfriend for the music video they chose. Her heart was thumping against her ribcage madly and she prayed like hell the others wouldn't notice the actual nervousness creeping onto her face. At the same time, she had to clarify - had to make this not be awkward.

"Sebastian?" She questioned, taking a step back towards him and Hailey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Oliver Grace
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals

Although Connor wasn't half as prepared as Charlotte was for their parts in the assembly, his impromptu speech went pretty well. It was typical of him to get the jitters in the few moments before he went on stage but as soon as he was out there, they disappeared. He was comfortable talking to large groups of people, especially when most of them were people that he was friendly with. As everyone but Charlotte probably expected, her speech went flawlessly as well. While he had been excited for the first day back, he was more than relieved when the draining assembly was over. The rest of his day was spent retrieving his text books, getting lunch with his mother, video chatting with his brother, and napping before it was time for Sydney's part.

9:00 PM

Sydney's party was scheduled to begin at nine o'clock. In Connor's mind, that meant that it was necessary to show up some time between 8:55 and 9:05. He didn't get the whole "fashionably late" thing that some people liked to do, and especially if Sydney was the one hosting, he didn't mind being one of the first people there. It would probably give him an advantage, even, seeing as with the amount of guests she would be inviting, he probably wouldn't have much of a chance to talk with her when everyone started showing up. However, tonight he was showing up with Vincent and Dustin, and that meant that there was no way they would be showing up any time before 9:15. Vincent probably spent as much time as Sydney did when it came to getting ready, and he and Oliver both liked to pregame before parties. While Connor did drink alcohol, he was never the guy getting blackout drunk at parties and he could never keep up with his friends who seemed to down beers like they were water.

Connor had been ready to walk out the door at eight thirty. Sydney had asked him to wear white to the party, but after searching his closet and spending hours at Macy's the previous day, it seemed impossible to find white pants that didn't make him look more frail than he already felt. So, he had settled on an ensemble consisting of black shoes and pants, a black button-down dress shirt and a white blazer. He wasn't sure if the "black & white" theme meant that you had to strictly choose one color, but after realizing that all-white wasn't going to happen, he had settled on the mixture to include her direction that he wear white. He thought that Vincent had said that Oliver was going to be at his apartment before the party, and Connor had agreed that their car would be waiting outside of Vincent's building at 8:50 on the dot for the two of them. Ten minutes of anxiously sitting in the back seat of the town car, multiple texts to both of the guys and continuous attempts to buzz into Vincent's apartment went by. He knew that at least Vincent was in there, for he had responded to Connor a few times over the ten minutes insisting that he was almost ready and would be down in a moment, but Connor was getting impatient. He wanted to see Sydney before she was too busy with everyone else. Maybe tonight would be his night. Their night. He knew it was false hope, but he couldn't let it go entirely.

To: Vincent, Oliver
Come on we were supposed 2 b there 6 minutes ago can u guys just come down already?

To: Charlotte
You and Rosie will be there tonight, right? You need to let loose after working urself up all morning xD


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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ImageImage“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

The Twins' Outfits

"I can't believe you were so worried about this morning. You did great, as always." Rosie shouted out of the twin's shared walk in closet where their mother decided to keep all their 'good clothes', meaning the ones they could only wear once for one occasion. Charlotte just rolled her eyes as she finished doing her makeup with a dark red lip. She looked at herself in the mirror before tapping her finger on her chin. Something felt off. But, what was it? The fact that you could see the small beauty mark on the right side of her lips? Or was in her cochlear implant sticking out from behind her ear? What was it?! Something didn't look at and it was infuriating! She groaned as she got up in frustration and made her way to the walk in closet where her sister was still in her towel deciding between two black dresses. Rose turned her face towards her twin with a raised eyebrow. "Help me." She begged as her sister chuckled and walked back out with Charlotte right next to her. She pointed to the light blue vanity seat with the name Lottie written on it in gold, cursive writing. "Sit." Lottie didn't argue as she sat down and let her sister go at it. She looked at her sister in the mirror as the younger twin looked at her with her arms crossed. "Why is your hair in a ponytail?" Lottie turned towards her sister. "Well, I was going for the crisp, clean white look since I'm wearing--.."

"No! You're not wearing white. That's too predictable, too.... Charlotte-like." Rosie scurried to the closet to grab something as Lottie scoffed. "Well then, what should I wear?" Her sister came out with a rather short but, form fitting black dress complete with a lacy pair of heels. "This little number." Lottie scoffed at her sister's smirk as she shook her head. "No way. Rosie, I have an image to uphold and that dress is the last time I need to wear." Rosie rolled her eyes and laid it on the seat next to her before showing the white dress Lottie was planning on wearing. "Well, you're not wearing white."

"Why not?"

"'Cuz, I am." Her sister's smirk grew even more as she returned her sister and undid the sleek ponytail, letting her curls fall down, making the look look absolutely stunning. "There, happy? Now, I getting dressed." She wasn't really mad was she? But, before Lottie was given the chance to ask her sister had slammed the door to the closet and locked it from the inside, knowing Lottie couldn't get in. Lottie scoffed before turning to the dress and heels. "Goddamn it." She got up from her chair and snatched the dress from the chair and started getting dressed in the short black dress. God, her sister was a child!

Within ten minutes, Lottie was knocking against the door to get her sister out. "Are you done bitchin' and cryin' the car's here. And I'm... wearing the dress...." She said with the last part being in a muffled tone to keep some of her pride intact. Rosie cracked the door open and poked her head out and looked at her sister with her mouth open before coming out of the room with two purses for the pair. "I knew you'd look sexy! You're going to blow little Miss. Perfect out of the water looking like this. I mean, god you look like a friggin' model." Her sister gushed as the pair made their way down the step and to the elevator. "Well, I mean. Look at you. You're like an angel or somethin', like that." Rosie locked arms right before the doors opened to the first floor and the two walked outside to the waiting black Bentley for the Buchanan twins. "Fine, let's agree on this. We both look hot." Charlotte laughed as she slid into the car. "Deal."

As the car pulled off, her phone went off. When she read it, she chuckled. "Connor?" Lottie lost her smile for a second to make contact with her sister. "Mind you own, why don't cha." Her sister put her hands up in defense as Lottie text him back.

To : Connor

-__- Yes, we're coming. We should be there shortly.... I haven't missed any drama, have I?

It wasn't long until the car had stopped and the two made their way out, stating to their driver, they would be in touch. The man nodded before getting out to open the door for he pair. As they got out, Lottie linked arms with her twin, something they did... a lot before making their way into Sydney's home. As the two entered, they looked around before Rosie pretty much forced her to the bar to help her 'loosen up' before the night and drama really got started. But, of course Lottie was against. "You know I don't drink, I'm gonna go socialize. Meet up with me later." Rosie rolled her eyes. "Fine, your loss." She then turned to someone to her right as Lottie rolled her eyes and started to look for Connor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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0.00 INK


If Connor's continuous texts and attempts to buzz into his apartment weren't annoying enough, Kelley had spent the last two hours locked inside of his spare bedroom. He was dressed and ready to go on time, though Connor probably wouldn't believe that, and it was his cousin who was really keeping them waiting. It was as if they were at the same point that they were at twelve hours ago, with him banging his fist against her door. This time, however, the other side wasn't silent. Some rap song was blasting from Kelley's side of the door and while it was loud, he knew it wasn't loud enough to completely drown him out.

"Kell, I'm serious, Connor's about to have a heart attack down there. Would you just come out already? I'm sure you look good." Similar to the last ten similar comments, this one garnered no reaction from the blonde. He was ready to slam his hand against the door again when it swung open, revealing the girl clad in a black dress. She looked good, but when didn't she? The girl could be lying on the bathroom floor with tangled hair, reeking of the odor of alcohol and still turn guys on. As her cousin, it wasn't something that he necessarily liked, but they were close enough in age where he didn't think it was his job to approve or disapprove her behavior. She had her own older siblings for that. "Finally," he sighed with relief. As he pulled out his phone to check the time, already well aware that they were late, he found another message from Connor, along with ones from Sydney and Sienna. This time, he had to roll his eyes at Connor's. His friend was usually an easygoing guy but if anyone cut into his time to be in Sydney's presence, he threw a bitch fit.

To: Connor
Calm down dude. Oliver isn't here so it's just me and Kelley. We're on our way down rn

To: Sienna
We should be there in 5. I'm with Connor and Kelley. U gonna come find me or am I going to have to search for u?

To: Sydney
Does it matter what color my pants are? They're gonna end up on ur bedroom floor tn anyway. Regardless of whether its u in bed next to me or one of ur virgin freshman friends

When they reached Connor's car, he quickly insisted that the long wait was not his fault and Kelley had no problem owning up to it. It seemed to shut Connor up at least, and they were able to switch conversation topics onto what they expected the night to entail. Soon enough, they were pulling up in front of Sydney's building. By now, the line to get in wasn't too long. Most of the freshman or outcasts had been turned away when their name failed to show up on the guest list, and it didn't take more than ten minutes for the trio to make their way inside. Vincent was the first to separate from Connor and Kelley. He wanted to find Sienna just as genuinely as he had acted when he texted her, and his first thought was that she had to be on the third level dancing. While he was known for his ego, as perfectly shown in his text to Sydney, Sienna was one of the few people who had the power to make him nervous, so Vincent decided it would be easier to approach her with a purpose. He decided that he would get drinks first, and then go find her upstairs to offer her one.

Sydney could only roll her eyes when Vincent responded to her text about the dress code. She shouldn't have expected anything less from him. No matter how charming he was, he was also a player and he never hid that from her. Not like she wasn't already aware of it. She had slept with him while he was dating her best friend. That alone spoke volumes of his character, and yet he was different enough... alluring enough... to keep her enticed despite his unfaithfulness. She knew better than to let him know that though. His ego was already hundreds of levels too high.

To: Vincent
You're disgusting. Show your face in ten minutes or you're not getting into this party.

Luckily for her, and her friends, Sienna, Piper and Jane came over just as she set her phone down on the bar counter. Sienna was radiating the energy that she was known for and although she was still annoyed at them for being late, it was enough to bring a smile to Sydney's face. Maybe senior year really was going to be different for their friendship. "Thanks, girl. You look amazing too. I had doubts about the black and white, but that romper is so much cuter than I remembered it to be." Since Sienna was currently her favorite person out of the three, she refused to acknowledge the other two girls with even a glance until she had finished responding to Sienna. After dealing with Piper for three years, Sydney doubted that she would be able to shake her from the group senior year either, so she needed to be nice. At least, she needed to be nice tonight since she didn't need any unnecessary drama at her first party of the year. "And Piper, I love your dress. Those guys from Fordham Prep have been eyeing you ever since you walked in." She couldn't stop herself from making eye contact with a group of attractive guys across the room and waving it them to acknowledge how obvious their gawking was. She had saved Jane for last, mostly because she didn't know what she was supposed to say to her. All it took were three months for Jane to transform from her best friend to a complete stranger. "I'm glad you decided to wear white. It makes you look so..." She cocked her head to the side as if she were searching for the right word. "Innocent," she decided on. Innocent was the exact opposite of what she thought Jane to be, although the crimes Sydney was accusing her of probably weren't as hostile and calculated as she was treating them to be.

Sienna's last comment reminded her that this party was about having a good time, and even if it took ever fiber in her being not to snap on Jane then and there, she was going to try to have fun. They could deal with all of their drama tomorrow, but for now, they needed to start the year on a positive note and having everyone back together was a positive thing. "Four shots of vodka, please," she requested as she tilted her head towards the bartender. When she turned it back however, she quickly changed the order. "Make that five." It was Vincent, finally showing his face, but showing it two minutes too late. Sienna was here which meant that Sydney had to treat Vincent like any other guy, or worse, considering that she was supposed to be Sienna's friend.

"You four clean up nicely," Vincent smirked as he approached the girls. He ran a hand through his hair absentmindedly as he took a moment to take the four, beautiful women standing in front of him in. His examination of the two blondes were probably considerably longer than that of Jane and Piper's. He was checking Sienna out, and he couldn't deny doing that to Sydney too, but he was staring at the latter more to try to read her expression. It didn't look nearly as pleasant as it had when he had spotted her from afar and walked over, but was she really offended about his earlier text? He doubted it. He was always crass.

"It's nice of you to finally show your face," she responded, as if her girls hadn't only shown up a minute earlier than he.

"You know my schedule is packed with parties, Vale. You should be happy that I squeezed y-" His smirk didn't disappear even when Sydney cut him off by redirecting her attention to the bartender who had slid five shots in their direction. He was now standing beside Sydney against the bar, and took two: one for himself, and one that he handed to Sienna. "Cheers?"