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Snippet #1541115

located in Diamond Asylum (San Francisco, California), a part of Asylum: Abyss of Insanity, one of the many universes on RPG.

Diamond Asylum (San Francisco, California)



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The guards were shock at the scene they were watching it was to the point that they had to call in back as thoughts and questions filled their minds like
'What is wrong with them?', 'This is inhuman', 'I'm going to be sick', 'How sick are these people.' Soon two scientists arrived at the scene with a couple guards "What happen here?" one of the scientists asked the witnessing guards but they simply shrugged with a confused look on their faces.

"Very well, bring them to the lab," The same scientist ordered as he along with his apprentice walked down the corridors "and be careful with them" he added before turning the corner.

"How the hell are we suppose to bring the body to the lab?" The witnessing guard asked the other but he simply shrugged, he was not phased as if he seen this plenty of times before. They slowly position the patient's body so they could carry it easily, as they lifted the body they made sure the entire body was off the ground as another guard escorted them to the lab. It was a good thing that tonight was such a quiet night and that no one was out their rooms or in their rooms needing to be attended to. They had to take the private elevators that needed ID cards to reach the lab two levels below the Asylum, the first underground level was the solitary floor where troubled patients were sent to for various reasons and various time frames.

Entering the lab the guards was escorted down the white hallways, even though this was a secure area there were Plexiglas windows everywhere so that they were able to see what was going on in every room, every room except for the rooms at the end of the hallway and that was exactly where the guards were heading. This was the first time these guards have been down here, except for the guard escorting them, so they were distracted by all the experiments and actions that were being taken place here. One of the doors at the end of the hall opened as a scientist in a full body contamination suit stepped out and held the door open for them.

"Weird" One of the guards carrying the patient said as they entered the bright room, the room was empty except for a metal table in the center with a rack beside it that had medical equipment.

"Set the body on the table" The scientist simply said as she watched from the doorway, the guards followed her directs and slowly left the room noticing the walls were nothing but glass which they were sure was a one-way window. Without a thank you the scientist closed the door behind the guards leaving only her and the guard that was escorting the other guards within the room. "Alright let's begin" The scientist said as she walked over to the body and began the process of checking the condition of the patient, they were stable for the most part. After checking on their condition she started taking blood samples and took a syringe from the rack, squirting the fluid a little in the air she pressed it against the patient's skin. Without hesitation she penetrated the skin and injected the fluid into the patient's bloodstream, treating their wounds she allowed the guard to carry the patient. The scientist motioned the guard to follow her and he did, they went to the third floor which had a smaller capacity of rooms, this floors was for special cases such as this one. The floor was highly monitored, under surveillance, and contained extra protection so that it was difficult for the patients to escape. They placed the patient in one of the many rooms and left, leaving them within the room all cleaned and clothed in new outfits... the patient slept until the sun reached their rooms signaling the morning.

Melissa Rose

The room was close to complete silence except for Melissa's light breathing and the bed that cradled Melissa's idle body gave a very light groan as her body slowly rolled onto its side. Melissa was dreaming of another time a time when everything was good, a time when she was still there but subconsciously her mind knew this was a past time a time that she was not in. In a quick jerk she was brought back into consciousness and reality flooded in and as if to compensate she curled up in a small ball as if trying to shrink away from the world. She stayed in that tight ball for a few minutes before realization of the new room and new clothing she wore was brought to her attention, she sat up and glanced around then down at her new clothing that was a bit large but it sufficed. "What happened?" She asked herself before memory of last night replayed in her head. She ended up off the bed on her feet yanking her shirt off and throwing it on her bed as her breathing became labored.

"Okay, calm down Melissa you're fine, it was all a dream... a dream... a dream..." She repeated to herself over and over again as if to prepare herself for what was to come; she slowly reached behind her lightly tracing her fingertips down her back until they met the stitched wounds where her wings once were but now they were hidden underneath all that flesh stitches. Her breathing became unstable and rushed as her fingers continued tracing the wounds once her fingers reached the back of her bra she froze as she tried calming herself. Just as she began to calm herself down a pain surge from her stomach and she ended up doubling over and stumbling over to her bed as her stomach groaned "Dammit". She pressed herself against the bed waiting for the pain to go away as she heard footsteps going up and down the hallway "I guess everyone's awake," she mumbled against her sheets "I guess I better be out there...".

Keith Wrath

"Ugh, get away" Keith whispered in his sleep as his body rolled to its side then back to the other side; the nightmares were attacking him in his dreams once again and he was in the middle of a nightmare. Groaning and clawing at the bedsheets he continued to live the nightmare that seemed so real and to anyone witnessing him was sure that this was a nightmare because he gave all the signs, or at least signs a dog would give. "Don't you dare" He growled before kicking and clawing some more, the nightmare was sure to continue but when he rolled once more he fell off the bed and hit the floor with a loud thud. Jumping up and getting into a crouched stance he growled at every possible thing within the room as if it was his attacker. "Damn," He said as he calmed down and got to his feet to scratch his head and stare down at the spot he fell from "another stupid nightmare". "This isn't my room" The new room caught his attention right away and observing it some more he was positive this was not his room, thinking this was a mistake he walked towards the door and opened the large steel door and peered outside looking up and down the hallway wondering if they were allowed out their room. By the looks of patients walking up and down the hallway he assumed they were, tucking his hands into his pockets he walked out his room and began walking down the hall.

Keith continued his walk down the hall stealing glances into each opened or cracked door since this was his first time in his area so he wasn't so sure of his way around the place. Reaching a stairway he made his way to the end off the hall he noticed a front desk so he walked up to the lady behind the large oak desk, "Yes, may I help you?" the lady immediately gave him her attention. "yeah, um...," Keith began but he noticed two guards behind the lady and they seemed ready to beat him to a pulp if he made the wrong move as for the lady she seemed a little uncomfortable "that's not my room". The lady leaned over and pointed straight at the room he woke up in "Yes, that's your room or at least it is now. You have been relocated" she answered and went back to her paperwork as if it explained everything but when he began again one of the guards placed his hand on his baton. "Whatever" He said letting it go and walked back towards his room, he was giving up on the matter since it seemed like there was no way around this new arrangement. Back in his room he laid on his bed with his head lifted up by the pillow underneath it to stare out his wide open door to stare out at the people walking past his room "I guess I could get used to this".