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Snippet #1604064

located in The City, a part of Killing God: The Game, one of the many universes on RPG.

The City



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-Frank Roseby

Frank stood in the near dark of the tunnel below the Cathedral. Today the last 100 joined in on the game. Today they would attempt to save as many of them as possible before anyone could kill them. Of course nobody would be that fast to react. It was somewhat disconcerting waking up amidst a large crowd after dying. At least a few people would die and many would be hurt. He was here to try to stop as many of the injured from dying as possible. Joseph was up by the trapdoor, waiting for the "Angels" to finish declaring the rules. Not that there really were any aside from kill. Frank knew the speech was coming to a close as Joseph spoke into his radio. Unconsciously he played with the buttons on his coat.

Suddenly Joseph flung open the trapdoor and began telling the people they needed to leave. From the entrance of the tunnel he could vaguely hear the distraction that was preventing the mass of people outside the cathedral from already having stormed in and killed everyone. The precious seconds they had before the cathedral was attacked sped by as Joseph tried to get everyone into the tunnel. Suddenly the building shook. Well, there goes one of their rpgs, he thought. He could hear gunfire through the ceiling. People then began rushing into the tunnel frantically. He began trying to seperate them into different areas depending on if they were injured or not. He grabbed a woman's arm, "Ma'am, your arm is bleeding badly, go down the tunnel on the right side and you will be taken care of." The woman seemed to half hear him and ran down the tunnel staying somewhat to the right side. Of course he could not tell everyone where to go, there were simply too many people for that. And supplies were scant enough he could not care for every wound either. All of a sudden Joseph leaped down from the trapdoor carrying a bloody woman.

Joseph was always the last to leave, anyone else in the cathedral was already dead or would die shortly. Either from wounds they already had or from bullets in the head by the other participants. Striding down the tunnel with everyone else Frank passed the people designated to cover their exit. Some of them always died, but them dying saved many more and they were never short volunteers for the rearguard. Exiting the tunnel he began trying to get the wounded all together where him and his assistants could more easily tend to them.


-Jeremiah Hawthorne

Jeremiah lay on top of one of the buildings surrounding the cathedral. He had his sniper rifle lying on the roof in front of him, his binoculars in hand. One of the larger gangs in the city, more than likely the Skull Brigade though he could not see Hades, had set up on this side of the cathedral to begin killing as soon as the Angels finished initiating the newest players. Though he could not see the other sides he knew from past experience other people were there also surrounding the cathedral. It was almost silent now because no one wanted to goad the Angels, but as soon as they left all hell would break loose. People trying to take out those inside the cathedral as well as those on the outside. Personally, he didn't care who he killed, no matter who it was it meant one less person he had to take down before he was the only person left. Of course if he could get a shot at one of the gang leaders he would take that over any five others. Take out the leaders and the followers would go out of control, taking out as many friends as enemies. Most of the leaders were too smart to be too out in the open though, otherwise they wound't be a leader, at least not for long.

Beside him lay some grenades, both homemade and found. He had one really nasty one in particular he wanted to test out once the shooting started. It was designed to explode on contact once he pulled the pin out, so it would reach the ground before it exploded. On impact it would explode releasing hundreds of bbs he had taken from some dud shotgun shells. There was also a little pocket of gasoline in the center so anyone too close would burn to death if none of the bbs hit a vital spot. Finally there was some movement on the ground, the Angels were filing out of the building. They no longer creeped him out with their perfect skin and white complections, but he still didn't look at them long any longer than to see when they would be out of sight. Setting his binoculars down he grabbed his sniper rifle from in front of him and one of the grenades from his pile. As the last Angel turned a corner he pulled the pin on the grenade and tossed it away from the building. It was just a normal grenade, not one of his homemade ones. Hopefully it would reach the ground before it, KABOOM! With a deafening explosion the grenade blew up amidst a group of people below. No sooner had the after image faded from his eyes than everything in sight turned crazy.

One of the people below had shot an rpg at the cathedral and had blown a huge hole in the side of it. As bullets flew everywhere people began rushing towards the building. Aiming down his sights Jeremiah began picking off people as fast as he could find them. A man running with an AK-47 here, a woman pulling the pin on a grenade there, another man reloading behind a barrier. He kept shooting until his clip ran out and then he chucked a few more grenades. Among them his special one. Stuffing the rest into his bag along with his binoculars he peered over the edge to see his baby go boom. It exploded on contact as planned, it appeared to have landed on a person, lucky throw. As pieces of searing hot metal flew through flesh a wall of flame spread quickly, engulfing everything in it's path. The fire spread about 10 feet before stopping. Very effective, he would have to make some larger ones in the future, maybe make a full sized bomb to place somewhere with a tripwire. Grabbing his bag he ran toward the stairs down to the ground. People would begin searching for lone targets soon. Now was the time to leave, with luck he could meet up with a small group of people and take them out during his exit. Flying down the stairs he readied his machine gun.