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Snippet #1609775

located in Somewhere in the Pocono Mountaions, a part of Change, one of the many universes on RPG.

Somewhere in the Pocono Mountaions



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Just as Z managed to get comfortable, he sensed a great disturbance in the area. He heard a faint roar of some sort of machinery out in the distance, and felt the grass under him shuffle a bit.

This was not good. He would not be able to maintain a peaceful mindset if something would disturb him. He did not like the idea of losing control again. He would have to do something about that.

He opened his eyes and stood up in a quick motion. Sight flooded his eyes as he looked to the sky where his ears directed him. He saw an elliptical body with a propeller on top and a tail at the back. It made a loud noise and disturbed the ground below it very greatly.

Yet another agitation. When would he be free of all of this?

He gazed at it as it flew past him. A few men came from the thing, and moments later, gunshots were heard. Z twitched as he felt himself slipping away to the chaos around him.


The sound of quick steps to his left. His hands raised. Screams heard from behind him. Running, quickly, out of chaos. Turn left. Men in front. Eyes widening in fear. Loud bangs, flashes of light. Slight pain all over his torso. Charging forward. Rapid acceleration in growth of nails. Slashing throats. Blood splashing everywhere. Run. Escape. Turning right, surgeons ahead. Long tubes. Quiet bangs. Stinging in shoulder. Increase in adrenaline. Roar.


Z opened his eyes from the memory the shots induced. He could not let that repeat. Clearly, the promise the scientists made was false, and he would have to leave. This problem now seemed more immediate than it had been ever before, and he would have to take necessary measures. He would not let himself be consumed by chaos, not today. If it meant a slight increase in the chaos within him, he would have to deal with it. He would escape total chaos at almost any cost.

He turned around to face the direction that would take him farthest away from this disaster.

About to leave, Z noticed the little creature on his shoulder. If he would take off at this precise moment, he was certain that she'd either fall off or not be able to hold on. He was also certain that she would not be able to keep up. Perhaps he should hold her, to make sure that she evaded this situation as well as he.

But why? What would be the purpose of this action? She would slow him down, and her failure to adhere to an aerodynamic form would surely produce quite the drag. No, it was best to leave her behind.

And yet.... He simply could not do it. Z did not know why, but he felt it necessary to bring her with him. Maybe it was the fact that she convinced him to leave and he felt a sense of duty to her.

.....That could not be it. This sense was totally inefficient, and would interfere with his complete sense of objectivity. Maybe she could be useful to him in the future.

What possible use could she be to him? That was mere guessing, and had no real value. She was a liability, nothing more.

Then why could he not run without her?

Z sighed. This was not the time to ponder such details. Either he took her, or she would die. For whatever reason, he could not let her die. Therefore, there was only one option left.

"We go now." he said, grabbing her. He put her into a pocket he had no use for until now, and firmly said, "Hold on tight and stay."

Drawing in a deep breath, he commanded his body to begin pumping adrenaline into his system. He hated adrenaline, but he had use for it now. It the less of two evils, and the possibility of total chaos was too apparent to choose any other route. The smaller chaos would cost him later, but it was necessary.

He felt a rush of excitement, a most detestable emotion, as he sprinted with a speed greater than anything anyone would imagine from such a sickly person. He hadn't done so for a long while, and it took much concentration simply to keep sure that he did not step on anything unfavorable.

He crouched down as he ran to increase efficiency so that he did not have to spend as much energy on the task. He kept one eye on the ground and one ahead; his mind fully on the task in front of him. He differed energy and attention away from all of his senses to sight, and shut out any auxiliary thoughts from his mind. There was only one thing on his mind: getting as far away from the facility as needed to reach somewhere he could have peace.


Soon, just as he predicted, chaos reigned in the facility. A loud boom caught whatever attention he had been providing to his auditory functions. He did not dare to turn around in order to satisfy his curiosity, lest he were not able to maintain the speed and stability he had achieved.

A shockwave, however, forced him to pay attention. It pushed him enough so that he could not manage to keep his footing. Frame by frame, he decided on the most effective method of getting farther away. He pushed on with the only leg he had on the ground, and flew, pushed by the invisible force of the blast.

Turning in mid air, he grabbed the butterfly girl from his pocket and hugged her in a protective fashion. He braced for impact and tightened all of his muscles. The inevitable crash left him on his back, dragging a trail several meters down until he was stopped by a tree.

Z grunted as he opened his eyes to observe the scene before him. He was wounded, he was sure, in several places. His clothing was torn, and he was panting. Discomfort was felt throughout his body, and he could make out blood on the trail he had made.

He tried to move, and yet he could not. It would take some time for him to try to recover. That would have to happen much more quickly than he would have time for, so he did not waste time making the necessary procedures. He didn't think he broke any bones, he was just very sore and he was bleeding in several places.

"Saddening." He commented to the tiny critter in his arms. Hopefully, she was not hurt.

Too much chaos in one day.