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Snippet #1652263

located in Old America; Land of the Exiled, a part of The Saint and The Exiled, one of the many universes on RPG.

Old America; Land of the Exiled



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Shadow flew across the tarmac, kicking up dust as he flew along the road. Sadly, he could see the junk pile getting closer, so he gently applied the brakes. A very loud metallic clang emitted from his bike, a large chunk of probably important metal falling away from his bike. His eyes widened and he pressed down the brakes once more. The brakes gave no resistance and had no effect. Shadow panicked. His brakes had failed.

He was flying along at well over 125 MPH and the trash heap was getting closer and closer. The crumbling tower was also leaning very precariously, destined to fall at any second. Shadow shouted at the top of his lungs "SHIIIIIIIIIT!!!!" as he flew across the road, nothing able to stop him. He tried to stick his feet down on the road to stop him, but the speed was too great and almost dislocated his leg.

Shadow yelped from the pain, and his attempt to brake gently tipped the bike, but at this speed it slowly sent him into deadly speed wobbles. Shadow was fearing for his life. He heard a loud crunch of metal and the tower began to fall,. It was timed so precisely that shadow knew it would crush him if he didn't do something. Just his luck. His brakes were broken, so he could only think of one other thing to do. Accelerate.

He revved the engine and drove EXTREMELY FAST, topping out at 150 MPH. The tower kept falling. Shadow directed his bike at a large sheet of metal laid across a trash heap, making a sort of ramp. He knew hitting this ramp would result in a VERY hard landing, but what else could he do? He directed his bike towards the ramp, the tower only 50 feet away from crushing him. He shouted in fear and hit the ramp, launching directly into the air.

The world went in slow motion, he could see everything.The tower had fallen and crushed the trash heap in front of the ramp. He was eye to eye with the side of the tower. Gravity played its role and collapsed the tower inwards, allowing just enough space for shadow to pass over. The collapse sent a booming sound and dust, heard for a mile around.

Shadow was ecstatic that he had leaped the tower, but his celebration was short lived. He was at least 50 feet above the ground, and things weren't in slow motion anymore. He swallowed his fear and clenched his eyes shut, bracing for impact, saying a silent prayer inside his head. His bike hit the ground, the tires popping and the wheels crushing and twisting, the shocks taking most of the impact, but not all of it. The remaining forced smashed shadows torso against the handle bars so forcefully, he vomited his dinner instantly. He could feel his right hand break from the impact but he was so full of adrenaline, it didn't hurt. The bike had lost most its speed on impact, and the tires were crushed, so it tipped and flew out from underneath Shadow. His left shoulder hit the ground at 30 MPH, and he he tumbled and skid across the asphalt for about thirty seconds, during which Shadow's world was spinning. His first instinct was to curl up in a ball and protect his head, which he did. He tumbled and rolled, gaining no less than 30 scrapes and cuts across his body. His hoodie tore at the sleeve as his arm got caught in a pothole, breaking his right forearm as well. He gradually skid to a stop, his mangled bike skidding to a halt next to him.

Shadow opened his eyes wide, fear and pain coursing through his head. His arm felt like it was on fire, and he suppressed a scream. He was in a dangerous situation, being out in the open, injured like this. He had to get to safety. He fought against himself as his entire body screamed at him to not move, but he did anyway. His right arm was limp and disfigured, bent unnaturally. His face, body, and damn near everything else was covered in scrapes, cuts, and scratches. The front of his hoodie was decorated with his half digested dinner, mixed with some blood... His stomach was on fire... He was absolutely AMAZED that he was alive. He slowly got to his feet, his left leg almost giving out from under him. He fought back tears as his right arm burned and his body ached. He limped as fast as he could away from the building. He chocked on the dust it kicked up from the collapse. He looked around through blurry, fuzzy eyes and saw a radio station. He had found 711 Rebel Radio. He was thankful for these miracles and limped quickly towards the tower, drawing his Desert Eagle and holding it awkwardly in his left hand; His off hand. His right arm was curled up against his body, bent and mangled. His hood was torn and so was his sleeve. His face was bloodied and so was the rest of his body. He probably looked like a damned zombie. He grinned at the thought of his looks then winced in pain; Everything hurt. His head swam and his eyesight was failing, blurry and distorted, yet he continued to limp towards the radio tower.