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Snippet #1720571

located in Forks, Washington, a part of Starlight, one of the many universes on RPG.

Forks, Washington



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'You can do this. It's okay. This guy is going to know what he's doing. You're not going to kill your daughter.' Elizabeth continued to repeat "encouraging" words to herself as she starred into the large, oval mirror in her bathroom. It lasted for a good thirty minutes before she finally retreated down the oak staircase into the kitchen. She didn't know why she always ran there, it wasn't like she could eat or anything, but she liked to pretend when she could. The tips of her long fingers ran along the smooth counter top before she brought them to eye level. Not a speck of dust. She spent the time Vanessa was at school to clean the entire house; That only kept her occupied for twenty-five minutes.

Liz paused in mid-step as she moved towards the living room, her daughter's laugh reaching her ears. The sound was loud, yet she was completely in the other part of the house. She grimaced, listening to her speak to a boy on the internet. The idea annoyed her to no end. Why couldn't Vanessa go out and meet the guy? 'She's only sixteen though,' she thought, quickly brushing away the mere idea of her daughter leaving to do something like that. Elizabeth knew her protective nature bugged Nessa, but she just could not help it! There was so much to shield her from, including herself.

The rumbling purr of a car pulling up outside brought her attention from the wisp of worry that gnawed at her from the inside out. She ran her hands down across her purple blouse, tucked a loose, wavy lock behind her ear, then headed for the huge front door. She always moved at a human pace when Vanessa was home, for her sake. She wanted her to have a normal life, yet hiring a bodyguard was not really a way to help her with that "normal life." 'It's for her own safety,' Liz thought quickly, setting her sharp jaw in place. She gazed towards the top of the stairs, spotting Vanessa as she made it to the door, placing a light hand on the brass handle delicately in the same motion.

Giving her daughter a reassuring smile her golden coloured eyes found the door as she swiftly pulled it out of her way to reveal the man she hired. For a moment Elizabeth just looked at him, not knowing what to say. What would you in this situation? She had been called naive by one of her Coven members. They told her she acted like a foolish child, the way she thought that is. Of course, Zeke told her that and in her opinion he was a cocky asshole. Liz finally let a hefty amount of unneeded air pass her pale pink lips in a breath, holding out a slim hand. "You must be-" She trailed off, realizing she never really got a specific name, having only been told he could help and so on. A sheepish smile danced across her face, "I'm Elizabeth, I am glad you could make it on such short notice.." she began once more, trying not to make a fool of herself in front of Vanessa, failing terribly..


Aaron lounged across the plush, red couch which sat in the living room of his two-story home. His gaze was resting on the window which faced east, taking up the whole wall. In his right hand he held a glass and in that glass was a crimson red liquid. He swirled the liquid along the crystal, staining it the rich colour. Today had been seemingly uneventful. He hadn't heard from Zeke, Bentley, nor Elizabeth so that meant he was stuck driving around aimlessly. He could have found some mundane thing to do, but most of those things held no interest for him. Taking a sip of the luke-warm blood he sat it on the stained brown coffee table.

His black eyes, slowly dimming to a deep red, traveled across the room to spot a medium sized canvas sitting upon an isle. Aaron had started to paint a creamy orange coloured flower, but got bored with it and stopped. "Nothing to do, nothing to do," he spoke aloud to himself, standing up in a fluid movement. His lips pursed as he thought, scratching the back of his head as if he was debating something. With a shrug he glanced around, once at the couch, the next at the front door. Grasping his leather jacket in one hand Aaron twisted and opened the door with the other. He stepped outside into the crisp night air, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Now who to go bug?" he wondered, heaving an airy sigh, briskly walking towards his dark blue sports car.

Once inside his brows furrowed, "Zeke? No, Bentley! Nah, perhaps Marie? Elizabeth?" Aaron continued to ramble on as he started the engine of his car, revved it a little, then sped down his driveway.


Hunter had laid in his room for awhile, sprawled across his twin-sized bed that made him look like an utter giant. His bed was actually against the wall which was the only thing blocking his room from his brother's. He listened to him toss and turn, shaking his head as a rough sound passed his lips, coming across as a strangled growl. Ever since the whole Alpha ordeal came about they seemed to talk less and less. They still talked, but to him Cayden seemed a lot more.. Distant. It bothered him, but he understood. There were many instances in the wolf state of mind where things got pretty intense. Hunter shuttered at the thought of those times, sitting up in bed. The wool blanket that covered his bare chest fell down around his waist as he swung his legs over, feet meeting the cold, wooden floorboards. Plus Cayden was having some "chick problems," so, all in all..Understandable.

Hunt grunted, standing up and moving towards the small window at the opposite side of his room. He pushed it open without second thought and hopped outside, chin jerking upward as his feet sunk into the mud that formed from yesterday's rain. With a glance over his shoulder he peered into his dark room before moving forward, into the woods. One run, that's all he needed. Once covered by the thick line of trees he shifted into his wolf state of being, immediately opening his mind to his other brothers that might be shifted. He sensed Parker's thoughts, pausing a brief second, ears pricking forward. "Parker?" he questioned, loping forward at an easy pace.

He wasn't really expecting anyone else in the pack to be out, but it was just Parker, so he didn't mind too bad; Parker was easy enough to talk to, being new and all. "Everything okay at home?" Hunter then asked, thoughts a little skeptical as her pursued forward, head low as he scanned the forest.


Ronni's blue eyes peered over a humongous piece of drift wood, watching the tide come halfway up the beach. This was the best time to find unique shells and other little things the ocean decided to share with her. Therefore, the young teen took advantage of it and ran from her house like a theif. Her dad and grandpal were heavy sleepers, something she thanked God for. Jumping clumsily over the driftwood Veronica made her way towards the ice cold water, her bare feet making deep prints in the sand.

She couldn't help but scan the beach, even at this late of hour.. Hoping he was there. Kyle Goldwyn; A boy she met only four days ago. Sixteen, blonde hair, brown eyes, and not to mention.. Her could drive. It made her grin every time she thought about it. However, Ron pressed her lips in a thin line as she bent down, running her hands beneath the icy surface, knuckles meeting the rough, grainy sand. Pulling a pointy object from the water she held it up, trying to catch a glimpse of it in the moonlight..
Nothing. With a sigh she shoved the little thing into her messenger bag which hung loosely at her side. 'Discovering what I found at home makes it all the more exciting,' she told herself, nodding once at the thought.

She ran her hand back through the water, searching the beach again with eager eyes. No Kyle. She had met him when Dante, her german shepherd, got loose and took off running like a deranged chicken. She chased after him for what seemed like hours, but he didn't stop until Kyle reigned him in with his own cheeseburger. Ronni had felt bad for making him give up his food and vowed to buy him another burger someday. He told her he was looking forward to it.

A laugh escaped Veronica's slightly parted lips, remembering the whole situation making her feel foolish. Brushing away the red at her cheeks she tossed a few ordinary shells into the bag, going down the beach further.