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Snippet #1761320

located in Garou Town, a part of Everything is Mine!, one of the many universes on RPG.

Garou Town



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Lilly was unsure exactly how long it would be before Win and the other’s arrived but in the meantime she could keep herself busy by taking over the security system. The program would take awhile for her to create though and she would need an upload point. Rising from her seat at the tables, Lilly began to wonder around the party, conversing with a few of the guests and generally appearing as if she truly belonged there. It was a somewhat difficult charade to pull off. After all, Lilly was not too keen on large parties; she wasn’t really the most sociable of people. Regardless, she managed to play her part well, even managing to silver-tongue her way past Mr. Devlin, the very man she had stolen her invitation’s from. Finally she was able to slip out of the party down a side hallway unseen.

Lilly was looking for one thing, a security camera or anything that she could upload from. Perhaps luckily, or unluckily, Lilly managed to run almost straight into the open door of the security center. It wasn’t quite what she wanted, but it gave her a better upload point then what she originally intended. Plus, with all the security protecting the perimeter or acting as bouncers for the media, there would be no one to check up on this specific room. Two male voices drifted out from the room, obviously two security agents were watching the cameras but they wouldn’t be too difficult to deal with. Quickly opening her laptop, Lilly threw open a voice recognition software her father had developed for the American CIA. The program would be able to record a person’s individual voice frequencies and then be able to turn around and change the voice of the person speaking through a microphone to the recorded voice frequency. It wasn’t a perfect program and voice recognition software could catch the background noise, but it was good enough to fool someone over a phone or radio.

Once Lilly had the voices of each guard isolated into her program, she reached into her back and took out what appeared to be a little metallic spider, well little meant the size her hand but it would get the job done. Once again accessing her laptop, Lilly opened up yet another program, this one directly connecting with the radio frequency identical to the robotic spider. With a small *click click* noise, the spider turned on, its legs making a slight clicking sound as they hit the tile. Using her laptop keyboard much like that of a FPS game, indeed the hotkeys for the spider’s control were nearly identical, Lilly maneuvered the little spider around the corner and into the air duct connecting the hallway and the security room. Once inside it was a fairly simple route to the duct beneath the desk of the security room and the spider had infiltrated the room. After using the small camera in the spider’s eyes to have a quick look around the room, Lilly deciding it was safe pulled up a small command prompt, typed in a few quick lines of code and with a small popping noise audible in the room, the back of the spider opened up, releasing an odorous sleeping gas into the room, quickly incapacitating the two security agents.

Waiting a full minute for the gas to dissipate before opening the door Lilly strode on in to the main computer hub, recovered her now spent sleep spider, and quickly hooked up her computer to the system. It would take approximately fifteen minutes to insert the virus and another five before the virus would override the system and place her computer in control of the system. The only flaw in her plan was that Lilly would need to use the mansion’s own WiFi to control the security systems unless she had time to install her own link set up, but that would take another seven minutes and Lilly wasn’t sure if she had that time before Win arrived. Quickly opening her phone, Lilly typed out a quick text to her friend and leader Win, what’s your ETA?

As Lilly infiltrated the mansion’s security system, she began watching the camera’s for both Win’s arrival and anything else that could prove beneficial or potentially dangerous for her or her friends. It was then that she noticed the happenings on a screen which belonged to Video Camera 7. The camera was set to watch a back hallway ending in a window on the first floor. A figure had just passed in front of the camera and as the figure went closer to the window Lilly could see that the mysterious figure was the bride herself. The young women appeared to be somewhere between the age of 17 and 22, it was difficult to tell from what was on the screen, but as she neared the window, a second figure appeared, this one on the outside. It was difficult to make out the figure, but he definitely was not a guest at the party. The bride quickened her pace as she saw the figure in the window and she quickly through the window open and kissed the man.

“So, the bride and the groom do not love each other.” Lilly said quietly. Lilly watched with mild curiosity as the heartbroken couple’s meeting came to an end and the Bride began her slow walk back to the party and the altar. “Well now, we can’t be having this now can we.” Lilly said to herself. Grabbing a small sheet of paper, Lilly hurriedly scratched in a small note and went off to intercept the Bride.

The older woman was not far from Lilly’s current position and she quickly found the sulking women. Slowing her pace, Lilly purposefully walked into the spaced out bride, knocking both of them to the ground. Lilly, acting like a perfect little girl, made a flurry of apologies to the women. The bride accepted the apology but before she could go Lilly handed her the note, saying that she had dropped it. The women tried to say she hadn’t but Lilly was already backing off to her station to await Win’s arrival. The bride opened the note to read

Fear not wounded soul.
Your heart shall know the taste of true love at night’s end.
The child of the horn is not meant for you.