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Snippet #1773957

located in Kingdom Hearts, a part of Kingdom Hearts: Keyblade Eternity, one of the many universes on RPG.

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It was strange to be back to Radiant Garden. It had been about a month since he had left to go fight on some distant world in one of the most brutal battles of the war so far. Kurst was called back from the front lines of the war to be given a special task, or so he was told. The message from Master Harkin was rather unclear, so there was no way to be sure what was going on, really.

The war wasn’t looking good for the lightsiders, either. The way Kurst saw it, there was just so much raw power in darkness that it could often easily overpower those attempting to draw their energy from the light. The advantages the light side offered weren’t as prevalent in a duel with someone drawing on dark energy. In his opinion, the light was what you needed to run a marathon, but in a sprint darkness would prevail every time. If his theory was correct, they just had to last. The darkness would lead to infighting, and the enemy would crumble in on itself. But how long would that take?

Still, it was nice to be away from the war, although Radiant Garden had by no means survived without taking any hits. The war machine of the town was in motion, constantly gathering supplies to move to the Keybladers. An army needed food and other supplies to continue striving, and an army at war needed them desperately. Health potions were being made in bulk, of course, but a potion could only do so much. A potion couldn’t heal a broken rib or a severed artery, unfortunately, and for those things the medics needed special equipment.

Kurst did his best to ignore all of that though. He was incredibly tired, and just wanted a break from life for a few moments. The amount of power it took to create portals between worlds was growing exhausting. A jump to a world in close proximity was one thing, but to move large distances? It took a lot out of a person. Which was odd. It used to be much easier. Something was happening in the universe that no one really seemed to notice. Everyone was so preoccupied with the war that seams were coming undone, oblivious to everyone.

While he was hoping to get a nap in before being called to duty, sadly that wasn’t to be. A small boy, probably an apprentice, rapped on Kurst’s door. “Your presence is requested in the war room.” The boy turned and left when Kurst nodded, and for a few moments Kurst actually considered treating this as a “request” as opposed to what the boy meant, “command.” Swearing under his breath, Kurst removed his armor and put on a brown robe, keeping the hood down. It was kind of the uniform worn while not in the field, and Kurst always liked it because he would find humor in going naked underneath the robe without anyone knowing. He didn’t do that this time though.

Moments later, Kurst emerged yawning from his room and walked down to the war room. He could hear voices as he stepped up to the door.

And you can tell that jackass Thompson that if he wants to keep his position he better remember who’s in charge.” Ah, Master Harkin. Kurst stepped into the room just as another figure was exiting out the other side, and a look of surprise flashed across his face. Master Harkin had not aged well with the war. While the man was by no means young, the last time Harkin had seen him his hair was mostly light brown with little spots of aging gray, whereas now it was the opposite. His hair was mostly gray with a few speckles of brown clinging to his youth. More than that, the old man had lost some weight, which was troublesome considering he didn’t really have much weight to lose in the first place.

“Edward Kurst.” Harkin said his name, then paused for a few moments, as if reconsidering his next move. “I hear tell that you’re one of our book worms. Is that true?” Kurst nodded. Harkin was a blunt man. If you didn’t know he was one of the most powerful keyblade wielders alive you would never expect it. Karst had little experience with the man. He was never in charge of Karst’s training, never directly at least. What he did know was that what the man lacked in cordiality, he made up for with passion. The man loved the light, loved everything about it. During a lecture once, Harkin talked about how light was the most satisfying warmth he ever felt on his skin. It was clear now that was what Harkin was fighting for, to have that feeling one more time. “I have a mission that calls for a bookworm. These damn heartless
We know nothing about them. They appeared with the war and they attack both us and them. I want you to investigate it.”

Kurst was taken by surprise. Secretly this was something he wished he could be doing anyway, and now he would actually be serving his master by doing so. It was perfect. “Yes sir. I can do that. I can’t promise you that I’ll find anything, or that you’ll like whatever it is I find, but I’ll do what I can.”

“Yes yes, son. To be honest, I don’t really plan on liking what you find either. This whole thing smells bad. These heartless
I fear that we’re just as responsible for them as those who fight under Xenohart.” Kurst had to respect the man for that. He actually acknowledged that they could be at fault for this new, spreading evil. “Regardless, we have to know. Go do your duty, son.” Kurst bowed before turning and stepping off. Just as he was leaving, Master Harkin called to him again. “Wait, this isn’t something you need do on your own. We’ve called a peer of yours, Ignis, back from the front lines as well. Someone mentioned that you two used to be sparring partners, so it made sense for you two to tackle this mission together, seeing as how you already know how the other fights. He’s not reported back yet, though. Travel is getting harder and harder, but we’ve got a guy working on that, a scientist by the name of Doctor Gummi. Anyway, once Ignis has returned I want you two departing as soon as you are ready. Good luck.” Kurst bowed his head and exited the room.

If it had to be anyone, Kurst was glad that Ignis was his partner. It was true; back up could come in handy on this mission. There was no telling when it came to heartless. Being such a new enemy, no one knew very much about them at all. Both sides had already suffered many casualties due to heartless. And not to mention if they ran into any darkside keyblade wielders. This mission could very easily turn into a very messy situation. Kurst returned to his room and began to plan out how he thought best to approach this mission, new goals having long since replaced his once felt fatigue.