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Snippet #1843424

located in Elysium, a part of Ascendance, one of the many universes on RPG.


Called, "The City of the Future". The entire city was all designed by the same architect, making many building similar is structure. Despite its name and appearance, the actual technology in Elysium isn't that far ahead from the rest of the world.


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The heavy rain kept most inside, but the sound of it falling to the ground made it difficult for most to sleep. The lights of Elysium shined brightly in the moonless night, projecting a constant light across the city. Most residents hadn't truly adjusted to sleeping with so much light shining in through their window, but they were the ones who decided to move to the city when it was completed two years ago. Its the perfect city to get lost in. But, of course if someone wants to find you and will stop at nothing to do it, there isn't anywhere on this planet you can hide. Which is why so many of them have fallen. What started at as a hundred, is now in the borderline of extinction. By seeking solace int he lights of Elysium, many Keepers cornered themselves allowing their enemy to cut them down. Over the last month, ten Keepers have died and their Murai along with them within the city limits. This has drawn the attention of the others, who with each death sense the loss of their once great civilization. So, they move toward whatever end awaits them, maybe even finding the others as well.

The sound of metal clashing could be heard throughout the entire street. The late night and sound of the rain masked it from would be curious folk. Jax landed on the roof top, panting heavily with his sword gripped firm in his right hand. His eyes widened as he quickly turned around to see a dark, shrouded figure standing on the wall of the next building over. "How are you doing that?" Jax scowled at the figure. Without receiving an answer, he was attacked again. A black chain emerged from the figure every time it attacked. The chain was hot to the touch. Jax found this out first hand, evident by the burn marks on his left hand. That was the turning point in the fight. Up until then, Jax was able to hold the sword with both hands, but now he can only use his right. The figure was basically playing with him at this point, and Jax knew it. The chain wrapped around Jax's sword and pulled it out of his hands and onto the street below. Jax backed up to the wall and stared down the figure as it approached. The chain followed on the ground behind the figure, grinding across the cold concrete. Jax sighed and scratched his head. "I hoped I wouldn't of had to use it." The figure stopped its approach, obviously confused by what Jax had said.

"My abilities, I don't like using them. But, with the way things are going now... Path of the Beasts." At that moment, three gold orbs appeared on the ground, from them formed a snake and two wild dogs. Without hesitation they attacked the figure, but were quickly defeated with one swing of the chain. When it turned back to Jax, he was no long there. It ran to the ledge to see Jax standing with his sword in hand. He smiled as he opened his left hand to reveal the burns had healed. "Path of Demons..." The figure jumped down onto the street, whipping the chain at Jax's sword. The same as before, it wrapped around, but this time no matter how hard the figure pulled it would not release. The sword was surrounded in a Golden Flame, Jax smirking at his opponent. With one hard pull from Jax, the figure came hurdling toward him. Swinging his body around, he planted a hard kick on the side of the figure, sending it flying down the street.

The figure stood to its feet. Jax approached it slowly and methodically, reflecting the movements of the figure if only to mock it. Jax heard a whisper from under the shroud of the enemy. "Oh, so you can speak?" Jax lifted his sword as the figure back tracked, he smiled as he speed up to appear behind the figure. "This is it!" As he pulled his sword down toward the figure, he felt his body get heavy. Panic overcame his body and he couldn't move. He turned to see another figure, this one almost overpowering in its presence. Jax tried to speak, but couldn't. The enemy removed a small blade from its shroud and thrust it into Jax's stomach. Removing it almost immediately, Jax was released from his panic and fear, falling to the ground on his hands and knee. the figures both stood over him, each raising their weapon to deliver the final blow. As the two came down, they could hear the faint word "Beasts" come from Jax's mouth. Like a wave, dozens of crows emerged from Jax's body, attacking the two figures. They swarmed over the two, creating a wall between them and Jax. One of the figures whispered again, only this time many chains appeared around them,smashing the crows quickly without much trouble. They knew Jax used this to flee, and of course they were right. He was no longer there, disappearing into the Elysium night. Accepting that he was long gone, the two left the area, no signs of a battle transpiring remained.

Jax was coughing up blood as he walked down the alley. The wound was taking way too long to heal. What usually took about twenty minutes was now taking over an hour. His sword disappeared from his hand and the earring on his left ear returned. "Who were those guys?" Jax asked as he fell to the ground. I don't know... They could be forms of the Black. agents sent ahead to assess the strength of the Murai. Jax crawled to the wall and sat up against it, taking heavy breaths. "Once I heal, whenever that is, we're going into hiding for awhile. Alright? Umbra?" there was a silence, followed by a vision of Umbra simply nodding as she disappeared from Jax's view, likely to let him rest. He closed his eyes and breathed heavily, eventually falling to sleep right there in the rain.