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Snippet #1844760

located in Elysium, a part of Ascendance, one of the many universes on RPG.


Called, "The City of the Future". The entire city was all designed by the same architect, making many building similar is structure. Despite its name and appearance, the actual technology in Elysium isn't that far ahead from the rest of the world.


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Character Portrait: Sora Isobe
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Sora stood on the rooftop of his apartment building. The rain had long since soaked him through, but he didn't care. He was focusing on the sound his boomerang made as it disappeared into the storm. It was like it was fizzing as it flew through the air, cutting itself a path away from, then back to, Sora.

Trying to escape the dreams?

The Murai in his head made her presence known. I have seen what you see in them...I must admit, I was shocked the first time, but now it doesn't effect me as much... "Lucky you..." He knew that she wasn't bragging or even close to that, just that she was stating facts. But how she said it struck an odd chord with Sora, because of how...trapped he felt by the memories and dreams that plagued him. He extended his arm and caught the boomerang as it "fizzed" it's way back through the night. Letting his arm drop to his side, he let out a sigh. Allowing the weapon to change back into his ring, he began to walk towards the stairs. On his way there however, Sora heard a quiet rattle, and some fizzing. Raising his left hand in front of his face, he seen a black chain wrap around his wrist, burning as it did.

Thankfully, Sora had began to condition himself for endurance. Ignoring the searing pain, he grabbed the chain, and pulled as hard as he could. When he did, he seen a black figure jerk forward, but not very far. The downside of focusing on endurance, he was still more or less "human" in everything else. Now it was the figure's turn, drawing a knife, the creature gave a yank on the chain. Sora planted his feet as best he could, but it was difficult, with the pain flooding his mind. Summoning his weapon, he decided that enough was enough. Throwing it with as much strength as possible, Sora aimed for where the arm that the chain started. In order to avoid the attack, the figure dropped the chain hold he had on Sora, who quickly seized the opportunity to create some distance between him and his assailant. This plan was quickly abandoned when another chain was shot at him. Dropping to his knees to avoid it, Sora slid across the rainy rooftop. Stopping at the edge, he was thankful for guardrails. Standing again, he called his weapon back to his hand, which obliged. He had a plan. A fairly risky plan, but a plan none the less.

Lacking a weapon that could be used to kill someone in one quick attack (at least with his skill level) he planned to kill the thing with it's own knife. You're insane! We can argue that later... Once again she was simply stating facts.

He waited. The rain was lashing around them as the figure and himself faced off. Eventually, a chain was once again launched at Sora, who dodged only slightly, and began to rush the source. He threw the boomerang ahead of him to act as a distraction. Seeing that he was moving to close range, it drew it's knife once again. As the 'rang made it's way back to him, he caught it. Folding it in half, he swung it and hit the creature on the head. Spinning around it's back, he grabbed the knife hand, brought it back towards himself. The knife should have found the creature's chest. Instead, the blade found the entity's other arm, which came across it's body at the last moment. Releasing itself his grip, the thing drove it's elbow back into Sora's chest. However, it was wounded, and wouldn't last should the fight continue.

"For now..." Sora heard, almost like another voice in his head. And with that the creature more or less vanished, it's sudden fast movement and shrouded appearance working well with the atmosphere of the city.

Sora slowly started to pant. He hadn't realised how exhausted he was. Looking to his left hand, he seen the burn mark that the chain had left, as well as the line of burned skin from where he had gripped it. Suddenly his bright idea didn't feel too bright...

You should get back inside...Get some rest... "Yeah..."

Moving towards the stairs again, he kept an eye out for anything else that seemed like it wanted to kill him. Luckily, nothing did. He went back inside, to his apartment. Peeling off his wet jumper and t-shirt, he got a towel and dried his upper body and hair, before letting a sigh escape as he sat down on the edge of his bed. This was all he needed...More chaos before the start of college. He just hoped that they knew discretion and didn't try and kill him (for whatever reason) when he was in class...Odd priorities... "Be quiet..." He said aloud, before flopping back onto his bed and letting himself drift into an uneasy sleep...