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Snippet #1865493

located in No Man's Land, a part of Adenovirus 423, one of the many universes on RPG.

No Man's Land

A vast amount of desert like area with dialect buildings, vast wastelands, and rogues (people that aren't in a gang). Violence is high here. Wild animals also roam the area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Preston and Wyatt Daniels Character Portrait: Areli Lovell
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Wyatt and Areli ~ End of East's Minefield

Wyatt sat and watched the hoards of children lined up in entrance to the East's minefield. They were ready to move across it as Andrew tried to come to some resolution with Eve. Like that was going to work. He was getting impatient now. He just wanted to get in, get Jessie, and get the hell out of there. Then, once successful, hopefully he could be rewarded with Eve between his legs in bed once more.

Turning, he glanced at the small group of five men with them. They had everything they needed and Wyatt had assigned himself leader despite there being more capable men of the job.

He still had a grudge with Areli though. He almost wanted something to happen to the man so that either he didn't come back with them or did something that resolved in him getting killed by Eve. God, Wyatt would love to watch that. So much so he started fantasizing about it. That was until he heard his brother's pathetic voice begging for his help.

So they'd kept him alive. Wyatt smirked. Big mistake. If he could he'd get to Preston and shoot him dead himself. Or maybe that would be too merciful. Maybe he'd leave him to suffer at Andrew's hands.

So many options...

Areli knew that Wyatt was still sore about Areli's little show in front of the men earlier. Areli did not care but knew that Wyatt was probably going to try to do something about it later. No matter if Wyatt was screwing their leader. He was still a kid in Areli's eyes. A kid who now had power over him. Areli sighed softly then noticed the little kids near the minefield. Looking at Wyatt, Areli wondered if he knew about this plan.

Damnit, Areli thought, Damn you, Eve. It was sickening thought of how she came up with that whole idea. Areli looked away as the leader of the East spoke. Areli felt his stomach do a few flips and twists as the thought of the kids blowing up played in his mind. Areli looked up to Wyatt as Preston began to talk though there was no real use for him doing so. Eve had made up her mind.

Areli turned and tried to take his mind off what was going to happen while waiting for the battle to offically begin.

Wyatt blocked out all thought. He hated the idea of the children being used as weapons but he knew better than to argue to Eve about it. He was already in the shit with her for showing emotion in front of her. He sighed, trying to think of something else now.

"You're team in place?" A voice came over the radio.

"We're in place and ready to go." Wyatt replied.

"Good. We'll give the word when it's time to move."

"Got ya." Wyatt looked at the others and forced a grin in the dire situation. "We've gotta get ready to go so make sure you are. When we're in we're getting the girl and getting out. If you happen to see my brother on the way, kill him."

Wyatt showed no emotion with his words.

Areli listened as the radio came to life. Areli was only laying down a man over from Wyatt. He purposely laid there in order to be close enough to hear anything but far away that Wyatt can't shoot him on and call it an accident.

Rolling his eyes at what Wyatt said till he mentioned his brother, Areli was surprised to hear the lack of emotion. Preston was a bit annoying but he was Wyatt's family. Apparently the change of Wyatt becoming the leader of the squad was not the only change in Wyatt, he no longer cared for his own flesh and blood.

As the thought of flesh and blood came up, Areli thought of the kids again. He wondered how Eve would react if her own daughter or son was out there. It was curious that their leader had not tried to sire a replacement by now. She was getting old and the virus was likely to strike soon meaning the window of her having a kid was getting short. Areli sighed as he also realized that his window was closing as well.

Pushing the thought aside, Areli loaded a round in the chamber of both his pistol and FAL as he waited for the word to start their little 'rescue' operation.

"Does everyone know what they're doing?" Wyatt asked. "We need to make sure we're all on the same page. Don't want anything to go wrong, do we?" He chose to look at Areli as he said the words.

He wanted to make a point. The point exactly he wasn't sure about right now, but he was going to get his authority across. He knew that Areli didn't trust him.

"And do you, Areli, know what you're doing?" He made the point to ask.

Areli listened as Wyatt asked the men if they knew what they were doing. Some of the men nodded and one of them spoke up saying yes. Areli knew his job. He would not let the mission fail while he was still breathing. Nothing would stop him.

Areli popped his head around the guy in front of him as Wyatt addressed him. "I am the pointman. I position in front of the rest of you, I call out targets and also check for potential ambush spots." Areli answered, "I also am most likely be the first one to die because I am the most exposed." He looked at Wyatt defiantly. It was also Areli's job to help figure out where Jessie could be.

"Good. So you know not to fuck up then." Wyatt told him, before listening to the other men give out their positions and what they were supposed to do. He nodded but in reality he wasn't really listening. He'd just wanted to take a snap at Areli.

"She's in there somewhere. We're going to get in, get her and get out. Kill whoever you have too. I don't care. Shoot anything that moves. Man, woman or child unless you identify that person as Eve's sister Jessie. That's a direct order from me." Wyatt told them. "And Eve."

That was a little lie, but he was sure that Eve would agree with him.

Areli shook his head as Wyatt snapped at him. Still a kid, he thought to himself. Areli listened as Wyatt added the rules of engagement. After Wyatt finished saying there were basically no rules, Areli spoke up, "Ummm.... Sir... We are supposed to sneak in and take Jessie. Would it not be the smart thing to only fire when fired upon so we do not give away our position and have more troops try to kill us than we need?"

Areli grinned a stupid little grin. "I mean once we have Jessie that rule of engagement you have would be nice but until then why cause a firefight when we could slip by a group without much hassle?" It was clear that Areli knew what he was talking about compared to the inexperienced Wyatt.

"We're doing it my way. I don't appreciate you butting in with how you'd do things." Wyatt frowned. "Just stick to your own damn job and do as I say." He went back to watching the children and everything that was going on. He was tense, waiting for the envitable to happen. He hated the thought of what he was about to witness. But it was part of the job. He had to harden himself to it.

Areli moved over and grabbed Wyatt bringing him close to make sure he will get the message. "THIS IS NOT SOME DAM MEASURING STICK OF WHOSE IS LONGER. MY JOB IS TO PICK OUT TARGETS WHO ARE A THREAT TO US FAILING THE MISSION. UP UNTIL WE GET JESSIE, WE DO NOT WANT TO GET INTO EVERY SINGLE FIGHT THAT WE CAN EASILY AVIOD. THAT WILL END UP WITH US FAILING THIS MISSION AND EVERY ONE OF US WILL BE DEAD." Areli pushed Wyatt on his ass. "GET THAT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEAD. WE FAIL. YOU DIE ALSO. DOES NOT MATTER YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH EVE. YOU WILL DIE ALONG WITH US." Areli growled lowly to make sure Wyatt got the point. "We will do it my way as far as rules of engagement are concerned. You can control everything else but let the man who knows what the fuck we need to do in order to make sure this mission succeeds."

Areli glared at Wyatt as he took up his position in front of everyone, adjusting the straps on his vest and getting ready for all hell to break loose.

Wyatt was shocked when Areli suddenly had him by the shirt and was giving him the orders. None of the other men were surprised though. They knew Wyatt had it coming to him. Him and his wreckless thoughts.

"Fine. We do it your way." Wyatt growled finally giving in. "It doesn't work though, or I see reason to change tactics, then we do things my way." He told Areli. "Now get the fuck off me."

When Areli pushed him down, he stumbled before making his way back to his things, checking to make sure everything was in place and once again sulking over how Areli had suddenly and easily taken control of him and the situation.

Finally he looked up as the children started to move. Shooting started and chaos erupted. It was time to move.

"Let's go." Wyatt gave the order and started moving. "Try not to do anything stupid or get yourselves shot. Stay mixed up with everyone and see you at the other end." WIth that Wyatt disappeared within the crowd, determined to get to the other end unscathed as everything exploded around them.

He blocked out the screams. He blocked out the cries. He blocked out everything but the thought of getting to the other side alive.

Areli shook his head from his spot. Areli expected Wyatt say that. Not that it mattered though, It was more likely to keep most of they from dying than Wyatt's way. Chaos started gunfight when off. Areli turned his attention to the minefield just in time to watch a helpless child get shot down. Areli's face hardened just as Wyatt gave the order to move out and disappear into the crowd till they reached the other side.

Wyatt left and Areli began his run. He ran fast enough to make sure he was a hard target for the enemy but slow enough that he could avoid the dead bodies and probably places for mines. Areli came close to a few mines. He knew because 2 seconds after gettting past the place he was at exploded. Areli ingored almost everything around him as he ran. This could help him if they finish the mission with success as much as it would help Wyatt. Areli began to hum an old song his mother liked and sang to him to help him sleep.

The fight is over your souls, Sons of Thunder, Calling the fire down, Burning with hope, Sons of Thunder, My only weapon is truth, hatred's more powerful or so it would seem, sapping my belief in all the things you have shown in the secret, song played in Areli's head the way his mother sang it.