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Snippet #1916604

located in Malacair, a part of Elemental Wrath: The Divine Age, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Njaarh felt saddened, though not overly surprised, over the attack on his people by the other humans. He knew that he were naïve from time to time, expecting the same sort of wisdom from others as he did from his own people, and that naivety had almost claimed the life of one of his people. But very well. Lesson learned. He already had a plan on how he would solve that problem, but he had other things he needed to do first. And so he rose and spoke again to his people.

“Thy have done well, children of Ours, and have certainly used the gift of the horse We gave thee to the best of thy ability. For this We beam with pride, and think that thy are deserving of more help from Us. We shall help thee treat the ground between this place and others in such a way that it will be easier for thee to travel between places, visiting each other and sharing thy wisdom. In return We only wish for one thing: In every village that We visit, and along the roads that We travel, there will be raised shrines to Our honour, so to show that this land are guarded by Us.”

Next, Njaarh turned to his militia.

“Thy task will be to travel these roads when We are not, guarding them from those who would Our children harm. Thy will make sure to never strike without just cause, as to not awaken fear for us, but rather respect. Thy will also tell people with friendly intent about thy people, bringing them into the fold if that is their wish. Great honour lies in this task, remember so, and remember that thy bear Our trust, as all my children.”

He continued, looking over his overseers.

“And thee will have tasks as well. Traverse these roads between the villages, and make sure that honour and honesty reigns throughout Our lands. Continue with thy task of overseeing the challenges, but also judge those conflicts that arise with a fair mind, never taking sides, keeping an objective mind. Also make sure that trade is fair and evenly spread across the land.”

Again, he moved along, looking over all his people, and gesturing towards the mountains.

“Thy should start treating the mountains, finding caves and the minerals therein. Loose them from their rocky grasp, make better tools.” He continued to gestures towards the field. “Use these tools on the fields, treat the ground so thy can plant useful herbs and plants, as to further help thy-selves.”

And so,giving his people their tasks, Njaarh set out on his own task, building simple, yet effective roads between the towns by first trample out the paths, and then placing fine rocks, smashed by his mighty hands, over them, making it so his lands were connected, and so his wisdom would be spread more easily. For each time he arrived in a village, he gave them a speak, boasting of how proud he were of them, as well as giving them the same tasks as in the city. And so the roads of Njaarh were made.

When he felt happy with his work, Njaarh went about with the business he had previously contemplated. He started to visit the people around his borders that were not yet his children, not in the least those that had previously attacked out of fear, and spoke to them. He gave them the same offer as previously, but in person this time. Join his people, take part of what the Neorns are, and share in their, and his, wisdom. He let the new people question him, answering their questions with kindness and honesty as he brought them into the fold, and also encouraged them to spread his message to others, taking his teachings in mind.

To make sure his previous mistake were not repeated, Njaarh made sure to visit all of his places of worship often, listening to them, enjoying their company and sharing his wisdom. He could no longer afford to be immovable on one simple spot, but now moved around, and encouraged his people to settle throughout their lands for they had plenty of room, but again with everyone's best interest in mind. Often he returned to Jorvagn, for it had not taken long for it to become the main spot for trade for his children. And as he spread his message across the land, he gave his people yet another piece of wisdom.

“Always challenge thy-selves. Praise good work, but never grow all to comfortable, because it's through challenges that we grow. And remember, a challenge need not only be harsh, but can also be enjoyable. Scale mountains, build great wonders, and do it ever greater then before! For each of these task that is most noteworthy, build a shrine with marks that honour the task done. This will prove that the task bear my blessing. Build this shrine on the spot the task were completed, as to show others what we can achieve, and encourage further generations to do the same!”