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Snippet #1940096

located in Malacair, a part of Elemental Wrath: The Divine Age, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Slowly the world that the water goddess wished to make was taking form. Her temple served as a beacon of power to her people, a point where all could bear witness to the strength and love that she poured out to them. From the children to the warrior monks and priestesses that stayed at the temple, they were all given tasks to teach. The children were trained in the ways of the monks, still crafting small things in Aedre's honor while learning how to fight. Still when they were deemed to be old enough they were sent into the desert to leave their offerings at the shrines, knowing that even if no human could hurt them due to the protective presence of the Su-keht, the desert itself could still destroy them in a moment. They were taught strength.

The religious warriors and priestesses of the Temple were instructed in the ways of anatomy to a point. They were shown the weak spots of a human body and where best to hit to have the maximum effect. So too were they shown how to heal and care for a wounded person as there were times that a pilgrim would return to the desert in less than ideal form. They were taught compassion and inner focus.

So it came to be that a group of her Su-keht came to the temple, something that itself was odd. But they came with others and the Goddess could not help but see what these emissaries wished to speak to her of. And so she rose above them with all of her massive water infused form and allowed these humans before her, knowing that she could kill them in a single blow if she wished. But she didn't. She chose to listen to them. After long moments, weighing each word carried from her Brother she spoke in a rippling tone to the mere mortals.

"Tell my Brother that I have chosen to agree that this would be a suitable arrangement. I have even chosen to be so generous as to allow my Su-keht to guide you back to the salt desert, all the way to the middle where they will erect a shrine to myself. I'm certain my Brother would wish you to do the same." With such simple words she seemed to dismiss them, letting them begin to leave before calling once more. "I will even be so kind as to give a warning to my Brother. Tell him these words exactly. 'Know that the boons of the water must be given as a gift and must not be taken without my blessing.'"

With those words spoken she turned then to her Su-keht. "Let them leave, but should any other of any god step into lands that are considered to belong to the people of the Water, then destroy them. This is our territory. Only the salt desert will be neutral land. However, should you wish to explore that area as well then feel free." She truly would keep the peace there however, letting it be a spot for her people to trade with the people of the Earth.

Once they set out she turned towards the East and the new village that was being built in her honor and it was to there that she set out towards, arriving there swiftly. She had had little contact with them but that would change as well. With the water of the ocean giving her strength she towered high above all of them and called the people to her.

"Hear as I speak and come to my call. I have gifts for you, my people. The first is a name for this city as all cities are given strength with something as simple as a naming. This city will now be called Ceridel. Spread across this cove and claim it as yours. Build boats to fish and nets with which to catch the fish that will soon populate this ocean. Which brings me to my second gift. Behold what I am giving to only those who worship me and hear my whispers."

From around her it seemed that the water began to seethe with a life all its own, tumbling with splashes and waves from some unknown source. Whatever it was, the light began to reflect from the area around her in shimmering rays. It came to be gradually seen that that which surrounded her were massive amounts of fish in all manner of sizes. Some were small enough to prefer the areas close to the coast and even the rivers while larger ones stayed out a bit farther. They were plentiful however and would breed swiftly enough to fill the entire ocean itself after some time. But that would be gradual. But it was not so simple.

"Send one person forward," she called to them, watching as a brave young male stepped forward, bowing in respect before her. "Catch a fish and slice it open." Her command was followed easilly as the boy had only to use a spear that was handed to him to catch the fish that swarmed the water eagerly. The same spear was used to cut away the glimmering skin of the fish to reveal healthy pink flesh beneath with a horrid shade of grey meat near the center. "Do you see that? Whatever you do, do not eat the pink parts. They are highly poisonous and will kill you. Eat the grey parts instead. I can assure you that it is far safer and more filling than it looks. One fish will feed a person easilly. And you are the first of my people to be given this. Feast tonight and celebrate my name. By tomorrow however, you are to send out groups along the coast to inform any that remain there how to eat this gift that I have given the ocean and teach them to worship me. Spread throughout the forest with my knowledge and travel both to the west and the east."

And with that she left them, moving by way of the ocean to the city of Aqualia. Once there she called to them as well and gave them instructions on how to prepare the fish as well once the new food source arrived to them. So too did she give her warriors instructions for expansion as well as warning those along the coast of what she considered her territory. "Send out groups along the coast, taking with you my name and word of my power, might, and compassion. Instruct any you come across to build a shrine in gratitude for my gifts that they may receive even more. Travel west until you reach the salt desert, marking the coast as mine as you go." It was apparent now what her words had meant for the Earth God, giving him the simple warning to not eat the fish even if they reached his lands and the people decided to try them.

Such was all she needed to attend to Aqualia, leaving the city of Warriors to their own devices. They were a proud people already and she enjoyed watching them flourish on their own. And perhaps their skills may be put to the test if they encountered any opposition. With all of that done she returned to her Temple finally with one final gift.

"Hear me as I give to the desert something to guard you and to serve you should war reach these lands." From the sands she brought forth large, massive insects that rose on long slender legs with pinchers on their front legs that arched and cracked in the air. From the back of them curved wicked tails topped with a cruely curved barb. They appeared as scorpions had in days of old but much, much bigger. They were easilly large enough that two people could ride on their backs. The thick carapace shells that covered them were colored in shades of beige and pale brown to match the dunes themselves and meld into the desert but for the blue eyes that flickered from their skulls in much the same way as the Su-keht.

"I give to you the Scorpaceans. With their blue eyes they are marked as beasts of mine and will obey any who bear the mark of my power. Notice the barbed tails and mark them well as they are filled with deadly poison and their pincers can easily rip a person in half. They are to be used in combat and even to travel long distances. You have only to summon one with the trumpet of a large shell from the waters. They will hear that sound above all else and come. When left on their own they will be allowed to live in the desert however. Should one of them die, use the carapace shell they leave behind to make armor for the strongest warriors of Aqualia. To ensure that these magnificent beasts are entirely self sufficent however I will introduce another creation to the desert."

With a few more ripples in the sand, far smaller movements it was seen that something far more innocent and harmless was brought to the desert. Rabbits with tawny fur appeared and were swift to run out over the dunes away from people and the Scorpaceans. There were many rabbits but there would be even more. They would breed swiftly enough to remain as a constant food source for the Scorpaceans that could eat large meals at a time and yet not overpopulate the desert. And with that she let the new arachnids leave and retreat to the desert, content with all that she had given to her people.