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Snippet #2084089

located in The Renegade Headquarters, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Renegade Headquarters

"Welcome to the HQ, you'll probably like it here. Unless you're here to kill us, then you're fucked".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly Character Portrait: Keilani Dreahen
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Taking another turn at the right, Keilani finally came face-to-face with three people who were also seemed a bit startled by her appearance. Two of them were boys and one was a girl. Leaning on the wall beside her, she placed her weight on it as she could see that her vision was starting to get a bit blurry. Her breathing was also getting too fast and shallow indicating that she was tired from walking around with no idea where to go in the first place. Hearing one of the males saying about whether being happy or not about this encounter, she glanced at him momentarily and then to the other two. It was then she noticed that the other male seemed to be also not in a good condition as hers. The woman was helping him and that was good to see. "I'm sorry... I got lost... If you could show me the way to the infirmary, I would greatly appreciate it." Her rose pink eyes reflected her sincere request as she stood before them while leaning against the wall similar to a fragile doll. It also seemed to be apparent that she had already come from there as she wore a white hospital gown with a sleeping robe over it to protect her from predatory eyes and the cold. Although, it could hardly do the latter. One would wonder what made her stray from there in the first place. Judging by her current condition, she was only hanging on by her sheer will to keep standing and awake. "I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Keilani Dreahen... It is nice meeting you..." She almost whispered and gave a small yet polite smile. There was no doubt that she was a beauty.

After saying her name, Keilani took notice of the male that seemed to be in a weakened condition as well. Somewhere deep inside her, she could feel her body repelling his presence vehemently as if his presence was a virus. It was like telling her to remove him before her which she does not truly understand. On the other hand, half of her body seemed to radiate a certain familiarity to the male. As if, she was supposed to know him from somewhere. However, she was pretty sure that she does not know him or even had seen him before this encounter. "Who is he?" She mused inwardly. This confusion prompted her to ask with the most innocent of intentions. "Do I know you?" Rose pink eyes gazed at the young man who was being carried by the woman. She had yet to know that the man's name was Sebastian. "Why do I feel so dejected and at the same time a sense of familiarity?" She inwardly thought as she felt another dull ache radiating around her head. Placing a hand over it, she closed her eyes and waited as the pain subsided to a tolerable degree. She was in no condition to decipher puzzling situations at the moment or much less walk around anymore. It was probably a reckless idea to leave the comfort of her bed to begin with. Taking a deep breath, she separated herself from the wall but not completely as one of her hand was on it to give her support and a sense of balance. Standing before them, she looked at them hoping that they can provide aid or even possible answers to where and why she is exactly here. All she knew was that she was in the headquarters of a group named Renegades. Other than that, she had not been told anything else. Everything around her was foreign and unknown.

"I told you to stay away. You never listen." It was the soft murmurs of Cochabiel as he looked at the endless greenery before his silver-blue eyes. The wind gently tussled his long silver-white hair as he stood on top of a small hill overlooking vibrant green fields. His attention shifted on his right hand that seemed to be cradling something precious. "Now, nothing remains of you." He whispered as he released the contents of his right hand which were strands of long brown hair. The wind took it and soon began to fade from his sight. "Will you mourn for eternity?" Looking over his shoulders, he saw Jahoel gazing at the sky behind him. "What do you want Jahoel?" His question was answered with a smile and a moment of silence before words were spoken. "I am here to make sure you are not disobeying the order." Cochabiel closed his eyes momentarily and then looked in front of him again. "The child is in the care of the one named Michael." Jahoel raised his right hand into the air as a lone bluebird perched on it as if it was a branch without hesitation. "He will be issued the order to kill the child. It is what you wanted to hear correct?" Cochabiel turned around to face Jahoel with a stern expression. Those silver-blue eyes showed serious intention as it met with indiscernible onyx black eyes. "Even with the child dead, a sin is still a sin, Cochabiel. It cannot be erased." Jahoel made the bluebird fly away from his hand with a slight nudge of his hand. "The child must die." Cochabiel answered with complete calmness as he walked passed Jahoel without saying another word.

"The orders are delivered.” Raziel appeared behind Jahoel with a discontented expression as Cochabiel walked passed as him without even acknowledging him. “You seem unhappy, Raziel.” Jahoel commented without looking at him for he watches Cochabiel slowly vanishing from their sights. “Are you worried that even the one that had sworn allegiance to Good would not kill the child even with instructions from God, himself?” Raziel released a sigh upon hearing the question and crossed his arms over his chest. He cannot help but to doubt what is about to happen. It would have been more easier for any three of them to do this. However, he had no intention of contradicting the order of their Creator. It is just that humans are troublesome creatures to begin with. “Other children who have the Devil’s blood are there as well. I am certain that it would not be easy to kill her and would get quite messy.” Raziel stated his opinion as he looked at the bluebird that had now decided to perched on his shoulder. Jahoel finally faced Raziel with a small smile. “It is not easy but not impossible to do so. You need not worry too much, Raziel. Perhaps, it is not even needed for any of us to do anything. The girl’s fate is already sealed.” Approaching Raziel, Jahoel patted the bluebird's head gently and afterwards the said bird begins to burn within. Soon enough, it crumbled into a piles of ashes. "You just stained my clothes." Raziel noted as he shrugged the ashes off his shoulder. "It is not something you cannot remove. Unlike, someone else's." Jahoel said with much subtle meaning as he walked away from Raziel without another word. Looking at the soot that stuck to one of his fingers, Raziel closed his eyes. "This is the right path. It must be."

Fran looked around the dorm room that she used to share with Keilani. It had become rather gloomy in her opinion. She was sitting on her bed just across Keilani's bed. So many things had happened at once. Even now, she could not still put everything together. It does not make much sense. May be, it was supposed to be that way. That night, Fran was just doing her usual activities. She was just hanging out and was about to get some snacks for some movie night when she found a bloody Keilani sprawled across the ground under the rain. The next thing she knew, Keilani lost her mother and then came the most frightening and at the same time unbelievable event. Keilani was not a normal human. Her best friend destroyed a third of a hospital without much difficulty and in the end disappeared as her power subsided. All of them that had witnessed this decided to keep it a secret. Most of them also normally deduced that Keilani must have died in that incident. However, Fran has feeling it was not the case. Standing from her position, Fran approached Keilani's desk. Her grandparents would be coming around tomorrow to take her personal affects. This would be the last time Fran would be seeing anything that Keilani owned. "Where are you Ila?" She said ever so softly as she took hold of some of the papers that were left on Keilani's desk. "These are her term paper... She finished it in such a rush." Fran said to no one in particular as she can feel tears streaming down her face. "Just be safe wherever you are Ila..." Placing down the papers, Fran seemed to disturb something as she heard something falling to the floor. Looking at it with curiosity, she lowered herself to pick it up. It was a small circular pendant. If she remembered it correctly, Keilani had always this with her. It made Fran wonder why Keilani does not have it with her this time.

Opening it, Fran saw a picture of Keilani's mother and probably Keilani's father. After all, the man and Keilani resembled each other very much. Fran closed the pendant and the held it close to her. The only thing she could do was to return this to her friend. However, she has no idea where Keilani is. She does not believe that Keilani is dead. So, she refuses going to the morgue or even a graveyard that does not have Keilani's body at all. Clutching the pendant tightly, Fran wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "Don't worry Ila... I'll make sure you receive this somehow." After making a promise to herself, Fran released a big sigh and decided that she should attend her classes now. Looking at the clock, she would be late and Keilani would probably scold her. Placing the pendant inside her pocket and grabbing her bad, Fran went to the door and opened it. "Hello there. I hope you don't mind me asking you about something very important." Fran looked at the person that blocked her exit. She was not sure why but she could feel the hairs at the back of her neck stand and she could feel shivers throughout her body. Every fiber in her being was telling her to run or even better close the door which she decided to do. "I'm sorry. But, I'm not feeling well at the moment. Some other time." With that said, Fran hastily closed the door but the person held the door with just one hand and it was enough to stop it from closing despite the great effort that Fran was using. This stunt surprised Fran greatly. "That is quite rude you know and here I was going to treat you nicely." She was very afraid when Keilani was out of control at the hospital but this fear she was feeling now was very different. It was like she was really going to die. "Who are you?" Fran managed to say before her voice fails her. The person simply smiled and Fran's eyes widened in horror as the door closed behind them.