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Snippet #2087758

located in The Renegade Headquarters, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Renegade Headquarters

"Welcome to the HQ, you'll probably like it here. Unless you're here to kill us, then you're fucked".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly Character Portrait: Keilani Dreahen Character Portrait: Anders "Agony" Agni Character Portrait: Mireya Nightless Character Portrait: Notable NPCs
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~ The Renegade Headquarters: Scott in Eclipse's Room ~

Scott stood there in disbelief for just a few. It only required a few minutes for him to register everything in, looking down at the head of Drayne, which he had put in here for a good reason and now it was cut and laid on the floor, to the empty case beside it. Scott's hand clutched slowly as he felt something going through his body, an emotion of such wrath that he felt he would of exploded had he not been human. He shook his head slowly, closing his eyes as he turned around and placed a hand upon his forehead, feeling the heat radiating from it. "Nothing... Change of plans." Scott told Mierya, who he had nearly forgotten about in his sudden rage. He took out his cell phone and quickly started texting, all the while his mind was quickly raging to form a plan. Once he had sent the text to Michael, he put the phone away and looked at Mierya. "I need you to go to where Michael is now, it's in the control room you briefly saw before. The one with the giant screen in it?" He said, watching her gain a confused expression as he looked away. As he looked away, an explosion came off nearby as it shook the very ground both of them stood on, Mierya would have trouble adapting to the base suddenly shaking while Scott held his ground. "No time to argue... GO!" He told her in such a harsh tone, he thought he might of seen tears start to form, though this might of just been his own mind playing tricks on him. With this done, the woman was gone, a demon was approaching him and all the while Drayne's head had vanished.

"My, my, Scott.... You've been busy. How are you, old enemy?" The demon spoke, gaining a sinister grin as he stopped and revealed his form before Scott. "... Tergun. What are you doing...?" He asked, watching the demon named Tergun gain a sinister grin on his face. "What do I want? It's called revenge, you stupid fool!" The demon spoke to him, wearing a uniform that looked similar to a human prisoner's, along with broken shackles being seen on his wrists and legs. The demon's skin looked metallic, his body stood at a mere five feet and six inches and his black hair and red eyes both made him look like a psycho. Sadly, he could not grow facial hair in the time he had been put away for these past two years.

~ Name: Tergun
Nickname: The Metal Kappa
Type: Kappa
Rank: C
Overall Threat: Capture on Sight (No longer in effect)
Threat Level: #101 on the WDL's wanted list (No longer in effect)
Additional Info: Tergun appeared two years ago leading the group he had dubbed 'The Metal Demons', who's goal was to make all machines in the country fail. Tergun's most unique ability was to be able to turn his body into metal at will, an ability he personally added instead of gained. Tergun's group ultimately was defeated and disbanded when Scott of The Renegades intervened with them, taking them down and sending them into The Renegade prison. Tergun has since been used as a prime example of how dangerous a Kappa can be and how they are always creating something new in the Demon World. ~

"I'm here to take you down, Scott Turner!" Tergun told him, seeming to walk closer as Scott moved back further into Eclipse's room. "... Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" Scott asked. Tergun, in return, gave one of his sadistic grins. "My men are waiting for me to break them out... My two year plan will finally come into play - NOW!" With that, Tergun made his move, and charged towards Scott.

~ ???, nearby a village close to the WDL... ~

"Oi, Bellfoar! Hurry up!" Chill's voice shouted out in the night, as the quick form of Bellfoar the Boom Racer came into his view. In just a short amount of time, Bellfoar had made it out of the town, stopping near Chill with a cocky grin. "What are you making me rush for, Chill? For being a guy we hired to help us out with the plan, you sure are making me want to kick your ass!" Bellfoar told him. Chill rolled his eyes at his comments and sighed, looking at the next town they were heading to. "... Whatever. I didn't ask to be hired, you know." Chill responded. "Ass! You could at least show some respect to a higher ranking demon in the group then you! I mean, I actually made the WDL's most wanted list, after all!~" He chuckled after this with such glee, his cheeks flushed a little. "Oh how I love it! To think that break out finally did it for them! I'm so happy, I could almost cry!" Chill, having had enough of this, intervened. "Enough of that foolish jibber-jabber! Remember the plan Bellfoar, we all have a role to play. Right now one of our own Shikigami is entering into the base to gain some information for us as well as a few other requirements. You may be higher then me, but you are weak in comparison." Chill then walked ahead, while Bellfoar's rage grew. "Weak...? DON'T CALL ME WEAK, JACKASS! I AM BELLFOAR THE BOOM RACER! THE FASTEST LIGHTNING DEMON IN THIS WHOLE REGION! What I don't have in strength, I make up for in speed! And that is all that counts! GOT IT?!"

+ Several years ago, during the Rebellion King's growing popularity... +

Bellfoar remembered the first time he met Kallos, who was still in his prime before the fatal fight that would bedridden him for a number of years following it. He was excited, this was finally his chance to prove himself to someone important! As he walked towards the crystal demon, his eyes lit up with such joy as he saw the demon before him. Kallos, during this time, let his looks be shown to the world. His appearance looked to be somewhere in his late twenties, his purple hair and purple crystal in his forehead stood out from everything. He looked quite amazing back then, his cape blowing behind him, his posture looking like a true leader's would and his eyes showing knowledge and the confidence this demon had. Stopping in front of him, Bellfoar saluted to him as Kallos nodded to acknowledge it, letting Bellfoar lower his arm. "Bellfoar of Lightning, eh?" Kallos asked. "NO, NO! That's what those lower lifeforms would like to believe! I am Bellfoar the BOOM racer!" Bellfoar said. Kallos' eye twitched, but he shrugged this off for now. "... Right. So, you want to join my group because...?" He asked Bellfoar. "Because you need a guy like me! Without me, there isn't a group at all! For I am Bellfoar, the fastest Lightning Demon you will see!" He boasted out to Kallos.

"... Fastest? But you are incredibly weak, are you --" "YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT!" Bellfoar cried out, a serious expression on his face as Kallos rose a brow with a puzzled expression. "... Let me explain. Do you judge a demon based on his appearance? NO! Do you judge a demon based on the weapons he wields? NOT AT ALL! You base him by his skills! If he is damn well useful, and can also prove it, he is worthy to become a KING! Do you know the tale behind my creation?! It is a tale that is both unique and rare among Lightning Demons!" As he kept on going, Kallos simply stood in silence until he came to the word demons. "... Um, I didn't ask you to --" "It all started years ago!" Bellfoar interrupted him. "You see, there was this great storm that was said to be greater then any before it! And well, as you can imagine, it was amazing to witness! All the thunder to hear, all the lightning to see, it was a great show worthy to carry me in it! Well, during that same night..."

+ The Present, Bellfoar and Chill nearing the next town. +

"... Ah jeez, it's going to rain, isn't it?" Chill asked in annoyance as he looked up at the clouds forming above them, narrowing his eyes as he could already hear the ominous thunder booming across the land. It was strange for a storm to suddenly appear during this night, but for Bellfoar, it was another piece of paradise. "Ahh, isn't it wonderful? A storm such as this to celebrate before the morning comes and my victory shall be upon me. I remember the plan in my head, yes I do Chill! But for now, let me enjoy this moment." Bellfoar said. He closed his eyes then and spread out his arms as the rain began to fall upon them, making Chill roll his eyes in annoyance. "Did I ever tell you of the time I joined Kallos when he was in his prime? I tell you, it was a wonderful day, full of charm, grace and tension! I can tell you, it wasn't easy to talk to him like I did, but oh boy, you could imagine the surprise he had on his face when he saw me..."

~ Back with Scott and Tergun's fight... ~

Things weren't looking good at first, as Scott barely had avoided Tergun's metallic punch. Tergun had calculated this already, and following one of the expected routes for a human to make, he quickly turned and aimed a roundhouse kick to Scott's head. Scott barely had time to react, and just narrowly leaned back away from the kick, obviously at a disadvantage. Tergun was a master strategist in battle, his intelligence only furthered this as he could calculate ten moves and not be stunned by the option you took. Scott was still recovering from his earlier fight at the WDL, as well as his human body being so limited. Tergun had two years to mentally prepare himself, and while his fighting style physically had decreased over the last two years, his mental thinking had only increased over time. Scott jumped back as Tergun threw two tiny little objects at him, both of them exploding near Scott and making him get sent back with smoke coming off his form as he landed on his feet and skidded back a bit. Tergun jumped out through the smoke and made his way towards Scott, as Scott pressed a button near him and the room suddenly sent dozens of lasers at Tergun. However, Tergun dodged and reflected them with relative ease, and upon reaching Scott, sent his right fist into his gut.

Scott nearly collapsed as he stumbled back, sending gas into Tergun's eyes as he did which had caught the Kappa off guard. Tergun screamed out as his eyes burned and he put a hand over them, shaking his head as Scott coughed out lightly at this and pressed another button. "I can still hear, Turner!" Tergun stated, suddenly leaping forward at him as Scott rolled to the side while two paralyzing nets were ejected and wrapped themselves around Tergun's arms, electrocuting him. As Tergun screamed in surprise, Scott got back up and panted as some of the bandages were coming off and some of the stitches were very close to re-opening. Tergun merely smirked and looked at him with confidence, even though his eyes still burnt a little. "How foolish, Scott Turner. You once again underestimated my capabilities." Tergun then broke free of the nets easily, shrugging his arms off as he walked towards Scott. "Now make this easier on yourself and let me -- me... Ugh!" He stopped as he noticed his body starting to stumble. "Something wrong, Tergun? I thought you were going to come after me?" Scott said. Tergun turned towards him and growled, leaping at him as he formed blades at the ends of his fingers. "Tough luck, Turner!"

Scott watched carefully until the right moment, then pressed another button as he leaned away from him, getting a few cuts on his right shoulder but worth it as the same gas but at a larger quantity was blown straight into Tergun's body while it was in mid-air. Tergun screamed out in pain as he hit the ground, rolling around as he felt the burning all over now. "W-what have you done to me, TURNER?!?" Tergun asked as Scott smiled a little, putting a hand over his new cuts that Tergun had made on his shoulder. "Surprised, Tergun? I'm not, to be honest. You thought you were clever back then when Deon and Rin vanished, leaving The Renegades without two important leader figures to guide them. I always have prepared for the day a demon outbreak would occur in this base, so... I rigged every room accordingly." This made Tergun's eyes widen as he struggled to get up. "For example, there is this one you are in right now, Eclipse's room. I have outfitted it with a deadly gas to only to demons with an unusually high defense. You chose the wrong day to fight me, Tergun. I allowed you to attack me before so that I could get an understanding of how weaker you have gotten over the past two years you have been locked away. I admit, you are smarter and more sharper then were back then, but you are in an environment only I can win in. The gas that I have been sending into you, by now, has started to leave a burning feeling on you, right? I know I cannot win as long as you possess such a body..." At this, Tergun had enough, and charged in his rage towards Scott. Scott sent his right fist into Tergun's stomach, bruising Scott's knuckles in the process, but also cracking Tergun's metallic stomach. "WHA --?!" Was all Tergun could get out as he collapsed.

"... So I weakened your metallic form with the gas. You didn't notice it when I released it in your face, but the metallic structure around your eyes was actually weakening because of the gas. The more gas I also send into you, the more it will start to make your metallic parts burn up kinetic energy, making you more exhausted every attack you make. I have outfitted this room if ever the chance came up that Eclipse should escape, but I did not think of having to have it used on you. You remember Eclipse, right? How lucky for me... That you based your current metallic body based on a sword's own blade structure!" At Scott's words, Tergun screamed out. "TURNER! I refuse to admit..." And at this, he charged for another attack, leaping at him as he returned his hands back to normal and hardened the metal on them both as he clutched them into fists, ready to strike them into Scott's chest. "... THAT YOU ARE SMARTER THEN -- UGH!"

He was interrupted this time by Scott, who sent a kick into the side of Tergun's head and caused it to break like his chest, while also bruising Scott's foot under his shoe. Tergun was sent collapsing to the floor as he stumbled around and hit a wall, laying there as he struggled to stand. "... Face it, Tergun. You have regressed too much to be able to stop me now." Tergun once again rose up and charged towards Scott, sending a quick punch at him despite the weight that was being dropped on it now. "SHUT UUPPPP!!!" He shouted and sent his quick punch into Scott's wounded shoulder, smirking as he saw Scott winch for a second, but was cut off as Scott punched him in the face with his other fist. Tergun was sent back at this as blood came from Scott's fist, Tergun's metallic skin breaking off as when he hit the floor, the rest of it breaking off as well, leaving Tergun unconscious with his normal Kappa form. Scott sighed out and lowered his arms to his sides, watching Tergun's form. "... I don't have time to deal with the likes of you. I have more important things to take care of... Sorry. Maybe next time, you'll be smart enough to try to escape first."

~ Meanwhile, in the control room with Michael... ~

Michael, at the time, was preparing to head off to bed after a long day's work. He sighed out and looked at the screen with a content little smile, turning around as he began to walk away when he felt the vibrations of his cell phone go off in his pocket. Reaching into it and pulling it out, he looked at the text he had gotten from Scott, and his eyes had widened at what he had seen.

'Eclipse is loose, gather up all the children at once. I also have figured out who the extra child is, but we'll talk more about that after this. For now, do what you must to get this done!' - Scott.

Michael had little time to react to all of this, suddenly panicking as his heart felt like it was being grabbed by someone! He quickly put the cell phone away and ran back to where he just was, slamming his hand down on a red button as the entire base had a certain red glow to it now with a feeling of urgency over them. Alarms began to go off, he could hear the sounds of soldiers rushing through the building who began to rush for weapons. To others like Rin, Quake and the Seven Sisters though, it meant they had to go to him. Now.

Rin had ran out of her room at the sounds of the alarms, she was still in her sleeping gown and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She then made it to the room fairly quickly, finding herself beside the towering figure of the Oni that Deon had fought earlier. "What is it, Michael?" She asked him. Michael let out a sigh and closed his eyes at this, shaking his head lightly. "... Emergency code number 104 has been activated." He told her, opening his eyes again as he looked at the screen. "... He's free." Rin's hand crept it's way up to her mouth as she gasped from the news, she knew exactly who he was talking about. "We need to find Deon, he's the only one of us not here so Eclipse might already have him!" She went to turn on her heel, but was stopped when a strong hand was put down on her shoulder. "He'll be fine, pussy-cat. He IS the Leader of the Rogue division for good reason, ain't he?" Michael, meanwhile, closed his eyes again as he continued on. "... Worse still, is the one who's supposedly wielding him." Quaked turned to Michael at this. "Who? One of the Children?" She asked the obvious.

Michael only nodded in silence at this, Quake sighed out at this and let go of Rin. "Let's go, Rin. We gotta stop Eclipse asap." Quake said, and went to step out of the room when Michael opened his eyes and turned to them. "... Wait a minute. I need one of you to stay behind here and another one of you to go to where Deon is. That same will be for the sisters, except the one going can only take four while the others remain here." Rin sighed from all of this. "Quake, you're a better fighter than me, you go." She spoke up. Quake then grinned and turned. "Of course, I'm gonna beat him up for making me miss sleep. Laters." With those words, Quake was gone. In the background, a giggle could be heard. "I still need to get Ash back for scaring me with her bike, among other things. I'll go as well." Asmodeus said to them, and before anyone could respond she was off bouncing behind Quake. Michael shook his head a bit, being thankful that Quake and Asmodeus were at least volunteering to go. He hoped they would make it in time, but things got out of hand. "... Now if only the other sisters would appear. I have a special assignment for them." And then, on Que, they giggled behind Michael. "We've been here the entire time, Mikey. Waddaya want?"

Michael sighed out a bit again, turning around to look at them. "I need three of you to go after Quake and Asmodeus to handle the Eclipse situation. He's free, and the entire place is in danger. The rest of you, I need you to gather up all the children and keep them safe at all costs. That includes freeing whoever is in Eclipse's control." All of the girls nodded in response and then vanished, leaving only Michael and Rin left. Rin let out a giggle at this. "Oh man, look at me. Always prided on being ready, and I'm standing here in my pyjamas while you're wearing proper clothes." Michael smiled a little at her words. "I was about to go to sleep, to be honest... Although I find it ironic, how we're always paired together... Um, don't take that the wrong way -- I didn't mean it like -- like -- um..." He stopped at this, having forgotten the crisis at hand for a moment. Rin merely giggled and put her head on his shoulder. "Oh come on Michael, is that really that bad?" Rin then grinned and poked her tongue out at him. Michael blinked a little at what she was doing and looked over at her. "... N-no... Not at all." He managed to mumble out, looking back at the screen. He suddenly found himself conflicted, to act upon this chance or to resume the mission at hand?

Rin closed her eyes slightly as her cheeks reddened. "So Michael, what's next?" She asked him. Michael once again blinked at this out of confusion as his heart leaped a little at this. He looked over at her, trying his best to avoid her cheeks. "... W-w-what do you mean next?" Rin's arm lazily found it's way to rest upon Michael's other shoulder, as she sighed in content. "You're an awesome standing post, ya know that Michael?" She said, letting out a tiny giggle at this. "And..." She started. Michael was blushing a bit as he stared at her hand. "... And?" He asked her, placing his hand on hers gently. He felt himself conflicted again until... "Zzzzzz." She was snoring! Her full weight fell on Michael as she shifted slightly and grinned in her sleep. "Fiiiiishies~" Michael in confusion blinked and sighed as he looked at the screen. "Excuse me..." A voice suddenly called out, a voice that made Michael get chills sent down his back and made him tense slightly. He looked over to see a figure in the shadows. "How did you...?" He tried to ask. "I have my methods, Michael." The figure responded back to him, leaning against a wall and taking a bite out of an apple in his hand. "What a wonderful thing, this planet is..."

Michael narrowed his eyes a bit at the figure's casual tone. "Who are you...?" He asked, the figure looking at him with serious eyes now. "I'm quite offended that you don't know anything yet, Michael... Perhaps my name will give you a little rememberance?" Meanwhile, Rin's ears fluttered, and her voice slithered out lazily into Michael's ear. "Michael, don't touch me there, it tickles!" She then suddenly fell to the floor and threw into a fit of laughter and tears. "O-Oh god, Mikey, s-stop tickling me! Nyahahahahaha!~" Michael suddenly turned to Rin and widened his eyes. "What did you --" He started to ask, but stopped as he looked over at the moving figure, who stepped out of the shadows at this. "..... I-impossible." He said, as the figure's angelic wings spread out from his back at this as it sent out feathers throughout the room and Michael suddenly had a feeling of peace from him. At this, Rin's cheeks grew slightly pink and she let out a moan. "M-Michael..... you're such a nice guy and.... mmph.... I-I..... ununh...." Then, her eyes snapped open as she looked around in fear. "W-what happened to me?!" She asked, as her cheeks grew even redder at this and she tucked herself into a ball on the floor, her tails went whipping around wildly.

Michael closed his eyes from this and sighed. ".... Oh geez... This was a bad time to be having a dream, RIN!" He said, hitting her little form lightly as he indicated to show some attention and concern towards the stranger, quickly turning to the figure like nothing had happened just now, he was lucky the figure didn't see it. "I am sorry to interrupt, but..." The figure said and bowed from his waist, before then raising it back up to look at him. "... I am Gabriel, of the New Angels." Gabriel said, which made Michael felt himself frozen to the spot at this. "... And I am here to train you to join our ranks."
