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Snippet #2109161

located in The Renegade Headquarters, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Renegade Headquarters

"Welcome to the HQ, you'll probably like it here. Unless you're here to kill us, then you're fucked".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly Character Portrait: Keilani Dreahen Character Portrait: Anders "Agony" Agni Character Portrait: Mireya Nightless Character Portrait: Notable NPCs
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~ A room in the hospital area... A brawl between Shikigami and Transformed Anders begins! ~

As if the situation weren't dire enough, a fight had broken out between the Shikigmai and one of the seven children, Anders. As Anders got closer to the shikigami, he uses his jaunt ability to appear behind the shikigami, and then turned to swing his makeshift club at it. The shikigami, however, had noticed Anders using his ability and spun around to catch the club and stab the tips of it's claws into it, it's arms now having returned to a more human look. "Ohh... Are you letting up, Devil's Child?" It taunted him, but Anders simply smiled at the shikigami. Anders quickly moved back to his bed and sent three chains at the shikigami, all of them spread out so that it would be harder to avoid them. But, the shikigami saw through this, and letting go of the club, reformed one of it's arms into a shield and placed it in front of itself as the chain hit the shield. It then quickly moved out of the way of the other two. "I am beginning to see through your moves..." It taunted him again, as Anders picked up a larger shard of his broken guitar while still smiling. "That won't help you for much longer." He said, and then chucked the shard at one of the lights, shattering it in the process. The shikigami chuckled in response to this. "Trying to cover up your movements? Ah... Then let's do this right."

The shikigami picked up the two unconscious guards and then threw them at the door, watching as they hit it and broke right through it. It then shot out more of it's liquid to cover the entrance of where the door use to be. It then started to drip a little, before starting to send off liquid from it's own body and spread it across the floor. "... What will happen if you can't move with your feet?" It then watched as Anders jumped onto the bed to avoid the liquid coming. "I was always really good at that the floor is lava game." He then fades into the shadows, shooting out a projection at the shikigami, but vanished before it could hit. The shikigami smirked as it already knew who would win. "Illusions, huh? Do you not notice my body? I am a rare form of water demon... The Jello Demon! My ability is to be able to copy any shape or form as I please, and another one of my abilities is to also solidfy any body part I choose. Do you get it? I can easily fill this room with jello the size of a pond. Darkness won't help you... I am the better fighter here. You are but a newborn in the way of me. Unless you'd like to prove otherwise?"

~ Name: The Jello Demon.
Nickname: The Jello Shikigami
Type: Water Demon (Jello)
Rank: D
Overall Threat: Cunning from the sidelines, dangerous to any mortal it encounters. Must be captured if seen.
Threat Level: #257 on the WDL's wanted list
Additional Information: The Jello Demon, true to it's name, is a water demon who, instead of being made out of water, is really made out of jello. It is unknown how this came to be, but it is believed that around a hundred years ago it was created as a result of a demon's blood being part of the ingredient to make it. Once the jello was made, The Jello Demon was born. Being different from the rest of it's kind, it decided to become a Shikigami and would soon be employed under the services of Kallos. While it is a D ranked demon, it is very useful to it's master with it's unique abilities and unique body. ~

Anders then used his jaunt ability to a shadow that was behind the shikigami and sent three chains at it. Two of them hit the Shikigam's main body, the other hit the liquid that was being spread across the floor, although it more or less was being dragged along with it now more then anything. The shikigami once again chuckled. "What do you plan to do? I told you.... I'm Jello!" It then pierced holes rapidly in it's arms and chest, making a total of nine as each hole would release liquid like a broken pipe, adding to the already increasing liquid in the room. "Let's see... Nine holes. That means you have to seal nine different spots on my body at the same time. Or are you going to try to kill me still?" "I will kill you, now that the chains are attached, its only a matter of time." Anders responded, vanishing again as he reappeared back on the bed with another smile. "I'll give you credit though, it takes alot to get me to smile this much." The shikigami then narrowed it's eyes at him. "Now what are you on about? The chains are pointless... They cannot harm liquid." It told him firmly. "They won't harm the liquid, no, i'm going for something a little more vital than the stuff that makes up your body, something that not even your liquid form can protect from my chains, something you need to function." He then sent two more projectiles that seemed to almost hit the shikigami, but didn't. It was more like he was just teasing him now...

The shikigami rose a brow at him. "Oh? And what would that be, Devil's Child?" It asked him. "Its kind of sad that you can't figure it out, considering the clue i just gave you. and i can't just tell you, that would be stupid, its the biggest flaw in all action movie villans. they always reveal how their plan works." The Shikigami blinked at this. "Movies? Is that a human device? But I think I know what your on about... Sorry to dissapoint you. But a water demon doesn't function the same as a human. For you see..." It then grabbed a hold of one of the chains and started to spread out it's liquid across it, doing the same to the others. "... My body doesn't have a heart. I'm all water, punk!" It told him confidently. "You may not have a heart, but water dosn't just controll it self, also, i'm not a punk, i'm a goth, there is a very big difference there." Anders told the demon. The shikigami then tapped it's head lightly and split it open. "See? Nothing but water... You have no idea how to fight me." It then reformed it's head back in one piece. "I need to end this... NOW!" It then blasted out more water at him, making it so that the water was up to it's waist. "How about that?!? I've nearly filled the room with just about my liquid! The bed will be consumed and then YOU WILL!" It exclaimed to him. "You have to think some how." Anders said to it, as he leaped from the bed directly towards the shikigami.

The shikigami, in response, spread out it's arms as it chuckled. "Then try me!" It taunted him as he leaped. "One last chance! Or you will drown!" It told him, watching as he neared. As Anders got close enough, he touched the demon in order to try to send impulses throughout his body, to which the shikigami merely smirked at this action. "My, my... I don't know what your trying to do, but..." It then formed a spear-like shape as the liquid exited out of the hole in it's chest and sent it piercing through Ander's stomach. "... You are so slow~" It taunted him, grabbing a hold of the spear and pulling it out of him as it watched Anders put a hand to his wound. He then jaunts out of the room before he could fall into the liquid below him. The shikigami absorbed all the liquid back into him as he phased through the liquid covering the door's entrance. "... What a pain. But... Time to die." It then changed it's right arm into a blade again. "Any last words?" The shikigami asked him. "Thought you could see through my moves?" He then laughed before the jaunt pulls him back into the room. The shikigami rose a brow and smirked, tapping the liquid that sealed the door's entrance. "... Fool. You should of been more careful!" It's holes then closed up as it looked at Anders now trapped in the room. "My prisoner... How lovely~" The shikigami stated, before then heading off towards the control room. "Now... To do what I was meant to do. Assassinate the Half Angel!"

~ Meanwhile, in the control room, unaware of the intruder closing in on them... ~

Scott dragged along the defeated body of of The Metal Kappa, who was currently unconscious whilst being wrapped in chains that restrained him if he awoke. As he approached the control room, he stopped as the doors opened, and he walked inside to see three figures. He let go of The Metal Kappa once he was inside, laying him down on his back as he looked over to see Michael and Rin on one end and nodded to them. Then he looked over and saw... Someone with angel wings?!? This freaked him out for a few seconds, before suddenly he felt... Calmer. Gabriel looked over at him with an apologetic look at this. "I apologize in advance for not warning you sooner." Gabriel spoke, as he walked over and held out his hand. "I am Gabriel, of the New Angels." He said to him so calmly and with ease. Scott looked down at his hand with confusion as he blinked and took his hand slowly, shaking it as he put his other hand on the side of his head. "You look injured... Allow me." Gabriel said to him, holding his hands as a bright light surrounded Scott briefly, as all his minor wounds started to heal. "My god..." He said softly to himself, watching the glow fade away and Scott feeling much better now! "... I -- I thank you..." Scott said out of amazement, to which Gabriel smiled and merely nodded in response.

"How touching." A voice called out to them, as from above a liquid form fell upon them and reformed. The Jello Demon grinned demonically as it looked at them all. "An intruder? So... I assume you are the one who freed Tergun?" Scott asked him. "Indeed I am, if that's the metal punk I freed earlier that you are referring to! I am the Jello Demon... Nice to kill you all. Now, if you'll just stand still for a few..." The demon said, Scott gritting his teeth as he looked to see Drayne's fully restored head in it. "... I need that head." He mumbled to Gabriel. "So it shall be." Gabriel said, walking forward towards the demon as Scott backed up slowly. "Scott, what are you --" Michael started, but was interrupted. "Listen to me Michael, take Rin and get out of here now." He said to them, as Michael rose a brow. "What are you --" He stopped as Scott glared a little. ".... Ok." Michael said, quickly taking Rin's arms out of surprise and dragging her away before she could complain. Scott then looked forward at the demon. "Foolish angel... Get out of my way, now!" It spoke, as Gabriel stopped in place. "... No response? FINE!" It shifted it's fingers into blades as it moved forward at the angel, only to be stopped as Gabriel's hand struck into the Jello Demon and pulled out the head of Drayne, throwing it to Scott, who luckily caught it in time. "You... Will pay for that." The Jello demon mumbled as it backed away slightly.

Gabriel glanced over at Scott at this chance. "I need you to get out of here... What I'm about to do is almost strictly forbidden." He said to him, as Scott's eyes widened at the thought of what happened before one time with Michael. It was on accident, of course, so it didn't count against him. After all, he was still developing to control his powers. "... You mean you can -- you have control over THAT?" Scott asked, shocked at what Gabriel could do then what Michael did. "... Okay, I'll leave it to you then." He said, before quickly rushing off. Gabriel looked back to the Jello Demon at this. "... I believe it's time we both got serious, don't you agree?" He asked him, to which the Jello Demon furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you --" But at this, he was interrupted when an angelic light surrounded Gabriel's form as his wings fully spread out. The Jello Demon stopped momentarily, seeming to be overpowered by this as lights began flickering on and off throughout the base. Michael stopped briefly to protect Rin from this holy force, most of the Renegade demon soldiers were put off by this immense holy power. "So... I underestimated you." The Jello Demon managed to get out, as Gabriel narrowed his eyes at him. "You did. That was your mistake, and the best part is... I can concentrate the main power of this on you and not anyone else. If anyone will die from this... It'll most likely be you."

~ A meeting between high ranking demons begins... The rebellion's leaders meet in a special way! ~

The Revolutionary Leader sat down in his throne as he relaxed all tension from his body, seeming to concentrate now on three other chairs. Immediately, three figures appeared as they looked like they were holograms of some sort, only you couldn't make out much detail from them besides the tones in which they spoke. "Ah... Finally time for another one, eh? I see Kallos has been able to fit us into his busy schedule." The more intelligent one spoke first, seeming to tap it's fingers gently against each other. "A lot better then what can be said of you, short one." The countess spoke out next, as the intelligent one glared over at her. "Watch your tongue there, countess. Otherwise you may find it --" They were both interrupted as the Revolutionary Leader raised a hand to stop them. "Enough bickering. It is time we do this now. Kallos, give me a full report on the children." Kallos shifted at this, the tubes sticking out of his body could be barely made out. "Deon Morris is the same as always. Although currently, our spy reports he has been subdued by Eclipse." The intelligent one shifted at this uneasily. "That annoying sword? How did he get out?" He asked, as Kallos looked over at him. "I'm getting there." He responded, before looking back towards the Revolutionary Leader. "Sebastian Thomas nearly died tonight by our own spy. The children are very weak it seems... They are still at human level." The Revolutionary Leader nodded in response.

"Devin Namach is still missing, although whether he is being held captive by the WDL or is just simply on the loose is unknown. It is fully possible he is also dead since no one has seen him in a while. Chang T. Wilson is believed to be under the same category. Ashley Clade appears to have gone berserk, from what our spy has told us, she is also the one who freed Eclipse. It also seems they have three new children with them. From what our spy has told us from looking at some reports, he has discovered a few names. Keilani Dreahen. Anders Agni. And finally, Mierya Nightless. All of these names were confirmed because someone had written them down on paper. Keilani's was medical, Anders and Mierya were for recruiting." The Revolutionary Leader closed his eyes at this. "We will keep an eye out for them as well... But there is a problem with your report, Kallos. That means there are eight children in this world instead of the normal seven. Care to elaborate this for me?" He asked Kallos, who looked at him calmly, already having the answer as the Leader opened his eyes. "We believe there is an extra child, sir." The Leader rose his brows at Kallos. "An extra? Who?" But before he could go on, the intelligent one stepped in. "It is obviously Deon Morris. After all, he was not born of the generation the others are in. It only makes sense then." The Leader then shifted his eyes back to Kallos. "Who do you believe it is?" He asked him, as Kallos closed his eyes slowly while he thought. "... We believe it to be Sebastian Thomas. Both have had strange readings in the past, Ash's readings are normal compared to them."

"I see. Where is the spy now?" The Leader asked Kallos. "He is currently facing off against one of the New Angels." He confirmed, as the Leader nodded. The Countess looked over at the Leader. "New Angels? They sound like pansies to me." She said with a laid back tone, almost insulting them as it were. "The New Angels are a group of the former highest angels in heaven's ranks. They are all half angel, it is unknown how they are this way, but it is believed that they are the children of an angel each before they died." Kallos rose his brows at this confirming from the Leader. "Some of the angels are dead?" He asked in surprised. "Yes. Someone killed them, and now they have passed on their ranks to the New Angels. That is why they exist. We only have a few confirmed kills though... Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. Camael and Sataniel have been missing." The intelligent one chuckled at this. "The rumor is pretty funny, how one of their own betrayed them and they succumbed to a deadly poison. Quite interesting... You would of expected better from them." He licked his lips at this. "You really are disgusting." The Countess commented to him. "So, I wonder... What happens if a child does die?" Kallos asked them. "That's easy." The intelligent one spoke. "They go back to they're creator." The Countess shook her head at this. "I thought they went to Purgatory?" The intelligent one smirked at this. "They have the devil's blood in them. Unless they were directly descended from him, which is an ill possibility, then they will make him more powerful until he dies. THEN they go to Purgatory." The Leader sighed at this. "Whether one is right or not does not matter right now. Kallos... I have a special job for you to do. It involves giving those Renegades... A little warning. I want all of the children alive and safe, if not, well.... Someone will die by my hand."

~ The brawl between Jello Demon and Gabriel of the New Angels! Who will emerge victorious?! ~

"This is going to be interesting then..." The Jello Demon said, extending his arms out as they formed into multiple blades. "Let's do this then!" He said, and came charging right for Gabriel. Gabriel sighed as he closed his eyes and held out his right had. "Sorry, guys... I got to hurt you for a second to defeat him." He then furrowed his brows as a ball of light was casted towards the Jello Demon. "Heh! What's that suppose to do to me?!? I can just --" But all at once, the ball of light collided with the Jello Demon as it left him stunned, a bright light engulfing him as his scream howled loudly throughout most of the entire base. The light sent out a holy radiance throughout the entire base, nearly making almost every demon stop as if a heartbeat had skipped. "Incredible..." Scott noted to himself. "Gabriel's holy powers are powerful enough to do THIS? ... I hope the children are alright, otherwise... I just hope this stops the Ash situation, or... God damn it, this is NOT my day!" He stated before continuing on. The Jello Demon struggled as liquid dripped down his body rapidly, he struggled to move as he felt enormous pain. "That won't be enough... That won't be enough to hold me down, angel! You will have to do better then that!!!"

"Is that right? Then I will need to take extreme measures... Prepare yourself, Demon. You are about to experience the most terrible pain you have ever felt." The Jello Demon's eyes widened, but before he could even move, Gabriel was already on the move. "Heaven's Restraint!" He called out, as light portals opened up around the Jello Demon and holy chains wrapped around his body rapidly, restraining him to the spot as he struggled to get free, but could not even morph to get out of them. "N-no! Wait! D - don't kill me! You can't kill me! You are an Angel, right?!?! RIGHT?!?!? YOU AREN'T MEANT TO KILL, YOU ARE MEANT TO BE HUMANITY'S KINDNESS!" The Jello Demon cried out in misery, as Gabriel narrowed his eyes at him. "I will not kill you... But. I know you nearly killed a life here today. And so... I will unleash my second weakest attack upon you." Gabriel then held his hands out in front of him as light began forming in front of him. The Jello Demon continued to struggle, his eyes widening as he saw the attack forming. "N-NO! T-T-T-T-THAT COULD KILL ME! AND EVERY OTHER DEMON IN HERE! YOU ARE MAD! MAAAADDDDDD!!!" He continued to shout, as for that moment alone, Gabriel... Turned dark. His expression became very serious and stern, his eyes piercing into the demon's eyes as he was held frozen to the spot. "Exactly... I wish to not see any more pain and suffering here. That is why... I am willing to risk knocking out every demon in here!!!" And with that, Gabriel closed his eyes for the upcoming attack. "Heaven's.... Rage." He spoke the words, and a beam of light was sent hurling at the Jello Demon. His stomach area was pierced clean through by the light as he lost consciousness at this point. A bright light enveloped the whole control room, and bright holy light quickly dispersed through the entire base. The outside of it glowed as it could clearly be seen in the night. It lasted for a total of three minutes before finally stopped, with the Jello Demon laying collapsed on the floor, twitching every now and then as Gabriel narrowed his eyes at him. "... Have a good night's sleep, monster." Gabriel turned to the monitor briefly, to see that every demon in the Renegades had survived the attack.

~ Confrontation! Dark Ash and Eclipse meet face to face! ~

Eclipse stood in the 'Center' of the Nightmare World. He wore purple robes over his body as he made himself look as royal as possible. He looked human, if it wasn't for those demonic eyes. "I already know someone is already in my world... Besides Deon. This one feels familiar." He spoke to mostly himself, seeming to be alone in his mansion-like place as he sighed out. "Better to go and investigate then let this person cause trouble. I can't have that, the stupid bitch would have my head if I failed to keep this world as it is..." With that, Eclipse 'vanished' and 'reappeared' outside in the Nightmare World, standing on the 'ground' as he looked around the 'area' he was in now. "So, where is this intruder? The person is around here somewhere, I know that for sure..." The place he was in now was made of pristine metal and benches with various breaker tubes and the like were scattered about. There were similar microscopes and other sorts of technical equipment that were on display, though jagged and fearful shadows tended to stretch from them in the haunting light of the laboratory. He then heard the faint sound of glass being tapped that came from a corner in the room. When he walked over into there, he found Ash, who was examining a test tube in scrutiny.

"My, my..." Eclipse mumbled to himself as he walked over casually to where Ash was. "... Oi, you are the one from earlier. Why don't you do me a huge favor, and go shit yourself now?" He said, all the while remaining calm as he did. "... Unless you aren't available for an appointment?" At this, he then brought a big smirk on his face, revealing his demonic fangs. "You don't scare me, fear monger." Ash told him, returning the tube to it's place in the rack. "This may be your world, but you're as petty and pathetic as always." Eclipse slowly shook his head at this. "Such confidence. Why don't YOU be the ruler of this damn place then?!? Oh, I forgot... You aren't a demon weapon, and even if you were, you would be pathetic compared to me." He told her, his smirk fading rather quickly at this. "... So, I wonder... What would you do if I showed you a few 'disturbing' facts to light?" He told her. "I have better things to do then rule over this dump." Ash seemed to reply casually, ignoring the rest of his comments as she strode away from him. Eclipse merely chuckled. "... Then, how was it to watch that young man die again?" He asked, as his smirk slowly returned to his face. "... Or how was it to find out your sister cheated on you? Does it make your blood boil? Does it make want you... Want to hit me for knowing your inner fears?" He began laughing like a madman at this. "... I should probably explain myself. In this place, I am god of this world. I see all of my victim's fears... And my, what a pleasant thing Deon is goig through again~ But, here's my little thing... I don't tell other people what I've seen, no matter who they are. Now, unless you want me to dive deeper into your inner fears... I am going to assume I have your attention on me now."

Ash, however, laughed at this. "You misunderstand. That's her fears." Turning, her eyes flash red at this. "Not mine. Tell me, what do you see in the depths of my fears, hmm? Or perhaps does it frighten you that you can't?" She then returned her own superior smirk, seeming to think she was in control of the situation right now. Eclipse laughed again at this. He quickly stopped himself this time as he glanced over his shoulder at her. "You aren't like Inferno, who's blood was created from the devil's own, and passed down through several generations of a family. I know your type... A newborn demon who's in way over her head and gains control over a weaker territory in order to avoid the big boys. I know what you are scared of quite easier then a human's, contrary to popular belief. You seem powerful, but in reality, you are unbalanced. You fear becoming one with your host because you do not wish to fade. You also are cunning, keeping away from death's door. But you also focus too much on power, and your powers are out of control as they are... Hell, the girl gets better performance rates then you do! Ah-hahahaha, YAH-AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! If you'd like to show me otherwise though, we can do this all night my dear... Because I can keep going all night about what you fear. This is the NIGHTMARE world for a damn good reason! Tell me... Do you get off when you are in pain, are you afraid of not being in control? To feel the pain your host goes through as she fights her own battles, while you stay behind in the shadows in your true form... I wonder how big you are."

Ash simply smiled again. "Your guesses are amusing, but I'm afraid you can't startle me." Taking a seat on one of the benches, she absentmindedly played with a syringe she picked up. "Still, you're quite pathetic. If you're so powerful, then you shouldn't be concerned about little old me. Go back to the rock you crawled out from under before I get bored with you." Eclipse shook his head again as he chuckled at her response. "You two are the only ones I've had in the Nightmare World for ages... And amusing? I think I'm right here... Unless you have proof you are older then you seem. Until then, well... I'm going to have my fun. I was going to taunt that girl just now, but you've taken her away from me. So... I have to do it to you now." He told her. "Your taunts need some work." She told him, chucking the syringe and embedding it into the wall. Eclipse rose a brow at her. "So... What do you call yourself, dark spirit?" He asked. "That's a stupid question. Honestly, you're not very bright, are you?" She replied. Eclipse crossed his arms over his chest at this. "Explain. You look like the girl, yet you aren't really her." He said to her. "Why should I explain myself to a washed up loser like you? It's not like you're actually any threat to me." She laughed a little to herself as she turned to the nearby bunsen burner and fiddled with it to get it to light.

Eclipse snapped his fingers at this as, in an illusion, Ash's left arm started to bleed and soon, it would fall off, the arm looking like it had been severed. "... Nightmare World. Ruler of it. Hello? A newborn demon like you can't begin to even comprehend the years of pain and suffering most demons go through!" Not reacting in the slightest, Ash slowly pulled up her arm and watched the blood pool on the bench. "Tsk, what a mess..." Reaching over with her other arm, she made a sharp wrenching movement removing the rest of the limb and casually tossing it to the floor at Eclipse's feet, as he watched it fade away. Black ooze then began to secrete from her shoulder and flowed down to form a new arm in it's place, outfit and all, with no injury in sight. Eclipse shrugged his shoulders at this, the blood fading away. "So you avoided the nightmare... What a lovely surprise you are so full of. But... I must tell you that, well... Your stays in the Nightmare World are not that exciting, and I must expell you and Phoenix boy back to the real world. You don't mind, of course, do you?" He asked her. "Do as you will. It's of little consequence to me how you stroke that ego of yours." She told him, hopping from the bench and strolling past Eclipse, stopping once she was level with him. "But do bear in mind, I'm not so easy to get rid." Moving onward, she waved over her shoulder. "As he once said, the ash will always remain."

Eclipse rose his right arm up slowly as he cracked his neck. "... Ah, but you of all people should know... Once I let you back into the real world, every demon stronger then yourself will be hunting you down until the day you down. You are a danger, young lady..." He then lowered his arm and laughed. "... I'm just kidding! You can stay as long as you like really... Someone else can do the pain in the ass job of finding you and eliminating you." He then began to walk away. "... Besides, you are one of the devil's 'children' ..... Although I will tell you, there is a much greater threat to you then you realize. And you left him to recover... Want to know his name?" He asked her. "Names mean nothing to me." She stated simply, fading as she stepped through a doorway and into the laboratory.

~ Old nightmares! Sebastian's struggle in his own mind! ~

~ Lost.... I feel.... Lost. What is this feeling? Why have I never felt it before? I've lost so much blood... It was all over me. It was all over the controls. It was all over the floor, forming into some kind of puddle. My own pond. My own tomb. I hear voices... I hear Kane. And I hear someone else. I don't know who that is. I... Feel so lost. Like I'm inbetween worlds. Is this... What it feels like... To nearly die? I feel... So much better now. But... I feel... Like something's missing...
Maybe something IS missing.
What.... Is -- is that you?
Yes... It's me. I came to check on you. You nearly died back there, you know.
I don't care.... I just wanted to save her.
Oh, so you still want her, huh? It's always been about her, hasn't it? Right from the moment Arthur took you in, and then tried to make you all dogs. Now look where you've all ended up. Dogs. Miserable hunters meant to track down and kill demons. How pathetic. You have no free will of your own.
Who says I don't?
I'm not saying it's going to happen... I'm saying it has. Perhaps... A little dive into your memories will help you out? ~

It was a hot day for the orphanage... We were outside, the three of us. Rob, me, and Lucy. Lucy was my left hand, Rob was my right. Had I known this meant so much more, I would of found it funny then. But now, I find it tragic. Rob had hair, he wasn't blue. Lucy was... Still human. I was the first to talk. "Have you ever thought of the future?" I said. I sounded younger back then, looked younger too. Adults always said I looked too cute for my own good. I hated the attention I got from that. "The future? Of course I have. You aren't dying, are you?" Rob asked. He was... So nice back then. Him and Lucy were true best friends, no matter what happened, we stuck together. "Of course he isn't!" Lucy spoke up next. God do I miss seeing her like this, before she was... Crazy. "... You aren't dying, right Seby?" She asked me. "Of course not!" I replied. "It's just... I wonder if there's someone out there for me. That's all." Lucy and Rob both rose a brow at me. "What?" They both asked at the same time. "... A girl, okay!" I admitted to them. Both blinked at me... And laughed. "Don't laugh!" I tried telling them. "Rob, you can talk so easy with girls it's not even funny! And you, Lucy, you hang out with guys all the time!" Lucy punched me roughly in the shoulder. "Says who?" She asked. "Says the two guys you always hang out with." Rob interjected, laughing a little. At the time, they thought it was a joke, while I blushed for a few minutes. But then...

Soon it became me and Rob at the orphanage. It was cold this time, probably because the fan was on or something like that. I stared outside at the oncoming rain falling onto the ground. I felt... Lonely. "What's up, little man?" Rob asked me, hanging me a glass full of orange juice. I took it, and drank half of it quickly. "Whoa now!" He called out to me. "Drink slower, it'll help keep the taste in." He told me, raising a brow when he saw me just nod. "... You miss her?" He asked me. I sighed out and stood up. "Of course I miss her!" I admitted to him. "You two were all I had at this place, and now... Look at it. We're the only ones left of our group! Can you believe it?!" I told him. It was unfair... Everyone else had gotten adopted. Everyone but us. The outcasts. The loners. The non-normal people. "I could." Rob said, taking a slow sip of his juice. "... What's that mean?" I asked him angrily. "Well..." He started. "... Have you ever thought about what's beyond our grasp?" He asked me. "... If this is pay-back for that one time --" I started, but... "No. I'm serious. Demons, angels, humans... We are but the weakest part in this role! I mean, come on! Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like, to be well known for taking down one of the highest demons in the world?!?" He asked me. "... I think more of my personal life then my overall life, ok?" I told him. "... Still on about the girl thing. Why do you want a girlfriend so bad?" He asked me another question. "... Why?" I started. ".... Because... I want to know what love is like. How my mother felt when she was with my father... Something like that. Call it cliche if you want... But... It's how I feel."

~ Then that fight happened.
I don't want to remember it.
You have to. It was a big important part in how you came to be here.
I won't!
You won't?
I refuse...
Very well. But remember this... There is more then just Ash you know. Two more children have been found. And they are both females. Remember this, as you wake up in that bed of yours... And remember. I am always watching. After all... I only have one eye to do it with. ~

. . .

~ Deon and Eclipse, the reunion of two old foes! ~

Eclipse had just returned to his home as he cracked his neck slightly as he sighed out. "What a bitch..." He commented, walking over to a chair and sitting down in it. His attire consisted mainly of purple robes to make him look more royal then he already was. "Oh well, let her do as she wishes. I don't care anymore. I try to help warn her, and what does she do? 'Oh I can handle it all by myself, I'm sooo gorgeous that way!' BAH! Makes me sick that she even exists still... Oh well, she'll be defeated soon enough. That's MY revenge to HER!" He then laughed demonically. All at once, his door flew right open and slammed into the nearby wall, breaking through it as the leg of it's destroyer rested upon the floor. Deon stepped inside as his feet hit inside the room with a thud. His cigarette lit up in his hand as he looked around. "Eclipse, show yourself you asshole!" He demanded. The sound of three slow claps came to his ears then. "... You'll have to pay for that you know." He commented. He then stood up from his chair with a sigh out of annoyance. "Oh Deon, Deon, Deon... So quick, so rash, so... Dull! What business do you wish from me this time? Or... Is it me who wishes to know business from you?" He chuckled at this. "It was fun watching that scene again... Of the girl dying, being reborn into a demonic entity... Oh and the ending was SO priceless!" He chuckled darkly again at his own taunts.

Deon, however, simply grinned at him. And... That was it. Eclipse rose a brow at this action. "Did I go too far or something, young phoenix? I would of thought you would of been happier... Considering it is early morning now and all." He waited for a response, a taunt, a joke, something. Yet he got nothing. Only his eyes locking with Deon's. Eclipse blinked. ".... O..k then, don't answer me. Be as weird as you want, it makes no difference to me." Still he got nothing. Deon's hands were beginning to move unconsciously, his fingers being the starting point, twitching and moving in unknown patterns. His hands also began to clench and unclench at unknown points, his grin widened and the flame on his cigarette flared now. Eclipse sighed at this. "Oh dear... Insanity lost again, is it? How many times do we have to go over the same thing every time?" The fire in Deon's eyes sparked at this, and he cracked his neck. "Oh come on, Eclipse. You honestly didn't expect this to happen? Oh come on, have you really grown this dull?" Deon grinned again and his eyes widened, and out came the madman's laugh. Eclipse couldn't help but shake his head. "... I thought you were better then this." Deon's eyes widened as he hit the highest pitch in the laugh he could go, and dropped forward suddenly so that his spine was bent at a 90 degree angle. He looked up for a moment to lock his own maniac eyes with Eclipse's calm and calculating ones. "What's wrong, Eclipse? Can't handle it? You reap what you sow, right?"

Eclipse shrugged his shoulders at this. "I could honestly restrain you at any time, to be honest... I just don't yet because you seem to be torturing yourself rather then helping out others... Oh, but wait... I just remembered. You shouldn't be going crazy when someone very close to you is dying right now." All at once the sound of a blade being drawn emitted throughout the room as a cut appeared on Eclipse's neck, the sound reverberated throughout the room and Deon was now behind Eclipse, with a grin so wide that he could be mistaken for a Cheshire Cat. "Heheheheh, you let your guard down sometimes, Eclipse!" No blood came out of Eclipse's wound as he stood there, looking down at it. He pressed two fingers against it and closed it, sealing it as he sighed out, his form fading in and out for just one second, but Deon didn't seem to care too much, after all he didn't even bother to think something might of been up. "... No wonder she's so interested in you." He spoke. ".... And you don't seem to care whether that stupid oni you like dies from blood loss or not. Oh well, I can tell she's already dead anyway. Being dragged off like the corpse she is now... Oh, and what's this? More blood... Coming from one of your brothers it seems. The youngest... Yes. He was pierced, and he's lost so much blood now.~" Deon's grin slowly faded at this, and simply remained in the spot...

Eclipse then drew his iconic sword out and pierced it through Deon's back without hesitation, smirking as he did. "... Oh Deon, you are such a bastard. Allow me to... Show you what I mean." He told him, and then slowly pulled the blade out of Deon, who allowed this or try to resist. Deon, all at once, began to fade from the Nightmare World. "... I will allow you to return, if only to stop that crazy bitch from wrecking me like she did that vampire's head." He chuckled and sheathed his sword. "Enjoy watching Sebastian and Quake die... I know I will~" Deon growled at this. "Hey Ash, beat the shit outta him for me, will ya?" Eclipse grinned at this. "Ash?" He asked him. "I don't think you know where Ash is. The Ash I met a while ago just went to kill people... The Ash in the real world is going to kill people. And the Ash you know... Is being held captive! If you really want to be a hero for once, then just knock the stupid bitch out! Otherwise, Quake WILL die! You no longer have the time, reality is against you now! She is testing you here... Wanting to see if you will harm a sibling or not! Are you willing to harm her in order to stop her?!?! After nearly killing Sebastian and Quake?! Or.... Will you let the next person to die... Be Rin?" He chuckled at the fun, Deon's lower body was now gone, only his upper body remained. "... I wonder though. She seems to be very interested in your actions, your choices, how you affect the future of others. Rin, Michael and Scott all follow by morals... They never kill an innocent under evil influence unless that person is impossible to bring back. You were always the brute Deon... Think about it. You are nothing but a monster in your own right. I wonder.... If you killed this woman, would they hate you? Oh, who am I saying, of course they would! You would be hated among the Renegades! Ah-ha... Well, ta-ta~ I won't be able to see you off on your adventure most likely, but... I will be watching. Always~" And with that, Deon was back in reality... Eclipse having exited out of his body and fallen on the floor. "... Ow, ow, OW! Rough landing!"