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Snippet #2117830

located in The Renegade Headquarters, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Renegade Headquarters

"Welcome to the HQ, you'll probably like it here. Unless you're here to kill us, then you're fucked".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Keilani Dreahen
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Empty eyes gazed back at Keilani; however, she did not allow it to dissuade her sincerest feelings. It was then Keilani saw a rather small glimmer of life within those dead-like eyes of Ash. At that moment, Keilani gave Ash a very gentle smile and as a response Ash embraced her with desperation. This gesture awakened a sense of protectiveness within Keilani as she returned the embrace. An offer of assurance and a safe haven from Ash's fears and loneliness. This moment was almost perfect if it was not interrupted by a familiar yet sarcastic voice that broke the spell of relief between the two ladies. It would seemed that Ash knew and found the source of that voice as she immediately removed herself from Keilani. This cause the pink-haired girl slight surprise and concern due to Ash's fearful expression and gesture. She reached out her hand to the frightened girl and was about to move forward when a floating red eye lifted itself from the floor. Now, Keilani understood the reason for Ash's dread. This made Keilani stopped from walking towards Ash while the eye circled around them. But, it was not long before it stopped behind Ash and whispered inaudible words.

Keilani was not certain what it could be about; however, she had a guess that it was something about her. This conclusion came from the sudden distrustful expression and gesture of Ash who stepped back away from Keilani in doubt. "Ash..." Keilani called out to her with much concern but she made herself stay in her current position. She had a feeling that whatever that shadowy figure revolving around Ash was something that the girl needed to affirm and fight without her aid. There are moments in one's life that no one would be able to help. One would need to help himself. But at the very least, Keilani could stay here before Ash and show her sincere support. She must believe in Ash that she would be able to overcome this hurdle on her own. "Ash, I believe in you." Keilani softly said with complete faith as she watched the events happening around Ash. In truth, Keilani was trying hard not to run towards Ash and help her. But, it was important for Ash to face this and win this one on her own. Keilani was certain of this as she was also having voice of hesitation within her.

Soon enough, the words from the shadowy presence begin to speak about taking revenge on Claire and even hurting an Oni. Keilani had no idea about the Oni part. After all, her knowledge about demons is as good as of toddler. However, these words were enough to push Ash into a violent reaction. This only meant that Ash knew there was truth in those words being spoke. For one will never be angry if what was being said is not true or at least a concern. The same goes when one gets into a fight with another. If one would notice, people only get into battles because they care about something or someone. People just take the emotion of concern as something related to hatred. The shadowy presence finally revealed itself as having the same appearance as Ash. This surprised Keilani but it does make sense. Ash's enemy, rival, nemesis, and other terms that could be use was herself to begin with. This person was also Ash. It was the one who represented the rage, hatred, fears, and doubts. The things that everyone has deep within them even Keilani and she knew this.

The debate between the two Ash had finally come to an end. Ash had finally made a stand and a decision to face the things that she fears. The other Ash walked away and soon faded to the darkness. Keilani felt admiration towards Ash in that very moment. The hardest thing that a person could do was to win against himself or even accept a part that one wishes to never exist. Removing her attention towards the other Ash, Keilani looked at the one in front of her. Her rose-pink eyes met Ash's eyes who had a wry smile on her face while asking for assurance about someone waiting for her return. The pink-haired maiden understand the meaning behind such a smile. It is not easy for someone to instantly change. No one can be like that despite how strong they claimed themselves to be. However, Ash took that one step and for now that was enough. Keilani gave a gentle and proud smile on her face towards Ash's words and decision. "Yes. Everyone. Claire and me. I promised. I will be with you from now on." She said with the sincerest of feelings as she approached and extended her hand towards Ash to take. "Let's go, Ash."

"That was rather dull." The moon's light illuminated the person who spoke. It was like a spotlight which was following every movement. Under the lunar light, it revealed a man with short jet black hair and his bangs fall slightly in his eyes and strands on the side of his bangs framing his face, his eyes are being covered by a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses with goggle sidings. He donned an outfit that comprises a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and a flamboyant, intricately knotted red cravat, covered by a full-length, red frock overcoat with cape, and he also wears a red fedora hat with a wide floppy brim. Another interesting thing to note is that he also wears a pair of white gloves that have five pointed emblem seals on them. "I thought she would put a little more excitement to it." He said with a rather disappointed tone. Stopping from his walk, he took out something from one of his pockets in his coat. The object taken shimmered like a fleeting star as the moon's light reflect upon the silver chain. But upon closer inspection, the silver-white light is not the only thing that glowed. It also had a red shimmer to it. This was probably due to the blood drops and markings that stained it. "At the very least, I had something to remember that Fraulein."

He dangled it before his face as a big sardonic smile decorated his lips. It showed those pearly white teeth but the defining trait of it was the two very sharp fangs that resembles more of a canine than human. "My dear Nathaniel. Your daughter has a very delicious friend." These words were tainted with sarcastic humor but at the same time a deep malice. "Protecting such a precious keepsake." The object that dangled was the pendant necklace that is owned by Keilani. It was now smudged with the blood hanging precariously on the side of circular pendant. He opened it and revealed the portrait of Sarah, Keilani's Mother, and Nathaniel, Keilani's Father. "I believe it is time for you to pay your debt my dear Nathaniel." His tone seeped out a rather insinuating innuendo as he pointed specifically at the pale-pink haired male picture. "Your lovely wife can't protect the sweet nectar anymore and we all know that you can't do much as well." The latter statement was spoken with a few fits of laughter in between. He seemed to enjoy talking to himself at the moment. A slight cold breeze passed by him as it lightly made the dangled pendant twirl. "Are you telling me that you haven't lost yet?" This question of his brought a rather maniacal laughter from him. It echoed through the rather empty park lane that he was walking through.

The park was in deadly silence as if his laughter caused great fear to even the trees and the winds. He continued to laugh as the moon casts it light on him. Soon enough, he stopped from his fit and gazed at the moon above him. "Ah... I see your point. Your still there, aren't you?" Lowering his head, the fedora hat's rim covered his face entirely from anyone's sight. There was a haunting silence from him. It was at that moment a couple that wanted to have some privacy chanced upon him. "Get a life, dude!" The man commented as the couple walked passed him while the girl giggled at this. The corner of his lips lift upwards as he raised his head. The glasses that covered his eyes was now hanging gingerly at the bridge of his nose. Thus, it revealed those blood red eyes that Fran saw for the first and the last time. The next thing that could be heard were bone-chilling screams and the noise of impending doom. After a few moments, he began walking once more as he pushed his glasses up to fully cover his eyes. "The name is Drakul not dude." Behind Drakul, trails of blood and bits of entrails could be found. "Shall we make a bet?" He asked to no one in particularly as he walked away from another freakish crime that would probably reported in the front pages of the morning paper. He closed the pendant and clutched it tightly in his hand. "I shall be with you soon, my sweet forbidden child of pleasures."

Crimson pink eyes opened immediately accompanied by a rather frantic beating of the heart and short yet quick breaths. Keilani blinked a couple of times before she had realized that she was back to the real world. She saw the familiar room that she had deemed to be safe for her to initiate her entrance to Ash's mind. Closing her eyes, she felt quite very drained. It made her wonder if such things were physically tiring. But no matter, she was more worried about Ash's whereabouts and if she was able to return as well. She slowly stood from her position as she used the wall near her as a support. It appeared that her already exhausted body was further drained from her current activities. Actually, she released a rather large yawn and at the same time, she could feel her legs about to give up on her weight. This was enough to tell her that she had thoroughly pushed herself in such current health conditions. Taking a deep breath, she began to garner enough strength for her to leave the room and find Ash and Claire. "I'm worried..." She softly whispered for it seemed that even speaking was beginning to be such a chore for her body.

Approaching the door, Keilani felt a something rubbing on her right leg. Looking at it, she gave it a small smile. It was Blanche. She was glad to see that her feline companion was safe. In addition, she should take Blanche for making sure that she and hopefully Ash had returned safely to this world. Mustering enough strength to lower herself, she patted Blanche's head gently. "Thank you for all of your help, Blanche. Did Ash managed to come back?" The cat looked at her innocently and gave a small nod. It seemed to understand her question without much effort. This made her smile with relief. "Will you take me to her and Claire?" Upon hearing her request, Blanche immediately went to the door. It waited for her to open the door as it was very willing to lead the way. This took her a few moments to connect the two things as she gave an awkward smile. "I'm sorry. I think my thought process was affected." She slowly made an effort once more to stand properly but ended up wobbling. Fortunately, she was able to use the door as a support to steady her feet. "I guess I need to take care of myself better." She softly lectured herself as she opened the door; however, what awaited her was someone completely unfamiliar to her.

It was a rather beautiful woman who had pale brown hair and matching eyes. She also donned an unfamiliar set of clothing. But what completely took Keilani by surprise was the pair of impressive white feather wings and a rather visible floating golden circlet on top of her head. This must be one of those halos. "Is she an angel?" This was the thought that entered her mind immediately. It also added to that she had this vague feeling of something holy or sacred coming from this mysterious lady. At the same time, she could feel the hair at the back of her head standing up. Well, she should not have herself ponder on this longer. After all, she was not in the best condition to do so. She should ask who was the strange woman before her. "Who---" Keilani was instantly cut off as the tip of a blade was pointed at her face. There was only a few centimeters between her and the glistening blade which meant it was very sharp. "Die you heretic." The female angel declared with clear volition and her eyes flamed with determination to eliminate Keilani without question. It was then a large explosion could be heard throughout the area as the entire Renegade Headquarters shook from the impact of the explosion.