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Snippet #2138883

located in Airl, a part of The Legend of the Kyuun, and the gods of Airl, one of the many universes on RPG.


A peacful archepelego of floating islands... Or it used to be...


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Character Portrait: Kederath Character Portrait: Riplette Ändern
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Riplette had not moved an inch. Her calm and blank face had very well hidden the turmoil that was occurring in her mind. How she had wanted to get back into the carriage and flee to her home in Ailyn, to snuggle serenely in her chair with a cup of tea and a novel. But she stayed rooted to the ground by an unexplainable force, no, it was not a force. Her mind was wanting one thing but her body wants another. The large dragon-like creature had disappeared back into the hole, but only to have a swarm of disgusting beasts attack instead. Riplette could feel fear daring to break onto her surface, but something held it down with sheer force.

Her chauffeur was starting to get very irritating; he had been yelling at Riplette to get back into the carriage nonstop all the while being frozen and unmoving from his own seat. Concentrating all of her focus, Riplette turned her head sharply toward the carriage and willed the horses to begin riding away. The chauffeur's calls died away as he rode off into the distance. Now that was over, there was another problem. Cries could be heard from behind her, and when she looked over to the village merely meters away, she could see it. The Imps have already begun their rampage, and the air was quickly filled with screams of fear and pain. There were mixed feelings here; Riplette had the option to run away and get attacked by an imp, or run to the village and try to help and still get attacked. Either way, she was probably going to die, so she might as well die morally good.

Riplette ran towards the screams of the people, avoiding the Imps along the way. She stopped just short, however, overwhelmed by the strong stench of blood. She could hear something dripping, and she turned slowly around, only to find an Imp with fresh blood dripping from its teeth. Cursing silently in her mind, Riplette backed away slowly, unsure whether or not running away would just quicken the killing process. She stepped back again, and felt the texture underneath her boots change. She looked down to see a puddle, and as soon as she looked up the Imp came for her. In desperation, Riplette swiped her hands in front of her in a weak attempt to keep the creature away from her. She expected that her life would end there, but the monster had not touched her, though she could feel its warm breath right near her. She opened her eyes and right before her was the Imp, unmoving and lifeless. Coming from its chest was a shard of ice which rose from the area. On the ground where there was a puddle. Frozen in disbelief, she was brought back to reality when a more vicious looking monster appeared.

Riplette had no more than five breaths of rest before she had began running away. She did not want to face it. All of her "bravery" had left her and now all she wants to do is drink tea. She wants to relax and swim in her pool. The monster came from the air and landed right in front of Riplette, and she assumed that it had jumped all the way from where it was last standing. She stared helplessly at its long claws and stumbled backwards. It ends here, she thought.

Listen to it. Riplette heard the voice in her head. It was that of a male, deep yet smooth. It flowed like water. Listen to it running underneath you.

Riplette had no idea of what was going on in her head, but she nodded and tried to calm down. Looking at the horrid creature in front of her did not help, so she closed her eyes. She could hear it. It was flowing, dripping, and being absorbed by the soil.

Now use it. It is your weapon.

Obeying the voice in her head, she focused on the water deep in the island. The monster was getting closer and she could feel the heat, and she was loosing her cool. Right when the demon had strike, Riplette opened her eyes and swiftly raised her arms, sending jets of water raising from underneath to the monster. It made a cry and dissolved into tiny little particles. Adrenaline now coursing through her, Riplette acknowledged her newfound abilities with a bit of confidence as she raced back towards the village. She attacked with water while running, spinning to dodge their attacks and gracefully moving through obstacles. Her face had stayed calm through it all.

As she finished off yet another Imp, a golden beam caught Riplette's eye. It was enchanting and seemed to be calling her towards it. Go to it. Again, the voice was heard. Riplette was grateful for the voice's guidance and obeyed, running towards the beam. But she had been following him without even knowing what he was.

Who are you? How are you doing this? Riplette asked in her mind.
I am Aquarion, god of water, ice, and mysteries. I have chosen you to become my eye.

Riplette wanted to ask why Aquarion has chosen her, but she supposed she was already satisfied with his answer. She had finally reached the beam, and to her surprise it was coming from a boy around her age who lay on the ground. Riplette studied the boy and shook her head in confusion. What was he doing...?

Clear as glass, Riplette said, "You shouldn't be lying here defenseless..." What was he doing? He was practically acting as bait. Behind her Riplette could hear monsters coming for them. There was probably around nine of them.

Aquarion spoke. Arborius.