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Snippet #2267064

located in Jenkin's Auto, a part of The Promise Made, one of the many universes on RPG.

Jenkin's Auto

The auto shop in Sable


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Marguerite Solt Character Portrait: Bill Jenkins Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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"Not just know your enemy, but know how to kill it. And to do that, you gotta get the basics of using weapons, how to hold yourself in a fist fight and my ultimate favorite, the laws or rules of battles. You'll learn it all, I know you will, but in baby steps. Alright?" he told her seriously, keeping his gaze on the road. No, he couldn't sugar coat it for her, not anymore, he wasn't joking when he said he was gonna train her hard -well maybe not too hard. But they were dealing with an entire nest of vampires, and not just any, purebloods. They were harder, meaner, and stronger. Not a piece of cake, and she would have to put brutal force into her moves, and strike with the utmost intention to kill, destroy them all. It was her life, or theirs.

At hearing her bring a light to her read, a journal not a book, he rose a brow. What she read was finally making sense, not some crappy writer's view on vampires -pssh they don't glitter in sunlight, at all. He smiled a small grin, but then it vanished when she mentioned that name again. Adacio, that name alone has been haunting him since that demon had first mentioned it, calling him the son of Adacio. What did it mean? Was it literal? But who the hell was Adacio? The hunter stole a glance at the Italian girl, but she was watching the beautiful view outside.

He drove faster.


"They're here." Maggie said with a touch of a smile forming at her lips. They were all here. She sat on the edge of a lumpy couch, in the space that was part living room, part office -the hunter had a desk, piles of books and an open laptop there, it was not a happy sight and the designer within Maggie was begging to spring out, have her do something to define this space that she couldn't tell what it was.

Billie stood from behind his desk and went to the door to see the huntress/vampiress and the vampire. He was indeed shocked, so Dante wasn't kidding huh? He stepped aside and gestured for them to come on in, he'd caught the glimpse of Dante's Impala as it pulled into the lot, coming to a park, and the two doors from both sides swinging open. Isabella and Dante stepping out.

"So the meeting is here?" Dante asked, as he lead Isabella to the shop.

"Guess so, found your witch." Billie grumbled, he turned as the hunter entered through the door, along with the girl.

Maggie watched Selene and Michael curiously, what would they want with her? She'd never met them, but she'd met their kind. Selene she could see had a strong connection to the pureblood Michael, no one else would see it, but she saw the invisible bonds that tied them together. It looked like silvery ribbons, unwoven around them in the air, like wisps of evanescent smoke. Beautiful.

The same could be said for Dante and Isabella, but that bond was stronger, brighter. The witch's eyes widened, for a split second she could have sworn she was staring at Adacio, he was there again, and they were back in her home, him coming to her for a simple talk, one that would go on for hours. She knew virtually everything she had to know about the demon lord, he was more open to her than anyone it seemed. Maybe because the two were apart of the same world. She took a breath, telling herself that the man had died ages ago, this here was his son, who was also part human. Something flickered in her eyes but that was all, she then spotted the dark haired beauty that was Isabella, all grown up and she too possessed the same likeness as Maria. That was expected. She offered her a kind smile, almost "welcoming" her back. Though she knew the girl wouldn't be able to recognize the expression.

A few moments later, Aleksei arrived, as though waiting for them all to be here. But someone was missing, the witch noted but said nothing of it. She silently watched the group as they exchanged glances, the little pureblood girl that had accompanied Aleksei kept herself close to him, eyeing the witch suspiciously, as if not liking her presence.

Dante lead Isabella to seat herself on the chair that was situated in the center of the circle, he sat next to her, Aleksei settled beside Maggie, he smiled at her, his expression saying "Long time no see, you look good," and he held on to Mina's hand, feeling her stiffen uncomfortably at his left.

Maggie returned the smile, hers replying "Thanks, you haven't changed at all."

Dante rolled his eyes, those two were like high school friends, meeting again as if they hadn't seen each other in a short time. Wow, he figured she was the witch, and without waiting to be prompted he addressed her, "You're a witch right?"

The witch tore her gaze from Alek to gaze sharply at Adacio's kid, he had the same stubborn chin as his father and that piercing stare that would make anyone tremble, but she did not. It didn't effect her the same way, "Yes, I am. My name is Maggie Solt. Pleasure."

Dante nodded, she didn't really look the part, more like a friendly neighbor, the kind that would welcome you into town with a maga-watt smile and a fruit cake in hand. Though he knew well that looks were deceiving, always were.

Billie didn't like the glower shadowing his kid's eyes, and he put his hands up in a "relax" gesture at the hunter, "Dante, I know her, she's not like other witches. We can all trust her."

"She's a witch."

"We all know that."

"Dante I've been around for a very long time, even before you were born. I've met your father, quite the handsome devil if you ask me."

Dante stared at her shocked, and something told him she was talking about Adacio -his real father.

Then the door swung open, "It's confirmed, Isabella is a prophesy, it ain't just an urban legend-" Veratos announced as she walked in, then smiled broadly at the collection of folks here, "Oh, are we having a party?"

"It's about time you got here, sit." Billie said, pointing to a chair that was next to Selene.

Closing the door, she strode on over to that very chair and sunk into it, she shouldered Selene, "So this is the witch huh? Looks young, and normal..." she whispered, her eyes spotted Dante and she winked at him, then she looked at everyone else. Yup, everyone was here. Let it all begin.