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Snippet #2324238

located in Evil Forest, a part of Adventures in the land of Ooo, one of the many universes on RPG.

Evil Forest

The evil forest holds many inhabitants and many evils. Beware and always be on guard!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human Adventurer Character Portrait: Christina Celesta
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"It's still a few hours walk from here. Our best bet is to take shelter nearby, build a fire, and stay the night as safely as we can. This way," Jo-Jo said, motioning towards a small clearing to their left. Entering the clearing Chrissy could see a small cave, really more of lean-to formed out of three slabs of rock, positioned along the side of a small ring of trees which formed a natural clearing with the cave at it's head.

"Wait here," Jo-Jo said, gently lowering Chrissy to the ground.. "Don't move too much or your wounds won't start getting better. I'm just going to check out that cave, make sure there's nothing in it. I'll be right back, don't you worry." Jo-Jo said reassuringly, then slowly walked over to the cave, his bow held high. As he reached it, he slowly lowered his bow and peeked inside.

Chrissy, who'd eyes had been following him, now turned to the tree line. It was dark and thick with thorn bushes and dead, dried up plants. A few pairs of glowing eyes peeped out from the brush but vanished so fast Chrissy wondered if they d been a trick of her imagination. Regardless of what it was, Chrissy was glad when Jo-Jo called "It's safe!" He walked over to where she sat and she looked up at him with an expression of deep thankfulness. "Here, let's get you situated. Then I'll make a fire." Gratefully Chrissy took the extended gloved hand and used him to standup, her injuries going numb. She hoped that it was because of the cold, though she knew better to believe in dumb luck. But then again, she'd meet Jo-Jo by chance and so far it was the best thing yet to have happened to her.

"It looks like an abandoned nest, but I didn't see any signs of recent use, so we'll set camp here for the night." Jo-Jo said with a smile, carefully lowering Chrissy to the ground. She sat in a semi comfortable position which encouraged blood flow to the injured limbs. They'd seal up enough by now to maintain a continuous flow of blood, which she wanted as soon as possible. She's need to leave the bandages on for the rest of tonight and possibly the next day but she should be fully healed after a week or so.

"Here, take this." Jo-Jo said, holding out his spare gauntlet to Chrissy who, though surprised, took it. "Wear this till I get back. It'll protect you." Jo-Jo said with a large smile which made Christina also smile, the purple shades returning to her cheeks.. "I'm going to get firewood, I'll be back in two shakes, alright?" Jo-Jo said, walking out if the cave, stating to talk to himself as he did. "We need that fire..." Christina watched as he walked out. The moment he was out if the cave she let out a shuttering sigh. Her body was racked with pain as the muscles of her two hurt limbs throbbed in painful, violent protest. Focusing she put as much of her energy as possible into the healing but it did little good. Guardian Angels could not heal themselves.

Jo-Jo walked in a moment later and Chrissy manages a smile. "See, I'm back!" Jo-Jo said with a smile. "You miss me?" he asked, blushing ever so slightly and gazing at the ground. Chissy smiled, nodding her head enthusiastically. "Never mind, I've got a fire to build." He set the stones down in a ring a few feet away from the cave, and he set to building a tepee out of sticks. He put the smaller sticks in the center and the larger logs on the outside. Christina watched intently, making notes of what he was doing so she could hopefully use the knowledge later.

Take some paper from his backpack he tore them up into little pieces. He placed the shreds inside the tepee and gave them enough room to breathe. Finally, Jo-Jo picked up one of the rocks that formed the ring and slapped his gauntlet covered hand against it, once, twice, and on the third time sending a few sparks into the nest of paper at the center of the tepee. After blowing on the sparks, the paper ignited, the sticks following and setting the logs ablaze.

"There! Fire! Now we have light, warmth, and a way to keep anything that wants to eat us away from here." Jo-Jo said proudly and Chrissy applauded with a short span of laughter. Once the fire was set, however, he seemed to remember Chrissy again, and blushed. She wondered what was wrong. As the firelight flickered in her blue eyes she raised her hands to warm them near the fire's blaze. There passed between them a few lax moments of silence before-

Something came crashing through the brush. Chrissy whirled around, quickly regretting it as her wounds protested the sudden movement. Opening one eye she looked at the intruder, a girl, who was panting hard. "Have you seen a short, brown-wooled lamb about two feet tall and big blue eyes? He's lost, and i think he was taken by monsters or something...Have you seen him?" For the second time today, Chrissy was lost for words.