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Snippet #2374311

located in Pallet Town, a part of Pokemon: A Slice of Life, one of the many universes on RPG.

Pallet Town

"Welcome to Pallet Town! Have you come to see the Professor?"


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Character Portrait: Edehvé Mirym Petora
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She was currently in a rather precarious position, tightly grasping the fabric of her sheets with her feet propped against the walls. She glanced downwards, still too far above the ground to make the jump without harming herself. Her sheets were partially wrapped around her waist to keep her steady, the rest dangling from up above. She hoped the knot she tied to her bed was going to hold. She felt like some sort of sneak--well, maybe she was... But for good reason!

The cottonee she had so recently procured was hanging onto her shoulder, not sensing the urgency of the situation as it made small noises of contentment. Perhaps it thought they were going flying or something--it seemed to want to flap its arms. Come to think of it, she still didn't know what gender the creature was... Then again, did pokémon have genders? Wait, no, they must've, because the Meloetta from yesterday was too pretty to be a boy. Her hands slipped a little and she hung on more tightly, nearly yelping as she slid a bit.

Now was not the time to have her mind wander.

Evee did feel a little guilty as she worked her way downwards, the progress was slow work and more than once did she question herself. She could easily scamper back up and into her room, pretend as if she had never left. But then J.T. would be gone and how long until he was even going to come back? Besides, she wouldn't have had to do this at all if her parents had just agreed to let her go! Her mother had been more than adamant about her staying home, insisting she wasn't "old enough" and was "too much of a child". But it was very unfair; there were kids half her age going out there and journeying all over. And she wouldn't have even had to go alone!

In the end, neither of her parents had agreed, their assertiveness on her staying only increasing with what happened last night. She had slept through most of the incident but was awakened by the agitated tones a few hours' previous. Her parents had been talking it over, some sort of attack on Professor Oak's lab. If she had had any hope of them changing their minds in the morning, that had been decimated in light of the situation. But that didn't even relate to her--it wasn't as if she was going to run into whoever committed that crime. And wouldn't it be safer to move away from the incident than stay so close?

Regardless, she had made her decision at that moment. She had a large backpack on her back, her trusty messenger back at her side. She had taken care to bring a few changes of clothes but had been unable to snatch any large amounts of food from the kitchen. She bit her lip, perhaps this was going to be a little bit of a burden on J.T. She didn't exactly have any money on her right now. Sure, she knew the account that her parents had set up for her when she eventually did leave but there had been no time to access it. And she was pretty sure that if she didn't withdraw the money soon and her parents discovered she had left, then that account would be cut off.

Evee was attempting a dangerous escapade, but she was sure that once she proved that she was fine, that she could survive, her parents would definitely see how wrong they'd been to keep her inside!

The sheets gave a sharp rip and she looked up, noticing that her weight had caused a small tear to appear. She loosened the portion around her wrist a little before taking a deep breath and letting go of her firm grip in order to slide down faster. The fall only lasted a few seconds, the girl taking the sheets back in her hands a few moments before she skidded to the ground. Releasing her breath, she dropped down. Somewhere in all of that, her cottonee had lept off of her shoulders and was happily gliding down towards her while flapping its leaf arms.

"Now's not the time, Mr. Cotton," She said, holding out her arms so that it could land in them. The creature complied, mewling a little. Hm, that name didn't have the ring she wanted but for now, it was the best she had. There would be no point in trying to rip off the sheets--her parents would be smart enough to know she hadn't been taken. Besides, leaving evidence behind would be the only way she could make it up to them--so they'd know she had just left and not gotten hurt.

She pushed her bangs away from her eyes, looking at the sky. It was still relatively early in the morning, had J.T. left yet? She had no way of knowing but she couldn't afford to linger. She had made up her mind and she was going to have to stick with it. Part of her couldn't believe her excellent luck. Normally her parents were very light sleepers and they would've heard the scuffle of movement she had made. Perhaps she had just gotten very fortunate today!

She adjusted her things, casting one more look at her home over her shoulders before hurrying towards the entrance of the town. If she moved quick enough, she might be able to catch up with him. Or make a good headstart. Either way, she wouldn't be coming back home in the immediate future.