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Snippet #2387191

located in The Ark, a part of The Ark, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Ark



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Character Portrait: Valerie Rush Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick
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0.00 INK

13 Years Ago
The FitzPatrick Household

"Ryan!" A voice called out his name. Naturally his eleven-year-old (twelve pretty soon) mind ignored it. Samuel was sitting next to him on the couch. He was the one that actually looked back. He turned to Ryan, and elbowed him. Ryan flinched, blinking as he tore his eyes away from the screen.

"What?" he asked distractedly.

"Your mom wants you." Samuel said, in an even tone as always.

"Yes mother?" Ryan called out in a perfect British accent. A slightly muffled reply came back down the stairs.

"Sam has to leave at 9:30. State's doing neighborhood security checks again."

"Sure mom." He turned back to Samuel. "You heard that right?"

Samuel just stared at him.

"Right." They both turned back to the Holo-Viewer. Ryan switched through channels with a wave of his hand. They landed on the livestream of someone playing a new post-apocalyptic video game. The commentator was currently panicking and his character was currently trying to beat back a wave of zombies with a baseball bat. It was not looking good. Out of the blue Ryan asked,

"You think there's going to be a zombie apocalypse?" The response from Sam was near automatic.

"Well, with all this media about the subject, some crazy will probably try to start it."

"So you think it's going to happen? Do you think you would survive?" Ryan returned his eyes from the screen. Against all odds the character was running, no, limping away from a pile of dead zombies. The commentator was singing a victory song. Sam and Ryan shared a laugh when the character died by tripping on a rock.

"We're both teens. We're invincible." Sam retorted. "But if I do die, I definitely do not want to go out like that."

Present Day
The Ark
Ryan's Quarters

"Sam, I am a field operative. That means I work with other field operatives. Not scientists. Not that I have anything against them." He paused. "Wait, how much do scientists get paid again?" His HUD sounded with "Samuel Denton; Tachyon Executive"'s reply. Not to be confused with "Sam Tanner; The Bionic Leg Man".

"Research and Development want you to do more testing on the Adaptive Camouflage, without the Exoskeleton. All our main scientists are on shore currently."

"Without the exoskeleton? That means I would need another scientis-oh." Ryan sighed. "Fine, who's the unlucky contestant?" A picture, name, Room, and Lab number popped up on his HUD.

"Dr. Valerie Rush, PhD, will be assisting you in testing. She is the Head Technician for the General Management System, and will correct any errors in the coding." After further study, Ryan spoke up.

"Why are her eyes red? That is..." Ryan tried to find the appropriate word. "Awesome. I want red eyes. Win any staring contest I want to." Well, he did anyway. It was because he was very skilled in the art of staring contests. And also maybe because his HUD was a gas-mask type thing that totally obscured his face, but mostly the former.

"She suffers from Albinism, Ryan. Bring your firearms, R&D also wants results on the how Camouflage interacts with complex objects. Mr. Simmons wants to do some remote diagnostics on the Exoskeleton. Leave the M.C.E. in your room. "

"He always runs diagnostics. Doesn't he trust me with it?"

"I wouldn't." Came the short reply.

A Call Disconnected flashed before in his eyes. Ryan grinned to himself. He stretched and rotated his shoulders. He retrieved his guns from his safe. He stole a quick look at himself at the old-school mirror. The only part you could really see of his body, well, was nothing. The underbody of his MCE pretty much covered the rest of what his HUD didn't. Even without the it, he looked like he belonged in a war zone. Ryan wouldn't look entirely out of place in a 1950's sci-fi flick. He would be able to scare away any chick he wanted to.

"Ryan FitzPatrick, glorified bouncer." He smiled to himself. "Doesn't get any better than this."

So many room numbers. Ryan thought to himself. When things like these start getting in the thousands It makes a person wonder about their efficiency. He came to the one he was looking for. He knocked on the door. His HUD indicated how long the person was in the room, which supposedly made criminals easier to catch, but Ryan thought was a little creepy. Finally realizing the number, and active hours, his eyebrows raised under his mask.

Holy... She's been awake for that long? Ten points for dedication. He heard a muffled "Come in" and he complied. He nearly tripped on the way in, but recovered quickly. He was sure she hadn't seen it, but he spoke up regardless.

"Doctor Rush, I was wondering if you had the time to help a few of us out on the Tachyon collaboration?" He tried to sound formal, but he mostly sounded embarrassed. He mentally kicked himself. So much for great first impressions.

The walk there was uneventful, although he did get some stares from passers-by (probably because he was carrying weapons in the open), but they did reach their destination. Dr. Rush and the toher scientists exchanged some pleasantries and introductions, it was then Ryan realized he hadn't introduced himself. He guessed it didn't matter. She had more important, scientific stuff to worry about, right? He attached the Camouflage and assumed various positions.

A an hour passed, Ryan tensed halfway through doing a position. He heard screaming, and it wasn't Pancake Day. He then realized he hadn't eaten. Smart. Real smart. Small, random debris fell from some of the upper levels, pulling him out of his thinking. Four people burst open through doors on the far side, panic obvious on their faces. Dr. Rush approached them, talking to one named, apparently named "Stan". He grabbed his guns and holstered them, flicking the safety off on all of them, and powering down the Camouflage in turn. He arrived by Dr. Rush's side when "Stan" had a seizure and collapsed.

Ryan quickly motioned everyone away. Against most people's better judgement, he bent over the twitching body. Call me crazy, but I don't think this the small pox. He stood, still next to it. He turned to the mix of people gathered wide-eyed near him. He spoke quickly and with purpose.

"Get off this floor and to the nearest security safehouse. I'll try to get this guy to medical." The group separated, the four running for the stairs, the other scientists grabbing equipment and following suit. Dr. Rush just stood there, clutching her laptop. Ryan barely noticed as he tried to open a comm with Tanner. He spoke out loud, not bothering to use the subvocal sensors.

"Yo. Sam, talk to me." Nothing. "Sam?" A Connection Attempt Failed flashed on his HUD. He swore under his breath and tried connecting to GM. He finally noticed Dr. Rush still standing there. Before he could tell her to go with the others, he connected. Strange.

"What can I do for you, Officer FitzPatrick?"

"Can you connect me to Sam Tanner?" A pause.

"No." Was the curt response. Ryan blinked and frowned. Not that anyone could see, of course.

"OK, then... can you tell me what's going on? Give me a Sitrep?"

"I don't want to answer that question." Ryan sighed, exasperated.

"GM, do not go all HAL 9000 on me! As much as I love Space Odyssey, the movie didn't well for the crew!" Ryan disconnected. He turned to Dr. Rush. "On second thought Doc, you may want to have a conversation with GM, she's acting all moody. Y'know girl-to-girl. She is a girl, right? She has the voice. Was she-" Ryan was interrupted by Stan suddenly grabbing his ankle with a "GARAAAGHH!". Ryan's knee-jerk reaction from his training caused him to promptly slam his heel into Stan's bloody face. He barely caught himself from doing it again. He stepped back.

"Oh. Uh, sorry about that." Ryan apologized. Stan stumbled to his feet. He lifted his his head, nose bleeding and blooding pouring from his mouth. His pupils were white. Ryan starting backing away, and pushed Dr. Rush behind him. Stan was breathing heavily, and grinding his teeth. Ryan spoke up again.

"Hey, I said I was sorr-" Staninstein charged them, roaring as he went. Ryan drew his pistol just in time for a desk to fall from one of the upper levels. A thud accompanied by a sickening crunch made him flinch. Blood splattered the wall opposite of the duo. A partially crushed decapitated head rolled of a stop near Ryan's feet, it's mouth still working. He holstered his pistol and stared at the scene.

"Well. That's rather... unfortunate."