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Snippet #2432279

located in The Forgotten World, a part of Crowns and Empires, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Forgotten World



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Character Portrait: Moloch Markus
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Moloch Markus

“Tears For Kallias”


Eirene, Moloch’s Captain of the Guard, came in to check up on Moloch. He was still hidden away in the Drake City castle, shut up into his room. She knocked on his door and heard no reply. After a few attempts and moments without an answer she invited herself in. There was Moloch sprawled out across his bed clothe only in his black night trousers, a bottle of Drake’s most potent wine fastened to his hand. Moloch wept quietly. Eirene couldn’t easily look upon her king in this state. She cleared her throat aloud after gathering herself.


“Ahem, My lord. Are you alright? I have asked for you yet no one had heard from you all day. I still have not received any report from Lady Liloon.” Eirene spoke hesitantly.

Moloch did not sit up, tears fell from his eyes. “Has Kallias not awakened from death’s slumber? If your answer is neigh then peace be as far from me as the Kingdom of Wa and weeping doth cradle my heart tonight.” Moloch slowly rolled over in his bed so that he was facing the canopy of his bed, only to guzzle more of the potent wine.

“Leave me Eirene… I long not to live but desire to die!!! Even if only to see his face alive and warm again… my brother….” Moloch cried intensely.

“When they killed my father and mother they stabbed out my heart… Kallias was love, warmth, compassion and all things truly blessed by the nature of our holy Lila, goddess of love, desire, friendship, and bonds.” Moloch struggled to continue as he sobbed.

“He was half my heart… and that demon saw fit to take him too? Now I have found myself fool enough to have sent the other half of my grief filled heart to the South Atlantic… Pray thee Eirene tell me please Liloon is not in the hands of death but walks in life and good fortune!! Please…” Moloch begged Eirene hysterically.

Eirene did not know what to do. She rushed toward her majesty and sat on the edge of his bed. She had never seen him so destroyed before. He was always so strong and fortified but now vulnerable was an understatement. Most people never saw him in such a state. Eirene had once heard of a common belief in Wa that when people are consumed with such a powerful negative emotion like grief, jealousy, hatred, and or anger, they risk transforming into a demon. Eirene never really believed in such tales but Moloch was starting to make her a bit of a believer. She sat him up in his bed as he looked at her with tear filled red eyes. “As I regretfully reported, Lady Liloon has yet to send word.”

Moloch felt as if all hope had abandoned him. His eyes lowered in defeat and rested upon the sight of Eirene’s dagger affixed to her waist belt. He quickly pulled the dagger from her belt and pushed her off off of the bed. Moloch swiftly brought the dagger to his throat and paused. “I shall take back my heart in death. I shall now diminish and commend myself to the four Fates of death and judgement… Kalias… wait for me…” Just as Moloch was about to slit his throat a large fist swiftly connected with Moloch’s stomach causing the Drake King to double over in pain.


Eirene watched in shock as Captain Cassus leader of the mercenary pirates, the Sea Vultures, pushed the doubled over king onto his back and easily pried the dagger from Moloch’s hand. Cassus now sat himself on top of the Drake King and placed the dagger point over Moloch’s heart. He began to apply minimal pressure. “Please tell me I serve not a weak hearted king. For if your reply is yea I shall serve this fool’s king a death most dishonorable. Death in this manner shall not only guarantee that you shall not see Lord Kallias in the after realm but suffer miserably by judgment of the Fates. I’d hate to have to bestow such an end to a king I respect. Answer me with a renewed vigor of the heart, for the man before me is not in the image of my king.” Cassus seldom showed respect to leadership but he respected Moloch and hated to see him any less than his best. He awaited the reply of his king.

“You serve a strong hearted king indeed.” Moloch replied stoically. He was gripped by the powerful eyes of Cassus which locked onto Moloch’s eyes for dear life. It was as if Cassus was pouring his own spirit and strength into the Drake king. “I shall not give up. For Kallias’ sake, for my Father and mother, for Drake City.” Moloch breathed heavily.

“You forgot one person your majesty, yourself.” Cassus said sternly. He ceased to apply pressure to Moloch’s heart with the dagger and tossed it into one of the room’s corners. He rose from sitting on the Drake King and helped him off of the bed and to his feet. “As the cat is said to have nine lives, so doth the spirit of the mercenary pirate. I have given you one, do not waste it Drake King.” Cassus looked upon Moloch sternly. “Avenge Lord Kallias properly. If he has favor with the Fates he will find a second chance on this earth in the life of another. You have to finish the task before you.” Cassus managed to smile minutely at Moloch. “Now to why I initially sought your counsel. The mercenaries have a reply to your summons. We have decided to exhaust every effort to see to it that Drake City conquers the South Atlantic in the war to come, given the proper compensation pending our victory.”

Moloch was beginning to pull himself together. He let out a deep sigh. “Thank you Captain. For your support and for the extra life. I assure you I will not waste such a rare and precious gift. Such is the reason I must persevere. I want you to work more closely to me, in a more official capacity, even if only for the duration of the war. My knights could use training under you to fine tune their skill set. What say you?”

Moloch was beginning to seem more himself. He had never had such an encounter with Cassus before. He now respected Cassus to a much higher degree than before almost too much for Moloch’s own comfort. Moloch was always trying to remain strong in the face of overwhelming adversity. It was not often that he was around someone that made him feel not as strong and that he needed to push himself harder. Khal Jinn also gave Moloch a similar filling. This wasn’t just a matter of strength but of heart and character.

Cassus smirked, “You can count me in. However, this shall not be without price. I am at your command for the duration of the war your majesty. If you excuse me.” Cassus turned toward the door and placed a hand on Eirene’s shoulder before he exited.

“Don’t you ever pull a stunt like that again Lord Moloch or so help me!!” Eirene threatened angrily.

Moloch sat down on the edge of his bed. “My apologies Eirene. I promise you’ll never witness me in such a state again.” Moloch began to ponder in his usual fashion. “Perhaps I’ve shut myself away in mourning for too long. It’s time I journey. First we meet Liloon. We leave tonight. Summon Cassus, I want him to accompany me as well. You man things here.”

“You’re going to waltz into the South Atlantic?! Have you lost it?” Eirene was one of the few who could address Moloch in such a manner.

“You know my affinity for disguise. Liloon taught me remember. I shall not go as the Drake King, but as a travelling Bard accompanying a weapons merchant, Cassus. Only few know my face to be that of the Drake King. I’ll be fine. Beside Cassus is more than capable, we’d make a armada of a team if confronted.” As Moloch explained his plot Eirene looked angrier. “Relax… We’re only going to find Liloon and bring her home. I’m not risking the other half of my heart, not after the loss of Kallias.”

Eirene sighed, “Alright, I agree. If losing a so called half of your heart causes you to act out in such a way then I’ll do anything to ensure that you don’t. Just be careful and Don’t act in surprise if you find you’re being followed by a few of my men.”

“Great, we agree then. Send for Cassus at once. He set sail for the South Atlantic as soon as possible.” Moloch said with a confident smile.