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Snippet #2440562

located in Upper Brookfield, a part of The Day We Die, one of the many universes on RPG.

Upper Brookfield



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Haring Character Portrait: Paige Parker Character Portrait: Amber Breth Character Portrait: Lacy Harvelle
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Paige was the first to respond, making a light chuckle. A bitter sort of shame washed though Vi's psyche- come on, she knew she couldn't rely on anyone when it came to Super Hero Violet! Wasn't that more than obvious? If they knew, they'd reject her, wouldn't they? Both the girls, and the guys too. None of them were allowed to know that she was a fighter. Scowling as she narrowed her eyes into something of a squint, Vi ignored Paige to idly stare at the window; glazed eyes not really taking in the environment. Idiot, such an idiot to have brought it up.

After some time, the awkward silence ended- Paige, seemingly recognizing her mistake (or was it a mistake? Vi wasn't sure.... but maybe she just realized that the guitar girl wasn't making a joke at all.) and she broke the silence, with a different tone, shrugging. "Umm." She looked somewhat hesitant, but continued anyways, making Vi sharply turn her gaze over. "No. I would actually say she's awesome. Kinda like a superhero, maybe." Almost as if to match with Vi's eyes, Paige's glance met Violet's almost-glare. "Why?" Paige finished, but before Vi could gather her thoughts, she heard Lacey and some car of testosterone addled idiots up ahead, screaming stupid shit that didn't matter. Vi clenched her fist in annoyance- why did it have to be those idiots? Why the hell did the trash try to, well, get to know this little group -minus Cora, that artsy freaky person- while the one she wanted, Nate, utterly blocked each and every one of her advances. The irony was great, wasn't it? Finally, the horny bastards left, and Lacey turned to Vi after making another joke to the beauty of the group- that Amber, man, attracting boys everywhere- snugly seated in shotgun.

"Anyways!" Lacey said, making it a trio of girls looking at each other. "What were you saying, Vi, before you were so rudely interrupted?"

Vi shrugged noncommittally. If she was careful, she could still salvage this, and not have to deal with trying to hide the ugly side of her- only really wanting to show the energetic self that they loved... or, at least, claimed to love. But, of course, thinking wasn't really her thing, was it? Angry at herself and at the two assholes that had hurt Brit- damn Ryan and Vic, no way in hell will they get out in one piece - she just wanted to vent her frustrations by smashing their stupid smug faces and keep them from bullying the pathetic member of the team.

"Some.. some fucktards just deserve it, that's all." Vi muttered angrily. "Just was wonderin' how nice it'd be if someone beat the shit out of 'em and then tore them new assholes."

She let out a bitter laugh. "Screw that- just, dunno, break their spines or something." Her mouth twitched, threatening to grin. She now knew what she wanted to do to the bullies. Smashing their backs in with a metal pipe and leaving them to be cripples, isn't that a worthy punishment? So, she decided to change the topic, lest the other girls suddenly notice her thought. "So, Amber." She sneered dryly. "You got like, a magic potion that makes all the guys run to you?" Stretching her arms above her shoulders; "Man, it'd be nice if we all got one'a those."

After choosing their outfits; it was party time. Vi was, honestly a bit nervous, in her somewhat casual-yet-a little punk outfit of hers. Poking lightly at the cat ears sewn onto the pullover she was wearing, she sighed. What the hell was the use of a party, when there we- hmm. Well, she could always try to seduce Nate, right? And blame it on the drinks. Oh, and dance with him. Licking her lips a little, she wondered exactly, how to dance? She always thought that shit was for the more girly of girls- not for someone like her. So, there was that. But otherwise, whatever. This might be her chance to make Nathan notice at long last, that she's a girl.

The music was already loud and booming, and the faint smell of liquor was more than obvious. Following the other girls in- and silently thinking that they all looked prettier than she did, Vi almost walked in, until she felt a tap on her shoulder. One of the guys who was just hanging around outside- maybe waiting for a girl? Her eyes snapped to him- and he felt like a Jeff, for some reason.

"Don't remember your name on the invite list." Maybe-Jeff said, with a chuckle. Red boiled under Vi's skin, but with her friends still close, she had to restrain herself. So, she decided to chew on her lip- accidentally going too hard and breaking the skin there; a few blood droplets being seen. "Freak. We wanted a fun party, for the, y'know, cool people. Losers like you don't belong here."

Violet turned away, trembling with anger, when she was pulled back by maybe-Jeff again. And now she recognized him- she beat him down about a year ago, more or less. She didn't remember exactly what it was for, but she was sure he deserved it.

"Pissed 'bout losing to a girl?" Violet said venomously, faking a punch to the face- and sure enough, maybe-Jeff flinched back. Vi then shoved her face into his, grinning nastily. "Fuck off. You aren't the one I'm fighting, tonight."

Hearing maybe-Jeff mutter 'freak' behind her, Violet walked in, and forced her way through the crowd to get at the beer. Couldn't pretend to be drunk if she didn't have a few sips, right?