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Snippet #2444567

located in Founders Academy, a part of School Rumble, one of the many universes on RPG.

Founders Academy

an academy for gifted students.


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Character Portrait: Annabella Jefferson
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Annabella Jefferson
Bendy: Campus Grounds / Common Rooms

Nothing ever changed, it was always the same. Life was nothing but a broken record stuck on repeat. It could almost be referred to as a prison, which one was stuck in while knowing that people were on the outside, living the life that they no longer would. The difference was that life had always been hell, this term of happiness was something made up to either taunt those around that didn't have it or manipulate those that thought they did. What was happiness? Nothing, it didn't exist. It was all a sham, this school, society, people, everything. Behind everything was a real motive, was the truth. Behind this school they wanted some kind of control of the students, students who offered something to someone or some place something that they would have otherwise not had. Behind most people were ulterior motives, because people were selfish and greedy and only want to please themselves. And society, behind the glorified people of the world were pitiful beings being assisted and lead by those in lesser power.

She always wondered how this school started. In her mind it would have been perfectly doable for a person with abilities to teach themselves how to use them properly given enough self discipline. Putting a bunch of people with various powers together just seemed like trouble waiting to happen. Throw in some rules and what was that? Disaster waiting to happen, generally when people saw rules they would want nothing more than to break them. This school over the years seemed to slowly change, and she had heard various things of how the focus went from academic to more field work and hands on things. She hated this school more and more each year, as she worried for her future. She would have loved to become a photographer, but now she felt like the school was training her to be a soldier. Were they really intending on just having them master their abilities?

Bella stared blankly at the headmistress as she recited the same speech which she did every year. She had almost put herself on auto pilot, her words falling on deaf ears and her movements and gestures seen but not processed. There were only so many times you could listen to this speech without it making you wanting to fall asleep. Bella actually knew this speech by heart, it always boggled her mind why they didn't just have the speech for new students. She was sure that they knew most people we're tuned out and not listening, even the new students. She looked briefly over the heads of the students in front of her and to those around her, clearly no one had any idea what she was saying. When she was finally done with her long winded speech, Bella picked up her things and started to head towards the dorms. This of course would take her longer as she had chosen a seat in the back of the room and she was running into the mass of student traffic.

Bella started to push through all the students, some of them giving her looks or swearing at her, as soon as she looked at them however, most of them quieted down and went on their way. This was common for her, as most people generally kept their distance from her or people around her. Bella generally had an odd expression on her face which was translated into things such as
'I don't play well with others', 'I'm emotionally unstable, 'Come near me and I'll kill you.' However, these weren't always the things she meant to communicate with people. She generally had an emotionless look on her face though a very sinister look in her eyes. Bella was now a rank three student, which no one ever thought truly impressive. If you were not at the top of the ranks you were still as little as if you were at the bottom or at least to most people. It also never worked in her favor that she had many times at this school in which she lashed out at people around her. People had good reason to keep their distance from her, and she generally liked it that way.

However, this god forsaken school always placed people on teams or in groups, all of them with an instructor. Her last group was a mess, they didn't know how to make the best of their powers or use them in such as way that they complimented each other. She hated being in groups in general because that meant at times she had to rely on others. And others, well they were not to be trusted nor were they dependable. One had to take care of themselves and do everything themselves if it were to be done right. At the end of the year the year before she was pulled off her team for breaking school rules, when what had really happened was her teammates harassed her to the point of snapping and they temporarily ended up losing eyesight. Her instructor wasn't behind her at all, but that was no surprise. This year she had a new instructor, she knew of him but had never really encountered him or spoken to him before. The instructors at this place were all very different, some of them she thought shouldn't even be instructors at all as they acted more like students and lacked that general sense of purpose and maturity most teachers should have.

When she made it to the dorm areas she felt a bit more at ease, it was a lot quieter than the room before, she hated being surrounded by large amounts of people and much more she hated overwhelming noise. While her senses were not constantly enhanced, she still was more sensitive to everything than the average person. She passed several rooms which doors were slightly open as if to welcome the new dormmate which would soon enter. This is definitely not something that you would see her doing, she despised the fact that she had to share a space with her team member or members. The rooms were always separated, they were suites to be exact but she would have rather been off far from the other in her own little room where no one could bother her. This school had this silly rule, which didn't allow opposite genders in each others room, meanwhile they had opposite genders sharing suites. Funny.

When she made it to the rank three building she was disgusted at how different it was than the rank two buildings. They were rewarding those with more experience or stronger abilities with better living situations and it was disgusting. Even this building was lavish for her, considered to what she had to live with or in in the past, everything was extravagant. Everything was otherwise unnecessary, but she was sure no one else felt that way. How she got in this school to begin with was different than most. She didn't show up at the school wanting to be part of it, she wasn't brought to the school by loving parents. What were loving parents anyways? A pure myth. People were delusional. She didn't quite remember how she got here, but she was told that someone brought her when they found her blacked out on the street. She was told she was combative with this person when they came to the school with her they were in mysterious pain. She remembers none of this, or how she ended up on the street at all.

Bella didn't bother looking at her teams information, she had only interest enough to look at the information of her instructor. She would find out about them soon enough. They would probably walk in introducing themselves or doing something juvenile like asking about powers, on the other hand she has mostly herself experienced a greeting of complete silence or awkwardness as soon as she makes eye contact. Whichever would happen was debatable. She found her suite and unlocked it, apparently she was the first to get there. She chose to go straight towards what she would decide was her room, and sat on the bed within it, swinging her bag over her shoulder and placing it upon it. She looked around the room for places she could stash what she considered important belongings, and made note of them. "Just another year of the same thing of the rest of our lives". She said monotonously to herself.