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Snippet #2457789

located in Raven's Nest, a part of Shadows of The Forgotten, one of the many universes on RPG.

Raven's Nest

Camp of the former Black Guard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Turner Character Portrait: Ess Character Portrait: Darren Hearst
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Nineteen Days After the Ball

Darren arrived into the Raven’s Nest just after sunset, a bit later than he meant to due to his frequent breaks and the encounter with the dark haired stranger. He didn’t want to admit it but he was experiencing dizzy spells, however slight. They were enough to caution him but not enough to hold him to the White Shadows. He had stayed longer than he should of and yet, not nearly as long as he wanted to. His thoughts dwelled on his stay, causing him to walk a bit blindly into the Nest.

Darren couldn’t remember the last time he slept so much and he probably would have slept through an entire day if he didn’t awaken to voices in the tent beside his. Glancing around to gather his things he realized his weapons were no where to be found. He figured it would just be another excuse to speak with Annie as he was sure they were being kept someone for the safety of the camp.

Early morning rays of light temporarily blinded Darren as he stepped out of the tent and quietly crept to peek into the tent next door. His eyes softened when he saw an elderly man reaching for a pitcher of water he had accidentally knocked over, about ready to fall off his cot. Darren quietly stepped in and gently placed a hand upon the man’s shoulder, helping him to steady himself upon the cot. “I’ll get that. Did you need more water? I can find you some more, just don’t tip over while i’m gone, ok?” The man responded with a smile, leaning back to wait patiently for Darren to return. The boy only had to ask once where to find water, not knowing if there was a well or another source to search for. On his way back he peeked into a few open tents, his mind memorizing who looked like they needed blankets, water, or other simple accommodations that someone like Darren would have no problem assisting them with.

He returned to the old man reaching for a tattered book from a bedside table causing Darren to sigh. “I wasn’t gone that long Guy, was I?” He chuckled, refilling the pitcher and a glass, handing it to the man before reaching for the book and placing it on the cot beside him. Darren’s eyes flashed with an image, but he pushed it aside, focusing on controlling his enlightenment.

“Sydney..” The white haired man whispered. “..Are you one of the apprentices?” He coughed, spitting up some water before catching his breath and resting his hand upon the book. “I swore I knew all of them..”

“No, Sydney.” Darren smiled and bowed his head respectively. “..I’m Darren..I’m a patient, same as you but I’ll be heading out soon.”

“ that case son, you mind reading to an old man? I can’t see the words so good anymore, even if I know them by heart.” Sydney chuckled, his breath raspy and burdened.

“Sure. Give me a bit, I got some particulars to take care of and I’ll make this my last stop before I leave, ok?”

Most of the patients were well attended to and Darren found that besides food and water and the occasional extra blanket that was desired, something as simple as a friendly smile was the most helpful in his bed side manners. People didn’t like being treated as if they were sick or looked
upon with pity and Darren didn’t feel pity. He was empathetic to their situation and knew that encouraging them to rest and eat would give them that strength they needed to heal and go home. Even if they were terminal, Darren didn’t know that. He treated every one of them the same.

Darren snickered at the curious glances he received from a couple healers in passing as they entered a tent Darren had just left. They had helped him, no questions asked, so he figured he could at least do the same in return. His smile faded when he heard a scream only paces ahead coming from Sydney’s tent but it was not from the old man but of a woman. Darren picked up his pace only to discover what he had thought to be a frail, shaky, old man was now standing wide-eyed with an empty and lost stare, his hands firmly squeezing around a woman’s throat.

“A little help here
” Darren called over his shoulder in urgency as he stepped towards the man. “Sydney...what are you doing? What happened here old timer?”

“Get away from me! She deserves it! She tried to poison me!” The man yelled hysterically.

“ one is trying to poison you...let her go..” Darren calmly whispered, his eyes darting from the man to the woman who was now turning purple, her frantic fingers that were clawing at her neck to be released, growing limp. “I came back to read to you..remember?”

Sydney looked away from the woman and stared at Darren in confusion. “..Who...are you? I’ve never seen you before in my life! This one though..” He turned back to the woman, his expression saddening, “She has been slowly poisoning me...making me weaker

Darren used the man’s minimal distraction to inch closer, swinging him forearm hard in a downward fashion, colliding into Sydney’s arm to break his hold slightly, twisting behind the man and intertwining his arms up and around the man’s as he pried him off the woman. She instantly fell to the floor, gasping and coughing through a groan. “Don’t

Darren clamped down, locking his hands behind the man’s head to hold him steady as he thrashed and yelled in defiance. “Come on Sydney, calm down..”

“Don’t...hurt my Father...he doesn’t know..” She whispered.

Darren froze, staring blankly at the girl upon the ground as two more healers rushed in to sedate Sydney. He hadn’t realized it before. How could he have known though? The man’s mind was gone. Sydney didn’t even recognize his own daughter and had just tried to kill her, convinced in his paranoia that she was trying to hurt him.

The daughter was carried away to recover from the ordeal while Sydney was placed back in his bed, the sedative working quickly to calm him.

“..It’s some sort of dementia...another symptom from whatever is afflicting enlightened..” One of the healers stated, his tone void of emotion as if he was reading directly from a textbook.

“..Let me guess...his enlightenment is increased strength? Maybe you should think about added security for this guy for when he relapses..” Darren grunted, catching his breath. The two men nodded before leaving Darren with Sydney to go about their duties for the morning. Darren sighed, noticing the tattered book open upon the floor and slowly picked it off the ground. He scanned over the pages for a bit before settling down in a chair, resting the book in his lap to read aloud to the man as he had promised. Sydney’s eyes had closed but a subtle smile curled his lips as he occasionally mouthed the words of the story Darren read, reciting them before Darren even spoke them. He did know the book by heart, but not because he had read it so many times. It was because, as Darren gradually discovered, it wasn’t just any story. It was a journal of the man’s life. He was trying to remember; trying to hold onto those distant moments.

Darren’s eyes glistened at the realization, a single tear falling which he quickly wiped away. That was when he noticed Annie standing outside the tent, watching him. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Darren closed the book and looked over the sleeping man for a moment to confirm he wouldn’t wake. He stood, replacing the book on the chair where he had sat. “Guess it’s that time
” He stretched his arms and neck, thinking he sat in that position for too long. “I’m glad I got to see you before I left. I wanted to thank you and ask you something. Would it be alright if I write you? I’m just not sure when I’ll be back and I hope when I do return it is not as a patient. May I visit again?”

Darren broke from his thoughts, distracted by the familiar sound of someone sparring except he only heard one person; a woman. Deterring from the path, he veered in that direction, putting off his initial goal of reporting immediately to the Captain once he was inside camp. Quietly, Darren approached a small and secluded campfire at the base of a rock wall, walking past two of the Captain’s men who were chuckling in disbelief.

“What is she pounding on now? You said she shredded that thing.” One of the men laughed, pulling the hood to his cloak further forward to cover his face.

“Aiden asked me to fix it..but there was no fixing it so I made her another one. Better than the guy’s face, right?” The other man snickered, glancing up at Darren and shaking his head in a warning fashion, disapproving of where Darren was headed. “It’s best to wait til it quiets, buddie. She’s not as scary after about an hour and she’s only just started. She’s riled up, that one.”

Darren paused, quirking a brow. “...Who...oh, you mean the redhead? Uh..Essence. Jake’s friend.” The man winked and smiled brightly. “I’ve never been hit by a woman in my life. I’m not about to break that streak. Besides..” He paused listening a moment before continuing. “It sounds like she’s putting too much effort to get the same result..” Darren nodded and continued walking towards Ess’ camp, spotting the giant Oak first at the treeline, breaking his silent steps by purposely stepping on twigs and the such to let her know of his approach. She only slowed her pace a moment as if to listen but she never stopped her fists from thrashing the sandbag that hung from a branch of the Oak. Once in view, Darren’s smile faded and his expression was replaced by pure confusion. It wasn’t a woman he saw tearing apart that sandbag, but an older, redheaded, freckled faced man. The grunts and muffled screams of aggravation were still of a woman’s which intensified Darren’s confusion.

“..Waait. I’m a bit confused. I was expecting Miss Talon.” Darren smirked as the figure stopped and looked at him in pure annoyance, throwing up his/her hands in defeat.

“ happened again? Bloody Twins
” Essence growled, bending down to dunk her face into a bucket of water, the jolt of the cold shaking her from her illusion and calming her slightly.

Darren laughed, trying to hide his amusement at the same time. “Are you really a man pretending to be a woman, or is that your real form? Does Jake know his redhead is a man?” Darren teased, attempting to make light of the woman’s annoyance.

Ess’ eyes darkened in anger but she paused a moment before chuckling coldly. “Are people still betting on that? I told them I can only promise I am a woman, the rest is up to them.” She teased with a shrug.

“Was that who you were trying to punish there? Is that why you went from those good punches to what I saw as wimpy, half assed punches?” Darren partially teased, taking a cautionary step back.

Still catching her breath some, Ess reached for a glass, dunking it into the bucket and gulping down some water before answering Darren. “Half assed? Well..yea maybe...It’s been a long day. You would know though, right kid? Jake said you use to fight and people would bet on you, yes? So does that make you a professional punching bag?” A devilish smile spread across her lips. “Mind if I have a go?”

Darren took another step back and laughed, leaning against the backside of the Oak. Does she just want to punch every guy in the face or something? The boy thought and shook his head. “You forget, I have seen your handy work. Blade or no blade, I think i’m fine all the same in one piece, thank you. Not like what you did to Ebony. Which by the way is why I wanted to actually speak with you for a little while now. You mutilated her before I got any information out of her.”

Ess laughed, her eyes scanning over Darren slowly, inspecting like an insect before settling down beside the fire to dry off. “You’re better off kid. That ..creature..had nothing but poison and lies to give you. You shouldn’t be complaining that she is no more. What do you want to know except the kind of business she ran. Either you were for it..or against it. Plain and simple.” Ess stretched her neck, a distinctive popping sound echoing from her bones. “She only played games...plays people and life as if she was a puppeteer and even faced with that ultimate death, she would never release those secrets she hangs over our heads.” Essence fell quiet, attempting to take in the details of the boy before her that she overlooked in prior encounters. Then again, there were pressing matters of distraction that fogged her mind.

A heavy breath rushed to escape Darren, “That’s what I was just discovering. I never met her before, but she knew who I was. Apparently she was a business partner of my father’s at one point in time, come to find out and my father wasn’t an upstanding guy but to find out he was involved in her line of work.. is kind of..sickening.” Darren stepped around the Oak and kneeled beside the campfire across from Ess. “It’s personal to ask, I know, but I wanted to know how you knew Ebony. What answers are you still searching for? Or has that woman’s death brought you enough satisfaction to quiet that longing to know?”

Ess’ eyes widened, a dangerous glow, brightening as she snapped, “How..dare you..How da-”

Darren snorted, interrupting the woman, “How dare I? I simply asked a question and do not mean offense.”

“..I have killed that woman, twice now!! Yet I still see her snake-like head, slithering out of the ground to crawl into my bed. That, her bite will finally end me instead of slowly draining me. Yes, it has brought some satisfaction...such as you will not understand, but I always want to KNOW. That never stops. That is the never ending problem you will learn one day.” Essence took in a soothing breath to steady herself. “At least she can’t hurt anyone else now..”

“I’m pretty sure she’s dead this time..” Darren snickered, remember how Ess had covered herself in Ebony’s blood from the homicidal rage. “But it appears, even in death she continues to cause harm.” Darren whispered, his stare entranced on Ess’ eyes and how the violet light strobed in unison with her escalated emotions; slowing when she focused on her breathing. It was familiar and haunting at the same time. Essence had been subjected to horrors unimaginable because of that woman, that much was clear. He was trying to be as delicate as possible with the subject to find out if perhaps anything had to do with his own situation. If he had family she knew about. It was time to give a little, just like he had done with Annie.

“Essence...I found out that I may or may not still having living siblings..all from different mothers that were not my own. From the puzzle pieces I’ve been given, I can see some of the picture, but there’s still gaps. My father would pay Ebony to impregnate women, trying to have a son and apparently there were many..failures. I don’t know if there are any still living because it seems they were either killed or Ebony was allowed to absorb the failures into or they were sold.” Darren’s face turn slightly pale as he spoke, searching the woman’s face for answers as she took in the information. “My understanding is that this..activity..stopped after I was born.” Darren scoffed in disgust and irritation. “He finally got his son..”

“..Sold? Absorbed? You mean they were made to be prostitutes or something else..” Ess breathed almost inaudibly, her eyes no longer glowing, so drained of color those purple irises looked, almost a dark grey. “If you want to know if I may have possibly known anyone that could have potentially been a sister of yours...that I can’t answer. You’ old? I escaped that life about fifteen or so years ago. It’s possible, but I’m sorry..I have no way of knowing..maybe if you had more to go on with names or what they looked like..” Ess stood to add a few logs to the fire, the motions on autopilot as she wasn’t even paying attention to the task. She didn’t even notice how she was now standing beside Darren, as if she was drawn subconsciously to him for an important reason.

“...Unless...Darren....who is your father?” Essence whispered, almost afraid to even ask the question. She could no longer deny the familiar eyes, black curly locs, and warm smile. The similarities were uncanny to Dirk, her own father. The idea made her heart stop, lips parted as she leaned in to listen intently for an answer.

Darren stood so that he was now the one towering over Ess, a curious anxiousness clouding his expression. “Just turned seventeen...I never did tell you my last name, did I? Most know it, which is quite unflattering to be even linked to that man...but it’s not the name that makes the man, right?” With a shrug he answered. “Asher.....Hearst....”

Ess’ eyes narrowed at the name, holding back an instinctive gag like shudder that snuck up on her. She wasn’t sure she believed the boy. It wasn’t just basic denial, or disbelief, but the fact she didn’t see the similarity between the two. ‘Maybe the chin...or nose...’ She thought to herself.

Darren noticed how Ess seemed to pull away, a curious anger crossing her features. Nodding a bit, a frown darkened his face, a mirrored violet of his eyes clouding over the deep blue. “I take it you had the unfortunate luck of knowing the one of the women..?” He bravely asked, his voice losing strength. Tiny beads of sweat appeared along his forehead as he reached out towards Essence, wanting to grasp her hand or brush her cheek. He wanted desperately to know, to confirm the pieces that were fading into view. Darren’s baby blues flickered with a violet glow of their own as he inched forward.

Essence mimicked Darren’s steps, as if they had begun a waltz, eyes soaking in the young man before her like a sponge, her eyes sharing in his violet glow. “....What.....did your father....tell you about your mother, Darren...?” She blurted out, not knowing how to go about this. How would she know for sure? Could it be truly more than a coincidence?

Darren ran his fingers up along the back of his neck and through his curls, looking a bit uneasy, yet he didn’t hesitate to answer, which he did delicately. “...That...she ‘left’ me after I was born, because working as an entertainer...was no place for a child....or something like that....” Darren paused remembering his father’s journal and the twisted way he had described his ‘relationship’ with Darren’s mother. “..I read in this journal of his...that he believed for a time he was actually in love with her...” Darren scoffed, rolling his eyes. “...I saw it as slavery and abuse ...if you ask me...” He paused for a moment, eyes widening as the pieces slowly fell into place. “She curly yours...I assume.” Darren cleared his throat and took a deep breath again, as if searching for strength. “You didn’t answer my question. How did you know my father?”

“You just turned seventeen?” Ess breathed, delaying her answer. Darren only nodded, quirking a brow. With a sigh, Ess cradled her neck as if it pained her to hold her head up high any longer, both hands curled along her neck, fingers tracing along where her spine met her skull. Closing her eyes she relived how she was stolen into that life and finally when she spoke, she recalled the days of Darren’s father.

“Come on out, Essence. Let me get a good look at you before your next visitor.” Ebony commanded, banging obnoxiously against the bedroom door. Slowly the door creaked open, out stepping a painted, live porcelain doll. Standing at about four foot five, the twelve year old girl’s eyes burned a fiery glare into the older woman’s eyes. Short, burgundy curls were tied back loosely from out her eyes where she stood silently, her form clad in hunter green silks that dragged along the floor. It was clear her appearance did not come cheap, yet the trinkets she wore defined her growing girlish features, adding several years to the facade. “Turn around now, Essence...” Ebony didn’t smile, instead a scowl grew in a quiet jealousy of the young girl and her youthful beauty. “...Not bad..” She lied, roughly tugging out the clips in Ess’ hair so that her curls fell along her slender neck. “What did I tell you? Hair down always gives a more alluring look.” Absently she was smoothing out the silks Ess wore, spinning her around again in another inspection. “This one will be different, Essence. Yes you will be his, but not just for a night. He has paid quite handsomely for you to be ‘only’ his and thus it will be until his money runs out, he decides you’re used up, or I kill you.” Ebony shrugged, pulling a strand of her salt n pepper hair from out her eyes, exposing several tired lines against the dark circles. “You will remember what I’ve taught you, yes?” She waited expectantly, tapping her nails against each other.

Ess nodded, letting her gaze fall to her feet. “My feelings don’t matter. What I want doesn’t matter. Only what ‘they’ need or want matters and I will feel only for them and what is expected of me. The eyes are the doorway to the soul and because I have no soul, I fill it with their fantasies and make them believe in the dream...” Her tone was soft, yet void of emotion except her eyes when she looked back up at her Mistress, a hateful fury dissipating to a doll’s stare; empty and cold. Ebony coughed out a raspy laugh, lightly smacking the girl across her cheeks to add some color. “Good litta just don’t forget to smile.” With a shove, Ebony ended her inspection, pushing Ess back inside her room, where she was to wait for her next patron.


Ess didn’t understand what to make of the brown-eyed man, as he simply sat and stared at her curiously. His smile was gentle and he had made no attempt to touch her except when he lightly kissed her hand. Granted, not all the men she encountered were cruel or without dignity, but it was like he was going out of his way to make her comfortable. That first night, he only talked with her; mostly about himself, hinting at his power and influence through money and his business, that which he never went into too much detail. She had never seen him before, yet he spoke on how he had been watching her for some years now, like a distant admirer. He was old enough to be her father, his tone attentive and sweet, his goatee and black hair short and clean with a strange scent that clung to his clothes; a mix of an irony, sugary sweet, earthy aroma with a hint of something burning that she couldn’t put her finger on. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant, mostly because it was subtle, but the smell made a permanent impression in her mind that she would not forget.


Again, he visited the next night, only this time he told her she was to accompany him to a dinner of much importance to him. She was too young to really understand what the business dinner was really about, but it wasn’t her job to either, only to look pretty on his arm. Still she didn’t know his name, but she didn’t speak unless addressed directly, as Ebony had instructed. Her mistress did not like the idea of Ess wandering the city without further supervision, but the man promised Ebony it would not be an issue and to fully compensate if need be. Essence wanted to run, wanted to hit the man in the head and escape, but she simply clung to his side like she belonged, like she had been there all along.

Nobody spoke to Ess while she ate beside her patron, which actually added to her comfort since the stares she received were either of distaste or of a lustful nature. She was apparently safe in the man’s presence, given a great amount of respect and stature compared to the others. As before, he barely laid a finger on her. Even when the night was at a close and she expected to be subjected to the normal degrading acts of her lifestyle, he simply leaned in and kissed her cheek. “You were a breath of fresh air tonight, Ess. If I may make a request of you, perhaps tomorrow you’d wear something in a lavender..? To match those eyes of yours..”

Ess performed as expected, shying away from the compliment and nodded with a slight curtsy. “Anything you desire, it shall be yours..” Tilting her head curiously she spoke up again, out of turn. “Sire...may I ask a question?” Ess knew speaking before given permission was risky but her question was small, and stood with an appealing smile that seemed to weaken the man’s knees. He gestured for her to continue. “What shall I call you?”

For a moment, the man’s eyes darkened and his smile faded but still his tone was gentle as it had been the entire night. “I will allow you to speak to me commonly, it is Asher, my dear.”


Days passed before he finally took her into his bed, mostly because he wanted her to make the move, to request his touch. This was a game Ess was taught early on and so she played the shy innocent girl full of ignorance when she was anything but. She didn’t have much of an opinion of Asher, except that he appeared to be a gentleman and that he liked the illusion of courting her in a dream like love affair. Deep down, a sickening feeling lingered inside of Essence. She smiled, flirted, and moved like a woman. Asher handled her like a woman, and yet she was still a child, forced to grow up too soon.

Ess knew this was different when Asher cradled her against his chest, caressing her silky soft skin, again he kissed her and paused to look at her with something hidden behind his eyes that Ess feared. Still, he was gentle, sweet, caring and even muttered something in her ear about falling for her and that was why he would not allow any other man to touch her. Instinct told her this was wrong, that this was only the calm before the storm but even Ebony bothered her less and less. Ess figured it was because she was making her a small fortune and staying out of trouble, but Asher even protected her against Jasper, and that’s the moment she began to care.
The months that followed, she started to believe the compliments, the way he looked at her like she was the most important thing and nothing else mattered. For the first time she felt like she did matter, and she wasn’t even sure she was acting anymore. Something was changing, a hope was growing inside that maybe her life could be different. Ebony saw this too, only smiling a deceitful grin whenever Ess passed her by, not reacting when Ess spoke out of turn, talked back or was disobedient. She wanted to believe she was growing stronger and that with Asher’s help, that was the influence to keeping Ebony’s abuse at bay, when in reality the woman had something planned; something that would shatter the girl, taking the fight out of her.


Essence didn’t know what was happening. One moment she was chatting away and the next she was huddled in the far corner, between the wall and her bed, protecting her head as she was hit repeatedly. “Please! I swear there is no one else! I swear Asher! She lies, she lies!” Ess screamed, sobbing between punches before she was dragged clear across the floor by her hair, her hands trying to grip her curls, pulling back in order to counter the pain as she felt her scalp begin to bleed.

“I despise other people...touching my things....” Asher spoke coldly, a manic jealousy wild within his eyes. “Haven’t I treated you well? Haven’t I protected you, Ess?”

Blocking another assault she continued to scream defiantly in Asher’s face, spitting blood in his eye. “You still treat me like a a possession....” Again she was hit in the face, blood trickling from her nose.

“You are a Whore,’re MY whore....” Asher stated matter of factly.
Gradually her voice softened when another wave of sobs over took her. “What are you protecting me from?! She wants you to kill the baby Asher! Don’t you see!”

In mid swing, the man came to a sudden halt, fingers uncurling from tightened fists, crouching down beside Ess on the floor. “What did you say?” He whispered, a threatening venom in his voice as he waited for her to answer.

“She knows...your child grows within me....she wants it dead like the others...” Ess whispered, hiding her face in her hands.

Asher stared wide-eyed, silent in his shock for several minutes before a smile broke his icy gaze. Leaning into Ess, he gently wrapped his arms around her, causing her to flinch and shrink back but unable to avoid his embrace. “Shh dear....” He lifted her chin to look into his eyes, her own vacant of color, bloodshot from her tears, still trying to pull away. Gripping her face in his hand he stared. “I swear’s yours....there’s no-”

“Shh, there Essence..” His hand rested lightly upon her belly, lost in momentary thought before he spoke again. “Don’t you worry..I’ve always wanted a child..”

As Darren listened attentively to Essence’s story, he was hypnotized by her pain, feeling as if he were there to witness it all as she went on in vivid detail,not sugarcoating any of it. By the time she had opened her eyes, still in tiny slits causing the glow to stream out in an unnatural bright hue, he had his arms around her, resting his chin gently upon her head. “....They told me he had died...” She muttered sadly, still keeping her composure, strangely not pulling away from the sudden contact of the stranger. But then again, was he really? The contact was enough to validate his suspicions, confirming her story as they clung to each other in silence. He knew in that moment, Ess was the little girl with short red curls, pale doll-like skin, but now her eyes were not hidden. “...I should have known they were purple....the way Asher described their intensity, how they shifted with emotion.....’.I only saw the ocean once, when I was a child....and whenever I looked into that girl’s eyes, I was reminded of the hidden depths and unseen shadows the farther one dove...the more they suffocated. It was frightening...intriguing, and utterly beautiful. As the sun set across the ocean, a purple glow darkened those waters...a mirrored image each time her tears fell.’” Darren smiled in that moment, a chuckle escaping when Ess answered, “...Huh....never thought Asher had a poetic shred of thoughtfulness in him...makes me want to cut out his eyes...”

“How...old were you....Ess....?” Darren spoke, his voice cracking surprisingly, his smile fading once again keeping his composure as he held the woman who was revealed to be his birth Mother. Bits and pieces of visions were escaping into his view as he pressed against that flow, afraid of the overwhelming sensations and information that was trying to push through his barrier.

“....Twelve....I think....I can’t....believe...” Essence pulled back slightly, enough to look up at Darren, who looked sick from Ess’ answer. Darren’s heart sank into the pit of his stomach, his blood slowing as if it was suddenly chilled and thickened to a slush when he focused on the vision he took from Ess of his father. Seeing him through her eyes sent shivers straight through to the bone, penetrating his very soul. Darren was never his father’s number one fan...but in that moment something changed in him forever. This time when Darren went to speak, his voice was low in a growl, raspy and eerie that which was so unlike him, he startled himself. “...There’s something you should know about Asher....” He began.

Ess raised two elegant fingers to Darren’s lips and smiled. “Shh..not now...can we just...share a ‘moment’ before we have to dwell on business or the devastatingly depressed? I want to know...ALL about you. I have so much to learn...there’s so much you need to how if I only knew you were alive...” Her voice lost its’ courage and faded to a whisper, “I don’t know how to be a Mom...but I sure as hell am gonna try.”

Darren nodded, tilting his cheek so Ess’ hand brushed along his goatee. “Well, look at it this way, Mom,” He chuckled. “You don’t have to change diapers or listen to wailing screams of an infant.”

Playfully Ess tapped Darren’s cheek and stepped back, snickering as she wiped aside a few tears. “Yea, I hope you’ way am I doing any of that now.” Ess leaned up on the balls of her feet and wrapped her arms tight around Darren’s neck, hugging him something fierce, as if afraid he would disappear.

Darren smiled, muttering playfully, “I can’t..believe you were gonna name me Aldwin...really? That’s a good name for a horse...but...really?”
Essence laughed abruptly, squeezing a bit harder. “Hey...I had other ideas too...I probably would have changed it later..”

“You can’t just change my name because you get tired of it?!” Darren protested, trying to sound offended.

“Sure I can...but honestly..I think Darren is a good no worries..” She winked. “ you have a girlfriend?”

“Ma!” Darren groaned. “Essence, do you have a boyfriend?” He teased back, leaning back into the hug, gasping for breath as Ess squeezed him. “Heey....alright...I can’t....breathe..” When she let go he dramatically stumbled back, pretending to suck in large draughts of air. “And noo, I don’t..”

Ess sighed, smiling as she noticed the same tiny dimples along the corners of her son’s mouth, almost hidden by his mustache. “Me neither...” She laughed. “And why not? You are a very good looking boy...come from good stock!” Ess didn’t even realize she had begun to fuss with her son’s curly hair, absently picking hairs and fuzzies off his shirt. It wasn’t until he began to squirm and dance around her they both stopped and laughed.

Hours went by as Essence let Darren talk and explain all about himself; his past, his luck with girls, what he was aspiring for in life, and so forth. Finally when it was Ess’ turn, they discussed her past and the connection with Asher having much to do with how she ended up in that brothel hell. It wasn’t a coincidence that he knew about her, instead, he had been one of the men involved with Ian directly in the ‘business deal’. Asher had practically handpicked her for himself. Ess found herself the one comforting Darren as he sobbed in her lap, her fingers gently massaging around his temples. She was the one who stood strong, not letting a single tear fall but instead humming sweetly into his ear, trying to calm him. A large part of her was trying to ignore the stain of the information she had learned about Asher. If she hadn’t hated him enough already, as it was. Yet, she still hadn’t put in a lot of effort to find him or to exact her revenge. Ess had not brought him up to Jake or Luckas. Not once. She had actually spent much of her strength in..not really forgiving him, but forgetting him. It still confused her sometimes; that old life. Essence still didn’t know if it was disgust, resentment, or a broken heart that she suffered from. Maybe, all of the above. It angered her and that fury swelled inside her, so much that she was delighted. Anything to not admit...

“I wasn’t..even born from love.....” Darren sighed, wiping at a few tears. Ess hushed Darren, not letting him speak anything further with that sentence, knowing where it was leading. His words distracted her from her thoughts, taken over by concern instead. “It..doesn’t matter how you were conceived, because it was still from know why? Because I had always wanted you...I have always loved you...this tiny boy I never got a chance to meet, now who towers before me. With a much better name than I would have picked, I think.” Essence smiled wide, poking her son in the side, causing him to laugh abruptly. “You are the only blessed thing that came from that wretched man, and if I see him again...I’ll be sure to thank him before I...”

“I know..I know...” Darren interrupted. “...Impale his eyes on a fork...”

“That’s right, and don’t you forget that.” Ess giggled.

“How could I?” He teased. “You’ve only said it like three times in the past two hours!”

“Good to know you’re a good listener then...” Ess winked. “You seem to have grown up rather well...maybe better than I could have given you myself....I’m rather proud.” Ess paused, bouncing a bit at a sudden idea. “ time you see Jake, call him ‘Uncle Jakey’ for me.” She joked. “And....keep on Irvin to behave around women. We don’t want the boy losing a limb...he seems like good people, maybe a friend, no?”

Darren nodded, thinking how he was one to always, for the most part, have no problem making friends. “I’d say so.” He shuffled, sitting up straight upon the log by the fire, his back cracking as he got comfortable again, Tala suddenly at his feet, her tail wagging happily at him. “What? You hungry?” Tala barked, nuzzling the boy’s hand so that he was scratching the wolf behind her ears.

“Naw, that little piggy just wants attention..” Ess giggled. There the three of them sat, simply enjoying the silence of the evening, and the open sky of stars shining down upon them from above. They made smart ass comments to one another about each other’s tattoos, which was their own little way of commenting and envying the details of one another’s personal art. Ess had poured each of them a glass of something heavy that burned all the way down into their bellies with each sip, causing the same cherry glow upon their cheeks. “Eh, you’re old enough to drink I think if you’re old enough to fight in a war, no?”

“ does that mean you’ve been drinking since you were a teenager, Ess?” Darren sneered.

“You know what I mean, boy! And it’s MOM to you!” Ess played.

“Yes” Darren’s voice became suddenly lighter and took on a curious tone. “What’s the deal with you and Luckas?”

“Ah....” Ess was happy her cheeks were already flushed from the liquor, feeling just a bit uncomfortable with the conversation change with a young man who wasn’t just her son, but also only two years younger than her friend. “Well....It’s not polite to talk about people when they are standing behind you, son.”

Darren quirked a brow, turning around slowly as if he was dreading the worst, but denied by the smile upon his lips. “What....are you talking about...? I don’t see...”