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Snippet #2457926

located in Raven's Nest, a part of Shadows of The Forgotten, one of the many universes on RPG.

Raven's Nest

Camp of the former Black Guard.


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Character Portrait: Luckas Character Portrait: Ess
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As Ess stood silently, watching her son wander off into camp for the night, she cursed softly under her breath. “He took..the bottle....” She sighed, beaming in amusement. “Least there’s another back at the fire.” Playfully she bumped her shoulder into Luckas, smiling so wide her teeth peeked out from behind ruby lips. “You know Luckas...tonight was another one of those ‘moments’ to remember. I can now look back whenever I want and revisit this memory...perhaps now I would have to say which is one of my top three favorite memories.” She was quiet as she walked back to camp, suddenly breaking the silence with a random question. “Luckas....if you had to pick a memory...either yours or someone else’s....what would be a favorite? I mean...not everything is horrid and buried where we hope to never think of it again. You must have something that you think back on and smile at?”

Luckas was still chuckling softly as Darren walked away, shaking his head as Ess mentioned he’d taken the bottle away. He was still utterly amused and rather enjoying the silent walk back to the camp. The questioning caused him to stop walking, a slightly confused expression slowly spreading across his features as he thought about an answer... And whether it would be one he was willing to give. “Eh...” He shrugged slightly, resuming his walking with a small sigh. “Honestly, I don’t think I look back at anything that often, good or bad... And there are a lot of things I still don’t remember well enough to know if it was good or bad... Being that the case... It’s hard to say.” He scratched his head absently, trying to remember something worth the mention. He was silent for quite a bit of time before heaving a small sigh and speaking. “You know... This is the kind of stuff Lena used to ask me all the time... Annoying woman...” He muttered under his breath. “I’ll try to answer it though, the best I can... If there was one memory I’d like to relive it’d probably be the day I ran into that demon thing. And no it’s not necessarily a happy memory, but it was...” He chuckled. “A lucky day.”

Ess rocked her heels, balancing on the balls of her feet, her gaze down upon her shoes as she listened. Her smile was minimal, her eyes hinting a bit of guilt. “I’m sorry...” Ess sighed, her head still downwards, as she stared up at Luckas, showing more of the whites of her eyes. “I didn’t mean to bring up Lena or anything...I know I didn’t directly but...” Ess chuckled at herself. “...Hm...that Beast creature, you mean...the one you always carry a scar from...” Turning so Luckas was on her right she began walking again, silent until they reached the fire where she stood practically over the dying flames trying to dry. Tossing a few more logs on the fire and stirring the coals, Ess reached for the bottle she had left by the firepit and topped off her glass, handing the bottle to Luckas. She almost needed another refill before she spoke, her eyes locked into the flames. “Thank you Luckas, for again, being here...” She peered at him a moment before moving to retrieve her dagger and sword, one at a time unsheathing the blade and examining the silver markings. Ess held the dagger at a slant before the fire light, slowly running her finger along the blade, not flinching as the tip of her finger bled. So sharp, she didn’t even feel it. Her eyes widened as she seemed to be hypnotized by how her blood fell, dripping to coat the steel. She wasn’t even aware what this relic was made from, especially if it was as old as Darren suspected.

Luckas raised an eyebrow seeming a bit confused as gave a slight shrug. “I don’t see what is there to apologize for... It doesn’t upset me.” He smiled slightly. “Yes that creature. It’s not something I even think about all that much, but suppose I’d like to go back to it if I could... I dunno... Probably because it was the closest I’ve been to experiencing actual fear... So far.” He smirked. “Besides, scars are sexy, right?”

The rest of the walk back to the fire was silent on Luckas’ end as well, he let his thoughts wander freely a little bothered to see where they were headed, as he found himself thinking about the woman Darren had showed him; well, mostly he caught himself wondering again where he’d seen her face before. He was honestly starting to get annoyed by this. He barely noticed the bottle of liquor in his hand and only snapped out of his minor trance when Ess spoke. He lifted his head, giving her a curious look and absently wondering for how long he’d have to stalk her before she stopped thanking him; he remained silent on the matter though, taking a drink from the bottle and heaving a little sigh. “Do you still want to see...” he made a slightly dramatic pause. “THE woman? Or can I just keep that to myself?” He asked curiously. “And maybe you should avoid slicing yourself with that, you know... just a thought.”

Ess put the dagger aside, gently pressing her finger along her thigh, wrapping it in the bottom hem of her shirt. “It’s just a scratch...” She finally muttered, a thoughtful expression darkening her eyes. “Well...if this woman was so damned beautiful, I can understand wanting to keep her to yourself...but...I was thinking...if she really was such and something men would die for...wouldn’t it be a strategic distraction for me to possibly use one day?...” Essence scoffed, clearing her throat. “For strategic purposes....” She nodded, as if to convince herself it was the only reason she wanted to know. Ess had to admit she had agreed with Darren, that the idea of a chaotic amount of bloodshed sounded pretty pathetic to her, all for one person, but then again she didn’t really know if it sounded more like a story men shared around a fire, slurred in their drunken stupor. Ess’ eyes searched for Luckas’ and she waited, not knowing either way what would happen, yet she kept a smile upon her lips, not letting any stray emotions hinder her good night.

Luckas absently ran his free hand through his hair, scratching at the back of his head as he gave Ess a slightly confused look at her tone. “Huh...” He mumbled, taking yet another drink. “And who do you plan on distracting with that? If you don’t mind me asking?” He took another drink and snickered. “Which reminds me... Our bookie friend sends his ‘hello’, although he’ll only be waving with his left hand from now on.” Taking one more sip of the drink Luckas took a long breath and pulled the image from the woman, that had already been somewhat persistently in his thoughts, and looked into Ess’ eyes to pass the memory onto her. It was nothing more than just the woman’s image and it didn’t last more than the few seconds it had taken him to see it in Darren’s mind. When the image faded, he gave a light shrug. “That’s it. Nothing much. I was curious about the dying people, but thought it’d be pushing it if I made the Kid see it all over again.”

“Well...I know it won’t distract you....” Ess winked slowly. “I honestly don’t have a target...I just like to always have a backup plan and never want to dismiss any bits of useful knowledge....I don’t believe in being wasteful.” She was swallowing another sip of liquor when Luckas’ comment caused her to giggle, coughing a bit. “...I almost forgot about the you plan on taking off limbs of any who lay a hand on me? It’s kinda cute...but it happens when you aren’t around too you know...” Ess lifted her chin upwards, making a small kiss gesture in the air. “I can take care of it too.” Essence nodded as the image faded, “Pretty indeed....reminds me of this noble I knew one pretty..but so stuck up....lustful and greedy. She just seems selfish...” The last word she whispered in a snarl before rolling her eyes. “She does seem familiar though, oddly enough. Huh...Wait...what if next time Darren uses his gift, you ‘tagged’ along? Maybe it would help make sense of things to have another witness. Of course, he describes it as sporadic amounts of energy in visions and emotion, so I’m not sure how that would work for you.”

“Huh, funny... She looks somewhat... Sad, the way I see it.” Luke replied, again scratching the back of his head absent-minded. He tilted his head to the side and half-smiled. “Do you... Do you think you could maybe draw her for me? I have a feeling I’ve seen her face before... Maybe in a book... I can’t place it, but I’m sure it was something like in a picture... Maybe it’d help me remember where.” He closed his eyes a moment mumbling under his breath. “In the healers books maybe... or...” He sighed, opening his eyes again. “I’m not sure.” At the question of whether he could tag along with Darren’s gift Luke frowned slightly. “Huh... I’m not sure if that’d work, or how well, but suppose it can’t hurt to try...” He snickered. “Well, in all honesty, it can, but I’m sure it won’t... Most likely...”

“You know...I can....and I will...give me a few days...anything else you want me to draw, while we are on the subject?” Ess sighed, making her way into her tent to change and finally lay down. Tala nestled herself in her usual spot, curled behind Ess’ legs as she layed on her right side. “I confused me a bit, my Dear Luckas..” Ess whispered, her lips pouting, unsure if Luckas said it would work or not. “Well, either way, If you want to try, then talk to Darren, if was just an idea...” Essence yawned, her fingers fiddling with the embroidered sigil upon her stuffed bears surcoat from where he sat guarding her pillow. She smiled into the inanimate objects’ black eyes and giggled at a fleeting thought.

Luckas raised an eyebrow at the question of whether he wanted Ess to draw anything else, wondering if she was serious or not; he wasn’t sure. “Hm...” He mumbled, following after her; bottle still in his hand. “I’ve got nothing in particular, but if you drew me a pretty picture I’d carry it around with me everywhere.” he answered, opening a rather silly sweet smile, making it difficult to tell if he actually meant his words or if he was joking. He sat himself down in the spot he usually occupied and leaned his hands on his knees as he silently stared for a few moments, a slight frown forming itself and then fading as Ess suddenly giggled. He tilted his head to the side propping his chin in one hand. “Watcha thinking there?”

Ess smiled, looking up from the stuffed bear. “Would you really?” Her smile widened as her eyes narrowed in thought, another giggle escaping. “I’ll keep that in mind...” She didn’t elaborate further on the thought, yet pulled her journal out from under her pillow, flipping towards one of her older drawings she had recently added on to. Backtracking to his question, she answered him while looking down upon the familiar darkness of the page, different colored eyes scattered across now onto another page, surrounding what was a detailed portrait of Luckas. “I was’s silly...” Ess rested her cheek in her hand, partially hiding the glow that was still clearly upon her face, warming just ever so slightly, which she hoped would go unnoticed. “I’m almost out of journal space...would you ever let me give you a gift? Like...what I mean is...something permanent for you to have matter a tattoo?” Ess quirked a brow, noting she changed the subject only slightly, yet she stared into Luckas’ eyes, biting her bottom lip in earnest to hear his answer.

“Hmm...” Luckas mumbled, taking a small sip from the liquor bottle as if to buy himself some time. This wasn’t really something he needed to think about too much, truth be told, but he was somewhat delaying his answer on purpose by pretending to think about it. “Hmmm....” he continued, lightly tapping his chin with his fingertips, tilting his head back a bit as he looked up pretending to think about it some more. Finally he lowered his head and opened a wide cheerful grin. “Oh, absolutely.” He stated, nodding in confirmation of his answer. “Sounds like that’d be fun... And it saves paper too.”

Ess held back a giggle or two as she waited for an answer, her eyes widening slightly when he agreed to her idea. Clearing her throat, she kept her tone soft, not releasing the sudden spurt of excitement that was tensing up inside. She almost mirrored Luckas’ wide grin as she casually glanced back down to her journal. “Great. You can think about where you want it to go and I will go over some ideas. You can trust me not to tattoo anything like a kitten or something ridiculous like that....I was thinking something...more poetic....” Her eyes sparkled at the responsibility of working on her first, well second piece of ‘living art’. “Good thing I practiced on myself first. It’ll be a piece of cake.” Ess pushed the journal towards Luckas and gave a nonchalant shrug. “Unless you see something in particular you’d like...or think of something you’d prefer me to draw up for you...”

“Where I want it to go?” Luckas asked absently, now actually thinking about it for a bit. “Hm... Suppose it could go someplace obvious like my arm, or something...” He gave a little shrug. “I’d give more creative suggestions, but something tells me you’d do it...So better not.” He snickered, shaking his head a bit. “And aw... what if I wanted a kitten? I’d talk to it... And call it Squishy...” He joked, letting out a slightly girlish giggle. “But suppose something poetic is just as good.” He added with a chuckle, stretching his arms and legs before scooting just a bit closer to Ess, pulling the journal onto his lap and slowly flipping through it. “I can think of lots I’d like, buuut... If it’s a gift I think it’s fitting that you choose what it’ll be, no? If I told you, that’d be like cheating, wouldn’t it?” He asked with a little smirk. “I do have one little request though...” He looked up from the journal at her. “I’d like it if you signed it... You know, like an actual painting.”

Ess’ smile only widened, so far her face started to ache as she leaned into Luckas. She waited til she was inches away before casually reaching for the bottle, sitting up to take a swig of the warm liquid. Ess felt the burn coat her tongue first, then her throat before sipping it again. “..So...” She absorbed Luckas’ request. “You want to have it where anyone can see...and you want it to be known who created it?” Ess took in a long, cleansing breath, swallowed another gulp before returning the bottle to Luckas. “Every day it would be like you were giving me a gift in return....” Ess quirked a brow as she noticed Tala was now standing, pushing her way between Ess and Luckas, more so to lay beside him, her head almost on his lap. “Why do I get the feeling it’s gonna be hard to say no to you?” She laughed. “Of course my Dear Luckas..” She sighed, her face suddenly scrunching up comically. “Wait....would you really call it squishy?” Essence couldn’t help the different pitched giggles that escaped her then.

Luckas chuckled under his breath. “I might... I take it it’d be fun to ask people if they’d like to see my Squishy.” He stopped for a second in thought and then let out a comical giggle. “That would be priceless I think... I was joking about the kitten thing though... Hate cats, bloody annoying things.” He muttered, his eyes narrowing slightly as if the very thought of cats was offensive to him somehow. It didn’t last long though and he pushed aside whatever thought crossed his mind, the cheerful expression returning to his face as if it had never crossed him in the first place. He was silent for a little bit in thought, glancing down at Tala with an amused expression for a few moments before speaking. “Lady... Do you believe in the Twins? And I mean, not if you believe in them as in what they’re supposed to represent and whatnot... You believe they actually existed, in Valcrest?”

Essence’s smile closed to a smirk, her fingers sifting through Tala’s fur, her gaze trailing to the wolf as she fell into a surprised silence. Her mind retraced her memories as a child; the stories her father would tell her when she would ask about her mother: Why was she gone? Why could she hypnotize people with her voice? Each time he’d answer the same. She could almost hear his voice in her head: “There are only two ways to live your life, Essy: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

“I was taught to believe, when I was very young...” Ess cleared her throat, keeping her eyes upon her wolf. “...And I did for some years before out of spite and anger, I decided it was a lie...just a story to explain where we came from or what happens when we die.” Tala looked up at Ess, stretching out her snout to nuzzle her arm. As if the creature had spoken to her, Ess nodded and continued. “Same as most, I suppose...but as I got started making more and more sense. The impossible...happens every day, Luckas. People live, people die... There is something in this world, inside every one of us that makes the impossible, conceivable. What we DO, shouldn’t be possible. Why is it that not everyone has the ability, or the mentality to tap into that part of themselves? It goes deeper than you being able to see into someone’s mind and me changing into anyone I so desire.”

Essence paused, her other free hand absently tugging on her curls and tickling her pale skin. “I guess I can keep going with that, but the point being...There are some that believe the Twin’s existence is when I think of that, I can’t help myself but to believe. I mean...I never thought dreams could become a reality...” Ess glanced up at Luckas and winked knowingly, “Making the impossible, possible, is simply a mind opening experience and I feel means something different to each and every one of us. a very powerful thing, and I find more harmful than good, because then you close off yourself to the possibilities..” She shook her hand and laughed. “What was I saying again? Did I answer your question?”

Luckas listened to what Ess had to say in absolute silence, nodding a couple of times, but otherwise quiet; a serious expression on his face as he let the words into his mind. “Hmmm... Suppose it does answer my question... In a way.” He said, scratching at his head. “That or it makes me confused... I think, both. Probably both.” He laughed at his own confusion for a moment before shaking his head and settling into a more serious tone. “I asked Lena once, a long tim- eh, I think five years ago is not that much of a long time, but a while back, when I first read the Myths, if she thought that Mother and Father were more concerned that the Twins would interfere too much with the humans, or that the humans would interfere too much with the Gods... Technically, assuming enlightened were actually originated from the Gods, as they became more human and less powerful there were less incidents with... Going crazy and murdering and stuff... Like the first ones did. Like... That demon thing, if legends are to be believed...” Luckas stopped himself from talking further and chuckled. “Point being, I wonder, when the Twins were forbidden to have children with humans, who that rule was protecting in the first place. Us or them?” He shrugged. “She never answered me though...”

“Hmm....I don’t think that question is easy to’s like what comes first..the chicken or the egg?” Essence poked Luckas in the shoulder, taking back the bottle. “Obviously, that rule that was created wasn’t honored...I don’t see enlightened getting weaker...I see them getting stronger...just like the Beast that is now buried in that cave west of here. But, it’s not just enlightened that are’s Man in general. There are good people and there are bad people....and perhaps a few hundred shades of grey...” Ess snickered taking another gulp from the bottle. “We all make our own choices for ourselves and perhaps for loved ones and for what we feel is ‘right’...but who can really say any one of us has the right or power to make those choices for everyone....part of free will.” Ess’ eyes flickered, almost in unison to the firelight that reflected and drew shadows upon the tent. Her smiled closed, her mind trailing off as if in a trance. “Do you ever wonder Luckas, where it all comes from? I mean...technically....maybe we should stop drinking the water?” She giggled. “Would make sense, right? Water is in everything...our bodies, the blood...we need it to survive. An essential component...or maybe....” Ess trailed off, thinking her mind was just a bit foggy and never finished her thought, only finished off the bottle and tossed it into the fire. “We’re out...”

Luckas chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, a lot of people see it as a mistake... Enlightenment... Ever wondered what would’ve been different in your life without it? Maybe you’d not have lost your father in the first place...” He sighed and mumbled. “Maybe I wouldn’t have either.” He went silent for a little bit before shrugging it off. “It puzzles me I suppose, even though I know speculating won’t really make any difference.” He yawned into his hand and nodded. “We’re out... Which begs the question: Would I like to see you get any drunker than this?” He asked with a little playful grin.

Ess’ tone went softer, almost cold as she took on a serious expression, turning her gaze from Luckas. She wanted to inquire to what he meant when he stated maybe he wouldn’t have either, but she felt it wasn’t her place. “Whatever that is meant to happen, happens Luckas. We have all lost something or someone, for one reason or another. To simply blame it all on the enlightened or the hate surrounding it, is just an excuse. People will always find a reason to hate...for there to be war...Maybe my father would have lived longer...Maybe I could have had a different life....But who is to say I wouldn’t have one day fallen victim to rape..or worse anyways? I do not blame my enlightenment for what has happened, even if there is a connection. If I hadn’t been enlightened, it honestly wouldn’t make much of a difference to me who I am or how I perceive the world...” Ess took in another deep breath and smiled up into Luckas’ black orbs. “We can’t blame the world for a few men’s actions. I mean...should I kill every man alive because of what happened to me? I think not...” She didn’t smile as her tone softened, warm like a summer breeze, relaxing and gentle. “If I get drunk...I will just end up scaring you off, I fear. Brutal honesty, and holding nothing the point of annoyance.” She bit her lip to keep from giggling.

“Maybe... You have a point Lady... Unfortunately not all agree with it though...” Luckas stated, giving yet another small shrug, closing the journal that still lay on his lap and pushing it back to her with a smile. “I’d say though, it’s not as much blaming the world for a few men’s actions as it’s blaming a few men for the world’s actions...” He concluded, finding that description more fitting to the hypothetical. Again he yawned, laying down and resting his head on his folded arms, chuckling as he closed one eye and glanced at Ess with the other. “Out of all the fears I’ve seen, Lady, that might just be the silliest one... But suit yourself.” He chuckled.

“..Of course not everyone there we are..circling the drain...” Watching Luckas yawn apparently became contagious, Ess’ jaw extending wide, eyes rolling up in her head as she sighed a fairly loud yawn in return. She paused to giggle and shrugged. “Perhaps it is the silliest to you...but you seem to close up when I am brutally honest, so I prefer to see you smile and hear you talk....Twins help me...” She played, “What is wrong with me?” Snuggling back down against her pillow, bringing her Jacob Bear close, she smiled at how Tala stayed beside Luckas, the wolf giving a deep sigh before her paws began to twitch in an apparent dream. Ess closed her eyes wondering softly to herself what the wolf saw. “Maybe...another night I’ll get drunk and take advantage of you, sweetness....” Ess trailed off, drifting in and out of a dream, trying to fight the oncoming sleep, her heart beginning to race as she honestly feared falling into another nightmare. Bravely, she reached out for Luckas’ hand and gave it a slight squeeze, as she drifted off.

Luckas snickered under his breath. “You call it ‘closing up’ I call it contemplation, Lady. Brutal honesty takes some getting used to, I’ll have you know. Doesn’t mean it’s not appreciated.” He stated, yawning yet again. “You know, I might just hold you to that, Lady.” He chuckled a bit, ending it in yet another yawn, finally shutting both his eyes and heaving a deep sigh. He absently opened one eye when feeling her hand on his, but closed it again already halfway into sleep and too out of it to move or make much of it.